Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 158 The magic weapon changes!Break in!Malice!

Chapter 158 The magic weapon changes!Break in!Malice! (Please subscribe)
The seven origins of gold, water, wood, fire, earth, wind, and thunder, this is the trump card that Lu Tiandu has prepared for his own magic weapon after repeated deductions over the years!

Moreover, in order to be able to withstand these original objects, the materials originally used to refine the magic weapon were increased seven to eight times!
Although the seven beads of various colors look small and don't seem to contain much of the origin, they are half of the origin in Lu Tiandu's body!
The origins of the five elements are naturally extracted from tens of millions of kilograms of monster flesh and blood, while the two major sources of wind and thunder mostly come from the wind source fruit and thunder source fruit, and the other small amounts are extracted from the flesh and blood of monster beasts.

In the secret room, a huge seven-foot-long picture with colorful colors hangs in the void.

Compared to the huge giant picture, these seven beads are really insignificant.

As the seven beads disappeared into the giant picture in a blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu relaxed his expression, flipped his fingers, and instantly fired a series of spells!

Just when he thought he would be able to put the treasure that he had worked hard for decades into his body, suddenly bursts of thunder came from the giant picture.

This made Lu Tiandu's expression change!
During the refining process, this magic weapon was refined with blood essence, and it had already been marked with his mark.Even Lu Tian would be able to sense any slight movement within the giant map.

At this moment, watching the huge picture rise and fall, it expanded more than doubled in an instant and continued to shrink. Waves of breathtaking auras came out, making Lu Tiandu look a little ugly.

"Good guy, luckily it hasn't been taken into the body yet, otherwise I would be really afraid that it would burst my body!"

Lu Tiandu had a look of joy on his face. When he first calculated, he was only pursuing power. Now that he came to his senses, he discovered a problem.

Dare to refine the original thing into the magic weapon. If nothing else, the power is probably ten times what it was before. Although he has already cultivated to the middle stage of Jindan, the treasure opposite him that frightens him may not be enough. Look!
These thoughts passed by in a flash, but Lu Tiandu still didn't stop at all. The dense seals in the air hit the wind and thunder prison map.

A few breaths later, under the eyes of Lu Tiandu in disbelief, the magic weapon made a loud "boom" and exploded in the hall in the blink of an eye. It grew bigger and bigger, turned into a colorful brocade handkerchief, and flew towards the sky.

"Holy shit! Is my magic weapon going to run away?!"

Lu Tian didn't even know how many years it had been since he used bad language.Looking at the wind and thunder prison map that had dyed the entire third floor of Yaochi Tower in seven colors, Lu Tiandu flashed his figure and already chased after him.

The diameter of the third floor of Yaochi Tower is only ten miles. At this moment, the Wind and Thunder Suppression Prison Map has turned into a giant map more than a thousand feet in size, filling the entire sky.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

The colorful giant pictures rose and fell together, and the rich spiritual energy in the third floor of the Yaochi Tower seemed to be summoned in an instant, swarming towards the colorful giant pictures.

I saw countless auras visible to the naked eye instantly appearing in the sky more than a hundred feet high. These auras were colorful and all contained the extremely pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and they all rushed towards the giant map.

At this moment, the sky was dyed in seven colors, and waves of roars filled the sky and the earth. Lu Tiandu looked at his own magic weapon in surprise.

"Why do you feel like you're not full yet?"

Lu Tiandu felt the message coming from the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture, and looked like he was numb!
But the good thing is that the connection between himself and the magic weapon is still there.

Of course, even if this magic weapon is channeled and can escape from the Yaochi Tower, it cannot escape from the stone beads, so there is no need to worry.

As the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture absorbs the spiritual energy in the tower like a bottomless well, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Shizhu World also wraps around the Yaochi Tower layer by layer and is absorbed instantly.

"Husband, what happened? Is there anyone who needs us?"

With such a huge change, all the girls in the tower were awakened early. They all flew over and looked at the colorful giant picture in the sky with shocked faces.

Although their spiritual sense revealed that this was a strange movement caused by a magic weapon, the girls still couldn't figure out when Lu Tiandu had such a magic weapon?
Didn’t you say that you have been refining your magic weapon in seclusion?
No, the magic weapon of destiny?
"This is……"

Nangong Wan looked at Lu Tiandu in shock.

"That's right, my magic weapon! There seems to be something wrong!"

Lu Tiandu smiled bitterly.

"What? Such a powerful magic weapon!!"

The girls looked at their husbands with strange expressions, and they were all shocked and didn't know what to say.I have never heard of anyone whose natal magic weapon can be as big as a thousand feet when displayed.

Not to mention other powers, this alone can show the size of thousands of feet without much mana infusion. It is really hard to imagine how powerful it will be after it is truly conquered!
Even Hong Fu was looking up and down at Lu Tian non-stop.Just now, her consciousness wanted to penetrate deeply into the giant colorful picture that covered the sky and the sun, but she couldn't penetrate it at all.

If this is an ownerless magic weapon, she may not be able to conquer it even if she wants to. In fact, this magic weapon is already very psychic in her observation, which makes her a little unbelievable!
"Congratulations, husband!" Nishang smiled charmingly.

"Hey, Sister Nishang has reached the late stage of Golden Elixir! Congratulations, sister!"

Only then did Lu Tiandu notice the changes in Nishang's body, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"My husband has been in seclusion for ten years, I can't fall behind!" Nishang said with a smile.

"Yes, ten years! We have been in the tower for 11 years!"

Looking at the giant picture that was still changing in the sky, Lu Tiandu said to himself.

Not only did it take him ten years to refine this magic weapon, but he also consumed a bottle of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk in the process, which made his body ache just thinking about it.

It was really because the Fenglei Prison Suppression Map was too large that the time consumed in the level of engraving the spirit and refining the spirit was far beyond his expectation.

Looking at the girls again at this moment, Nangong Wan is still in the late stage of Jindan, and is still some distance away from having a fake baby.Cen Jingjun has reached the peak of the early stage of Jindan, and he expects to break through soon.

Lu Tianxuan had successfully formed the elixir and looked at Lu Tiandu with eagerness. Naturally, she hoped that her senior brother would help refine the magic weapon.

The other three girls, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, and Yan Ruyan, have also taken fake elixirs, and will probably start to retreat to form elixirs next.

"It seems that my natal magic weapon still needs some time to digest!"

Lu Tiandu smiled happily and said, "That's it anyway, let's wait until Jutu stops absorbing spiritual energy!"
He has understood that this change must be related to the final injection of the seven original powers, and he vaguely guessed that it can be conquered. It is estimated that if the cultivation level does not change in the next period of time, it may be difficult to induce it!

"Let's go, I haven't seen you for many years, and my husband misses you very much!"

Looking at the beauties Yingying Yanyan, Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

I originally planned to go into seclusion to refine my life magic weapon and then go to Tianxing City to participate in the once-in-a-century auction. Unfortunately, it was probably over long ago, so I naturally couldn't participate.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Lu Tian did not practice much. Apart from observing the changes in his natal magic weapon, he just hung out with other girls.

Of course, I also helped Lu Tianxuan refine the natal magic weapon Chixiao Sanyuan Sword. This set of flying swords looks a bit weird, like a knife but not a knife, like a sword but not a sword. It has a set of three handles, divided into three swords of heaven, earth and man, with different lengths. , is also a rare fire attribute flying sword.

In the meantime, everyone rebuilt the Danding Pavilion that had been destroyed before. These were all small things.

Several months later, after the commotion in the sky finally subsided, Lu Tiandu began to try to refining his own magic weapon.

However, when he played the magic formula over and over again and could only activate a small part of the magic weapon, he smiled bitterly and realized that if he really wanted to take his own magic weapon back into his body, it would not be a task that could be completed in a short time.

Time passed, and in the following days, Lu Tiandu began to practice while refining his own magic weapon.

A few years later, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, and Yan Ruyan also came out of seclusion one after another and successfully formed elixirs.Except for Lu Tiandu who also refined the Chixiao Sanyuan Sword as a natal magic weapon for Caihuan, the other two people have not refined their natal magic weapon for the time being.

After all, the methods for refining the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo and the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror have not been obtained yet.Although Feng Xian left behind many metallic magic weapons, he still planned to let Yan Ruyan of Jinlinggen choose the set of eight golden light mirrors.

Of course, if you can't get the refining method within 20 years, you can only choose to refine other magic weapons.

Eight years later, when Lu Tiandu took the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Picture into his body for the first time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that next we have to try to see if we can exert some of the power of the magic weapon without being able to drive the magic weapon itself!"

Lu Tiandu returned to the Palace of Eternal Life, entered the secret room and murmured.

He is now at the peak of the middle stage of the golden elixir. If it hadn't taken more than ten years to refine the natal magic weapon, he should be in the late stage of the golden elixir at this moment.

After spending so much money, it would be too uncomfortable if the magic weapon couldn't be used now.

Therefore, he wanted to retreat this time to see if he could find a way to use part of the power of his natal magic weapon.

Two years later, Lu Tiandu came out of the secret room with a happy face.

"In total, I have stayed in the tower for 21 years since the end of the magic auction. It's time to go out and see the outside world!"

"This time we go out to find the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo first, and then look for Wen Tianren's traces to see if this person has the method of refining the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror. If not, maybe go to some big auctions or exchange meetings to find it. reward……"

Tianjing Sanren was a famous monk from the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars thousands of years ago. With the power of one person, he could fight against the entire star palace forces without falling behind. He even used the eight-door golden light mirror in his hand to destroy a generation of star palace lords. This shows that this The power of a supreme magic weapon.

However, although the power of Tianjing Sanren shook the sea of ​​​​stars, for some reason, this person disappeared hundreds of years later.

Back then, this man also had disciples, but even if the refining method of this magic weapon was passed down, it might not be easy to refine it.Otherwise, it is impossible that no other monks practicing metallic skills have considered this powerful magic weapon for thousands of years. However, in fact, there is very little news about the eight-door golden light mirror.

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Tiandu had already left the world of Shizhu.

"Hey, why isn't this the cave I originally set up?"

Lu Tiandu stood on the bottom of the sea, looking at the turbid seawater around him with a confused look on his face, feeling a little puzzled.

The Tianxuan Treasure Clothes had the effect of repelling water. As soon as he came out, he realized something was wrong. As soon as he poured in his magic power, the seawater around him was suddenly three feet away from his body.

At that time, in order to avoid being disturbed by others, he deliberately used the water escape technique to run to the bottom of the desert island and opened a simple cave.

Although the formation is very simple, it should not be a problem to stop the monks in the late stage of foundation building. As a result, let alone the previous cave, there is no shadow of the island around.

"It's strange. Did those old monsters fight and destroy the island, or was there some natural disaster?"

Lu Tian was speechless as his cave disappeared inexplicably.It seems that next time I have to arrange a slightly more powerful array.

Lu Tiandu was not in a hurry to go to sea and let go of his consciousness to search the seabed.

According to his guess, perhaps it was because after his cave was destroyed, the tiny particles transformed into stone beads drifted with the current in the sea for who knows how many years before stopping here.

This made him decide not to build a cave under the sea in the future, otherwise he might drift to another continent after being in seclusion for hundreds of years.

"Hey, there seems to be a big formation sixty miles away to the left!"

After letting go of his spiritual consciousness and silently feeling for a moment, Lu Tian was surprised. Could it be that he encountered a treasure just after leaving seclusion?

"This is a large protective formation. It looks like it has been around for a while. Maybe it really is the cave of some senior. Haha, it seems I'm lucky!"

Looking at the large formation that exuded a green luster, Lu Tiandu immediately knew that the area covered by this large formation was less than five miles in radius.

After a little testing, it turned out that the power of this great formation was not bad. It seemed that without the strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it would be impossible to break the formation.

However, this formation obviously didn't look like a newly built one. It seemed that it belonged to a cave without an owner. After Lu Tiandu made this judgment, he immediately let go of his hands and feet and prepared to break the formation.

At this moment, he was too lazy to use brute force to break the formation. He stretched out his hand to explore, and the golden wind filled his fingers.

Seeing the wind ball that had turned into a ball about ten feet in size, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly. With a press of his five fingers, the golden ball transformed by the golden wind was already attached to the green light curtain.

With a "chi" sound, the originally powerful formation was blown by the golden wind, and a large hole of about ten feet appeared in an instant.

And no matter how hard the cyan light curtain tries to close again, as soon as it is touched by the golden wind, it will instantly dissipate without a trace.

"After decades, my three-flavored kamikaze magical power is really different from the past!"

Seeing the power of the three-flavored kamikaze, Lu Tiandu laughed.

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Tiandu had already entered the light curtain.

"Why does this place not feel like a monk's cave! And it feels like someone has been here not long ago..."

With a sweep of his consciousness, Lu Tiandu had noticed something strange.

In a space of ten miles, there were only three huge jade pillars around it, about tens of feet high. Many wild and strange beasts were carved on them, and Lu Tiandu could only recognize some of them.

In the middle surrounded by three jade pillars, a white jade altar that is more than ten feet high and several hundred feet in size is located, giving people a vast and primitive feeling.

With a flash of lightning, the people from Lu Tiandu had gone straight to the altar.

Standing high in the sky, Lu Tiandu looked around at the huge altar. The dense and complex patterns on it shone with a strange luster. Lu Tian had to look at it for a long time before he realized that this thing looked a bit like a teleportation array, but it was a bit strange. So sure.

If it were a teleportation array, it would be too big.

How many people need to teleport at one time to need such a large teleportation array?How many spiritual stones need to be consumed?
"Is it the teleportation array in Xinggong's hand that can teleport to Dajin?"

Thinking of this, Lu Tian was a little excited.But then I remembered the traces from before. Did someone go to Dajin not long ago?
Just as Lu Tiandu was deep in thought, he suddenly noticed a hole in the formation. This change shocked him. Before he could hide back to Shizhu, three rays of consciousness had already locked onto him.

"Three Nascent Souls in the middle stage!"

Lu Tiandu was shocked, but he didn't worry too much. If it really came to a life-or-death situation, he would have no choice but to hide in Shizhu under the noses of these people.

"There are still six early-stage Nascent Soul monks and a hundred Golden Core monks. I seem to have broken into an extraordinary place..." At this moment, Lu Tiandu's consciousness swept away and he could see the person clearly, and the corners of his mouth twitched instantly. .

I came here to hunt for treasure, but this seems a bit troublesome!

It seems that it can only adapt to the circumstances.

"Hey, who are you? You broke into this place?"

At this moment, one of the three men in white, a rosy-faced old man in white at the early stage of Nascent Soul, asked.

"Hehe, isn't this little guy the guy named Lu Tiandu that Ji Yin has been looking for!"

Before Lu Tian could speak, an old man in black with a fiery red beard on the right side of the man in white laughed strangely.

After speaking, he looked at Lu Tiandu curiously.

"Master Tianhuang of Huohuang Island!"

Lu Tiandu had discovered several people he knew before as soon as the three teams came in. It was no surprise that Master Tianhuang, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, revealed their identities.

The figure changed for a while, Lu Tiandu returned to his original appearance with a wry smile, and bowed slightly:

"Junior Lu Tian has seen all the seniors and broke into this place unintentionally. I hope that the seniors will forgive me!"

At this moment, he has confirmed part of the identity of the people who came. They are from the third team. The three people in white in front form a team. It seems that their clothes belong to the elders of Xinggong.

The leader was a middle-aged Confucian scholar in the middle stage of Yuanying, and on the left and right were two old men in the early stage of Yuanying. The person who just asked the question was one of them.

Elder Xinggong’s right hand is a man of the demonic path. The leader is Master Tianhuang from Huohuang Island. The other two early Yuanying monks, Lu Tiandu, are unknown to him.

On the left hand side of Elder Xinggong is a righteous man. The leader is a thin old man named Luqiu. He is wearing a green shirt and has three strands of long beard. He is not tall. Lu Tiandu also got a general idea of ​​this man when he attended the auction last time. beyond its identity.

He also didn't know the two early Yuanying monks at the back. After all, there were many early Yuanying monks of both good and evil paths, and the number of people he had followed before was also limited.

At this moment, looking at Lu Tiandu who had returned to his original appearance of 20 years old, a group of Jindan monks behind Zhengmo Dao looked at Lu Tiandu in surprise and began to whisper.

Most of them had heard of the killing order issued by the Sixth Lian Palace and Jiyin Island 40 years ago. At that time, Lu Tiandu was still a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core, which was already in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Moreover, looking at Lu Tiandu's technique of changing appearance, and his sudden appearance here at this moment, it is obvious that both the Liulian Palace and Jiyin Island families guarding Lu Tiandu's cave in Tianxing City were deceived.

This made some Jindan monks who had trouble dealing with Jiyin Island chuckle.

"It turns out that you are Lu Tiandu, not bad, really good!"

The middle-aged scholar headed by Xing Gong listened to other people's conversations and knew Lu Tiandu's identity. He looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile and said with a smile.

"Junior doesn't dare. Since the seniors have important matters here, please forgive me for trespassing. I will resign now!"

Lu Tiandu heard that the middle-aged Confucian scholar at the head didn't pursue the intention of breaking into this place, so he thought about it and spoke.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Master Tianhuang said with a smile, "I am a little curious about how you, a kid at the Golden Core stage, broke into this place?"

"It turns out that this is the case, but this junior relied on a forbidden-breaking bead that he obtained from a senior's cave to enter this great formation." Lu Tiandu said with a slight smile.

"Really? But why do I feel that you are a bit weird! Let me try your strength!"

Master Tianhuang chuckled, and with a flick of his hand, a shocking thick green light shot straight towards Lu Tiandu...

(End of this chapter)

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