Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 172 Meeting Ceremony!Am I jealous of others?Suppress at will!

Chapter 172 Meeting Ceremony!Am I jealous of others?Suppress at will! (Please subscribe)

"Ning'er, come and see Lu...oh Mr. Xiao!"

Wang Yun patted Wang Ning in her arms with a smile on her face, pointed to Lu Tiandu next to her with a smile.

After hearing her mother's words, the girl Wang Ning hurriedly escaped from Wang Yun's arms, her face turned slightly red. She missed her mother so much that she forgot that there was an outsider like Lu Tiandu at this moment.

The girl raised her head, and a pair of dark crystal eyes fell on Lu Tiandu, who was looking at her with a smile. Suddenly, Wang Ning was shocked, her lips were slightly opened, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she unconsciously had a pretty face. A few red clouds rose up.

At this moment, there were still mother and senior sister around. Wang Ning became more and more panicked. She suppressed the urge to get closer and no longer dared to stare at Lu Tiandu. She twisted her two jade hands together and lowered her small head. She was confused for a moment.

"Hey, Ning'er..."

Wang Yunzheng was a little confused as to why her daughter, who had always been well-educated and sensible, was rude at this time. Suddenly she noticed that her face was rosy and she looked shy. This was a rare expression.

Suddenly she remembered that Lu Lang's physique seemed to have an inexplicable attraction to other people with special physiques...

Could it be that Ning'er also has some special physique?
Wang Yun glanced at Lu Tiandu, who was looking at Ning'er with a smile, and the meaningful look in his eyes. He already had a guess in his heart, and glanced at Lu Tiandu with his beautiful eyes.

I thought to myself, it seems there is no need to bring the two of them together, they are a perfect match!

Wang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Let's all go into the palace and talk!"

After speaking, he took Wang Ning's little hand and walked directly into the Hall of Miaoyin.

Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting looked at each other. They had presided over many internal and external affairs of the sect over the years. They had come into contact with many people of all kinds, and their skills of observing people's behavior had long been developed.

Seeing the expression on the younger sister's face at this moment, and then thinking of the inexplicable panic and close feeling she had for this mysterious Mr. Xiao, I secretly thought that it seemed that the younger younger sister was also attracted to it!

The Hall of Miaoyin is the main hall of the Miaoyin Gate and will not be opened unless there are important events or receptions.As soon as Wang Yun came back, she was anxious to see Lu Tiandu and at the same time, she hurriedly ordered someone to notify her apprentice to open the Miaoyin Hall to entertain guests, which shows that she attaches great importance to Lu Tiandu.

There is not much to see from the outside of this main hall, but once inside, it is bright and magnificent, with an antique fragrance, mainly the finest white jade and spiritual wood. In the surrounding copper furnaces, spiritual incense that is several feet high is burning. It's refreshing in one breath.

The four of them sat down. Wang Ning had recovered at this moment. Qiao Shengsheng stood a few feet away from Lu Tiandu. Yingying gave a salute and a clear and sweet voice came out:
"Wang Ning has met Mr. Xiao! I didn't visit Mr. Xiao in person a few days ago. It was disrespectful. Please don't blame me!"

"Don't worry about little things!"

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

From the moment this future most beautiful woman appeared on the stage, Lu Tian was sizing her up.

Although she is still young, her extraordinary beauty has already emerged.

And unlike the common special physiques, Wang Ning's girl's Yin body is as rare and top-notch as Yuan Yao's Tianyin body.

This is naturally an extraordinary attraction to the Dragon Roar Body owned by Lu Tiandu.And it goes without saying that Wang Ning's Yuan Yin body, combined with the two, has not been so excited for a long time.

"Jingmei, Ruting, you two also went to see Young Master Xiao!"

At this moment, Wang Yun glanced at the eldest apprentice and second apprentice not far away and smiled.

"Yes, Master!"

The two women smiled slightly, stood up and bowed respectfully to Lu Tiandu, saying:
"Jingmei and Ruting meet Mr. Xiao!"

"Get up! You and I have already met, so there's no need to be polite!"

Lu Tiandu stopped the two of them from saluting with a flick of his hand.

"Hmph, all my disciples have saluted you, but you, an elder, don't know how to give me some greeting gifts?"

Wang Yun looked at Lu Tiandu who didn't show any expression for a long time and snorted.

"Oh, that's right, but I forgot about it!"

Lu Tiandu looked like he suddenly understood, and then he realized why Wang Yun asked these two people to greet him again behind Wang Ning. They were waiting here!
This woman really doesn’t regard herself as an outsider!
Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and Wang Ning looked at each other and were all surprised by Wang Yun's coquettish look, which was so rare.

The three people's eyes rolled around, secretly guessing that there was a relationship between the two.

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and with a flick of his hand, several gleaming magic weapons appeared in front of his eyes.

But it is a set of five golden swords, five red knives, a set of flying needles and a spiritual shuttle.

"Well, this set of flying swords and flying knives are both top-quality magical weapons that I collected in the past. I gave them to Jingmei and Ruting. Let's see if you like flying swords or flying knives..."

Lu Tiandu flicked his fingers, and the golden sword and red knife flew in front of the two of them. He pointed at the red flying needle and silver shuttle in front of him and said:
"This set of red thread light-escape needles and this spiritual light shuttle are the things I usually use before forming the elixir. I will give them to Ning'er today. I think they will be enough for Ning'er to use before forming the elixir!"

Lu Tiandu flicked his hand again, and the flying needle and silver shuttle flew to Wang Ning's eyes.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's introduction, the three women's eyes showed surprise.

Originally, they all thought that it would be great to have a top-level magic weapon as a so-called meeting gift. However, they did not expect that Mr. Xiao was really wealthy and had four sets (pieces) of top-level magic weapons.

These top-quality magic weapons are very good at first glance. They are people who are proficient in business, and their vision is naturally good. If these four magic weapons were to be sold, their value would be more than tens of thousands of spiritual stones. Unexpectedly, they would be given away casually. Got it!

They have seen Jindan monks before, but never such a wealthy one!
Tens of thousands of spiritual stones is a large amount of spiritual stones for a pill-forming monk, and a magic weapon only costs [-] to [-] spiritual stones.

Many alchemy monks have earned spiritual stones for decades and have only managed to create one or two magic weapons.

The three women looked at the sparkling magic weapon and looked at their master, hesitating for a moment.

When Wang Yun saw the magic weapons that Lu Tiandu had taken out, she was a little surprised and didn't take it to heart.

She had already guessed about Lu Tiandu's net worth, and these little things were probably just the little bits exposed between Lu Tiandu's fingers.

Even so, he was very pleased that Lu Tiandu was so generous to his disciples and daughter, and nodded:

"You just keep what Young Master Xiao gave you!"

The three girls then thanked Lu Tiandu with joyful expressions and started playing with the newly acquired magic weapon.

Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting naturally heard Lu Tiandu's preference for his junior sister from Lu Tiandu's words, but they didn't think much about it. After all, they only gained these gains through the kindness of their master.

Lu Tiandu saw that Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting didn't have any expressions of resentment or jealousy on their faces because of the different gifts they received, and then he smiled and said:

"Speaking of which, a fifth-level spiritual beast, the golden-backed mantis, I conquered in the past laid several eggs, and two of them survived. Over the years, I have cultivated it into a fourth-level spiritual beast. You often go out to contact me. Customers, these two spiritual beasts will be given to you for protection..."

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and two giant mantises about ten feet in size, all gray and black, appeared in the hall.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu also had two more spirit beast cards in his hand, and he threw them to the two women at will.

"Is this the golden-backed monster mantis? I heard that this kind of monster is ranked in the top [-] on the strange insect list, but I cherish it very much..."

At this moment, Wang Yun looked at the two praying mantises in the hall and stood up and left her seat, looking curious.

"Indeed, this kind of monster insect is extremely fast and has good attack power. It is very good for protecting yourself!"

Lu Tiandu also nodded.

At this moment, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting took over the Spirit Beast Cards, with expressions of surprise on their faces. Their four beautiful eyes fell on Lu Tiandu and they kept looking at him secretly.

Wang Ning also looked at the two mantises curiously, with a look of envy on her pretty face.

Such a cherished spiritual beast is a rare helper for any low-level monk.

"After Ning'er builds your foundation, I will also give you a spiritual beast!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Wang Ningdao with a smile.


When Wang Ning heard Lu Tiandu's words, she immediately shyly hid behind Wang Yun and peeked at Lu Tiandu.

This Young Master Xiao who made her feel strangely moved was too generous!
Could it be that he has a crush on their senior sisters?

If he proposed marriage to his mother, would I agree or not?

Suddenly the pregnant girl was thinking wildly...

"Master, this spiritual beast is so precious, why don't you accept it?"

Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting looked at the two spiritual beasts, then at their curious master, and said in unison.

"Hmph, why would you want something given to you by others?"

Wang Yun saw through the little thoughts of his two disciples at a glance and was angry.

"You have gained a lot from being a teacher in that ruins this time. Just keep what Young Master Xiao gave you!"

After the meeting ceremony, the relationship between everyone seemed to have suddenly become much closer, and the subsequent conversation naturally had a more cheerful atmosphere.

After this, Miaoyin Sect officially announced the return of the sect leader.

As a distinguished guest, Lu Tiandu then lived at the mother peak of Miaoyinmen. Wang Yun came to Lu Tiandu to exchange Taoist teachings whenever he had something to do.

A few days after Wang Yun came back, as expected, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul from Zhengdao came to his door and asked about everything in the ruins.

At that time, Lu Tiandu used the newly learned secret technique of spiritual invisibility to become invisible and hid on the side. The man only asked briefly and then hurried away without any incident.

Later, Wang Yun learned about a piece of news that spread to the Inner Star Sea through the channels of Miaoyin Sect.

After the two factions of good and evil and some neutral forces participated in the opening of the mysterious ruins in the Star Palace a year ago, less than ten of the more than a hundred Jindan monks returned.

These ten people turned out to be early-stage Jindan disciples who claimed to have not entered the core area.

Therefore, the two Nascent Soul backup sequences with outstanding qualifications for good and evil, such as Wen Tianren, Huo Yunzi, Luo Meng, Zhao Xinglan, Yan Yongrui, etc., all fell into the core area of ​​the ruins.

All kinds of news are flying around. Some people say that this is Star Palace's conspiracy against good and evil. Some people say that these high-level monks were killed by the monsters in the ruins. There are many opinions, but no one can tell the truth.

The people from Xing Gong stood up and announced openly that no one from Xing Gong entered the ruins this time, nor did Xing Gong kill any of them. Xing Gong only helped those who wanted to enter to teleport in, and nothing happened. Other thoughts.

Although on the surface it is indeed difficult for the people of Xinggong to do anything, the two high-level officials, good and evil, naturally do not believe it.

After all, in addition to these lost golden elixir disciples, on the last day when the ruins were closed, two Nascent Soul monks, Old Monster Yun from the Tianji Sect of the righteous path and Gong Sanren from the demonic path, both died within ten thousand miles of this teleportation array. The trip to the ruins added a bit of mystery.

The hustle and bustle in the outside world naturally has nothing to do with Lu Tian.

After dealing with the righteous Nascent Soul cultivators, Lu Tiandu began to refine elixirs for Wang Ning to heal his wounds.

On this day, when Wang Ning received her mother's call and entered the hall where Mr. Xiao was temporarily staying again, she saw her mother, who had a ruddy face and a lazy look, talking and laughing with a handsome man in his twenties, and was immediately surprised. .

When did mother have so many golden elixir friends?

My mother is so weird lately!It was a bit more joyful than usual, and... it gave people a faint feeling of second spring!

"Hehe, Ning'er, can you still recognize the people around me?"

Seeing the strange look on Wang Ning's pretty face, Wang Yun pulled her daughter into her arms and asked with a smile.

"Young Master Xiao?"

Wang Ning hid in her mother's arms, facing Lu Tiandu's handsome and handsome face, she said shyly with a bit of uncertainty.

"Hehe, Tiandu once said that you have a mysterious top-notch physique, and it seems to be true!"

Wang Yun held Wang Ning's pretty face and smiled.She originally thought that her daughter's qualifications were low and that it would take a lot of effort to form a pill in her life, but she didn't expect that her daughter also had a special physique.

This made her even more surprised.

No one else had noticed this physique, but it was actually sensed by Lu Tiandu.

She felt that everything had gone smoothly for her since she met Lu Tiandu.

Lu Lang is really her lucky star!
In fact, Wang Ning did not notice anything unusual when she was at the entrance of the main hall. The closer she entered the main hall and the closer she got to the handsome man in white, the mysterious feeling became clearer. Before that, only the generous Mr. Xiao had brought him Give her that feeling.

And she had also heard that some profound secret techniques could change a person's appearance. She thought that the young man in white pretended to be Mr. Xiao before.

"This time... Mr. Lu and his mother entered the ruins together..."

Wang Yun almost blurted out the title "Lu Lang" in her excitement. After briefly introducing Lu Tiandu, she arrived:
"With Tiandu's help, I also found Tianyi True Water for you. In the past few days, Tiandu has also refined elixirs for you to make up for your congenital defects. This time, let him help Ning'er refine it. With this medicine, you can cultivate immortality well in the future..."

"Thank you, Mother! Thank you, Mr. Lu!"

The elf-like girl jumped out of Wang Yun's arms and said excitedly.

"You don't need to thank me. Your mother has paid more for you. After you are well, you can practice immortality well. When I find the right method for your physique in the future, you will also have great hope in the future..."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

After a while, the three of them entered the secret room.Three days later, with the help of Lu Tiandu, a monk with profound magical power, it would be very easy for Wang Ning to refine these pills.

In the next few days, Wang Yun also revealed Lu Tiandu's true identity to his two disciples, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting.

Seeing Mr. Xiao who suddenly became handsome and young, the two girls, who had long been fond of Lu Tian, ​​naturally had big ripples in their hearts.

Fan Jingmei stared straight at Lu Tiandu with a pair of charming and passionate eyes. Whenever Lu Tiandu looked over, she looked at Lu Tiandu with tenderness, making Lu Tiandu secretly think that he was indeed a coquettish fox!
Seeing the senior sister's naked gaze, Zhuo Ruting's heart flashed with anger, and her cold, arrogant and noble face gradually softened, and she frequently took the initiative to ask Lu Tiandu questions.

The three beauties, the master and the apprentice, each have their own charm, and the atmosphere is so elegant that people lose track of time while chatting.

After Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting reluctantly left, Wang Yun looked at the smiling Lu Tiandu and said angrily:

"You are really a man with such a physique that you managed to capture my two apprentices so quickly..."

"Although my two apprentices have average qualifications, they are very handsome. They have always been arrogant and quite dignified. But when they face you, they want to reveal their thoughts in front of you. It's really strange. !”

"What? Are you jealous?"

Lu Tiandu took Wang Yun into his arms, kissed Wang Yun's red lips, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, why am I jealous? It's not like you haven't seen my true face, so I would be jealous of others?"

Wang Yun looked arrogant, stretched out her jade finger and touched Lu Tiandu's chest, "I don't believe I can still be compared with them in your heart?"

"I just like how confident and proud you are!"

Seeing Wang Yun's true appearance and temperament changed and full of charm, Lu Tiandu moved his index fingers, picked up Wang Yun, and entered the secret room like a gust of wind.

After double cultivation.

The two of them chatted together.

"Since my two disciples are interested in you, I won't stop you. You can take them whenever you want!"

Wang Yun recalled how the two disciples were jealous in front of Lu Tiandu and said angrily: "Be nice to them then!"

In fact, according to the rules of the Miaoyin Sect, disciples who have become concubines or Taoist companions for others are naturally not allowed to serve as left and right envoys. They must either leave the Miaoyin Sect or develop in the outer sect.

This is naturally to prevent the Miaoyin Sect’s senior executives from affecting the Miaoyin Sect’s independence after they marry into wives.

However, her feelings for Lu Tiandu were unusual, so she was naturally not worried that the two apprentices, with Lu Tiandu's support, would affect their mother and daughter's power in the Miaoyin Sect.

"Since you say that, I won't be polite!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

There are many people in his harem who are full-time cultivators, and there are also people who are proficient in alchemy, weapon refining, talisman making, puppets, and formations, but no one has been found to be proficient in business.

Wang Yun is considered a business talent, but she alone is not enough to develop her business power. Since Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting have this talent and are both shrewd people, they can be trained.

In the eyes of both of them, this incident was not a big deal, and then Wang Yun said again:

"I feel like I am about to break through to the middle stage of the Golden Core. After I break through, I will kill the Poison Dragon Society for revenge, and I want you to help me plunder the formation..."

"These are naturally trivial matters. After you break through, we will uproot the other forces that covet the Miaoyin Sect. By then, with these resources, it will be enough for the Miaoyin Sect to develop in Tianxing City..."

"Well, as you said, we will go to Tianxing City to develop!"

Wang Yun leaned into Lu Tiandu's arms and nodded.

She had also sensed through relevant connections that there were endless undercurrents and disturbances lurking in the seemingly peaceful Inner Star Sea.

Coupled with the loss of the younger generation of the two paths of good and evil this time, as well as some information about the Counter Star Alliance obtained from Lu Tiandu's previous killing of Wu Chou and others, it is easy to judge that the two paths of good and evil are He already has ulterior motives for Xing Gong.

Although the Twelve Star Island is not far from Tianxing City and is guarded by Nascent Soul cultivators, it is easy to find itself in the middle of a storm.

The Miaoyin Sect is a small sect, and it can easily be crushed or annexed by both parties in this kind of turmoil. This is naturally not what she wants to see.

Therefore, the safest thing is naturally for the entire sect to move to Tianxing City.

Although one person needs eight hundred spirit stones to settle in Tianxing City for a long time, as well as huge expenses such as renting caves and buying and selling stores in the future, as long as several other forces that are unfriendly to Miaoyin Sect are eliminated and their assets are annexed, relatively These expenses are naturally nothing.

"What about the two guest elders Zhao and Meng?"

Wang Yun asked again.

Since her mother passed away, these two people have had other ideas due to Wang Yun's lack of strength.

For example, in addition to the daily offerings of spiritual stones and concubines from Miaoyin Sect, these two people vaguely harbored other thoughts towards her two disciples.

Moreover, whenever something happened to the Miaoyin Sect, these two people were not willing to do their best, and she had long been angry with them.

At this time, she also had someone to support her, and her overall strength was that she could fight even an ordinary golden elixir in the later stage, so she naturally looked down upon these two people.

"It's up to you. If you want to kill these two people, that's fine. If you want to use them as waste, I will put a restriction in the souls of these two people. Even the early Yuanying monks will have a hard time breaking it. Then you can drive them around as you like. …”

Lu Tiandu said.

In the original plot, these two people were not only banned by Ji Yin, but also became traitors and were considered one of the accomplices in Wang Yun's murder.

Later, after Wang Yun died, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting did not know the situation, so one of them drew the other to help.

In order to avenge her mother, Wang Ning took the position of leader and promised that if the revenge was successful, one of the two would be the leader.After all, she was weak at that time and it was obvious that she could not convince the two senior sisters, so it was difficult for her to successfully take over the Miaoyin Sect.

After that, they spent more than a dozen furnace cauldrons to invite the old monster Red Fire. The three sisters gathered several golden elixir monks to take revenge, but they fell into a trap. In the end, let alone revenge, they almost lost their lives.

Moreover, after Wang Yun went to the ruins before, she declined the request of these two people to guard the Miaoyin Gate. Now that she came back from the ruins, she naturally had to clean up these people.

"In that case, it would be better to spare these two people's lives and let them atone for their sins!"

Wang Yun thought for a moment and said.Killing these two people is easy, but when Miaoyin Sect goes to Tianxing City, it will definitely have to come into contact with other forces. Although Lu Tiandu is very powerful, he obviously doesn't care about such trivial matters. She will definitely be too busy by then, and invite other people The casual cultivator is a guest and you don't know the basics, so it is better to let the two of them use it as waste.

"It's okay, anyway, these two people can't cause any trouble..."

After more than a month, Wang Yun successfully broke through to the middle stage of Jindan.

In the Miaoyin Hall, the four masters and disciples of Wang Yun sat quietly, as if waiting for something, but their eight eyes occasionally glanced at Lu Tiandu, who had his eyes closed to meditate.

At this moment, two figures were welcomed into the hall by the disciples of the Miaoyin Sect.

One of them was dressed in gray and had an old, plain face.The other person was a middle-aged Confucian scholar with cold eyes.

It was none other than the two elders Zhao and Meng.

"It turns out that Master Wang has summoned me for something. I wonder what I want to do with this old man?"

Old man Zhao frowned and glanced at Lu Tiandu, who had not looked at them since they entered the door, and asked Wang Yun who was above him unceremoniously.

"Who is this fellow Taoist? This is the important place of our Miaoyin Sect. It's better to withdraw from the rest of the crowd!"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar looked at Xiao Changsheng's handsome young appearance, which Lu Tiandu was pretending to be, and then glanced at Wang Yun, feeling neither yin nor yang.


As Lu Tiandu faintly uttered these two words, two crisp sounds of "papa" were heard in the ears of the four women.

With expressions of disbelief and blue-red faces, Zhao and Meng jumped away suddenly and touched their faces, which were already swollen.

The two opened their mouths and spit out several bloodshot teeth. They looked at Lu Tiandu with shocked and angry faces, who was sitting but looking at them with a condescending look.

"Too deceiving!"

Zhao and Meng looked at each other, thinking that they were humiliated because of Lu Tiandu's sneak attack. They stared angrily at Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun, who covered his mouth and chuckled.

At this moment, even Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and Wang Ning were stunned.

These two elders relied on their promotion to the Golden Core stage many years ago and usually did not have much respect for their master. Unexpectedly, they were humiliated by Lu Tiandu at will.

The three of them suddenly felt refreshed!

So relieved!

"Young pretty boy, I and I will kill you today!"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar Elder Meng spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, his face was livid and he was about to release the magic weapon and fight for his life.

"Too much nonsense!"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

When Lu Tiandu appeared again, in the eyes of Wang Yun and the other four people above them, Zhao and Meng were already being pinched by Lu Tiandu's necks like chickens, with dim eyes and sluggish expressions on their faces.

Lu Tiandu casually threw the two of them to the ground, flipping his fingers, and a gray air flow surrounded his fingers. After a moment, two strange spell marks appeared in the palm of his hand, which looked extremely strange.

With a casual move, these two gray marks instantly disappeared between the eyebrows of Zhao and Meng.The two unconscious people looked in pain for a moment and curled up into shrimps.

"Okay, from now on, just follow the method I taught you before to control these two people..."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and smiled at Wang Yun who had already stood up.

"Hehe, these two bastards have their day too!"

Wang Yun stood up with a smile on her face and kicked the two shrimp-like people several times.

Fan Jingmei and the others looked at the two golden elixir monks who had fallen to the ground with shock and disbelief...

ps: Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes!

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend 20190517214401153 for the 100 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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