Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 156 Hong Fu is emotional!The girls change!Yuan Yao is beautiful!

Chapter 156 Hong Fu is emotional!The girls change!Yuan Yao is beautiful! (Please subscribe)
On a mountain peak on the second floor of Yaochi Tower, Lu Tiandu and the other fifteen women quietly watched the changes in the distance.

At this moment, in this ten-mile radius space, one can see endless five-color glow.

There was wind and rain in the glow, and the sound of thunder was loud. Pieces of colorful clouds rolled up with the sound of thunder, and then quickly gathered from all directions to somewhere in the center.

That is where the Wannian Xuanyu Mine is located.

In the sky above the cave where Hongfu retreated, more and more spiritual lights appeared, and gradually condensed into one, becoming so dense that it could not be dissolved.

Everyone said nothing and watched the scene silently.

Except for Nangong Wan, everyone had seen the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by the old monster Qiong before giving birth to a baby. This was the first time for everyone else to see this kind of scene. They were curious and looking forward to it at the same time.

After all, although no one has said it explicitly, everyone knows that since their husband has given them such blessings as the Yin-Yang Fruit, it is inevitable that others will also be indispensable.

And if Hong Fu successfully gives birth to a baby this time, I believe everyone will have babies one after another!
After all, the [-]% chance of having a baby brought by the Yin-Yang Fruit, coupled with the several elixirs prepared by Lu Tiandu to assist in the birth of a baby, they will have an almost [-]-[-]% chance of having a baby!

Every time I think of this, the girls can't help but smile!

"Husband, the inner demon has finally passed away!"

Watching the strange changes in the sky, Nangong Wan spoke softly.

"With the help of Dingling Pill and Qingshen Pill, I think there should be nothing to be sad about!"

Lu Tiandu nodded slightly.

From Feng Xian's inheritance, he got four or five kinds of auxiliary elixirs that are helpful for conceiving a baby. Among them, the Dingling Pill and the Qingshen Pill are very helpful for the final hurdle of inner demons during the process of conceiving a baby. He also refined several elixirs that were helpful in conceiving a baby, such as Ying Dan and Tian Xin Dan. This was much more than the auxiliary elixirs that Han Li prepared when conceiving a baby.

Moreover, before Hongfu retreated, he gave Hongfu the experience of forming a baby left by Feng Xian and the experience of forming a baby in Nangong Wan's hands from the Hidden Moon Sect. In this way, everything was ready, and with Hongfu's qualifications, he could condense the Nascent Soul. Not difficult.

However, going through inner demons is something that most people who have babies cannot take lightly.

To outsiders, what may only be a moment seems to be months or even years for those who have had a baby. The various tests of the soul are different for everyone. This is the difficulty!

At this moment, above the hill where the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade Cave is located, a huge ball of light about a mile in diameter became dazzling and dazzling.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering thunder sounded out of thin air, and the whole rocky mountain shook suddenly.

Then, a silver beam of light shot out from the stone mountain and hit the light group high in the sky.

Immediately, the surroundings of the huge light group were overcast with clouds, wind, rain, thunder and lightning.The light group began to shrink and deform a little bit in the cloud, and at the same time, the five-color aura flashed, becoming more and more dazzling.

Not long after, the huge light group quickly condensed into a fist-sized crystal ball in the eyes of everyone.

This crystal ball contains huge spiritual energy. Even Nangong Wan, who is already in the late stage of Jindan, felt the energy contained in the ball, and his expression changed.

There was a soft "bang" sound, and the bead flashed and turned into a ball of colorful mist with a diameter of about ten feet. It quickly escaped downwards and disappeared into the stone mountain in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning and other celestial phenomena near Xiaoshi Mountain disappeared in an instant, and everything returned to normal.

At this moment, a sound like a dragon's roar came from the stone mountain, soaring into the sky, and the color of the world changed!
Suddenly, a human-shaped figure about a hundred feet tall appeared on the stone mountain.

The whole body of this light and shadow is covered with silver aura, which is overflowing with light. Because the aura on his face is so strong, no one can see clearly the true appearance of the giant. They only feel that this giant shadow seems so majestic that no one dares to look up.

"It's done!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan looked at each other with joy on their faces!
After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the other girls finally relaxed their worries and stared at the giant in the sky with joyful faces.

At this moment, the light and shadow in the sky nodded to everyone, as if smiling, and the body suddenly turned into starlight all over the sky and disappeared.

In the stone room in retreat, Hong Fu sat quietly on a ten-thousand-year-old black jade stone platform, with his eyes closed, but on the Tianling Cap above his head, there was a mini baby about an inch tall, growing. Climbing and playing on the bun.

This baby is white and tender, with a body covered in silver light. Its appearance is the same as that of a red baby, but it has been shrunk many times!
At this moment, the baby's face was full of excitement and laughter, which was very different from Hong Fu's usual coldness and silence.

The body of Hong Fu under the baby is still wearing a bright red palace dress wrapped in a beautiful and plump jade body. The fair oval face is now rosy and has a peaceful expression, as if she is sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, Hong Fu opened his eyes, two balls of silver light flashed away, and a smile appeared on his cold jade face:
"After more than 270 years, we have finally reached this point!"

While mumbling to himself, for some unknown reason, two lines of clear tears quietly dripped down his cheeks...

As if he heard footsteps outside, the tears on Hong Fu's face disappeared instantly. He straightened his clothes, opened the restrictions and walked out.


Looking at the leader, Lu Tiandu, Hong Fu's heart felt hot, and in a flash, he hugged Lu Tiandu tightly.

"Okay! Okay! Senior sister successfully gave birth to a baby today, but it is a big happy event for our family, so we should celebrate it!"

Feeling Hong Fu's excitement, Lu Tiandu smiled, picked up Hong Fu's charming oval face, kissed it, and said with a smile.

"Moreover, junior brother also specially refined a magic weapon for senior sister as a gift. I hope senior sister likes it!"

At this moment, the girls looked at the affectionate Hong Fu with smiles, which made the usually cold Hong Fu blush a little. They let go of Lu Tiandu and looked at him lovingly.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and a shining golden ring appeared in his hand. This ring exuded amazing spiritual power, and it looked like a rare treasure at first glance.

"I hope senior sister likes it!"

Lu Tiandu gently took Hong Fu's snow-white jade hand and put the ring on her left ring finger.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Hong Fu who looked surprised, even Nangong Wan and others looked envious.

Naturally, they had heard Lu Tiandu talk about the customs of their hometown.

Every man will create a ring for the woman he loves, and wear it on the ring finger of her left hand at important moments in their lives, symbolizing that from now on, the two of them will stay together and never leave!
"Thank you husband!"

Hong Fu was no longer reserved at this moment. Her bright eyes were full of affection. A pair of jade arms like snakes had already wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck, and her two fragrant lips had been pressed against her instantly...

Looking at the two people who were no one around, the girls chuckled and quietly left to prepare for the celebration!

Three days after the banquet, everyone's enthusiasm dissipated.

This is just an internal celebration of the family. After Hong Fu returns to Tiannan, Huang Maple Valley will definitely hold a ceremony for the new Nascent Soul. This is something to talk about later!

In the past few days, Lu Tian had been alone with Hong Fu. Since the birth of the baby, Hong Fu seemed to have let go of a lot of worries. He became more enthusiastic during the couple's cultivation, which greatly surprised Lu Tian!
A few days later, Hong Fu prepared to take a small retreat to familiarize himself with the various aspects after having a baby, while Lu Tiandu also began to think about his net worth and preparations for his return.

It has been nearly 20 years since everyone went out to sea to hunt monsters.

Thinking of the gains and the changes in everyone in the past 20 years, it was really beyond Lu Tiandu's expectations.

In the past 20 years, everyone has killed more than 5000 level [-] demon beasts alone, and thousands of level [-] and [-] demon beasts. The value of so many demon pills and various materials alone exceeds tens of millions of spirit stones. .

And to be able to kill so many monsters, a powerful weapon like neon grass is naturally indispensable.

Thousands of neon grasses that are at least 300 years old, not counting the consumed world source, the amount of spiritual stones consumed in synthesizing the green liquid in Lutiandu alone reached 90 million.

And he had only prepared more than [-] spirit stones at the beginning, which was naturally insufficient, not to mention that these spirit stones had to be used to cultivate other elixirs for alchemy and for Lu Tiandu to practice magical powers.

Therefore, after the middle stage of advancing to the golden elixir, that is, when the spirit stones carried by everyone were almost used, Lu Tiandu spent half a year on a round trip to Tianxing City, selling only a small amount of monster materials. In exchange for 200 million spiritual stones.

As for this part of the material, most of it was taken by the young woman surnamed Wang. The rest of Lu Tiandu changed his appearance and secretly sold it to the four major business alliances. However, the price was not as high as the young woman surnamed Wang gave.

It's a pity that Lu Tiandu didn't think of putting his shipping channel on the young woman named Wang. After all, with so much material leaking out from the hands of a Golden Core monk, anyone could find something wrong.

And since he advanced to the middle stage of Jindan, Lu Tiandu's consciousness has greatly increased, and his observation of some subtle details is naturally different from before. Somehow, he always has the illusion that this young woman recognizes him!
Moreover, when he made insidious inquiries about the power behind the young woman, the young woman would always talk about it. After doing this, Lu Tiandu had roughly guessed that perhaps his shape-changing technique had been transformed by this person's natural spiritual eyes and supernatural powers. exposed.

However, the two of them met several times, and the man kept pretending not to recognize him. Lu Tian didn't say anything more, and the two maintained this tacit understanding.

Although the young woman didn't say much about the strength behind her family, Lu Tiandu had already judged from the young woman's words and deeds that the power was not very strong.

After all, the fatwa on him from the Sixth Company Palace and Jiyin Island made the other party dare to do some transactions with him without knowing each other.

As for whether he will trade with this person next time, Lu Tian has not yet decided. After all, the other party made a lot of money from him when he wanted to bring the previous batch of goods, but no one can guarantee that the other party will not have other thoughts about him.

After all, from the previously cherished thousand-year elixir to monster materials, everyone can tell at a glance that he has a strong fortune and a mysterious origin.Of course, now that Hong Fu has given birth to a baby, and Nangong Wan is in the late Jindan stage, he actually doesn't care much about these potential threats.

With so many demon elixirs and a large number of spirit stones that can be synthesized into other compatible elixirs, there is really no shortage of elixirs that everyone needs for practice over the years.

Since Cen Jingjun took pills, four other girls, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Xiaomei and Xin Ruyin, also took pills one after another in the past ten years.

Lu Tianxuan, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan and Yan Ruyan are all in the late stage of foundation building. Among them, Lu Tianxuan has fake elixirs and has formed elixirs only in the past few years.

Naturally, the four youngest people have the lowest cultivation levels. Gui Nianwei, Gui Nianxin, Yuan Yao and Yanli are all only in the middle stage of foundation building.

Among them, Yuan Yao has improved so quickly since he started practicing the Tianyin Jue Sha Gong after foundation building. It is really unexpected that he will reach the late stage of foundation building very soon.

Nishang is still in the middle stage of Jindan. As for when it will break through, it is really hard to say.

However, her mana has almost reached the peak of the middle stage of the golden elixir. After all, in the past 20 years, she has had a sufficient supply of high-end elixirs, a large amount of spiritual wine, and the help of spiritual bodies. It would be strange if she did not have such a speed!

However, from the beginning of the pill formation stage to the mid-term breakthrough and late stage, there is a threshold. Many people are inexplicably stuck by this threshold and cannot make any progress, and the threshold encountered by everyone is really different!

Lu Tiandu remembered that in the original plot, Han Li was also stuck at this level. After being frightened, he inexplicably broke through with the help of Feng Xi's sip of green flame wine.

And beside him, Hong Fu was stuck in this gate and finally broke through with the help of the ice crystal pear and ice spirit fruit he presented. Nangong Wan inexplicably broke through after practicing double cultivation with him one day...

Therefore, if Nishang cannot break through on her own, she will have no choice but to try more methods of dual cultivation!

Although Nishang has not yet broken through to the late stage this time, with the help of a large number of thunder pills, her magical power of Shuigang True Thunder is different from the past.

At this time, even if she faced the late-stage Jindan monks, with the help of ancient treasures and magical powers, Nishang was not afraid at all!
While the girls of Yaochi Palace have undergone tremendous changes in the past 20 years, Lu Tiandu has also changed a lot.

In the first ten years, he broke through to the middle stage of Jindan. In the following years, he naturally majored in the two magical powers of Sanwei Divine Wind and Xuanming Zhenlei. As for body refining, he naturally also went hand in hand.

After taking a large amount of Thunder Source Pills, as expected, Lu Tiandu obtained the body of Thunder Spirit.

And just like the wind marks on the palms of his hands when he obtained the Wind Spirit Body by taking Feng Yuan Dan, the soles of his feet also developed thunder marks after taking a large amount of Lei Yuan Dan.

It’s really weird!

However, compared with the acquired physique and the magical powers he has cultivated, Lu Tian doesn't feel so sad when he thinks of the more than 20 spirit stones spent on refining the Wind Source Pill and the Thunder Source Pill alone in the past [-] years!
With these two magical powers, Lu Tian actually has the confidence to fight against the early Yuanying monks, but it is hard to say how far he can compete!

Moreover, six or seven years ago, he had achieved the third level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill. According to his experiments, now, even without the help of Tianxuan Treasure Clothes, his physical strength can be used by ordinary magic weapons without any problem.

However, after the third round, even with the help of a large number of fifth and sixth level qi and blood pills, the progress of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill slowed down.

In fact, what Lu Tian doesn't know is that this is just the result of comparing him with his previous rapid progress. If Feng Xian, who understands this technique, knows that he has achieved a third level of success after practicing for more than forty years, it will definitely Shocked and speechless!

As for the fourth level of Dayan Jue, progress has been slow over the years. After all, reaching the fourth level involves a process of tempering one's worldly state of mind. Over the years, he has either been busy hunting monsters or cultivating magical powers. He has really made great progress in Dayan Jue. Not much progress.

However, his consciousness is now similar to that of an early Yuanying monk, which is definitely enough for the time being.

In addition to its own growth, the one that has changed the most over the years is naturally the gold-eating insect.

In the past 20 years, while taking thousands of neon grass, the gold-eating bugs have begun to reproduce from generation to generation, and with the help of a large number of feeding pills, Yunling Pills and Qi and Blood Pills, there are currently [-] gold-eating bugs. Insects have evolved to gold and silver.

With so many gold-eating bugs, as long as they don't encounter an early-stage Nascent Soul monk who practices the flying needle magic weapon, these gold-eating bugs alone can surprise the opponent!
But now, overall, a single gold-eating insect is still very weak. It is really not worth the gain if it is released to fight against the Nascent Soul monks. Thousands of them die at once, which will definitely make Lu Tian feel pain.

Next, Lu Tiandu has decided to end this monster hunting in the open sea. After all, in seven or eight months, the large-scale auction held by the Zhengmo Dao will begin. Once he gets the piece of Yishen Mud, he will refine his life. It’s time for the magic weapon!

Thinking of the plans he had prepared to enhance his natal magic weapon after much thinking and simulation over the years, Lu Tiandu became more and more excited.

But before returning, he still has one important thing to do.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and arrived at a beautiful mountain peak.

This is where the senior sisters Yuan Yao and Yan Li live.

With one step forward, Lu Tiandu had already entered the main hall.

Entering the inner hall, Lu Tiandu immediately saw two stunning beauties who were full of expectations.

All in all, in the harem, there are only two women who have not been taken into his room by him for the time being!
"Young master, you are here!"

When the two women saw Lu Tiandu arriving, surprise flashed in their eyes, they looked at each other and said sweetly.

"Yes, yes, this outfit is really nice!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the makeup of the two people who were carefully dressed according to his wishes and praised them.

The two women were dressed very differently from usual.

Over the years, Yuan Yao has become more and more beautiful and enchanting. Even among the people in the harem of Lu Tiandu, she can be ranked at the top in terms of beauty alone.

Her skin is as smooth as grease and can be broken by blows. Under the tight and revealing clothes, her graceful and graceful figure is fully displayed, making any man salivate when he sees her. She is really capable of bringing disaster to the country and the people.

As for Yanli, although her appearance is not as good as that of Yuan Yao, her figure is much more plump and exquisite than Yuan Yao. The combination of petite and plump is unique.Especially the pair of tall and plump breasts are really unforgettable at first sight.

There are such amazing changes, although there are innate factors, naturally Lu Tiandu's contribution is indispensable.

The two beauties looked extremely charming and gorgeous at this moment, looking at Lu Tiandu lovingly.

Their outfits at the moment were extremely bold, far more than usual.

The simple clothes only protect the key parts, and the snow-white pink arms and smooth calves are all exposed to the air.

The two of them didn't wear any shoes or socks, and were naked with a pair of eye-catching crystal feet.

A black hair is casually draped over the exposed shoulders. What is even more eye-catching is that on the foreheads of the two women's hao wrists, there are three exquisite and shining gold rings, one large, two small, which add a different kind of fire to them. Spicy style.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu had set the two of them up based on his memories. This time, it seemed to have a special meaning, making people suddenly want to feast!
Really delicious!
"Is this set of golden ring instruments that the young master gave you okay?"

Lu Tiandu asked with a smile.

The two women looked at each other, both a little shy.The smooth jade feet moved lightly, and in a blink of an eye they were in front of Lu Tiandu. They saw the two of them perfectly displaying their enchanting sexiness, and said with a smile:

"Of course we like what the young master gave us, hehe, the young master, do you like the way slaves are dressed?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and hugged their slender and smooth waists, saying:
"You guys understand your young master's thoughts!"

The two women couldn't stop laughing after hearing this, and their charming bright eyes were unwilling to leave Lu Tiandu for a moment.

Holding the two beauties in his arms, Lu Tiandu felt a little more passionate and said meaningfully:
"I've suffered a lot from you over the years!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yuan Yao and Yanli became a little more charming, and glanced at Lu Tiandu, thinking of...

Pooh!My young master’s appetite is really too big!
But when they thought that they would become different from today on, the two women became excited and looking forward to it.

Seeing the charming and seductive postures of the two women, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"Now that you have both practiced that skill, I have a few more words to tell you..."

When the two women looked slightly confused, Lu Tiandu briefly talked about the benefits of Yin Yang Fruit, but for a moment, the two women were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves!


The two delicate shouts almost made Lu Tian's bones go numb.

Looking at the two stunning beauties whose faces turned red with excitement, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly...

After training.

Yuan Yao and Yan Li's eyebrows changed a bit. They leaned next to Lu Tiandu, feeling the illusory fruits in their dantian. They also thought of the various visions of heaven and earth when Hong Fu gave birth to a baby, and thought that they would also have the opportunity to reach such a point in the future. He couldn't help but look at Lu Tiandu with an even more charming look...

A few days later, a purple lightning flashed through the sky above the endless sea. Just when someone was surprised and about to investigate, the lightning instantly disappeared from their sight.

A few months later, Lu Tiandu, who was constantly using the Thunder Escape Technique, crossed the vast sea and returned to Tianxing City through the teleportation array...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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