Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 163: No one can kill more than one thunderbolt!Wang Yun’s thoughts!Heavenly Thunder Bamboo!

Chapter 163: Killing is nothing more than a thunderbolt!Wang Yun’s thoughts!Heavenly Thunder Bamboo! (Please subscribe)

"Yun'er, when do you think they will turn against each other and start fighting?"

Lu Tiandu held the beautiful young woman in his arms and looked at the demonic people who had broken through the formation and entered the second level and asked with a smile.

"I guess it's about time. I saw the scene where these three people in the late Jindan stage secretly transmitted messages to others just now. These people have their own agendas. No one believes the other, and sooner or later they will start fighting!"

Wang Yun hugged Lu Tiandu tightly with her jade arms, raised her head and looked at Lu Tiandu tenderly, smiling.

I don't know why, but during this period of time, the more she got along with this little man, Lu Tiandu, the more she couldn't live without Lu Tiandu.

And when she thought that Lu Tian, ​​whom she had heard about before, was less than a hundred years old, she felt more and more that this man had many invisible auras, which made her intoxicated.

"Haha, even if they don't take the initiative to start a fight, I still have various ways to make them suspicious of each other and start a war."

Lu Tiandu pecked the red lips of the beauty in his arms and said with a smile.

"You are targeting them, how can they escape from your grasp?"

Wang Yun glanced at Lu Tiandu with her eyes, and her lips moved slightly.

"Hehe, you are also being targeted by me now!" Lu Tiandu chuckled and said meaningfully.

"Hmph, I won't run away!" Wang Yunjiao laughed, looking overjoyed.

Naturally, the people in the Demonic Way in front didn't know that there was a pair of flirting men and women behind them, waiting to collect their bodies.

Lu Tiandu came all the way and secretly set up two large formations just in case. Even if these people found the two orioleers and tried to escape, they might not be able to escape.

The sound of "rumbling" bombardment continued to reach the ears of Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu. Lu Tiandu frowned slightly. If he hadn't arranged a set of formations to isolate the movement here, maybe other people would be attracted later. Or monsters.

Therefore, Lu Tian felt that he was really worried about these people.

"Quick, work harder, we'll be able to enter the inner sanctum soon!"

A tall old man in gray clothes with gray hair, his eyes flashed, and he hurriedly urged everyone.

This man was one of the three monks in the late Jindan period. He was holding a jade plate in his hand. A purple ball was floating on the jade plate, shining with a charming luster.

At this moment, the tall old man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the silver light screen covered with electric wires in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side, a short, fat, white-faced monk commanded a dark sledgehammer, smiling and inadvertently looking at each other.

This person is also one of the three late-stage Jindan monks.

Luo Meng, a gloomy-looking man in yellow robes, had cold eyes and commanded a trident to hit the silver screen of light, as if he knew nothing about his fellow soldiers, but he was sneering in his heart.

Two hours later, just when Lu Tiandu was waiting impatiently, there was a loud noise, the silver light curtain broke open, and the magic elixirs finally broke through the second layer of the square cave.

"This ancient formation is really powerful. It uses many formations to connect the terrain to produce such defensive power. If it hadn't been changed over a long period of time and no longer looks like it used to be, we might not be able to do it this time. Enter this place!”

The tall old man in gray clothes with gray hair looked at the vast and huge square revealed in front of him and said to everyone with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Gongsun is still very knowledgeable. If he hadn't been so knowledgeable in formations, we might have just watched this treasure mountain return empty-handed!" The short, fat monk with a white face said with a smile.

"No, this old man just happens to know a little about formations. Compared with the thousand-year inheritance of the Demon Dragon Sect, it is nothing to mention!"

The tall old man with gray hair shook his head, looking humble.

"How can we ignore Fellow Daoist's contribution? When we see the treasures here, we will naturally let Fellow Daoist Gongsun choose one first. Fellow Daoist Luo, what do you think?"

The short, fat monk with a white face turned to the big man in yellow robe next to him and said fiercely.

"What Fellow Daoist Bai said makes sense, and a certain family has no objections!"

Luo Meng nodded, with no objection on his sallow face.

"How did this work?"

Old man Gongsun glanced at Fatty Bai and Luo Meng, glanced at the other people, and hurriedly declined.

"Fellow Taoist, please don't delay, it's settled. After Taoist Taoist Gongsun has made the selection first, Taoist Luo and I will choose. As for the other Taoist friends, if the treasures are enough, the benefits of each Taoist friend will naturally be indispensable, even if the treasures If it’s not enough, the three of us will also compensate you fellow Taoists..."

The short and fat man named Bai from the Demon Dragon Sect finalized the distribution plan of the spoils in a few words. Everyone nodded in agreement, looking like a harmonious gesture of working together and sharing interests.

The old man Gongsun declined a few more words, but when he saw that he could not refuse, he entered the huge square with everyone with a grateful expression.

"In a while, this Gongsun casual cultivator will be eliminated first!"

Looking coldly at the group of friendly demonic people, Lu Tiandu smiled and said to Wang Yun.

"Is it because this person is a casual cultivator?" Wang Yun asked.

"This is just one of them. The most important thing is that he talked too much about the abnormality of the formation here!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

"You said that this kind of formation method that has been lost in ancient times would be understood by people who are traveling with you but are not on the same page. What do you think?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Wang Ning frowned slightly and said slowly:

"From what you said, it seems that Bai Jingyi of the Demonic Dragon Sect and Luo Meng of Jiyin Island have reached a consensus, and maybe the old man Gongsun also has other ideas?"

"It seems that the three of them are not ordinary people. If there are other arrangements in the hall, it's hard to say who will survive in the end!"

"This is exactly the truth, so we don't have to worry!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

Seeing the people in front of them entering the hall, Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun appeared from the wooden dragon monument.

During this period of time, Lu Tiandu also passed on to Wang Yun the nameless breathing formula he knew. With Lu Tiandu's guidance, he soon started to practice well.


But after a while, there were faint roars and shouts in the hall. The two looked at each other and slowly walked towards the square.

This square is really huge. There are many unknown beasts carved on the dark golden ground, which looks extremely mysterious.


Lu Tiandu flicked it casually, and a blue-purple wind and thunder zhengang hit the ground without causing any damage, which surprised Lu Tiandu.

With the attack power of the Wind and Thunder Zhen Gang that he was currently using, even ordinary early-stage Jindan cultivators would have to deal with it with caution, but as a result, the ground did not move at all.

"There's something weird on the ground here. I'll have to explore it when I get out soon!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and continued to walk towards the main hall with Wang Yun without stopping.

This hall looks as if it was dug directly out of the depths of the earth. It is rough and has some inexplicable beauty. If you observe it carefully for a moment, it makes people feel extraordinary.

Not far from the main hall, the two stopped and waited quietly.

After a while, a panicked figure in gray smashed the tall palace door and rushed out.

This man's aura was a little unstable, and he was closely followed by two tall, expressionless warriors in golden armor. One was holding a long sword, and the other was holding a big halberd. They looked majestic.

"Hey, you two...Master Wang? Lu Tiandu?"

As soon as Old Man Gongsun saw the two figures outside the hall, his expression turned cold, he flicked his sleeves, and two golden lights shot toward the two of them.

At the same time, this man did not stop, and while continuing to fly, he pointed a finger, and the two golden-armored warriors following behind him suddenly lifted up, and the three-foot-long golden sword and halberd instantly struck and shot out from the palace. The two monsters are covered in green.

These two monsters have fierce eyes. They are dressed in dark and shiny iron armor. They are covered with green Yin Qi. Their fingernails are extremely sharp. The green light above them is hesitant. They are Lu Tiandu. Waiting for the Tiandu demon corpse that once killed the eight heads.

"court death!"

Looking at the two golden flying swords that were fired at the two of them, Lu Tian's expression remained unchanged. His sleeves and robes flickered, and a purple-red and golden stream of light instantly greeted them.

It is the Purple Lightning Thunder Fire Sword and the Golden Spirit Shuttle.

At the same time, looking at the old man Gongsun who was about to pass over the two of them, Lu Tiandu chuckled, stretched out his right hand, and struck the gray shadow in the air with a knife.

At this moment, Wang Yun had already released the wooden dragon stele and a blue jade ruler and was on alert. Just when she thought Lu Tiandu was preparing to use the previous formation to trap old man Gongsun or use the golden wind magical power.

Following Lu Tiandu's movement, a purple lightning bolt appeared out of thin air in the sky. There was a sudden thunder, and the purple light flashed and fell on the gray figure instantly.

I just heard a "crackling" flash of lightning, and the flying figure of old man Gongsun stopped suddenly. Without even a scream, he fell straight from the sky and hit the ground with a "bang". He was already dead. died.

"What an amazing thunder method. No wonder that loser died in your hands!"

Just when Wang Yun was shocked by Lu Tiandu's amazing thunder technique and was about to say something, a faint voice came from the hall.

Lu Tiandu sneered and didn't respond. Looking at the old man Gongsun presiding over the two high-level puppets that were about to be destroyed by the demon corpses, he casually struck two more Xuanming True Lightnings at the two Tiandu demon corpses. .

"Hmph, do you really think your lightning skills are invincible?"

A black escaping light suddenly flew out of the hall.At the same time, the two demon corpses were covered with green light, their eyes were fierce, and they were about to escape underground with a roar.

What surprised Luo Meng was that a dark golden light flashed above the ground, and the two demon corpses' natural earth escape skills failed at this moment.

"How is that possible? What kind of thunder method?"

Seeing that his escape failed and he was hit by purple lightning in the blink of an eye, his body tilted and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of black, smelly and filthy monster corpses. Luo Meng, a big man with a sallow face, screamed in shock and stared at Lu Tiandu said.

He originally planned to command the demon corpse to use the Earth Escape Technique to sneak attack Lu Tiandu, but the Escape Technique failed, ruining his plan.Before he could release the magic weapon to intercept them, the two demon corpses were hit by lightning and instantly turned into filthy objects.This demonic corpse was the product of Jiyin's practice of Tiandu Corpse Fire. Ordinary thunder and fire objects could not damage the demonic corpse's powerful body, but it was destroyed by Lu Tiandu's lightning method.

"Kill your thunder method!" Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

This man made no secret of his murderous intent when he was outside the teleportation array. Lu Tiandu would naturally show no mercy at this moment.He stretched out his hand and waved several times, and several Xuanming True Thunders turned into purple lightning, falling on Luo Meng's head in a flash.

"No, this lightning method is weird, don't touch it directly!"

The palace door was blown to pieces by Old Man Gongsun before. Although Luo Meng was entangled by some of the old man's puppets, he still discovered the newly appeared Lu Tiandu through his spiritual consciousness.

How could he not have seen the tragic scene where old man Gongsun was struck to death by Lu Tiandu's lightning technique?I originally thought that old man Gongsun was too busy escaping and forgot to release the shield, so he was killed by a sneak attack.

But the tragic situation of the two monster corpses before made him doubt this speculation. Now he naturally did not dare to let Lu Tiandu's purple thunder fall on him.

The big man slapped the storage bag, and two black rays of light flashed, instantly turning into a huge shield to protect his head. At the same time, he stretched out his hand, and a white jade ring on the middle finger of his left hand instantly shot towards Lu Tiandu.

"An ancient treasure?"

Looking at the giant ring that was emitting a vast white luster and turned into a ring that was several feet in size and shooting out, Lu Tian reached out a little bit, and the ancient treasure Zidian Xuan, which had already rolled up the two golden swords of old man Gongsun, came back and hovered above his head. The purple-red light all over the Fire Sword surged, and it turned into a giant sword several feet long and faced the white jade ring.

"Master Tianhuang's Purple Lightning Black Fire Sword?"

Luo Meng's heart sank when he recognized the ancient treasure above Lu Tiandu's head at this moment. Since this ancient treasure appeared in Lu Tiandu's hands, it was obvious that Tianhuang Laomo's disciple Huo Yunzi was dead.

Both of them are good at fighting. This attack was as fast as lightning. Before Luo Meng could think of other countermeasures, several purple lightning bolts had already landed on the two-sided defense magic weapon he had used.

There were bursts of thunder, and the purple thunder and lightning stirred the black light shields turned into turtle shells on both sides. The black and purple rays of light disappeared one after another, and the sound of "crackling" was endless.

"What? What a weird thunder method!"

At this moment, Luo Meng trembled all over, raised his head and stared closely at the purple arc remaining on the two black shields above his head, with a look of fear on his face.

Just now, when he wasn't paying attention, a trace of purple lightning strangely penetrated through the protective shield, and fell on his shoulder in a flash, making his body numb and all his internal organs seemed to be torn apart in an instant. Ichiban.

After recovering for a moment, Luo Meng's expression changed. He flipped his fingers to increase the infusion of mana, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of blood essence into the shield above his head.

With this kind of protection, it would take several thunder spells to block Lu Tian.With this time difference, he would have other ways to escape.

Seeing Luo Meng's movements, Lu Tiandu burst into laughter.

"Ray comes!"

Lu Tiandu's majestic voice suddenly sounded in Wang Yun's ears, a purple thunder light flashed, and there was a loud "bang", and the sky changed.

There were bursts of thunder, purple lightning danced wildly, and thick purple thunder pillars flashed directly on the light shields turned into two shields.

With a "pop" sound, the black light curtains transformed into two shields broke, and the aura of the shields dimmed. At the same time as they were blown away, lightning flashed, and with a "pop" sound, Luo Meng's tall figure tilted with an expression of disbelief on his face. , fell down.

"Such a thunder technique is really terrifying!"

At this moment, Wang Yun looked shocked when she saw Lu Tiandu destroying two late-stage Jindan cultivators with just one magical power.

When the two of them walked together before, Lu Tiandu mostly used magic weapons to destroy enemies, especially the ten flying needles obtained from Zhenyang Sect monks, which were extremely strange in Lu Tiandu's hands and killed many wild beasts and monks.

But it was rare to see him use the golden wind magical power that had killed three people from the Zhenyang Sect before and shocked her. Naturally, he did not have this thunder method.

Since the two had a close relationship, she had once inquired about Lu Tiandu's magical power called Sanwei Kamikaze.

Originally, she thought she would get to know him again this time, but Lu Tiandu's grenade technique was beyond her expectation.

This kind of thunder method is several times more powerful than the attacks she can perform in her "Eye of Yuan Lei". I wonder how it compares with other thunder methods spread in the Chaotic Star Sea?
Wang Yun suddenly had this strange idea.

"What do you think?"

Looking at Wang Yun who was distracted, Lu Tiandu asked with a smile.At this moment, he was playing with a white ring in his hand.

"What kind of thunder method is this?" Wang Yun asked softly.

"Xuanming True Thunder!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile, "How does it compare with the attack methods released by your Eye of Yuan Lei?"

Before the two of them walked together, he had never seen the "Mr. Wang" at that time use this magical power to press the bottom of the box.

Although the two traveled together before, they both kept their trump cards against the other.

"Your thunder technique is really weird, I can't compare to it."

Wang Yun shook her head and looked at Lu Tiandu with curiosity, "This thunder method can directly damage other people's internal organs, but it is unheard of!"

She had already observed the corpses of old man Gongsun and Luo Meng before, and found that even though these two people were cut off from life, there was no damage to their skin at all.

It is really different from other thunder methods that are usually known.

After all, most of the well-known lightning techniques in the world of immortality are known to be super destructive, but it is rare to hear of such sinister thunder techniques that use the souls and internal organs of bad people.

"It is indeed rare. I heard that the technique I practice has also achieved a great reputation in the hands of a certain monk in the spiritual world with these two magical powers. I think it is also a top-level magical power in the spiritual world!"

Lu Tiandu explained with a smile.The relationship between the two is different now, and he is not as perfunctory with her as before.

"But it is so powerful because I have cultivated this magical power to a high level. Of course, the body of thunder spirit also plays a big role in it!"

"You are really blessed by God, and you have so many physiques that others can't even imagine!"

There was a hint of jealousy on Wang Yun's charming face, her big watery eyes opened, and she said sourly.

She had heard Lu Tiandu say before that the attraction between the two was the Five Elements Spirit Body that she had never heard anyone else possess, and now another Thunder Spirit Body appeared.

This kind of thunder-attributed physique is naturally rarer than the Five Elements type spirits. I heard that it is easy to appear in certain monsters. After all, the number of monsters far exceeds the number of monks.

Lu Tiandu was constantly developing rare physiques, which made her, a person who was secretly proud that she had the Eye of Yuan Lei whose power had been greatly enhanced by the Thunder Condensation Pill, suddenly fall into a big gap.

Comparing one person to another will really piss you off!
"What? Jealous?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Wang Yun funny.

Ever since the two met frankly, this beautiful young woman has never hidden her emotions in front of him. "If I told you that I have other physiques, would you still be so jealous that you would explode on the spot?"

"Humph, who is jealous?" Wang Yun rolled her eyes and said harshly. "As if who doesn't have a special physique?"

"Hey, if I can share part of my Thunder Spirit body's physical origin with you, how will you repay me?"

Lu Tiandu rolled his eyes, leaned into the young woman's ear and smiled.

"What? How is this possible?" Wang Yunying opened her lips slightly, her bright eyes full of disbelief.

"Forget it if you don't believe it!" Lu Tiandu shook his head and turned towards old man Gongsun.

"Hey, are you serious?" Mrs. Wang looked anxious and chased after her and asked.

"Fake!" Lu Tiandu laughed without looking back.

"How dare you, Lu Tiandu, make fun of me!"

The beautiful young woman gave a coquettish cry and stared at Lu Tiandu's back. She rolled her eyes. Thinking of Lu Tiandu's mystery, her expression changed and she felt panicked.

The black figure flashed, and Wang Yun twisted her graceful waist and appeared in front of Lu Tiandu in the blink of an eye.Lu Tiandu only felt the fragrant wind blowing by, and there was a wonderful person as soft as jade in his arms.

Wang Yun threw herself into Lu Tiandu's arms, wrapped a pair of white and tender arms around his neck, kissed Lu Tiandu several times with her soft lips, and said coquettishly:

"Lu Lang, don't you love me anymore?"

"Humph, you want to bribe me with this little trick?" Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Wang Yun opened her big watery eyes, bit her teeth lightly, and said shyly:
"I agreed to some of your requests last time. What do you think?"

"That's pretty much it!" Lu Tiandu laughed.

After laughing, his expression calmed down and he asked softly:

"Okay, Yun'er, even if you don't agree to any conditions for this thunder spirit body, when we get out of here, I will find an opportunity to give it to you through the secret method. However, our relationship is not ordinary. Why do I always feel that there is something in your heart?" A lot of burdens?”

"If you think you want to talk at any time, remember to talk to me!" Lu Tiandu held Wang Yun's head, kissed her tenderly, and said with a smile, "If you live up to me, I will live up to you!"

"Thank you, Tiandu!"

Wang Yun looked at Lu Tiandu, who was walking towards Gongsun's body, with a complicated look on his face, and murmured.

But soon, her expression changed, a slight smile appeared on her lips, and she returned to her original calmness and elegance.

"This is actually a box made of jade!"

Within a moment, Lu Tiandu picked up Gongsun and Luo Meng's storage bags, opened Luo Meng's storage bag, and suddenly found a special jade box.

This box is very strange. It is neither wood nor gold, and it does not look like it is made of jade or something like that. It is translucent in color and has a faint layer of green glow attached to it.

"Huh? This is... Tianleizhu?"

Looking at the dried rhizome in the box, Lu Tiandu looked surprised.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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