Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 157 Sun and Moon Golden Wheel!Star blade!The natal magic weapon comes true!

Chapter 157 Sun and Moon Golden Wheel!Star blade!The natal magic weapon comes true! (Please subscribe)
Star City.

In a luxurious inn on the first floor of the Holy Mountain, Lu Tiandu held a blue jade slip between his eyebrows and was reading the contents.

After a while, Lu Tiandu stopped looking at the jade slips and sighed:
"The devil's hand this time is really not small! Perhaps the righteous path also secretly played a big role!"

This jade slip was what Lu Tiandu bought after coming to Tianxing City. Details about the first auction ceremony of Succubus Island in two months.

Among them are various rare materials that are rarely seen in the outside world, eighth-level demon elixirs, thousand-year-old elixirs, high-level talismans, elixirs, top-level skills, ancient treasures, and so on. A glance at them is really greedy!
Among them, the Yiyi Shen Mud that Lu Tiandu had been thinking about was also included. Cen Jingjun and other five people who had made pills in recent years were basically able to gather the materials they needed to refine the natal magic weapon, which really made Lu Tiandu very happy.

In the past 20 years, Yaochi Tower has accumulated countless materials that can be used to refine magic weapons, plus Lu Tiandu's previous inventory. If an ordinary alchemy monk could collect a few of them, he would be very happy.

It's a pity that the women's vision is different now. With Feng Xian leaving behind various methods for refining powerful treasures with various attributes, and Lu Tiandu's support, everyone is very serious about the choice of their own magic treasures.

As a result, some precious materials that are temporarily lacking need to be purchased from outside.

And this large-scale auction held by Mo Dao is a good opportunity!

"There will be so many treasures up for auction in this auction. I am afraid that some monks who had not thought of participating before have become enthusiastic again! As a result, the transaction volume of Tianxing City's auction in ten years will inevitably drop a lot..."

"What happened between the Demonic Way and the Righteous Way is obviously a big blow to the reputation of Star Palace. No one has anything to say about this conspiracy... I guess they have already confirmed the information that there is something wrong with the Two Saints... "

"Since we have to purchase a lot of things this time, we also need to sell some monster materials in exchange for some spiritual stones..."

Lu Tiandu counted his spiritual stones and made calculations.

The 200 million spiritual stones obtained from selling materials before now have less than 30 left, which is definitely insufficient for this auction.

"It seems that we need to get some more materials in the past few days, so we have to exchange for another 50 spiritual stones as a backup..."

The monster materials collected in the Yaochi Tower are now worth tens of millions, but no one can really say an exact figure.

After all, there is just too much material.

Lu Tiandu is now 72 years old, less than three years older than Han Li.

According to the original plot, Han Li came to Tianxing City at the age of 55. After staying for half a year, he went into seclusion for two years to refine puppets and prepare for sea monster hunting.

At the age of 58, he went to sea to hunt monsters, and then spent five years hunting monsters on Ningcui Island. He returned to Tianxing City to cultivate elixirs and spent two years refining hundreds of fifth-level demon pills into elixirs. At the age of 66, he began to retreat to form elixirs.

Han Li, a late-stage foundation-building monk, Jia Quhun, a pill-forming monk, and a large number of puppets were able to hunt hundreds of monsters in five years. If Lu Tiandu and others spent all their time hunting monsters, the harvest would be absolutely worse than what they get now. More than ten times.

After all, Han Li's little green liquid can mature a 21-year-old neon grass in 300 days to attract level [-] monsters, while Lu Tiandu and others can mature it once in a day or two. The difference in efficiency is more than ten times. !
Moreover, Lu Tiandu and others were initially divided into four teams. Each team was powerful enough to hunt level five monsters like a chicken, so the efficiency was naturally higher.

However, after obtaining a large number of demon pills in the first few years, the number of four demon hunting teams began to decrease, and the frequency also slowed down a lot. After all, with so many demon pills, it is important to improve their cultivation after refining the pills.

Moreover, everyone spends a lot of time either in seclusion to make elixirs or to practice magical powers. After all, it is said that 20 years of hunting monsters, in fact, more than half of the time is spent practicing. For example, when Lu Tiandu is in seclusion, everyone also spends a lot of time in seclusion. They are all practicing.

Therefore, it is unthinkable for Lu Tiandu and others to harvest six to seven thousand monsters in the past 20 years and let other major forces know about it.

After all, many people who hunt monsters in the open sea may not encounter a level [-] or [-] monster for a year and a half.

This situation has led to the fact that in the depths of the sea where Hongyu Island, where Lu Tiandu and others have been hunting monsters, is located, there have been fewer and fewer monks hunting monsters over the years.

Lu Tiandu took a closer look when he came back this time. The city on Hongyu Island was in a lot of ruins. At first, he thought something had happened, but later he realized that most of the monsters in that area were probably destroyed. Their whole family was wiped out.

If others can't find a monster for three to five years, they are not allowed to go to other sea areas. If this situation spreads, fewer monks will come to Hongyu Island.

However, Lu Tiandu didn't take these things to heart. He hunted monsters based on his ability, so who could say anything?
In the next few days, Lu Tiandu changed his appearance and sold monster materials worth 50 spirit stones through the four major merchant alliances, Sixth Company Hall and other commercial forces, and then left Tianxing City for Succubus Island without anyone noticing.

As for the previously rented cave, there are still people who have been blatantly watching it for 20 years, but many people also guessed that Lu Tiandu, who was hiding in the cave, would not come out unless his cultivation level improved.

The 500-year lifespan of the Golden elixir monk has been exhausted!

As for the cave that everyone in Yaochi Palace rented, Lu Tiandu had never been there since he knew about the wanted order. After all, the best cave in the Holy Mountain is not as good as the one he carries with him!
After leaving the west gate of Tianxing City, Lu Tiandu dressed up as a monk in the early stage of the Golden Elixir and set up his escape light and went straight to Succubus Island.

More than a month later, Lu Tiandu came to this big island.

In the sky, various colors of light flashed continuously.

Scanning his spiritual consciousness, it turns out that there are many more monks nearby, and there are many more golden elixir monks who are rarely seen in the past. What is even more surprising is that from time to time, people with unfathomable auras pass by, which makes many monks feel it. They all stood aside respectfully.

This is naturally the Yuanying monk.

After Weiwei sensed a silver escaping light falling on Succubus Island, Lu Tiandu also lowered his escaping light and began to land on the island.

This time, in order to be safe and prevent some Yuanying old monsters from competing for the objects that Lu Tiandu and others were targeting, Hong Fu and Lu Tiandu participated in the auction.

If there is a Nascent Soul cultivator participating in the competition, with Hong Fu as a Nascent Soul cultivator, as long as he is willing to spend a lot of money, there is nothing he can't win.

This large island is the territory of the Demonic Succubus Sect.The Succubus Sect monks are famous for their charm and dual cultivation skills in the Chaotic Sea Demonic Path. This time, the Demonic Path members finally placed the auction here, which probably has this meaning.

This time, everyone in the Demon Dao opened the door to welcome guests from all over the world, and would not ask any questions about those who landed on the island. They only warned the monks that fighting was strictly prohibited on the island before and after the auction, and there were no other restrictions.

After entering the island, Lu Tiandu felt a chill in his heart when he felt several rays of spiritual consciousness swept by Ruoyouruowu.

These people are all Nascent Soul cultivators. It is estimated that the demonic people are also afraid of the troubles coming from Xinggong, so they have invested many high-end cultivators.

But what made him fortunate was that he did not encounter a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

According to the intensity of his spiritual consciousness at this moment and the appearance transformed by practicing the Shape Changing Technique, it would be difficult to detect him without directly facing the mid-stage Nascent Soul monk.

After all, it was tested before that even Hong Fu could not see through his changing appearance at this moment.Moreover, many of the monks participating this time were wearing hats or cloaks, which greatly improved his safety.

On the eve of the auction, there were naturally various exchange meetings, large and small, and Lu Tian participated in many of them, and he actually got a lot of useful things in exchange.

Moreover, he also took advantage of this mixed situation of dragons and snakes to secretly sell some monster materials. The price was much higher than the previous price in Tianxing City. In total, he had a total of 30 spirit stones, which made him extremely happy.

Through everyone's conversations, he also got to know some important figures in this demonic path.

I heard that the leader of the Demonic Path, the Supreme Saint of the Six Paths, and the leader of the Righteous Path, Wan Sangu, would come to attend this grand ceremony. This made Lu Tiandu secretly sigh that this time it might not just be as simple as holding an auction!
In addition to these old Nascent Soul monsters, the most famous among the younger generation is Wen Tianren, who is currently in his mid-120s and has reached the peak of the Golden Elixir.

Lu Tiandu had met this man once from a distance. He looked to be in his thirties, with a gentle face and no arrogance at all.The most eye-catching thing around them is naturally the twenty charming concubines in the foundation-building stage, who are greatly envied by many monks.

As a direct disciple of the Six Paths, he practices the Liuji True Demonic Art, which is known as the number one demonic art in the Chaotic Star Sea. Coupled with his outstanding qualifications, he has almost locked in the qualification to advance to Nascent Soul!
As a future giant in the magic way, there will naturally be people around him who fawn over him, which makes many other golden elixir monks envious and jealous.

Although Lu Tiandu was more interested in the eight-door golden light mirror on this person and the refining method, he naturally did not dare to have other thoughts here.

As for the genius-like cultivation speed, it was not enough in front of him.

Although Wen Tianren has extraordinary qualifications, his rapid cultivation speed has a lot to do with the dual cultivation secret technique called "Yinlong Jue" created by Liudao.

This secret technique allows the alchemy monks to continuously absorb the true yin essence of female cultivators with special qualifications, thereby increasing their cultivation by leaps and bounds.

However, this secret technique will cause certain damage to female cultivators and will cause a lot of damage to their vitality. Therefore, male cultivators who use this technique should have as many concubines as possible around them.

This is also the main reason why Wen Tianren has many foundation-building female cultivators around him and why he improves so quickly.

This secret technique of dual cultivation is naturally incomparable with Lu Tiandu's dragon chant body, and when encountering bottlenecks, he has to break through by himself. Compared with Lu Tiandu's dual cultivation physique, it is even worse.

As for the Dianfeng Peiyuan Gong created by Liudao, which is a secret technique used by Yuanying stage monks for dual cultivation, it seems that it has not yet been passed on to Wen Tianren.

This kind of exercise is the opposite of Yinlongjue, and it is taught by the girl who has a virgin body to form alchemy.

After the woman has practiced this skill to a high level, and then let the male cultivator use the secret technique, he can forcefully break through the bottleneck in the cultivation level at the moment of seizing the woman's Yuan Yin.

Of course, this requires the full cooperation of the female cultivator, and the female cultivator should not be too low.

Liu Dao is the No. 1 cultivator in the Demon Dao, and has many concubines, including golden elixir female cultivators. She is also the only Yuan Empress cultivator in the Demon Dao. This presumably has something to do with the Dianfeng Pei Yuan Gong.

In addition to Wen Tianren, there are several other young people from the two paths of good and evil who have extraordinary qualifications. Some are already in the late stage of the golden elixir, and some are still in the middle stage of the golden elixir. They are all the seeds of the future Nascent Soul, and they are really extraordinary.

A few days later, the auction officially began.

Naturally, this event has more than just one venue. Several auctions have been specially prepared for monks below the Golden Core level. As for those above the Golden Core level, there will be a home auction.

Sitting in the small box, Lu Tiandu looked at the auction items that kept appearing one after another. Occasionally, he would take action and quickly get the items he wanted.

Although the spiritual stones were flowing out, Lu Tiandu was still quite happy. Except for the Tianyang Stone that was auctioned for Cen Jingjun, which had many people competing for it and cost a lot, everything else was within the psychological price range.

Normally speaking, Cen Jingjun of Jinlinggen would choose metallic magic weapons. The first thing Lu Tiandu was optimistic about was the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror, which was known as the most powerful in the Chaotic Star Sea.However, because of Feng Ming's body, Lu Tiandu asked Cen Jingjun to choose another set of magic weapons - the Sun and Moon Golden Wheel.

This set of magic weapons, the Sun and Moon Golden Wheel, is also called the Yin-Yang Golden Wheel. If this set of metallic magic weapons were refined, their power would be among the top in Feng Xian's collection.

The Sun and Moon Golden Wheel is divided into two magic weapons: the Sun Golden Wheel and the Moon Golden Wheel. On the basis of metal properties, it also has two major attributes, yang and yin. Yin and yang are combined, attack and defense are integrated, and complement each other. It is an extremely rare treasure.

As for why Lu Tiandu asked Cen Jingjun to choose this magic weapon as his natal magic weapon, it was naturally related to the physique of the two of them.

Cen Jingjun's Fengming Physique is known as the best dual cultivation physique in the furnace.He is born to be able to continuously produce innate pure yin energy, and Lu Tiandu got it from Xin Ruyin's Dragon Roar Body, which is a rare pure yang constitution.

After so many years of dual cultivation, due to the symbiosis of yin and yang and the symbiosis of the two qi, each of them developed the physical origin of the other on the basis of the original dragon shadow and phoenix shadow, which really surprised the two of them.

However, the two of them discovered many benefits in their subsequent practice. The dragon and phoenix surrounding them during dual cultivation were only external manifestations. The internal bottlenecks when the two of them broke through were almost negligible. Others were such as the coexistence of the innate yin and yang energy in the two people's bodies. And it continues to grow, which is very different from ordinary people.

Now that Cen Jingjun's physique has undergone these changes, the Sun and Moon Golden Wheel, which was not very suitable before, is now the most perfect natal magic weapon.

Tianyang Stone, a top-level weapon refining material containing the energy of Yuyang, became one of his goals this time.

The auction was still going on, and when Lu Tiandu's heart-shaped clay appeared, he was shocked.

"The top spiritual materials are transformed into a piece of divine clay, which can be used to refine many complex magic weapons. The seller has a word, if the price is less than 40 spiritual stones, the auction will be rejected..."

On the auction stage, the beautiful and enchanting Jindan female cultivator from the Succubus Sect smiled slightly, holding a tray in her hand, and her beautiful voice reached everyone's ears.

This auction actually allowed the organizer to set an unsold price, and the introduction of the item was actually very simple. Except for a few people who knew about this material, most of the monks looked at the walnut-sized white jade beads on the tray with shock on their faces. color.

A piece of metal essence used to refine magic weapons only costs a few thousand spirit stones, and a thousand-year-old elixir that can be used to refine cultivation-enhancing elixirs only costs a few thousand spirit stones!

What material is so expensive?
It’s not the Geng Jing who is known as the “treasure of sharp gold”!

This is something that ordinary Jindan monks dream of.If you can get a penny of Geng Essence, you can double the power of your magic weapon (most of the golden elixir monks' magic weapons are flying knives and flying swords)!

Moreover, 40 spirit stones can be used to buy two or three ordinary ancient treasures. Whoever uses such a small amount of materials to refine magic weapons, obviously this Yishen Hua Mu can only be used as an auxiliary material in terms of quantity!

This made many monks look in disbelief.

But soon the top Nascent Soul cultivators began to make sparse bids.

Soon the price rose to over 30 spirit stones.

Lu Tiandu listened to the rising bidding, but there was nothing unusual about it.

If placed in the hands of someone who knows the goods, there really isn't much difference in value between the Yi Shen Mud and the Geng Jing. It mainly depends on whether the item is urgently needed.

If this small piece of Yi Shen Mu was replaced by a Geng Jing of the same size, not to mention the 40 spirit stones, there would be many Yuanying old monsters rushing to take pictures of the 80 spirit stones.

However, it is precisely because this thing is uncommon and the quantity is too small that Lu Tiandu has a greater chance of winning it.

At this time, the price of Huayi Shen Mud has reached 40 yuan, which made the Jindan monks below curious about the final ownership of this thing.

Lu Tiandu finally felt relieved when he heard that Hong Fu's final price of 45 spirit stones was no longer bid.

The auction of this piece of material can be regarded as a small climax to the preliminary auction at the main venue.

After being transformed into divine mud, all kinds of precious materials, monster eggs, magic weapons, etc. were put on the auction stage. The overall value of the items put up for auction increased a lot.

Moreover, this time the organizers also brought out a lot of bottleneck-breaking elixirs and rare ancient treasures, which are really eye-catching.

However, Lu Tiandu had already spent nearly 20 spirit stones before, and this was an act even though ordinary late-stage Jindan cultivators did not have such wealth. In order to avoid causing trouble, they naturally would not take action again.

However, Hong Fu didn't have such worries. The two of them had studied it before. In addition, after coming to Succubus Island, they exchanged 30 spirit stones. Naturally, they fell in love with an ancient offensive treasure called "Star Blade".

If this ancient attack treasure is auctioned off for Nishang's use, after the Gantian Ge is given to Hong Fu, with Hongfu's Nascent Soul's cultivation, the attack power of a pair of Gan Tian Ge ancient treasures will inevitably increase. few.

After some bidding, Hong Fu won the Star Blade for 20 spirit stones.

In this way, all the goals of the two people's trip have been achieved, and they no longer take action, quietly waiting for the end of the auction.

This time, I spent nearly 85 spirit stones, and I still have less than 25 spirit stones. Later, I need to generate a large amount of high-level materials such as Yishen Mud and Tianyang Stone. The number of spirit stones to be consumed is not a small amount.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu plans to secretly sell some materials again in the next few days in exchange for some spiritual stones as preparation.

A few days later, above the vast sea, the land and sky received a red breeze, and instantly turned into a purple lightning and disappeared without a trace.

After flying tens of thousands of miles, Lu Tiandu landed on a deserted island. After letting go of his spiritual consciousness to check for a long time, no abnormalities were found. His figure swayed slightly, and Lu Tiandu used the water escape technique and submerged into the water.

After opening a simple cave somewhere under the sea, Lu Tiandu entered the Yaochi Tower in a flash.

This time, except for the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo that Xiaomei needs to refine the Green Bamboo Fengyun Sword, which has not been found yet, the other four girls Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying and Xin Ruyin have collected all the materials they need to refine the magic weapon.

The next most important thing for everyone is to refine the natal magic weapon and practice in seclusion.

After watching Nishang happily leave with the Xingyuan Blade, Lu Tiandu smiled at the five girls and said:

"Okay, now let Xiaomei and I assist you in refining your natal magic weapon!"

"Thank you for your hard work, husband and Xiaomei!" the four girls said with a smile.

For monks with a family or sect background, as long as there are people who are good at refining weapons, refining natal magic weapons is naturally much easier than casual cultivators.

Just like the four girls Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying and Xin Ruyin, they naturally don't need their superb weapon-making skills at this moment.

Lu Tiandu, a master of weapon refining, and Xiaomei are proficient in the art of weapon refining. With the help of the two, they can quickly refine the natal magic weapon, saving a lot of time to warm up the natal magic weapon early.

For the rest of the next year, Lu Tian basically spent his time helping the four women refine their natal magic weapons.

He successively refined the Sun and Moon Golden Wheel, the Tianhe Flag, the Pure Jun Cauldron and the Seven Star Order for the four girls, which were four powerful treasures of gold (yin and yang), water, earth and metal respectively. The magic weapon is gone.

After rejecting Xiaomei's request to help refine the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map, Lu Tiandu sealed off the weapon refining room and began to refine his own magic weapon.

Time flies, more than two years have passed.

Lu Tiandu pinched several magic formulas, and with a few clicks, a lump of blue liquid floating above the eight earth fires dropped into a small bottle with a swirl.

“I didn’t expect that the step of quenching the molten material alone would take me more than two years!”

Lu Tian sighed as he looked at the hundreds of jade bottles placed around him.

Originally, he thought he could complete this step in about a year, but the process turned out to be slower than he expected.

The main reason is that the materials he collected are too huge. After all, many materials are rarely seen by the outside world. When he appears here, there is only a small pile. This is one of the reasons why he did not ask Xiaomei to help.

After all, the thousands of neon grasses that were constantly ripening in the past few years have shocked the girls and regarded him as an immortal descended to the earth. It is better not to let them know about the creation of top-notch materials out of thin air!
Too many differences are not a surprise but a shock.

As for why these materials are several times more than the original plan, it is naturally the result of continuous deductions by Lu Tiantian over the years.

In order for this magic weapon to truly exert its unexpected power, the material that was expanded several times was only part of it. He also prepared a big killer weapon!
After quenching the molten material, Lu Tiandu began the step of gathering and shaping the material.

Materials that have been refined for a long time, such as Yishen mud, sky fire purple gold and copper, spider silk spewed by various high-level monsters, silk, and jade glue produced by ten thousand-year-old jade oak, are continuously processed according to a certain method under the command of Lu Tiandu. The legal principles merged into a giant picture that was one hundred feet in size and exuded amazing spiritual power, lying across the secret room.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and the five-element spiritual crystal liquid showing white, black, green, red, and yellow colors was continuously integrated into the giant picture by Lu Tiandu.

At this moment, when you look at it, you can see that this huge picture, which is a hundred feet in size, is already full of colorful colors. It is so beautiful that people can't help but get addicted to it.

Looking at the foundation of the magic weapon that was gradually merging into one, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and several more jade bottles flew up. The transparent liquid in them was wrapped by Lu Tiandu's magic power and slowly penetrated into the giant picture.

These are liquids that have been refined from precious space materials such as Void Yuan Stones, Na Yuan Void Crystals, and Sky Cloud Crystals. Drops of liquids were continuously being merged into the giant map. Lu Tian quickly sensed the slightest trace of space fluctuations filling the space. On top of the giant picture.

I don't know how long it took, but after finally completing this step, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand again, and the blue and purple liquid transformed by the wind and thunder spirit crystal also merged into the picture one after another.

Looking at the huge picture exuding astonishing spiritual power, Lu Tiandu started the step of carving the formation and refining the spirit with a solemn expression.

Time flies, and several years have passed. During this period, whenever Lu Tiandu ran out of mana, he would take a drop of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk, so that he could not stop refining the magic weapon...

At the moment when this natal magic weapon was finally integrated and formed, Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and spat out, and seven thumb-sized balls of light flashed and instantly merged into the giant picture!

The seven original objects of gold, water, wood, fire, earth, wind and thunder were successfully integrated, and Lu Tiandu's natal magic weapon, wind and thunder, was finally completed at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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