Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 164 Soul Stone!Giveaway!surprise!

Chapter 164 Soul Stone!Giveaway!surprise! (Please subscribe)
"Thunder Bamboo? Thunder Bamboo, one of the three major spiritual trees in the world of cultivation?" Hearing Lu Tiandu's surprised voice, Wang Yun took one step and came to the vicinity of Lu Tiandu.

"Hasn't this kind of divine object not appeared for thousands of years? How could it still exist?"

Wang Yun's beautiful eyes stared at the short piece of ordinary dead bamboo in Lu Tiandu's hand, which was about four inches long, as thick as a little finger, and had some obviously shrunken roots, and said with a puzzled expression.

"It is indeed the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo!" Lu Tiandu affirmed.

With just a click of his finger, a golden-purple true energy turned into filaments and shot towards the small piece of dry bamboo in the translucent jade box. The seemingly ordinary dry bamboo suddenly burst out with several white streaks. lightning.

Even though he suffered a small blow from Lu Tiandu, Kuzhu remained unchanged.

"It is indeed the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, but it is not old enough and the quantity is too small!"

Wang Yun looked at the white lightning on the withered bamboo, her eyes lit up and she shook her head.

Although she has never seen the Thunder Bamboo with her own eyes, she has heard of this magical object. Thunder bamboos under 2000 years old can only release white ordinary thunder and lightning when attacked.

For Thunder Bamboo that is over 5000 years old, the thunder and lightning will turn blue, and the power will be much greater.

And when the Thunder Bamboo reaches ten thousand years or more, the thunder and lightning will turn into a light golden color.

At this time, the power of thunder and lightning will reach an unimaginable level, and it will have various restraints and miraculous effects on various evil spells and magic. It is called the "evil-proof divine thunder" by immortal cultivators.

This is the Supreme Wood Divine Thunder, one of the five major divine thunders in the world of immortality. It is also one of the easiest to obtain supreme thunder techniques in the practice of thunder techniques.

Since records began, the Ten Thousand Years Golden Thunder Bamboo appeared once in the Sea of ​​Chaos Stars.

No one can tell where it came from, and only half of it came out.As a result, this object caused a bloody storm in the Chaos Star Sea for decades.

Many forces are vying for it openly and covertly. This piece of Golden Thunder Bamboo has been circulated in the hands of countless monks.

But in the end, no one was able to preserve it enough to refine it into a magic weapon.

Because this bamboo was as strange as it appeared when it appeared, and then suddenly disappeared inexplicably, which made many forces at that time extremely angry. They continued to pursue it for a long time before gradually calming down.

"Speaking of which, how could Luo Meng of Jiyin Island have such a thing in his hands? And he also kept it in a box made of very precious jade? The utensils made of this kind of thing are most suitable for preserving some precious spiritual objects!"

Wang Yun looked at the storage bag with the mark of Jiyin Island in Lu Tiandu's hand and wondered.

The Sky Thunder Bamboo grows extremely slowly on this day, only growing an inch taller every thousand years. The piece of Sky Thunder Bamboo in Lu Tiandu's hand is about four inches tall, which means it has been growing for 4000 years. Even if it is not the legendary Golden Thunder Bamboo, It is also a top-notch refining material.

And to some powerful forces, this dead bamboo with roots, if there is enough cherished spiritual fluid, might be able to revive this section of Thunder Bamboo, and it can be regarded as a heritage treasure.

"Have you not heard of a certain small sect in the Chaotic Star Sea possessing half of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo as a treasure to suppress the sect?"

After hearing Wang Yun's words, Lu Tian was a little confused.

"How is it possible? Even though this Heavenly Thunder Bamboo is less than 5000 years old, it is no longer an ordinary treasure. Which small sect can preserve such a spiritual object? Even if our Miaoyin Sect obtains this kind of spiritual object, we will do it as soon as possible I sent it to the auction in Tianxing City for fear of having long nights and many dreams..."

Wang Yun shook her head and said.

A 3000-year-old rare elixir would fetch more than 4000 spiritual stones at auction, not to mention the [-]-year-old Thunder Bamboo known as one of the three sacred trees?

"That's fun!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, "The people on Jiyin Island are really all treasure-givers. This Jie Tian Lei Bamboo is very destined to us!" After saying this, Lu Tiandu said with profound meaning.


Wang Yun smiled delicately. Although she was a little confused as to why Lu Tiandu said that the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo had a fate with her, she didn't ask any more questions.

Lu Tiandou remembered that in the original plot, Fan Jingmei, the left envoy of the Miaoyin Sect, told Han Li about the information about the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo.

This Heavenly Thunder Bamboo was once the treasure of a certain small sect. Unfortunately, the sect fell into such decline that there was only one successor left, so this person took the initiative to sell this Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, the treasure of the sect, to the Miaoyin Sect.

At that time, Miaoyinmen happened to receive a big order. If this transaction was completed, Miaoyinmen would be able to survive within ten years without taking on other business, which shows that this business is not small.

As a result, after Miaoyinmen gathered a large amount of supplies, Wang Yun led the masters in the sect to escort a large amount of goods and Tianleizhu set off from the island where Miaoyinmen was located to Tianxing City to prepare to complete a transaction with one of the four major merchant alliances. Five or six evil golden elixir masters ambushed him.

In the end, Wang Yun, the leader of Jindan period, died in the battle, and Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and others escaped with their lives under the escort of Jindan guest ministers Zhao Meng.

Later, when Zi Ling and others took revenge, they realized that the people who intercepted and killed them were the people of Jiyin Island headed by Wu Chou.

Moreover, this time the Miaoyin Sect's revenge plan was guided by the traitors Zhao and Meng to the extremely sinister "traitor" Yinsha Sect, causing the two parties to fight in vain, killing two birds with one stone.

At that time, Wu Chou and the old monster Chi Huo made no secret of their coveting of the famous Zi Ling, the most beautiful woman in the Chaotic Star Sea. They killed Wang Yun first and then brought her daughter into the harem. These demonic people were really good at what they did. Absolutely vulgar.

As for why the people from Jiyin Island killed Wang Yun, in addition to obtaining a large amount of wealth, I am afraid it has something to do with the small and medium-sized forces in the Chaos Star Sea infiltrated by the demonic people.

I thought that I had explored Jiyin Island before and knew that Wang Yun was unwilling to obey, so I designed to lure Wang Yun halfway out of the Miaoyinmen headquarters and kill her.

Moreover, after Wang Yun, the golden elixir master, dies, the Miaoyin Sect will have Zhao and Meng who have been banned. It will naturally not be difficult to control the Miaoyin Sect.

Judging from this half of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, I am afraid that the portion of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo that was sent to Miaoyin Sect was also part of it. After all, as Wang Yun said just now, if you get this kind of treasure, you should naturally send it to Tianxing City as soon as possible. Realization is.

Moreover, the Miaoyin Sect is not a large-scale commercial power. Why didn’t the poor heir of the small sect go to Tianxing City to find a large-scale auction to sell spiritual objects like the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo? Instead, he went to the Miaoyin Sect, a small business power?

I'm afraid that in the original plot, when Zi Ling Fan Jingmei and others failed in their revenge and fled back to Tianxing City, they already understood that not only Zhao and Meng's betrayal was a factor, but also the Sky Thunder Bamboo and this sudden big deal might have problems.

All of these are just a game against Miaoyin Sect from beginning to end.

However, Wang Yun is also a shrewd person. In order to sell it to high-end people, she cut the four-inch piece of Thunder Bamboo she got into two pieces and gave the two-inch section with roots to her daughter Zi Ling to keep. He only took the other half to Tianxing City.

Only then did Zi Ling use this piece of Heavenly Thunder Bamboo to hire Han Li as the elder of the Miaoyin Sect. It took Han Li 20 years to refine a set of 72 green bamboo bee cloud swords.

These thoughts just passed by in a flash, and Lu Tiandu naturally didn't believe that any small sect would have such a spiritual creature.However, he didn't bother to care whether this section of Heavenly Thunder Bamboo was originally a thing from Jiyin Island or a spiritual thing that Luo Meng got by chance. It was naturally his at this moment.

Moreover, ever since he had enmity between the Infant Carp Beast and Jiyin Island, the two sides had been fighting to the death.Killing Wu Chou and Luo Meng successively can be regarded as changing the situation of Wang Yun's death more than 30 years after the original plot.

Therefore, it is right for Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun to say that this Jie Tian Lei Zhu is destined to them.

With this Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, he has the confidence to practice the top-level lightning technique such as the evil-dispelling divine thunder.

Moreover, the natal magic weapon materials of Xiaomei, Mo Fengwu, Yanli and others have also been found.

After putting away the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, Lu Tiandu also sent the white jade ring that he had captured from Luo Meng that he had put on his finger into the Yaochi Tower, asking Hong Fu to see if the ring was the same as the ring that he had previously obtained from Wu Chou. Rings are a set.

If it is a set, even if this set of yin and yang rings is collected together, it will be a rare ancient treasure with one attack and one defense.

As a late-stage golden elixir cultivator, Luo Meng naturally had not only this section of Heavenly Thunder Bamboo in his storage bag, but also a large number of other spiritual stones, magic weapons, demon elixirs, techniques and other things. The girls inside are classified and summarized.

Compared to Luo Meng from Jiyin Island, Lu Tiandu was more interested in the old man in white named Gongsun.

According to his previous guess, this person was most likely to be the first to die among the three late-stage Jindan monks who entered the hall. However, he did not expect that if he had not stopped him, this person might have escaped with his life.

Lu Tiandu had already rescued this man's two golden elixir stage puppets from Luo Meng's demon corpse before. After a little guessing, he naturally knew that this person could escape from the hands of Luo Meng and Fatty Bai. These golden elixir stage puppets I'm afraid the puppet played a big role.

Lu Tiandu opened the man's storage bag and checked it out, and was quite surprised. "I didn't expect this person to have a good chance. I wonder where he got these soul stones from the ruins?"

Lu Tiandu held a green jade box in his hand, looked at the more than ten finger-sized green stones inside and smiled lightly.

"This thing is called a soul stone? What is it used for?" Wang Yun stood aside and asked curiously.

"Did you see those two puppets? This soul stone is a must for refining high-level puppets!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

"You are of low strength, so these two puppets are given to you as helpers!" Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand to explore, and two huge golden-armored puppets were photographed.

"Thank you Lu Lang!"

Wang Yun was not polite, she surrounded the huge puppet and said with a happy face.

Naturally, she had seen these two puppets that could fight monster corpses before, but the people here were all killed by Lu Tiandu, and she was too embarrassed to ask for the trophies.

At this moment, she was very happy to hear that Lu Tiandu took the initiative to give it to her.

Lu Tiandu looked at the excited Wang Yun and smiled slightly.

He took the initiative to stop two demon corpses before, and naturally discovered these two rare high-level puppets. Although they were of no use to him, they could be given to the women in the harem for protection after being captured.

Later, he noticed the hope in Wang Yun's eyes looking at the puppet, and Lu Tiandu took the initiative to speak.

And with these ten soul stones now, there are also Feng Xian's books on refining high-level puppets left by Feng Xian in the Yaochi Tower. When he is free, he may let Xiaomei, a master of refining gold elixir cultivation, refine high-level puppets. also.

The true explanation of puppets obtained from the Qianzhu Sect only records the methods of refining puppets of levels one to four. The methods of refining puppets of level five and above have not been handed down.

The inheritance of the ancient puppet classics left by Feng Xian is naturally very complete.Previously, it was limited to the lack of soul stones, a necessary item for refining high-level puppets. Now with these ten soul stones, it is not difficult to refine ten more high-level puppets.

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu reached out and turned over a jade slip. He handed it to Wang Yun and said:
"This contains a secret technique of spiritual consciousness cultivation and a true solution for refining middle and low-level puppets. The secret technique of spiritual consciousness can only be practiced by yourself, but the true secret technique of puppet cultivation can be practiced by people close to you..."

Wang Yun took the jade slip and listened to Lu Tiandu's instructions, her eyes lit up and her heart became more and more happy, and she said to herself:
"Although the contact time with Tiandu is still short, from the many thousand-year and ten-year elixirs he gave me to high-level puppets and precious secret books, it can be seen that he really takes me to heart..."

"It's a pity that I haven't met him long ago..."

This feeling of being cared for and cared for could only be felt when her mother was alive.

Since her mother passed away, the burden of the sect has fallen on her shoulders. In addition, she is afraid of causing unnecessary trouble because of her beauty. Wang Yun has been very cautious in the past few decades.

Lu Tiandu, a powerful master, has been protecting her all the way. Not only have the two become closer because of their dual cultivation, but their cultivation has also increased a lot, and they have gained one after another, making her look at Lu Tiandu with more affection. Get up.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu also carefully discovered all the hidden worries in her heart, and was willing to support her, which made her feel even more relieved.

If it was said that before because of Lu Tiandu's unfathomable strength, she had been deliberately getting close to each other, now the relationship is becoming more and more sincere.

Although Lu Tiandu also felt some changes in Wang Yun, he didn't think much about it.

He had already made up his mind to wait until he got out of here, spend spiritual stones to ripen some Thunder Source Fruits, refine some of the Thunder Source Pills to enhance the physical origin of the Thunder Spirit Body, and then share the Thunder Spirit Body with Wang Yun.

After all, since refining the natal magic weapon, a lot of the physical essence in his body has been consumed, and he is in urgent need of replenishment.

He discovered early on that as long as his woman had the physique he shared, there would be some mysterious connection between the two. This connection would become closer over time, which also made him never worry that the women in the harem would betray him.

As for the Yin-Yang Fruit, even though Wang Yun has lost her Yuan Yin and cannot be refined while the two are practicing dual cultivation, Lu Tiandu already has a solution.

This is about Cen Jingjun’s Phoenix Body.

Since long-term cultivation with Cen Jingjun, who has the body of Fengming, both of them somehow have more of each other's physical origin in their bodies.Looking inside, Lu Tiandu and Cen Jingjun both had dragons and phoenixes surrounding their Dantians.

However, the phoenix shadow in Lu Tiandu's body is more illusory, while the dragon shadow in Cen Jingjun's body is just illusory.

From this, Cen Jingjun was able to refine the sun and moon golden wheel that combines yin and yang.And Lu Tiandu believed that the innate Yuanyang Yuanyin contained in the Dragon Roaring Body and the Phoenix Crying Body in his body should not be a big problem when the time comes to refine the Yin Yang Fruit.

This solved the problem of Wang Yun not being able to refine the Yin-Yang Fruit without Yuan Yin Qi.

However, there is no rush in this matter. After all, even giving favors requires strategy.

I checked Old Man Gongsun's storage bag again, and found not much other than a jade slip that recorded some ancient formations and half a Taoist book of relatively high value for refining high-level puppets.

I think this person should have spent most of his wealth refining high-level puppets.

Moreover, these two people only had their own storage bags on them. The storage bags of other dead people were not on them, and they were presumably still in the hall.

With two fireballs at hand, Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeves, and shot a dim flying knife from the ashes of Luo Meng's body. This should be Luo Meng's magic weapon.

This flying knife was basically scrapped after being hit by a large piece of Xuanming True Lightning that had a corrosive effect.

The two powerful magical powers of the Three Flavors Kamikaze and Xuanming True Thunder that Lu Tiandu had cultivated combined with his wind and thunder spirit body, the power of destruction was really terrifying.

Therefore, he would occasionally use magical powers to destroy some treasures that looked good. After all, the many powerful trophies he obtained after killing an enemy could be used by himself or the women in his harem.

Just like the white jade ring that Luo Meng sacrificed before, when he found out that it was an ancient treasure, he only stopped it with the purple electric black fire sword. Just now Hongfu had confirmed that it was indeed a set of treasures with the Yin ring that he had obtained before.

It is a happy event for the girls in the harem to have an ancient treasure in their hands!
Lu Tiandu greeted Wang Yun, who was watching the Dayan Jue with great interest, and entered the quaint hall together.

He had used his spiritual sense to explore this place before, and there was no breath of living people.However, for safety reasons, the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes worn by Lu Tiandu are always activated.

They entered the main hall safely and safely. Before the two of them could observe the surrounding environment, a hundred-foot-sized giant bird skeleton with light gold in silver came into their eyes.

Feeling the power of thunder and lightning and the huge spiritual pressure contained in it, Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun looked at each other, and both saw the look of surprise in the other's eyes.

"I guess it's level nine or level ten Lei Peng!"

Wang Yun said with a look of surprise.Although the pressure brought by Lei Peng's huge frame made her uncomfortable, she felt happy for Lu Tian when she thought of this harvest.

"No, this may be a Lei Peng that has transformed into a god!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

Human monks can only produce spiritual pressure in the late stage of Nascent Soul, which is equivalent to the demon cultivator in the late stage of transformation among monsters. Judging from Lu Tiandu's observation of the size and color of the Lei Peng's complete skeleton, this is definitely beyond the tenth level. Monster.

"The complete skeleton of the god Lei Peng? Then didn't we send it?"

Wang Yun exclaimed.

The speed of flight and escape of Lei Peng, a spiritual bird of heaven and earth, is enough to rank among the top ten among all high-level spiritual birds.

As long as a few bones from its body are obtained and mixed with other materials, many flying magic weapons can be refined.

Needless to say, flying magic weapons are highly valued among all magic weapons. There are not many monks who can possess flying magic weapons.

Wang Yun suddenly became excited when she thought of the high profits brought by this Lei Peng skeleton!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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