Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 182 The sea of ​​stars shakes!The thoughts of the two saints!Receive Wen Siyue!

Chapter 182 The sea of ​​stars shakes!The thoughts of the two saints!Receive Wen Siyue! (Please subscribe)
"You are really looking for death! You have to rely on your invisibility skills to hide far away and it takes a lot of effort to find you, but you dare to get close to me for a sneak attack. I really don't know how to write the word death!"

Lu Tiandu showed his body with an indifferent expression, looking at the headless corpse in the distance and shaking his head secretly.

Originally, he thought that this man would join forces with Lu Qiu and fight him head-on.For this reason, he also laid out the wind and thunder prison map in advance and prepared the Biyun flag.

As a result, this person finally chose to attack secretly.

It's a pity that he didn't know how fast Lu Tiandu was, and he was a rare body refiner.

Within a thousand feet, the invisible old man was forced out with one punch!
The second punch directly smashed the old man's head!
The old man escaped from the Nascent Soul and was about to teleport when Lu Tiandu thought, and the golden purple light beam transformed from Feng Lei's true power directly destroyed the old Nascent Soul.

Lu Tiandu casually took a photo and put away the several storage bags left by the old man and the cyan mirror, the magic weapon left behind by the old man after his death. A golden and purple light flashed, and the headless body turned into ashes.

"How is that possible? Brother Zhang is a veteran Yuan Ying early stage monk. He is one step away from advancing to the middle stage of Yuan Ying. He has Tianluo True Thunder and even middle stage Yuan Ying monks don't dare to take it..."

Thousands of feet away, Lu Qiu, who was still struggling to resist the continuous golden-purple light beams above his head and the two black dragons turned into black spears, looked at his friend who was killed by Lu Tiandu in an instant, with a look of panic on his face.

"Lu Tiandu, you're done. Do you know who the person you just killed is? Hahaha... Senior Gu Sangu will not let you go. You are dead!"

At this moment, Lu Qiu's heart sank when he saw Lu Tiandu taking away his friend Zhang Shiqi's storage bag and looking at him, and shouted sharply.

"No matter who the other party is, Mr. Lu, as long as he dares to attack me, he will have the consciousness to be killed by me! The same is true for the six of you, this person named Zhang, and Wan Sangu is no exception!"

Lu Tiandu's indifferent voice was so clear amid the roaring explosions.

Even the many monks in Guiling Sect below heard it clearly. Fear, shock, desire, and envy flashed across many people's faces, which was extremely complex.

"So, old man Luqiu, no need to talk nonsense, Mr. Lu will send you on your way today!"

Lu Tiandu smiled coldly, looking at Lu Qiu with regret and madness flashing in his eyes, and suddenly a cold snort reached Lu Qiu's ears.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu had a thought in his mind, and the continuous golden-purple light beams in the sky "boomed" and struck Lu Qiu together.

The originally extremely dim silver-white bell turned into countless fragments with a "click", a golden purple light flashed, and an extremely weak two-inch blue Nascent Soul had a look of panic on its face, and it was about to go downwards in a flash. Run away.


There was another cold snort, and the baby's body stagnated. A purple thunder net suddenly appeared in the void, and it wrapped Lu Qiu's Nascent Soul tightly in a bag. Lu Tiandu used his hand to put it away. Thunderball.

"Want the Nascent Soul to self-destruct? Under my Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Plan, I'm afraid you are overthinking it!"

Lu Tiandu sneered as he recalled the crazy look on Lu Qiu's face before.

If it wasn't for the purpose of leaving Lu Qiu's Nascent Soul to search for souls, how could he leave Lu Qiu's Nascent Soul alone during this wave of attacks?
That's why he used the spiritual attack method that he had initially explored when dealing with the powerful treasure "Tianyang Fire Gourd" offered by Tianhuang.

Although his spiritual attack method is crude, he also draws on the experience left by many predecessors. Under a sudden attack, whether it is Tianhuang or Luqiu, he will be dizzy instantly.

Although there was only one breathless stun period, it was enough for him to kill the opponent several times.

As Lu Tiandu took away Lu Qiu's Nascent Soul, the colorful billowing clouds in the sky also calmed down.

Lu Tiandu made a casual move, and Lu Qiu's storage bag and the white flying sword trapped in the white glow of the Luobao flower basket flew into his hands.

This flying sword should be Lu Qiu's natal magic weapon. After hundreds of years of sacrifice, its power is much stronger than ordinary ancient treasures. Unfortunately, it was trapped by the falling treasure flower basket as soon as it came face to face.

As for the pair of beads with golden flames that Lu Qiu released to deal with the black dragon spear, their aura had dimmed and looked like they were about to be scrapped.

This pair of golden beads, the cyan shield and the small silver bell that Lu Qiu had previously released as a precaution were the only ancient treasures this person had, and they were destroyed one after another. It is no wonder that Lu Qiu had no choice but to have the idea of ​​self-destructing the Nascent Soul.

The magic weapon has been destroyed, the foreign aid has been eliminated, and everything is really at an end!
Putting away the two black dragon spears, Lu Tiandu was very satisfied with the pair of treasures obtained from the God of Transformation Lei Peng Cave. After these two battles, the attack power of these top-level ancient treasures was really good.

"Listen, fellow cultivators of Guiling Sect, you are not allowed to go out within three days. After handing over our treasury, I will spare your life!"

Lu Tiandu's indifferent voice spread for dozens of miles. At the same time, the wind and thunder prison map above their heads also rolled violently, and the hearts of many monks under the colorful map were trembling.

In their perception, if they don't fly out of the coverage area of ​​this giant picture, life and death will depend on others' thoughts.

At this moment, several monks in the Danjie stage looked at each other faintly. When they heard that Lu Tiandu did not go on a killing spree, they felt relieved and at the same time, they turned into escaping light and flew towards Lu Tiandu.

"Thank you for your mercy, senior. I will gather resources as soon as possible and report back to senior!"

The leader, an old man in the late Jindan stage, said respectfully with several others.

"Okay!" Lu Tiandu nodded, "The grudge between me and Lu Qiu has nothing to do with you. I am not killing innocent people indiscriminately. As long as you don't leave this place for fifty miles, I won't do anything. I will wait until you hand over and return." I will leave the Lingmen’s treasury on my own. Go down!”

The high-level monks on this island are basically people from the Gui Ling Sect. Even if the other low-level monks go out to deliver some news now, they will not have much impact on Lu Tiandu.

Guilingmen is relatively close to a branch of Wanfamen. Even with the escape speed of the early Yuanying monks, it would take three days.

Lu Tian didn't believe that Wan Sangu, a great monk, happened to be at the disposal of this place.

As for Wanfamen getting news of the death of the old man surnamed Zhang and coming to visit him, he would have gone away long ago.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had a few magical powers that he hadn't yet mastered, he would have dared to challenge even a great monk.

He randomly found a deserted hall. Lu Tiandu's magic weapon was outside at the moment, so he couldn't go back to the Shizhu World, so he directly searched Lu Qiu's soul in this hall.

"It seems that Lu Qiu is not talking nonsense. Zhang Shiqi is really a member of the Wanfa Sect, and he is also the person in charge of the Wanfa Sect's branch near here... In this way, we are not afraid that people from the Wanfa Sect will come to our door in a short time!"

"This man is actually a senior brother with Wan Tianming, the master of Wanfa Sect. This man is actually a senior brother. No wonder Lu Qiu calls him 'Brother Zhang'. This seniority is really high."

"This person is also practicing the "Tianluo True Skill", and he has also practiced the Tianluo True Thunder to a high level. The mirror's magic weapon is modeled on the top ancient treasure of Wanfamen, the 'Xuanhuang Mirror'. If it is a head-on confrontation, the combat power will be no less than average. A mid-stage Nascent Soul's a pity that he actually chose to carry out a sneak attack..."

Lu Tiandu was really speechless when he thought of the information he got from Lu Qiu's soul search.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. Even in a head-on battle, he was confident that his Xuanming True Thunder would be better than the opponent's Tianluo True Thunder.

As for killing the elders of Wanfamen, the first sect of the righteous way, Lu Tiandu didn't even bother.Ever since he and Hong Fu killed six people including Old Monster Yun, Gong Sanren, Tianhuang, and Lu Qiu, they had already formed a big feud with the good and the evil.

One more grudge will have no effect on him.

After classifying the important information in Lu Qiu's mind, Lu Tiandu entered the main peak of Guilingmen with the help of the token in Lu Qiu's storage bag...

Two days later, the colorful picture scroll above Guilingmen suddenly disappeared. No one saw how Lu Tian disappeared.

A few days later, the entire star sea was shaken by several pieces of news and one person!
Lu Tiandu, the mysterious late-stage golden elixir monk who killed the four early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators of the True Demon Path more than thirty years ago and beat the Jiyin Ancestor so hard that he dared not show his face, has returned to the sea of ​​​​stars!

Lu Tiandu, which had been condensed in just a few decades, successively attacked Huohuang Island and Guiling Island, and violently killed Master Tianhuang and Luqiu Ku in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. In the process, they also killed those who participated in Lu Tiandu. Zhang Shiqi, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul of Wanfa Sect, all fought against Lu Qiu.

Such a torrent of ferocious flames really shook the entire sea of ​​​​stars!

Kill Yuanying with golden elixir!

Kill Yuan Zhong with Yuan Chu!

And it’s not just a coincidence, it happens one after another!
The powerful combat power of Lu Tiandu is evident!
This invincible appearance suddenly made many monks remember his name.

If the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Chaotic Star Sea within a thousand years were ranked according to their reputation, how could Lu Tiandu, a man who came out of nowhere, be ranked in the top five!

Everyone knows that with Lu Tiandu’s talent, as long as he doesn’t die, he will definitely be able to advance to the rank of Great Monk of the Yuan Queen in a few hundred years!
The sea of ​​​​stars will once again produce an invincible hero.Some people believe that Lu Tiandu's reputation in the future will surpass that of the famous Tianjing Sanren thousands of years ago!

After all, even the Twin Saints of Star Palace and the Supreme Saint of Six Paths had never had such a vicious reputation when they were young!
Suddenly, Lu Tiandu's name caused the entire Xinghai to fall into some kind of strange discussion.

It is said that this notorious senior, after killing two Nascent Soul monks on the two islands, did not take action against ordinary monks and only took away a large part of the cultivation resources.

This made many low-level monks suddenly feel good about this senior.Judging from the senior's behavior, there is a certain bottom line, and he is not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The craziest thing circulating is that this senior also said that no matter who the other person is, anyone who dares to provoke him or take action against him will be prepared to be killed!

This arrogant statement, against the background of such a brilliant record, everyone knows that it is not false!

Later, Old Man Wu, the master of Liulian Hall, publicly stated that the misunderstanding between Liulian Hall and Lu Tiandu was because the two guest elders of Liulian Hall were rude, and the master of Liulian Hall was also deceived. The palace is willing to offer 50 spiritual stones as a peace gift to eliminate the misunderstanding between the two parties.

And it is said that after taking the initiative to make such a gesture, the master of Liulian Palace immediately opened all the protective restrictions on Liulian Island, claiming to be in seclusion for 20 years.

This move caused a lot of discussion among the monks in the entire Chaotic Star Sea.

Everyone can see that the Sixth Company Palace is weak!
As for the kill orders previously issued by the Liulian Palace and Jiyin Island, they were withdrawn more than thirty years ago after everyone knew that Lu Tiandu had killed four Yuanchu monks.

After all, Ji Yin, who had made the Tiandu Corpse Fire so arrogant, was nowhere to be found, so how dare Old Man Wu continue to issue a kill order.

Even if the leaders of these two major forces dare to issue a pursuit order, no one dares to accept the reward!
Just when the monks thought that Wanfamen, the largest sect of righteousness, would start hunting down the murderous man Lu Tiandu because of the death of their elder, Wanfamen surprisingly made no movement at all...

The Tianji Sect, which had previously clamored for revenge for its elder, Old Monster Yun, did not say anything this time.

As for the other five Nascent Soul monks, they are all the top combat power of their own forces, and the remaining highest combat power is at the late stage of Jindan. Who dares to provoke a senior Nascent Soul with such power?

Originally, their elders or island owners coveted other people's treasures. If they failed to seize the treasures, they would be avenged by others. If they died, they would die, and they almost got hurt. Many of the surviving monks began to look for a way out.

After all, although Lu Tiandu has taken away many resources, there are many underground resources on this large island with good aura. If the island owner dies, other Nascent Soul monks will definitely come to fight for it. How can their Golden Core monks keep it? Can you keep this inheritance?
The entire Chaotic Star Sea was still noisy, but no one saw Lu Tiandu again.

It is said that the compensation of 50 spirit stones made by Liulian Palace was taken away by a mysterious monk one day.

The several golden elixir monks guarding him later vaguely mentioned the identity of the visitor, who was none other than Senior Lu.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

Star City.

In an ancient hall with rich aura on the top floor of the Holy Mountain.Three monks, two men and one woman, were chatting.

Sitting on the main seat are a man and a woman.

The man is wearing a white robe and has an elegant face.This man looks to be in his forties, with eyebrows like swords, a pair of eyes that reveal a bit of domineering, and his behavior gives people a sense of majesty as he has been in a position of power for a long time and is giving orders.

The female is 25, dressed like a young woman.A similar white robe wraps her graceful figure. She is tall, with snow-white skin, black eyebrows on her temples, and a pair of beautiful eyes as bright as stars, which makes her unforgettable at first sight.

One look at her and you can tell she is a rare beauty.

Sitting in the guest seat was a middle-aged Confucian scholar who was also in his forties, reporting something to the two people above him.

If Lu Tian were here, he would naturally recognize this middle-aged scholar at a glance as Elder Shi, who had shown some kindness to him before in front of the wilderness ruins teleportation formation.

As for the men and women on the main seat, they are naturally the two sages of the Star Palace, Ling Xiaofeng and Wen Qing.

After a while, Ling Xiaofeng, one of the two saints of the stars, frowned slightly, tapped his fingers on the jade table, and asked lightly:
"This kid is really mysterious! After using so much manpower, we still haven't figured out the details of this kid!"

"Lu Tiandu is said to come from a certain monastic sect. There has been no trace of his nephew in these years, so it is really impossible to find out. Moreover, decades have passed in the cave he rented, and there is no trace of him. The traces have probably been abandoned long ago..."

Elder Shi showed a bit of a wry smile and continued:
"This person showed up in a false disguise when I first met him. He was only at the middle stage of the Golden Core. Only the spiritual consciousness of a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying can see through his disguise. Now that this person has advanced to the early stage of Yuanying, I'm afraid Only great monks like the two palace masters can see through its disguise..."

"With this secret art of camouflage that changes one's body shape, if this person wants to disguise himself, it will be really difficult to detect this person's traces!"

Wen Qing, the stunning young woman sitting on the main seat, said at this time, "According to your calculations, Elder Shi, this person will be able to form a baby in more than thirty years. He is only about [-] or [-] years old now. Such a talent is probably not from the heavenly spirit." It’s none other than, if we can win over our Xing Palace, it will really be a big help!”

"What Palace Master Wen said is true. It's a pity that I didn't know this person's potential at the beginning. If I had known that this person had such potential, I wouldn't have let him enter the ruins last time!"

There was also a hint of annoyance in Elder Shi's tone.

"Haha, maybe this person is able to advance at such a speed because of the opportunity in the wild ruins! Elder Shi doesn't have to regret it."

Ling Xiaofeng smiled faintly, stood up, and walked slowly in the hall.

"The good and the evil have been plotting secretly for nearly a hundred years, and they have long been dissatisfied with our star palace. I didn't expect that the Counter Star Alliance would suffer such a setback not long after it was formed. It is really a good thing for our star palace. It's a pity that these thieves are doing this now A shrunken turtle..."

Hearing Ling Xiaofeng's words, I felt a bit regretful that good and evil had retreated and did not dare to resist Lu Tiandu's sarcasm.

"This person's combat power is indeed extraordinary, and his potential is huge. Now his reputation is spreading across the stars. If he can join our star palace, it will definitely be of great benefit to future wars. If you pass on the order, as long as this person is willing to join the star palace, any conditions We can talk!”

"Follow the palace master's decree!"

After hearing Ling Xiaofeng's words, Elder Shi stood up and bowed to the two of them before respectfully retreating.

"It's a pity that if something hadn't happened to this Yuanci Divine Light Secret Technique and we were trapped here, how could we have allowed these thieves from the Demonic Path to be so rampant!"

With a "click", a stone support in the hall suddenly shattered, and Ling Xiaofeng's depressed voice also reached Wen Qing's ears.

"Now that the matter has come to an end, husband, there is no need to worry." Wen Qing, who was sitting on the main seat, stood up at this time, smiled slightly, and comforted:
"Based on the background of our Star Palace, even if these thieves rebel, it will not be a problem to persist for three to five hundred years. By then, as long as we find a chance to kill the evil thieves Liu Dao and the crazy woman, the rest of them will not become a big deal sooner or later. …”

"Speaking of this Lu Tiandu who came out of nowhere, he can be regarded as a potential trouble for our star palace. This man is young, has extraordinary potential, and has amazing fighting power. It is no surprise that he will surely advance to the rank of great monk in a few hundred years. "

"However, this person has now offended both good and evil, and the hatred of the seven Nascent Soul monks cannot be eliminated so easily. It has given us a chance. If we can recruit this person, it will be a big help to us."

"That's what I mean too." Ling Xiaofeng nodded, "But it's probably not an easy thing for such a powerful figure to surrender."

Ling Xiaofeng frowned again as he spoke.

"Yes, even if we can recruit this person, how to deal with the relationship between this person and us is still a big problem." Wen Qing nodded and changed the subject:

"Recently, Yu Ling has been in seclusion to form pills. If we can't break through to become a god by then, we have to prepare for our daughter as early as possible..."

"Qing'er, what do you mean?"

"Lu Tiandu is extremely talented. Judging from his portrait, he is extremely handsome. Our star palace currently does not have such an outstanding person. If this person has good character and can agree to our conditions, he will naturally become Yu Ling's dual cultivator... …”


East of Tianxing City.

At Miaoyinmen Mother Peak, Lu Tiandu was chatting with Wang Yun and the five girls in the main hall where they practiced daily.

Half a month ago, he returned to Tianxing City after opening several hidden caves of Master Tianhuang and Luqiu.

As for the many disturbances he caused during this period, he didn't take it to heart, but the five women seemed extremely excited every time they saw him.

After all, almost all of the female disciples of the Miaoyin Sect have a portrait of Lu Tiandu, and the most popular topics in Tianxing City recently are related to him.

Lu Tiandu had been out for several months, but it was beyond their expectation that he caused such a big disturbance in the Sea of ​​Stars.

And the people who did these great things actually get along with them day and night, and are the people around them. Sometimes they really want to expose this secret and appreciate the envious and jealous eyes of others.

"Now that Lu Lang has avenged his past grudges, will he leave us soon?"

At this moment, Wang Yun smiled slightly, stared at Lu Tiandu and said.

After hearing Wang Yun's words, Zi Ling, Fan Jingmei, Zhuo Ruting and Wen Siyue also suppressed their smiles and looked at Lu Tiandu quietly with reluctance in their eyes.

Especially the girl Wen Siyue, who has just recently broken through to the foundation building stage.

The relationship with Lu Tiandu has made some progress recently. When I heard that Lu Tiandu would leave soon and go to another place, I suddenly felt a sense of loss.

"Don't you hear that 'if love lasts for a long time, how can we stay together day and night'?"

Lu Tiandu laughed, "When you are all Ningying in the future, we will have a lot of time to spend together, so why should we be sad about these short separations?"

"Hmph, you said it lightly!"

Wang Yun snorted coldly, suppressing the annoyance in her heart.

Lu Tiandu has reached what he calls Tiannan, and has a lot of confidante, so he may have forgotten them all.

When will we come back next time, who knows?

"Hey, you are such five beauties, why don't I come and see you often!"

Lu Tiandu stepped forward to hug Wang Yun, kissed the beauty's forehead, and said with a smile.

"I will definitely come back within 20 years. Moreover, I will not leave immediately. During this period, I will leave enough foundation for you to ensure that you can practice safely..."

"Hmph, you still have a conscience!"

Wang Yun didn't know why, but after meeting Lu Tiandu, without this man by her side, she always felt worried about gains and losses.

Now that I heard that Lu Tiandu had only been away for 20 years, I suddenly smiled again.

In fact, with the resources Lu Tiandu has given to Miaoyin Sect over the years, they can live a very comfortable life even if they do some small business.

If you don't want to do business, closing the mountain to practice for 20 years is just a long period of seclusion.

When the girls heard that there were only 20 years left, they looked at each other and felt relieved.

Everyone talked and laughed again. Wang Yun, Zi Ling, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting looked at each other and chuckled, and then Shi Shiran left the hall.

Wen Siyue, who was wearing a white dress and had a graceful figure, was left alone.

Lu Tiandu looked at Wen Siyue, who was not far away, with a tall figure, firm breasts, and plump buttocks. She was sexy and charming with a bit of expectation, and chuckled:

"Siyue, come and sit next to the young master!"

Such a beautiful woman, she really looks the same every day, the woman changes dramatically!
"Ah... yes, son!"

Wen Siyue seemed to wake up from a fugue. A few red clouds suddenly appeared on her elegant and charming jade face, but her tone was extremely cheerful.

Lian Bu moved lightly and sat in Lu Tiandu's arms in the blink of an eye. A pair of lotus arms skillfully circled Lu Tiandu's neck.


Qiongbi sniffed lightly and smelled the scent of Lu Tiandu's body. Wen Siyue's beautiful eyes suddenly became more affectionate and she murmured.

Ever since she first met Lu Tiandu, she had been deeply fascinated by Lu Tiandu's attraction.

A few years ago, Lu Tiandu went into seclusion for five years, which made the young girl sad for a long time.Unexpectedly, Lu Tiandu was away from home for several months, which made the beauty depressed for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Lu Tiandu came back this time, and with her boldness and initiative, the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds, which made her extremely happy.

This time I heard that Lu Tiandu would be leaving again soon, and it would be 20 years since he left. How could she, who was only in her twenties, wait.

If she doesn't take the initiative, won't she have to endure the pain of lovesickness for many more years?
Lu Tiandu was slightly obsessed with smelling the fragrance of Wen Siyue's body. Her naturally charming body was indeed unusual. As soon as she got close to Wen Siyue, an intoxicating fragrance penetrated her nose, giving people an unusually intoxicating feeling.

This kind of strange fragrance is very rare in other beauties.


Looking at her young master's handsome and intoxicated face, Wen Siyue's eyes were full of spring. She gently bit her moist red lips, hugged Lu Tiandu's head and kissed her casually...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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