Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 170 Miaoyin Sect!Fan Jingmei!

Chapter 170 Miaoyin Sect!Fan Jingmei! (Please subscribe)

"It seems that Senior Sister's Xuanhan True Light Magical Power has made great progress. Junior Brother is here to congratulate Senior Sister!"

Lu Tiandu held Gong Sanren's cyan baby in his hands and showed his figure. He looked at Hong Fu, who was dressed in red palace clothes and stood tall in the sky, and smiled slightly.

"This Xuanhan True Light is able to be so powerful, thanks to the many Snow Po Pills you refined for me, otherwise it wouldn't be as powerful as it is now!"

Hong Fusu's hands gently picked up a few scattered strands of black hair, adding a bit of gentleness to her cold and beautiful face.

Although this Xue Po Pill is not an elixir for improving cultivation, it is an auxiliary elixir that allows ice-cold attribute cultivators to further develop their ice-cold power.

The elixir used in it was also cherished very much. Lu Tiandu spent a lot of time in order for Hongfu to cultivate the magical power of Xuanhan True Light.

Looking at Lu Tiandu quietly, Hongfu smiled lightly and said again:

"But junior brother, your two magical powers now are really beyond my expectation. I originally thought I had to kill the old man in black before I could help you, but I didn't expect that you killed that man faster than me! "

Although she had been suppressing Gong Sanren just now, her consciousness had been paying attention to Lu Tiandu, for fear that her husband would have any surprises when facing a monk who was at the peak of the early Yuanying stage.

She naturally knew Lu Tiandu's late-stage cultivation of Jindan. As soon as he broke through, Lu Tiandu returned to Yaochi Tower and reunited with them for a few days.

Although she knew that her husband's combat power was astonishing, she was still surprised to kill an early Yuanying monk so quickly and fiercely with his late-stage Jindan cultivation.

It was she who used the natal magic weapon Xuanhan Jade Seal, a pair of Gantian Ge and the last Yang Ring plus Xuanhan True Light to kill a monk of the same level.

If Nascent Soul cultivators at the same level cannot be suppressed by crossing the level, it is basically difficult to kill them. After all, they naturally have many secret techniques for escaping.

It's a pity that this Yuanying monk was wiped out in Lu Tiandu's hands in just a few breaths.

"My two magical powers did increase in power a lot after I advanced to the late stage of the Golden Core. However, I was able to get rid of this person so quickly because he looked down upon me... Unfortunately, sometimes a little carelessness can lead to death. …”

Lu Tiandu shook his head, and it was hard to explain how much precious resources he had spent on cultivating these two magical powers.

"Senior sister, I have a friend who came out of the secret realm with me. I don't know where he was teleported to. I heard what Gong San said before. There are monks nearby who have been specially robbed by Nascent Soul monks. Please help me search for souls first, Gong San. Find relevant information!”

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he threw the Yuanying in his hand over.

Hong Fu rolled up his sleeves and put away his Nascent Soul. He glanced at Lu Tiandu with his beautiful eyes and asked lightly:
"Just simple friends?"

"..." Lu Tiandu smiled coquettishly.


Hong Fu snorted coldly and said nothing more.How could she not know about her husband's romantic affairs?

It's only been a year since they left their sight, and they have more sisters?

After putting the red whisk into the Yaochi Tower, Lu Tiandu waved his sleeves and put away the storage bags of Old Monster Yun and Gong Sanren as well as several magic weapons.

Then he took out the jade map slip, and after confirming his position, it turned into a breeze and disappeared instantly.

Lu Tiandu had just fled for a moment. Hong Fu in the Yaochi Tower had already finished searching for souls and quickly informed Lu Tiandu of the results.

A year ago, after hundreds of demonic and neutral golden elixir monks entered the teleportation array, the nine Nascent Soul monks who led the team left the teleportation array.

Moreover, after that, there was a big battle between the old demon Tianhuang of Huohuang Island and the middle-aged scholar Elder Shi from Xing Palace.

Although it was in the name of competition, both of them showed real fire.Although there were no casualties in the end, both of them suffered a lot of damage.

In the past year, no other Yuanying monks have come to this teleportation array location.

After all, although there is a ruin here, it is a pity that only monks in the Dan Formation stage can enter, and the time of each entry is not fixed, and the means of entry are also in the hands of Xing Gong, which is like useless to these Nascent Soul old monsters.

As for Gong Sanren's appearance here, it was actually to hunt a certain monster. As a result, he happened to encounter Old Monster Yun from the Tianji Sect wandering here many times. Thinking of the calculation skills of the Tianji Sect, he secretly wondered if there was any treasure here. Born?

Therefore, I kept a close eye on Old Monster Yun to see if I could get some benefits.

Only then did two people appear one after another.

As for what Gong San said about Yuanying monks coming here to fight the autumn wind, it was just to frame old monster Yun and take advantage.

Moreover, other information obtained from this man's memory also made Lu Tiandu a little confused.

In the past year, many Jindan monks who entered have died. Some of them must have left soul cards or soul lanterns in the sect or family. However, for some reason, no one knew about entering in the past year. The ruins of life and death.

"It seems that the ruins of the Demon Court are indeed located in some space debris. It can actually cut off contact with the outside world. It's really a great trick!"

After sighing, Lu Tiandu continued to Zhuxing Island without stopping.

In this way, there is no need to worry too much about Wang Yun's safety.

Moreover, in a few days, with the return of the surviving early-stage Jindan monks, the information about other dead middle- and late-stage Jindan monks may spread.

If someone comes to ask Wang Yun by then, he will have enough time to arrange it.

Another point is that two monks from the Zhengmo Dao who were in the early stage of Yuanying died at the same time on the day when the monks were teleported out of the ruins of the Wild Demon Court. In addition, other people in the Tianji Sect must know that Old Monster Yun specially stayed here to "wait for the opportunity." Next, I'm afraid there will be many disturbances.

But as long as Lu Tian doesn't show up, these naturally have nothing to do with him.

In addition to this information, Hongfu also found a hidden cave in Gong Sanren's Nascent Soul, and Lu Tiandu was also prepared to wait until the matter calmed down before exploring it.

In less than half an hour, Lu Tiandu had arrived near Zhuxing Island, and suddenly transformed into Xiao Changsheng again.

Except for using this identity for a while in Tianxing City, he has not used it for a long time.The other Han Feiyu's identity is related to his identity, so it is difficult to appear for the time being.

As a result, before he could search, Wang Yun was found in the southern part of Zhuxing Island.

It seems that the place where Wang Yun came out is closer to Zhuxing Island.

After a while, Wang Yun also recognized Xiao Changsheng's face, pretending not to recognize him, and the two flew away from Zhuxing Island one after another.

"In addition to me this time, I also met three fellow Taoists who entered the ruins together near Zhu Xing Island..."

On the way to escape, Wang Yun said in a voice message.

"Well, I guess not many people will survive this time!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

It is estimated that half of them were killed by him, and the others were either killed by their companions while fighting for the treasures, or died in the hands of monsters or wild beasts.

"In a few days, it is estimated that the news of the destruction of the elite Jindan monks of the Demonic Path will spread, and someone will definitely come to ask you. In this way, I will arrive at Lingxing Island in advance and meet you as a visiting friend..."

Lu Tiandu explained his plan.

If there are still some flaws in following Wang Yun back to Miaoyin Sect at this time, after all, a golden elixir monk suddenly appeared, even if he had known Wang Yun decades ago, it would be very suspicious.

As for refining medical elixirs for Zi Ling, there is no rush at this time.

After all, Wang Yun's excuse was that he didn't enter the core area and finally survived.

In this way, how to obtain the Tianyi True Water is naturally a flaw.

Speaking of which, in addition to getting a bottle of Tianyi Zhen water in Wen Tianren's storage bag, the two found several places where Tianyi Zhen water condensed in the back, and they gained a lot.

This kind of water attribute treasure has many uses, whether it is used to condense water magic weapons, practice water magical powers, or refine some special elixirs, and it is also a rare material.

Now that in the inner star sea, with Wang Yun's current strength, he can easily escape when encountering a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, and there is no need for Lu Tiandu to escort him all the time.

But just in case, Lu Tiandu took out two level seven monsters, the grandson of King Suanni and the granddaughter of King Jinjiao that he had conquered before, to protect her.

In this way, even if you encounter a Nascent Soul cultivator, you can still fight.

Speaking of which, after he swept through the core area of ​​the ruins, he subdued more than twenty dragons in total, and even Suan Ni had more than ten. Later, he could let the women in the harem subdue one each, which was considered a very potential helper.

As for those with low potential, it may be useful to wait until level eight to kill demons, collect elixirs, and collect souls. After all, it is not easy for the outside world to find the demon elixirs and demon souls of these two high-level demon beasts.

Of course, these thieves' stolen goods naturally dare not be used freely in the outer star sea.

So halfway through, the two separated, and Lu Tiandu fled with all his strength, arriving at Lingxing Island in just a few days.

This is one of the three inner star islands in the south of the star palace. The island is huge and extremely prosperous.

The island owners of Lingxing Island, like the other eleven inner islands, were appointed by the Twin Saints, and each island owner is a Nascent Soul stage monk.

There are also several deputy island owners, all of whom are in the Golden Core stage.

This kind of inner star island is guarded by powerful star palace monks, and its business is also very developed. It is not far from Tianxing City, so it attracts many small business forces like Miaoyin Sect to serve as sects and headquarters.

Lu Tiandu concealed his cultivation to the middle stage of Jindan, and quickly entered Lingxing Island using Xiao Changsheng's identity.

After flying eastward for dozens of miles, Lu Tiandu stopped at the Zimu Peak, which was full of spiritual energy.The higher mother peak is Miaoyin Peak, which is used as the sect's headquarters by Miaoyin Sect.

The slightly lower Zifeng are some of the outer disciples of the Miaoyin Sect, as well as some male cultivators who have become Taoist companions with the disciples of the Miaoyin Sect and then joined the Miaoyin Sect.

There are many such peaks in the eastern part of Lingxing Island, and they are occupied by many small and medium-sized sects or families, which is not surprising.

With a simple sweep of his consciousness, Lu Tiandu knew that the mother peak wrapped in mist was covered with a layer of restrictions that exuded a faint green light.

I heard Wang Yun say before that since she left a year ago, she has asked her disciples to activate the mountain protection formation. Without important matters, her disciples are strictly prohibited from going out.

Moreover, without her hosting this year, many big businesses have come to a standstill.However, immortal cultivators have a long life span, and it is not a big deal if some business is delayed for several years.Scattered small businesses will be managed by the outer disciples, and they will be reported to Mother Peak every once in a while.

Lu Tiandu quickly landed at the foot of the mountain. In a patch of green bamboo, a stone palace stood quietly.

This is the place left by Miaoyinmen to receive visitors and pass on information.

Arriving in front of the main hall, Lu Tiandu's consciousness swept away and he smiled unconsciously.

It turned out that there were two female qi-refining disciples in the hall who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old. Their appearance was not bad, but with his current eyesight, he could see that their qualifications were average.

The two of them didn't know whether they were tired from practicing or playing around. At this moment, their four slender jade legs were resting on the bamboo bench, and the two of them were lying on the bamboo bench and sleeping soundly. They didn't notice anyone coming outside at all.

"Ahem! Is this where the Miaoyin Gate is?"

Lu Tiandu walked into the stone hall and asked loudly.

"Ah, Xiaoqin, we have a guest!"

The girl with the round face among the two girls stood up suddenly and knocked over the bamboo stool with her foot. While turning over to adjust her clothes, she hurriedly called to the other sleepy girl next to her.

"Senior, please wait a moment. Please forgive me for any inconvenience and let us sisters sort it out for a while!"

The round-faced girl also noticed how extraordinary Lu Tiandu was at this moment, bowed her hands and said cutely.

"Oh, I overslept. If the deacons and elders find out, they will punish me!"

This other pretty girl with an oval face was still a little confused at the moment, rubbing her eyes and muttering.

At this moment, it seemed that he had just discovered Lu Tiandu, an outsider. His face suddenly turned red, and he hurriedly arranged his clothes and bowed:
"Xiaoqin has met senior, please forgive me!"

"Nothing, it seems that your job is quite hard!" Lu Tiandu said with a teasing smile, "My surname is Xiao, please go and tell me that your Master Wang and I are good friends, and I have been specially invited to visit you this time. !”

"Ah, it turns out that the senior is the guest of the door owner. Please take a seat and rest for a while. Xiao'e will send the transmission note to the door as soon as possible..."

The round-faced girl originally thought that Lu Tiandu was also doing business in the sect, but she was surprised to learn that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with her sect leader.

The melon-faced Xiaoqin beside him was also a smart person. He immediately took out a tea set from the storage bag and started making tea seriously.

Next, Lu Tiandu chatted with the two little girls while waiting for the arrival of Miaoyin Sect.

A moment later, a burst of dense footsteps came.

Lu Tiandu had noticed the visitor a long time ago and secretly lamented that although the qualifications of the Miaoyin Sect disciples were not very good, their appearance was really good.

Not to mention the two girls Xiao'e and Xiaoqin, there are five people outside. Although their cultivation is average, they have their own beauty.

Especially the first person, although he is wearing a veil and cannot see the lower half of his face, his charming and passionate watery eyes make people forget the world at first sight.

This woman is 27 or [-] years old and is wearing a slim-fitting pink dress.Her skin was as smooth as snow and could be broken by blows, and her hair was black and shiny, and was tied up high into a flying bun, revealing her slender swan neck.

Within the sleeve placket, a pair of plump and bulging jade peaks are eye-catching.

While walking, she twists her graceful water snake waist, showing her tenderness and charm, charming in her lotus steps.

People can't help but sigh inwardly, what a charming and charming fairy who is so charming that she doesn't pay for her life.

This goblin, oh no, this woman who looked like a young woman led the other four people into the stone palace quickly, and a pair of charming eyes suddenly fell on the handsome young man in his thirties who had changed in Lu Tiandu.

"This person is Master's friend, why is it so strange..."

As soon as Fan Jingmei's eyes fell on Lu Tiandu, for some reason she had an inexplicable urge to get closer and a bit of uncontrollable excitement.

Her heart skipped a beat, and her beautiful face under the pink veil instantly gained a hint of red. Her eyes were dazed, and she had forgotten the business of coming here.

"Fan Zuozhi? Fan Zuozhi?"

The four early-stage foundation-building monks following Fan Jingmei saw that the leader, Fan Jingmei, had entered the door without saying a word and was in a daze, and they stabbed Fan Jingmei's arm repeatedly.

"Oh, I, Fan Jingmei, the left ambassador of Miaoyin Sect, have met... met Senior Xiao!"

Fan Jingmei woke up with a start, and her delicate face was even hotter. She quickly looked away to avoid being infatuated again.

As soon as she woke up, she discovered that the aura on Lu Tiandu belonged to Senior Jindan, and the name was not wrong.

"Oh, you are Jingmei. Your master has mentioned you to me."

Lu Tiandu looked at Fan Jingmei's seductive figure unscrupulously and smiled lightly.

Originally, he hadn't paid much attention to Wang Yun's two apprentices, but when he saw Fan Jingmei's beauty, he suddenly became a little greedy.

Fan Jingmei is so beautiful, so Zhuo Ruting is not bad at all!
Wang Yun said that he would give these two women as his concubines, so why not reluctantly agree?

"Senior, you..."

Feeling Lu Tiandu's unscrupulous gaze on somewhere, Fan Jingmei felt a little panicked in her heart, but for some reason she couldn't feel angry.

Even he didn't notice that his wonderful eyes were a little more charming, and for some reason he felt a little secretly happy in his heart.

"Just call me Mr. Xiao! It's a mistake to call me Senior!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, "Your sect leader sent me a message a year ago, saying that he went to a ruins somewhere, and asked me to come to Miaoyin Sect for a year to be a guest. I wonder if sect leader Wang is back?"

"Oh, this jade pendant is a token she left for me. She said it was for you to know after you take a look!"

Lu Tiandu said and threw a red jade pendant over.

"I see!"

Fan Jingmei calmed down a little at this moment. She took the jade pendant and looked at it several times. She felt relieved for the time being and had ruled out the speculation that Lu Tian was a hostile force of the Miaoyin Sect.

Mr. Xiao even knew the whereabouts of his master, and he had his master's personal belongings. It seemed that he had a close relationship with his master, so he felt a little relieved and said:

"Master Xiao, my master has not returned yet! Why don't you stay in our Miaoyin Sect for a while? If the master returns, you can meet him as soon as possible..."

"That's fine too!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, "I have a good relationship with your master, it doesn't hurt to wait for a while..."

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Fan Jingmei secretly glanced at Lu Tiandu again, secretly guessing about his relationship with her master.

And according to Lu Tiandu, her master once mentioned her to Mr. Xiao. Could it be that the master wanted her to be a Taoist companion or... a concubine for Mr. Xiao?
While Fan Jingmei was thinking wildly, a group of people quickly arrived at the sub-peak of Miaoyinmen.

The formations arranged here are naturally much worse than those on the parent peak.

Entering Zifeng, everything inside was clear to Lu Tiandu.

There are quite a few men here, with varying levels of cultivation, and the highest ones are only in the middle stage of foundation building.

Some are outer disciples of Miaoyin Sect, and others are male cultivators who took the initiative to stay in Miaoyin Sect after becoming Taoist companions with female disciples of inner sect of Miaoyin Sect.

Soon, everyone stopped in front of a luxurious hall.

"In this case, I would like to ask Young Master Xiao to stay here for a few days. If there is any inappropriate reception, please tell Young Master Xiao directly. I will definitely make Young Master Xiao feel at home..."

Everyone entered the hall, Fan Jingmei stood beside Lu Tiandu, smiled slightly, and her pleasant voice reached Lu Tiandu's ears.

"Nothing, it's just fine here!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and looked at the two girls following him, "Let Xiao'e and Xiaoqin take care of my daily life during this period! Xiao'e and Xiaoqin, are you willing?"

"Young master, we are willing!"

Xiao'e and Xiaoqin looked at each other, their bright eyes full of surprise.

The eyes of the four female cultivators in the early stages of foundation building behind Fan Jingmei flashed with envy.Naturally, they also very much hope to get close to Mr. Xiao, the golden elixir monk.

If they please Mr. Xiao, they might be rewarded with something casually, which would be enough for them to enjoy for a long time.

"Okay, Xiao'e, you and Xiaoqin must take good care of our distinguished guests during this period, do you understand?"

Fan Jingmei looked at these two lucky little girls and warned them.

"Well, Fan Zuozhi, we know!"

Xiao'e and Xiaoqin could clearly understand the meaning in Fan Zuoshi's eyes at a glance, and smiled shyly.


"Junior Sister Wang, Junior Sister Zhuo, what do you think?"

After saying goodbye to Lu Tiandu, Fan Jingmei quickly returned to a main hall in Mother Peak and told the young sect leader Wang Ning and right envoy Zhuo Ruting the detailed information about meeting Young Master Xiao.

Now that she was far away from Lu Tian, ​​the panic and uncontrollable feeling in her heart became much lighter.

But when I think of Mr. Xiao's good smell, I still feel a little obsessed.

ps: It’s the beginning of the month, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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