Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 169 Want to lie down?Capture your granddaughter!Kill Nascent Soul!

Chapter 169 Want to lie down?Capture your granddaughter!Kill Nascent Soul! (Please subscribe)
"Congratulations to Lu Lang for his great improvement in cultivation. He is one step closer to the Nascent Soul!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu come out of seclusion, wearing a black dress, the sexy and charming Wang Yun stepped forward with her graceful waist twisted, her beautiful eyes full of joy, and she smiled.

"Your empty congratulations are too insincere!"

Lu Tiandu stroked Wang Yun's water-snake-like slim waist with his big hands, slid down, and chuckled.

"Did you miss me?"

Lu Tiandu's gentle voice sounded next to Wang Yun's jade-like ears.

Only when the two of them got along did Wang Yun reveal her true appearance. Seeing such stunning beauty, which he hadn't seen in three months, made Lu Tiandu feel a little hotter in his heart.

Feeling the familiar smell and Lu Tiandu's big hands, Wang Yun's beautiful face rose with red clouds, making her look even more delicate and bright.

"Hmph, don't you want me to congratulate you properly? Then what are you waiting for?"

Wang Yun pinched Lu Tiandu's waist with her slender fingers, her watery eyes showed a charming smile, and she looked shy and happy.

In the past few months, Lu Tian has not been around. After only a few good days, he has returned to the miserable days of the past. Who can bear this?
Moreover, since she started dual cultivation with Lu Tiandu, she also had spiritual objects like the Albizia albizia flower, and her cultivation speed was even faster. She was about to break through the middle stage of the golden elixir, so why not work harder?

Looking at the charming and affectionate beauty, Lu Tiandu smiled, hugged Wang Yun and ducked into a certain stone room.

Several days passed in a flash.

On this day, after double cultivation.

With a satisfied look on her face, the extremely charming Wang Yun, whose charming face was still a little rosy, looked at Lu Tiandu, who narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked with a smile:
"There are still several months before we can go out. Has Lu Lang thought about us going out to search again?"

"You've got so many good things this time, aren't you satisfied yet?"

Lu Tiandu rubbed Wang Yun's smooth jade back and asked with a smile while listening to the beauty's charming, somewhat hoarse voice.

"We have gotten so many good things from the outside. This is the core area. After searching, there will be no less good things than the ones outside!"

Wang Yun looked at Lu Tiandu who still hadn't opened his eyes, rolled his eyes, came forward and bit Lu Tiandu's nose, smiling.

"If I had spiritual beasts like treasure-hunting mice and little golden monkeys, and the strongest strength at the same level, I wouldn't be able to retreat here! I must seize the time to turn this place upside down! What a wonderful ruins, come in and It’s not an easy trip!”

"You are really a little money addict!"

Lu Tiandu raised his hand and slapped Wang Yun on Wang Yun's snow-white buttocks, causing Wang Yunjiao to get angry and complain:

"Hmph, you are a full man but don't know a hungry man is hungry! If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry! I have long discovered that you may never be short of cultivation resources! How can I, the leader of a small sect, have to worry about cultivation resources all the time? There is a sect that needs to be fed..."

"It's only after I met you here that I became a little richer. Is it easy for you to say that I... Wuwu, I am all yours, and Miaoyin Sect is not even half as good as yours. You don't want us to live a tight life in the future. Baba’s, right?”

Listening to Wang Yun's outpouring of bitterness, Lu Tiandu looked helpless and sighed:
"Okay, I'll listen to you! It seems like it's impossible for me to lie flat next to you..."

"Hmph! You still want to lie down, you are so beautiful!"

When Wang Yun heard that Lu Tiandu agreed, she immediately smiled and put it to the corner of Lu Tiandu's mouth, smelling delicious and delicious.

In the past few days, Wang Yun had watched Lu Tian being immersed in her gentle home. Although she was secretly delighted by her charm, Wang Yun was secretly worried when she saw that Lu Tian didn't even mention exploring the ruins to find treasures.

Although her cultivation level improved faster because of the two of them practicing dual cultivation, she was not in a hurry about dual cultivation. She had plenty of time to go out.

The Demon Court Ruins Star Palace has finally been opened to outsiders for once. Wouldn't it be a pity if we missed the resources here in vain.

She has already understood that it is not easy to tie up Lu Tian. Beauty is only part of it. If her cultivation level cannot keep up, she may easily fall behind.

Although she has dual spiritual roots, Wang Ning and her two disciples are not very qualified. If they want to improve their cultivation, how can they do it without a lot of resources?
It's hard for others to find hidden goodies here, but it's too easy for Lu Tiandu!

Therefore, while thinking of ways to tie this man down, you must also encourage your own men to fight hard!

Lu Lang, you are not alone now, there is a sect behind you!

Want to lie down?nonexistent!

Time flies, and two months have passed.

Two rays of light, one purple and one blue, appeared near a lake somewhere.

This lake is hidden among several small peaks. It has green mountains and beautiful waters, a deep environment, and rich aura. It is one of the few beautiful scenery that the two of them have seen in this secret realm of the Demon Court.

"There should be good things at the bottom of this lake, and there is still residual demonic energy here. Maybe there are demonic beasts cultivating in it. You stay here and I'll go down and take a look!"

"Okay, Lu Lang, please be safe!"

Wang Yun smiled tenderly and watched Lu Tiandu disappear in a flash.

Wang Yun felt happy when she thought of what they had gained in the past two months.

Not to mention the hundreds of level-[-] monsters that killed captives, but also the various other elixirs and precious weapon refining materials that were rare to see in the outside world that were thousands or tens of thousands of years old. She was excited when she thought about it.

With so many gains, Yu Ying, who she had never dared to think about before, has also dreamed about it several times recently.Lu Tiandu made fun of her for her occasional excited giggles several times, but she didn't care.

"I have to hold on tight to this man!"

Wang Yun thought happily.She had a feeling that meeting Lu Tian was the greatest opportunity in her life to cultivate immortality.


I don’t know how long it took, but a dragon’s roar came from the bottom of the lake and woke up the giggling Wang Yun. Looking at the rolling lake, Wang Yun said to herself:
"It seems that Lu Lang has caught another dragon!"

With a "crash" sound, a pale golden dragon that was dozens of feet long broke through the water and flew into the sky. Waves of dragon roars resounded in all directions.

On the back of this pale golden dragon, Lu Tiandu stood with a smile.

In the blink of an eye, the golden dragon flew not far away from Wang Yun, suspended in the air, staring into blue eyes several feet in size, full of unwillingness.

"Hey, it's another purebred dragon!" Wang Yun said with a surprised look on her face.

"Haha, you wouldn't have thought, this little golden dragon is actually the granddaughter of the leader of the dragon clan, King Jin!"

Lu Tiandu flew forward, patted the golden horn of the golden dragon gently, waved his hand, and took the little golden dragon into the Yaochi Tower regardless of the unwillingness in its eyes.

"I didn't expect this golden dragon to have such an identity!" Wang Yun sighed.

If this was near the sea abyss, let alone the direct bloodline of the Golden Dragon King, other pure-bred dragons would be in big trouble if they were captured or killed by the human race.

The high-level Jiaolong clan and the Suanni clan are races that the alien monks from the sea of ​​​​humans are known to dare not kill at will.

These two major races are one of the few kinds of heaven and earth spirit beasts that have survived since ancient times. Not only do these monsters practice much faster than ordinary monsters, but once they are successful in cultivation, their magical power far exceeds that of monsters of the same level.

Even for these purebred spiritual beasts, it is not impossible to defeat enemies beyond their ranks.

"It was a good chance that this dragon found a legendary elixir like Dragon Transformation Grass. Unfortunately, he was caught by me just after taking one piece!"

Lu Tian was overjoyed when he thought about the process of subduing this dragon.

"What? Dragon Transformation Grass that can purify the dragon's blood? Is there such a magical thing here?"

Wang Yun was really surprised this time.

The two of them had captured five level seven purebred dragons before, including one black dragon, one silver dragon, one green dragon, one blue dragon, and one red dragon. Counting this golden dragon, there were six.

There are also about a dozen other blood dragons, such as blood dragons, cockscomb dragons, and spotted dragons. It is estimated that all the dragons that survived after entering this ruins were almost wiped out by them.

But this is the first time I encountered Dragon Grass!
This dragon-changing grass is a supreme sacred object for the dragon clan. It is said that if a monster with true dragon blood takes one, the blood will be greatly purified, which is of great benefit to practice.

There is such a good thing here. If the Jiaolong clan knew about it, it would definitely cause an uproar.

"Since this is the ruins of the Wild Demon Court, it is reasonable for there to be such a surviving dragon grass occasionally."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "This golden dragon only took one piece, and his intelligence has greatly increased. It seems to be a good thing."

Although the seventh-level monsters are already called monster cultivators, their intelligence is basically equivalent to that of a seven or eight-year-old human child.

This golden dragon showed extraordinary performance in the battle with Lu Tiandu at the bottom of the lake. Moreover, this golden dragon was also able to handle Lu Tiandu's spiritual message transmission with ease. He had the IQ of a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, which made him even older. for surprise.

Therefore, after the golden dragon, which could compete with ordinary early Yuanying monks in the outside world, was subdued by Lu Tiandu's force, even though he was extremely unwilling, he could only separate out a ray of demon soul and was accepted by Lu Tiandu as a spiritual beast.

Of course, if Lu Tiandu had not promised to continue taking Dragon Transformation Grass for this golden dragon, this proud golden dragon would have been killed in the end rather than become the spiritual beast of a human monk.

"Let's go, let's go to the next place!"

Lu Tiandu once again released the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting rat to greet Wang Yundao.

He has made up his mind to catch all the seventh-level monsters that enter this secret realm this time. After all, it is not easy to find a place with so many seventh-level monsters in the outside world.

Moreover, there are also spiritual beasts such as Suanni and Jiaolong that contain the blood of the true spirit of heaven and earth, which are very rare.After all, under the same circumstances, this kind of monster with extraordinary bloodline has a higher chance of advancing to the eighth level than other monsters.

All in all, he had captured one of the grandson of King Suanni and the granddaughter of King Jin Jiao respectively. If these were placed in the outer star sea, they would definitely provoke a war between the human and demon clans.

It's a pity that these two tribes here naturally couldn't guess that they didn't die in the ruins, but were captured by someone.

In addition to hunting or capturing demonic beasts, Lu Tiandu and the others also killed a large number of sixth- and seventh-level desolate beasts. In addition to using some of the materials on these desolate beasts to refine weapons, Lu Tiandu also collected their flesh and blood for refining. Great elixir for controlling qi and blood.

For such a long time, neither of them discovered the existence of an eighth-level monster in this ruins. It is most likely that after this space debris was abandoned in ancient times, no creatures above level eight could be born in it.

In the past two months, the two of them have also encountered a few surviving monks. At this time, the survivors are basically those with high combat prowess.

It was a pity that Lu Tiandu, who had disguised his cultivation as the original Jindan mid-stage, did not have anyone who attacked him survive. Instead, he gave Lu Tiandu a lot of hard-earned elixirs or materials in vain.

The days of fighting and killing passed by in a flash, and this day was the last day of the year since they entered this place.

Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun stood on a mountain peak, looking into the distance.

"I heard that the location being teleported will be within ten thousand miles of the teleportation array we came in from, so be careful then!"

Lu Tiandu warned, "After you go out, wait for me at Zhuxing Island. If I don't arrive within three days, you can go back to Miaoyin Sect by yourself. Before I arrive, remember to activate the formation, just in case. one……"

"Yes, I remember. Lu Lang, please remember to come to me quickly!"

Wang Yun nodded and looked at Lu Tiandu with a troubled expression.

In the past four months, the monsters within a million miles in the core area of ​​​​the secret realm have been wiped out by the two of them. Among them, the few remaining monks were all killed by Lu Tiandu because they took the initiative to attack the two of them. net.

If there are humans and demons who survive, they are probably just a few scattered ones in the periphery who have not passed through the illusion.

This also gave Wang Yun an excuse to survive.After all, Zhengmo Dao has lost so many Jindan monks this time, and some of them have great backgrounds. The other surviving monks will definitely be questioned.

Of course, the people from the Star Palace must bear the brunt of the suspicion. After all, only the Star Palace monks had entered this place before.

Therefore, after interrogating the few monks who survived, Zhengmo Dao may very well think that this loss was a counterattack by the people of Xinggong who discovered their conspiracy.


Feeling the three-legged Golden Crow mark on the back of his hand glow slightly, a faint golden mask appeared around Lu Tiandu, and a red mask also appeared around Wang Yun next to him.

A clear crow sounded in his ears, and Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed as he suddenly appeared in a sea of ​​water.


Lu Tiandu let go of his consciousness, but unfortunately there was endless sea water around him and there was no one else around.

The figure flashed, and Lu Tiandu, who had disguised his cultivation as the early stage of the golden elixir, used the water escape technique to escape upward instantly.

"I heard from Wang Yun that this teleportation array is located in the southwest of Zhuxing Island, and Zhuxing Island is in the northwest of Tianxing City. If you want to reach Lingxing Island where the Miaoyin Gate is located, there is still a long way to go..."

As soon as he escaped from the water and breathed the familiar air, Lu Tiandu thought deeply.

Zhuxing Island is one of the 24 outer star islands of the Star Palace, while Lingxing Island is located directly south of the Star Palace and is one of the twelve inner star islands.

However, with Lu Tiandu's current speed, it is not difficult for him to fly more than 20 to [-] miles a day, and it doesn't take him too long to cover a distance of millions of miles.

His top priority is to reunite with Wang Yun, and then secretly escort Wang Yun back to Lingxing Island.

After all, no one knows whether these people coming out of the ruins will be targeted by others, so be careful.

"Hahaha, it's you, Lu Tiandu! I didn't expect that my chance would fall on you!"

More than twenty miles away, a spiritual consciousness has been firmly locked on Lu Tiandu, and a burst of ecstatic laughter can be heard in his ears.

Lu Tiandu used his consciousness to detect the figure shooting towards him.

Since he was promoted to the late stage of Jindan, his spiritual consciousness has reached an astonishing more than 150 miles, which is half more than the hundred miles in the early stage of Nascent Soul. He scanned this person but was not noticed at all.

"Old Monster Yun from Tianjimen? It's strange, why are you intercepting me here? And it sounds like you are waiting for me here specifically?"

Lu Tiandu looked confused.

This person was one of the two early Nascent Soul monks who had escorted the Zhengdao Jindan monks. Unexpectedly, one year had passed and he had not returned to Tianjimen, but he still stayed here.

"Moreover, there is another person following behind this person. Hey, isn't this Gong San from the Demonic Path?"

Lu Tiandu had a strange look on his face when he saw the obscure old man in black clothes behind him. This man was also one of the Nascent Soul cultivators he met when he broke into the teleportation array.

One of the two early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators from the Demonic Path had quite a bit of ill will towards him.

Within three or four breaths, Old Monster Yun in pale golden robes had appeared near Lu Tiandu.

This man was short in stature and had a rosy complexion. His face was full of joy at the moment. He looked at Lu Tiandu and smiled happily, and said to himself:

"Senior brother's calculation for me is indeed good. This boy should have a great chance. If I get it, he may be able to take a step forward..."

"Okay, you..."

When Old Monster Yun saw that Lu Tiandu did not run away, he thought that he had been intimidated by himself as a Nascent Soul cultivator. He was about to ask Lu Tiandu to hand over his storage bag, but suddenly he seemed to sense something, and a look on his face He said angrily:

"Who, who is hiding where? Get out of here!"

"Brother Yun, why are you so angry!"

A few miles away, an old man in black suddenly walked out of a cloud high in the sky, looking at Old Monster Yun with a smile, "I happened to be passing by here, and I didn't expect to see this guy Lu Tiandu, what a fate! "

"Gong Sanren, why are you here? Did you follow me here?"

Old Monster Yun from the Tianji Sect had long since lost the joy he had when he saw Lu Tiandu, and looked at the old man in black who was shooting towards him with an angry expression.

Although the old man was asking a question, his tone was very certain.

"Brother Yun, what are you talking about? Calculating the time, the person who entered the secret realm will probably come out at this time. I'm just here to try my luck!"

Gong Sanren said with a smile.

"Brother Xu Yun, just because you are targeting these people, don't you allow me to come and attack Qiu Feng as well?"

"You... hmph, I don't care what your purpose is here. I saw this person first, so I don't care if you have more skills..."

Old Monster Yun snorted coldly and looked at Gong Sanren with an indifferent expression.

"Sorry to excuse you, Gong Sanren, are you saying that there are other monks here who are ready to be hunted by Nascent Soul monks?"

When Lu Tiandu heard Gong Sanren's words, he immediately gave up his intention to watch the excitement and asked hurriedly.

"Good boy, is this Sanren's name something that a junior like you dares to call me? If you don't come up with something good to apologize today, you won't even think about walking out of here!"

Gong Sanren's smiling face was instantly filled with a cold look, and he said with murderous intent.

But he secretly thought in his heart, with this reason, I would like to squeeze something out of this kid no matter what.

He remembered that when the old demon Tianhuang suddenly attacked Lu Tiandu, he must have discovered something strange about this kid. Otherwise, with Tianhuang's temperament, how could he care so much about a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core?
"Gong Sanren, you don't want to..."

After hearing Gong Sanren's words, Old Monster Yun's voice suddenly turned cold. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Lu Tiandu's faint voice:

"Senior sister, I leave the old ghost in black to you!"

Old Monster Yun and Gong Sanren were a little surprised when thunder suddenly started, and Lu Tiandu turned into a bolt of lightning and went straight to Old Monster Yun's position.

At the same time, a red figure that appeared out of nowhere headed straight for Gong Sanren in black.

"Hey, why is there suddenly an extra Nascent Soul cultivator?"

This thought flashed through both of them at the same time.As for Lu Tiandu's sudden return to the late Jindan cultivation level, they didn't take it seriously.

"What a good boy, he actually knows the lightning escape technique. He is indeed destined to me!"

In the blink of an eye, Old Monster Yun's eyes lit up as he looked at Lu Tiandu, who was already much closer to him.

With five fingers grabbing in the air, a big purple hand grabbed Lu Tiandu with great power.

"This person actually also practices thunder attribute techniques?"

Looking at the power of thunder and lightning contained in the big purple hand, this thought flashed across Lu Tian's mind.

With a flick of his sleeves, two black snake-shaped spears about ten feet long shot out in an instant, heading straight towards Old Monster Yun.

As soon as the two black dragon spears appeared, two clear dragon chants resounded throughout the world. Above the black spears, spiritual light flickered, and the shadow of the dragon soul meandered, and an astonishing aura came out.

"Top level ancient treasure?"

Old Monster Yun's eyes lit up, this kind of ancient treasure is not common.

With a casual move, an energetic purple ring was wrapped in a thundercloud, and suddenly grew larger to greet it.

Gong Sanren, who had already released a magic weapon in the distance to deal with the beautiful woman in red with a cold look on her face, instantly realized the extraordinary power of these two spears and secretly thought that Lu Tiandu really had something good.

At this moment, Hong Fu looked at the old man in black who dared to be distracted in the battle with her. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his hand, the two bronze spears turned into streams of light again and went straight towards Gong Sanren.

"What? Isn't this the pair of Gan Tian Ge owned by Wu Lao Gui?"

Just now, Gong Sanren, who was not paying attention, was affected by the mysterious cold energy on the cold white jade seal of the other party. When he saw the pair of rusty bronze Changge released by Hongfu, he was startled and hurriedly He patted the storage bag and released two more magic weapons to fight.

At the same time, lightning flashed, and Lu Tiandu instantly escaped from the grasp of the purple hand.

Looking at the two black dragon spears held up by the purple rings, he didn't say much. With a flick of his sleeves, hundreds of golden arrows shot at Old Monster Yun in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Old Monster Yun who was dealing with it easily and comfortably, Lu Tiandu sneered, stretched out his palm, turned it into a hand knife, and struck several times in an instant.

Purple light flashed, and several bolts of lightning quickly landed on Old Monster Yun's head.

"This guy is so weird. Can he cast an intermediate-level spell instantly?"

Old Monster Yun waved his hand and released a shield to meet the purple thunder above his head. He grabbed it with his big hand, and another big purple hand grabbed the oncoming golden arrow.

"Bang! Bang!"

As soon as several purple thunderbolts landed on the black shield above his head, Old Monster Yun sensed something was wrong and was about to run away when his body went numb and staggered.

At the same time, the big hand he released to deal with the golden arrow had been turned into nothingness by the golden arrow.

"No, there's something weird about this golden arrow!"

Seeing the golden arrow that instantly destroyed his advanced spell, Old Monster Yun was shocked.

It was too late to release the magic weapon at this moment, so Old Monster Yun had to increase the amount of magic power injected into the purple shield around him.

Unfortunately, everything is too late!

Wherever the golden arrow passed, Old Monster Yun's legal body had turned into nothingness, and the protective shield around him did not last even for a moment.

In the light golden mist, suddenly a purple baby several inches in size, extremely weak and panicked, hugged a purple bead, and was about to escape in the blink of an eye.

There was a flash of thunder, and a bolt of lightning fell on the baby's head. In an instant, Old Monster Yun's Nascent Soul also turned into nothingness.

"What? Impossible!"

In just two breaths, Old Monster Yun, who was at the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, was killed. Even the Nascent Soul could not escape, making Gong Sanren shiver all over.

Unfortunately, looking at the old man in black with his flaw exposed, Hong Fu flicked his sleeves, and a silver light flashed, and Gong Sanren was instantly frozen into ice cubes by the Xuan Han True Light.

With a "bang" sound, a green baby several inches in size flew out from the ice that was shattered by a white jade ring.

The baby looked panicked and was about to teleport away, but was suddenly caught by a big hand...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friends Taiwanese for the 100 book points reward for reading novels!
(End of this chapter)

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