Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 168 Wang Yun is angry!Wen Tianren!The tree of spiritual eyes!Late stage of Golden Elixir!

Chapter 168 Wang Yun is angry!Wen Tianren!The tree of spiritual eyes!Late stage of Golden Elixir! (1.2-in-[-] [-]w)

"Well, since Wen Tianren may go to this cave of Tianjing Sanren, I happen to be very interested in the refining method of Tianjing Sanren's magic weapon, the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror, and I want to make a trip, so we can go there later. Let’s take a look there?”

Lu Tiandu played with the jade slip that recorded the location of Tianjing Sanren's cave and pondered for a moment.

"That's fine. But Lu Lang, you should also be careful about Wen Tianren. Although this man appears to be a cheerful and generous nobleman, it is said that he is jealous in private, acts viciously, and is strange and fickle. I have extraordinary magic skills, but anyone who surpasses my peers will either be accepted as a lackey or will be killed wantonly..."

Wang Yun nodded. Anyway, he still had plenty of time, so he was not in a hurry to find Tianyi True Water.He briefly talked about some of the information he had heard about this successor of the Six Paths.

"Well, I will pay attention." Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, "It is naturally not easy to get the method of refining the eight golden mirrors from this person. If there is a fight, remember protect yourself!"

"Well, I will."

"However, there is no rush now. We will wait until you refine this black-winged carving into an incarnation before we take action..."

When Lu Tiandu came out of seclusion, he planned to find the traces of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo and the method of refining the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror for Xiaomei, Yan Ruyan and other girls, so that they could refine the magic weapon of their own life as soon as possible.

As a result, he accidentally broke into the teleportation array that entered the ruins of the Demon Court, and was sent here by Tianhuang and Luqiu who joined forces to suppress the people of Xinggong.

There was still a lot of reluctance in my heart, but I didn't expect that the harvest here was unexpected.

There is no need to say much else.

At present, the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo has been obtained from Jiyin's disciple Luo Meng, and now he has obtained the place where Tianjing Sanren is seated from the Liuji Holy Palace, an old man in the late Jindan stage. He wants to find the refining place of the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror. It is not difficult to control it.

And if this place has been conquered by someone first, there is a high probability that it was obtained by Wen Tianren or other people from the Six Extremes Holy Palace. When the time comes, just go to these people directly.

Seeing that the method of refining the Eight Golden Light Mirrors would soon be available, he secretly praised his good luck.

Wang Yun had already sorted out the various items in the storage bags of the three people, and Lu Tiandu took a casual look and put them away.

Some of the materials were found by these three people in this ruins, but they all gave him an advantage in the end.

After Wang Yun finished refining her external incarnation, the two of them practiced again with the help of Albizia Julibrissin, which greatly accelerated Wang Yun's recovery.

A few days later, the two of them looked at the jade slips to find the place where Tianjing Sanren was buried.

The search lasted several more days.

Along the way, Lu Tiandu and the two of them searched and saw many seventh-level monsters, a large number of wild beasts, and fewer and fewer human monks.

However, those who entered the core area through the Heavenly Illusion Realm were basically monks with middle-level Golden Core cultivation and above. Most of them thought that their strength was pretty good. Unfortunately, the number of seventh-level monsters and desolate beasts that entered here far exceeded their expectations.

It has only been more than four months, and less than [-]% of the human monks have survived in the outer Five Elements Spiritual Realm.

Most of the demonic beasts and desolate beasts they encountered were hunted by Lu Tiandu, and the demon elixir was captured and the Qi and Blood elixir was refined.

Any human monk who attacks these two people will basically not escape death.

Counting from the three monks Huo Yunzi, Chihuo, and Zhenyang Sect at the beginning to Luo Meng, Gongsun and other people who attacked him, more than 20 people died in his hands alone.

There are still seven or eight months before the monks who enter this place can be teleported out. It is really not optimistic how many people will be able to escape alive by then.

"It should be here!"

Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun stayed not far from a barren mountain, looking at the inconspicuous hill below.

Here, under Lu Tiandu's powerful spiritual consciousness, he quickly discovered a complete formation that was rare in this ruins. It was probably the formation that was deployed by Tianjing Sanren thousands of years ago to protect the cave.

"This place is indeed covered by a profound formation, but I don't know if anyone else from the Six Extremes Holy Palace has found this place, especially Wen Tianren..."

Wang Yun's bright eyes flashed with a faint purple light, and she used her pupil technique to quietly look at the barren mountain road below.

"You'll know after you test it out." Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Just when Lu Tian was about to take action, Wang Yun smiled slightly and said:

"Lu Lang, let me come this time and help you plunder the formation."

"That's good, it just so happens that you can experiment with the two sixth-level puppets and your newly refined external incarnation."

Lu Tiandu nodded and stood aside with his hands behind his back and looked at the surrounding environment.If the two of them hadn't come here specifically, it would have been easy to ignore it.

It seems that the Star Palace monks who once broke into this place entered it by accident.

Wang Yun looked at the hill below and patted the storage bag on his waist. Two golden lights flashed, and two tall golden-armored warriors appeared in the air, one holding an arm and the other holding a halberd.

"go with!"

Wang Yunsu moved her hand, and the two level six puppets suddenly turned into golden streams of light and shot towards the barren mountain.

She has taken the time to study the attack power of these two puppets since she got them. Although the overall strength is definitely not as good as that of a mid-Jindan monk, a full blow is not weaker than a hit by a mid-Jindan monk. The only thing that hurts people is this high-speed attack. The level puppet consumes too many spiritual stones.

Looking at the puppet going away, Wang Yun did not hesitate and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist again. A giant turtle with four black legs and an earthy yellow carapace and a huge golden eagle with black wings and unusually handsome roared, and appeared. The demonic wind that circled in the air and wrapped around the body also headed towards the barren mountains below.

Wang Yun commanded the two golden-armored puppets to stay somewhere in the void. Suddenly, a ball of golden light burst out around the two golden-armored puppets. Changge and halberd were waved, and the golden shadows several feet long struck with a "stab!" In this void.

"Rumble" explosions continued to sound.

A wave of blue water swayed in the void, and the barren mountain in front of him disappeared in the blink of an eye. A huge eggshell with flowing green light appeared where the barren mountain originally was.

At the same time, the basalt turtle and the black-winged eagle also used their natal magical powers, raising their heads and neighing, and two barrel-thick light beams, one yellow and one black, shot directly into the cyan eggshell.

Wang Yun concentrated on directing the puppets and monster incarnations to continuously bombard the formation, with constant "bang bang" collision sounds, and the cyan light curtain continued to gently sway like water waves.

After a while, looking at the eggshell which had not changed much, Lu Tiandu smiled lightly and said:

"Okay, put away the puppets and avatars, the people inside are coming out. It will be too late if you don't take them back!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Wang Yun stared at the cyan light screen, turned his purple eyes, and seemed to have noticed some changes. His face changed, and with a squeeze of the magic formula in his hand, the two puppets and two monster beasts instantly transformed into four. A stream of light separated and shot towards the direction of the two people.

"Hmph, if you dare to disturb my master's Qingxiu, how can I let you escape?"

A cold voice suddenly came out of the cyan light curtain.

Following this cold snort, the cyan light curtain suddenly cracked open, and four streams of light, two blue, two green, disappeared with a "whoosh" sound.

"not good!"

Looking at the four streams of light emitted from the light curtain, Wang Yun's expression changed, and she twirled her fingers and hurriedly changed the magic formula.

At the same time, looking at the four streams of light that shot towards the puppets and monsters, Lu Tiandu was slightly dazzled, and with a wave of his sleeves, the ten silver threads disappeared in a flash.


A sharp collision sound suddenly sounded in the void behind the puppet and monster beast.

More than a dozen streams of green, blue, and silver colors flew through the void at an extremely fast speed. The glow exploded and there were harsh explosions. Wang Yun's expression changed drastically as he hurriedly took back his puppet and avatar.

She originally thought that with two puppets comparable to the combat power of the middle stage of the Golden Core and two external incarnations comparable to the combat power of the late Golden Core, she should be very calm when facing ordinary Golden Core cultivators.

Unexpectedly, the four magic weapons released by the people in the formation almost ruined all of his trump cards.

This suddenly shocked her and at the same time she was secretly angry. Her big eyes stared at the many magic weapons shooting in the air.

"A person with such strength should be Wen Tianren, the successor of the Six Paths!"

Wang Yun looked at the people in the formation who had not yet appeared and thought.

She couldn't believe that a random person she met here could be like a freak like Lu Tiandu, who could wield several powerful and weird magic weapons.If Lu Tiandu hadn't taken decisive action and released flying needles to stop her, she would have definitely suffered a huge loss this time.

"What a strong source of true energy, what a powerful spiritual consciousness, it turns out it's you - Lu Tiandu!"

Along with a cold figure, the cyan light curtain cracked a hole about ten feet long. Inside, a barefoot young man wearing linen clothes, slender figure and wearing a high crown stepped forward and stood in the void.

This young man was less than 30 years old, with a handsome and elegant appearance, and a faint golden light emanating from his eyebrows. At this moment, his face showed a bit of evil spirit, and his tone was unusually cold.

"It turns out he is a descendant of the Six Paths!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, pointed his finger, and ten silver needles intertwined in the sky hovered above his head in a flash.

"This person should have refined a set of eight golden light mirrors just like in the original plot!"

Looking at Wen Tianren, who he hadn't seen for more than [-] years, with the golden light between his eyebrows becoming increasingly fierce, this thought flashed through Lu Tiandu's mind.

This was also the reason why he was convinced that this man had eight methods of refining golden light mirrors.

"I didn't expect you to reach the late stage of Golden Core so quickly!"

Lu Tiandu sounded a little surprised when he said this.We haven't seen him for a few months, and this person has already broken through the bottleneck of the late Jindan period. It's really a great opportunity.

Wen Tianren stared closely at Lu Tiandu, who had a calm expression, but did not look at Wang Yun, who had an angry look on his face next to Lu Tiandu.

He reached out and clicked, and two blue lights and two green lights in the void flew back to his head, circling continuously.

Two strange blue pointed cones of several inches in size and two cyan nails of the same size were revealed, emitting rays of rays of light, which looked extraordinary at first glance.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's surprised tone about his cultivation, Wen Tianren said indifferently with a bit of pride:
"Hmph, I am extremely talented. As a descendant of the Six Paths, I can naturally break through at any time if I want. How can you imagine? But you, I originally planned to find you after a while, but I didn't expect you to come to my door... …”

"That's just right. I will give you and your companions two choices. One is to join the Six Extremes Holy Palace, become the law enforcer of my Shenjiu Hall, and obey my orders from now on; the other is to let me take action and make you fall here. "

"If you join the Holy Palace, Ji Yin and the old ghost wizard will be wanted by the Holy Palace for you. Even the Master Tianhuang will not dare to covet the treasures on your body..."

After Wen Tianren finished speaking, he looked at Lu Tiandu with a condescending expression.

"Haha, Lu has no intention of being used as a dog to others. As for letting me fall, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head, smiled faintly, and looked at Wen Tianren teasingly, "But if you take the initiative to hand over the refining method of the Eight Golden Light Mirrors, Lu can let you go today!"

He is really an arrogant person, Lu Tiandu thought to himself. It seems that he has been arrogant for a long time and is used to taking life and death, so he is so arrogant!
As for Wen Tianren's claim that surrendering would lead to survival, Lu Tian would naturally not take such nonsense to heart.

Lu Tiandu had discovered the murderous intention hidden in Wen Tianren's heart during the brief confrontation between the two, so he naturally became rude in his words.

"Okay, very good! You are the first person who dares to say this to me, so let me try your skills!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Wen Tianren's eyes grew colder and he laughed angrily.

Although he had heard before that the demonic people wanted Lu Tiandu, a golden elixir monk who was rumored to be from a hermit sect, he didn't take it to heart.

He's just a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, why should he care?A flip of the palm can destroy it!
But this time Lu Tiandu suddenly broke into the place where the Demon Court Teleportation Formation was located, and his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Golden Core. It also aroused the covetousness of the old demon Tianhuang, and made him notice Lu Tiandu. Judging from his age, he should not be very old. There is some potential, and I have the idea of ​​​​taking him into a hawk dog.

However, after he discovered Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness peeking through the formation, he had long since given up on conquering him and had already sentenced Lu Tiandu to death.

He has practiced some kind of secret technique to enhance his spiritual consciousness, and he is very concerned about monks of the same level who have strong spiritual consciousness. How could he let there be someone similar to him among the monks of the same level.

Lu Tiandu is only in the middle stage of the golden elixir. His true essence and spiritual consciousness are so powerful that he is not weaker than him, a late-stage golden elixir monk, whose spiritual consciousness is even comparable to that of a Nascent Soul monk. How is this possible?

If this person advanced to Nascent Soul, would that be enough?
Wen Tianren's eyes showed no concealment of murderous intent at this moment. He sneered, stretched out his hand, and four streams of light, two green, two blue, shot towards Lu Tiandu again.

At the same time, Wen Tianren clasped his hands together, and a small flag appeared in his hand.

This flag is about three or four inches long, with purple light shining, and the aura is compelling.

Wen Tianren rubbed his hands together and gently shook the purple flag in his hand. Countless purple clouds jumped out, wrapping him tightly in it, hiding his figure.

"This person is very cautious!"

Seeing the ancient defensive treasure released by Wen Tianren, Lu Tiandu chuckled and pointed with his hand. The ten silver needles hovering above his head once again blocked the blue pointed vertebrae and cyan nails.

With a flick of his sleeves, two black snake-shaped spears about ten feet long shot out instantly.

As soon as the two black dragon spears appeared, two clear dragon chants resounded throughout the world. Above the black spears, spiritual light flickered, and the shadow of the dragon soul meandered, and an astonishing aura came out.

There was a flash of black light, and in the blink of an eye, two spears entwined with black dragons pierced the purple cloud with endless momentum.

Seeing the astonishingly powerful snake spear that was shooting towards him, Wen Tianren's expression changed as he was hidden in the purple clouds. He opened his fingers and an ancient bronze shield with white light flew out from the purple clouds. It grew in size in a flash and stopped. To the black dragon.

At the same time, Wen Tianren patted the storage bag on his waist again, and suddenly a huge silver bell flew above his head in a flash, casting thousands of silver rays to protect the clouds around him.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, a crisp cracking sound of "pop" came into his ears. When he looked up, Wen Tianren's expression changed drastically.

"No! The ancient bronze shield can't even block a single blow!"

Although he knew that the large bronze shield he released was not a very powerful ancient defensive treasure, it was far superior to ordinary defensive magic weapons. It was still beyond his expectation that it was destroyed by two black spears in one blow.

Fortunately, he was well prepared. He stretched out his hand a little, and in a blink of an eye, the giant silver bell above his head met the two black dragon spears that were shooting towards him.

"Okay! Okay! I didn't expect you to have such a treasure in your hand!"

Looking at the huge bell that could hold up two black spears, Wen Tianren's face flashed with green light, he sneered, he clenched his right fist and slapped his chest, suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, and a golden light flashed in the purple clouds. .

"Hey, what a flying sword!"

Lu Tiandu was not too surprised when he saw the golden sword shooting out in a flash.

With a faint smile and a flick of his sleeves, a purple-red light flashed towards him, it was the Purple Lightning Black Fire Sword.

Looking at the ancient treasure released by Lu Tiandu, Wen Tianren sneered, and the magic formula in his hand changed before the purple-red sword light and golden light collided.

The golden sword that was flying at high speed trembled slightly, and after a clear chant, it exploded with a "boom" and turned into a slender golden thread that was many inches long and filled the sky. In a flash, it bypassed the purple lightning mysterious sword. The flaming sword came straight towards Lu Tiandu.

"Ah! Be careful!"

At this moment, on the eve of the battle between the two, running more than ten miles away, Wang Yun, who was quietly watching the battle, suddenly opened her lips and exclaimed.

The back-and-forth battle between the two of them in just a few breaths made her look shocked. Sure enough, this kind of top-level battle at the same level cannot be measured by common sense.

If it were an ordinary monk, it would be impossible for two people to take out more than ten magic weapons released by just two people, let alone a battle of magic?

She was originally overjoyed when she saw Lu Tiandu destroy Wen Tianren's defensive shield with a pair of top-level ancient treasures, black dragon spears, and the ancient treasures gained the upper hand. However, she did not expect that the flying sword magic weapon released by Wen Tianren would change like this in the blink of an eye. .

It was unexpected!
Seeing these hundreds of golden needles, which were as fast as lightning, made her feel cold all over, and her heart suddenly lifted for Lu Tian.

"It turns out to be this flying needle magic weapon!"

Looking at the hundreds of golden threads shooting out, this thought flashed through Lu Tiandu's mind.

He has always been on guard against Wen Tianren's golden needle magic weapon. I remember in the original plot, it was these hundreds of flying needles that destroyed tens of thousands of three-color gold-eating insects of Han Lao Mo, causing Han Lao Mo to suffer endless pain.

Just as he was about to be pierced by hundreds of golden threads, Lu Tiandu disappeared in an instant as lightning flashed.

"Thunder Escape Technique? This person is really difficult to deal with!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu disappearing under the golden needle, Wen Tianren's huge spiritual consciousness surged out, and he found Lu Tiandu's figure instantly.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of golden threads rushed forward densely in a flash.

"Hey, if it weren't for the sake of accepting these hundreds of flying needle magic weapons, why would I hide and seek with you!"

With a chuckle, Lu Tiandu stopped, raised his feet and trembled. Suddenly, within a few feet of his body, blue and purple colors flowed, and a black hole vortex instantly enveloped Lu Tiandu's entire body.

In a blink of an eye, the black hole took the initiative to meet the slender golden needle that was shooting towards it.Silently, hundreds of golden needles fell into the sea like mud cows without causing a single splash.

"What? Impossible!"

In the blink of an eye, within the purple clouds, Wen Tianren's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

It's a pity that no matter how the magic formula in his hand changes, he can no longer feel the golden needle magic weapon that he has been refining for hundreds of years.

"Good thief, what method did you use to collect my treasure?"

Seeing the green and purple vortex dissipate and Lu Tiandu walking out leisurely, Wen Tianren, who was filled with shock and anger in the purple cloud, asked sharply.

More than a hundred years ago, with the assistance of his master Liu Dao, he refined the Eight-Door Golden Light Mirror, a once-mighty ancient mirror magic weapon. Unfortunately, after it was refined, his true energy and spiritual consciousness were limited, so he could not use this treasure. .

Only then did he spend a lot of money to refine this set of three hundred needles and swords into one flying needle magic weapon that warms his body day and night.He once relied on this set of elusive flying needles to defeat many powerful enemies.

This time when I entered this ruins, in addition to investigating the inheritance of Tianjing Sanren, I also wanted to find more crystallized demon pills to refine this set of flying needles.

As a result, the treasure that he relied on as one of his trump cards was just gone? !
"Your set of flying needles is good, I'll accept it!"

Listening to the frightened and angry Wen Tianren's shouts and questions, and feeling the three hundred golden flying needle magic weapons in the stone bead world, Lu Tiandu chuckled.

His own natal magic weapon, the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture, integrates attack, defense, and trapping the enemy, so it naturally has the effect of collecting and suppressing it.

This time, he used the blue and purple vortex released from the Wind and Thunder Prison map to instantly suppress the three hundred golden needle magic weapons, and in the blink of an eye they were received within the stone bead space.

And just in case, he secretly inspired the Tianxuan Treasure Clothes to protect himself.

However, it seems a bit unnecessary at this time. Hundreds of flying needles did not escape the suppression of the black hole vortex.

"Okay, don't reciprocate! You can also use my 'golden arrow' technique!"

Lu Tiandu snorted coldly, and then suddenly separated his hands. Within a few feet of his eyes, following his movement, three-foot-long golden arrows appeared out of thin air.

"go with!"

Lu Tiandu pushed lightly with both palms, and the hundreds of golden arrows trembled suddenly, seemingly slow but fast, and shot away in the blink of an eye, thinking of the purple cloud where Wen Tianren was hiding.

"Hmph, how dare you show off a mere intermediate level spell?"

Wen Tianren had a cold look on his face. Lu Tiandu appeared out of nowhere and took away his flying needle magic weapon, which made him still feel pain in his body. He made up his mind to use the six-pole true magic power to kill Lu Tiandu.

However, having learned from the past, he did not dare to release any magic weapons near Lu Tiandu at this moment.

Looking at the golden arrows shooting towards him, Wen Tianren snorted coldly and poured his true essence into the purple cloud flag in his hand. The purple clouds around him trembled, becoming larger and darker in color at the same time.

At this moment, hundreds of golden arrows disappeared into the purple clouds in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, hundreds of feet away, Lu Tiandu looked at the huge purple cloud with a strange expression.

Since Wen Tianren could use a yin weapon like a golden needle disguised as a flying sword magic weapon to carry out a sneak attack, he could naturally disguise the three-flavored kamikaze as golden archery to make this person suffer a lot.

Hundreds of golden arrows sank into the purple clouds. Gold and purple collided, and the golden arrows exploded. A slight golden breeze spread silently, making the purple clouds suddenly become lighter.

"Oh! I want you to die!"

At this moment, a shrill scream roared out from the clouds that had turned into light blue.

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed coldly and he stared at the past.

"You hurt my life today, and I have to extract your soul and refine it to relieve the hatred in my heart!" Wen Tianren broke away from the clouds and appeared dozens of feet away, with green light flowing around him, and his face turned blue. Staring at Lu Tiandu in the distance, his voice was extremely vicious.

On its feet, two more red flames appeared at some point, with a faint green light emitting from them.

At this moment, he still doesn't understand what kind of golden archery this is. It is definitely an incredible magical power.He was just a little bit contaminated and almost died.

Chun Chun was tricked by Lu Tian!
"He really is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the withered half of an arm floating in the light blue clouds, the green light around Wen Tianren and the flames on the soles of his feet, and guessed that this person escaped by relying on the "Calamity Elimination Technique", the green inner armor, and the flames on the soles of his feet. Shu only escaped this life.

This man has so many treasures that he has never seen in his life.

The one who can be infected by his three-flavored kamikaze and survive without dying is also No. 1!
"Haha, you can use the calamity-resolving method to deliver a fatal blow immediately, but I wonder if you might be able to deliver a second blow immediately?" Lu Tiandu sneered.

He also has a relatively good understanding of this technique. He first obtained relevant records in the fragments of the "Tian Yin Jue Sha Sutra" during his Qi refining period.

This technique involves cultivating a part of a body into a stand-in puppet in advance.

When an irresistible attack suddenly hits the body, one can use a mental thought to let one's limbs bear the disaster for oneself. This is especially effective against curses and other evil spells.

But this kind of top-level magic secret technique is generally safe and safe only if practiced by Nascent Soul monks, and limb injuries are easier to recover from.

Wen Tianren, who was in the Golden Core stage, probably spent a lot of money to cultivate this technique.

In fact, there is a better secret technique of saving the nation, which is to refine the calamity doll.When you suffer fatal trauma, letting the Huajie Doll die in your place will cause the least damage to your vitality.

However, because the materials are difficult to find and the production methods are secretive, not many Huajie dolls are circulated.

It is obvious that Wen Tianren does not have such a rare thing.

"Okay! Okay! Now I want you to see the power of Luan Xinghai's number one magic skill, the Six Extremes True Demonic Skill!"

Wen Tianren was furious and said in a cold voice.

Ever since he entered the golden elixir stage, he has never suffered such a big loss.

Lu Tiandu's magical power was so powerful that he almost died. At this moment, he even used all his trump cards to leave Lu Tiandu behind today.

When I think about it, if someone like Lu Tiandu advances to Nascent Soul, who among the same level can be his opponent?

Wen Tianren made a move with his hand, and the clouds that had turned into light blue returned to his body, including the purple cloud flags and severed arms inside.

This person formed a seal with one hand, and in an instant, the light blue clouds rolled up without any warning. Then the wind picked up, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth for dozens of miles nearby was agitated. Suddenly, like a river flowing into the sea, it flowed into the clouds. Infuse and advance.

Then the clouds skyrocketed, and their color began to change drastically, from the original light cyan to gray-white, and there was a strange "click-click" sound coming from it.

The nearby spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still being poured in continuously, and the gray-white clouds are also continuing to rise wildly. The clicking sound has completely turned into a thunderous noise, and even every sound makes people with lower cultivation levels tremble in fear. Six gods have no master.

"Hey, I thought it was so powerful. You have to use a magic weapon to perform this magical skill!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Wen Tianren who was casting the spell with cold eyes and struck.

"Boy, wait until you block the phantom of the Six Saints before you talk nonsense!"

In the gray-white clouds, Wen Tianren was holding his residual arm with one hand, staring at him with incomparable resentment.

Behind him, six tall shadows appeared, or there were horns on their heads.Or they are covered in scale armor, all of them are ferocious and terrifying, with fangs spitting out from their mouths, and gray-white evil energy is wrapped around their bodies, just like a demon coming to the world.

"Okay, let's see if you, the Six Extremes Saint, can block my Xuan Ming True Thunder!"

Lu Tiandu sneered, and before Wen Tianren could use the magic shadow to restore his body, a majestic voice spoke:

"Ray comes!"

Accompanied by Lu Tiandu's majestic voice, a piece of purple thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and there was a loud "bang", and the heaven and earth changed.

Thunder bursts, purple lightning danced wildly, and thick purple thunder pillars flashed, and in Wen Tianren's shocked eyes, they landed directly on the six tall phantoms that appeared behind him.

"Pfft" sounded.

The six phantoms dimmed amidst the thunder, and a painful expression appeared on their faces. Then, after a flash of gray light, they disappeared into nothing.

"Ah! Impossible!"

Wen Tianren was shocked, thinking that he was dazzled and could not believe what he was seeing.Moreover, his face instantly turned pale as the demonic shadow behind him was destroyed.

However, this man was also a man with rich combat experience. He came back to his senses in an instant and looked at the second wave of thunder pillars brewing in the sky. This man suddenly closed the purple cloud flag to protect himself, and a red light flashed under his feet, "Whoosh" With a bang, the person turned into a streak of red light and disappeared from the place.

Seeing the thunder and lightning falling in the void, Lu Tiandu was not too disappointed.

With the damaged Ziyun Banner and the turquoise armor protecting his body, Lu Tiandu had no hope that this thunder spell could destroy Wen Tianren.

"Xuanming Zhenlei! This is the first time I've heard of it. You really exceeded my expectations!"

In the distant sky, Wen Tianren stopped and stared at Lu Tiandu with a pale face.

Although the previous six-pole true demon phantom was transformed with the help of nearby spiritual energy, it was also mixed with some of his own true energy.

The phantoms of the six true demons were destroyed, causing his cultivation level to be reduced by one step.Although he can still practice and come back in the future, the current enemy has already damaged a lot of his energy.

"Hey, there are a lot of surprises beyond your expectations!" Lu Tiandu sneered.

Although his Xuan Ming True Thunder is a water attribute thunder method, which is good at damaging and corroding abilities. It is slightly inferior to the evil-absorbing divine thunder that specializes in restraining evil arts, but no matter what kind of thunder method it is, Needless to say, there is no need to say much about restraining evil spirits.

What's more, Lu Tiandu has long since cultivated this Xuanming True Thunder to the point where it is almost complete, and its power is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary lightning techniques.

He really didn't mind killing a few demonic figures that used aura and mana to condense.

"It seems that if I don't use all my cards today, I might be left here by this person!"

This thought flashed through Wen Tianren's mind. He suppressed the panic in his heart and no longer hesitated. He spat out a piece of golden cloud from his mouth, grabbed the broken arm and pressed it hard on the broken part.

Reaching out his hand and counting, Wen Tianren's face turned a little whiter.Looking at the arm that is still moving freely, the broken arm can be considered to be reattached.

"Hmph, I will keep my Tianyin Bell with you first. I will kill you later and I will get it back!"

Looking at the big silver clock that was snatched away by Lu Tiandu in the blink of an eye, Wen Tianren's expression remained unchanged and he sighed quietly.

As for the secret technique used, I think it is similar to the one where hundreds of golden needles disappeared before.

In fact, under the attack of Lu Tiandu's two black dragon spears, this Tianyin Bell could not last long.

As for the four magic weapons, the blue pointed vertebrae and the cyan nails, they have been fighting with the ten silver needles released by Lu Tian, ​​and the two magic weapons have become dim at this moment.

"I didn't expect that you would push me to such a desperate situation. Originally, I thought that except for those old ghosts in the Nascent Soul stage, there would be no one in the Core Formation stage who could be my opponent, but now it seems that I am really looking at the sky from a well. ”

"But that's fine. It's my luck to meet you now. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to kill you after you enter the Nascent Soul stage."

Wen Tianren looked at Lu Tiandu who was playing with the Tianyin Bell and said with an indifferent expression.

"Don't you want the method of refining the Eight-Door Golden Light Mirror? Today, I will let you see how powerful the Eight-Door Golden Light Mirror is!"

After Wen Tianren said the last sentence, his expression became solemn, and the golden light between his eyebrows suddenly became dazzling, and then stretched and stretched in a real way.

In the blink of an eye, a small and delicate horn protruded from Wen Tianren's eyebrows.

This unicorn shines with golden light and is covered with incomprehensible esoteric runes. Not only does it not seem to have a trace of demonic energy, it looks like it is filled with pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Wen Tianren opened his hands and shot out eight golden flames from his sleeves.These golden flames were as small as fists, brilliant and dazzling, and quickly spun around Wen Tianren.

After a few breaths, the flames extinguished, and eight ancient mirrors made of pure gold appeared around Wen Tianren.These mirrors are about the size of a palm, one side is as smooth as water, with a hint of golden light flowing, while the other side is wrinkled, uneven, and ugly.

"Eight doors of golden light mirror!"

An exclamation came from Wang Yun, who was watching the battle more than ten miles away.

After thousands of years, the appearance of this once number one offensive magic weapon in the Chaotic Star Sea would surprise everyone.

Today she was lucky enough to see the shocking fight between the two of them, which was really eye-opening and unforgettable for her!Thinking about the endless methods the two people used, if you look at the outside world, they would have killed many monks of the same level.

Although she knew that Lu Tiandu had amazing magical powers and that the three-flavored divine wind and the Xuanming True Thunder were extremely lethal, she felt her heart pounding again when faced with this magical weapon that was known as the most powerful weapon in the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars.

At this moment, it was obvious that the two of them were at the point of life and death!

"Okay, today I have a chance to learn about the legendary golden light and divine flame!"

Lu Tiandu watched Wen Tianren finally take out the bottom card and smiled lightly.

According to the memory in the original plot, the power of the golden divine flames displayed by Wen Tianren in this golden elixir stage with the help of the eight-door golden light mirror is similar to the Tiandu Corpse Fire that Jiyin has cultivated for hundreds of years.

If it were practiced by Nascent Soul cultivators, it would probably be several points more powerful than dry blue ice flames.

But at this moment, Jindan cultivator Wen Tianren was using it, and he really didn't take it to heart.

Wen Tianren has a trump card, but he doesn’t?

Maybe the trick he once practiced will come into use today!

At this moment, the golden horn flashed between Wen Tianren's eyebrows, and a thin golden light suddenly spurted out, hitting the mirror closest to him, and then quickly bounced to the small mirror next door.

It ejected eight times in the blink of an eye. After each ejection, the golden light became a little stronger. When it ejected from the last golden mirror, the golden light had become as thick as a baby's arm.

After the golden light bounced off the last golden mirror, it suddenly gathered into a ball of golden light the size of a head, suspended in the air in front of his chest, flickering in large and small sizes, as if it would explode at any time.

Wen Tianren spread his palms flat and waved towards the light ball. The light ball immediately flew to his palm with a "whoosh" sound.

The man held the ball of light with one hand, glanced at the calm Lu Tiandu in the distance, and sneered in his heart:
"You're really more arrogant than me! It's just right. After I refine you, I can get rid of my inner demon!"

Wen Tianren moved the golden ball of light in his hand towards his chest, and then lightly patted it with his other hand.

After the two palms struck up and down, the light ball shattered into pieces, and countless thumb-sized light balls flew out, but strangely, all of them shot into the eight small mirrors.

In the blink of an eye, the eight golden mirrors shone brightly at the same time. After a tremor, eight golden light pillars as thick as the mouth of a bowl spurted out from the mirror.

Almost as soon as these light beams shot out of the mirror, they arrived in front of Lu Tiandu the next moment. The speed was so fast that Lu Tiandu was a little surprised.

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and with a flash of lightning, the person disappeared from the spot.And eight beams of light pierced through where he originally stood!

The next moment, Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared at another place a hundred feet away in the sky, looking at Wen Tianren quietly.

"If you only have this little attack power, just commit suicide!" Lu Tiandu said coldly.

Seeing this, the anger on Wen Tianren's face flashed away, and the golden horn between his eyebrows shot out a golden light again. The eight small mirrors flew into the sky at the same time, facing Lu Tiandu.

After the golden light flew into one of the mirrors, all eight of them hummed at the same time, and then countless rays of golden light shot out from the mirror overwhelmingly, shooting towards the surroundings of Lutiandu.

Seeing the overwhelming golden light coming from the sky, Lu Tiandu no longer used the Thunder Escape Technique to dodge this time. He shook his shoulders, and within ten feet around him, countless golden winds suddenly appeared, swirling around him endlessly.

A surprising scene appeared!

As soon as the overwhelming golden light touched the golden breeze ten feet away from Lu Tiandu, both of them melted away.However, upon closer inspection, the melting speed of the golden light is several minutes faster than that of the golden wind...

"How is it possible? This golden light can't trap him!"

Wen Tianren's eyes narrowed and his face looked extremely ugly.

If the golden light cannot trap Lu Tiandu, how can we talk about refining it?
Thinking of this, a ferocious look flashed on Wen Tianren's face, he pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the eight-sided small mirror suddenly radiated several times more golden light, shooting towards Lu Tiandu.

It's a pity that this golden light, which has become denser several times, still can't shake the golden wind.Lu Tiandu, surrounded by the golden wind, still looked at Wen Tianren quietly, as if looking at a fool!
"No, I swear to kill this person today!"

At this time, Wen Tianren's face was filled with a look of madness, and his hands kept forming various extremely complex mudras, while a low-pitched spell came from his mouth.

Then he opened his mouth and spurted out several balls of essence and blood one after another. With each puff, his face became paler. When the eight mouthfuls of essence and blood were sprayed into the golden flame one by one, his face had become extremely pale, and there was no trace of blood. Can't see.

At this time, the eight golden flames instantly shot into the sky, doubling their power.

"Go, burn it for me!"

Wen Tianren shouted angrily, pointed his finger in the air, and the eight golden flames above his head suddenly shot towards Lu Tiandu...

Outside the golden wind surrounding Lu Tiandu, golden light filled the air, and eight hot golden flames were burning. Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu's expression inside did not change at all.

"Okay, I have experienced the power of the golden divine flames, you can go with peace of mind!"

Lu Tiandu's indifferent words seemed to bring an end to Wen Tianren's life.

"Wind and thunder merge into one, suppressing the prison and devouring spirits! You are lucky enough to die under my attack, so I won't wrong you anymore!"

After speaking, Lu Tiandu opened his fingers, and a mysterious ball of gold and purple was suspended in his palm.This ball revealed a somewhat inexplicable meaning, as if it was somewhat similar to, yet somewhat different from, the black hole vortex of blue and purple that Lu Tiandu had used before.

Lu Tiandu waved his hand gently, and the mysterious ball passed through the golden light and divine flames in a flash. In Wen Tianren's unbelievable eyes, suddenly, through the pale blue clouds transformed by the purple cloud flags, The light shield turned into green inner armor submerged into his body!

As the breeze blew by, Wen Tianren's suspended body disappeared like smoke, a few wisps of ashes flew away, and several treasures with dim aura fell down.

Many years later, whenever Wang Yun thinks of Wen Tianren's mysterious disappearance, her heartbeat will still slow down...

Lu Tiandu sighed slightly and casually waved the eight small golden mirrors that fell, silently.

"This move is really weird!"

Lu Tiandu thought of the magical power that finally killed Wen Tianren.

This is a magical power that he created by merging the two magical powers of the Three Flavors Kamikaze and the Xuanming True Thunder, combined with the magic weapon Wind and Thunder Prison.

It not only combines the evil destruction of the two magical powers, but also adds the power of wind, thunder, and space in the natal magic weapon. It is really weird and unpredictable, and you will die if you touch it!

"Let's go and see what Wen Tianren got in Tianjing Sanren's cave!"

Looking at Wang Yun who was sizing up the monster, Lu Tian said angrily, "Maybe there is the Tianyi True Water you have always wanted!"

"Hehe, borrow Lu Lang's good words!"

Wang Yun smiled and packed up the various treasures around her.

Unfortunately, most of them are damaged.Including Wen Tianren's pair of blue cones, a pair of green nails, a large bronze shield and ten silver needles from Lu Tiandu. Finally, Wen Tianren's green inner armor, four elephant dragon belts and purple cloud banners were also damaged.

"Ah, this is Tianyi Zhenshui!"

Wang Yun was suddenly pleasantly surprised when she saw something in Wen Tianren's storage bag.

"I really hit the spot!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and looked at the slender white jade bottle in Wang Yun's hand.

"Well, Lu Lang is a man with great opportunity!"

Wang Yun said with a smile.She didn't expect to get Tianyi True Water so quickly, which really surprised her.

"This man is really rich!"

At this moment, the two people who had entered the cave with the pass tokens in their storage bags looked at the dazzling array of magic weapons, elixirs, spiritual stones, demon pills, precious materials, jade slips of martial arts, etc., with expressions of surprise on their faces. .

Several magic weapons are ordinary magic weapons. After all, most of the treasured ancient treasures and important magic weapons were used by Wen Tianren in the war.

There are about two thousand mid-level spirit stones, a dozen bottles of elixirs refined from demon pills, more than twenty seventh- and eighth-level demon pills, and a large number of precious materials, including more than a dozen crystallized demon pills and jade slips. It records many exercises including "Six Extremes True Demonic Art", "Yinlong Jue", "Dianfeng Peiyuan Gong", the refining method of the eight-door golden light mirror, and the flying needle refining that combines needle and sword. Secret techniques and so on.

A rough estimate puts the value at over one million, which is much wealthier than the average Nascent Soul cultivator.

This naturally includes some of Wen Tianren's gains in this secret realm, but excluding these, it is still very amazing.

Although this person is a descendant of the Six Paths, Lu Tiandu knows very well about the character of the Supreme Saint of the Six Paths. In order to practice magic, this person will take action against his sister Wen Qing and his Taoist companion Mrs. Wen. The purpose of training Wen Tianren in this way is probably self-evident. .

Either to be used as a body to seize the body or to be one of the candidates to make a refined corpse.

After the two of them sorted out Wen Tianren's storage bag, they searched the cave where Tianjing Sanren was rumored to be, but unfortunately they found nothing.

“This cave looks like there’s nothing there!”

Looking at Wen Tianren's storage bag, apart from the jade slips of the Eight-door Golden Light Mirror, there was nothing related to the inheritance of the Tianjing Sanren. Lu Tian was a little confused.

In order not to leave any regrets, Lu Tiandu released the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting mouse, and sure enough, he made a new discovery.

When the two of them entered a stone chamber filled with restrictions hundreds of feet underground, their eyes were instantly attracted by the strange bluestone pillar in the center of the stone chamber.

"Is this thing really a spiritual eye tree?"

Looking at the Y-shaped bluestone pillar in front of her that was three feet tall, thick as a baby's arms, and light green in color, Wang Yun was surprised and confused.

"Although it doesn't look very eye-catching, this thing is indeed the Spiritual Eye Tree!" Lu Tiandu affirmed, "Of course, this Spiritual Eye Tree is not too old..."

"Perhaps this is the most valuable thing in Tianjing Sanren Cave!"

Lu Tiandu said as he looked at a stone platform near the Spiritual Eye Tree.

On the stone platform, because of sitting cross-legged for a long time, the marks left behind were so clear in Lu Tiandu's eyes.

In fact, Lu Tiandu currently knows about two spiritual eye trees. One is the spiritual eye tree of the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain in the original plot, and the other is deep in the holy mountain guarded by Xing Gong.

Many people know about the spiritual eye tree in the Star Palace. After all, the spiritual energy on the holy mountain is so rich that it is normal for the spiritual eye tree to form.

Lu Tiandu was very sure about this. Naturally, he had participated in many auctions when he first came to Tianxing City to look for Yishen Mud. The alcohol liquid flowing out of the Spiritual Eye Tree once appeared in an auction in a secret shop.

Although this alcoholic liquid cannot be taken directly, it is an excellent raw material for refining several elixirs.It is comparable to the treasure of thousand-year-old elixir.

At that time, Lu Tiandu had taken two copies. Later, before Hongfu gave birth to a baby, he successfully refined a Dingling Pill. After all, the final form of the Dingling Pill must be based on this spiritual fluid.

However, in the end, Hongfu took another Qingshen Pill similar to the Dingling Pill when she was pregnant, and successfully overcame her inner demons.

Lu Tian was not worried at all about Jie Ying. Now he could get a tree of spiritual eyes. What made him even more happy was that he could prepare Ming Qing Ling Shui, wash his eyes with a large amount of Ming Qing Ling Shui, and finally obtain Ming Qing Ling Eyes. Very practical magical powers.

However, he did not find the recipe for making Mingqing Lingshui in the inheritance left by Feng Xian, and he would need to visit the three sects of Yunmeng Mountain.

At this time, Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun had achieved their goals of entering the ruins, and there were still seven or eight months left before the two entered a state of seclusion.

Three months later, Lu Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the jade platform near the Spiritual Eye Tree, slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the growing true energy and soaring consciousness in his dantian, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with joy:
"Calculating that I am just 94 years old, I am now in the late stage of Golden Elixir, which is not bad!"

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 600 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend 20230112114517713 for the 100 book coins!
  Thanks to book friend 20221003001613306 for the 100 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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