Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 153 Flaw!Free City!News

Chapter 153 Flaw!Free City!News (please subscribe)

"What is your husband thinking?"

After the war ended, the faint sound of waves hitting the rocks occasionally came from the vast void. Nangong Wan looked at the meditating Lu Tiandu and asked softly.

"We'll talk about it later."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and put away several treasures in the void and Wu Chou's storage bag.

As for Wu Chou's concubine's storage bag, Huo Ya had also delivered it to Nangong Wan.

Back inside the formation, the battle would have been over long ago.

Everyone cleared away the traces of the battle, dismantled the formation, and returned to the Yaochi Tower. Lu Tiandu found the right direction and soared into the sky, continuing towards Tianxing City.

Just when Lu Tiandu left this deserted island, there was a place on the seabed seven or eight thousand miles away from the island, where there was hidden lava.

In the lava, an ugly short old man who somewhat resembled Wu Chou was sitting cross-legged on a fiery red rock. Flames as black as ink were swirling around his body. With every breath and breath, the black flames kept changing, making it look extremely strange. .

After doing this several times, the thin old man finally stopped his work, slowly opened a pair of small eyes of the vulture, and patted it casually, and a broken soul card flew out of the storage bag!

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, his eyes instantly dimmed and became fierce again, and he whispered in a sinister voice:

"Wu Chou, Wu Chou, I know you always like to cause trouble, so I kept you by my side so that you can practice well. I didn't expect... But don't worry, when my ancestor comes out of seclusion, I will avenge you, even if the other party It’s the old monster Yuanying…”

He was extremely fond of this grandson who looked a bit like himself when he was young, and he always doted on him. In the past hundred years, he had refined the corpse fire of Tiandu to create eighteen corpses, so he asked Wu Chou to bring eight corpses with him. body.

Moreover, he also lent Wu Chou his own Yin-Yang Ring to protect himself. The Tiandu Demon Corpse is as hard as an ordinary magic weapon, and it is fast and powerful. Logically speaking, two or three late-stage golden elixir monks cannot easily take it. Xiawu Chou.

As for the Yin Ring, after all, Wu Chou is still in the early stage of the Golden Elixir, so he may not be able to exert its full power.

It seems that it has fallen into the hands of the murderer at this moment.

It is speculated that Wu Chou most likely encountered a golden elixir monk who had magical powers to restrain the demon corpse, or a Yuanying old monster took action.

He has many enemies in his own family, which is one of the reasons why he keeps Wu Chou, his successor, with him.

Thinking of this, Ji Yin's expression became even more gloomy.

He originally thought that this seclusion man not only cultivated the great magical power of Tiandu Corpse Fire, but also had eighteen demon corpses in his hand, so that he could fight with the old monsters in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Who knew that he would lose this time? Eight bodies?
Patting the storage bag, a golden sword appeared in Ji Yin's skinny hand. He whispered a few times and threw it away.

The golden sword instantly cut through the nearby restrictions and turned into a stream of light...

Inside the Yaochi Tower.

After Lu Tiandu left the island for tens of thousands of miles, he ducked into the tower.

In the Hall of Eternal Life, looking at the questioning looks of the girls, Lu Tiandu explained his previous guesses.

After the girls heard this, Nangong Wan frowned and said:
"So, the biggest flaw in our killing of Wu Chou still lies with the two Gu Miao?"

"Looking at Wu Chou waiting for help, it is obvious that he has known the location of the infant carp beast for a long time. So many of Wu Chou's people must know that Wu Chou went out for the inner elixir of this infant carp beast!"

"Wuchou is dead at this moment. As long as Jiyin investigates, the death of Miao and Gu can be easily found. Since the two Miao and Gu rushed ahead of us to ambush me when we suddenly left the island, they naturally have people close to them. Always monitor my whereabouts..."

"Moreover, this Gan Tian Ge is very likely to be a treasure belonging to the master of the Sixth Company Hall. At this moment, maybe the Sixth Company Palace is secretly looking for me, and maybe Jiyin Island will also want me soon!"

In fact, the flaw in killing three people lies in the people who have been monitoring Lu Tiandu all year round. It is a pity that they are not Yuanying monks. Otherwise, they would capture Miao Gu, search for his soul, and then kill everyone who knew about it. Naturally, this would not be allowed. Two Nascent Soul old monsters are worried about you.

"It seems that my husband is changing his identity again!" Nishang said with a smile.

"Well, when we get to Tianxing City, we will go into the city separately. I will also do some research along the way to see if these two families have issued a pursuit order!"

Lu Tiandu nodded and didn't take it to heart.

After Hong Fu has formed a baby, he may not be able to be killed if everyone surrounds him, but it is more than enough to protect himself against any early Nascent Soul monk.

As for the change of appearance, we’ll talk about it later.After all, as long as you enter Tianxing City, not even the Yuanying old monster dares to take action.

In addition to the inner elixir of the infant carp beast, Lu Tian will give it to Nishang to refine the thunder elixir. The four treasures in the hands of the infant carp beast have also been collected in the treasure pavilion. As for the corpse, Lu Tian is planning to throw it into the creation later. The divine furnace is used to refine the sixth-level qi and blood elixir.

The girls also cleaned out Wu Chou's storage bag.

Among them, apart from the Yin Ring, an ancient defensive treasure, the most valuable ones are the two offensive magic weapons, the magic knife and the small black sword, and the defensive magic weapon, the black brocade handkerchief.

The snake pattern armband had already been damaged by Suzaku's real fire attack.

Yinhuan Lutian asked Hongfu to refine his self-defense, and he also told Hongfu about the possibility that Jiyin could be sensed by the Yanghuan.

This large sword, as black as ink, is a magical weapon with astonishing power. It can be seen that it is extraordinary when it can fight with the powerful Suzaku Ring.

None of the people are practicing magic skills, so they won't be able to use them. When the time comes, they can exchange for a lot of spiritual stones if they find a chance to take action.

The black flying sword seemed to be Wu Chou's natal magic weapon and was of little value.

The defense of the black brocade handkerchief is acceptable, so it is extraordinary to be able to stand up to the ancient treasure town bell.

It was a bit stronger than Nangong Wan's previous small shield magic weapon, just right for Nangong Wan to refine and use.

Just the magic knife and brocade handkerchief among these four magic weapons can be seen that Jiyin cares for Wu Chou, but it is a pity that Lu Tiandu is taking advantage of them at this moment.

As for the other things, there are hundreds of mid-level spiritual stones, several fifth-level demon elixirs, several bottles of elixirs for improving cultivation, dozens of top-level magic weapons, several valuable demon beast materials, etc.

Among them, Lu Tiandu also found the jade slips recording the Xuanyin Sutra, but unfortunately it did not record the magical power of Tiandu Corpse Fire.

It seems that he has a history of betraying his master, and Ji Yin also kept a secret.

After handling these trivial matters, Lu Tiandu left the Yaochi Tower and headed north again.

Half a month later, on a desert island, Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and the twelve girls Hong Fu and Nangong Wan appeared.

"Okay, although I have not found out that I am wanted by Sixth Palace and Jiyin Island during this investigation, for the sake of safety, we are still divided into two parties that are unfamiliar with each other. Maybe it will be more convenient later..."

Lu Tiandu looked at the girls and smiled slightly.

"Hehe, then we, the Yaochi Palace, don't care about you, husband!" Chen Qiaoqian said with a longing smile.

Everyone joked and laughed for a while, Nishang released the Star Spirit Divine Boat, and the girls flew onto the treasure boat to go to Tianxing City.

Lu Tiandu also released Sister Guijia and Yuan Yao Yanli, and the five of them took the white crystal flying boat and turned into a stream of light to move forward.

Since there was no news of the pursuit at the moment, Lu Tiandu didn't bother to change his appearance.

A few days later, a huge black spot vaguely appeared in front of the five people.

"Tianxing City, we are finally going to see this city of freedom!"

On the flying boat, looking at the increasingly clear outline of the giant island, the energetic Yanli said softly.

"Hehe, Tianxing City, we are here!"

Yuan Yao, who is now in her twenties, has fair skin and graceful curves, also has a look of amazement on her face.

The two women looked at each other, feeling extremely excited.

Over the years, with the support of countless resources from their young master, the two of them have achieved great perfection in refining their Qi, and are ready to start seclusion and foundation building after visiting Tianxing City this time.

Thinking of all the changes after meeting Lu Tiandu, the two women looked at each other and then looked lovingly at Lu Tiandu beside them.

In the past ten years, they have been focused on Lu Tiandu, and after seeing all the things in Yaochi Tower, they want to become their own master's concubines as soon as possible.

It's a pity that my master and uncle have not been admitted to the room by the young master yet, so they naturally still need to line up!
The twin sisters Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin, who were leaning next to Lu Tiandu, were also looking at the majestic giant city in front of them with shocked faces. It was like a giant beast lying on the sea, making people feel insignificant. !
This is a super city that takes up the entire island!

The vastness of this city really exceeded everyone's expectations. Even Lu Tiandu secretly lamented that it was worthy of being called the "City of Freedom". It was so majestic and majestic that he had only seen it in his life!

The closer we get to this city, the more clearly we feel the majesty of this city!
Especially the towering mountain in the center of the city and the circles of buildings built in a spiral shape on its surface. This holy mountain mentioned by the monks of Chaotic Star Sea is really majestic.

The closer we get to Tianxing City, the streamers of light in the sky become denser, and on the sea surface, countless giant ships come riding the wind and waves.

The distance of tens of miles was reached in just a moment.

The flying boat landed on the edge of the city.

In front of him was an endless stone wall dozens of feet high, surrounding the coast.

In the field of vision of the five people, more than a dozen various portals, large and small, were wide open.

They came from the south, and counting the eight directions, there were probably hundreds of such portals.

The five people didn't care about the glances from around them. Although Lu Tiandu, the golden elixir monk, was intimidating, and the four women also wore veils, they knew they were beauties by looking at their enchanting figures and bright eyes. There are many monks who can feast their eyes on it.

"Welcome this senior to Tianxing City! According to the regulations of this city, all seniors who form pills can live in this city for free for a long time. This is an identity ring, please keep it!"

At this moment, at a small city gate, a white-clothed monk in the middle stage of foundation building saw the arrival of the five people from Lu Tiandu and stepped forward to speak. At the same time, he stepped forward and took out a red ring.

"If the senior's followers want to live for a long time, they need to buy a red ring with eight hundred spirit stones. A blue ring that can temporarily stay for seven days only needs three spirit stones..." The guard secretly lamented the youth and beauty of the senior in front of him. At the same time, he quickly explained the situation related to the identity ring.

After Lu Tiandu smiled and listened, he took out three thousand and two hundred spiritual stones and handed them to this person.

After the five people got the red ring, they dripped blood and essence in front of them to identify the owner.

After recognizing the owner, the red ring indeed gave off a faint brilliance, with its own identification effect.

Without further words, Lu Tiandu took the four girls into Tianxing City. With a sweep of his consciousness, he realized that this was an outer city after all, and there were mostly mortals.

He casually released the flying boat, and the five people soared into the sky again.

This is a truly free city that fully accepts monks of all levels, whether they are righteous, demonic, or other neutral monks.

There are no no-fly restrictions in the city. Except for the prohibition of fighting in the city and the spiritual stone tickets that need to be paid to enter, the people in the Star Palace will not interfere with anything the monks do in this city.

As long as they apply for an identity ring, everyone can come and go at will.It's the evil cultivator wanted by Xing Gong himself. As long as he doesn't cause trouble in this city, no one from Xing Gong will take the initiative to arrest him.

Such a relaxed environment is naturally very popular among businessmen and monks.

All the high-ranking chambers of commerce in Luan Xing Sea, the four major merchant alliances, the Sixth Lian Palace, and countless small merchants are gathered in Tianxing City. Various large and small acquisition houses, auction houses, and exchange meetings are lined up in rows. If someone counts, I am afraid that every day The turnover is astonishing.

In addition to these commercial forces, many large and small forces have also set up strongholds in Tianxing City. After all, this is the place with the most news in the Inner Star Sea.

However, only a few monks come to live in the Holy Mountain of Tianxing City for a long time. After all, the Holy Mountain Cave is so expensive that ordinary monks cannot afford it.

Living in the Holy Mountain is not easy!In one sentence, the truth is over.

Except for most of the Inner Star Sea monks who come here to purchase goods, many others enter this city with the purpose of teleporting to the Outer Star Sea through the "Starry Sky Palace" set up on the Holy Mountain level of the Star Palace to hunt monsters.

The inner star sea and the outer star sea are tens of millions of miles apart. Even if the Yuanying monks fly away, it will take several years, let alone other monks?
Moreover, if you blindly fly to the outer star sea and fail to find an island where humans live in a short period of time, and are besieged by monsters, you will naturally be even more unlucky.

Therefore, after mastering this star palace, which is the only communication link between the inner and outer star seas, it is natural to lie down and earn the spirit stone.

In addition to the huge income from teleportation, those monks who went to sea to hunt monsters in the outer star sea and obtained various materials, monster elixirs, and monster eggs were finally sold, and most of them also flowed into Tianxing City. Tianxing City becomes more and more prosperous.

Within a moment, the five people from Lu Tiandu arrived near the Holy Mountain.

The spiritual veins where this holy mountain is located are probably ranked among the top five in the Chaos Star Sea. As soon as Shi approached, abundant spiritual energy rushed towards him.

Every time the holy mountain circles from bottom to top, it is classified as a layer, and it is divided into 81 layers in total.

The first fifty floors are open to outside immortal masters. As long as they have spirit stones, they can rent a place to practice.

The 51st to [-]th floors are the caves inside the Star Palace monks.

As for the highest level, it is the Holy Palace, which is the residence of the Twin Saints of Heaven and Stars.

The city of Tianxing City is located on the first level of the Holy Mountain. Its scale is so large that it occupies almost more than half of the first level.

Soon, while walking around the market, Lu Tiandu saw the girls who had come to Tianxing City the day before and were also visiting the market. After secretly communicating with Hong Fu for a while, everyone started wandering around again.

Half a day later, Lu Tiandu led the four girls to rent a cave with two thousand spiritual stones on the 20th floor of the Holy Mountain.

This cave is not far from the 31st-floor cave that Nangong Wan and the others rent. It is just a cave on his face. After all, although he has not discovered the tracking of Sixth Palace and Jiyin Island before, he still needs to be careful. .

For the next ten days or so, everyone had no intention of cultivating and kept lingering in the market on the first level of the Holy Mountain. After all, such a prosperous market with countless rare things was also the number one existence in the Chaotic Star Sea.

In a short period of time, Lu Tiandu and others harvested more than a dozen level [-] and [-] demon pills with both wind and thunder attributes.

Although normally a level five demon elixir in Luan Xinghai is worth two to three thousand spirit stones, and a level six demon elixir is only ten thousand spirit stones, the more precious the demon elixir is, the more expensive it will be.

These dozen demon pills cost everyone [-] to [-] spirit stones, which is really beyond the reach of ordinary Golden Pill cultivators.

In addition to purchasing these two demon pills, Lu Tiandu also purchased hundreds of elixirs that were not available in his medicine garden intermittently, greatly enriching the types of elixirs on the first floor of Yaochi Tower.

Lu Tiandu's most important purpose in coming to Tianxing City this time was to find out the news about the Yi Shen Mu. After all, he lacked this material for his natal magic weapon.

The second is to go out to sea to hunt monsters through the teleportation array of the Star Palace. While obtaining demon elixirs and refining elixirs to improve your cultivation, you can also earn a large amount of spiritual stones by selling monster materials.

Finally, he wanted to see if he could find out about the small sect that still retained a section of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, and see if he could get the piece of Heavenly Thunder Bamboo in advance. After all, it was related to his practice of the evil-dispelling divine thunder.

As for the rest, of course, they need to meet Zi Ling, the great beauty who is known as the most beautiful woman in Luan Xinghai, and Ling Yuling, the little rich woman.

But there is no rush.

He remembered that in the original plot, Han Li 120 met Zi Ling, who was avenging his mother, shortly after he formed the elixir at the age of six or seven, and she was only in the middle stage of foundation building.

According to the cultivation speed of the Three Spiritual Roots and the resources of the Miaoyin Sect, Zi Ling was estimated to be in her 40s at that time.

Therefore, it is estimated that there are still about 30 years until Zi Ling is born.

As for Ling Yuling, she would never leave the Star Palace before forming a pill.

In the original plot, Han Li met Ling Yuling in the early stage of pill formation several months after he came out of Xutian Palace (147 years old).

With the background of the Star Palace, it is not difficult for Ling Yuling of Tianlinggen to form an elixir when he is around 70 years old. However, when encountering two early-stage golden elixir cultivators from the Counter Star Alliance, he has to escape from pursuit. It only takes him more than ten years to form an elixir, so his strength is limited. .

Based on this calculation, it is estimated that it will take more than ten years for Ling Yuling to be born.

Therefore, after all the girls had enjoyed their visit, Lu Tiandu took them back to the Yaochi Tower, while he himself kept changing his identity and inquired about the news about Yiyi Shen Mu.

On this day, he participated in a small exchange meeting through the introduction of a comrade he had met before.

This exchange meeting was similar to the secret shop transactions that Lu Tiandu had participated in before. Everyone was wearing various masks, many of them were wearing cloaks, and no one could recognize anyone else!
Watching the monks one by one taking out various items to make deals, the Qingxiu young man who used the shape-changing technique to transform Lu Tiandu waited expressionlessly.

When it was finally his turn, Lu Tiandu stated his purpose in the same tone that had not changed since he had participated in dozens of exchange meetings:

"Is there any Taoist friend who has the material of Huanyi Shen Mud in his hands? Or knows the news about Huanyi Shen Mud?"

Seeing the blank looks in most people's eyes, Lu Tian's heart sank again. However, he had gotten used to it after many times, so he continued:
"Whether it's a fifth- or sixth-level demon elixir, a magic weapon, a skill, or a centuries-old elixir, as long as you know the news about Yi Shen Mu, you can raise the conditions..."

After waiting for a moment and seeing that no one said anything, Lu Tian was a little disappointed, so he didn't say anything more and returned to his seat.

At this moment, a faint voice came into Lu Tiandu’s ears:

"What fellow Taoist said is the Yishen Mud, but it is a rare material called transformation paste? I wonder what kind of magic weapon you want to refine that requires such a rare material?"

This man's voice could not distinguish between male and female, and there was a hint of curiosity behind it.

Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up when he heard this voice transmission. Although he couldn't tell the gender from the voice, he knew that the person speaking was a female cultivator. Well, the dragon's body had some reaction before!

"Do you have this material, fellow Taoist? Are you willing to exchange it?" Lu Tiandu asked hurriedly.

In the past month, he has participated in dozens of various exchange meetings. Among them, two or three people have heard of the name Huayi Shenni, but no one has such materials or has precise information.

"It disappoints fellow Taoist, Wang did not turn into a divine mud in his hand..."

The female cultivator still spoke calmly. She glanced at Lu Tiandu, who had a look of disappointment in his eyes, paused for a moment, and then said:
"But I know who has the Yi Shen Mud in his hands... Of course, as far as I know, the quantity is only about the size of a walnut. I wonder if it will be useful to fellow Taoists?"

"Okay! As long as the information from fellow Taoist is true, just tell me what you need in exchange for fellow daoist?"

Lu Tiandu was shocked at this moment and continued to transmit the message.

This tightly wrapped female cultivator has never been exchanged before, and Lu Tiandu hopes that her conditions will not be too difficult to meet!
"I wonder how fellow Taoist alchemy is?" The man paused and said.

"What? Alchemy?"

After hearing this, Lu Tiandu had a weird look on his face, but speaking of his proficiency in alchemy, weapon refining, and talisman making, I am afraid that even the veteran golden elixir monks who have lived for hundreds of years are not as proficient as him.

After listening to Lu Tiandu's message, the man didn't speak for a long time. Lu Tiandu added with a smile:
"Fellow Taoist, please rest assured, I am not a person who speaks arrogant words. If the refining fails, I am willing to compensate fellow Taoist with precious materials or spiritual stones of equal value!"

From the hesitant movements of the female cultivator, he deduced that this man probably cherished the elixir he had obtained and was a little suspicious of Lu Tian.

But not to mention the various types of elixirs that are abundant in the Lutiandu Spiritual Medicine Garden. Even if there is no certain elixir, with the elixirs provided by this person, many can still be cultivated by relying on the little green liquid.

"That's it, fellow Taoist!" After thinking for a moment, the man finally agreed.

Finally it was this person's turn. After going up, he actually wanted to exchange for a cherished thousand-year-old elixir. Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, no one had the thousand-year "Thunder Dew Grass" in their hands, so he could only be disappointed.

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed when he heard about this elixir, but he didn't say much.

At the end of the exchange meeting, the chubby host walked up to the front desk and said with a smile:

"Fellow Taoists, we are very grateful to everyone for participating this time, and finally we will give you a free reward message!"

"The information about this person is contained in the jade slips. If you are outside Tianxing City or the Outer Star Sea, as long as you can provide information about this person or kill him, Jiyin Island and the Sixth Company Hall will reward you..."

Lu Tiandu expressionlessly took the jade slip in his hand. As expected, his own image and information were all on it, and the name of the Holy Mountain Cave he rented before was also on it.

Others include images and information about Han Feiyu, Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 220 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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