Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 174 Wang Yun’s sensitivity!Flower basket ancient treasure!Master Xuan Gu!

Chapter 174 Wang Yun’s sensitivity!Flower basket ancient treasure!Master Xuan Gu! (Please subscribe)

"How's it going? Yun'er, now this "Xuanhuo Tianlei Gong" has been successfully transferred?"

In the secret room, Lu Tiandu asked Wang Yun, who was sitting cross-legged on the jade bed and slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank you Lu Lang for your concern, this time I have converted all my true energy!"

Wang Yun felt the huge purple-red essence in her dantian, and excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"This Xuanhuo Heavenly Thunder Technique is indeed an ancient technique. The magic power of the thunder and fire attributes that can be cultivated is so huge!"

"With the Thunder Spirit Body that Lu Lang shared with me, my Yuan Lei Eye seems to have undergone some changes this year. Although it is still very subtle, I believe that as time goes by, there will definitely be many good changes. "

"Furthermore, after I finish refining the newly refined Thunder Pattern Condensation Pill that Lu Lang gave me, the power of my Eye of Yuan Lei will definitely be increased by several percent. I think I can fight against the Golden Pill alone just by relying on my magical powers. I am a monk in the later stage..."

When Wang Yun talked about it, she became more elated and energetic.

"This technique is indeed good, and it is also a rare technique with dual attributes of thunder and fire. I don't know where old monster Yun of Tianji Sect got it from the ancient cave, but it ended up being advantageous to you!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the excited Wang Yun and chuckled.

When he came out of the ruins of the Demon Court and met Old Monster Yun, he saw that the skills he was practicing were of thunder attributes. He thought he either had thunder spirit roots or had some kind of lightning physique.

Unfortunately, he was quickly killed by Lu Tiandu before he could use his magical power.

In addition to the ancient treasure of the Heavenly Thunder Ring, Lu Tiandu also found several jade slips recording martial arts in his storage bag.

This Mysterious Fire and Heavenly Thunder Technique is one of them, and it is also a rare dual attribute technique of thunder and fire.

A year ago, Lu Tiandu spent two years and took a large amount of Lei Yuan Dan to retreat for a short period of time, then came out and shared the Thunder Spirit Body with Wang Yun.

Wang Yun has the dual spiritual roots of fire and gold, and she also practices fire-attribute techniques.As for Lu Tiandu sharing the thunder spirit body with her instead of the fire spirit body, it was naturally because of her spiritual vision.

This kind of spiritual vision is very rare. Lu Tiandu naturally hopes that Wang Yun can better exert the power of this magical power. The body of thunder spirit and the eye of Yuan Lei both belong to the thunder attribute. They have the same origin and want to work together. There will be good changes.

Moreover, after having the body of thunder spirit, Wang Yun will definitely improve faster by practicing the techniques with thunder attribute than by practicing the techniques with the attribute of his own spiritual root.

The thunder method is known as the most powerful method in the world of immortality. When Wang Yun truly changes to the thunder attribute method, her combat power will definitely increase greatly!

However, Wang Yun had practiced fire-attribute skills before. It would naturally cost a lot to switch to thunder-attribute skills, and it was still somewhat difficult to master the thunder-attribute skills from scratch.

It happened that Lu Tiandu had acquired this skill with dual attributes of thunder and fire before, and simply shared his fire spirit body with Wang Yun.

In this way, it would be much easier for Wang Yun to transform her true energy.

Over the past year, Lu Tiandu has been protecting and giving guidance. At this moment, he has obviously completed the transformation of his skills.

As for Wang Yun's previous natal magic weapon, Fire Cloud Sword, it will also need to be refined later.

Fortunately, this Mysterious Fire Heavenly Thunder Technique records several magic weapon refining methods with dual attributes of thunder and fire. Among them is the "Mysterious Fire Thunder Blade" magic weapon refining method. When the time comes, you can follow this method to refining Huoyun. knife.

"Hehe... It's not like I have a lucky star like you, Lu Lang!"

When Wang Yun heard Lu Tiandu say that she was lucky, she smiled sweetly.

Wang Yun was really shocked that Lu Tian could share his physique with others through the secret technique of dual cultivation. Moreover, she had acquired two physiques one after another, which sometimes made her feel a little unreal.

With these two spiritual bodies of practice, she now has three points more confidence in the advanced Nascent Soul.

"Since you have successfully transferred your skills now, it just so happens that this Heavenly Thunder Ring Ancient Treasure has been refined and used!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and took out a purple ring and handed it to Wang Yun.

"This Heavenly Thunder Ring is also obtained from Old Monster Yun. Don't use this treasure outside unless you absolutely have to!"

"Well, I know!" Wang Yun nodded.

Lu Tiandu also briefly told her about killing Old Monster Yun before.

Therefore, the deaths of Old Monster Yun and Gong Sanren that were circulated before were attributed to Lu Tiandu.

Thinking that Lu Tiandu still had time to kill two early Nascent Soul monks after the two of them left the ruins and before they reunited, Wang Yun was still stunned by Lu Tiandu's terrifying combat power.

"When are Lu Lang going to leave without saying goodbye?"

Wang Yun played with the purple ring in her hand and suddenly stared at Lu Tiandu and asked softly.

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Lu Tiandu suddenly smiled, took Wang Yun into his arms and asked.

"female feeling!"

Wang Yun still stared closely at Lu Tiandu's dark eyes.

"Before, you urged Miaoyin Sect to move to Tianxing City, and then you shared your spiritual body with me, and assisted me in my practice of martial arts, and now you are giving me treasures... All these actions show that you hope that I and Miaoyin Sect can protect themselves in the short term. strength……"

"And if you are here, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can't do anything to us! Doesn't this mean that Lu Lang is leaving us?"

When Wang Yun said it, her tone became a little more weak and panicked.

If she hadn't changed her cultivation method a year ago, the entire Miaoyin Sect would have moved to Tianxing City by now.

But she was used to Lu Tiandu, a powerful and handsome man standing behind her, and suddenly Lu Tian was about to leave, and she was suddenly filled with melancholy and helplessness.

"It's just random thoughts!"

Lu Tiandu kissed Wang Yun's lips and chuckled. "With such a beautiful woman like you, how could I leave without saying goodbye? If I leave one day, I will naturally tell you in advance..."

"You really want to leave us one day?"

Wang Yun snorted coldly after hearing this, looking very sure.


"Okay, I planned to tell you later. In this case, I won't lie to you. I am not a monk in Luan Xing Sea. After I have a baby, I will leave Luan Xing Sea for a while!"

Lu Tiandu had to sigh at the sensitivity of women, who could guess his innermost thoughts from his every move and expression.

"Then tell me, do I want you to have a baby as soon as possible, or do I hope you don't have a baby at all?"

Wang Yun was angry after hearing Lu Tiandu's words and verifying her suspicion.

With Lu Tiandu's monster-like cultivation speed, it would probably only take a few decades to conceive a baby.

They were going to be separated in a few decades, and she was naturally extremely sad to let go.

"Haha, I hope Yun'er can practice cultivation quickly so that we can be together for a long time in the future!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, looking at Wang Yun who pouted her little mouth and said with a smile.

"To increase your strength, it's not that I will never come back, but that the Sea of ​​Stars will inevitably be in chaos in a few decades. You are my woman, and I will naturally think about you in everything..."

Lu Tiandu comforted Wang Yun again.By the way, I briefly talked about some customs and customs of the Tiannan Immortal Realm.

After he has a baby, he will naturally return to Tiannan, and it is estimated that he will return to Chaotic Star Sea just before the Xutian Palace.

Even if he stays in Chaotic Star Sea afterwards, he probably won’t have much time.

After all, his roots are still in Tiannan.

Now that Wang Yun has guessed it, it's time to give her a vaccination in advance.

This woman's heart is now placed on him, and he will not let her down if she is a beautiful woman.

Just as Lu Tiandu was saying sweet words, a transmission note turned into a firebird and flew in.

"Hey, someone actually discovered the ruins of the ancient monk's cave, and our Miaoyin Sect disciples were also injured!"

Wang Yun frowned slightly after listening to the report in the transmission note.

"Let's go, we just want to go out and take a look. It would be even better if we can find ancient treasures or something!"

He has quite a few Taoist companions who have formed pills in his harem now. In addition to his own natal magic weapon and the Golden Needle Sword, he only has two or three ordinary magic weapons, and he is in urgent need of powerful ancient treasures.

There are not many ancient treasures at auctions, and sometimes even spiritual stones may not be available for purchase.

Since the ruins of the ancient monk's cave have appeared now, it's natural to have a look.

The two of them left the cave and soon met Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting. After more than three years, Zhuo Ruting has now advanced to the middle stage of foundation building.

After listening to the reports of the two people, Lu Tiandu and Wang Yun didn't say much, and two rays of light instantly left Lingxing Island.

Half a day later, the two came to a deserted island, which was already tens of thousands of miles away from Lingxing Island. Wang Yun sacrificed the wooden dragon tablet and the two of them approached the deserted island invisibly.

At this moment, several Pill Formation Stage monks and dozens of Foundation Establishment Stage monks were gathered around the discovered ancient monk's cave.

Judging from the situation, everyone has started several waves of struggle because of this ancient monk's cave that has not yet been opened.The Miaoyin Sect disciples must have been injured innocently just because they were joining in the fun.

At this moment, seven or eight Jindan monks are divided into three parties, arguing endlessly, and depending on the situation, they may even fight.

At this moment, a whistling sound came from the sky from far to near, and then a blue light flashed from the horizon, and a blue rainbow came flying like a dragon out of the sea, and in the blink of an eye it fell on the monks on the desert island. top of head.After Lan Hong retreated, a strange man with two swords on his back appeared in the sky.

"Jie Jie...get out of here, your Uncle Wu has taken a liking to this cave!"

The strange man looked at the monk below and laughed strangely, and the harsh sound reached everyone's ears.

"What? Who is this person? He is just a middle-stage Jindan monk, but he talks so shamelessly?"

On the desert island, a monk in the middle stage of Jindan frowned.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful. This person is from Jiyin Island. He should be Wu Ruo, the third disciple of Jiyin Ancestor. This person is very difficult to deal with because of his Jiyin magic!"

Someone looked at this ugly man and his expression changed.

This man was skinny, with messy white hair that reached his shoulders. He was wearing a black short-sleeved leather jacket. His face was covered with strange red spots and had a pair of vicious triangular eyes. He looked extremely ugly.

"What? People from Jiyin Island?"

Someone I didn’t know suddenly changed his expression after hearing other people’s comments.

Ever since Jiyin mastered the great magical power of Tiandu Corpse Fire decades ago, he has acted more unscrupulously and arrogantly.

And because the people on Jiyin Island are protected by the Jiyin Protectors, they act extremely arrogantly. Naturally, ordinary monks would not dare to offend the people on Jiyin Island.

Judging from the words and deeds of this ugly man, he is not easy to deal with.

However, I heard that Ji Yin’s grandson was first killed by a hermit named Lu Tiandu, and his great disciple Luo Meng, who was in the late Jindan stage, died in a certain ruins. Judging from the arrogant appearance of this ugly man, I am afraid that he is also A short-lived person.

There are golden elixir monks who are secretly thinking about it.

"Hmph, since I know that your Uncle Wu is from Jiyin Island, you still dare to stay here. In this case, Uncle Wu will send you on your way!"

The ugly man looked at the people below who were looking at each other but not leaving. He sneered, shook his shoulders, and the two swords on his back turned into two gray sword lights, like dragons entering the sea, slashing at the golden elixir monks below.

This man released two flying swords without stopping. With a flick of his hand, a black light wheel blasted towards the monk below with a strong black light...

At this moment, the golden elixirs on the desert island looked at the ugly man who did not hesitate to take action. Those who knew that Jiyin Patriarch Yaju's character was bound to retaliate, their expressions changed, and they instantly turned into light and disappeared.

After hearing the arrogant words of the visitor, the group of foundation-building monks who had been watching from a distance cleverly controlled their magic weapons to stay away.

In addition, some of them saw that several Jindan monks below had given in and kept telling their companions to stay away.

At this moment, there were still four golden elixir monks who had not yet left. Seeing the menacing ugly man, they had to release their magic weapons to deal with it.

"It seems that this person from Jiyin Island has come to be my treasure-delivery boy again!"

Looking at the ferocious ugly man in the distance, Lu Tiandu smiled and said to Wang Yun.

"Since someone from Jiyin Island has appeared here, Yun'er, you go back first. I can handle it by myself. Then I will go to Lingxing Island to find you after I have captured the treasure!"

"That's fine too!"

Wang Yun nodded.

He knew that Lu Tiandu didn't want to involve the Miaoyin Sect. This person only relied on a few magic weapons in the middle stage of Jindan. Naturally, he would not be Lu Tiandu's opponent, and she had nothing to worry about.

After Wang Yun sacrificed the wooden dragon tablet and left, Lu Tiandu also hid the secret technique of turning spirits into emptiness and watched the show.

Combining this person's appearance and magic weapon, he has determined that this person should be the person sent by Jiyin to guard the position of Master Seal Xuan Gu.

So, looking at it this way, this is not an opportunity.

At this moment, the four people below also released their magic weapons and started fighting against the ugly man.

Seeing that he couldn't take down these four people after a while, the ugly man Wu Lao was furious.


After the ugly man laughed strangely, he opened his mouth suddenly, and a black and bloody bead shot out, heading straight towards the magic weapons of several people.

There was a loud bang of "Boom!"

To the surprise of the four people on the desert island, the moment the bead came into contact with their magic weapon, it emitted a burst of black light and then exploded on its own. The explosion caused the magic weapon of several people to lose their spirituality, and the brilliance was immediately dimmed. Come down.

"No, let's go!"

When these four people saw the method used by this ugly man to defile people's magic weapon, and felt that the magic weapon's aura was greatly damaged, they suddenly became furious and felt great pain in their hearts.

Seeing that this man still had powerful skills, how could he dare to fight? The four of them joined forces and fought and fled. Within a moment, they flew out of the deserted island and fled far away.

"Hmph, there are still people lurking around. If the three breathing people don't leave, please stay with me!"

Looking at the four people escaping, the ugly man did not pursue them. He laughed strangely, and the unpleasant sound spread far away.

Sure enough, in Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness, two hidden auras quietly receded.

"Okay, I'll wait until you break through the formation before I take action!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Wu Yao who was still standing expressionless on the desert island and thought to himself.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the ugly man found no one else in his consciousness, and then he started to break the formation alone with a look of joy on his face.

"What a waste!"

After a long time, Lu Tiandu complained as he looked at the ugly man with an ugly look on his face but unable to break through the protective formation left by the ancient monks.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

Lu Tiandu snorted coldly, and with a sudden flash of lightning, he approached the ugly man in an instant. At the same time, he opened his fingers. Suddenly, the sky was roaring with strong winds, thunder bursts, and a blue and purple black hole dozens of feet in size appeared out of thin air above the ugly man's head.

"Who? What?"

Wu Yan, who was instantly enveloped in the whirlpool of a purple black hole, had a look of shock and anger on his face. Unfortunately, he was restrained by Lu Tiandu and threw him to the ground without even being able to use any means of resistance.

"Senior sister, I'll break the formation, and you'll search for the soul!"

Seeing Hong Fu appearing, Lu Tiandu smiled and said.

"it is good!"

Hongfu didn't say much, and with a flash of silver light in his hand, he pressed it on the ugly man's head.

An hour later, two escaping lights left this place.

High in the sky, Lu Tiandu was playing with a strange flower basket in his hand, with a look of great interest on his face.

This is naturally the only ancient treasure he got from this ancient monk's cave. Although it is not an offensive or defensive ancient treasure, this ancient treasure is a rare special ancient treasure that can capture and imprison other people's magic weapons. precious.

It is also very rare among all ancient treasures.

"Based on this, wouldn't it mean that it took this person decades to break into this cave?"

Lu Tiandu was thinking secretly.

In the original plot, this person guarded the sealed place of Xuan Gu for hundreds of years, and went out for a few times during this period. Later, Han Li, Jin Qing and others found the sealed place of Xuan Gu, and when they broke the formation to hunt for treasure, this person rushed back.

Although it was extremely powerful, it was finally destroyed by Han Laomo's gold-eating insect.

This flower basket ancient treasure naturally fell into the hands of Old Demon Han.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu naturally rushed to the sealed place of Xuan Gu based on the information in Wu Ye's memory.

Not to mention that Xuan Gu has several secret caves, the complete copy of "Xuan Yin Sutra" in Xuan Gu's hand, the recipe for Jiuqu Lingshen Dan, and the exact location of Jiuqu Lingshen in Xutian Palace are worth running for Lu Tiandu. One trip.

More than an hour later, two escaping lights landed on a deserted island.

This island is very large, with a radius of more than a thousand miles, but there are mostly hills and slopes on the island, and everything you look at is gray and yellow.

On this island, you can't feel any aura, and no vegetation can survive. This is a real desert island.

Flying more than a hundred miles to the west, there is a huge earth mountain.

The mountain is about a thousand feet high, covered in khaki, without a trace of green, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling, as if the whole body is made of loess.

There is a large formation here that seals Master Xuan Gu.

As soon as the two of them flew close to the mountain, a strong wind suddenly blew up, causing sand and rocks to fly.

The boundless strong wind blows up a layer of loess on the ground, making the surrounding area immediately dark, and you can't see your fingers.

These were naturally some of the strange phenomena that were revealed when the ugly man activated the formation when he left.

"I wonder if Ji Yin and Ji Xuan are good at formations, or if they borrowed this cave to stab Xuan Gu in the back, and finally sealed the old demon Xuan Gu here?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the sealing formation and secretly guessed.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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