Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 159 Everyone has their own thoughts!Wild Demon Court!Murderous intent!

Chapter 159 Everyone has their own thoughts!Wild Demon Court!Murderous intent! (Please subscribe)

Seeing the huge green light pillar that had turned into a bucket-thick in the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu raised his head and glanced at Master Tianhuang, narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his steps, and instantly retreated towards the huge altar behind him.

In fact, the spell that Master Tianhuang sent out at random was probably equivalent to a blow from a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul under his induction. With Lu Tiandu's current magical power, there were several ways to block it.

However, before he understood the purpose of these people coming here, and there were so many multi-dimensional infant monks, he naturally did not want to expose his strength too early.

Therefore, while retreating, he did not even use the two escape techniques of wind and thunder.

Moreover, what does this old monster mean when he says there is something weird about him?
Naturally, he didn't believe that these old monsters would take the wanted persons of Jiyin Island and Sixth Palace to heart, let alone take the initiative to help these two people.

There must be some secrets that he didn't understand.

With all kinds of questions filling his mind, Lu Tiandu chose to take a step back.

With the arrival of hundreds of people, he had determined that there was an ancient teleportation array behind him.Since it is a teleportation array, Lu Tiandu doesn't believe that no one can stop the attack of the old monster Tianhuang?

If this teleportation array is destroyed, Lu Tiandu would like to know if these people have the ability to repair it.

Sure enough, when he chose to approach the teleportation array behind him, not to mention the expressions of the Jindan monks behind him changed drastically, even the expressions of several of the early Nascent Soul monks also changed.

"That's enough, Tianhuang!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's instant reaction to Tianhuang's blow, the eyes of the middle-aged scholars headed by Xing Gong flashed with admiration.

With a flick of his sleeves, a piece of golden cloud rushed towards the jade fire finger released by the old demon Tianhuang at a faster speed.

"If you don't want to enter the secret realm here, just say so, I have no intention of accompanying you here!"

With a casual blow, the middle-aged Confucian scholar said calmly while dispersing the spell of Tianhuang Old Demon.

"Haha, don't be surprised, Elder Shi. I'm just happy to see you. This little guy is not simple!"

Master Tianhuang, who was dressed in black, stroked his fiery red beard and laughed loudly, but his eyes flickered as he stared at Lu Tiandu.

"Since we have business to do this time, let's do business first. I think it's better to leave this troubling boy to us, good and evil, to deal with it. Fellow Taoist Luqiu, what do you think?"

The old demon Tianhuang looked at the old man in green shirt not far away and said.

The thin old man next to him was about to speak when the middle-aged Confucian scholar said coldly:
"Tianhuang, this is the territory of our Star Palace. If you continue to point fingers, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! When this matter is over, I am going to ask Elder Shi for advice!"

The old devil Tianhuang's eyes flashed with cold light and he sneered.

He was insulted again and again this time, and he was already furious. If the people from the Star Palace had not mastered the means of entering and exiting this secret realm, he would have been tempted to take action.

"Really? Once these people are sent away, I will be with you at any time!" The middle-aged Confucian scholar still sounded indifferent.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu frowned slightly while listening to the conversation between the two.

"Secret realm? That means this teleportation array is not leading to Dajin at all. It seems that I guessed wrong..."

"And what does this Elder Shi mean by standing up for me?"

The previous attack that intercepted the old demon Tianhuang could be said to be to protect the teleportation array, but the intention behind taking care of him, a person he met by chance, was very obvious. Everyone here was not a fool, so they could naturally see it.

This made Lu Tiandu a little confused.

"Furthermore, it is really strange that people from the Righteous Demon Path and Xing Gong appear together this time! I don't believe that Xing Gong has not discovered the conspiracy of the Right and Demon Path in these years, and now he actually agreed to send people from the Right Demon Path in. It seems that there may be some of them I don’t know the inside story... It’s better for me to leave this place as soon as possible. It’s business to go out and break through the late stage of Jindan as soon as possible..."

As soon as these thoughts passed by, Lu Tiandu had already floated down from the teleportation array, saluted to the middle-aged Confucian scholar:
"Thank you, Elder Shi, for your love and care. I am very grateful to you!"

"Okay, please stand aside for now. I'll have something to tell you later!" The elder Shi from Star Palace smiled slightly and nodded.

Just when Lu Tiandu was about to walk aside, an old voice sounded:

"Brother Shi, since this person broke into this place accidentally, it is fate. I think it is better to let him join the team and send him to the secret realm together. Maybe there will be another chance!"

The person who spoke was the old man named Luqiu who was the leader of the Zhengdao team. When Lu Tiandu heard this man's words, his heart sank and he thought something was wrong.

Sure enough, I heard Tianhuang Laomo also smile with a cheerful expression:
"It should be so. Since Xing Gong promised not to send anyone in this time, and this person is not from Xing Gong, and since all the Jindan monks here are going to the secret realm, letting this kid join is also a sign of our seniors. The heart of love and care..."

After hearing the words of the two mid-stage Nascent Soul leaders from the Righteous and Demonic Paths, Elder Shi frowned and fell silent.

He had naturally discovered the communication between Tianhuang and Lu Qiu just now. As for Tianhuang's previous attempt to test Lu Tiandu, he could probably guess the reason.

It should be that the little guy Lu Tiandu got a new treasure from somewhere, and his whole body is filled with treasure energy. For a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is easy to find it after careful observation.

It must be a powerful treasure, which aroused the greed of the old demon.

As for why Lu Qiu didn't take the initiative before, it's actually easy to understand. After all, compared to the unscrupulousness of the demonic path, the righteous path will always throw out a fig leaf before openly robbing!
Of course, it is also possible that this man is really a gentleman and has never thought of seizing the treasure from Lu Tiandu.

"Senior Brother Shi, do you want to guide this Lu Tiandu to join our Star Palace?"

Next to Elder Shi, another middle-aged man in the early stage of Nascent Soul with a Chinese-character face looked at Elder Shi, who frowned and remained silent, and asked through a voice transmission.

"Junior Brother Hong's guess is correct. I took the initiative to help this person before because I intended to make this person owe a favor so that I can win him over to join our star palace..." The middle-aged Confucian scholar also said in a message.

"What's so special about this man?" asked the middle-aged man surnamed Hong.

He had naturally seen Master Tianhuang's previous movements, and he thought there must be something about Lu Tiandu that interested the old devil.

But his senior brother's proactive help puzzled him. There was only one reason he could think of, and that was because Lu Tiandu had something special about him, so his senior brother could be interested in Lu Tiandu.

If Lu Tiandu was just a monk at the peak of the middle stage of the ordinary Golden Core, and there were a lot of monks of this level in the Star Palace, his senior brother would not have made such a change.

"Don't underestimate this man. This little guy is very extraordinary. You know I know the art of bone observation. This man should be less than [-] years old, and he has also practiced some secret skills of spiritual consciousness. His spiritual consciousness is far beyond A monk of the same level, and his body is also faintly powerful. In a few years, he may be able to break through to the late stage of the Golden Core..."

"What? A [-]-year-old late-stage Jindan monk!"

The middle-aged man named Hong with a Chinese face stared at Lu Tiandu carefully.

Listening to the surprise in Junior Brother Hong's tone, the Confucian scholar surnamed Shi did not say much. In fact, his bone observation technique showed that Lu Tian should be less than a hundred years old, but he could cultivate to the peak of the middle stage of Jindan before he was a hundred years old. It was really too great. Shocking.

He secretly guessed that perhaps a certain treasure on Lu Tiandu's body affected his judgment, but even so, Lu Tiandu was probably over 100 years old, certainly no more than [-] years old.

In the later stage of the Golden Elixir around the age of two hundred, if follow-up resources can keep up, there is definitely a great hope of condensing the Nascent Soul before the age of three hundred.

In this way, Lu Tiandu, in his eyes, was no less talented than Wen Tianren, who was known as the No. 1 young man in the Demonic Way among the crowd.

Naturally, he very much approved of Senior Brother Shi recruiting such a talented person into the Star Palace.

And since Lu Tiandu has offended Jiyin Island and Sixth Palace, it is only natural to join the Star Palace. Otherwise, Lu Tiandu will only be hiding in hiding after leaving here.

"Senior Brother Shi, in this case, we must protect this person, but don't send him to die..." The middle-aged man surnamed Hong said hurriedly.Seeing that the path of good and evil has two minds, the people of the Star Palace naturally hope that their own strength will be as strong as possible.

However, when he saw that Lu Qiu and Tianhuang, headed by Zhengmo Dao, had already locked onto his senior brother, and two Nascent Soul monks locked onto Lu Tiandu, the man's expression changed.

"Forget it, let's look at this little guy's fate!"

Elder Shi secretly sighed. Several supervisors of Star Palace had long been aware of the undercurrent of good and evil ways and were brewing a big conspiracy against Star Palace.

It is a pity that the two saints of Tianxing cannot leave the seclusion for the time being, so they can only cope with the changes by remaining unchanged.

Just a few years ago, the volcano erupted in this sea area, which exposed the teleportation array leading to the secret realm of the Wild Demon Court that had been hidden by Xing Gong. The good and evil ways worked together to force Xing Gong to temporarily have to give in and make a sharing move.

Although he agreed to allow Zhengmo Dao and others to enter this secret realm to look for opportunities, in fact, after Xing Gong found out other reasons for the volcanic movement, he decided to cut off some outstanding seeds of Zhengmo Dao along the way.

This secret realm has been discovered by the people of Star Palace for thousands of years. Most of the peripheral things have been taken away by the Jindan monks of Star Palace, and there are not many good things left.

As for the things in the core area, ordinary pill-forming monks cannot break the restrictions, and there are many wild and strange beasts. Without certain strength, there is only a dead end.

The most important thing is that according to their judgment, this change should be a chain change caused by the high-level monsters in the sea discovering another teleportation array entering this wild ruins.

When the ruins are opened this time, many level [-] monsters will inevitably enter it, and the danger will naturally increase. I am afraid that not even one out of ten Jindan monks who enter this secret realm will survive in the end.

Anyway, it’s not a pity that there is no one from Xing Gong this time.

But it was a pity that Lu Tian, ​​who he was optimistic about, was included.

But this time he was leading the team. Although he was determined to introduce Lu Tiandu into the Star Palace, he couldn't mess up this big event just for one person.

Therefore, without thinking too much, Elder Shi made a decision.

"Since the two fellow Taoists insist on it, this elder has nothing to say. I hope he can gain something from this secret realm!"

Elder Shi looked up at Tianhuang and Luqiu with his still calm tone.

"Okay, young people still need more experience and experience!"

The thin old man named Luqiu stroked three strands of his long beard and looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile.

"Two old guys, I will come to you to settle accounts after I have a baby!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Old Demon Tianhuang and Old Man Luqiu who were looking at him as if they were looking at someone dead, and he made a note of these two old guys in his heart.

In fact, just when the Nascent Soul cultivator of Zhengmo Dao locked his qi machine, Lu Tiandu knew that this time might be a bit difficult.

Hearing Elder Shi's words at this moment, he was not surprised at all.After all, he doesn't have much friendship with the people in the Star Palace. It's already good if they can say nice things to him once.

As for entering the secret realm, he was actually not too worried, because after listening to the conversation between Lu Qiu and Tianhuang, he knew that these Nascent Soul monks would not enter, which made him relieved.

As for these golden elixir monks, he really didn't pay attention to them, even though many of them had already reached the late stage of golden elixir cultivation.

Moreover, during these days, Lu Tian had already guessed that the people in Tianhuang who had come to trouble him many times were most likely plotting some kind of treasure of his own. The two treasures sensed by the old devil were the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes and the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map. .

Since it is difficult for these two people to take action at the moment, they can only let him enter the secret realm and let the disciples and the like take action.

Many of the magic elixir monks looked at him wrongly. After all, the rewards from Jiyin Island and Sixth Link Palace were quite a lot.

Among the demonic people, in addition to Huo Yunzi and Chi Huo, who were disciples of Master Tianhuang, there was also a man named Luo Meng who was an extremely yin disciple. He looked at him with undisguised murderous intent.

There were several other people he knew including Wen Tianren, and they all had inexplicable expressions on their faces. He thought that if he had the opportunity, he would not mind collecting the reward with his own head.

Looking at these people with evil eyes, Lu Tian sneered secretly. He hadn't done anything for a long time, and his hands were really itchy.

At this moment, a sound transmission entered Lu Tiandu's ears...

After listening attentively for a moment, Lu Tiandu finally gained some understanding of this secret realm. After secretly nodding to the elder named Shi, he stood in the corner and became silent.

"Wild Demon Court? It seems to be related to monsters! As long as you stay there for a year, you can be automatically transported out. This is really a good thing for me..."

The elder named Shi just gave a general introduction to this secret realm, but it was not very detailed, but the intention of inviting him to join the Star Palace was very obvious. Of course, this was after Lu Tiandu came out alive.

He really has no intention of joining Xing Gong. Wouldn't it be nice to be the future successor of Xing Gong after he captures Ling Yuling?Why fight to the death for Xing Gong at this time!

What's more important is that the teleportation place is no longer this teleportation array, but a random location.This is naturally more beneficial to him.

Moreover, according to Elder Shi, apart from most of the golden elixir monks who entered here this time, they belong to the righteous demon path, and the others are all golden elixir monks from neutral forces.

It should be that the time has not yet arrived, and everyone is waiting quietly.

Lu Tiandu then carefully observed the hundreds of golden elixir monks, and he also discovered among them the young woman surnamed Wang, who had interacted with him several times before.

Just as Lu Tiandu was sizing up the young woman, the young woman also happened to look over, blinked and turned her head away without leaving a trace.

"Sure enough, this young woman who hides her true appearance has discovered my identity a long time ago, and she didn't pretend not to know me. Now that this person has revealed his identity, what does he think? And according to Elder Shi, there is a lot of danger inside this time. What kind of opportunity does she, an early-stage Jindan cultivator, look for when she enters this place?"

Although Elder Shi didn't say it explicitly, Lu Tiandu naturally became serious, thinking secretly and full of questions.

A few hours later, a blue jade plate held in the hands of the three elders of the Star Palace lit up, and the shadows of three strange beasts of different shapes gradually appeared in the sky above the jade plate.

Seeing this scene, the three of them looked at each other, their figures flashed, and they instantly flew towards the three jade pillars that were tens of feet high surrounding the teleportation array.

At this moment, the phantoms above the three jade plates became clearer and clearer. When Lu Tiandu saw these three strange beasts clearly, his heart was shocked.

"It turned out to be the phantoms of three wild spirit beasts: Lei Peng, Golden Crow, and Golden Winged Tiger! Wild Demon Court, from the name, it seems that these kinds of heaven and earth spirit beasts may have existed in this secret realm..."

Just as Lu Tiandu was thinking secretly, he heard Elder Shi shout loudly:
"Quick, enter the teleportation array!"

The hundred or so Golden Core cultivators did not dare to hesitate, and all flew towards the [-]-foot teleportation array in the center.Under the gaze of several Nascent Soul cultivators, Lu Tiandu remained speechless and entered the teleportation array in a flash.

At this moment, he suddenly felt as if a ray of his energy had been intercepted by someone. Looking at Tianhuang with a strange smile below, Lu Tiandu was expressionless, but he was already murderous.

"According to Elder Shi, although they are all teleported together, the location of each person after teleportation is random. At this moment, the old devil intercepts a ray of my Qi, I am afraid that my position has been locked by others, or that Would anyone be in the same position as me?”

It is not uncommon for this kind of secret technique to appear in the same location after teleportation, and it is naturally not difficult for the old demon of Tianhuang in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

At this moment, the three elders of the Star Palace each sprayed out a mouthful of rays of light, covering the jade plate, flipping their fingers, and hitting the jade plate with spells one after another.

In the teleportation array, everyone seemed to be waiting casually, but in fact they were all on guard.

This kind of teleportation array does not use teleportation talismans for some reason, but for the sake of safety, Lu Tiandu already held the Great Teleportation Order in his hand wrapped in his sleeve...

At this moment, as the elders of Star Palace cast spells, a golden mask of light shrouded the sky above the teleportation array. Suddenly, the phantoms of several wild beasts appeared in the mask. In the surprised eyes of everyone, One after another, illusory shadows of wild and strange beasts entered everyone's bodies.

With a flash of golden light, more than a hundred people on the teleportation array disappeared instantly!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 850 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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