Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 181 Immortal Vine!The power of the wind and thunder prison map!Kill again!

Chapter 181 Immortal Vine!The power of the wind and thunder prison map!Kill again! (Please subscribe)
Within the golden cloud, after a "bang", the sound of a turtle shell breaking reached Tianhuang's ears.

"So fast!"

These two words suddenly appeared in Tianhuang's mind.

From the moment he found someone breaking into the golden-red cloud that protected him to Lu Tiandu's shining golden fist hitting him, it only took a moment.

If he hadn't been wearing a protective black armor next to his body, he would have been shattered by Lu Tiandu at this moment.


In the flash of lightning, Tianhuang no longer dared to stay here and use the treasure "Tianyang Fire Gourd" at the bottom of the box, and he instantly felt like retreating.


At this moment, a cold snort came, and Tianyang felt dizzy in his heart. A big purple hand full of thunder and lightning suddenly grabbed Tianhuang fiercely.

"Ah! It hurts..."

In the blink of an eye, Tianhuang's body was caught in the big hand transformed by Xuanming's true thunder. Purple thunder filled the air, lightning flashed, and Tianhuang's internal organs were completely destroyed in an instant.

A two-inch golden-red baby escaped from the heavenly spirit cover in a flash. The baby held a small white shield in his arms, and his eyes were full of resentment. He was about to perform teleportation in a flash.

"Can you escape?"

Following Lu Tiandu's faint voice, a purple thunder net suddenly appeared over Tianhuang's Yuanying. As soon as this big net appeared, it was suddenly wrapped, and Tianhuang's Yuanying had a dull look on his face. Purple thunder mass.

It was only then that Lu Tiandu, whose whole body was filled with colorful light, showed his figure.

Looking at the golden-red gourd that was unattended at the moment, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with curiosity.

When this treasure was sacrificed in Tianhuang just now, it actually gave him an inexplicable sense of crisis.

At his level, he is naturally very sensitive to crises.

How could he wait for Tianhuang to sacrifice this treasure? He instantly used the wind and thunder prison map to protect himself and at the same time used his escape technique to escape into Tianhuang's protective clouds.

It's a pity that I never imagined that a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul could cross a thousand feet in the blink of an eye and attack at close range. It was really unbelievable.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu was a rare body refiner, and his personal armor was shattered by a punch!
Breaking a magic weapon with one punch made Tianhuang, who had some confidence before, feel cold all over. How could he dare to fight again?

With a casual move, the golden-red gourd flew in front of his eyes.
This golden-red gourd is only three feet long, and its outer skin is covered with mysterious spiritual patterns, giving it an innate feeling. Judging from the spiritual energy surrounding it, it should be a top-level ancient treasure.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to take a closer look.

Putting away the gourd, Lu Tiandu waved his sleeves and put away Tianhuang's several storage bags and the thunder ball that imprisoned Tianhuang Yuanying.

As for the small green flag that Tianhuang first released to trap the Black Dragon Spear, the moment Tianhuang Nascent Soul was trapped, the green mist dispersed and turned into a small flag, which was already captured by the Black Dragon Spear.

"The island owner is actually dead?"

It was only then that the six Golden Core cultivators of Fire Desert Island who were watching the battle from a distance came back to their senses. They looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Master Tianhuang, a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, was actually killed by Lu Tiandu, a monk in the early stage of Yuanying?
This is definitely a big event that will cause a stir in the Starry Sea!
"Hmph, today's matter has nothing to do with you and others. If you dare to escape, Lu will not hesitate to kill!"

Lu Tiandu said calmly as his consciousness scanned the six Golden Core cultivators dozens of miles away.

The battle between the Nascent Soul Stage monks affected everyone within ten miles of the sky, and only the Golden Core Stage monks dared to watch the battle from afar.

Lu Tianhuang didn't take these people seriously since they first appeared. Although they were Huohuang Island monks and might have a close relationship with Tianhuang, as long as they didn't attack him like Huo Yunzi and Chi Huo did before, he wouldn't care about them. Too lazy to pay attention.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the six of them felt chilled. They didn't know what senior Lu Tiandu would do with them in the future. However, facing Lu Tiandu, a master who could kill a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, their expressions changed. He didn't dare to make any other moves.

At this moment, two of the late-stage Jindan cultivators looked at each other, and their figures instantly turned into two rays of light that shot off in two different directions.

"Hey, since you are looking for death, Lu might as well help you!"

Looking at the two people who suddenly fled for their lives, Lu Tian sneered. He really didn't want to drink a toast, and he didn't chase them. He just casually shot out two black dragon spears instantly.

After a moment, the black dragon transformed into two black dragon spears flew back with a storage bag and one or two magic weapons with dim light in its mouth.

Seeing this scene, the remaining four Golden Core cultivators trembled and followed Lu Tiandu to fly to the Fire Island.

In fact, the two people who escaped each used the secret method of acceleration and quickly flew hundreds of miles away from Lu Tiandu. Unfortunately, they both underestimated the radiation range of Lu Tiandu's consciousness.

Within more than 380 miles, Lu Tian could use magic weapons to kill them at will.

Even if the distance is more than double this distance, Lu Tiandu can still catch up with them with vague spiritual induction.

"People on the island, listen, you are not allowed to leave the island within a month, any offenders will be killed without mercy!"

After Lu Tiandu's thunderous voice reached the island, he ignored the uproar on the island and waved his hand, sending four golden and purple rays of light into the bodies of the four people behind him:
"The four of you went to guard the teleportation array leading to the outside of the island and appease everyone. You performed well. I will give you a way out..."

Chaotic Star Sea has completely preserved many ancient inheritances, and the teleportation array alone far surpasses Tiannan.

Big forces like Huohuang Island all have teleportation arrays to teleport to other places in the Inner Star Sea, but they are basically used by themselves. After all, they are the trump card of the sect, family, or force.

Lu Tiandu had already found out clearly before, and he was going to kill Lu Qiu next, so naturally he couldn't let the news leak out.

"Thank you senior!"

Although the four people looked extremely ugly, they did not dare to say anything more.At this time, one of the smart people hesitated and said:

"We are very familiar with Huohuang Island. If senior wants to gather the resources on Huohuang Island, we are willing to encourage senior..."

"Okay, you go and give up!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "Since you have this intention, let me tell you a piece of news. Don't leave me thousands of miles away, otherwise you will die for no reason at that time. Don't say that I didn't give you a way to survive..."

"I will definitely do a good job for seniors!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the four people's hearts trembled, and two of them even broke out in cold sweat.They were thinking of sneaking away...

After the four people left, Lu Tiandu entered the world of stone beads.

A moment later, after completing the search for Tianhuang's soul, Lu Tiandu looked happy.

He had previously sensed a vaguely powerful restriction within more than ten miles of the mountain where Huohuang practiced, so he did not forcefully break through. Now he quickly confirmed this through Tianhuang's memory.

There is actually an incomplete ancient formation that Tianhuang found in an ancient monk's cave. Tianhuang spent a lot of effort to transfer it and arrange it around his cave.

If this incomplete "Tiangang Locking Yuan Flowing Fire Formation" is fully activated, even the Yuanhou monks will suffer a big loss.

This is one of Tianhuang's trump cards.

As for the other trump card, it is the golden-red gourd called "Tianyang Fire Gourd".

This three-foot-sized Tianyang Fire Gourd is one of the inherited treasures obtained from the cave protected by the Tiangang Locking Yuanliu Fire Formation.

According to Tianhuang's memory, the power of this Tianyang Fire Gourd is extremely powerful. Several different yang mineral veins have been refined into it, and an ancient strange formation - "Nine Suns Guiyi Fire Refining Formation" has been arranged. 》.

For countless years, this Tianyang Fire Gourd has long been refined into a powerful masculine true fire - Tianyang Divine Fire.

Unfortunately, this kind of Zhiyang Divine Fire cannot be refined due to its unparalleled strength. It can only use part of the flame inside to refine its famous magical power "Golden Yang Demonic Fire".

"Tian Yang Divine Fire? Never heard of this kind of flame? Since it uses several Yang mineral veins, it must be extremely powerful!"

Lu Tiandu was rubbing the Tianyang Fire Gourd in his hand, and a hint of fiery color flashed through it.

This Tianyang Divine Fire is just one of them. In addition to several Yang mineral veins and the Nine Yang Guiyi Fire Refining Formation, this golden-red gourd itself is also a rare treasure.

According to the inheritance from ancient monks that Tianhuang received, this gourd turned out to be a gourd picked from a fire attribute "Gourd Immortal Vine".

This is what surprises Lu Tiandu.

Xianteng, this is a rare opportunity in the human world.

According to the name of the ancient monks, any vine-like spiritual root variant that is of great use can be called fairy vine in this world.

Among them, the oldest vine-like spiritual roots can be called "Xuantian Immortal Vine". With the addition of the word "Xuantian", it is naturally different.

Xuantian fairy vines are all ancient spiritual roots that appeared when the world was created and chaos was first born. Whether it is the spiritual flower or the spiritual fruit it bears, they all have incredible magical powers that ignore the laws of heaven and earth in this world. They are true A heaven-defying existence.

Although the gourd used to refine the Tianyang Fire Gourd is not a gourd grown from the Xuantian Immortal Vine, it is still a fruit of the "Immortal Vine" and is also a rare thing.

As for the Xuantian Immortal Vine, Lu Tiandu naturally knew where it was. After returning to Tiannan this time, he had plans to seize the Immortal Vine.

Although the fairy vine that grew this Tianyang gourd has long been missing, there are still a few gourd seeds growing warm inside this gourd.

If Lu Tian can get the gourd seeds inside, there is no way to cultivate other "fairy gourds"!
“I didn’t expect that there would be such an opportunity in this world, but it’s really an advantage for me!”

Lu Tiandu took out the jade slip for refining the Tianyang Fire Gourd he got from the ancient cave from Tianhuang's storage bag and took a look at it, with a happy expression on his face.This Tianyang Fire Gourd is just a semi-finished treasure. If you want to continue the sacrifice, you must conquer the Tianyang Divine Fire inside.

Of course, even if it cannot be conquered, it can still be used as an ancient treasure, but it cannot be stored in the body.

However, when used as an ancient treasure, this Tianyang Fire Gourd can release up to nine "Tianyang Divine Fires".

"After a little more sacrifice, I will try the power of the Tianyang Divine Fire!" Lu Tiandu said secretly.

After all, these nine heavenly sun fires in Tianhuang's memory are the sunfires that can threaten the great monks of the Yuan Empress.

As for the description in the jade slip of how to refine the Zhiyang Divine Fire, it's not a big deal to control the human world. What power it has will have to be refined later.

In addition to this information in Tianhuang's memory, there are naturally several locations of hidden caves, one of which is under this fire island.

Now that he already knew the information about entering and leaving Tianhuang Cave, Lu Tiandu did not stop and gave Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei a copy of the information about the "Tiangang Locking Yuan Liuhuo Formation" and asked them to study the method of relocation. Tiandu returned to Huohuang Island.

When he left the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars and returned to Tiannan this time, he originally intended to let Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei refine a large formation that could block the Nascent Soul cultivators, and then cover up the entire deserted island where the ancient teleportation formation was located.

But now that he encountered this more powerful and incomplete version of the ancient formation, Lu Tiandu naturally had to make good use of it.

After all, he was able to block the formations of the great monks of the Yuan Empress, and his talent was as strong as that of Xin Ruyin. Now, hundreds of years have passed, and he has mastered several powerful formations, but he still has no confidence in being able to arrange such formations.

In fact, this is also the current situation in the immortal world of Tiannan and Luanxinghai. Some powerful formations are basically handed down from ancient times.

Later generations only tinkered with this foundation and had no ability to deploy other ancient formations.

"It seems like you guys really haven't been lazy these days!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the several storage bags in front of him with a smile on his face.

He originally didn't pay much attention to these people's invitations. After all, according to his guess, there were good things in Tianhuang Cave and the secret warehouse. Unexpectedly, these people searched the Huohuang Island and got a lot. .

"I dare not not serve my seniors wholeheartedly!"

Seeing Lu Tian's friendly expression, these people quickly saluted.

"Okay, you did a good job. Now you take control of Huohuang Island. As long as the news of Tianhuang's death does not spread, you will be free in one month!"

"Thank you senior!"

More than ten days later, Lu Tiandu, Xin Ruyin and other women finally completed the disassembly of the Tiangang Suoyuan Liuhuo Formation, and then Shi Shiran entered the main hall of Huohuang Island to set up the teleportation formation.

During this period of time, he had already cleared out all the treasures in Tianhuang's cave and the secret cave under Huohuang Island. There were two other places far away that he could only search for later.

After knocking out a golden elixir monk guarding the teleportation array here, and leaving behind the elixir to break the wind and thunder, after checking the teleportation array, a light flashed, and Lu Tiandu appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away holding the Great Teleportation Man. outside.

In fact, this kind of medium-distance teleportation of more than [-] miles does not require teleportation talismans or great teleportation orders. After all, long-distance teleportation of more than one million miles requires teleportation talismans.

Lu Tiandu was like this just in case.

Moreover, this method of refining the teleportation talisman is only available in Xinggong.

Otherwise, if the Zhengmo Dao mastered the method of refining secret talismans such as teleportation talismans and could teleport millions of miles and thousands of miles at will, I am afraid that the inner star sea would have been in chaos and the star palace would have been overthrown.

As for the Great Teleportation Order and Great Teleportation Talisman required for cross-continental teleportation, Lu Tiandu guessed that Star Palace must have these things. After all, Star Palace has a cross-continental teleportation array leading to Dajin.

The location where Lu Tiandu teleported was one of the three teleportation arrays arranged outside of Huohuang Island, and it was also the one closest to the righteous Gui Ling Gate.

And the Luqiu he was looking for was the Supreme Elder of Guilingmen.

After casually destroying the teleportation array, Lu Tiandu walked out of the hall. With a flick of his sleeves, a Jindan monk and several foundation-building monks who were waiting outside the hall and were about to come in to check were knocked unconscious by Lu Tiandu.

One day later, Lu Tiandu had arrived at Guiling Island where Guiling Gate was located.After some secret investigation, although Gui Ling Sect also has a mountain-protecting formation, it is naturally much inferior to the Tiangang Suoyuan Liuhuo formation on Huohuang Island.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu was too lazy to wait and was ready to hit the door directly for a quick victory.

After all, he has fought against all the people in the middle stage of Yuanying and has a certain understanding of the strength of the middle stage of Yuanying. According to his estimation, it is not difficult for him to kill ordinary monks in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Moreover, in his induction, except for one with a stronger aura who should belong to Luqiu, the other monk who was in the early stage of Nascent Soul did not know who he was.

But he didn't care. Killing one person was no different to killing two people.

Above Guiling Island, the land and sky were hidden in the void. With a shake of the shoulders, a giant colorful picture exuding astonishing spiritual power suddenly appeared in the void.

As soon as this colorful giant picture is displayed, it becomes a hundred miles in size in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the sky above the main peak of Guilingmen was dyed with colorful colors.

At this moment, this strange change instantly attracted the attention of Guiling Sect.Many Gui Ling Sect monks flew out of their respective mountain peaks with magical weapons, looking at the colorful curtain in the sky with bewildered expressions.

Especially the golden-purple vortex above the main peak gives people a sense of terror.

At this moment, everything within a fifty-mile radius of the main peak of Guiling Sect was covered by the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map. With just a thought, Lu Tiandu could kill the cultivators of Guiling Sect.

"Who dares to come to my Gui Ling Sect and act wild?"

At the same time as an angry shout came out, there was a flash of light. A thin old man wearing a green shirt and three long beards escaped from the main peak. He was kicking Lu Tiandu away with an angry look on his face.

"It turns out it's you, Lu Tiandu! Have you already condensed the Nascent Soul?"

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu's cultivation level, the old man's eyes narrowed.

After all, Lu Tiandu's achievements are not false. He used the golden elixir to kill Nascent Soul, which has already left a great reputation.

"It is Mr. Lu, old man Luqiu. The six Nascent Soul cultivators of Zhengmo Dao were so arrogant back then! Now that you are the only one left alive, Mr. Lu will send you down early to reunite with them!"

Lu Tiandu sneered, stretched out his hand, and a small green flag appeared in his hand. It was the green cloud flag that once trapped the Black Dragon Spear.

This treasure was used by Lu Tiandu to command the Black Dragon Spear. After the previous battle, its spiritual energy was greatly damaged, but it can still be used at this time.

Before, he sensed that there should be two Nascent Soul cultivators, but the moment Lu Qiu appeared, the aura of the other person disappeared instantly.

This is enough to show that this person has a superb invisibility skill that covers his spiritual power.

If the two of them attack at the same time, the Biyun Flag can trap this person for a while.As for that person's sneak attack, Lu Tiandu was not afraid.

"How is that possible? Did you kill the old demon of heaven and earth?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said before, Lu Qiu had a look of disbelief on his face.

"You'll find out when you get down there!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and with a casual move, the huge golden-purple vortex in the sky shook violently, and dozens of golden-purple light beams with a thickness of dozens of feet shot towards the Luqiu with a "bang".

"not good!"

Feeling the astonishingly powerful beam of light above his head, Old Man Luqiu's expression changed drastically. He quickly patted his storage bag, and an ancient cyan shield suddenly enlarged and covered the sky above his head.

"Ray comes!"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's majestic voice sounded again, thunder suddenly burst out in the colorful sky, and a piece of purple lightning fell, with a "pop" sound, falling on the dim aura of the ancient shield.

"how is this possible?"

After a burst of explosions, Lu Qiu looked in disbelief when he saw that his ancient treasure was instantly destroyed after being attacked by a golden-purple light beam and purple lightning.


At this moment, when commanding Fenglei Prison Map to release the beam of light transformed from Fenglei's true power, Lu Tiandu flicked his hand, black light flashed, and accompanied by bursts of thunder, two black dragon spears shot out in an instant, heading straight for Luqiu.

"Brother Zhang, save me!"

Looking at the two menacing black spears, Lu Qiu turned out a small bell to resist the attack above his head. He opened his mouth and spat out a white flying sword in a flash, shooting at Lu Tiandu's head, and quickly released two golden ones. Zhu Zi faced the spear and shouted urgently.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed, and he flipped his hand, and the Luobao flower basket appeared in his hand. When he threw it towards the flying sword, the figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

"Looking for death, how dare you sneak attack me!"

Following Lu Tiandu's loud shout, he suddenly punched somewhere in the void.

With a "boom", a person appeared in the void with a look of surprise on his face.Before the look of surprise on this man's face dissipated, Lu Tiandu disappeared in an instant.

With a "bang", a headless corpse fell, an inch-tall baby was about to teleport with a look of panic on his face, and a golden-purple light pillar suddenly fell from the sky.

Before the Nascent Soul could react, it instantly turned into gray...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend Si Hong Qingcheng for the 100 book coins!
  Thanks to book friend Peanut Kai for the 100 points of book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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