Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 161 Meet the young woman again!Eye of Yuan Lei!Spring breeze 1 degree!

Chapter 161 Meet the young woman again!Eye of Yuan Lei!Spring breeze once! (Please subscribe)

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Wang. I haven't seen him for more than thirty years. I never expected to see Fellow Daoist here!"

Looking at the tall, plump and attractive young woman's figure shrouded in the rays of light emitted by a large emerald-green monument, Lu Tiandu said calmly.

I don't know what kind of battle this man has experienced before. His hair, which was always pulled up high, is a little messy at the moment, and he looks like his breath is unstable and his energy has not been restored.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Lu already knows!"

The young woman surnamed Wang showed a wry smile, stretched out her slender hand to pick up her scattered black hair, showing a somewhat charming appearance, and looked at Lu Tiandu and confirmed.

"To be honest with you, fellow Taoist, I had some guesses when I made the last transaction. I was sure of it when I saw you outside the teleportation formation. I didn't expect that my Taoist's natural spiritual eyes could see through my transformation technique. It's really true. Incredible magical powers!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the beautiful young woman's bright eyes and smiled.

With his consciousness now comparable to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator, he could actually easily break through some kind of magical mask that the young woman wore to hide her face. However, the previous three transactions between the two of them were pretty good, so there was no need to do such an abrupt thing.

"The Daoist has won the prize!"

The delicate young woman blinked her bright eyes, smiled slightly, and then asked:
"It's my blessing to meet fellow Taoist in this ruins. I have some friendship with you. Fellow Taoist won't take action against me, right?"

After saying this, the young woman seemed to be doing nothing, but in fact her bright eyes were staring at Lu Tiandu.

"What are you talking about, fellow Taoist? How can I be the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately? If it weren't for the people from the Sixth Company Hall and Jiyin Island who covet my treasures, how could I kill them so painfully?"

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

"As for these three people, they not only covet the treasure I just got, but also want to take my head to receive the reward. They are worthy of death!"

"Besides, since the first time I traded with fellow Taoist, since fellow Taoist has seen through Lu's identity, he has been pretending not to know. How can I be the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between grudges and grudges?"

"These people are indeed worthy of their death!" The young woman nodded with certainty.

"From the first time I saw Fellow Daoist, I knew that Fellow Daoist was upright and not a young person. What I said before was that I judged a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I hope Fellow Daoist Lu will forgive me! "


Seeing the young woman bowing and apologizing solemnly, Lu Tiandu was speechless.

When did he become a gentleman?How come he doesn't know.

The young woman looked at Lu Tiandu's speechless look and showed a playful smile.My heart was relieved.

Just now, Lu Tiandu killed two middle-stage Golden Elixir monks and one early-stage Golden Elixir monk. The swiftness and vastness of his magical powers shocked her who was observing in secret.

It was under this kind of shock that the protective exotic treasure wooden dragon tablet leaked a little bit of its aura, allowing Lu Tiandu to suddenly discover her hiding in secret.

Although she had done business with Lu Tiandu several times before, and they had some friendship with each other, she was still unsure whether Lu Tiandu would kill him and seize the treasure.

At this moment, with Lu Tiandu's words, he finally felt a little more at ease.

Seeing the young woman taking the initiative to put away the emerald green stone tablet to show her goodwill, Lu Tiandu, although he was a little curious about this treasure that could hide from his spiritual monitoring, did not ask any more questions and said with a smile:

"It should be quite dangerous to enter this ruins with Taoist friend Jindan's early stage cultivation. It seems that there must be something that Taoist friend needs here?"

After hearing this, the young woman surnamed Wang showed a bit of sadness in her bright eyes, and said with a wry smile:

"Fellow Taoist guessed it right. I actually had a last resort reason for entering here. Otherwise, how could I have taken the risk to enter this place?"

Seeing that the man didn't elaborate on what treasure he was looking for, Lu Tiandu didn't ask any more questions and said:
"Seeing that fellow Taoist has lost a lot of energy, is he being chased by these three people?"

"This... is not necessarily a pursuit."

The young woman smiled awkwardly, "It's a little complicated to say, but these three people saved my life before. If my Taoist friends hadn't appeared, they would probably hunt me down later..."

"Hey, this is interesting! Doesn't it have something to do with the black rock turtle they talk about?" Lu Tiandu asked with a half-smile.

"Well, since Taoist friends are interested and these three people are dead, there is nothing that can't be said..."

The young woman glanced at Lu Tiandu with her bright eyes, looking annoyed and coquettish.

There was some speculation in Lu Tiandu's words that she was robbing the spiritual beasts encountered by others, which made her a little dissatisfied.

"This is what happened..." The young woman slowly told the whole story.

It turned out that the young woman suddenly encountered a level seven basalt turtle on her way to the core area.

Although the seventh-level monster has not yet transformed, it already has some intelligence.This naturally shocked the young woman who was only at the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

Along the way, he used the wooden dragon stele handed down from the gate to escape, but unexpectedly he encountered three white-clothed men from the Zhengdao Zhenyang Gate who were killed by Lu Tiandu.

The three of them were naturally very surprised when they saw this level seven basalt turtle. They took the initiative to stop the turtle and prepared to kill the demon and get the elixir, which also allowed the young woman to escape from the battlefield.

This was the intersection between the young woman and the three men in white.

According to past experience, it is not difficult for the three people from Zhenyang Clan to work together to kill a level seven monster.Unfortunately, the defensive power of this basalt turtle was beyond the three people's expectations.

It took a lot of effort to seriously injure the black rock turtle.Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the blackstone turtle used its natal earth escape technique and escaped.

Seeing the fat on your hands fly away like this, no one will give up easily.The three men immediately gave chase and tracked them all the way to the place where Lu Tiandu mined Tianyang Stone veins.

As a result, the aura of the Black Rock Turtle suddenly disappeared nearby. This made the three of them look at each other, and they instantly thought that someone had cut off their beards.

After searching for a while, there was no trace at all, but just as the three of them were about to leave, Lu Tiandu came out of the ground.

Although it is not known whether the black rock turtle was killed by Lu Tiandu, since Lu Tiandu still has many rewards and things that the Nascent Soul old monster covets, they will take the initiative even if this monster is not available.

In the end, the sneak attack failed, and Lu Tiandu turned him into ashes with the three-flavored divine wind.

As for the injured basalt turtle, it was naturally taken away by a young woman named Wang who was also hiding not far away to heal her injuries. The young woman did not hide this fact.

In fact, if Lu Tiandu came out later, these things would naturally not happen in the future.

"Fellow Taoist, that's a good trick!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the young woman for a while, but he didn't expect that this person could quickly subdue a seriously injured level [-] monster. He had really underestimated her before.

"I dare not be praised like this by fellow Taoist!" The young woman smiled brightly, "Compared to fellow Taoist, I am just a little kid!"

"This seventh-level demonic beast is still useful for the time being. Once we get out of this ruins, I will naturally make up for my fellow Taoist!"

This young woman is also a very thoughtful person.Although the three members of the Zhenyang Sect actively plotted against Lu Tiandu and were killed, from the side, it was her who stole their blame.

There is a direct conflict of interest between the two parties.Lu Tiandu also helped her get rid of the enemies.

If Lu Tiandu asked for this black rock turtle at this time, she really had no reason or strength to refuse.

After all, how can one say that the inner elixir of a level seven monster is worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

Moreover, it is a monster beast like the basalt turtle with a hint of basalt blood. Its shell can be used to refine a rare defensive magic weapon.

Moreover, a living level seven basalt turtle is even more valuable.

"If that's the case, you're welcome!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

This basalt turtle is really very rare. Lu Tiandu has been hunting monsters in the outer sea for ten years in total, and he has killed hundreds of level seven monsters, but he has only encountered one level seven turtle monster.

If the basalt turtle hadn't been subdued by the young woman, he would have really wanted to ask for the turtle shell.

Seeing that Lu Tiandu finally agreed, the young woman became more and more relieved and said with a gentle smile:

"This is what Taoist friends deserve!"

"So there were no monsters in this ruins, but suddenly you encountered a level seven monster?"

Lu Tiandu remembered some of the questions the young woman had just said and asked with some confusion.

"That's right!" The young woman surnamed Wang nodded, showing some doubts.

"The Savage Demon Court has also spread many rumors in the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars in the early years. Many high-level monks have confirmed that there is such a secret realm. However, because the entrance has always been tightly hidden by the Star Palace, even if the Golden Pill of the Star Palace is entered every time, The monks were also sent to this teleportation array after their six senses were sealed, so it is impossible for outsiders to know the teleportation array leading here..."

"Although no one knows where the entrance is, some information about the secret realm has spread somehow. According to some secrets, the outer area here is divided into five spiritual realms. According to records, five demon saints each control one spiritual realm. .”

"The place we are in belongs to the Earth Spirit Realm and belongs to a certain demon saint leader of the Xuanwu clan. I don't know what happened later. According to rumors, the demon clan suffered numerous casualties and abandoned this secret realm, leaving behind basically some people who were killed. The wild beasts raised by the demon clan as food are the wild beasts that are rarely seen among the people in the world of immortality nowadays..."

"So, a monster suddenly appeared here, and it's a level seven monster. It's really surprising!"

"It's indeed a bit unusual. Maybe Xing Gong knows the whole story..."

Lu Tiandu thought for a moment and said.

Lu Tian didn't know whether the people in the Star Palace knew that there were monsters coming here, but the fact that there were no Golden Core cultivators from the Star Palace was the biggest loophole.

This really made Lu Tiandu roughly guess it correctly.

According to Xingong's understanding, this secret teleportation array was exposed this time because the monsters in the sea discovered another passage into the Wild Demon Court.

After the passage was activated, for some reason it caused a change in the teleportation array. The space was shaken, which caused a large-scale eruption of the volcano near the teleportation array.

The cave that Lu Tiandu previously built on the seabed was destroyed for this reason.

Now that a new channel has appeared.Xing Gong guessed that this time the demon clan would definitely send a large number of level six and seven demon beasts into this ruins to look for opportunities. After all, this was once the sacred land of the demon clan, and the demon clan must be more eager to get some of the relics here.

At the same time, the good and evil paths took this opportunity to put pressure on Xing Gong. The people in Xing Gong simply agreed to allow the good and evil paths and other neutral people to send everyone to this ruins for free as long as each person paid a thousand spiritual stones for the transmission fee.It is self-evident what the people in the Star Palace have planned.

There are so many desolate beasts here as well as many newly entered sixth- and seventh-level monsters. I am afraid that few of the human golden elixir monks who enter this time will come out alive.

As for Lu Tiandu, he naturally bumped into this place by chance.

"Perhaps fellow Taoist's guess is right!"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's brief analysis, the young woman named Wang frowned slightly, looked worried, and nodded in agreement.

"I wonder where my Taoist friends are going next?"

The two chatted casually for a while. Seeing that Lu Tiandu looked like he wanted to leave alone, the young woman asked hurriedly.

"Since I'm here, I naturally want to see if I can find some opportunities, so I'll say goodbye to my fellow Taoist here!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

He has two great spiritual beasts in his hands. As long as he passes by, he will definitely find many treasures that have not been discovered by the people in the Star Palace.And he was confident that no one here could be his opponent, so naturally he didn't want to take the young woman surnamed Wang with him.

After all, he didn't want this person to know many of his secrets.

"This...I wonder if you are willing to go with me?" The young woman looked hopeful, "If my fellow Taoist can help me find what I need, I will be richly rewarded when I get out of here! "

"That's unnecessary!" Lu Tiandu shook his head, "I'm used to walking alone, fellow Taoist, please do as you please!"

"and many more!"

Seeing that Lu Tiandu was about to leave, the young woman stamped her feet and said anxiously:

"Fellow Taoist, do you know that there is a heavenly illusion before entering the core area? I am somewhat sure about breaking through this illusion. As long as the two of us get there together, I will definitely help you Daoist enter the core area safely." What do you think?"


Lu Tiandu fell into thinking.

After all, whether it was the jade slip information obtained from Tianhuang's apprentice before or the exchange with the young woman just now, this mirage is a difficulty here, and not everyone can pass it.

But if it passes, the good things inside are said to be much stronger than those outside.

Although Lu Tiandu had strong spiritual consciousness and the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness came to the rescue, he had never seen this illusion before, so he really didn't have much confidence.

Naturally, he knew exactly what this young woman wanted to do with him.

After all, with the strength he had shown before, he was almost walking sideways here. With him as a big bodyguard, it would be easier for the young woman to reach the edge of the core area.

After all, in addition to the various golden elixir monks coming in, there are also a large number of wild beasts along the way. What is even more terrifying is that if you are surrounded by many sixth- and seventh-level monsters, it will be miserable!
"Although my Taoist friend knows that I have some kind of spiritual eye and magical power, I don't know what magical power this spiritual eye has!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu thinking, the young woman's figure swayed slightly, got closer to Lu Tiandu, and said with a faint smile.

Just when Lu Tian thought that the young woman was going to introduce his spiritual power, he took a closer look and saw that the young woman's dark eyes that were looking at him instantly turned purple, emitting a gleaming light, which looked extremely magical.

As these purple eyes looked at him, Lu Tian suddenly felt that his internal organs were enveloped by some mysterious power.

"Okay, fellow Daoist Wang, please accept your magical powers!"

Lu Tian was very uncomfortable with this kind of perspective that was several times stronger than last time, and said with a speechless expression.

If you want to show your worth, you don’t have to experiment on me every time!
However, having said that, only after experiencing it can you know that this magical power is indeed true!

With this magical power, no illusion can stop it!

"Fellow Taoist, are you willing to take this dragster like me with you this time?"

The young woman covered her mouth and chuckled, her bright eyes flashed, and the look in her eyes towards Lu Tiandu changed a bit.

"This friendly and powerful body of Rikudo!"

Thinking of the faint light emanating from Lu Tiandu's flesh and bones under the power of her spiritual eyes, it was really beyond her expectation.

Lu Tiandu must have practiced some kind of advanced body training technique. This kind of body training method can only be taken by certain ancient monks. Could it be that Lu Tiandu also followed this path?

Thinking of Lu Tiandu's abundant capital again, the young woman who had been around for a long time suddenly panicked and her cheeks became hot.However, because of the mask magic weapon, he will not be discovered by others.

However, a pair of beautiful eyes seemed to have rippling autumn waves.

Her ability to see through other people's flesh and blood was only changed after her spiritual eyes were truly activated in recent years. She had only observed the hidden dangers in her daughter's body before, but this time she took the initiative to use it on Lu Tiandu, a member of the opposite sex. I don’t know what to think about it?

Moreover, the power of her spiritual eyes and supernatural powers is all due to the bottle of "Thunder Pattern Condensation Pill" that she asked Lu Tiandu to refine for the first time. It is this bottle of pill that she has relied on for decades. His spiritual eyes and supernatural powers have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Unexpectedly, the first time it was used by outsiders, it was used on Lu Tiandu. Haha, interesting...

Thinking of this, the beautiful woman named Wang felt like laughing.

"Fellow Taoist, can you tell me what kind of spiritual eye this is?" Lu Tiandu asked curiously, looking at the young woman whose expression had a hint of other colors.

It was the first time for a young woman to see through the changing appearance of the shape-changing art. Although it felt like being seen through, it was only on the surface of the skin, which was quite acceptable.

This time he actually felt like he was being watched inside and out, which made him very speechless.

"This spiritual eye in my body is called the 'Eye of Yuan Lei'. Have you ever heard of it, Fellow Daoist Lu?"

The young woman showed a smile and said.

"I heard that this spiritual eye seems to be a lightning-attributed attack spiritual eye. Why does it feel different from what fellow Taoists showed?" Lu Tiandu asked with some confusion.

"Hehe, my spiritual eye should have gone through some mutations, but it is still called the Eye of Yuan Lei. The power before was not so great. To have the power now, I have to thank my fellow Taoist for refining it for me. Where’s that bottle of elixir!”

When the young woman said this, there was an inexplicable closeness in her words.

"Thunder-marked Dew Pill? No wonder it's like this!" Lu Tiandu said.

Looking at the young woman's tall figure, plump and beautiful curves, and the playful look she occasionally reveals, I imagine that her appearance hidden under the mask is not too bad. It is a pity that this woman has lost her vitality, which is a waste of this rare physique. , Lu Tiandu sighed secretly in his heart.

If Yuan Yin is still here, he really has the intention to enter the harem, which is a pity.

"Okay, in that case, fellow Taoist, please come with me!"

Since it would be useful to take this person with him, Lu Tiandu made an instant decision, "But if fellow Taoist friends know some of my secrets, please keep them secret!" Lu Tiandu warned him again later.

"This is natural, please rest assured, fellow Taoist. My mutated spiritual eyes, please keep it a secret, fellow Taoist."

The young woman smiled slightly and said, the closer she got to Lu Tiandu, she always felt that there was something about this man that attracted her.

Although she knew before that there was a certain physique that attracted her, Lu Tian didn't say anything about it. Although she was curious, she didn't ask any more questions.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

I don't know how big this desert is. After more than 20 days, Lu Tiandu and the young woman named Wang stopped on a pile of sand to rest for a while.

Along the way, not only were the Golden Core cultivators who entered together, there were also several times more wild beasts flying in the sky, not to mention dozens of various sixth and seventh level monster beasts.

However, regardless of whether they were humans or beasts, anyone who took the initiative to attack the two of them would be beaten to ashes by Lu Tiandu, leaving the young woman a little numb after being shocked all the way!
Incomparably powerful and unscrupulous, only these two words can describe Lu Tiandu's invincible appearance!

Every time she thought of the fact that she had revealed that she had the ability to have spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, she was always traveling with Lu Tiandu, and the young woman felt very happy.

If she hadn't been with Lu Tiandu, she would have died countless times along the way!
Looking sideways at Lu Tiandu, who had his eyes closed and was concentrating, the young woman sighed secretly, he was really a tall and strange man!
Not counting the various gains that Lu Tiandu had made by killing more than a dozen Golden Core cultivators and dozens of sixth- and seventh-level monsters along the way, what made her even more curious was that Lu Tiandu could always find undiscovered things in some nooks and crannies. Ancient elixirs or minerals and other natural and earthly treasures.

Make young women jealous!
After all, some magical medicines have long since become extinct in the outside world!

But what excited her was that one time, the two of them discovered several crystal demon-transforming pills in a cave. This was the best material for refining flying needle magic weapons, and it also contained strange poisons. It was definitely a sneak attack. The enemy's best weapon.

After paying some price, the young woman also got one of them in exchange.After getting out of this ruins, I am going to find someone to refine several flying needle magic weapons.

After a short rest, the two set off again.

After flying thousands of miles, at this moment, the little golden monkey in Lu Tiandu's sleeve suddenly became excited.

"Let's go, there might be a treasure down there!"

Lu Tiandu said hello, and the two quickly lowered their escape light.

After walking hundreds of feet through the desert, the two of them came to an empty cave.

Looking at the strange flowers and numerous elixirs that were thousands of years old, the two looked at each other and saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes.

"It's really a worthwhile trip!" Lu Tiandu sighed.

Looking back, the young woman was carefully looking at a gorgeous flower in front of her, her eyes a little dazed.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, what's wrong?" Lu Tiandu frowned, walked over and asked.

At this moment, a strange smell suddenly entered his nasal cavity, "Hey, no, what is this?"

Just when Lu Tian was surprised, a hot and delicate body instantly slammed into his arms!
"Fellow Daoist, this..."

Feeling the young woman's passionate urge to merge with him, Lu Tian's mouth was already blocked by two fragrant lips before he finished speaking...

(End of this chapter)

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