Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 175 The role of 7 Xialian!Shura Xuanyin Sutra!Kill Nascent Soul again!

Chapter 175 The role of Qixialian!Shura Xuanyin Sutra!Kill Nascent Soul again! (Please subscribe)
"Sister, let's break the formation!"

In the heart of the mountain, Lu Tiandu smiled as he looked at the thick, silent yellow mist lying like a giant monster in front of him.

These yellow mist are just the outermost layer of the formation, and it is natural for the two of them to see through it at a glance.

This formation appears to be a formation with the dual attributes of wind and earth, but in fact it is a formation with the three attributes of wind, earth and fire. It is integrated with this peculiar terrain to form a rare land of three suns.

As for the fire-type demon spirit wings generated in it, they are just accessories. The most important thing is to use this terrain and the spirit-sealing pillar to suppress the mysterious bones that form the body of the demon and ghost.

"it is good!"

Hong Fu nodded, without hesitation, and with a wave of his hand, two Gantian Ge shots were fired out.

The originally lifeless yellow mist received Hong Fu's full blow. After a low buzzing sound, the yellow mist began to roll like boiling water. In the blink of an eye, the clouds cleared and the mist dispersed. become clearly visible.

After the fog disappeared, what was revealed was a faint yellow mask, covering an area with a radius of more than a hundred feet.

The light shield was thick and somewhat turbid, and seemed to have several layers, but it could not stop the consciousness of the two people.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu also casually released the black dragon spear and blasted it into the yellow mist.

The two of them joined forces and broke through several layers of restrictions on the periphery in just a moment.

The mask at this time was already very different from the first one. Not only was the area reduced by less than half, but the color of the mask was no longer the original dim yellow, but turned into a red flame color. When people came closer, You can feel the hot breath coming towards you.

"Is this the fire-type demon spirit winged evil? It is indeed very rare!"

Hong Fu looked at the countless winged fire snakes formed by the colorful light strips in the light barrier wall.

These winged fire snakes are currently crawling around on the wall, spitting out thin flames.

"These fire demon spirits seem to be somewhat spiritual, and their power is not bad. Why don't we ask sister Wan'er to come out and let her refine them?"

Hong Fu suddenly thought of something and said.

"Hey, that's what senior sister said, then I'll ask Wan'er to come out!"

After hearing this, Lu Tiandu suddenly came to his senses.

Nangong Wan's Suzaku True Fire has always wanted to refine a trace of spirituality but failed. These evil wings have survived in this land of three Yangs for hundreds of years. The essence of fire contained in them must be extraordinary. If Nangong Wan's Suzaku is If it is refined by real fire, it may be of great benefit.

The demonic fire spit out by this evil wing can also damage ordinary magic weapons. Originally, the two of them planned to use Xuanhan True Light and Sanwei Divine Wind to kill them, but now they have a better solution.

Within a moment, Nangong Wan appeared.

After listening to Hong Fu's words, Nangong Wan's consciousness sensed the demonic fire in the wall of light, and she also looked happy.

Previously, Lu Tiandu had obtained a shining red scroll from the storage bag of the ugly man Wu Lao, which contained a trace of the spirit of the "Zhiyang Bird". She planned to refine it into the Suzaku True Fire in the near future, but she didn't Thinking of encountering this kind of fire demon spirit born in the land of three Yangs again.

Nangong Wan flicked his hand, and a heat wave suddenly hit the void. Several feet-long red firebirds flapped their huge fire wings and rushed towards the light wall in front of them.

With a "click", the crimson wall of light broke apart instantly.

Seeing that hundreds of winged demons were about to scatter, Nangong Wan opened her mouth to inhale several firebirds transformed from Suzaku's real fire. These winged fire snakes rolled in the air and turned into seven-color streams of light, all of which were swallowed by the firebirds. into the belly.

"It's a pity that these demonic fires are still a bit scarce!"

Nangong Wan took back the fire bird, silently felt it for a moment and said.

In a short period of time, all these evil wings that ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators were afraid of were refined by her Suzaku True Fire.

"It's not easy for your Suzaku True Fire to develop a trace of spirituality!"

Lu Tiandu smiled.

Just now he also saw the fire bird transformed from Nangong Wan's Suzaku's real fire. Its power was indeed extraordinary. Even ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators did not dare to use it forcefully, but it was still a little behind spiritually.

This is the result of Nangong Wan's practice in the Sun Essence Mine over the years with the help of the Sun Essence and Flame Marrow in the veins, and the result of refining many of the flames spit out by the six-level peak Fire Crow.

"Indeed, either it takes hundreds of years to slowly refine it through water milling, or if you have a chance, after finding some psychic fire and refining it, it will be easier to develop spirituality!"

Hongfu also nodded.

She was also very tempted by the powerful flame magical power, even though Lu Tiandu had obtained a whole vein of Tianyang Stone in the wilderness ruins, and could practice the flames of Yuyang True Fire.

But the most suitable one for her is Han Yan. After all, she not only has ice spiritual roots but also a very rare body of black ice.

Before entering the Yaochi Pagoda, there was no relevant cultivation method. Later, in Feng Xian's inheritance, I found a cultivation method of Earth Demon Hanyan.

She was originally planning to practice, but later Lu Tiandu told her that she would have the opportunity to obtain a Han Yan that would be easier to master in the future, so she gave up the idea of ​​practicing the Earthly Evil Han Yan from scratch.

After all, it is naturally easier to refine a ready-made flame than to practice a flame magical power from scratch.

The three chatted for a while, and then looked at the several-foot-tall circular pillar exposed in the middle after breaking the formation.

This peculiar pillar is covered with ancient patterns and ancient inscriptions. From the top to the lower part of the stone pillar, there are eight huge ancient symbols inscribed in circles, as well as countless weird stripes.

Moreover, the entire stone pillar is inlaid with many rare yin-yang jade, evenly distributed on the entire stone pillar, shining with a faint black and white light.

"Is this the Spirit-Sealing Pillar?"

The three of them looked at this unusual stone pillar with curiosity.

This Spiritual Pillar was commonly used by ancient monks, and the method of refining it has long been lost.

Although the refining method is also recorded in the classics left by Feng Xian, Lu Tiandu and others have not refined this thing.

After all, he has never come across even a piece of Yin Yang Jade in so many years.

But with the many yin-yang jades on this spirit-sealing pillar, he will naturally have no shortage of such precious materials that combine yin and yang in the future.

The so-called "Spirit Sealing Pillar" is actually a huge magic weapon specially used by ancient monks to seal the nearby spiritual energy and completely isolate the spiritual energy from leaking out.

And this rare instrument is usually used for two purposes.

In order to seal a certain kind of extremely rare elixir, spirit herb, so as to prevent its aura from leaking out and cause a great loss of spirituality, it is only willing to spend such a large amount of money.

The other is to suppress some powerful ghosts and spirits, and this thing will also be used to prevent them from changing and hiding.

"Okay, let me pull out this stone pillar, and let's go down and see who is the one who sealed it!"

Hongfu naturally knew through soul searching that a powerful demon was being suppressed here. Although Lu Tiandu knew it was Xuan Gu, he couldn't explain it clearly.

After saying that, without saying a word, he gently placed his hands on the stone pillar. After turning it three times, he gently pulled out the spirit-sealing pillar, which was about two feet high, from the ground.

This is naturally a piece of cake for him who has now achieved the third level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

Putting away the Spirit-Sealing Pillar, the three of them looked at a large hole exposed on the ground.

The cave is dark and rumbling, with a cold wind blowing out, and there is a small white stone step that goes straight into the ground.

"Let's go! Go down and have a look!"

Lu Tiandu took the lead and walked up the steps, followed by the two women.

The cave was very deep, and after walking for a quarter of an hour, the three of them reached the end of the stone steps.

As soon as their eyes lit up, a square hall of more than twenty feet appeared in front of the three people.

In addition to the entrance to this hall, there are two semicircular side doors, one on the left and one on the right, leading to unknown places.

The top of the hall is inlaid with several fist-sized luminous pearls, which illuminate the place in a milky white color. The surrounding walls are dotted with stars, as if some magic has been cast on them, making them look exceptionally beautiful.

On the floor of the hall, a three-color lotus grows in a medium-sized pool.

This colorful lotus has not bloomed yet, it is just a bud, but it is already as big as the mouth of a bowl and emits light of green, red and yellow colors.

Strangely, a few inches above the lotus, a small and exquisite rainbow of seven colors appeared out of thin air, sparkling and extremely gorgeous!

Even the pond water holding up the colorful lotus is not the usual clear water, but an extremely viscous white lotion with a faintly fragrant fragrance.

Beside the pool, there was a skeleton as white as jade lying half-lying, with a small green arrow about a foot long stuck in its head, nailing its head to the ground, which looked extremely weird.

Lu Tiandu naturally recognized at a glance that the green arrow was made of thunder bamboo.

"Qixialian? Thousand-year-old stone milk? How is this possible? How can there be such a magical thing here!"

Nangong Wan looked at the three-color lotus in the pool and said with surprise.

Hong Fu also looked at the three-color lotus with surprise.

In various legends, Qixialian has incredible magical effects. Ordinary people can bring back to life after taking it, and the bones can be revived. If monks take it, they can directly improve their cultivation base and mana.

And they have seen various knowledge inheritances left by Feng Xian on a daily basis, but they know that if a mature Qixialian is taken by a cultivator in the transformation stage, it can raise a small level.

She has refined the yin and yang fruit twice, so she naturally has some confidence in the advanced stage of becoming a god. If she can still take such a divine item, wouldn't it be possible to practice to the late stages of becoming a god?
However, it takes 7 years for the seven-color lotus to mature, and it takes one more color every 3 years. Looking at the condition of this three-color lotus, hasn't it been growing for [-] years?
"Hey, take a closer look, is this really Qixialian?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the excited two girls and said with a smile.

Because the first floor of Yaochi Tower has not been opened to them yet, they naturally do not know that Lu Tiandu has the real Qixialian in his hands.

"What? Fake?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the look of surprise on the two women's faces suddenly disappeared.

"Of course it's fake. I'm afraid the skeletons by the pond were just like you, thinking that this monster was the legendary Qixialian and suffered the disaster, right?"

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

"Furthermore, although the milky white water in this pond is made of thousand-year-old stone milk, it may have some poisonous substances added to it!"

Lu Tiandu knew that the so-called Qixia Lotus here was just the demon crown of a demon crown snake artificially refined into the appearance of Qixia Lotus.

And there is a high probability that it was done by Ji Yin or Ji Xuan.

The layout of the cave here must have been specially arranged by the two disciples for Xuan Gu, using a magical object like Qixialian to lure the old demon Xuan Gu.

The camouflage of this object is indeed strong enough, even the old Nascent Soul monk Xuan Gu Old Demon was surprised and deceived.

The entire right hand bone of the white bones beside the pond was not only completely black, but the index finger was also incomplete and missing a small section. The fracture was uneven, as if it had been bitten off by something.

Needless to say, this skeleton must be that of Master Xuan Gu.

From this we can deduce the general situation: Xuan Gu saw the sacred object of Qixia Lotus and was surprised to reach out to pick the so-called Qixia Lotus. As a result, he was bitten on his right hand by the demon snake lurking inside.

In addition, the stone milk water in the pool contained highly toxic substances. Xuan Gu panicked and guarded against the monsters and poisons in front of him. However, he was attacked by two disciples with small thunder bamboo arrows that they found from nowhere and broke Xuan Gu's body. Xuanyin Dafa.

Xuan Gu's body died and his Tao disappeared, and he finally had to turn to the ghost path.

After hearing what their husbands said, the two women's expressions instantly turned cold.I don’t know who set up the trap here, it’s really with ulterior motives!

Looking at the three-color lotus coldly, Hong Fu waved his hand, and a ray of silver light instantly shot towards the lotus in the pond.

"Pfft" sounded.

The three-color lotus seemed to sense danger and instantly submerged into the water.

Then the water in the pool rolled, and a black shadow flew out of the water, shooting toward Hong Fu.

"court death!"

Hong Fu sneered, flicked his sleeves, and a piece of silver chain flashed by. In the blink of an eye, a huge ice cube appeared in front of the three people's eyes. Inside it was a three to four feet long black snake with horns that was frozen. Popsicles.

"Is this the Demon Crowned Snake?"

Nangong Wan looked at the demon crown on the head of the strange snake and frowned.

The demon crown of this demon crown snake was deliberately made into the shape of Qixialian. People who don't know it can be easily deceived.

"What? Are you used to staying here? Why don't you come out yet?"

Looking at the calm Xiaochi, Lu Tiandu said calmly.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the two girls Hongfu also looked at the pool with concentrated expressions.

After a while of silence.

"Jie... Jie... Jie!"

Waves of weird sneers came from the pool, and in the blink of an eye, a black ghost mist filled the entire hall.

Immediately afterwards, a green figure flew out of the pool and pounced on Nangong Wan on one side like lightning.

This figure was covered in green light, his face was blurry, and his body was wrapped with several black mist-like ribbons as thick as arms, and his eyes were as bright red as drops of blood.

This ghost-like figure immediately chose Nangong Wan, who seemed to have the lowest level of cultivation, to attack as soon as he came out. He was extremely fierce.

"court death!"

Nangong Wan snorted coldly, grabbed her hand, and a large red flame turned into a curtain of fire, instantly rolling towards the green figure.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu chuckled, flicked his sleeves, and a golden wind followed the fire curtain and blew towards the green figure and the surrounding black mist.

" hurts!"

The three colors of green soul, red fire, and golden wind collided, and a shrill scream instantly echoed through the small hall.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Although Xuan Gu had used the Mystical Soul Demon Refining Technique to refine his Nascent Soul into a demon body, he didn't know the power of Nangong Wan's Suzaku True Fire and Lu Tiandu's Three Flavors Kamikaze, and he was seriously injured in an instant.

At this moment, the aura around the green demon ghost became much darker, and the cold ghost mist around it had also been blown by the three-flavored divine wind of Lu Tiandu and had long since dissipated.

"What a thief, wait until I recover before seeking revenge against you!"

Xuan Gu's blood-red eyes flashed with resentment and stared at the three people. At this moment, he naturally realized the difficulty of the three people in front of him, and his figures were about to disappear into the surrounding walls in a flash.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu casually struck several times in the air, and streaks of purple lightning quickly landed on Xuan Gu, who was about to escape.

"Crackling!" A burst of purple electric flowers flashed, leaving only a green figure with an extremely dim aura in the sky.

Lu Tiandu laughed, and his big purple hands filled with Xuan Ming's true thunder instantly grasped the extremely weak Xuan Gu.

"Sister, come and use Soul Search!"

Lu Tiandu photographed the old demon Xuan Gu, who was wrapped in Xuan Ming's true thunder, right in front of Hong Fu's eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, spare my life! I am willing to accept fellow Taoist as my master..."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the green man's face looked horrified.

Xuan Gu had trained the body of a demon and ghost in vain, even if he could fight against ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, but unfortunately he was restrained by Lu Tiandu and Nangong Wan's magical powers at every turn. At this moment, he felt extremely regretful, as he should not have provoked such a powerful enemy.

I originally thought that someone had opened this sealed place this time, and he would finally be able to see the light of day again. He would devour Hong Fu and Nangong Wan, take away Lu Tiandu's body, go out to recover for a while, and then find the two evil disciples. revenge.

It's a pity that he met such a difficult opponent and was defeated before he could reach the third level of his magical power.

"This guy has a lot of good stuff!"

A moment later, Hong Fu, who had completed the soul search, said with a surprised expression, "As expected of an old monster who has lived for thousands of years! He is actually a very yin master..."

Hong Fu said as he recounted the information obtained from the soul search.

The old demon Xuan Gu was a veteran Nascent Soul monk who lived for more than 600 years during his lifetime. After his death, he lived as a demon for hundreds of years, so his memory is naturally huge.

However, Hongfu's consciousness was also extremely huge, and he found important information in just a moment.

Among them are two secret caves known only to Xuan Gu himself, each of which contains treasures worth millions of spiritual stones.

Others such as the Xuanyin Sutra derived from the "Shura Xuanyin Sutra", the ghost cultivating technique Xuanhun Demon Refining Technique, the location of the Jiuqu Lingshen in the Xutian Temple and the prescription of the Jiuqu Lingshen Pill, etc. are valuable. Everything was found by Hong Fu.

Now that the soul search was over, Lu Tiandu casually dismissed Xuan Gu's spiritual consciousness, took out a soul-gathering bowl, and took in the demonic body.

After sealing it casually, he put away the soul gathering bowl.

This demonic ghost body with a mysterious soul body is still of great use to him.

Lu Tiandu then looked at the small thunder bamboo arrow of Xu Tian next to the white bones. With a casual move, the small arrow came into his hand.

There was a faint flash of dark evil energy on this small arrow. It was obviously refined using evil methods, which greatly reduced its effectiveness in warding off evil spirits.

Lu Tiandu held a small green arrow in his hand. Purple thunder and lightning flashed in his hand, and the entire small Thunder Bamboo arrow was instantly covered.

In the blink of an eye, all the dark evil energy on the Thunder Bamboo Arrow disappeared.

"Hey, there should be a hidden soul in the memory of Xuan Gu as a back-up. Since it is not hidden in the small thunder bamboo arrow that has been refined by it, it seems to be in his corpse!"

After a while, Lu Tiandu secretly thought as he looked at the little Thunder Bamboo Arrow that showed no reaction.

He remembered that in the copy of Xutian Palace, the old demon had a split soul hidden in the small arrow of Thunder Bamboo, which was discovered by the Soul Crying Beast.

Putting away the small thunder bamboo arrow, Lu Tiandu flicked his fingers, and a ball of fire landed on Xuan Gu's bones.

After a while, a section of white and crystal-clear ribs emerged from the ashes.

Just as Lu Tiandu was about to pick up the rib, a black insect like a cricket suddenly floated out from the white bone.

As soon as the black insect appeared, it suddenly burrowed underground.

Hong Fu, who had been watching Lu Tiandu's movements at this moment, raised his foot and trembled. Silver light flashed on the ground, which was covered with a layer of cold ice.

At the same time, Nangong Wan stretched out her index finger, and a fiery red light beam shot at the black insect, which instantly turned into Suzaku True Fire and refined the black insect.

A piercing scream came from the black insect's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a remnant soul flew out of the black insect's body, turning into a shadow of mysterious bones with a look of horror on its face:
"Fellow Taoist, please spare me. I am willing to serve you as a ghost slave for the rest of my life!"

Unfortunately, in the blink of an eye, Xuan Gu's backhand left in the body of the unknown black insect was burned away by Suzaku's true fire.

"As expected of a thousand-year-old monster, even I deliberately forgot this soul-splitting message!"

Hongfu sighed.

She just searched the soul but couldn't find such important information, which shows how deep this old devil's mind is.

Lu Tiandu then picked up this piece of bone, and after crushing it, a ball of white light flew out, revealing a slightly yellowed old brocade handkerchief, which was a fragment of the virtual sky.

"Let's go see if there's anything else here!"

This place is an ancient monk's cave, especially the two semicircular side doors at the entrance. I don't know where they lead. Maybe there is something inside.

Unfortunately, the three of them couldn't find anything good after searching.

"Since this is the place where Jiyin sealed his master, a lot of time has passed since we killed that ugly man before. Why hasn't Jiyin arrived yet?"

After waiting for more than an hour, Lu Tiandu said in confusion.

From the time he killed the ugly man, Lu Tiandu planned to take this opportunity to wait for Ji Yin to come and kill Ji Yin, the great enemy. However, more than three hours have passed since the ugly man was killed. Ji Yin unexpectedly Haven't come here yet.

"Perhaps this person is not currently on Jiyin Island!" Nangong Wan said, "Why don't we first take out the treasures in these three secret caves, then kill the two people from the evil path, and finally go to Jiyin Island to find them Extremely yin?”

"That's fine!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

When he went out this time, he planned to kill all his enemies in Chaotic Star Sea, and then go to Tianxing City to retreat to break through the Nascent Soul.

To sum it up, the six Nascent Soul monks from the Zhengmo Dao who were full of malice towards him in front of the Wild Demon Court Teleportation Formation, let alone the old demon Tianhuang and Lu Qiu in the middle Nascent Soul stage, the old monster Yun and Gong Sanren in the early Nascent Soul stage are dead. Others alive include two Nascent Soul monks.

Coupled with Ji Yin, these three people were his targets for killing this time.

As for the old wizard in the Sixth Company Hall, he will be of great use after he has a baby and develops a certain secret skill, so there is no need to kill him!
After all, the commercial power of Liulian Palace still has great use!
In addition to the two mysterious bones that I just learned about, there is another secret cave that was naturally obtained by Gong Sanren who searched for souls before.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu came out of the second hidden cave of Xuan Gu, playing with an unknown ancient golden bone in his hand, which contained an ancient Yin attribute technique "Shura Xuan Yin Sutra".

The Xuanyin Sutra practiced by Xuan Gu and others is only a part of this technique.

"It's really a top-level skill!"

Lu Tiandu sighed after taking a cursory look.

This complete Yin attribute skill is actually also a skill of a Dharma body practitioner. The supreme Dharma body "Shura True Body" recorded in it is extremely terrifying and can be called an immortal body after it is completed.

It also records several secret magical powers of ghosts, such as the Mysterious Soul Demon Refining Technique, Shura Sacred Fire, etc. Taken together, this technique is actually better than the "Tian Yin Jue Sha" that Lu Tiandu had previously obtained but had not yet collected. The Scriptures are a bit stronger.

"Looks like I'm free and let Yao'er choose which technique to practice!"

Lu Tiandu put away his golden bones and thought.Yuan Yao is already in the advanced stage of foundation building and is practicing the magic formulas in the Tianyin Juesha Sutra. Some of the magical powers and secret techniques in it are also extremely powerful.

Whether she chooses to practice one or both depends on her choice.

More than a month later, a piece of news spread across the sea of ​​chaos.

Two more Nascent Soul monks who had participated in the trip to the Star Palace ruins before from Zhengmo Dao died...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 400 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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