Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 177 Immortality Seed!Furnace shadow!The resentful Wang Ning!

Chapter 177 Immortality Seed!Furnace shadow!The resentful Wang Ning! (Please subscribe)
While the women were discussing, a huge ball of light with a diameter of several miles became dazzling in the sky above the main hall where Lu Tiandu was retreating.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering thunder sounded out of thin air, and the entire mountain peak shook suddenly.

Then, a golden and purple light pillar wrapped around a round fist-sized bead, sprayed out from the hall, and shot right into the high-altitude light group.

As the bead sank into the huge light group, the surroundings of the light group were immediately covered with clouds, wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

The colorful light group rolled in the clouds for a moment and then began to shrink and deform little by little. The five-colored light flashed, becoming more and more dazzling.

Not long after, the huge light group quickly condensed into a group of golden-purple jade beads the size of a human head in the eyes of everyone.

The golden and purple bead has a spiritual light shining on it, making people look at it directly and feel that it contains huge spiritual power.

This is the golden elixir that Lu Tiandu has absorbed countless spiritual energy!

There was a soft "bang" sound, and the golden elixir exploded in a flash, turning into a ball of colorful mist with a diameter of several feet. It quickly shot downwards and disappeared into the main hall in the blink of an eye. trace.

After breaking the pill, Lu Tiandu finally entered the most critical step of overcoming the inner demon and condensing the baby!
As Lu Tiandu's golden elixir completed the step of absorbing spiritual power and broken elixirs, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning in the sky also disappeared in an instant, and everything gradually returned to normal.

The girls of Nangong Wan were still staring in the direction of the main hall, waiting silently.

In the eyes of outsiders, the level of inner demons only lasts a few breaths, but for those who have overcome the tribulation, they feel it at different times and experience it very differently!
But they all have an inexplicable trust in Lu Tian!
At this moment, a sound of dragons and phoenixes suddenly came from the main hall, and two huge phantoms, one dragon and one phoenix, suddenly shot straight into the sky and flew happily!

Suddenly, a human-shaped figure about a hundred feet tall appeared out of thin air in the main hall.

The whole body of this light and shadow is covered with dense golden-purple aura, which is overflowing with brilliance. Because the aura on his face is so strong, no one can see clearly the true face of the giant. They only feel that this giant shadow seems so majestic that no one dares to look up. .

After another burst of dragons and phoenixes, the phantoms of dragons and phoenixes flying in the sky suddenly sank into the giant's body at this moment.

"The baby is condensed!"

Although the girls had some guesses about the phantoms of dragons and phoenixes in the sky, no one said anything more.

After all, everyone has long been accustomed to the scene of dragons and phoenixes surrounding them when they are practicing dual cultivation. This should be related to a certain physique of their husbands.

At this moment, the girls were staring at the giant in the sky with joyful faces, and their secretly hanging hearts were finally relieved.

At this moment, the golden-purple giant in the sky seemed to come back to his senses, nodded slightly to everyone, as if smiling, and his body suddenly turned into starlight that filled the sky, and disappeared.

In the main hall, Lu Tiandu sat quietly on a futon made of several kinds of spiritual herbs, his eyes closed tightly.And on the Tianling Cap above its head, there is a miniature baby about two inches tall, climbing and playing on the bun.

This baby is white and tender, with a golden-purple light covering its body. It is a miniature version of Lu Tiandu!

At this moment, the baby's face was full of excitement and laughter, and the land underneath the baby had a ruddy complexion and a peaceful expression, as if he was sleeping soundly.

After a while, the baby seemed a little tired from playing. After yawning, the light flashed and penetrated into Lu Tiandu's body from the Tianling Gai.

Suddenly, Lu Tiandu's expression changed. After his eyelids trembled slightly, he finally opened his eyes, revealing a pair of warm and restrained bright eyes, which were exceptionally clear.

"Finally a baby!"

Lu Tiandu felt the earth-shaking changes in his body, and murmured with a smile on his lips.

"The condensed Nascent Soul can live for thousands of years. This is the seed of immortality!"

Calculated, he is only 130 years old. He completed the fourth level of Dayan Jue ten years ago. Five years ago, he felt that the opportunity had arrived, so he brought the Yuqing Pill, Huaying Pill, Dingling Pill, Qingshen Pill, etc. that he had prepared early. The elixir to assist in the birth of a baby began a five-year retreat.

With the Yin-Yang Fruit's [-]% chance of conceiving a baby, and the dragon's chanting body's great help in breaking through the bottleneck, some of the secret techniques and various elixirs he had practiced previously to assist in conceiving a baby were hardly used.

The only thing he used was the Qingshen Pill he took when he was trying to overcome the inner demon.

Counting the twitching and reversal of the meridians throughout his body when an ordinary monk breaks the pill, he barely reacts at all. After all, the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, which he is about to reach the third level of perfection, is already extremely powerful.

Even Hong Fu and Nangong's second-level Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill could easily overcome this level, let alone him?

However, he still had some lingering fears when he thought about his inner demons.

In addition to the Qingshen Pill and the Soul-Dingling Pill, he also prepared other auxiliary means to stabilize the soul, such as the Qingshen Pendant, the futon under his body, etc.

Unfortunately, the inner demon was far more weird than he expected.

It almost caused many of the fears that Lu Tiandu usually buried deeply in his heart to occur in the illusion, such as the identity of the time traveler being exposed, attracting the covetousness of many unknown beings.

The Golden Finger Stone Bead World was finally exposed, attracting the pursuit of immortals, and the human world was also destroyed. He and his Taoist companions were trapped in the Stone Bead World, practicing hard, fighting against outsiders while refining the Stone Beads, and waiting for revenge...

After he finally became a true immortal and completely refined the stone beads, he originally prepared to take revenge, but as a result, another Taoist companion in the harem was controlled by an extraterrestrial demon, and he had to kill him.

In the end, he had to leave this world and fled in the chaotic space with the help of stone beads.

These inner demons were nothing more than that. Although they all touched the secrets and fears in his heart, he finally got over them one by one.

There are even scarier ones.

For example, in a certain world of inner demons, he practiced all the way, and with the help of golden fingers, he led many Taoist companions to ascend to the spiritual world and overwhelm all realms.Then he successfully ascended to the Immortal Realm, and finally became the Dao Ancestor of Chaos, overwhelming this universe. What a joy!
Suddenly one day, the world collapsed and his eyes went dark.

In an instant, he appeared in a familiar city again, running on the road to find a job.

The hot sun was shining on the earth, and there was a crowded flow of people between the tall buildings. His exhausted body seemed to be filled with lead, and every step was extremely heavy. The noisy sirens always reminded him that this was the city he once lived in!
There is no world of mortals cultivating immortals, no world of stone beads. Thousands of years of cultivation, countless beauties, invincible supernatural powers, praises from all races, and all the past experiences are all a dream!
He almost lost his heart at this most critical link!
This kind of inner demon fantasy that first uses everything you fear to destroy you, then uses everything you expect to achieve you, and finally shatters it all and makes you fall into the clouds, is the most vicious!
The inner demon has no trace and no intention. It always connects and amplifies the secret emotions in the monk's heart without leaving any trace. It is really difficult to guard against it.

But fortunately, Lu Tiandu took the Qingshen Pill and maintained a little inner clarity in all kinds of fantasy worlds.

In fact, when he lost his Taoist heart several times, it was the furnace shadow in his mind that played a major role.

This treasure that took him through time has been silently guarding him in critical moments, allowing him to overcome many inner demons, and finally formed the Nascent Soul in one fell swoop.

"If there was no stone furnace, I would probably have a hard time dealing with the inner demons!"

Thinking about all the things in the fantasy, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with a faint color.

Even though he had made a lot of preparations, for the local golden elixir monk, he was completely sure that he could survive the inner demon tribulation.

Unfortunately, for him, a visitor from a foreign land, the difficulty has increased several times.

However, these aftertaste is only a momentary thing. Now that he has condensed Nascent Soul, he will no longer take these illusions to heart.

As for the situation when his Nascent Soul was first formed and he was playing on top of his head for the first time, it was naturally like most people who had just formed the Nascent Soul. The Nascent Soul was still in its infancy and could not yet unite its mind and body.

After he stays in seclusion for a few more months, and after his Nascent Soul has completely formed and his cultivation has improved, this kind of thing will naturally not happen again.

As for the Nascent Soul that he condensed for the first time was slightly larger than others, it was naturally because his magic power was too strong.

At this moment, knowing that all the Taoist monks were waiting outside the hall, Lu Tiandu didn't wait any longer. With a flick of his sleeves, he opened the many restrictions outside the hall and walked out.


The girls looked at Lu Tiandu with joyful faces, and their pleasant and cheerful voices echoed one after another.

"It's a pity that Sister Nishang is still in retreat, otherwise our whole family would have had a great celebration!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the beauties and smiled heartily, "Let's go and celebrate first, and then we can celebrate Sister Nishang after she is born!"

After a few days, the laughter and laughter in Yaochi Tower calmed down.Beauty has entered into daily life practice again.

Lu Tiandu also began to retreat briefly to stabilize the Nascent Soul.

Three months later, Lu Tiandu ducked out of the hall and was back in the stone bead in the blink of an eye.

"My consciousness at the moment has reached more than 380 miles, and there is no difference between me and the great monk Yuan Hou!"

After completely letting go of his consciousness, an invisible wave spread out in all directions. After a moment of feeling, Lu Tian had a smile on his lips.

Ten years ago, when he completed the fourth level of Dayan Jue, his consciousness reached two hundred miles. After Condensation, his consciousness nearly doubled. In the early stage of Yuanying, he was almost nothing compared to the four hundred miles of the great monks of Yuan Ying. There is a difference.The Dayan Jue is only one aspect. Han Li has beads carved from soul-nurturing wood to constantly warm and nourish his soul. Before Ning Ying, he also practiced the Dayan Jue to the fourth level. His consciousness in the early stage of Nascent Soul was only over [-] miles away. Mistakenly thought he was a monk after Yuan Dynasty.

Lu Tiandu was born with a powerful soul, and he even swallowed Guo Yuanjiu's soul crystals. For more than a hundred years, the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness has continuously strengthened his soul. It is not surprising to have such a powerful soul.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness was far beyond that of a middle-stage Yuanying monk by [-] miles. Naturally, he could successfully master the magical power of spiritual consciousness transformation, which could only be mastered by a middle-stage Yuanying monk.

"It's a pity that Feng Xian didn't leave behind any secret technique of spiritual attack!"

Lu Tiandu sighed as he felt the violent fluctuations caused by the transformed consciousness in the void.

After the spiritual consciousness takes form, you can practice some spiritual attack secret techniques and use the powerful spiritual consciousness to attack the enemy. This spiritual consciousness attack secret technique is naturally very weird and difficult to guard against.

Needless to say how precious it is.

Although he has also discovered several secret techniques for cultivating his spiritual consciousness from some trophies over the years, unfortunately they are either not far different from the Dayan Techniques, or not as good as them, which makes him greatly disappointed.

"It seems that after returning to Tiannan this time, I will go to the far west to find Lord Dayan!"

Now that he has completed practicing the first four levels of the Dayan Jue, if he wants to maintain his spiritual advantage, he naturally has to obtain the last three levels of the Dayan Jue.

After this thought flashed across his mind, Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and a colorful scroll slowly floated in front of his eyes and slowly unfolded.

It is his magic weapon - the wind and thunder prison map!

When he was refining it, because the amount of materials he prepared was too large, and the seven original things were added at the last moment, it became extremely powerful. During the Golden Core stage, he could only use part of the power to display the magical power of black hole vortex.

At this time, after Yuanying, with his huge true energy and spiritual consciousness, it is not a problem to use this magic weapon.

Looking at the colorful pictures exuding inexplicable and astonishing spiritual power in front of him, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with curiosity.

Just looking at the spiritual power emitted by his magic weapon, none of the ancient treasures he has come into contact with can match it. How powerful it is will require some experimentation.

Lu Tiandu pointed his finger casually, and the colorful picture scroll flew into the sky with a "swipe" sound.

In the blink of an eye, the sky above Lu Tiandu was dyed with seven colors, and bursts of inexplicable pressure came down from the sky. Especially in the middle of the giant picture, the yin and yang fish formed by gold and purple had a slight consciousness. Exploration gives people a feeling of fear, as if it contains something terrible.

The seven-color giant picture exceeded more than a thousand feet after being displayed, and then gradually stopped changing. This is naturally the current size of this magic weapon.

The magic formula in Lu Tiandu's hand changed, and in an instant, the colorful giant picture trembled suddenly and surged.

Double, double...ten times!
In the blink of an eye, the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture surged more than ten times. Lu Tiandu swept his consciousness and had a preliminary understanding of the power of the seven-colored giant picture that blocked the sky and sun above his head.

At this moment, everything within a hundred miles is covered by the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map. Lu Tiandu wants to use the wind and thunder power in the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map to attack every plant and tree within a hundred miles. It is just a thought.

This is naturally just the most basic attack method of Fenglei Prison Map.

The most powerful attack power of his magic weapon is naturally the golden and purple yin-yang fish in the center of the scroll - the Prison of Wind and Thunder.

Once the enemy is put into the prison of wind and thunder, whether he is trapped or killed, alive or dead, will naturally be under his control.

Unless the other party uses great magic power and supernatural powers to break the confinement and escape!
Lu Tiandu was not too worried about this. After he refining his natal magic weapon and refining a large amount of lapis lazuli, he had a large amount of Yi Shen Mud and lapis lazuli, two divine objects that weakened magic weapons and spell attacks. Unless the opponent It is a very powerful physical cultivation, otherwise it would not be at his disposal!
However, in his own territory in the Shizhu World, he could not freely experiment with the power of the magic weapon at this time.

Looking at the colorful sky rendered by the giant picture, Lu Tiandu's mind was moved. The Fengling Prison Picture trembled suddenly, became smaller in an instant, returned to the top of his head in the blink of an eye, and turned into a colorful fairy clothes and draped it on his body. It flowed around and instantly became the same as his normal clothes.

With the protective clothing transformed from the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture, I am afraid that even if he stands in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, others will not be able to break his defense.

Of course, this was only for the Yuanying monks in the early and middle stages. He had not yet experienced the attack power of the Yuanying monks, so it was difficult to judge.

As for the overall power of his natal magic weapon, Lu Tiandu only knows that it surpasses the top-level ancient treasure for the time being. How it compares with the Tongtian Lingbao is hard to say. After all, he has never seen the Tongtian Lingbao used at full power. The power of time.

After practicing some more natal magic weapons, Lu Tiandu ducked into the cave on the mountainside of Tongtian Giant Peak.

Every time he breaks through the great realm, he must first come here to refine the Divine Furnace of Creation, and control the world of stone beads step by step.

This is the foundation of his life and cannot be careless!

After half a day, Lu Tiandu came out of the cave with a happy face.

It turns out that after refining the stone furnace this time, in addition to the regular authority of controlling thousands of miles of space in this world, he actually had another authority that relied on the power of stone beads.

To be precise, now he can use a little bit of the power of the divine furnace to create the innate divine objects produced in the world of stone beads.

For example, he can share the shadow of the divine furnace of creation in his sea of ​​consciousness with his Taoist companions, which is similar to sharing his own physique.

While this furnace shadow warms and nourishes the human soul, it can also play a role in defending against soul attacks, body snatching, etc.

It is equivalent to having one more life-saving treasure.

And if the person who is sharing the furnace shadow is destroyed by someone else, the furnace shadow can instantly take the host's Nascent Soul into the divine furnace of creation in the stone bead regardless of the distance!
This method of adding another life surprised Lu Tiandu.

With this kind of furnace shadow, many of his Taoist companions have a trump card to save their lives even if they leave the stone beads. Even if their bodies are shattered, as long as the Nascent Soul can escape back, they can use the origin in the stone beads to reshape their bodies. not a problem.

Of course, if the person who accepted the furnace shadow he shared had any hostility towards him, life or death could be decided by his thoughts.

In fact, he can also peek into the memory of the person being shared through the furnace shadow, but this is not necessary.

After all, only one's own woman can share such good things. As the harem grows, it is inevitable for women to have their own little thoughts. No one is perfect in terms of deeds and heart. There is no need to delve into other matters.

Lu Tiandu returned to Yaochi Tower and stayed for another month. During this month, he refined the twelve green bamboo bee cloud swords for Yanli, and also shared the furnace shadow with the girls.

The girls are very positive about this. After all, Lu Tiandu has long been considered by the girls to be an immortal from heaven who was reincarnated and has great fortune.

This can be regarded as Lu Tiandu confessing some of his secrets to them again, and it is also a life-saving thing for them.

With this thing, as long as they live longer, they can be regarded as immortal.

There is a mysterious connection between women who have accepted the physique shared by Lu Tiandu before.This time, after there was another furnace shadow that could affect the soul, the connection between the girls and Lu Tiandu naturally became closer.

After appeasing the harem in Yaochi Tower, Lu Tiandu stepped out of Shizhu.

The mother peak of Miaoyin Peak.

In the main hall where Lu Tiandu practiced daily, Lu Tiandu, who showed his figure, looked at the unchanged main hall, took out several transmission notes, whispered a few times, and threw out the restrictions.

Within a moment, the four girls Wang Yun, Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and Wang Ning all entered Lu Tiandu's cave.

"Lu Lang!"

Wang Yun saw that Lu Tiandu, who had not seen him for more than five years, was still in high spirits. After a gust of fragrant wind, he had already thrown himself into Lu Tiandu's arms.

Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting also looked lovingly at the man they thought about day and night. They stepped forward to hug Lu Tiandu, one on the left and the other on the right, with no concealment of the affection in their beautiful eyes.

"Yun'er, Jingmei, Ruting, I miss you very much too!"

Lu Tiandu hugged the three plump and slim girls, and the familiar fragrance was on their noses. Each of them smelled one, and said with a smile.

Wang Ning is wearing a purple dress. She has a slender figure, a light body, and graceful curves. At this moment, she is standing not far away, with a hint of shyness flashing on her beautiful and fragrant face. Looking at the four people who look like a family, she feels He was a little redundant, and his pair of dark crystal eyes had a hint of resentment.

As soon as she entered the main hall of Lu Tiandu, she secretly restored her original appearance.

Naturally, she wanted to show her best side to the man she had already fallen in love with. Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu didn't look at her immediately, which made her extremely disappointed.

Lu Tiandu's senses at this time were naturally extremely sensitive, and he was instantly aware of the distant gaze. He raised his head to meet Wang Ning's beautiful eyes and smiled slightly.

Seeing that Lu Tiandu finally saw him, Wang Ning was secretly happy and at the same time, her pretty face suddenly became a little red. She lowered her head, not daring to look at the four of them anymore...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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