Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 160 The power of black holes!Yuyang is really hot!The wind is coming!

Chapter 160 The power of black holes!Yuyang is really hot!The wind is coming! (Please subscribe)
The yellow sand stretches as far as the eye can see, with occasionally a few khaki or reddish plants growing among them.

The hot fire breath rushed towards my face, as if it was going to set my lungs on fire.

Occasionally, there were strange screams in the sky, which made people feel suddenly bored.

This was Lu Tiandu's first feeling after being teleported to the ruins of the "Wild Demon Court".

At this moment, he had released the protective shield around him, and the golden and purple protective shields were fluorescing, blocking out all discomfort.

"Three-legged Golden Crow Phantom? Is it possible to enter this place with the help of this spiritual beast mark?"

Lu Tiandu stayed in the void, looking at the shadow of a three-legged golden crow that appeared on the back of his hand and thinking secretly.

This was one of the hundreds of phantoms of wild and strange beasts that appeared at the end of the huge teleportation array.

The appearance of the phantoms of wild and exotic beasts such as true dragons, phoenixes, basalts, three-legged golden crows, golden winged tigers, peacocks, etc. surprised everyone in the formation, and regardless of whether everyone in the teleportation formation released their shields, these phantoms would last. In a blink of an eye, he entered everyone's body.

And just as these shadows fell on the backs of everyone's hands to form marks, accompanied by bursts of golden light, everyone was teleported here.

"As a result, the Taoist monks in the tower may not be able to come out easily!"

Lu Tiandu had only heard from Elder Shi before that as long as he stayed here for one year, he would be teleported out.But some details were not given.

At this moment, he hasn't figured out the details here and the function of the mark, so naturally he doesn't dare to release the girls at will.

"Since this is a ruins, there must be a lot of things that are rare to the outside world. Since I'm here, I naturally have to explore it carefully."

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu turned over his hands, and two small monster beasts appeared in his hands.

One of them was about half a foot tall, with pale golden hair, a slender tail, and golden eyes. When he saw Lu Tiandu, his big eyes showed an affectionate look. He was the little golden monkey he hadn't seen for a long time.

Over the years, this monkey has become a level five spiritual beast.

The other one was a second-level treasure-hunting rat obtained after killing Elder Miao of the Sixth Company Hall more than forty years ago, but it had just become a fourth-level monster at the moment.

With his huge nose and rolling black eyes, he is very smart at first glance.

"With these two spiritual beasts that are naturally very sensitive to elixirs, treasures, ores, I might gain a lot this time!"

Lu Tiandu teased the two little guys for a while and thought about it.

He has not forgotten the performance of the little golden monkey in the blood ban trial. Without this monkey, although he also has a golden finger, it would be difficult to obtain the Yaochi Tower and many inheritances.

"Hey, someone is coming!"

Just when Lu Tian was about to find a direction to hunt for treasure, two escaping lights, one red and one black, shot rapidly in his direction.

"The visitor is not good!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and had no intention of hiding it.

Since there are some golden elixir monks here, and there are many people who are very interested in his head, he naturally wants to see it, and get some trophies along the way.

Within a moment, two rays of light stopped not far from the land and sky, revealing a red cloud measuring dozens of feet in size and a dark cloud measuring seven or eight feet in size.

Two people appeared in the two clouds, one was 40 years old, with a medium build, and a red face. Even the beard around his chin was red. They were somewhat similar to Tianhuang, and they were the great disciples of the old demon Tianhuang. Huo Yunzi, a late-stage Jindan cultivator.

At this moment, the man was playing with a jade bead in his hand.

The other person in the black cloud is a purple-faced man with a majestic face and a powerful martial arts. He is Chi Huo, the third disciple of Tianhuang Old Demon, with a peak cultivation level in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Both of these two people have extraordinary qualifications and have the opportunity to advance to Nascent Soul, which is where Tianhuang is very proud.

"Boy, hand over your treasure, and our brothers and sisters will give you a treat!"

The purple-faced man Chihuo kicked Lu Tiandu, who had a calm look on his face, and shouted. Following the man's words, the black clouds protecting him continued to roar, with a hint of thunder and lightning.

Huo Yunzi also looked at Lu Tiandu with an indifferent expression, his meaning self-evident.

Thanks to the qi-machine connection technique used by their master, Master Tianhuang, the place they were teleported to was not far from Lu Tiandu, and they quickly used the tracking technique to track them down.

"The treasure is in my hands, it's up to you if you have the ability to take it!"

Lu Tiandu snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to explore, and opened his fingers. Suddenly, the sky was filled with violent winds, thunder, and a black hole of blue and purple, dozens of feet in size, appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the black hole appeared, in the blink of an eye, it appeared mysteriously above the heads of Huo Yunzi and Chi Huo. Green and purple colors were flowing, wind and thunder were blowing, and a huge suction force instantly covered the shocked two people.

"What kind of magic is this?"

The two of them looked at each other and looked at the strange black hole above their heads. Their expressions changed and at the same time, they suddenly activated the protective demonic energy around them to resist the suction coming from the black hole above their heads.

"No, this is not an ordinary magical power!"

Seeing that the surrounding fire cloud was sucked down by the black hole in just a few breaths, only a thin layer was left. Huo Yunzi's face changed drastically at the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed, and a small green shield flew to the top of his head in a flash. , instantly transformed into a size of several feet, and sprinkled green glow to protect the whole body.

"Senior brother!"

Huo Yunzi, who had just released the protective magic weapon, looked back at the red fire in the distance, and his expression changed drastically.

After all, Chi Huo's skill was insufficient. At this moment, the magic power around him was consumed without even releasing the magic weapon. The dark clouds turned into black clouds, and he was sucked into the black hole with a look of panic.

"Damn! What a weird magical power!"

Seeing Junior Brother Chi Huo sinking into the black hole in the blink of an eye and disappearing silently in front of his eyes, Huo Yunzi was frightened and angry, but he didn't dare to hesitate. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a fiery red fan appeared in front of his eyes.

The man bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, and a ball of essence and blood spurted towards the fan. He stretched out his hand and held the red fan that instantly became about ten feet in size.

Seeing the increasingly dim light on the small green shield, the man did not hesitate and waved the giant fan violently with both hands.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Groups of red flames continued to fly out from the red flame fan, and the fire waves rolled into the surrounding wind, thunder and lightning, as well as the frightening suction force in the black hole.

"It's just a waste of effort!"

Looking at Huo Yunzi who was struggling at this moment, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, and the magic formula in his hand suddenly changed. A golden purple magic power shot towards the black hole instantly, and at the same time he shouted:


In the blink of an eye, with the injection of this golden-purple mana, the green-purple black hole above Huo Yunzi's head suddenly expanded and shrank. With a "snoring" sound, Huo Yunzi was annihilated in his disbelieving eyes...

Looking at the black hole suspended in the sky that had become smaller, Lu Tiandu made a move, and the black hole returned to his head in a flash.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Two storage bags and three treasures, a shield, a fan and a bead, fell from the black hole and were put away by Lu Tiandu.

As for Huo Yunzi and Chi Huo, their bodies had already been consumed by the black hole.

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and reached out to touch the black hole in the sky. The black hole shrank instantly and turned into a purple stream of light that sank into his body.

"Although it is temporarily unable to drive the body of the Fengling Prison Diagram, with the help of the original power in the body, it can still drive this magic weapon to exert one or two points of power. This time it seems to be really good!"

Lu Tiandu thought about the scene during the black hole battle he had just performed.

This black hole with two colors of blue and purple is something similar to a magical power that he spent two years to figure out and temporarily borrowed from the Wind and Thunder Prison map to display it.

Although it only mobilizes part of the power manifested by the Prison of Wind and Thunder, with the blessing of the origin of Wind and Thunder, even part of the power of the Prison of Wind and Thunder is different from the past.

And because of the spirit body of wind and thunder, the prison of wind and thunder spontaneously blessed the two escape techniques of wind and thunder when he performed it. It was really fast and difficult to guard against.

It was precisely when Lu Tiandu made a move that it completely surprised the two of them. This unknown black hole magical power actually crossed hundreds of feet and landed on top of the two of them in a flash, catching them off guard.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful Lu Tiandu's magic weapon was, the two of them could still be entangled for a while when they released the magic weapon. It's a pity that they were careless and didn't dodge!

Don't talk about martial arts!
In the blink of an eye, the two golden elixir monks died like this. It was really frustrating!

At this moment, Lu Tiandu was not in a hurry to hunt for treasures, and began to check the two people's storage bags to see if they had detailed records about this ruins.

"Hey, there is an ancient treasure!"

Lu Tiandu reached out and touched something, and something flew out of Huo Yunzi's storage bag.

Purple-red light flashed, and Lu Tiandu held the two-foot-long purple-red ancient sword in his hand and looked at it.

The blade of this ancient treasure flying sword was purple-red and covered with mysterious textures. It looked extraordinary. Lu Tiandu found five small ancient characters on the sword.

"Purple Lightning Black Fire Sword!"

After playing with it for a while, Lu Tiandu gave it a try and flicked it, and the flying sword instantly turned into a purple-red sword light and shot towards a pile of sand far away.

With a "boom", thunder roared, flames swirled, and with the power of a sword, the sand pile disappeared without a trace.

"That's right, that's right. I wonder if this is the ancient treasure of the old demon Tianhuang. This time I got an advantage again!" Lu Tiandu laughed.

The small piece of Yishenyi mud at the previous magic auction was provided by this person. As a result, Lu Tiandu used the magic weapon he had made to kill his two apprentices and took away his ancient treasure. He might still use it in the future. This magic weapon killed him. If the old devil found out about this, he would be furious to death.

Of course, this enmity was naturally caused by the old devil's greed to seize the treasure. He drank and pecked, making it difficult to fathom.

After putting away the Purple Lightning Black Fire Sword, Lu Tian found a dusty and simple jade slip in just a moment.

Putting the jade slip between his eyebrows, Lu Tiandu carefully read the contents.

After a while, Lu Tiandu put away the jade slips, with a bit of doubt in his expression.

"I didn't expect that this ruins turned out to be a fragment of space that was refined into a holy place for practice by those with great supernatural powers in the barbaric period. No wonder I feel that although this environment is not very good, the aura is extremely strong..."

"However, a lot of the information in this jade slip clearly reminds me that it is hearsay and can only be used as a reference. Therefore, I naturally have to be more careful!"

"It is rumored that the outermost part of this demon court space once belonged to the temple of the five demon saints, and the core area belongs to the demon palace... I don't know how many thousands of years have passed. How much of the former demon clan's holy land still has its legacy?" This information flowed through Lu Tiandu's mind. According to his guess, since the Star Palace allows these people of the evil path to enter, they may have already explored it.

It’s hard to say what scraps will be left now.

But it doesn't matter, if he can't find the treasure, he will just practice in seclusion for a while.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu put away some valuable things in the two people's storage bags into different categories.

Except for the damaged small shield, the red flame fan should be Huo Yunzi's natal magic weapon, and the black beads are the natal magic weapon obtained by Chi Huo's practice of "Kui Shui Magic Skill". Both of these magic weapons are still intact.

According to the original plot, Chi Huo will dominate Yuangui Island by virtue of his Kuishui Demonic Skill and the reputation of his master after his cultivation reaches the late stage of Jindan.

Later, he coveted Zi Ling's beauty and promised Zi Ling to help avenge his mother.In fact, he put on a play with Wu Chou Jiyin and others, helping Jiyin Fenshen to kill the master of Jiyin Island's abandoned Yinsha sect, and let Jiyin get a copy of the remnant map of Xutian.

As for the previous plan by people from Jiyin Island to kill Zi Ling's mother, I don't know whether Chi Huo participated in it.

But now he died early in the hands of Lu Tiandu.

There were several magic weapons and 13 spirit stones in the storage bags of the two of them. Lu Tian threw some other things of little value into the Yaochi Tower, letting the girls sort them out when they were free.

Although they were killed casually, Lu Tian didn't take it to heart.Anyone who enters the ruins of the Savage Demon Court this time and feels that he has some strength may have some thoughts about him. After all, the rewards given by Jiyin Island and Sixth Lian Palace are very high.

I believe there are many more battles to come.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu would not refuse these boys who gave away treasures.

"This is a peripheral area. According to the records on the jade slips, it should be the earth spirit realm. I heard that the earliest demon saints were the Xuanwu clan... Maybe we can also find earth-attribute elixirs and spiritual materials!"

After releasing the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting rat, Lu Tiandu began to see if there was anything valuable nearby.

This place is a scorching desert. It is dozens of times hotter than the normal deserts recorded in the book. I don’t know why.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu kept his protective shield on while flying at low altitude. He was already rich in real energy, so he was not afraid of this consumption.

Along the way, he met some other Jindan monks who came in. As long as these people didn't take the initiative, Lu Tian wouldn't bother to meet these people.

After flying thousands of miles, the treasure-hunting rat in his sleeves sent a message through his mind.

"Is there a mineral vein underground?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the ordinary desert and muttered.

Along the way, he not only killed several wild exotic birds that attacked him, but also found two yellow chrysanthemums that were about 3000 years old in a nook. It was a good harvest.

But looking at the excited look of the treasure hunter mouse, there might be something good underground.

Letting go of his spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu's limit at the moment is about ninety miles, which is very small compared to Yuanying's hundred-mile spiritual consciousness.

After checking that no one else was around, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and disappeared into the desert at his feet.

After using the Earth Escape Technique and descending [-] feet under the guidance of the treasure-hunting rat, Lu Tiandu suddenly felt a hot air seeping in through the protective shield.

"Is it a fire-attributed treasure?"

Lu Tiandu removed the protective shield, and as soon as mana was poured into Tianxuan Treasure Clothes, a pale golden light shield appeared all over his body.

"No, this is a mineral vein... it's not a fire attribute, it's actually a Tianyang Stone mineral vein!"

Half an hour later, when Lu Tiandu finally finished detecting this mineral vein, which was less than ten miles long, he looked at a piece of pure white jade with jade-colored flames in his hand with a look of surprise on his face.

"This is one of the top materials used to refine pure Yang treasures in the world of immortality. I didn't expect to find a small vein of minerals here!"

At the last auction, in order to refine the Sun Golden Wheel for Cen Jingjun, he bought a fist-sized Tianyang Stone and spent more than 7 spiritual stones.

Moreover, one piece of Tianyang Stone was not enough to refine the Sun Gold Wheel, so he consumed the source to generate five pieces.Who would have thought that I would meet so many people here at once.

And how much spiritual stone is this ten-mile long mine worth?
"Haha, with this vein of Tianyang Stone, it will be much easier to cultivate Yuyang True Fire!"

Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up.Tianyang Stone contains a kind of pure yang energy called "Yuyang Qi". If there is a large amount of this Yuyang Qi, a kind of fire-attribute magical power of Yuyang True Fire can be cultivated.

Lu Tiandu remembered that the ancient Zicheng pocket treasure obtained by Yinyue in the original work contained a large number of Tianyang stones, which could release the Yuyang True Fire and was also a rare treasure.

Although this Yuyang True Fire is not as good as the Golden Crow True Fire, Suzaku True Fire, Sun Essence Fire and other famous flames, not everyone can cultivate it.

After all, in the current world of immortality, one Tianyang Stone is equivalent to tens of thousands of spiritual stones, and only some Nascent Soul monks with wealth can purchase enough Tianyang Stones to cultivate such magical powers.

"It's a pity that this kind of jade can restrain the gold-eating insects. Otherwise, it would be better to let the gold-eating insects help purify it. It seems that I will be busy next!"

Although this mineral deposit is also concentrate, Lu Tiandu estimates that the content of Tianyang Stone is about [-]%.

Lu Tiandu punched out a huge hole, and after mentally notifying the idle girls in the Yaochi Tower to prepare to receive the Tianyang Stone ore on the second floor, he sacrificed a golden flying knife, which turned into a golden knife several feet long. The work of dividing the veins began.

Half a day later, looking at the rumbling and collapsing land behind him, Lu Tian showed a smile:
"Only the last small piece is left. The harvest of these Tianyang Stones alone makes this trip worthwhile!"

A quarter of an hour later, just when Lu Tiandu had collected the last part of the mineral veins and used the earth escape technique to get out of the underground.

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded:

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

Lu Tian looked at the three men in white in front of him angrily.

According to memory, these three people seemed to be in the righteous team. The leader who spoke was a monk who was at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden elixir. This man was in his forties, dressed in white, and looked elegant and extraordinary.

However, he is born with a good skin, which inadvertently makes people like him very much.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Lu. I'm Chen Sheng. The three of us brothers and sisters are tracking a spiritual beast here. Unexpectedly, we bumped into Fellow Daoist Lu collecting treasures here. Looking at the movement here, Fellow Daoist is quite lucky!"

The man asked with a smile.

"Since the three Taoist friends are tracking the spiritual beasts, Lu has never seen any spiritual beasts, so I won't bother you." Lu Tiandu smiled, "As for Lu's harvest, there is no need to tell my friends!"


Lu Tiandu bowed his hands and was about to leave in a flash.

At this moment, another chubby old man among the three people was heard speaking hurriedly and stepping forward:
"Hey, fellow Taoist, wait a minute, we just want to ask you if you have seen the seventh-level black rock turtle. Why should you..."

Just when Lu Tian was getting impatient, a treacherous look flashed in the eyes of the round-faced old man. His hands in his sleeves shook suddenly, and a dozen silver flying needles stabbed Lu Tiandu in a flash.

"Hey, kill me..."

"court death!"

He had already guessed that these three people had evil intentions, but when he saw that this person dared to sneak attack with the flying needle magic weapon, Lu Tian was instantly furious.

Before the man could finish his sentence, there was a flash of purple light, thunder, and Lu Tian had disappeared.

Just when the three of them felt something bad, a clear and crisp sound of "click" came to the ears of the middle-aged man in white and another early-stage golden elixir monk in his thirties.

"Brother Zhao!"

Chen Sheng and another Xu Jindan looked at Senior Brother Zhao, who had his head lowered and Lu Tiandu had pinched his neck, dying from death, with expressions of shock and anger on their faces.


The two men looked at each other and instantly realized that they had hit a brick wall this time.

As soon as they opened their mouths, they spit out their magic weapons and prepared to fight for their lives. However, Lu Tiandu's weird speed made them not sure of their escape.

At this moment, we can only take action first to see if we can work together to find a chance of survival.

What made the two of them even more horrified was that Senior Brother Zhao's physical body was destroyed and not even a trace of his soul escaped!
Naturally, they didn't know that the moment Senior Brother Zhao had his neck crushed by Lu Tiandu, he wrapped his mind around the golden elixir and tried to escape. Unfortunately, he was flashed by a wisp of golden wind and turned into nothingness.

"The wind is coming!"

Seeing the swords and rings coming, Lu Tiandu instantly inspired Tianxuan Baoyi and uttered two words at the same time.

At this moment, the distance between the three of them was only about thirty feet. In a flash, the magic weapons of the two turned into giant swords and giant rings, emitting strong green and golden light and attacking Lu Tiandu from left to right.

At the same time, as Lu Tiandu said "The wind is coming", in an instant, the space where everyone was standing suddenly became filled with a lot of golden mist within tens of feet.

The mist moved with the wind, seemingly slowly but actually very quickly. In the incredulous eyes of Chen Sheng and the two of them, it instantly penetrated the protective light shields that the two had casually laid out.

The two of them didn't feel any pain, and they turned into gray powder in the blink of an eye. It was so weird in the golden wind!
With another magical move, a middle-stage golden elixir monk and an early-stage golden elixir monk perished!
With a "huh" sound, Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and inhaled, and wisps of golden mist in the sky were inhaled into his dantian!

"It seems like no matter what the cat or dog is, they want to use me to collect the reward!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, looked in a certain direction and said softly.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu grabbed it with five fingers, and the three storage bags left by the three people as well as ten flying needle magic weapons, green swords, and golden rings instantly appeared in his hands.

With his current wind and thunder spirit body combined with the two escape techniques of wind and thunder, his speed is so weird and extremely fast that ordinary Jindan monks can't detect it.

He was confident enough to dodge even the magic weapon attacks released by the last two people, and sacrificing the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes only increased his insurance.

"If this fellow Taoist keeps hiding somewhere sneakily, don't blame Mr. Lu for being rude!"

Lu Tiandu said coldly, looking at a trace of spiritual light fluctuation that was still hidden somewhere.

After a while, just when Lu Tian was impatient, a weak voice suddenly came from the desert below:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, wait a minute!"

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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