Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 179 Everything is hidden in one’s sleeve!Join the Counter Star Alliance!

Chapter 179 Everything is hidden in one’s sleeve!Join the Counter Star Alliance! (Please subscribe)

"Originally, I planned to practice a few secret techniques to control the old ghost Wu. Now that I have made the 'Xuanhun Clone', without further delay, I'd better take down the old ghost Wu as soon as possible!"

On the futon, Lu Tian was pondering.

Killing a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul really didn't take much effort for him at this moment.But it is not easy to control a Nascent Soul cultivator for his use.

Counting this forbidden divine art, which is openly banned by the Star Palace, Lu Tiandu knows a lot of secret techniques that can control others.

If it is an ordinary Forbidden God Technique, although it can control the old ghost Wu, as long as the old ghost takes the initiative to devote himself to the path of evil and asks a great monk like Liu Dao or Wan Sangu to take action, it will naturally not be possible to lift the Forbidden God Technique from Lu Tiandu. Difficult matter.

If Old Ghost Wu finally joins the Counter Star Alliance, Lu Tiandu will be in miscalculation.

After all, his plot against Old Ghost Wu was ultimately to seize the foundation of the Sixth Company Palace and drive a nail into the Counter Star Alliance, not to make wedding clothes for others.

That's why he thought about practicing some of the profound secret techniques in the Tianyin Juesha Sutra and the Shura Xuanyin Sutra. It would be best to control the soul of the old ghost Wu and subtly influence him to make him do things according to his requirements.

After all, the risk of forcing these old ghosts by force is still very high.It wouldn't be nice if Lu Tiandu didn't appear in the Chaotic Star Sea for a long time, and the old ghost Wula betrayed him midway and caused some losses to him.

Now that he has this mysterious soul clone, he is confident that everything is under control.

As for why he was so eager to find Wu Laogui, it was naturally related to some of the original plots in Lu Tiandu's memory.

In the original plot, the more than twenty years after Han Li formed the elixir and opened the Xutian Palace were the time for the Counter Star Alliance to make big moves.

During this period, a series of major events occurred in the entire Luanxinghai Immortal Realm, which appeared to be turbulent.

Among them, the greatest impact was on the seven or eight large and small forces including the "Sixth Company Hall". Suddenly, subordinates or disciples rebelled overnight, and the leaders or sect leaders dismounted one after another.

He was replaced by some unknown people.

And some small and inconspicuous sects have been wiped out entirely and the sect's most important treasures have been stolen.

Most of these things can be guessed to be the work of the Counter Star Alliance. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that someone fishes in troubled waters.

After all, since the good and the evil have been preparing for hundreds of years, when the end comes, they must make every effort to strengthen their own strength in order to fight a protracted war with the Star Palace.

As the largest commercial force under the four major business alliances, the importance of the Sixth Company Palace is self-evident. There is only one Nascent Soul cultivator, Wu Laogui, so it is easy to capture it, so naturally it will bear the brunt.

As for the four major business alliances, haha, each one has more than two Nascent Soul cultivators, and they have also formed an alliance. I am afraid that not everyone can win them if they want to.

Since the leader of the Sixth Company was replaced in the original plot, it can be guessed that the old ghost Wu did not agree to the invitation of the Counter Star Alliance, and was finally killed by force.

Therefore, at this moment, there has not been a rebellion within the Sixth Company Hall, which means that the two sides are still in contact.

Lu Tiandu will naturally take advantage of this time to capture the Sixth Company Palace first, seize some of the training resources, and then join the Counter Star Alliance. By then, the Sixth Company Palace's status in the Counter Star Alliance will naturally be very different.

After arriving at the palace where Wang Yun of Miaoyinmen was located, he learned the latest news about the Sixth Lian Palace.

Lu Tiandu waited for Wang Yun to summon the two elders Zhao and Meng, and placed some restrictions on them again. Then he smiled faintly at the ugly expressions on their faces, left Tianxing City, and fled towards the north.

What he still showed in front of Zhao and Meng was that he was in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. Naturally, the two of them didn't know that 'Xiao Changsheng', who had been in seclusion in front of them for many years, was already a Nascent Soul monk!
At the current speed of Lu Tiandu, it is not a problem to fly four and a half million miles in one day, so this trip north to the headquarters of Liulian Palace, "Liulian Island", only took a day and a half.

Hidden high in the sky, Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness to secretly observe the island below.

This is a medium-sized island. Although it is not large in area, the island is full of spiritual energy. It is obvious that there is a good spiritual vein in it.

Except for the six or seven Jindan monks on the island, the rest are low-level disciples, each of whom is busy.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and he was already flying towards the highest mountain peak on the island.

In his spiritual perception, there was a powerful aura in a certain hall in this majestic mountain peak, which must be the old ghost Wu.

After a while, Lu Tiandu returned to the main hall. Just now, he had set up a large formation around the main hall to cover up any movement.

Even if this person is not taken down at once, the battle between the two will be covered up by this formation, and they will not be detected by outsiders.

After all, there are probably spies from the Counter-Star Alliance on this island who are monitoring Old Ghost at any time.

With a flick of his sleeves, a small yellow flag floated in front of Lu Tiandu's eyes, and he fired several tactics to activate the formation. After a faint mist appeared around the hall, a golden wind filled Lu Tiandu's fingers.

Seeing the golden wind ball that had turned into a three-foot-sized ball, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and with a press of his fingers, the fog ball transformed by the golden wind had stuck to the forbidden light curtain outside the hall.

With a "Puff" sound, the seemingly powerful restriction outside the hall was blown by the golden wind, and a large hole of about ten feet was instantly created.

And no matter how hard the cyan light curtain tries to close again, as soon as it is touched by the golden wind, it will instantly dissipate without a trace.

Lu Tiandu ducked through the light curtain, the golden wind behind him disappeared, and the restriction returned to its original appearance.

"You are a golden elixir cultivator, but you are so bold that you dare to trespass into my practice place!"

Entering the main hall, Lu Tiandu heard a cold voice in his ears, and an invisible pressure hit him.

Looking hundreds of feet away, sitting cross-legged on a futon, an old man with a mustache and a kind face, Lu Tian knew that this man had discovered him as an intruder when he broke the restriction outside.

However, he only showed his late-stage Jindan cultivation at this time, and it was precisely because of this that the old ghost Wu allowed him to enter the hall, perhaps waiting for him to enter the hall before capturing his soul.

At this time, Lu Tiandu, who was dressed as a big man, smiled slightly:
"I'm disturbing fellow Taoist Qingxiu. Lu will leave after finishing his work!"

"Bold! You are worthy..."

The kind-hearted face of the old ghost Wu suddenly changed, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he was about to take action to capture Lu Tiandu.

Just after Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he flicked his right sleeve, and a huge colorful sleeve suddenly appeared in the hall, and in a flash, it moved toward the ghost old wizard on the futon.

"What magical power?"

The old ghost stood up abruptly, and his expression changed as he looked at the colorful sleeves exuding astonishing spiritual power and the golden-purple yin-yang fish in the middle.

In his perception, the colorful sleeves that appeared above his head in an instant were not magical powers at all, but an extremely powerful magic weapon.

And the golden-purple vortex flowing in the middle of the colorful sleeves gave him a feeling of fear.

The sleeves were so huge that they filled the hall in an instant. At this moment, the old ghost Wu knew that he could not escape. A golden hand instantly gathered to face the golden and purple yin-yang fish. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spat out, and a shining golden shield suddenly enlarged and blocked it. On top of the head.

Seeing the old ghost Wu, whose face changed drastically at this moment, using his magical powers and magic weapons to face the colorful sleeves transformed into the wind and thunder prison map, Lu Tiandu snorted coldly, and his huge spiritual consciousness suddenly took shape like a fierce The turbulent waves rolled towards the old ghost Wu.

"How is it possible? Empress Yuan..."

The old ghost Wu was shaken by the spiritual consciousness released by Lu Tiandu. At the same time, his mind was shocked and his face changed wildly. Before he could use other methods, the golden and purple yin-yang fish in the colorful sleeves turned and he released a blocking The big golden hands have been worn away.

The giant sleeves did not stop, and fell down. Under the incredulous gaze of the old ghost, the golden shield and the person wrapped in the protective light shield were all put into the sleeves.

After the colorful sleeves had finished holding the person, they trembled suddenly and retreated towards Lu Tiandu like a tide.

The huge hall suddenly became clear with the disappearance of the giant sleeves. Lu Tiandu was still standing at the back of the hall, but now there was no trace of the old ghost Wu!
The two of them fought, and in a flash of lightning, Wu Laogui was taken into the Wind and Thunder Prison Map by Lu Tiandu and used the Wind and Thunder Prison to suppress him. If outsiders found out, they would be really surprised.

A monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul was suppressed like this?

"Sure enough, my powerful power of consciousness combined with my natal magic weapon can only be used against such an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator!"

Lu Tian was thinking about the battle just now.

While using the colorful giant sleeves transformed from the wind and thunder to suppress the prison map to attack the enemy, the powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly attacked. The enemy was panicked and blank, and the giant sleeve came down, and no one was not included!
Moreover, this powerful attack method of divine consciousness and magic weapon also made it impossible for the opponent to get away from the Nascent Soul for a moment, let alone use the method of self-destruction of the Nascent Soul. However, the attack method that he had been thinking about for a long time, now he tried it, and it turned out to be very effective. "If I knew some secret techniques of attacking with spiritual consciousness at this time, even a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk would only end up in a state of hatred if he was attacked by me!"

"My move is a bit like the 'cosmic universe in one's sleeve' in the mythical novels I read in my previous life! The universe is contained in one sleeve! I don't know when my natal magic weapon will grow to this point?"

Lu Tiandu thought to himself.

His scroll-like natal magic weapon can be powerful or small, and is infinitely changeable. It integrates attack, defense, and trapping. It is also a rare space magic weapon, and it has endless magical uses.

He has now developed the magical power he used when killing Wen Tianren and the colorful giant sleeves at this time.

The move that killed Wen Tianren was essentially an attack method in which he used the real power of wind and thunder generated by the Prison of Wind and Thunder, combined with a little bit of shamisen kamikaze and Xuanming true thunder.

His strength has greatly increased at this time. If he uses this move again, the old ghost Wu will definitely die!

And if this move of "The Universe in the Sleeve" is not coordinated with a spiritual attack method, as long as the enemy has a powerful magic weapon to block the first wave of attacks, it will be easy to turn a quick battle into a protracted battle!
However, this does not trouble him. Once he develops the magical power of Wind and Thunder, he will have the confidence to quickly approach the enemy and use his powerful body to destroy the enemy!

After all, his body training for so many years was not in vain.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, and with a shake of Da Xiu, the unconscious old ghost Wu was released from the Prison of Wind and Thunder.

As soon as this person was admitted into the Wind and Thunder Suppression Prison Map, his body's protection was instantly worn away by the power of Wind and Thunder. Before he could resist, he was imprisoned in Nascent Soul.

It’s really frustrating!
At this moment, a green light flashed between Lu Tiandu's eyebrows, and a green phantom figure about a foot tall appeared in front of Lu Tiandu. It was his newly refined "mysterious soul clone".

As soon as this little man appeared in the air, he suddenly dodged and rushed straight towards the old ghost Wu!

At this time, Lu Tiandu also took advantage of the situation and sat cross-legged not far away from the old ghost Wu, hitting the old ghost Wu's body with complicated spells in his hand.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's mysterious soul clone suddenly appeared in Wulao Gui's Dantian. In a flash, this little green figure instantly enveloped Wulao Gui's Nascent Soul, which was sleeping with its eyes closed.

Lu Tiandu made seals with his hands, and the strange spells in his mouth resounded throughout the hall.

An hour later, Lu Tiandu was still expressionlessly chanting the incantation.At this time, Wu Laogui's physical body had already curled up into a shrimp shape due to pain, constantly rolling and tossing.

After another half an hour, Lu Tiandu stopped the incantation in his mouth. At this time, the old ghost Wu not far away suddenly froze, his limbs were a little stiff, he slowly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to move. Law.

At this moment, if anyone could see the Nascent Soul in Wu Lao Gui's Dantian, he would definitely find that there was a faint green light on his Nascent Soul at this moment.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

"This mysterious soul clone is really weird. It has completely inherited everything from the other party..."

At this time, Lu Tiandu sighed inwardly as he silently searched the memory of Old Ghost Wu through his clone.

This clone is integrated with the "Hunyuan Guiyin Shen Dafa" in the Tianyin Juesha Kung Fu. Once the secret technique is used, it is only a matter of time before it assimilates with the opponent's soul.

In addition, the mysterious soul clone is the body of a demon and ghost from the ghost realm. It is invisible and has no form. There is no limit to the number of times it can seize other people's Yuanying.

In this way, he not only seizes the opponent's Nascent Soul, but also perfectly merges with the opponent's soul, which can be said to directly turn the opponent into one of his own.

If the furnace shadow in the clone is not used as a trump card, it is hard to say who will be more dominant after the fusion of the Xuanhun clone and Wu Laogui.

After all, he is a brand new person.

But Lu Tiandu actually left no other memories in this clone except the skills and experience of practicing the Dayan Jue.

Speaking of which, although Wu Laogui only has more than two hundred years left to live, as long as Lu Tian doesn't die, his mysterious soul clone can still occupy other people's Yuanying and bodies.

Even if the intermediate clone is defeated and killed by others, the furnace shadow left in the Xuanhun clone by Lu Tiandu can still return with Yuanying.

Later, you can choose whether to use Yuanying to seize other people's bodies again or use clones to seize other people.

At this moment, the old ghost Wu on the opposite side also opened his eyes, and the two looked at each other, giving Lu Tiandu an extremely strange feeling.

It was as if he had different bodies at the same time.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu flicked his hand, and a golden shield flew towards the Xuanhun clone.

The Xuanhun clone put away the shield, patted the storage bag on his waist, and a pile of precious materials, spiritual stones, demon pills, techniques, etc. appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

Although he knew from his memory that the eight-hundred-year-old Wu Laogui had an extraordinary net worth, Lu Tiandu was still very happy to see that his net worth was far richer than that of the several Nascent Soul cultivators he had killed.

And this is also part of Wulao Gui's collection.This person also has several other treasures, which can be regarded as backup.

Lu Tiandu was not polite and picked out many high-value items from this pile of items to be included in Stone Bead World.

This includes 43 high-level spiritual stones, which is an unexpected surprise.

After all, he had also found high-level spiritual stones in the trophies of Xuan Gu and others' secret vaults before, but unfortunately they were only a few scattered pieces. He did not expect to get dozens of high-level spiritual stones from Wu Laogui.

In addition to being used to set up some powerful ancient formations, high-level spiritual stones are also a rare good thing for golden elixir stage monks. If one is refined, it can save more than ten years of hard work.

However, the girls in his harem have no use for this thing. After all, they have no shortage of training resources.

It is a pity that the three ancient treasures in the hands of the old ghost Wu are also ordinary goods, and Lu Tiandu has no intention of taking them away. After all, after his mysterious soul clone joins the Counter Star Alliance, he will also need some life-saving means.

At this time, the Xuanhun clone took out the transmission note and whispered a few more times, then threw it away, and the transmission note turned into fire and disappeared in a flash.

On the same day that he captured Wu Laogui, Lu Tiandu had removed the large array he had set up just in case. He was afraid of attracting others' attention. Naturally, this transmission note would not be blocked at this moment.

The content of this transmission note is naturally to order the people below to send some treasure materials collected by the Sixth Company Hall here. Lu Tiandu will soon leave the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars. Since the Sixth Company Palace has been captured by him, the resources here Of course I let him use it.

And even if he doesn't use it now, when the Xuanhun clone joins the Counter Star Alliance, these resources may be in vain to benefit others.

Seeing Jing Jing becoming familiar with Wu Lao Gui's clone's skills, supernatural powers, and magical power, Lu Tian pondered:
"Sure enough, the Counter Star Alliance has already set its sights on the Sixth Company Palace. After all, not to mention the financially powerful Sixth Company Palace, even the old ghost wizard is extremely rich, and there are probably a lot of greedy people!"

From the memory of the Xuanhun clone, he did know a lot of the secrets of the Sixth Company Palace and the information about the Counter Star Alliance's previous contact with the old ghost.

Although the old ghost Wu was vague about joining the Counter Star Alliance, if the old ghost Wu did not take any action when the deadline came, he would probably be too soft to take the hard one.

"It's better to take advantage of the time when the clone is still familiar with the Old Witch Ghost, and I hide aside to protect the law, just in time for the clone to join the Counter Star Alliance."

After having made up his mind, Lu Tiandu's clone took out another sound-transmitting golden sword. After whispering a few words, he released the golden sword.

Half a day later, an early Nascent Soul elder from the Six Extremes Holy Palace came.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, your breathing seems a little unstable, but what's wrong with you?"

After the old man surnamed Liu exchanged greetings, he looked at the Xuanhun clone and said tentatively.

"Thank you for your worries, fellow Taoist. The old man has recently been practicing a powerful secret technique and has lost some vitality..."

The Xuanhun clone smiled.

After a while, the two got down to business.

Sure enough, after hearing that "Old Witch Ghost" was willing to join the Counter Star Alliance, this man was very happy and promised many benefits.

Lu Tiandu was hiding not far away and looking at this person with a sneer...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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