Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 155 Planning!Yan Ruyan!The middle stage of golden elixir!Red whiskers give birth to babies!

Chapter 155 Planning!Yan Ruyan!The middle stage of golden elixir!Red whiskers give birth to babies! (Please subscribe)
"Since I can't get Yiyi Shen Mud in a short time, it seems that I should go to the alien sea as soon as possible to hunt monsters and practice my magical powers in seclusion."

Although he was curious about the content hidden in the jade bead, since it could not be opened for the time being, Lu Tiandu was not in a hurry.When he breaks through to the middle stage of the Golden Core, I think the power of his spiritual consciousness should be almost the same as that of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. It won't be too late to check at that time.

What he was most concerned about during this trip was the issue of turning into divine mud that he learned from the young woman.

It turned out that the news that Lu Tiandu learned from the young woman was that 20 years later, this piece of clay that transformed into a god would appear at an auction, and it was not an auction in Tianxing City. Auction organized by strange people.

As for why everyone in the Demonic Way did not hold an auction in Tianxing City, it was naturally to increase their own momentum through such a large-scale auction.

Moreover, 30 years from now will be the time for Tianxing City to hold the once-in-a-century "Star Reaching Conference". The Demonic Path holds this event ten years in advance, and people of the righteous path will also participate. The meaning is self-evident!

As for how the young woman knew the news, although she didn't go into details, Lu Tiandu naturally guessed that she probably learned through some secret channels that this precious material would also be put up for auction.

In fact, the organizer took the initiative to disclose some high-value auction items to some commercial organizations or large forces in advance, and the purpose was naturally to build momentum.

As for ordinary monks who want to know what items will be auctioned at such a large-scale auction, it is estimated that they will have to wait ten years before the auction is held at the earliest. This time is enough for ordinary monks to prepare.

"Master Tianhuang from Huohuang Island?"

Lu Tiandu thought to himself that the person who owned this piece of clay was a veteran Yuan Ying early stage monk of the demonic path.

Since this young woman can know such clear information, she must have a good background and have special channels to access these things.

"Perhaps I should also arrange some arrangements in the Sea of ​​Stars?"

Through this incident, Lu Tiandu also discovered that he lacked efficient sources of information in the Chaotic Star Sea.

If he hadn't met this person, he had originally planned to go to the outer star sea to hunt monsters in retreat for a breakthrough if he couldn't find any news about Yi Shen Mu in the near future. After 30 years, he would participate in the auctions held by many merchants during the Star Reaching Conference to see if There is news about turning into mud.

In this way, if you don't pay attention to the news from the outside world, you will naturally miss the auction ceremony held by the Demonic Way. It would be terrible if the auction during the Star Reaching Conference does not have this material.

As for the Star Reaching Conference held every hundred years in Tianxing City to select the leaders of the 24 outer islands, when Lu Tiandu and his girls first came to Luan Xinghai, they had the idea of ​​taking over the three islands of Kuixing Island in the southwest corner, but later the idea changed. Downplayed.

After all, their purpose in coming to Chaos Xinghai is naturally to hunt for a large amount of demon elixirs and high-value materials, use these demon elixirs to refine the elixirs that the girls take during the golden elixir period, and earn spiritual stones from a large amount of demonic beast materials.

The hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones acquired in a hundred years to become the Lord of the Three Islands are not as enjoyable as hunting monsters.

"If we talk about the convenience of gathering intelligence, nothing is more convenient than commercial power. Maybe I should start from this aspect..."

Lu Tiandu was thinking secretly.

In addition to the official power of Xing Palace, the largest business organizations in Luan Xinghai naturally belong to the four major business alliances. According to Lu Tiandu's guess, each company probably has more than one Nascent Soul backstage or guest minister.

There is only one Nascent Soul cultivator in the Sixth Company Hall, which can only be considered a second-level strength, and there are even more small forces like Zi Ling's Miaoyin Sect.

Judging from the timeline, the Counter Star Alliance secretly established in the next few years will quickly penetrate small and medium-sized forces such as the Sixth Company Palace and the Miaoyin Sect.

After the Anti-Star Alliance raises its banner, these forces will either join the Anti-Star Alliance actively or passively, and others will join the Star Palace side. There will be fewer and fewer neutral forces.

"In this case, since he has become enemies with the Sixth Company Hall, it would be a good choice for Li Daitao to take over this business power..."

Lu Tiandu touched his chin.

If he secretly controls the Sixth Company Palace and then actively joins the Counter Star Alliance, if the Sixth Company Palace can openly add one or two Nascent Soul cultivators, the Sixth Company Palace will surely be in a core position in the Counter Star Alliance.

In this way, with the help of the Sixth Link Hall, a large amount of cultivation resources can be obtained from the Counter Star Alliance.

As for the Star Palace, just let the Miaoyin Sect take the initiative to move closer when the time comes, and Yaochi can also send a few people to stand behind the Miaoyin Sect.

After taking down Ling Yuling, wouldn't the huge assets of Star Palace be half of his?How many billions of spiritual stones has Star Palace collected in these thousands of years?

Ling Yuling, a rich woman’s dowry is still very exciting!

Moreover, with the internal support of the Sixth Company Palace, the chances of assisting the Star Palace in defeating the Counter Star Alliance will be greatly improved.

After carefully thinking about some of the key details, Lu Tiandu had a general idea.

But taking down Wu Laogui, the leader of the Sixth Company Hall, is a key part.Moreover, his plan was not to kill this person, so the difficulty was naturally increased a lot.

But Lu Tiandu is not in a hurry at this time. After he has a baby, he may be able to use that secret technique!
Therefore, on the eve of going to the outer star sea, Lu Tiandu changed his appearance and took out some elixirs and spirits sporadically, but the quantity was not very large, and almost half of them were taken by the young woman named Wang.

The two of them had completed transactions twice before, so they had some degree of trust. This time, the man did not bargain or ask questions. Both parties were very satisfied with the transaction.

In this way, after Lu Tiandu had accumulated more than [-] spirit stones, one day after changing his appearance, he came to the Starry Sky Palace and embarked on the journey of hunting monsters in the outer sea.


Hongyu Island.

In a simple stone house, a white light flashed, and seven foundation-building monks appeared on the teleportation array in the middle.

Lu Tiandu and six others left the stone house, and after rejecting several monks who invited them to go with them, they went to a simple street on the island.

After purchasing a map of the sea area near Hongyu Island, Lu Tiandu slowly released his magic weapon and flew into the distance.

After flying thousands of miles, Lu Tiandu's aura changed and he once again regained his early stage cultivation of the Golden Core, and flew towards the depths of the sea with the Escape Light.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness to observe the surrounding environment before stopping on a small island.

"There are many corals surrounding several deserted islands nearby, so it's just right!"

After smiling slightly and sending a message to the girls in Yaochi Tower to get ready, Lu Tiandu waved his sleeves and everyone in the harem except Cen Jingjun appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

"This is the outer star sea called the Demon Sea? It really looks no different from the inner star sea..."

After looking at it curiously, the girls waited for their husbands' arrangements.

"Jingjun is in seclusion to form pills, so there are 16 of us, plus four fifth-level monsters and one sixth-level monster. We are divided into four teams. With the help of the large formation, we should work together to kill the fifth-, sixth- and seventh-level monsters. There is no problem, but we will only target level five and six monsters for the time being..."

Over the years, Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei and other girls have also refined many trapping and killing formations for the pill formation stage, and now is the time to use them.

Seeing the confused expressions of the girls, Lu Tiandu smiled mysteriously and said:
"As for how to attract these monsters, I have my own way, and you will know when the time comes!"

After everyone added some details, Hong Fu, Nangong Wan, Nishang and Lu Tian each led a team and flew to the nearby coral island to start setting up formations.

Lu Tiandu led Chen Qiaoqian, Yan Ruyan and Yanli (Yuan Yao and Yanli had just established the foundation not long ago) and quickly came to a small island a hundred miles away to set up the Inverted Five Elements Formation and the Four Symbols to Destroy the Yuan. Array.

After guessing that the time was almost up, Lu Tiandu flew to Hongfu, which was more than a hundred miles away. Under the confused eyes of Hongfu and others, Lu Tiandu flipped over and a large piece of coral appeared in his hand.

Just above this piece of coral, a single stem with thirteen leaves grew on it. It was completely white and exuded a faint glow. It looked extremely gorgeous and dazzling, quite like something from an immortal family. .

Most of the dozen or so leaves of this herb are curled into a cylinder shape, but three of them have been unfolded, exuding a strange foreign feeling.

"Is this Nishangcao?" Hongfu said with a surprised look on his face.

"It's exactly this grass. I think senior sister also knows that it also has another name: Monster Lure Grass..." Lu Tiandu said with a mysterious look on his face.

Nishang grass has a strange habit of not being able to be uprooted within a hundred years after it is planted, otherwise it will lose the miraculous effect of spreading its leaves and emitting scent.

Before Lu Tiandu took out this spiritual grass, he thought and put three drops of small green liquid on it. The neon grass will grow into a leaf after a hundred years, and the smell of the 300-year-old neon grass is just right to attract level five monsters. .

"Husband, you are really an extraordinary person!"

Naturally, Hongfu had also read the strange news that the strange smell emitted after the leaves of the neon grass unfolded was fatally attractive to high-level monsters.

Therefore, when Lu Tiandu happened to take out the 300-year-old neon grass, he immediately guessed that his husband must have some secret method to promote the growth of elixirs in a short period of time.

He didn't ask too many questions, after all, there were too many mysterious things about Lu Tiandu.

But the surprise in his eyes was naturally indispensable.

It is naturally not easy to hunt monsters in the alien sea and find monsters of the right level. Now that they can solve this problem, it is really exciting to think about the next harvest!

After a few more instructions, Lu Tiandu flew to another place hundreds of miles away.This colorful grass can last for six or seven days after its leaves unfold, which is enough for them to arrange it as they wish.

Nangong Wan, Nishang, etc., everyone was curious and excited when they saw Lu Tiandu's move. They were looking forward to what happened next!
Only half an hour later, Lu Tiandu felt seven or eight powerful spiritual energy waves approaching them rapidly from all directions.

“It’s okay, it didn’t exceed expectations!”

Lu Tiandu let go of his spiritual sense for a moment and smiled.The two large formations they set up were able to trap two level seven monsters, but when they first started practicing, they naturally needed to get used to it.

"Okay, let's prepare too!"

Soon eight powerful waves came in groups of two and headed towards the four small islands.

Everyone used the nameless breath-condensing technique and hid in the formation and waited secretly. Within a moment, accompanied by the crashing sound of the waves, there was a loud "boom" and two sea beasts more than ten feet long rushed into the formation!

Colorful brilliance kept flashing, and when everyone activated the formation instantly, Lu Tian had already taken a step forward and put away the colorful grass. "Okay, let's do it to you!"

Lu Tiandu then released the blood jade spider to intercept one of the huge crabs. At the same time, his figure flashed and he had already pounced on another tiger shark with a black gold stick in his hand!

There is a trapping formation, a killing formation, and a combat power that exceeds the middle stage of the golden elixir. The two level five monsters cannot actually resist it for long...

While Lu Tiandu was hunting demons, the girls on the other three islands also activated the formations at about the same time, starting the road to destroy demons.

More than a year passed by in this boring and boring killing!
In any sea area where Lu Tiandu and his family have been, almost all level [-], [-] and [-] monsters are extinct. This makes some monks who happen to come to the sea areas where Lu Tiandu and his family have been to look for monsters very depressed. .

In the past year or so, there has been a large supply of 400-year-old neon grass, and the gold-eating insects that Lu Tiandu had previously only relied on feeding spirit pills and Yunling pills began to reproduce on a large scale.

After fighting day after day, everyone's fighting level naturally improved a lot.

And every once in a while, when this sea area can no longer attract new monsters, everyone will enter the Yaochi Tower to rest and change places.

A golden and purple light flashed in the sky, and Lu Tiandu searched for new coral islands while updating the sea map in his hand.

Although it was only more than a year ago, they had already exceeded the marked range of the chart they originally purchased.

Landing on a deserted island, after checking the surrounding environment, Lu Tiandu flashed and entered the Yaochi Tower in an instant.

"My husband is here!"

In the hall, on the huge dining table, there were countless fine wines and delicacies, and all the girls were sitting around the table.

Lu Tiandu glanced over at a glance, and saw beautiful faces with delicate smiles, beautiful eyes, fat and thin faces, and different styles. They were all stunning beauties, which really made people feel beautiful and appetizing!
"If you don't get drunk today, you won't return!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the fifteen dazzling, flower-like beauties and laughed.

With so many beauties by my side, this life is truly worthwhile!
Mandarin duck dream, amber cup!
Before the wine is full, people are already drunk...

A few days passed by, and on this day, Lu Tiandu came to a main hall with a smile on his lips.

"Uncle Master is here?"

As soon as he stepped into the hall, a melodious and charming sound surrounded Lu Tiandu's ears.

What catches the eye is a beautiful figure. Her graceful figure is wrapped in a white palace dress. Her skin is like gelatin, her neck is as slender as a swan, and her face is as gorgeous as a peach and plum, which makes people fall in love at first sight.

Her eyebrows were like the moon, a pair of dark crystal eyes were as bright and affectionate as stars, her nose was straight, her small cherry mouth was smiling, and she was looking at Lu Tiandu.


Lu Tiandu's voice was also unusually gentle. He stretched out his arms and there was already a beauty in his arms.

Yan Ruyan bowed her head shyly, leaning in Lu Tiandu's arms, listening to the beating of her heart countless times!

However, she knew that today was a special day!

Looking at the stunning beauty in his arms, Lu Tiandu lowered his head slightly and kissed two soft lips...

After a long time, the two separated.

At this moment, Yan Ruyan's aura is as bright as orchid, her eyes are as charming as silk, her lips are slightly parted, and she has a charming and charming appearance, which is extremely alluring.

In the inner hall, Yan Ruyan has already made many arrangements, and the beauty's thoughts can be seen in every detail.

After knowing each other for more than ten years, it’s finally time to achieve enlightenment!

After drinking the Hexin wine, Lu Tiandu smiled and looked at Yan Ruyan whose beautiful face was stained with a hint of red, and said with a faint smile:
"Has Yan'er learned that set of exercises?"

"Yes!" Yan Ruyan looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile, her beautiful eyes full of autumn waves, and nodded lightly.

When she thought that this Yin-Yang combination fruit could actually increase her [-]% chance of having a baby and [-]% chance of becoming a god, Yan Ruyan was still a little excited until this moment.

"That's it, let's get started!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and hugged the beauty into his arms again.

"Uncle, oh, husband, please take pity on Yan'er..."


After double cultivation.

On the red bed, Yan Ruyan was lying next to Lu Tiandu with a rosy face and a look of satisfaction on her face.

Compared with before, there is a bit more spring in the corners of the eyebrows and eyes, making her more and more lovable.

In the following days, Lu Tiandu naturally stayed at Yan Ruyan's place for a lot longer.

The girls naturally knew this very well. The returning sisters who learned about this situation looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel a bit of anticipation in their hearts.

Time flies, and several years have passed.

In addition to going out to hunt monsters, everyone was refining elixirs and practicing in the tower.

In just a few years, Lu Tiandu and his family have obtained more than two thousand level five demon pills, as well as many other level six and seven demon pills.

In addition to the demon pills that are constantly being refined into various elixirs suitable for the golden elixir period, there are countless other materials dismantled from demonic beasts and qi and blood elixirs refined from flesh and blood.

Among them, Lu Tiandu gave Ni Chang almost all the inner elixirs with thunder attributes to refine a large number of thunder elixirs, which allowed Ni Chang to improve the Shuigang True Thunder Magical Power rapidly.

Cen Jingjun, who has a rare metallic spiritual root and a phoenix-crying body, also broke through the golden elixir stage without any accident after three years of seclusion.

Cen Jingjun started to practice Taoism late. It only took 45 and [-] years for him to become a Taoist. His qualifications were only slightly worse than those of Lu Tiandu.

With the addition of a golden elixir monk to the harem group, the speed of hunting monsters has naturally increased a lot. As a result, everyone has more time to practice.

Time flies, and nine years have passed since everyone went to sea.

On this day, Lu Tiandu was practicing quietly in the Hall of Eternal Life. Suddenly, his aura changed. A moment later, after Lu Tiandu finished his exercise, he opened his eyes, and two groups of light flashed away, feeling that his Dantian was getting stronger and stronger. Lu Tiandu was not surprised that the true energy and spiritual consciousness gained a lot.

Half a year ago, after practicing double cultivation with sisters Gui Nianwei and Gui Nianxin, he felt the opportunity for a breakthrough.

After spending several days with two beautiful women who had recently broken up, Lu Tiandu chose to retreat.

Half a year later, the cultivation level in the middle stage of Jindan has stabilized.

As for the returning sisters, they have been focusing on him wholeheartedly for more than ten years. During the last dual cultivation, he was naturally not stingy and gave each of them a Yin-Yang Fruit and a Fire Spirit Body.

This naturally made the two beautiful twin women with average qualifications extremely moved.

Looking at the various Taoist monks around Lu Tiandu who were not inferior to them in color and had high qualifications, they were actually quite stressed as concubines.

But after that night, the last trace of inferiority in the two women's hearts disappeared, and the love in their hearts continued. They became even more infatuated with their young master, and wished they could become a pendant on Lu Tiandu!
Now that Lu Tian has come out of seclusion, the hunting of monsters will naturally continue.

Time flies, and it has been more than nine years.

On this day, everyone had just returned to the tower after killing the monsters. They were about to clean up the monsters and take a rest. Suddenly, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Yaochi Tower began to billow.

In addition to the girls in the core building stage who were able to stabilize their figures, Lu Tianxuan, the Mo sisters, Yan Ruyan and others in the late stage of foundation building instantly felt great pressure.

"Is this?" Someone looked surprised at the sudden change in the tower.

"Sister Hongfu is giving birth to a baby!"

Nangong Wan, who had only advanced to the late stage of Jindan a few years ago, looked at the funnel-shaped spiritual energy vortex above the Wannian Xuanyu Cave and said with surprise.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who was fleeing outside, also slipped into the tower, looking at the dramatic changes in the world with a happy face.

"Husband, I wonder if the spiritual energy in this tower is enough for Sister Hongfu to condense the Nascent Soul?"

Nangong Wan suddenly thought of something and asked.

Although the second floor of the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade Cave where Hong Fu retreats is much larger than the third floor, the amount of spiritual energy required by the monks to condense the Nascent Soul is very huge, so the space inside the tower is a bit smaller after all.

"Nothing, don't worry!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.The spiritual energy in the Shizhu World is also pouring into the Yaochi Tower at this moment, and there is no fear of this consumption.

After a moment, the girls on the third floor also came to the second floor through the teleportation array, looking at the strange phenomena in the world caused by Hongfu Yueying with surprised faces!
I saw countless little spiritual lights visible to the naked eye appearing in the sky more than a hundred feet high. These spiritual lights were colorful, flickering dark and bright, but all of them contained the extremely pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and looked extremely beautiful.

And further away, countless rolling spiritual energy from heaven and earth continue to gather like waves...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 400 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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