Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 173 Revenge!Refining treasure!Divide the treasure!

Chapter 173 Revenge!Refining treasure!Divide the treasure! (Please subscribe)
"This... the two Jindan monks Zhao and Meng were just captured by Mr. Lu?"

The three girls, Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and Wang Ning, had also quickly approached the unconscious Zhao and Meng at this moment, the shock in their eyes still not dissipating.

This is a golden elixir monk!

The two golden elixir monks who once worked together to dominate the Miaoyin Sect now look like two injured dogs!

The six eyes instantly stared at Lu Tiandu, who was looking calm and composed.

"Hehe, Mr. Lu is not an ordinary golden elixir monk!"

Wang Yun looked at the three women who were shocked by Lu Tiandu's power and smiled slightly.

She was in the ruins a year ago and was shocked by the three golden elixir monks from the Zhenyang Sect who were instantly killed by Lu Tiandu. At this moment, she understood the mood of the three women.

"Let me tell you a little secret, Mr. Lu is a late-stage Jindan monk!"

Wang Yun looked proud. As for Lu Tiandu's record of killing Wen Tianren and others in the Wild Demon Court, there is no need to say more.

If others find out, it will be a big trouble.

"Jindan late-stage monk?!"

After hearing this, the three women were even more shocked than when Zhao and Meng were taken down instantly.

Although Lu Tiandu appeared as Xiao Changsheng at this moment because he did not want his true appearance to be seen by Zhao and Meng, they had seen Lu Tiandu's true appearance. He was really young!

Even if Lu Tian has practiced some beauty-preserving skills, is he still too young?
Wouldn't it be possible for such a young late-stage Jindan cultivator to advance to the Nascent Soul stage?
As if he had guessed the disbelief of the three women towards Lu Tiandu's appearance and strength, Wang Yun said with a smile:

"Master Lu is extremely talented and cannot be treated with common sense...and his true age is less than a hundred years old!"

"What? How is this possible..."

After hearing Wang Yun's words, the three senior sisters exclaimed with disbelief on their faces.

A hundred years old?With the qualifications of the three of them and their three spiritual roots, the Hundred-year-old Linking Dan couldn't even imagine that someone was already in the late stage of the Golden Dan?

The three people and six beautiful eyes stared at Lu Tiandu with unabashed envy!
God, why are the gaps between people so big!
So sour!
Wang Yun also recalled the fact that she had found out about Lu Tiandu's true age when the two were having a good time. At that time, she was equally in disbelief. After this disbelief, she knew she had met Bao!

Lu Tiandu coughed as he looked at the gradually changing atmosphere. Although he didn't want to admit it, he seemed to be too good!
Who makes him the man with golden fingers!
But it's not easy to deceive Wang Yun about age. After all, they will have to integrate into Yaochi Palace in the future. It will be bad if they find out that he lied and was not sincere.

"I also have some small opportunities to achieve these achievements. I believe you can reach my level in the future!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, except for Wang Yun, the other three women all rolled their eyes at him. A small chance?We are so envious of this little opportunity!
It's easy to say, how can we not be clear about our own affairs?Late stage of Golden Elixir, hey...

"Okay, you have to keep my affairs a secret!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, turned over his hand and took out four jade bottles and said with a smile:

"There are four calming pills here, which I refined, just for you to take..."

"Dingyan Pill? It's actually this kind of ancient elixir! You are so rich that you used more than a dozen thousand-year-old elixirs to refine this kind of elixir?"

Wang Yun took the elixir with a smile, opened the bottle cap, and said in surprise.

"Isn't this specially made for you?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and Wang Ning taking the elixirs with joy on their faces and smiled.

Since the last time he gave two pills to the Guijia twins, he only had two remaining pills, which were later taken by Yuan Yao and Yanli. This time, he took the time to refine the pills.

"You still have some conscience!"

Wang Yun smiled softly, feeling very satisfied.

Ever since she met this man, she felt that she, a great beauty, was becoming more alive and nourished.

After hearing their master's tender words, Fan Jingmei and the other three looked at each other, confirming the relationship between their master and Mr. Lu.

Thinking of Wang Yun's frequent mention of Mr. Lu and some hints, the three girls suddenly felt shy and no longer dared to look at Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tian had been getting along very well with Master Wang Yun and his disciples for a long time. At this moment, everyone forgot about Zhao and Meng, who were lying on the ground like dead dogs, and started chatting enthusiastically.

After a while, the two people with shocked and angry faces came to their senses.

Just when the two of them were about to make a move, Wang Yun activated the restraint in their souls on the two people who had been restrained, and they suddenly passed out from the pain.

When the two woke up again, they accepted the reality that life and death were in the hands of others with a dejected look.

Only then did they suddenly realize that Wang Yun was already a middle-stage Jindan monk!
I immediately regretted it more and more.If they knew that Wang Yun was already a monk in the middle stage of pill formation, they would naturally not dare to be so presumptuous and suffer this disaster!
Then looking at Xiao Changsheng, the elder of the Golden Core Middle Stage Keqing who had just joined the Miaoyin Sect, the two of them looked even more fearful!
In fact, until now, the two of them still didn't understand how Xiao Changsheng captured them with one move!

A moment later, after hearing Wang Yun's proposal to destroy the Poison Dragon Society, the two of them could only agree without expression.

"Hmph, if you two don't try your best this time, don't blame this sect leader for being ruthless!"

Looking at Zhao and Meng who didn't respond, Wang Yun sneered.

"My subordinates dare not!"

Zhao and Meng stood up one after another to show their loyalty.

"Okay, then you can join me in the battle!"

Wang Yun was full of confidence at this moment, and told Lu Tiandu and the other four to take charge of the sect. Acting resolutely, he led Zhao and Meng out of Lingxing Island and headed straight for the location of Poison Dragon Island.

"Master Lu, my mother is here..."

Watching her high-spirited mother leave, Wang Ning spoke to Lu Tiandu with some worry.

"It's okay. Your mother's current strength can even defeat a late-stage Jindan monk. I will keep an eye on her in secret!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, leaving the three women with surprised faces before disappearing in a flash.

On the surface, Wang Yunming let Lu Tiandu sit in Miaoyinmen just to deceive Zhao and Meng.

If these two people do not work hard in the next battle, they will naturally die at the hands of the "Poison Dragon Society" monks due to the battle between the Miaoyin Sect and the Poison Dragon Society.

In this way, the Miaoyin Sect's great enemy, the Poison Dragon Society, will be destroyed. When the news spreads, it will not damage the reputation of the Miaoyin Sect. In the future, when other guests are recruited, no one can criticize the Miaoyin Sect.

Poison Dragon Island is thousands of miles southwest of Lingxing Island. Because the Poison Dragon Association has always maintained the five leading seats and has five Golden Core monks, it is normal to monopolize the island.

Half a day later, Wang Yun and Zhao Meng arrived at the main altar of the Poison Dragon Society disguised as black monks.

According to the news about the Poison Dragon Club, Wang Yun has arranged spies to investigate every day recently. Everything is as expected. The five leaders are all on the island.

There was nothing unexpected about this battle.

Wang Yun has two seventh-level demon beast incarnations and two mid-stage golden elixir puppets, so there are almost no surprises.

As for the two people Zhao and Meng, nothing happened. One of them struggled to entangle the other. After Wang Yun's observation was almost done, he released two avatars to kill the two leaders of the Poison Dragon Society opposite them.

Seeing that something was wrong, the last remaining leader of the Poison Dragon Society dared to wait for death. Just as he was about to use his secret method to escape, he was captured by Lu Tiandu who suddenly appeared.

Seeing Elder Xiao steal the poisonous dragon guild's big dragon head again, Zhao and Meng looked at Shang Lu Tiandu with profound eyes, and both of them broke out in a cold sweat.

They had naturally thought before that if Wang Yun lost to the Poison Dragon Society, they would take the opportunity to defect, but they did not expect that Wang Yun could fight one against five, let alone Xiao Changsheng, who was secretly guarding them.

At this moment, the two of them finally stopped thinking about other things and stood aside with respectful expressions.

Lu Tiandu found an excuse to avoid outsiders, entered the Yaochi Tower and asked Hong Fu to search for the soul dragon head, and soon found the Poison Dragon Society's treasure house.

After everyone searched for it, they destroyed the main altar of the Poison Dragon Society and quickly disappeared.

The rest of the month passed quickly.

In the past month, Wang Yun, Lu Tiandu and others not only destroyed the four hostile forces of the Miaoyin Sect, but also punished several forces that had secretly targeted the Miaoyin Sect. Wang Yun's depression over the past few years has been wiped away, and Wang Yun has become more energetic.

After returning to Lingxing Island, Zhao and Meng naturally stayed in Zifeng to practice.

The demise of these small and medium-sized forces will naturally attract the attention of some people. Even if some people guess that Miaoyin Sect is responsible, Miaoyin Sect, as the winner, must have helpers or trump cards. Others who have no interests will naturally not go. Touch the bad luck of Miaoyinmen.

After the internal and external troubles of the Miaoyin Sect were resolved, Lu Tiandu also entered the Yaochi Tower.

Although Miaoyinmen has decided to move to Tianxing City, this cannot be done in a short time.

After all, although it is only a small sect, there are hundreds of people in the inner and outer sects, as well as various old customer resources, etc., which all need to be contacted and integrated.For more than a year, even in the barbaric ruins, Lu Tiandu has taken the time to enter the Shizhu World from time to time to find the companions in the harem. It is not surprising that Lu Tiandu enters the tower again this time.

He had made a lot of gains in the wild ruins before, and they had all been packed up and put away properly by the ladies in the harem.

Danding Pavilion.

"Xiaomei, Feng Wu, this time my husband has found a good thing for you to refine your natal magic weapon!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Xiaomei and Mo Fengwu beside him and smiled.Just as the two women looked curious, Lu Tiandu flipped over, and two emerald-green bamboos with amazing aura appeared in Lu Tiandu's hands.

Although these two bamboos look green all over, if you look closely, you can see that there are many golden spots scattered on the other bamboos, which looks a bit strange.

"What kind of bamboo is this?"

Xiaomei picked up one and said with confusion.

Mo Fengwu also came closer and looked at it carefully.This bamboo has an amazing wood-attribute aura, and it seems to contain other powers.

Previously, she and I were planning to use the ten thousand-year-old spiritual wood in the Treasure Pavilion to refine the natal magic weapon, but in the end, Lu Tiandu temporarily stopped them.

They naturally understand that their husbands definitely want to find better materials for them, and naturally they will not refuse while feeling sweet in their hearts.

After all, although my husband is a bit of a philanderer, he is very attentive to each of these sisters.

Whether it is the choice of daily cultivation techniques, various cultivation resources, or the choice of profound supernatural powers, natal magic weapons, etc., Lu Tian tries his best to give them the best so that they can walk on the path of cultivating immortals. further.

Looking at the bamboo that looked like evergreen bamboo, they were really curious.

"This is the legendary Thunder Bamboo, one of the three sacred trees in the world of immortality!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"What? It's such a divine thing?"

The two women exclaimed, looking shocked.

They have been with Lu Tiandu for these years, and their vision and experience are naturally extraordinary.I have seen countless precious weapon refining materials, ten thousand year old spiritual trees, etc.

Naturally, the three sacred trees of Spiritual Eye Tree, Soul-Nursing Tree and Heavenly Thunder Bamboo are also known.

And they immediately saw that this was a ten thousand year old spiritual tree. Doesn’t it mean that it was a ten thousand year old Golden Thunder Bamboo?
This is a good thing that has long been extinct in the world of immortality.

"Yes, this is it. With this object, after refining twelve green bamboo bee cloud swords for each of you, and then refining Geng Jing and other things into this sword array in the future, your natal magic weapon will be absolutely powerful. Big increase..."

"And you will also be able to master the evil-dispelling divine thunder attached to this Golden Thunder Bamboo, which will be of great help to you in the future!"

Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

In fact, these two golden thunder bamboos are not only 3 years old, but [-] years old to be precise.

Compared to the [-]-year-old Golden Thunder Bamboo, it has many more golden spots, and it contains several times more evil-warming divine thunder.

As for why he only refined twelve handles instead of 72, he decided after considering the progress of his Taoist companions in cultivating their natal magic weapons and other conditions.

After all, the greater the number of natal magic weapons, the more difficult it is to cultivate them.

In addition to the refining method and materials, the power of a magic weapon is also related to the length of time it is cultivated, and quantity cannot be pursued alone.The twelve green bamboo bee cloud swords also meet the conditions for the sword formation.

Moreover, even if they were refining twelve flying swords at this moment, they could only use nine at most with their early stage cultivation of the golden elixir.

Twelve flying swords, this number of magic weapons can be regarded as the largest number of natal magic weapons among the people.

The one with the most before was Xin Ruyin’s seven seven-star order.Counting the eight golden light mirrors that will be refined for Yan Ruyan, there are only eight mirrors.

"Thank you husband!"

Xiaomei and Mo Fengwu stared at their husbands with their four beautiful eyes, feeling extremely sweet in their hearts.

If a husband is like this, what can a woman ask for?
More than two months later, Xiaomei and Feng Wu left the Danding Pavilion with happy faces.

A few days later, after Lu Tiandu meditated and recovered, Yan Ruyan, who was wearing a specially matched white dress and smiling like a lotus in the water, also came to Danding Pavilion after sending out the transmission talismans.


Yan Ruyan, who had a fluttering skirt and was as gorgeous as a peach or plum, looked at Lu Tiandu with a pair of bright eyes and smiled.

"Yan'er, come here quickly!"

Lu Tiandu waved slightly, and there was already a fragrant beauty in his arms.

"Well, Yan'er smells so good, I can't get enough of it!"

Lu Tiandu came close to Yan Ruyan's smooth and smooth swan neck, sniffed gently and said softly.


Yan Ruyan smiled sweetly, stretched out her two small white jade hands to hold Lu Tiandu's handsome face, and chuckled, "My husband likes to smell it so much, why don't you come to me more often?"

When this stunningly beautiful girl said this, she stretched out her small tongue and swept across her seductive red lips. She blinked her eyes and stared straight at Lu Tiandu.

"It's over, your husband can't bear it anymore!"

Looking at Yan Ruyan who was so attractive, Lu Tiandu grunted, and amidst Yan Ruyan's cheerful laughter like a silver bell, he hugged Yan Ruyan into an inner hall like a gust of wind.

More than two months later, Lu Tiandu accompanied the rosy-faced and extremely beautiful Yan Ruyan out of Danding Pavilion.

In the past two months, of course, the two of them have not only practiced dual cultivation, but the most important thing is to refine the eight-door golden light mirror, the natal magic weapon, for Yan Ruyan.

This set of magic weapons is indeed similar to what Lu Tiandu had guessed. It is worthy of being called the number one offensive magic weapon in the Chaotic Star Sea. In terms of the various precious materials required and the difficulty of refining, it can also be ranked among the many magic weapons that Lu Tiandu has refined. First few.

Although Yan Ruyan has temporarily refined this set of mirror magic weapons, it is a pity that it is too powerful to be used for the time being.

However, the Six Paths Supreme Sage had already figured out a solution to this problem, and it was the golden horn that appeared between Wen Tianren's eyebrows when he used this set of magic weapons.

Lu Tiandu spent several days refining this golden horn for Yan Ruyan to assist in the use.

With this golden horn, although Yan Ruyan can only use four mirrors for the time being, it should not be difficult to use eight mirrors when she reaches the middle stage of the golden elixir.

As for Wen Tianren's eight-sided golden light mirror that was captured, Lu Tiandu also gave it to Yan Ruyan. After all, only Yan Ruyan among the golden elixir monks had the help to activate the golden horns of this magic weapon.

The Hongfu in the Nascent Soul stage can be activated, but there are many magic weapons in Hongfu, and there is no shortage of this one.

As a result, all the girls in Lu Tiandu's harem in the alchemy stage have already refined their own magic weapons. All they need to do next is to warm them up, which makes Lu Tiandu breathe a sigh of relief.

Arriving at the Treasure Pavilion, Lu Tiandu looked at the many crystallized demon pills he had collected in the Wild Demon Court, and prepared to refine the three hundred golden needles obtained from Wen Tianren again.

Although the magic weapon that has been refined by others can only exert [-]% of its power after being refined by others, the power of this set of golden needle swords is really extraordinary and the materials used are very precious. After refining, even if it can only exert [-]% of its power, according to Lu Tiandu estimates that it is probably much stronger than ordinary ancient treasures.

Moreover, this Yin weapon that combines needle and sword has other wonderful uses. It can be said to be a sharp weapon for sneak attacks on enemies.

In addition to refining this set of golden needle swords, Lu Tiandu also prepared to refine a set of golden needle swords for Hong Fu, Nangong Wan, and thirteen women above the golden elixir stage, including Wang Yun.

Of course, the quantity will not be refined into hundreds. According to the results of his and Xiaomei's research, refining 36 flying needles is also very good!

In the next six months, Lu Tiandu, Xiaomei, Xin Ruyin, and Chen Qiaoqian, a few free Taoist monks, plunged into Danding Pavilion and started the great business of refining weapons again.

Speaking of which, Lu Tiandu had obtained several powerful ancient treasures before and after the ruins of the Wild Demon Court. In addition to leaving two black dragon spears behind, Lu Tiandu had also distributed the others to the women for refinement after leaving the ruins. chemical use.

For example, the Purple Lightning Black Fire Sword with fire and thunder attributes was given to Nangong Wan for refinement, and the Tianyin Bell taken from Wen Tianren was given to Cen Jingjun.

After leaving the ruins and killing Old Monster Yun, he planned to give the exquisite ancient treasure Sky Thunder Ring to Wang Yun and then let her practice the thunder-attribute skills obtained from Old Monster Yun, and then use it to match her own With the Eye of Yuan Lei and this rare ancient treasure with thunder attributes, there is no need to worry about her safety when Lu Tian leaves the Chaotic Star Sea.

As for the water-attributed ancient treasure called "Shuiyun Flag" that Hongfu got from killing Gong Sanren, he gave it to Nishang.

Sure enough, when Lu Tiandu and others refined the golden needle sword, which was a combination of needle and sword and had infinite functions, the girls were extremely happy when they saw it.

Lu Tiandu also took the time to leave the Yaochi Tower to give Wang Yun this magic weapon.

Although more than ten months had passed, nothing major happened in the Miaoyin Sect. After spending several months accompanying Wang Yun and the other three girls outside, Lu Tiandu entered the Yaochi Tower and began a short-term retreat...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thank you to the book friends for the 100 book coins rewarded!
(End of this chapter)

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