Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 180 has ulterior motives!Come to the door!Tianyang Fire Gourd!

Chapter 180 has ulterior motives!Come to the door!Tianyang Fire Gourd! (Please subscribe)

"Alright, fellow wizard, this is the elder status token of our Counter Star Alliance, please keep it!"

An hour later, the elder named Liu from the Six Extremes Holy Palace smiled and handed over a golden ghost-faced token. The two big black characters "Reverse Star" in the middle of the front were very conspicuous.

"Now that Liuliandian has joined our alliance, the alliance will probably send a group of disciples to assist fellow Taoists in vigorously developing Sixiandian. I hope fellow Taoists don't have any other ideas..."

When he was about to say goodbye, the man said something profound again.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Liu, please tell the two alliance leaders that since Wu has decided to join the Counter Star Alliance, he will naturally have no other ideas, but the alliance promises to be experienced..."

Xuanhun's clone touched his mustache and looked kind-hearted.

"This is what it should be, fellow Taoist, don't worry!"

Yuanying Liu, surnamed Liu, patted his chest and looked like you were relieved.

He inadvertently looked at the main hall a few more times, and then slowly left the main hall under the guidance of Xuanhun's clone.

Just when this person left the main hall, Lu Tiandu slowly appeared, sneered, and disappeared in a flash.

The old man surnamed Liu flew two hundred miles away from Liulian Island. He used his spiritual consciousness to observe for a moment. After finding no one following him, he turned around and flew for a moment, then disappeared into the sea below.

In a space at the bottom of the sea surrounded by a black light shield, five or six Jindan monks sat quietly cross-legged around a Nascent Soul monk in gray clothes.

At this moment, the black mask cracked open, and the figure of the old man surnamed Liu flashed into the formation.

"Senior Brother is back. Junior Brother has not received any signal from Senior Brother, but the plan has changed?"

The middle-aged man who looked like an ascetic in gray clothes and sat cross-legged in the middle stood up and bowed slightly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Junior Brother Zhao!"

The old man surnamed Liu nodded slightly, without looking at the Jindan monks around him, and said:

"The situation has changed, and the plan to capture the Sixth Company Hall has been temporarily cancelled!"

"Why is this?"

The middle-aged man in gray clothes was a little confused.

They had previously planned to seize the Sixth Company Palace. This time they heard that the old ghost was willing to take refuge, so they planned to gain the old ghost's trust and seize it at the same time.

After all, there was a mid-stage Nascent Soul elder in the alliance who planned to refine Wu Laogui and several other mid-level Nascent Soul monks into demonic corpses in preparation for the future war.

Talents like them gathered here precisely because they had prepared a grand formation for the old ghost.

Otherwise, with the two Nascent Soul cultivators, they could still be somewhat sure of killing the old ghost Wu through mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

It would not be a surprise to mobilize the anti-Star Alliance people lurking in the Sixth Company Hall and seize the power of the Sixth Company Hall.

"It's true that we underestimated this old ghost Wu. We didn't expect that this person is not as simple as he appears. There is actually a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul behind him..."

The old man surnamed Liu looked serious at this moment.

"What? A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

The middle-aged man in gray clothes also looked surprised.

After all, there are quite a few monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul in Chaotic Star Sea. I haven't heard of anyone who has advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul in recent years.

"He is indeed a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I won't be mistaken!" The old man surnamed Liu looked solemn.

"It seems that there are still problems with our infiltration over the years. Such important information was unknown at the critical moment! A mid-stage Nascent Soul monk is not something that the two of us can capture..."

What the old man surnamed Liu didn't say was that in his perception, the hidden person's strength was truly terrifying.

It gave him an inexplicable feeling of fear. If he made any move in the hall, he would definitely be killed quickly.

Moreover, no matter how he searched later, he could not sense the hidden person again.This shows that he can sense people because others deliberately let him sense them.

This is enough to show the confidence of the person behind Wu Lao Gui!
I am afraid that if there is any change in the Anti-Star Alliance, the old ghost Wu and this monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul will definitely kill them wantonly and finally defect to the Star Palace.

It's a pity that he tried several times but couldn't get any useful information from the old wizard. The more this happened, the deeper the doubts in his heart became.

"Okay, let's report this incident to the alliance as soon as possible!"

The old man surnamed Liu said finally.

Since there is a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk hidden in the Sixth Company Hall, we cannot take it lightly. The conditions he agreed to before may also have the meaning of this mysterious monk. Otherwise, according to the cautious and tactful spirit of Wu Laogui, he should not mention it like this. Multiple conditions.

Just as this man withdrew from the formation, a vague spiritual consciousness suddenly swept across the old man named Liu, causing his expression to change drastically.

"so close!"

After the group of people flew out of this sea area, Old Man Liu touched the cold sweat on his head and said to himself that he was lucky.

The spiritual consciousness he scanned before was basically the same person as the spiritual consciousness he sensed when he met the old ghost Wu.

This shows that people followed him here.

It seems that the conversation between him and Junior Brother Zhao inside was overheard.

If everyone was discussing some unfavorable news to the Sixth Company Hall inside, it is unknown whether they can go back safely this time.

After monitoring the departure of this group of people with his spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu chuckled and then returned to Liulian Island.

After this person came to the island, Lu Tiandu's consciousness noticed that some people on the island were acting strangely, and he immediately knew that this person might have bad intentions.

That's why he revealed a little bit of aura in the middle, and this person noticed his presence.

This time I gave another warning. I think these people should know that the Sixth Company Hall is not at their will.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu took away a large amount of precious materials and spiritual stones from the Sixth Company Hall, and at the same time left some ancient elixirs refined with thousands of years of elixirs to the Xuanhun clone.

It has been more than three hundred years since Wu Laogui advanced to the Nascent Soul, and he has already reached the peak of the early Nascent Soul, but unfortunately he has not been able to break through to the middle stage.

Although this old ghost has extraordinary wealth, it is a pity that there are only a few bottles of pills that can help break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After all, elixirs native to the Chaotic Star Sea are rarer than ores, monster materials, spirit stone veins, etc., let alone elixirs that are over a thousand years old.

However, using demon pills to refine elixirs suitable for breaking through the middle stage of Nascent Soul requires level eight or nine demon pills. Unfortunately, after the demon beast reaches level eight, it is three points stronger than the Nascent Soul monks of the same level. Not everyone is qualified to attack it. Kill monsters of the same level.

At the level of Nascent Soul, a bottle of elixir to assist cultivation would cost more than 20 to [-] spirit stones, and it was still priceless.

No one would exchange this kind of elixir that can improve cultivation.

This also shows that many Yuanying monks who have accumulated treasures and materials worth millions or millions of spiritual stones are still stuck in the early stage of Yuanying. It is really impossible to exchange these large amounts of resources for thousands or ten thousand years of spiritual stones. Medicine, refining elixirs to improve cultivation.

Therefore, the golden finger that can ripen elixirs is really important in a world where mortals are cultivating immortals.

Although Lu Tiandu will secretly appear later as the Sixth Company's secret agent, he will not appear often.

This war provoked by the Counter Star Alliance will last for hundreds of years. If the Xuanhun clone can break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, its strength will naturally be very different.

After all, apart from the limited number of post-Yuan Ying monks in Chaotic Star Sea, the mid-Yuan Ying monks are the real mainstay.

Therefore, after he refines the high-level elixir later, he also needs to send a batch to the clone to let it break through early.

If you add in the two treasures worth 200 million spirit stones from the old wizard's secret collection that he will collect later, this time he has harvested more than 500 million spirit stones of various materials, spirit stones, etc. from the Sixth Company Hall alone. Practice supplies.

When the clones gain a firm foothold in the Anti-Star Alliance, and the Sixth Company Hall also expands its power with the support of the Anti-Star Alliance, Lu Tiandu will gain more in the future.

Except for spirit stones and demon pills, most of these materials are useless to him and the girls in the harem, but after bringing them back to Tiannan, earning double the price difference is not a problem.

"Next is Ji Yin's turn!"

After Lu Tiandu came out of Wulao Gui's second treasure hiding place, he looked at the sky in the distance, murmured, and disappeared into the breeze.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu flew out of Jiyin Island with a slight frown on his face.

Over the past few days, he had searched all over Jiyin Island, but unfortunately there was still no trace of Jiyin, which made him extremely disappointed.

"It's been more than thirty years. Isn't this old ghost still out there recovering from his injuries?"

Lu Tian was a little puzzled. If it was said that Jiyin had given up this foundation, but it seemed that some of the remaining disciples didn't seem like it.

He searched the souls of the two of them. Since Jiyin was seriously injured by Lu Tiandu and escaped for his life last time, he has not contacted these disciples once.

"Forget it, let's wait until we meet this person next time. In this case, the next step should be to find Master Tianhuang!"

Lu Tiandu knew that Jiyin had been coveting the first secret treasure of the Chaotic Star Sea in the Xutian Palace. When the Xutian Palace was opened, this person would definitely enter it and try to get the treasure.There is no rush at this time.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu appeared on Huohuang Island.

He had been observing Huohuang Island for two days before. This big island was much larger than Liulian Island, and the formations on it were also extremely powerful.

It's hard to say whether Lu Tiandu would be discovered by others if he secretly sneaked into Tianhuang to plot against Lu Tiandu using the nameless breathing technique to hide his cultivation.

After all, Tianhuang is not the old wizard ghost in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

If he is discovered, use a large formation to surround and kill him. Although there is no danger of his death, he will be disgraced.

In this case, Lu Tiandu has no intention of taking any risks. There is only one middle-stage Nascent Soul monk on this island, and it is not difficult to kill him head-on.

"Tianhuang, get out and die!"

A thunderous roar in the sky broke the tranquility of the island.

Lu Tiandu's words were mixed with some kind of sonic secret technique, which was transmitted to Huohuang Island in waves, shocking the expressions of all the low-level disciples on the island.

Who is this person?How dare you come to our Fire Island to provoke the island owner?
As one of the few senior masters of the Chaotic Star Sea Demonic Way, who knows the name of Tianhuang?I don’t know how many monks were killed with one hand of Jinyang Demonic Fire?
It’s really unbelievable that someone knocked on my door today!

Although these low-level disciples and some Jindan monks looked shocked and angry, none of them dared to leave the island. After all, no matter how stupid they are, they know that those who dare to provoke their own island master are at least early Yuanying monks. If they are If you dare to leave the island, wouldn't you be asking for death?
"How brave! You actually dare to come to my Fire Desert Island to cause trouble. Who is here?"

A violent sound suddenly resounded over the Fire Desert Island, and the ears of everyone within hundreds of miles were ringing from the sound of ancient rage.

"It's you! Lu Tiandu!"

A hundred-foot-sized golden-red cloud burst out of Huohuang Island with thick cracking flames. Just a thousand feet away from the land and sky, a surprised voice suddenly came from the golden-red cloud.

"That's right, it's Lu!"

Lu Tiandu smiled indifferently and appeared from the void, looking at Tianhuang coldly.

"Okay! You are indeed a person with a big secret! How many years have you already been a baby?"

The fire cloud gradually dispersed, and an old man dressed in black walked out. This old man was quite tall and had a very conspicuous fiery red beard. At this moment, his gloomy eyes were slightly narrowed, and he could not hide the surprise in his tone.

It has only been more than 30 years, and this person has reached the early stage of Yuanying from the middle stage of Jindan. Moreover, this person was able to kill four early stage monks of Yuanying with his cultivation in the late stage of Jindan. It is really incredible!

Thinking of this, Tianhuang's mind froze and he instantly became alert.

If Lu Tiandu dares to come to the door with his early Nascent Soul cultivation level, he must have something to rely on. This person should not be underestimated!

"Hmph, I think my two good disciples must have died in your hands back then in the ruins, right?"

"Yes. Today's result is yesterday's cause. Since you dare to rely on your advanced cultivation to blatantly plot my treasure, you must have the consciousness to be killed by me in the future. No need to talk nonsense, let's fight!"

As soon as Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he shook his sleeves, and two black snake-shaped spears about ten feet long shot out instantly.

As soon as the two black dragon spears appeared, two clear dragon chants resounded throughout the world. Above the black spears, spiritual light flickered, and the phantom of the dragon soul looked up to the sky and hissed. The black spears shook violently and turned into two hundred-foot-long black dragons. He opened his bloody mouth and swallowed it down.

These two top-notch ancient treasures discovered by Lu Tiandu in the wild ruins Lei Peng Cave finally exerted their due power at this moment.

"Good baby!"

Looking at the two astonishingly powerful black dragons, Master Tianhuang's expression became more solemn.

He quickly reached out and touched it, and a long green flag appeared in his hand. The small flag was surrounded by a thick green aura. Tianhuang patted the flagpole lightly. The small green flag instantly caught the wind and turned into a green flag in the blink of an eye. One hundred feet in size.

"go with!"

The sky was a little faster, and the big flag shot out like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the big flag collided with the two black dragons in the sky.

After a "bang" sound, the big flag released by Tianhuang suddenly disappeared, and a thick green mist hundreds of feet in size appeared in the sky.


The huge green mist in the sky kept changing its shape, and angry dragon roars continued to be heard through the green mist. Two black dragons could be vaguely seen wandering around in the green mist, looking for a way out.

From Lu Tiandu releasing black dragon spears to attack, to Tianhuang releasing small green flags to surround them, it all happened in the blink of an eye.

Tianhuang seemed to be very confident in this magic weapon that trapped the black dragon. After releasing the small flag, he did not stop. He suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, and nine flaming red flying knives flew out instantly. In a flash, they turned into Nine giant knives that were several feet in size slashed at Lu Tiandu.

Seeing the nine giant knives shooting towards him, Lu Tiandu reached out and turned over, and a strange flower basket about a foot high appeared in his hand.

"Luobao Flower Basket!"

Looking at the flower basket in his hand, Lu Tiandu threw it into the sky. Suddenly, the basket turned into a cold white air and rolled towards the giant knife in the sky.

With a "Pfft" sound, the nine astonishingly powerful flying knives chopped up the white light in the sky. They all shuddered and were entangled by the continuous white light. Suddenly, their speed slowed down by half, and the blades began to tremble.

"The nine flying knives that the old monster of Tianhuang sacrificed are really extraordinary!"

Feeling that the white light transformed from the bamboo basket of fallen treasures was dissipating under the struggle of the flying knives, Lu Tiandu's huge mana suddenly surged out, barely stabilizing the light curtain in the sky.

Facing this set of nine flying knives, the power of this exquisite ancient treasure can only hold this set of flying knives in place.

Unfortunately, if there are only two or three flying knives, Lu Tiandu is absolutely sure to collect the opponent's treasure with the falling treasure flower basket.

But with this time difference, it is enough for both Lu and Tian to do something!
Looking at Tianhuang who was hurriedly performing magic tricks in the distance, Lu Tiandu flicked his left sleeve, and a huge colorful sleeve suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the colorful sleeves descended over the nine giant knives wrapped in white light, and they suddenly moved downwards. In an instant, the white light and the giant knives were swallowed into the sleeves by the golden and purple vortex.

As soon as the colorful sleeves transformed from the natal magic weapon Wind and Thunder Suppressing Prison Map took away Tianhuang's nine red flying knives, they paused suddenly and quickly retracted towards the land and sky.

"You dare!"

Seeing the colorful sleeves that suddenly appeared and took away the nine-handled flame knife that was his life magic weapon, Tianhuang's old face flashed red, and he suddenly searched and grabbed with his palms. Several golden-red fire pythons spit flames from their mouths and headed towards Lu. Heaven is surging.

"What kind of flame is this? It's so amazingly powerful!"

Feeling the burning heat that ignited the void, Lu Tiandu's expression condensed, and he did not release his magic weapon to fight the enemy. He flicked his fingers with both hands, and dozens of golden arrows with a length of dozens of feet suddenly shot out, blasting towards the golden red. fire python.

With a "boom", the arrows formed by flames and golden wind exploded at the first touch, and the sound shook for miles.

"how is this possible?"

Tianhuang looked in disbelief as he looked at the several fire pythons that were gradually dissipating as if they were pierced by thousands of arrows.

This is a fire python condensed from the demonic fire "Golden Yang Demonic Fire" that he is famous for. Even ordinary monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would not dare to take his move of Jinyang Demonic Fire. However, it was so defeated by Lu Tiandu. The golden arrow was broken?
"This child's magic weapon is weird and has extraordinary magical powers. If we can't win this child this time, it will definitely be a big problem for me against the Star Alliance!"

Within a few breaths, his own nine-handled flaming sword was immobilized by the weird bamboo basket ancient treasure released by Lu Tiandu, and then was instantly taken away by the colorful sleeves. Immediately after, the magical power for which he was famous was broken, and the look on his face was unparalleled. While it was ugly, a bit of fear arose in my heart.

"How is it possible? It seems that Master is at a disadvantage?"

Just dozens of miles away, several golden elixir monks from Fire Desert Island gathered together to watch the battle, looking at their master whose magic weapon was collected and his magical power was broken in just a few breaths, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

They looked at each other, looking at each other, but at the same time, there was a vague feeling in their hearts.

At this moment, looking at Tianhuang with an ugly expression, Lu Tiandu felt extremely happy.

While using the Wind and Thunder Suppressing Prison Diagram to suppress the nine flying knives, Lu Tiandu instantly retracted the flying knives into the stone bead space, so naturally there was no need to spend more mana and spiritual consciousness to suppress this object.

Of course, it would be okay to use the Prison of Wind and Thunder to destroy them, but these nine red flying knives look pretty good. Since they have been suppressed, it would be a pity to destroy them.

At this moment, Tianhuang looked solemn and slapped his storage bag. A golden-red three-foot-long gourd spun around and landed on top of Tianhuang's head. The mouth of the gourd was facing the landing. Tiandu.

Tianhuang glanced at Lu Tiandu with an indifferent expression at this time, without saying anything nonsense, he rang out a spell, the golden-red gourd above his head surged in aura, and an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure was released.

"No, there's something weird about this gourd!"

Feeling the spiritual pressure emitted by the gourd, Lu Tiandu felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

At this moment, looking at the wilderness within a thousand feet, Lu Tiandu's expression turned cold and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"not good!"

Suddenly losing sight of Lu Tiandu, Tianhuang was shocked. He wondered what kind of secret technique Lu Tiandu had used, and at the same time, the golden-red clouds around him suddenly rolled violently.

In the blink of an eye, the red clouds around Tianhuang made a "pop" sound, as if something had hit them.

A fist shining with golden light instantly hit Tianhuang's chest...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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