Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 171 Zhuo Ruting!Poison Dragon Club!Seeing Zi Ling for the first time!

Chapter 171 Zhuo Ruting!Poison Dragon Club!Seeing Zi Ling for the first time! (Please subscribe)
"Xiao'e, Xiaoqin, you two can practice here during this period. If anything happens, I will call you again!"

Before entering the inner hall, Lu Tiandu smiled as he looked at the two girls who were following him shyly and with rosy faces.

"Ah, Master, we..."

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Xiao'e and Xiaoqin suddenly became anxious and looked at Lu Tiandu pitifully.

"Okay, don't think too much, I'll call you if something happens... these two bottles of elixirs will be given to you. Please practice hard during this time!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head, handed over two bottles of Qi Gathering Pills that were taken during the Qi Refining Period, and entered the inner hall.

The two women were left with disappointed looks on their faces.

There are few opportunities for low-level disciples to meet high-level monks.

Whether it was the four female cultivators in the early stage of foundation building behind Fan Jingmei or Xiao'e Xiaoqin, they all had some close thoughts in their hearts after confirming that Mr. Xiao, the golden elixir cultivator, had a good relationship with their sect leader.

After all, looking at Mr. Xiao's appearance and age, they were somewhat tempted to ask them to serve as concubines for Mr. Xiao, a golden elixir monk.

Even if they can't become concubines, if they gain the favor of the young master during this period, just giving them something will be enough for them to enjoy for a long time.

This is not to say that they despise themselves, but for them, this is a very big opportunity that may change their destiny.

Therefore, Xiao'e and Xiaoqin were naturally disappointed when they heard that Lu Tian did not let them enter the inner hall together.

The two of them sighed, feeling a little listless.

They originally thought that Lu Tiandu named them to stay and serve them, which meant something to them. Unfortunately, they thought too much.

If I could get a bottle of this elixir normally, I would have jumped up with joy, but now I feel a little uninterested.

Lu Tiandu naturally understood Xiao'e and Xiaoqin's thoughts, but he didn't take it to heart.

Naturally, he asked these two women to stay by name so that the people from the Miaoyin Sect would not feed him sugar-coated bullets on their own initiative. Will he eat them or not?

Therefore, it is better to use Xiao'e Xiaoqin to avoid other misunderstandings.

Sitting cross-legged on the jade bed, Lu Tiandu probably guessed that Fan Jingmei should have returned to Mother Peak to find Zhuo Ruting, Wang Ning and other senior officials of the Miaoyin Sect to report his situation.

Although he is very interested in the future number one beauty in the Sea of ​​Stars, Wang Ning, who is only thirteen or fourteen years old now, is still a young girl, so Lu Tian is not in a hurry to meet her.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu took out a jade slip and looked at it carefully.

This jade slip records a secret technique of invisibility called "Spiritual Hidden Transformation into Void", which is a profound secret technique that Lu Tiandu obtained from the Suanni clan.

At the beginning, Suan Ni, who was at the seventh level, had only mastered this secret technique to a small degree. With Lu Tiandu's consciousness, which was comparable to that of the early Yuanying, he observed it for a long time before he discovered the clues.

It can be seen that this secret technique is also unique.

If he has cultivated to a high level, Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness and magic power far exceed those of the early Yuanying monks at this time, and I am afraid that even the middle Yuanying monks will not be able to detect his invisibility.

Time flies, and several days have passed.

On this day, Lu Tiandu was still studying the secret skills in the inner hall, but he received Xiao'e's transmission note.

"Zhuo Ruting wants to see me?"

Lu Tian put away the transmission talisman casually, and Lu Tian was a little confused.Xiao'e made it very clear in the transmission notes, and Zhuo You asked to see him.

The distance from Zhuxing Island to Lingxing Island was over a million miles, and with his speed no less than that of a mid-Nascent Soul monk, it would only take him a few days to get there.

But at Wang Yun’s initial speed, it would take about a month.

Naturally, it was not that Wang Yun had come back and asked him to meet him, but that someone else from Miaoyin Sect wanted to meet him.

Moreover, if Wang Yun comes back, she will definitely come to see him in person.

Lu Tiandu put away the jade slips, then opened the ban on the inner hall and walked out.

In the main hall, Xiao'e and Xiaoqin were accompanying a beautiful 26-year-old woman wearing a Dutch green dress.

"I, Zhuo Ruting, the right envoy of the Miaoyin Sect, have met Young Master Xiao!"

As soon as the beautiful woman saw Lu Tiandu coming out, she immediately stood up, lightly opened her red lips, and spoke with a cold voice.

"It turns out to be Ru Ting. Well, I heard your master talk about you before! Yes, sit down. What do you want to do here today?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and after taking his seat, he looked at Zhuo Ruting.

Zhuo Ruting did not wear a veil. She had an oval face like white jade, dark eyebrows at the temples, phoenix eyes and a trimmed nose, red lips and white teeth. Her delicate facial features combined with this oval face were perfect and eye-catching.

There is a bit of evil in the beautiful eyes, but there is a bit more cold and glamorous color, which is somewhat similar to Hong Fu.

Her black hair is coiled up high, revealing her slender neck with white and greasy skin. Her double peaks are round and straight. Together with her curvy waist, she has a more dignified and elegant temperament. Every move gives people a demeanor of being in a position of superiority for a long time. .

This kind of beauty combined with a cold, arrogant and dignified temperament, for men, will make them more interested in conquering.

At this moment, Lu Tian has met Wang Yun's two apprentices. The eldest apprentice Fan Jingmei looks charming and charming; the second apprentice Zhuo Ruting is cold, arrogant and dignified, with an elegant temperament.

Both women have their own charm, and both are rare beauties.

If we include Wang Ning, who is both a daughter and a disciple, the whole Miaoyin Sect is truly amazing!

Lu Tiandu made a judgment in his mind. Only the Guijia twins from Qingshui Gate on Baisha Island and Yuan Yao Yanli's master and apprentice could compare!

Zhuo Ruting's body trembled as soon as she saw Lu Tiandu, and her usually calm state of mind suddenly felt as if a stone had shattered the surface of the lake, and ripples suddenly appeared.

He quickly suppressed the strangeness and inexplicable good feelings in his heart, looked at Lu Tiandu with a pair of phoenix eyes, and inadvertently showed a few smiles, saying:

"In the past few days, there have been many chores in the house, and I have not been able to pay close attention to the young master. If there are any omissions, please forgive me! Today I have specially brought some spiritual fruits. Please try the young master. I hope that the young master Xiao will not dislike being shabby... …”

Anyone who knows Zhuo Ruting's character will immediately hear the hint of intimacy in the words of this usually cold and aloof Miaoyin disciple.

However, no one here has much contact with Zhuo Ruting, so naturally they can't hear anything strange!
After Zhuo Ruting finished speaking, she saw several young girls coming in from outside the palace, each holding a jade plate with some spiritual fruits placed in it, but they were not very old.

"You have a heart!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, picked up one and threw it into his mouth casually.Then he called Zhuo Ruting and Xiao'e and Xiaoqin said:
"Let's all use it together! Having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone..."

"In this case, Xiao'e Xiaoqin, you should also use it!"

After hearing what Zhuo Ruting said, Xiao'e and Xiaoqin looked happy and thanked Lu Tiandu with gratitude before taking a piece of spiritual fruit to try.

This spiritual fruit seems to be old, but not everyone has the opportunity to take it. Xiao'e Xiaoqin can be regarded as taking advantage of Mr. Xiao this time.

Lu Tiandu simply tasted one or two fruits and didn't eat any more. After all, he had endless fruits at home. For example, the Dragon Scale Fruit, which only bears one fruit every ten years, had to take one a day. He had already become a cunning person. Mouth.

Zhuo Ruting secretly looked at Lu Tiandu while tasting the spirit fruit. When she thought of the strange feelings and inexplicable closeness that Mr. Xiao brought to her, her heart became confused.

Suddenly, she seemed to remember that although her senior sister Fan Jingmei didn't look strange when she came back that day, she was still very familiar with Fan Jingmei and noticed something strange.

But she didn't think much about it at that time. Now that she thinks about it, is it the same as her?
And this time, Fan Jingmei was originally asked to come to see Mr. Xiao and ask for other things, but the senior sister declined, so she was allowed to come...

Could it be that Mr. Xiao has practiced some evil technique that deceives people's minds?Zhuo Ruting was shocked.

This kind of technique seems to be very easy to attract the favor of female cultivators and throw them into their arms. The entire inner sect of Miaoyin Sect is full of female cultivators. If everyone is allowed to see this Young Master Xiao, wouldn't it be like a wolf among the sheep...

When Zhuo Ruting thought of this, she suddenly became confused!
"Hey, Ruting, are you feeling unwell?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Zhuo Ruting's expression changing and wondered.

"Oh, no, I made Mr. Xiao laugh!"

Zhuo Ruting suddenly came back to her senses, and when she met Lu Tiandu's eyes, there was another ripple in her heart for no reason. The red clouds rose on her oval face, which was really beautiful.

He glanced at Xiao'e and Xiaoqin, who was still in perfect condition, and felt that he was overthinking it.

Based on the relationship between Mr. Xiao and his master, if he asked for a few concubines or furnace cauldrons, he would probably agree to it.

If a few concubines could win over a golden elixir monk like Mr. Xiao, I'm afraid the master would have taken action long ago!

For a moment, Zhuo Ruting's thoughts were racing, but she forgot about the serious matter...

After chatting for a few more words, Lu Tiandu looked at the absent-minded Zhuo Ruting and asked:
"Ruting, what else do you have to do when you come here this time?"

Fan Jingmei was only in the middle stage of foundation building, and Zhuo Ruting was still at the peak of the early stage of foundation building. These two women were also promoted to the left and right envoys after Wang Yun ascended to the position of sect leader.

The former two envoys on the left and right naturally changed their positions and became other elders. After all, they were once emperor and ministers, and they were all older.

"Oh, Mr. Xiao, forgive me!"

After Zhuo Ruting heard Lu Tiandu's words, she naturally heard the meaning of seeing off guests. She suddenly remembered that there was still business, her face suddenly became hot, and she said:

"I have something to trouble Mr. Xiao... Since the young master has a close relationship with his master, I will tell him directly..."

After hearing Zhuo Ruting's troubles, Lu Tiandu smiled lightly and said:

"This is a trivial matter. I once heard your master talk about the Poison Dragon Society. I thought that when your master comes back this time, there will be a way to deal with it, but I can't do it... However, these troublemakers, I’ll just send it away for you!”

As soon as Lu Tiandu finished speaking, his consciousness instantly took in a panoramic view of the surroundings of this sub-peak. He looked at the four or five black-clad late-stage foundation-building monks who were cursing outside the peak and said indifferently:

This sound was just a little indifferent to the ears of Zhuo Ruting and Xiao'e Xiaoqin, but when it fell in the ears of the five black-clothed foundation-building monks of the Poison Dragon Society outside the peak, it was like thunder, shaking their heads and making them dizzy, with a "pop" sound , all swallowed a mouthful of blood.

"Golden elixir monk? Where did the golden elixir monk from Miaoyin Sect come from?"

The five people were shaken off and fell to the ground with a flying magic weapon, looking at the small mountain peak with a look of horror on their faces.

"Come on, let's go back and report!"

The leader wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and quickly urged the other four to leave together.Since this was a warning, if they didn't know what to do and were casually killed, I'm afraid the law enforcement monks on Lingxing Island wouldn't say anything.

After all, they were scolding here and naturally didn't expect that there was a golden elixir monk in this small mountain peak.

The five people's escape naturally did not escape Lu Tiandu's observation. Looking at Zhuo Ruting who looked confused, Lu Tiandu said:

"Okay, those five people have left. You can safely stay at the mother peak and wait until your master comes back to talk about everything!"

Zhuo Ruting heard Lu Tiandu snort and scare away the five late-stage foundation-building monks who had put them in trouble. She immediately understood that Mr. Xiao was probably not an ordinary golden elixir monk. A look of gratitude flashed through her eyes and she stood up. He bowed and said softly:
"Thank you so much, Mr. Xiao!"

"Nothing, just go back!"

After saying that, he went back to the inner hall on his own.

He knew all about the enemies and competitors of Miaoyin Sect when he chatted with Wang Yun before.

This poisonous dragon will be ranked first.

Not only do the two families compete in business, but the Poison Dragon Society monks often cause trouble for no reason.

It is a pity that although the Miaoyin Sect has three Jindan monks plus the two Keqing elders, it does not involve the survival of the sect. Naturally, Zhao and Meng will not fight with the Poison Dragon Society monks who have a big business and strong strength.

Therefore, Miaoyin Sect has always had no choice but to swallow its anger.

The leader of the Poison Dragon Society had previously had Wang Yun's idea in mind. According to Wang Yun's guess, Wang Ning's biological father must have been secretly harmed by this person.

Later, after Wang Yunyuan's Eye of Thunder was greatly increased in power with the help of the Thunder Stripe Condensation Pill, after a fight, he used his spiritual vision to kill the man in the middle stage of the Golden Pill, which was regarded as revenge.

However, although he killed this man at that time, Wang Yun also lost a lot of vitality, causing the fetus Wang Ning in her belly to be fundamentally damaged, and her path was not smooth.

Later, Wang Yun went around looking for a way to heal his wounds, but in the end he went to the Demon Court ruins to look for it because of the lack of Tianyi True Water. This led to many relationships with Lu Tiandu.

Wang Yun's killing of the big dragon head of the Poison Dragon Society was relatively secretive and had never been discovered by anyone else.

But as time went by, the death of the big dragon head was naturally noticed by the other four dragon heads of the Poison Dragon Society.

The Poison Dragon Society selected a new dragon head after a power struggle, but the plan to conquer the Miaoyin Sect remained unchanged.

The dragon's first attack was the plan to capture both the beauty and the Miaoyin Sect.

Although the newly elected Dragon Head doesn't have much thought about Wang Yun, they have long wanted to conquer the Miaoyin Sect, a sect or small business alliance with mainly female disciples, as soon as possible.

After all, the disciples of the Miaoyin Sect are as beautiful as flowers and have many talents, which is perfect whether they are used for their own use or to win over others.

This is why the Poisonous Dragon Society or other people who are secretly appointed often provoke troubles for no reason due to some business dealings with the Miaoyin Sect, angering the Miaoyin Sect disciples, and they have a legitimate reason to take action.

After all, the Lingxing Island where the Miaoyin Sect is located has Nascent Soul monks stationed there, and even the Golden Core monks don't dare to go to the island to stir up trouble for no reason.

Therefore, the death of Wang Ning's father and the death of Wang Yun in the original plot could only lead people out of the Miaoyinmen's station and then attack elsewhere.

In this way, during the year when Wang Yun disappeared, the people the Poison Dragon Society sent many times to stir up trouble were only foundation-building disciples.

For Wang Yun, whose comprehensive strength has now greatly increased, the Poison Dragon Society, which is only one middle-stage golden elixir and four early-stage golden elixirs, will naturally not take it to heart.

When she was in the ruins, Wang Yun and Lu Tian both told her that she would personally destroy the Poison Dragon Society when she came back.

Therefore, after this small incident, Lu Tiandu entered the inner hall again to practice the secret technique of spiritual invisibility.

Time flies, more than twenty days have passed.

On this day, Xiao'e and Xiaoqin were also practicing quietly in the outer hall.

Since Lu Tian appeared once when Zhuo You envoy came last time, they have never seen Young Master Xiao again.

And with the elixirs presented by Lu Tiandu, the two women did not think about anything else during this period and concentrated on practicing.

Suddenly, the ban on the hall was opened from the outside, and the two women woke up.

When they saw who was coming, the two women hurried forward and saluted respectfully:
"Xiao'e and Xiaoqin have met the master!"

"Okay, you can concentrate on practicing, that's great!"

The person who came was Wang Yun, who had traveled for more than a month. He glanced at the two female disciples and asked:
"Master Xiao is in seclusion in the inner hall?"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao has not been out for more than twenty days!"

"Okay, back off!"

Waving the two women to leave, Wang Yun smiled slightly, adjusted her clothes again, with a smile on her delicate face, opened the ban and walked in.

"Hey, why isn't Lu Lang here? When did he leave?"

Looking at the empty inner hall, the joy on Wang Yun's face instantly turned into confusion.

As soon as her figure flashed, she came to the stone table. Unfortunately, there were no transmission notes or jade slips.

"Humph, this bad guy didn't even know he left a message for others when he left!"

Full of excitement, she hurriedly returned after traveling a million miles. She ran to find her lover before she even had a chance to take a look at her daughter, but it turned out that she was in vain. Wang Yun suddenly felt sour in her heart.

Wang Yun stretched out her slender fingers and touched the jade bed. This should be the place where Lu Tiandu practiced during this period. Unfortunately, there was no trace of Lu Lang.

At this moment, Wang Yun felt empty and lost in her heart. She didn't know whether Lu Tian had something urgent to do or was tired of her. She suddenly started to have random thoughts in her heart.

"Are you scolding me in your heart?"

Suddenly, a chuckle broke Wang Yun's depression.

The young woman looked at the sudden appearance of Lu Tiandu, and the depression on her pretty face was wiped away. In a flash, her figure rushed into Lu Tiandu's arms with a fragrant breeze, and her small fist hit Lu Tiandu's solid chest. He said angrily:

"Hmph, if you don't show up again, I will have the desire to kill!"

"Isn't it right? If you haven't seen me for such a long time, you are going to murder your husband?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and said, "I just happened to be practicing the secret technique of spiritual invisibility and emptiness, and I just wanted to test it with you..."

"Hmph, who wants to hear your explanation..."

Wang Yun muttered, her soft snake-like jade arms tightly wrapped around Lu Tiandu's neck, and her two fragrant lips hurriedly moved towards her...

After the double cultivation, Wang Yun, with a rosy face and affectionate eyebrows, looked at Lu Tiandu with a look of satisfaction on her face, and she couldn't bear to be separated from him at all.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go out!"

Lu Tiandu patted the beauty's buttocks and said with a smile, "Your two apprentices have been waiting for a while!"

Although there are restrictions, the restrictions here are in vain for Lu Tiandu.

"Huh, it's all you who delayed me for so long..."

Wang Yun gave Lu Tiandu a charming look.

"How about making them wait any longer?"

Lu Tiandu touched a certain place with his big hand and felt angry.

Who has asked for it again and again before?

Will he feel comfortable now and turn his back on his fault? !


Wang Yun smiled tenderly and dodged away. After getting dressed, she helped her lover get dressed.

Outside the main hall, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting looked at each other and then looked away instantly.Deep down in my heart, I was secretly guessing that my master was discussing something important with Mr. Xiao. It had been a little while, but there was no sign of him.

Suddenly, the restrictions outside the hall flickered, and two people walked out.

"Meet the master! I've met Mr. Xiao!"

Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting both saluted.

However, there was something strange in Fan Jingmei's lowered eyes. She actually smelled Mr. Xiao's scent on her master, and it was still so strong.And it also has some other light flavors that make people blush...

"Hey, my damn nose!"

Fan Jingmei glanced at Lu Tiandu secretly. This man looked really mysterious. He didn't know when he took down his master who was not polite to men...

Fan Jingmei's peeping was naturally not hidden from Lu Tiandu. He suddenly remembered that this person seemed to be sensitive to smells and had a gift for dog nose. Wouldn't this...

The four of them chatted for a while, then left the sub-peak together and headed for the mother peak.

"Mother, you are back!"

In front of the Miaoyin Hall, the main hall of the Miaoyin Sect, a girl wearing a pink dress rushed out.

A pink figure flashed past, and what caught Lu Tiandu's eyes was a beautiful silhouette.

She has black shawl hair, a graceful figure, eyebrows like the moon, a pair of dark crystal eyes as bright as stars, a small nose, a smile at the corner of her mouth, and skin like gelatin.

Although there is still a bit of baby fat on her face, she is already a perfect beauty.

"This is Zi Ling!"

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend KeiSeFg for the 100 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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