Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 178 Collect the purple spirit!Wen Siyue!Mysterious soul clone!

Chapter 178 Collect the purple spirit!Wen Siyue!Mysterious soul clone! (Please subscribe)

"Lu Lang, have you made a breakthrough?"

After a while, after expressing his longing for her, Wang Yun left Lu Tiandu's arms. Her eyes were full of expectation, her teeth opened slightly, and she asked softly.

After all, Lu Tiandu looked the same as before, and they had never experienced any baby condensation phenomenon at Miaoyin Peak.

Seeing their master's actions at this moment, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting also left Lu Tiandu's arms and looked at their young master with nervous expressions.

Not far away, Wang Ning's heart skipped a beat and her ears pricked up, waiting for Lu Tiandu's answer.

After all, more than five years ago, Lu Tiandu went into seclusion just to break through to the Nascent Soul!
"Hehe, Yun'er, use your Eye of Yuan Lei to take a look!"

Lu Tiandu smiled softly, stretched out his hand to touch Wang Yun's flawless and beautiful jade face and said with a smile.

"Okay, my spiritual eyes and supernatural powers have improved a lot over the years!"

Wang Yun chuckled, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she stared at Lu Tiandu carefully.

"Hey! Lu Lang is surrounded by colorful lights!"

After taking a breath, Wang Yun said with a surprised look.

At this moment, her originally dark and crystal-clear eyes instantly turned purple, emitting a deep purple light, like a mysterious pool of water, and looked extremely magical.

An inexplicable power instantly enveloped Lu Tiandu.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu was somewhat familiar with Wang Yun's powerful spiritual eye magical power, and he did not try hard to stop Wang Yun from using his magical power.

"Congratulations to Lu Lang for advancing to Yuanying!"

At this moment, under Wang Yun's spiritual eyes, through the endless layers of colorful light, she saw a two-inch-sized baby sitting cross-legged.

The baby also looked at her with a smile.

Wang Yun's words were full of joy and envy.

It is possible for such a young Nascent Soul monk to achieve the status of a great monk a few hundred years later and advance to become a god.

Such an outstanding man was actually the one she fell in love with. Sometimes it felt unreal to her!

"Ah! Congratulations, sir!"

Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting also exclaimed with excitement on their faces.

Over the years, they have had ample elixirs, spiritual wine and other resources provided by Lu Tiandu, and they have also advanced to the late stage of foundation building. Lu Tiandu has now advanced to Nascent Soul cultivator, so they have naturally improved.

Now every time they practice dual cultivation with Lu Tian, ​​they can benefit a lot!

Wang Ning also had a look of surprise on her face at this moment, her beautiful eyes were filled with sparkles, and she couldn't get enough of Lu Tian as she stared at him!

During the nearly 30 years of practice that she had spent with Lu Tiandu, her practice was basically guided by Lu Tiandu, and she had the mysterious attraction of her physique. Before she knew it, her heart had been filled by Lu Tiandu!
She has the cultivation level in the middle stage of foundation building now, and Lu Tiandu has put a lot of thought into it.

Although she has been teased countless times by the person she loves from top to bottom, the fact that she has never been able to give herself to Lu Tian is the most resentful thing in her heart!

"What? Ning'er, can't you come over and congratulate me?"

After joking with the three girls for a while, Lu Tiandu looked at Wang Ning who was looking like a bitch after entering the door not far away and said with a smile.

"Ah I……"

Seeing four pairs of eyes falling on her, Wang Ning's face instantly became hot, her eyes became a little moister, and she couldn't help but walk towards Lu Tiandu with lotus steps.

Wang Yun covered her mouth and chuckled. She was most satisfied with her Ning'er's appearance and talent. Over the years, she didn't need her to set them up, and the two of them got along very harmoniously!
As for Ning'er's resentment, she naturally knew it, and Lu Tiandu also told her his plan!

Anyway, don’t be afraid of being late for dinner, and Ning’er will finally get her wish!
Fan Jingmei and Fan Jingmei looked at Lu Tiandu and Wang Ning with meaningful eyes. It seemed that this time, their young master was finally going to accept his junior sister!

Lu Tiandu looked at the beautiful and fragrant picture in front of him, which was the most beautiful and a bit shy. His two big hands fell on Wang Ningbuying's slender waist, and he gently hugged her. With the beauty in his arms and smelling the familiar fragrance, Lu Tiandu came close to Wang Ning's slightly red jade ears and chuckled:
"What? I feel resentful in my heart!"

Lu Tiandu's warm breath fell on Wang Ning's smooth and smooth skin, which made the beauty in his arms panic even more, and her bright eyes became a little moister.

Wang Ning's head was buried in Lu Tiandu's arms, and she was close to the familiar and warm embrace again. Her face turned red, and she inhaled the familiar smell with fascination. Lu Lang's breath smelled so good!
After hearing Lu Tiandu's teasing words, she didn't answer, stretched out her slender jade fingers and pinched the man's waist hard!

"Ouch! This resentment is really quite big!"

Lu Tiandu felt Wang Ning's little movements, his tone was surprised, and he looked like he was pinched.


A soft hum came from Lu Tiandu's arms. Wang Ning still didn't raise her head and circled Lu Tiandu's waist tightly, becoming more and more resentful.

At this moment, seeing Wang Ning's sudden temper, Wang Yun and the three girls laughed coquettishly, feeling very amused.

Lu Tiandu looked at Wang Ning, whose ears were getting redder and more shy, and waved his hand. Wang Yun and the three girls chuckled lightly, looked at Lu Tiandu meaningfully, and then left the hall.

"They're gone!"

Lu Tiandu said softly.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Wang Ning raised her head. Her beautiful and beautiful dimples were as red as fire. She bit her red lips lightly and looked at Lu Tiandu with a pair of watery eyes full of affection.

Seeing such a seductive beauty, Lu Tiandu lowered his head slightly and kissed two soft lips.

Feeling her lover's movements, Wang Ning tightly hugged Lu Tiandu with a pair of jade arms, her charming pure eyes narrowed shyly, her long black eyelashes tightly covered her pair of quivering water-cut autumn eyes, her fair and delicate eyes The swan straightened its neck and responded skillfully.

After a long time, Lu Tiandu let go of the suffocating beauty.

In the hall, there was only the sound of rapid breathing!

"Ning'er, do you know why I didn't want you in the past few years?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the emotional Wang Ning, gently picked her up, and said softly while walking towards the inner hall.

"Hmph, if you can't give me a reason to convince me, I won't forgive you!"

Wang Ning tightly wrapped her arms around Lu Tiandu's neck and kissed the side of Lu Tiandu's face with a charming look.

She liked the position of being held by Princess Lu Tiandu.

She knew that this moment had finally arrived, and she felt a lot of sweetness and expectation in her heart.

"Because this is the moment I've been waiting for!" Lu Tiandu stared at Wang Ning with an extremely affectionate look.

"You know? You are unique in my mind, different from them. I feel that only after I Ning'er, practicing together with my beloved Ning'er can leave the best memories for us, and also for me Ningying’s biggest reward…”

"In order to wait for this moment, I have been practicing hard for decades. Over the years, it is Ning'er who has been inspiring me invisibly. You don't know how many times when I was crossing the heart demon barrier, Ning'er and I appeared flying together. The fantasy... these years, I have made you wait so hard for Ning'er..."

When talking about the latter part, Lu Tian rubbed his chin against Wang Ning, who looked moved.

"Is what you said true?"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's affectionate confession, the affection in Wang Ning's beautiful eyes almost overflowed, and she murmured.

"Can this be fake?"

Lu Tiandu kissed Wang Ning's nose, "Can't you feel my sincerity at such a close distance? Moreover, for this moment, I have prepared good things for you, Ning'er!"

"Humph, I'm not the only one in your heart!" Wang Ningjiao said angrily, and then quickly looked curious:

"What is it?" Naturally, these sweet words to her lover were very useful to her, and she was already so excited!

"Have you fully understood the technique I gave you before retreating?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.After hearing Wang Ning's slightly shy affirmation, she explained the efficacy of Yin Yang Fruit.

"Is this true? Lu Lang?"

At this moment, Wang Ning's beautiful eyes were wide open, with a look of shock on her face.

"Of course this is true!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

"Ning'er is the first thing I think about for such a good thing. Ning'er, don't you understand what I mean? With this Yin-Yang Fruit, when I get the Demonic Power from Man Beard, you can practice Brahma Saint With true demonic skills, condensing infants and transforming into gods won’t be a problem when the time comes, and then we can ascend to the spiritual world together…”

Because the Brahma Saint's True Demonic Skills had not yet been assembled, Lu Tiandu had been teaching Wang Ning to practice the Six Extremes True Demonic Skills.

"Lu Lang, you are so kind!"

At this moment, Wang Ning was really moved, looking extremely emotional.

After double cultivation.

On the jade couch, Wang Ning leaned against Lu Tiandu with a rosy face and a look of satisfaction.

Compared with before, Wang Ning's eyebrows and eyes were a little more springy at this moment, and her beautiful face was even more lovable.

Feeling the illusory fruit in her dantian, Wang Ning's mouth showed a bit of a silly smile.

But after a moment, Wang Ning came back to her senses and looked at Lu Tiandu with a half-smile.

"what happened?"

Lu Tiandu stroked the beauty's slightly scattered black hair and smiled.

"It's really unbelievable that Lu Lang has such a good thing!"

Wang Ningsu stroked Lu Tiandu's chest with her hand and asked without leaving a trace, "When are you going to give this kind of good thing to others?"


Lu Tiandu glanced at Wang Ning again, understood her thoughts in an instant, and said with a smile:
"Okay! For the others, it's up to you, Ning'er, to decide whether to give it to them or not... Although you are not the only one who has received this opportunity, your status in my husband's heart is naturally different..."

Hey, I want to be the only one in his heart, but this is really not possible!

"Humph, I forgive you!"

Wang Ning smiled arrogantly. Although she had only discovered the flaw in Lu Tiandu's sweet words at this moment, she felt extremely satisfied when she heard Lu Tiandu's reply.

Lu Tiandu had previously hinted that he had other Taoist companions in Tiannan, and Wang Yun, Fan Jingmei, and Zhuo Ruting were naturally mentally prepared for this.

However, although Wang Ning was finally brought into the room by Lu Tiandu, she obviously felt that Lu Tiandu treated her differently, and she naturally felt very happy.

A few days later, Wang Ning returned to her Ziling Pavilion!

In the next few days, Lu Tiandu comforted Wang Yun and the three girls again.

As for the doubts the three girls had about why he had given birth to a baby without any vision of heaven and earth, Lu Tiandu also briefly explained it and told them that he would let them know in the future.

More than twenty days later, Lu Tiandu returned to Yaochi Tower, preparing to practice a few secret techniques and complete some unfinished things before Ningying.

During his time at Miaoyinmen, he also teased Zhuo Ruting's apprentice Wen Siyue.

Although Wen Siyue is just 20 years old, she has already become a slim figure. Her elegant, refined and charming appearance has attracted the attention of many people.

After all, Wen Siyue has a rare and special physique - a naturally charming body!
They naturally have a strange attraction to the opposite sex.

The daughter of Wen Qiang, an outer disciple of the Miaoyin Sect, was noticed by Lu Tiandu as soon as she was born 20 years ago.

After all, Wen Qiang, a monk from Kuixing Island, married a female disciple of the Miaoyin Sect and then joined the outer sect of the Miaoyin Sect. He was noticed by Lu Tiandu more than [-] years ago.

A naturally charming body is also a rare physique. If you practice the corresponding exercises, it will be of great benefit to both men and women. Since he is a disciple of Wang Yun, Lu Tiandu naturally has no intention of letting it go.

Some time after Wen Siyue was born, Lu Tiandu also successfully cured Wen Siyue's mother's strange illness, and asked Zhuo Ruting to accept Wen Siyue as a registered disciple, and then accept her as a formal disciple when Wen Siyue officially started practicing.

In this way, Wenqiang's family was taken care of by the top management of Miaoyin Sect, and they naturally lived very comfortably.

Before Ningying, Lu Tian would also teach Wen Siyue some lessons when he was free. The little girl was the fifth person in the Miaoyin Sect who could often see him.

Wen Siyue's spiritual root qualifications are pretty good. With the care of Lu Tiandu, there is never a shortage of resources. It is almost time to build the foundation.

Back at Yaochi Tower, Lu Tiandu became thoughtful.

After Nascent Soul, in addition to the daily practice of the two magical powers of Sanwei Shenfeng and Xuanming Zhenlei, the Wind and Thunder Escape that combines the Wind Escape Technique and the Thunder Escape Technique that comes with the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Kung Fu is also one of the magical powers he needs to practice.

As for the rest, it is to practice the magical power of the evil-repelling divine thunder.

But before that, he decided to practice a few secret techniques.

This secret technique was originally mainly based on the secret technique "Hunyuan Guiyi God Refining Technique" in Tianyin Juesha Gong, as well as the "Soul-Suppressing Seal" and "Soul-Lock Seal".

However, since he obtained the Shura Xuanyin Sutra, Lu Tiandu spent a lot of time to understand several secret techniques related to the "Mysterious Soul Demon Refining Technique", and also because he obtained the "Mysterious Soul Body" left behind by the mysterious bones. , he had some different ideas.

Previously, because he was not yet a Nascent Soul, these secret techniques could not be practiced. Now that his strength has greatly improved, it would definitely be of great benefit to him if he could practice this new secret technique based on his previous insights and deductions.

Time flies, and a year has passed.

On this day, a burst of hearty laughter came from the main hall where Lu Tiandu was retreating.

In the main hall, Lu Tiandu looked at a green figure floating in front of him, a look of surprise flashing in his eyes.

This figure looks a bit unreal, emitting a faint green light, but his appearance is similar to Lu Tian.

Lu Tiandu thought, and the green phantom disappeared instantly.

At the same time, although Lu Tiandu's true body was still in the main hall, he could clearly see everything outside the main hall.

At this time, if someone's consciousness is strong enough and scans the top of the main hall where Lu Tiandu is located, he will be able to find a faint phantom hidden in the void above the main hall.

At this moment, the phantom figure moved, instantly breaking through the layers of restrictions outside the hall, and returned to Lu Tiandu's eyes.

"That's right, I didn't expect that I actually mastered this secret technique of 'mysterious soul clone'!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and with a thought, the green phantom instantly turned into a ray of light and returned to his sea of ​​consciousness.

The clone he made had no real entity. It was based on the body of the mysterious soul and incorporated many weird secret techniques. He named it "the clone of the mysterious soul".

After all, this clone contains part of his soul.

If it weren't for the furnace shadow he split as a backup method, he would have been a little afraid to use it, thinking of the Second Nascent Soul that Han Li had rebelled against several times.

But now there is no such problem.

Now that this weird mysterious soul clone has been refined, he is even more confident in conquering the old ghost Wu of the Sixth Company Hall!

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thanks to the book friend Hongchen Tianmu for the 200 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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