Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 154 The mysterious young woman!trade!Yuzhu!

Chapter 154 The mysterious young woman!trade!Yuzhu! (Please subscribe)
"It seems that we are being hunted down by these two forces after all. Fortunately, I rented a fake cave before, so let them guard it!"

Lu Tiandu sighed secretly. After these few months, he originally thought that everything was calm, but he didn't expect that a fatwa would appear?
It’s secretly strange!
He naturally did not expect that the Gu Tongyuan disciple who had been monitoring him all year round would feel bad after his master and Elder Miao had not returned after chasing Lu Tiandu for a long time.

After waiting for a day, there was still no news about Miao Gu and Miao Gu in the Sixth Company Hall. This man knew that something was going to happen.

On the one hand, he was afraid that Lu Tiandu would come back and kill his accomplice. On the other hand, because of Gu Tongyuan's protection, he usually used his power to offend others. Now, without the protection of his master, how could he dare to stay on Kuixing Island.

On that day, some of the cultivation resources in the ancient Tongyuan Cave Mansion were taken away. This man secretly took a sea ship and planned to come to Tianxing City to live for a period of time, and then use the teleportation array to hide in the outer star sea for a period of time.

Although Lu Tiandu stayed in Yaochi Tower for more than a month, he still arrived at Tianxing City much faster than this man.

Therefore, this person arrived in Tianxing City two months later than Lu Tiandu.

When he arrived at Tianxing City, this man naturally felt relieved.After some secret inquiries, it turned out that the two elders in the southwest sea area of ​​the Sixth Company were killed, and the Sixth Company was also secretly looking for the murderer.

Let him sigh that he is indeed more alert, otherwise something might be wrong at this moment!
Soon after, I heard that Jiyin Island had issued a reward. It was said that the young master of Jiyin Island was killed for a certain infant carp beast that the Sixth Company Hall was interested in.

This news seemed to outsiders that the Liulian Palace and Jiyin Island were going to fight, but this person immediately thought that the person who took action must be Lu Tiandu, the golden elixir monk.

Secretly lamenting that Lu Tiandu was so powerful that he could not be provoked, at the same time he was salivating over the generous bounties offered by the Sixth Company Palace and Jiyin Island!

Therefore, after thinking about it for several days, this man changed his appearance, sold a piece of information twice, received a generous reward, and ran away to the outer sea through the teleportation array of the Starry Sky Palace.

After Liuliandian and Jiyin Island received this information, combined with some of the suspects they had investigated before, and compared it with the time when Lu Tiandu came to Tianxing City, they instantly locked onto Lu Tiandu.

However, since Lu Tiandu has rented a cave in the Holy Mountain for a hundred years, they naturally dare not take action at this moment.

Therefore, we simply put the people who are close to Lu Tiandu on the fatwa to see if we can force Lu Tiandu out.

According to the speculations of both parties, once Lu Tiandu came out of seclusion and discovered the fatwa, he would either be unable to retreat, or he would only run to the alien sea when he went out.

However, they have their own people watching over the Inner Star Sea, so this fatwa mainly targets the situation where Lu Tiandu fled to the outer Star Sea.

Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and understood the plans of Liulian Palace and Jiyin Island. Although the combined bounty offered by the two families would make even the old monster Yuanying tempted, he didn't take it to heart at all.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to meet the Nascent Soul cultivator, who can discover his disguise?

Lu Tiandu looked calm and put away the jade slip just like everyone else.

However, just where he didn't notice, the black-robed monk who had just conveyed the information about Yi Shen Mu to him had looked at the jade slips, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes hidden under his cloak, and he glanced at Lu Tiandu also put away the jade slip calmly.

Now that the exchange meeting has ended, everyone has left the underground hall through different portals.

After blending into the crowd, Lu Tiandu arrived at a teahouse within a moment.

After waiting quietly for a moment, there was a knocking sound outside the private room.

Hearing this voice, Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up and he quickly welcomed someone in.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, please come in! Xiao is so polite!"

"Okay! I'm here to help, Fellow Daoist Xiao!"

The man's tone returned to a female voice this time. He glanced at Lu Tiandu, smiled slightly, and with a gentle tug, the cloak covering the outside slipped down.

This is a tall, plump and attractive young woman with slender legs and plump breasts. She is wearing a black dress and her graceful curves cannot be concealed.

Her jade neck is snow-white and slender, and her black hair is pulled up high. Her appearance is not very outstanding, it can only be considered beautiful.But for some reason, a pair of eyes were extremely bright, and when they looked at each other for a moment, Lu Tiandu felt like he was being seen through.

This shocked Lu Tiandu, who was so surprised that he stared at the young woman intently.

His consciousness was a bit stronger than that of the late-stage Jindan monks. After a moment of concentration, he noticed that this person's face was a little blurry. Just when he was about to take a closer look, the young woman gave a sweet smile, and his consciousness was suddenly flicked away. return.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao, when we first meet, it's not good for you to stare at me like this, right?"

"Sorry, it's Xiao who is interrupting the fairy!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and apologized.

He has confirmed that this young woman's face is either covered with some magic weapon or she has practiced some special magical power.

Moreover, the beautiful young woman might have some kind of magical power. After all, when he was stared at by this person, he always felt like he was being seen through.

Although the dress was very different from the one he wore at the underground exchange meeting, Lu Tiandu naturally confirmed that it was this person by virtue of the induction between his physiques.

Although he was interested in the young woman's identity and her touching magical ability to see through other people's categories at once, the timing was obviously not right at this time.

The two sat down and chatted for a few words. Just when Lu Tiandu was about to ask what kind of elixir this man wanted to refine, he heard the beautiful young woman opposite looking at Lu Tiandu with a fixed gaze and saying with some confusion:
"Before I do the transaction with fellow Taoist, I have one more question. Can fellow Taoist clarify my doubts?"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's frown, the young woman added:

"If it's a secret about Fellow Taoist, Fellow Daoist can refuse to answer!"

Lu Tian didn't even notice this person's eyes. For some reason, he didn't want to look into those eyes. He always felt like he was being seen through by this person.

However, the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​​​consciousness did not react. It was probably not a charm spell, which made him temporarily feel at ease.

"Excuse me, Fellow Daoist Wang?" Lu Tiandu nodded slightly.

"Fellow Taoist, have you practiced any special techniques or something like that..."

The young woman smiled slightly, but still stared at Lu Tiandu with a glaring look, not showing any concern at all.

"At the exchange meeting just now, I felt that my Taoist friend was a little special, so I took the initiative to mention the information about the Yi Shen Mud..."

Naturally, the young woman didn't say it clearly that she always felt close to Lu Tiandu when she was in close proximity with him. She couldn't help but want to get closer to her, which made her secretly frightened and a little blushing. After all, her own Taoist monks had never given her this feeling.

When Lu Tiandu heard this question, he secretly smiled bitterly. This was naturally the attraction of the dragon's body.

And according to his judgment, although this young woman has lost her vitality, she should have a special physique, which makes the two of them attractive.

After all, it goes without saying that the dragon's chanting body is attractive to female cultivators with special physiques and those who retain vitality.

If both are present at the same time, the attraction will be even more extraordinary.

This can be seen from Hong Fu, Nangong Ping, Cen Jingjun, and Yuan Yao. (Nangong Ping refined two wind source fruits to contain part of the wind spirit body)
Lu Tiandu did not answer this question directly, but asked instead:
"Do you have any special physique, fellow Taoist?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the young woman surnamed Wang flashed her eyes, glanced at Lu Tiandu's handsome face, smiled slightly, and said:
"I see, it's because I'm being abrupt!"

Since she didn't want to explain her special physique, she was naturally embarrassed to ask about Lu Tiandu's secrets.

But from here she also knew that this was some attraction between the two people's physiques, which made her feel relieved. After all, if it was a certain technique practiced by Lu Tiandu, she would have to consider staying away from this person in the future!
"This is the elixir that I need to refine. Fellow Taoist, please take a look first!"

Missing this topic and turning to the main topic, the young woman turned her hand and flicked her fingers, and a pearl with dim brilliance flew in front of Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu took it casually and then looked at it carefully.

In Luan Xing Sea, in addition to jade slips, using things like pearls and shells to store some important information is something that ancient monks in Luan Xing Sea often do, and there is nothing surprising about it.

"Thunder-marked Dew Pill? What a strange pill?"

After reading some of the contents that could be seen in the pearl, Lu Tiandu pondered for a moment and said in deep thought.

"Fellow Taoist, are you sure you can refine it?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the young woman looked nervous and asked eagerly.

"If it's the original version of the elixir, I'm [-] to [-] percent sure. However, after Fellow Daoist Wang changed a few elixirs, Xiao is only [-] percent sure of whether he can still refine the Thunder Pattern Condensation Pill..." Lu Tiandu He said calmly.

"Forty percent? That's pretty good!" the young woman murmured.

She spent decades relying on her sect to find a magical elixir for this ancient prescription. She then found several alchemy masters to improve the prescription.

It is unknown whether the improved prescription can still have its effect.

But after finding several alchemy masters, even the alchemy masters who had participated in improving the formula were not sure that they could refine it. Lu Tiandu's words were [-]% sure, which was beyond her expectation.

"Is this furnace of elixir important to fellow Taoist?" Lu Tiandu asked.

"What fellow Taoist asked...isn't it obvious?"

The young woman rolled her beautiful eyes playfully and glanced at Lu Tiandu.

This moment of amorous feelings made Lu Tiandu stunned for a moment, but he recovered instantly.

The young woman seemed to have noticed something strange about herself, and she secretly thought it was strange, how could she be so casual in front of this person!
"Fellow Taoist, your previous purchase of Millennium Thunder Dew Grass was also for this furnace pill, right?" Lu Tiandu pondered for a moment and asked.

"Do you have this elixir in your hands, fellow Taoist?" The young woman's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up and she stared at Lu Tiandu and asked.

"Fellow Taoist, can you please stop staring at Xiao? Xiao always feels frightened under the eyes of fellow Taoist!"

Lu Tiandu twitched the corner of his mouth and asked with a wry smile, "Did fellow Taoist practice some kind of magical power?"

"Hehe...this is my secret!"

The young woman covered her small mouth with her beautiful hands and chuckled. She glanced at Lu Tiandu and secretly said, "Humph, Xiao Changsheng, it's obviously Lu Tiandu, I've seen through you a long time ago!"
However, she was quite handsome. Suddenly, she realized that her thoughts seemed to be wandering again. The young woman put away her smile and said softly:

"If fellow Taoist has this elixir, I am willing to buy it at a high price."

"Actually, not only this elixir, but also several other elixirs in the prescription that are not old enough, I happen to have them here!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the young woman, smiled and named several other elixirs.

"Fellow Daoist?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the young woman stood up suddenly, the jade rabbit on her chest swayed a few times, and she looked excited.

"Of course it's true!" Lu Tiandu withdrew his eyes from scanning the tall and plump jade peak, and said with a smile, "If fellow Taoist bids are right, transferring it to fellow Taoist is not a problem!"

In fact, from the moment he saw the wanted notice, Lu Tiandu decided to head to the outer star sea as soon as he collected all the Yishen Mud.

Some time ago, he probably gained nearly 15 spiritual stones by secretly selling unused items including the magic knife he got from Wu Chou.According to his estimation, if he stays in the outer star sea for decades, practicing magical powers, cultivating spiritual medicines, spiritual beasts, etc., the consumption of spiritual stones must be huge, and the more than 40 spiritual stones on his body will definitely not be enough.

However, spirit stones can also be obtained by selling materials in the outer star sea, but the price is much lower than in Tianxing City, which is naturally something he does not want to see.

Moreover, selling a large amount of materials in the outer star sea for a long time can easily arouse the covetousness of others and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, it is best to prepare a large amount of spirit stones in Tianxing City.

However, apart from some high-value items that he was unwilling to sell, there were not many items that could be exchanged for a large amount of spiritual stones in a short period of time.

After much deliberation, he decided to sell a batch of elixirs and wine in exchange for some spiritual stones in the near future.

The value of the chaotic star sea of ​​high-year elixirs is huge. For example, for the same thousand-year-old elixir, one Tiannan plant costs about [-] to [-] spiritual stones, while the chaotic star sea basically costs [-] to [-] spiritual stones.

Rare elixirs are more expensive, such as Leilu grass, which is a very rare elixir.

Spiritual wine is also a very rare thing. Although it is not as good as the same type of elixir, it can easily be sold at a high price.

As for the exchange with the young woman, Lu Tiandu not only hopes to successfully refine the elixir in exchange for the news of Yishen Mud and exchange for spiritual stones, but also to see if he can exchange the method of cultivating magical powers from the young woman.

After all, he has been very interested in this kind of unique magical power since he saw the function of the Xuanling Eye during the Qi Refining Stage.

In the young woman's expectant look, Lu Tiandu flicked his hand, and seven or eight gleaming wooden boxes appeared in front of the young woman's eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, please take a look!"

In fact, if these eight thousand-year-old elixirs are used to replace the reduced elixirs in the young woman's prescription, except for the fact that the other herb is not old enough, the rest will be basically the same as the original recipe.

As for the old one, it was the first time for Lu Tiandu to see this elixir, so he naturally wanted to cultivate one for his own medicine garden.

"Fellow Taoist is really rich!"

Her nose was filled with the strong fragrance of medicine. Looking at the elixir she had spent decades seeking, the young woman stared at Lu Tiandu in disbelief.

Half of the elixirs were basically extinct in the Chaotic Star Sea. The other millennium elixirs she and her mother had participated in many auctions and swap meets but had not been able to buy, but now they could see them so easily?

"Fellow Taoist Liao praised it!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and said nothing more.

Over the years, with the help of the invasion of demons and the resources of Huang Maple Valley and the Hidden Moon Sect, the number of types of elixirs in Lu Tiandu's elixir garden has exceeded [-], which is really amazing.

He didn't know about the others, but the largest sect in the Yue Kingdom, the Hidden Moon Sect, only had about [-] types of elixirs.

"I don't know how friends trade?"

The young woman calmed down her agitated mind. Seeing that Lu Tian didn't want to elaborate, she naturally didn't ask more.

"In addition to spiritual stones, I hope to get a method of cultivating magical powers like fellow Taoist!"

Seeing that there was no embarrassment on the young woman's face, Lu Tiandu guessed that this person was wealthy and directly stated his purpose.

"This will disappoint fellow Taoist, I don't have any magical powers!"

The young woman chuckled, looked away from the elixir on the table, shook her head and said.

"If it's a spiritual stone, even if I increase the price by [-]%, I can satisfy my fellow Taoist."



Lu Tiandu stared at the young woman's eyes for a while. At this moment, the young woman smiled charmingly and rolled her eyes. Lu Tiandu felt like he was being seen through again. He secretly complained, why does this young woman always like to see through others?

Could it be that this mysterious spiritual eye physique is what attracts this person?
Seeing that the young woman didn't seem to be lying, Lu Tiandu didn't ask any more questions.

After a few words, the two of them agreed on the price of the elixir without any objection, totaling nearly [-] spiritual stones.

In particular, four of the millennium elixirs that have become extinct in the current cultivation world basically contain tens of thousands of spirit stones.

However, the two of them did not do any business here. They left the teahouse one after another and only completed the transaction after temporarily renting a cave in a certain property in the Star Palace.

"Okay, fellow Taoist, please wait here for a few days, and Xiao will go to the secret room to refine the elixir!"

After putting away the spirit stone, Lu Tiandu said solemnly to the young woman.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Fellow Taoist!" The young woman smiled slightly, "I'm waiting for the good news from Fellow Taoist!"

Since Lu Tiandu had boasted that the original recipe was [-]% certain, she was confident at the moment.

If the refining fails, Lu Tiandu has promised to compensate!

However, this furnace of elixirs was extremely important to her, so she naturally expected Lu Tian to succeed.

Three days later, Lu Tiandu came out of the secret room with a happy face.

"Fortunately not humiliated!"

Throwing it away, a white jade bottle flew towards the young woman.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful!"

The young woman hurriedly waved her hand, and a blue light enveloped the jade bottle, and she glared at Lu Tiandu with her beautiful eyes.


You, a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Elixir, can't handle such a small bottle? ?
The young woman has hurriedly opened the jade bottle, and a light air instantly filled the air. She tilted the bottle slightly, and a radiant and transparent elixir appeared in the palm of her hand.

The young woman held up the elixir and looked at it with a happy face.

This elixir is very different from ordinary elixirs. If you take a closer look, it looks like a lot of transparent liquid inside, but under the refraction of light, it shows other colors. Moreover, on the elixir wall, there are many mysterious patterns, which makes people... It feels extraordinary at first sight!

"There are actually ten pills! With such alchemy skills, my Taoist friend is at least a master of alchemy!"

The young woman looked at the ten pills in the jade bottle and said excitedly.

She originally thought that Lu Tian could refine four or five pills, and she would be very satisfied with four pills. Unexpectedly, Lu Tiandu could actually refine ten pills, which really made her extremely happy.

"It's also a Taoist friend who has deep blessings!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

In fact, the elixir that was not old enough was replaced by the year he wanted, so this was a complete batch of elixirs.

All that was missing was a magical elixir, and he also wanted to see what this elixir would look like after being refined.

He originally planned to secretly keep a few after refining, but then he thought it was not necessary.

After all, except for the elixir that he took the initiative to replace, the others were all found by this person at great cost. The price of refining the elixir was also exchanged. He could naturally refine it again if he wanted to, so there was no need to hide it secretly.

"Xiao is quite curious about the effects of this elixir and how to take it. I wonder if you would be willing to tell me?"

Looking at the excited young woman, Lu Tiandu asked.He had not seen the effects of this elixir and how to take it before.

"After all, this elixir was obtained by my sect at a great cost. Normally, I wouldn't be able to give it to others. However, since fellow Taoist has overfulfilled the transaction, I will let fellow Taoist watch this elixir for free..."

The young woman in the black dress smiled slightly and took out the jade bead with a flick of her hand. The blue light flowed in her hand. After a few breaths, she reached out and threw it towards Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu took the jade bead and entered it with his spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, the previous restrictions had been lifted and other contents were revealed.

In addition to the recorded ancient recipe, various other adjustment plans are also recorded. It can be seen that this young woman has spent a lot of effort on this recipe.

But when he saw the last part, he seemed to have discovered something. His consciousness suddenly continued to penetrate, and he was instantly ejected.

This surprised Lu Tiandu, but he didn't show anything on his face. He inadvertently turned over his hand and put away the jade bead.

"Huh? 伱...Forget it, if you want to collect it, I'll give it to you! I won't need it anyway..."

When the young woman saw that Lu Tian had put away the jade beads, she wanted to take them back, but then she realized that the prescription had already been remembered in her heart, and it would be useless for others to use this elixir, so she simply said no more.

"So, thank you buddy!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly. It seemed that the young woman probably didn't know that there were other things hidden in this stone bead. "Now please tell me, fellow Taoist, about the transformation into a divine mud!"

After a while, the young woman and Lu Tian both exchanged communication methods and left.

Lu Tiandu pondered for a moment, shook his head, and quickly left the place without waiting any longer.

This time he did not go to the cave that Nangong Wan and others had rented before. He temporarily found an inn in Tianxing City and rented a quiet room.

While opening the original restriction, Lu Tiandu set up two more defensive formations, and then entered the world of stone beads.

Turning it over casually, a jade bead with dim light appeared in his hand.

"This thunder pattern dew condensation pill is really rare. It can actually enhance the magical power of lightning attributes. It is really rare..."

Lu Tiandu stroked the jade beads and murmured.

This elixir is not swallowed directly, but is taken externally and internally.The liquid in the elixir is naturally intended for external dripping, while the remaining elixir shell must be taken internally, which is really rare.

"So this young woman's magical power has thunder and lightning properties?" Lu Tiandu secretly speculated.

Soon his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the bead and felt an abnormality hidden in it. Unfortunately, he still couldn't break through after testing it several times.

"It seems that unless the Nascent Soul cultivator has the spiritual consciousness, he cannot see the information in it..."

"Even this young woman doesn't know that there is other information hidden in this bead. What exactly could it be?" Combined with the thunder-marked dew pill inside, Lu Tian became curious.

(End of this chapter)

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