Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 183 Arrangements before leaving!Colorful clothes give birth to a baby!Encountered Ling Yulin

Chapter 183 Arrangements before leaving!Colorful clothes give birth to a baby!Encountered Ling Yuling!
In the inner hall, there is a white jade bed.

An extremely delicate, flower-like beauty leaned against Lu Tiandu's chest with half-closed eyes, rosy cheeks, and a look of satisfaction and laziness on her face.

“It’s so cool and fun-loving!”

Lu Tiandu smiled teasingly as his fingers traced Wen Siyue's jade-smooth skin.

"Huh? Master, what did you say?"

Wen Siyue seemed to have come back to her senses after a while. With a pair of charming beautiful eyes, she raised her head and glanced at her man. The more she looked at it, the happier she became, and she chuckled:
"Sir, what is your favorite slave?"

"Hehe, Siyue is so charming, the young master will naturally fall in love with her everywhere!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, and his tone became a little more fiery as he looked at the radiant, energetic and seductive beauty.

"Is it?"

Wen Siyue smiled sweetly and drew circles with her fingers.

"It seems that Siyue, you have learned a lot of true stories from Ruting, but you just lack experience. You need to practice hard in the future!"

Smelling the fragrance emanating from Wen Siyue's body, Lu Tiandu placed a hand on Wen Siyue's slim waist.

"Master, why don't you take advantage of your free time to give me some advice?"

Feeling Lu Tiandu's movements, Wen Siyue smiled coquettishly, and looked directly at Lu Tiandu with a pair of passionate watery eyes. Before Lu Tiandu could speak, Wen Siyue had already leaned forward and put her lips on her.


After a long time, there is still a little bit of spring in the air.

On the jade bed, Lu Tiandu and Wen Siyue were practicing cross-legged.

This naturally charming body is indeed extraordinary. Even in Lu Tian, ​​he has cultivated like this. Every time he practices with Wen Siyue, his magic power increases a bit.

With Lu Tiandu's current cultivation level and his special physique, a combination of cultivation would be of great benefit to Wen Siyue, who was in the early stages of foundation building. This was faster than her taking any pill to improve her cultivation level.

Wen Siyue was originally extremely obsessed with Lu Tiandu, but now that dual cultivation has such benefits, she naturally became even more obsessed with her young master.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the two of them felt a little happy and unwilling to think about Shu.

On this day, when Wen Siyue walked out of the main hall where Lu Tiandu was with her pretty face full of spring and affection in her eyes, twisting her waist, she saw her master Zhuo Ruting and her uncle Fan Jingmei at a glance.

"Master, Master!"

A few red clouds rose up on Wen Siyue's pretty face, her wonderful eyes moved, and a warm voice came out.

"Master Nephew Siyue looks good!"

Fan Jingmei smiled sweetly, her charming fox eyes glanced at the new wife Wen Siyue, she stretched out her slender fingers to pick up the shy Wen Siyue, fanned her nose, and said ambiguously:
"My nephew still smells so good. I want to get close to my uncle when I have time!"

"Hmph, I can teach my own disciples well. Senior sister, you should go do your work yourself!"

Zhuo Ruting, who was standing next to her with a cold look on her face, looked at her apprentice who was blushing, took a step forward, and knocked off Fan Jingmei's jade hand, feeling angry.

"Hey, junior sister is seeing someone outside, isn't she?"

Fan Jingmei smiled softly, with a trembling and charming look, "We are all a family, why do junior sisters have to see each other outside!"


Zhuo Ruting snorted coldly and glanced at her senior sister. With a faint look of pride in her eyes, she pulled up her disciple and said:
"Let's go, Siyue, follow me to see your master!"

"Yes, Master."

Wen Siyue smiled slightly, looking well-behaved.Then he turned to the charming Fan Jingmei next to him and said:

"Uncle, my nephew has resigned."

"Hehe, let's go! Come and play with your uncle more often when you have time!"

Fan Jingmei chuckled and watched Zhuo Ruting and Wen Siyue, master and apprentice, release their magic weapons and fly away.

"Hmph, this time my junior sister has the upper hand!"

Fan Jingmei remembered that Lu Tiandu kept Wen Siyue for more than ten days for the first time, which really shocked her and Zhuo Ruting.

Of course, Zhuo Ruting may be more surprised.

This is enough to show that Wen Siyue, who has a special physique and is naturally charming, is deeply loved by Lu Tiandu.

"It's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to accept a disciple with a special physique!"

Fan Jingmei felt a vague sense of urgency.

Among the hundreds of beautiful female cultivators in the Miaoyin Sect, although she is also considered to be top-notch in appearance, it is a pity that compared to her master, junior sister, and nephew Wen Siyue, she is not very outstanding.

Besides her appearance, she didn't have any special physique that Lu Tiandu admired.This is one of the reasons why she and Zhuo Ruting have always had a sense of crisis.

After all, they are too replaceable.

Now that Zhuo Ruting has Wen Siyue, the master-disciple team-up is naturally a big plus.

This time she seemed weak again.

"Forget it, go back and get closer to your junior sister and junior nephew. Next time we are in bed, I will let her..."

Rolling her eyes, Fan Jingmei chuckled lightly, thinking of Junior Sister Zhuo who was bullied by her every time in bed, and she showed a bit of pride.

But now it seems that she is at a disadvantage, so since the situation is not as good as others and she can't overpower the other party, then she should join!
the other side.

Zhuo Ruting and Wen Siyue, who were standing on the flying magic weapon, were whispering. When they talked about the key points, their faces turned red and there were a few ripples in their beautiful eyes.

Looking at it like this, the two women probably didn't say anything serious.

"Now my disciple, you have also been given the body of ice spirit by the young master. When you turn back to become a teacher, I will teach you how to practice..."

After a while, Zhuo Ruting regained her dignified and elegant temperament and smiled lightly.

"Well, all disciples listen to Master!"

Wen Siyue nodded slightly, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Ever since Lu Tiandu pointed out Wen Siyue's extraordinary physique, Zhuo Ruting has been very concerned about Wen Siyue for the past 20 years, caring more about Wen Siyue than Wen Siyue's parents.

Over time, this naturally made Wen Siyue have extraordinary feelings for her.

Naturally, some of the secret techniques of dual cultivation that Wen Siyue knew were taught by Zhuo Ruting herself. Even Lu Tian was given a special physique and chose the same ice spirit body as his master.

In fact, her naturally charming body and practice of charming skills have naturally made great progress. Unfortunately, this kind of skills has limited potential, and does not require Wen Siyue to serve people with sex, so there is no need to major in it.

Of course, a minor degree can also add a lot of fun to the boudoir!
"Your parents have received various cultivation resources given by the young master over the years, and now they have fake elixirs. When I went to your master this time, I just happened to bring all the elixirs to assist in forming elixirs to your parents..."

Zhuo Ruting thought of something.

"Thank you, Master, Master!"

"No, just thank the young master properly later!"

Zhuo Ruting smiled slightly and continued:
"According to Young Master's arrangement, your parents will be given three opportunities to form elixirs. If they fail to form elixirs three times, their chances in this life will be like this! Do you understand?"

"The disciple understands."

Wen Siyue nodded seriously, "If it weren't for the generosity of the young master, they wouldn't have cultivated like this in these years. How could I be the kind of person who doesn't know what's good and evil? Besides, my admiration for the young master is not just for these things..."

"You understand this. My master has not cared for you in vain all these years. Young Master is a generous person, and this arrangement is just to prevent you from leaving any regrets."

"I know. I will repay you well, Master!"

Speaking of this, Wen Siyue's pretty face rose again with a few red clouds.

"Hehe, you do understand the principle of repaying one another with springs of water."

Zhuo Ruting chuckled lightly, and her words were a little softer, "Young Master has long given us the elixir for forming pills. After Young Master leaves, we will have to practice hard..."

"Disciple knows!"

With the various resources Lu Tiandu has given them over the years, as well as their extraordinary qualifications, all the girls are confident in forming pills.Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three months, Lu Tiandu has enjoyed all the blessings of Qi Ren.

On this day, after the double cultivation was completed, Lu Tiandu asked Wang Yun about his arrangements for the Miaoyin Sect.

"That's what I planned..."

"That's fine. Since the Miaoyin Sect still has a lot of wealth these years, seeing that the Counter Star Alliance is also taking action everywhere, the conflict with the Star Palace continues to intensify, and the outside world is turbulent, you just need to close the mountain to practice..."

Lu Tiandu also greatly agreed when Wang Yun said that except for leaving a small number of people to take care of the business in Tianxing City, all outside businesses had to shrink and the mountain was closed for retreat.

Over the years, he has provided various materials worth tens of millions of spiritual stones. Miaoyin Sect has established a firm foothold in Tianxing City for more than thirty years. It has also made a lot of spiritual stones through each business. The entire sect's expenses are naturally There is no shortage.

As for the five girls, they have naturally received all kinds of elixirs, spiritual wines, and techniques and secrets over the years. It is a good thing to take advantage of this time to let them practice hard.

Moreover, since moving to Tianxing City, a large formation has been set up on Zimu Peak that can block Nascent Soul cultivators. This is naturally the result of Xin Ruyin's insights over the years.

As long as Xing Gong doesn't take action against Miaoyin Sect, Lu Tian is still very assured of their safety.

"At that time, I will refine a few more golden elixir stage puppets to protect the four of you, Ning'er..."

After chatting with Wang Yun for a few more words, Lu Tiandu turned to the four women beside him who were quietly listening to their conversation and smiled.

"Thank you sir!"

The girls naturally knew that Lu Tiandu had given them safety considerations, and their hearts felt a lot sweeter.

As for Wang Yun, Lu Tiandu previously gave her a seventh-level bloodline dragon to refine her external incarnation. Together with the two previous incarnations of black rock turtle and black-winged eagle, with Wang Yun's current comprehensive strength, Even against the early Yuanying monks, he could escape safely.

Wang Yun had previously given two puppets in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir to Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting respectively. After all, as the two envoys of the Miaoyin Sect, they also needed to come forward for many things.With this kind of trump card, they have enough confidence to face ordinary Jindan monks.

If Lu Tian can refine a Nascent Soul stage puppet in the next few years, he will also leave one for Wang Yun to enhance her foundation.

After everyone chatted for a while, they dispersed.

Lu Tiandu also entered the last retreat before leaving the Chaotic Star Sea.

During this retreat, in addition to using a large amount of lapis lazuli to refine his natal magic weapon, he will also combine the bones of the god Lei Peng with the many spiritual bird wings and other materials collected through the Miaoyin Sect over the years to give it to one of the women in the harem who is above the golden elixir level. Refining a piece of wind and thunder wings.

Lu Tiandu still attaches great importance to treasures like Wind and Thunder Wings.

His speed is now comparable to that of late Yuanying monks, which is almost a thousand feet in an instant.

In the original work, Han Li, who was in the early stage of Yuan Ying, used the wind and thunder wings to perform the thunder escape technique for four to five miles in an instant. Although it was not as fast as the Yuan Ying Queen, there was not much difference.

He has been outstanding in speed since he entered the world of immortality, so he naturally knows the advantage of being far superior to others' speed.

And with these wings, they can start practicing Blood Shadow Escape, which can be regarded as an extra life-saving trump card.

According to Lu Tiandu's arrangements for them, after refining the Wind and Thunder Wings, the only magic weapons they will focus on caring for in the future are the Wind and Thunder Wings and the Golden Needle Sword.

With these three treasures, they still have great potential in the spiritual world.

Others are enough to find some ancient treasures and the like in the human world.

As for other things that need to be refined, they are naturally high-level puppets.

In fact, over the past few years, the girls in the tower have refined four or five golden elixir puppets in their free time.

After all, for others, the ten thousand-year iron wood and other materials that are lacking for refining puppets are nothing to Lu Tiandu.

Only the puppets in the Nascent Soul stage still need Lu Tiandu to take action. After all, he has the highest weapon refining skills.

This can also reduce the loss of many precious materials.

Similar to the practice of puppetry, after the girls formed pills, their lifespans greatly increased. They also chose one of the immortal skills such as making talismans, refining pills, and refining weapons according to their hobbies. For example, the pills they took daily were all refined by themselves. of.

In addition to refining these magic weapons and puppets, Lu Tiandu also wanted to use this time to initially master the "Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Technique", which can only be practiced in the Nascent Soul stage. This method combines the two major escape techniques of wind escape and thunder escape. The magical escape method of strengths.

Lu Tiandu was still looking forward to the speed after cultivating this magical power.

By then, even the Yuanhou monks may be unable to match his speed.

Time passed by, and Lu Tiandu stayed in Yaochi Tower for three years.

On this day, in the main hall, Lu Tiandu, who was in seclusion, opened his eyes again.

Suddenly, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged in silence, disappeared. In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu reappeared on the same spot, with a three-foot-long golden-red gourd in his hand.

"This Wind and Thunder Escape is indeed worthy of being regarded as the biggest trump card by True Lord Fenglei. Unfortunately, the time is too short, and I have just begun to get a glimpse of it. But even so, my current speed has increased by half. It is really exciting to complete it by then... …”

"Originally I thought I would refine this Tianyang Fire Gourd when I had time, but unfortunately the progress of practicing the Wind and Thunder Escape was beyond my expectation... In this case, let's wait until we return to Tiannan!"

After putting away the Tianyang Fire Gourd, Lu Tiandu stood up and walked out.

In the past three years, there were no surprises in his planned plan except that the progress of Wind and Thunder Escape was a bit slow.

He, Hong Fu, and Nangong Wan, three Nascent Soul cultivators, were responsible for refining the natal magic weapon. It only took half a year to complete the refining.

What is worth mentioning here is that not long after Lu Tiandu finished refining his natal magic weapon, Nishang, who had been in seclusion for more than ten years to condense the Nascent Soul, finally succeeded in condensing the Soul and became the fourth Nascent Soul monk in the Yaochi Tower.

All in all, Nishang was only 250 years old when she gave birth to a baby, and it has been 56 years since she advanced to the late stage of Jindan.

There is an additional Nascent Soul cultivator in Yaochi Palace, which is naturally a great joy.For this reason, everyone put aside their own cultivation and gathered happily for several days before settling down.

Lu Tiandu also followed the usual practice and gave Nishang the ring magic weapon that he personally refined.

After the celebration, Lu Tiandu and several women who were good at refining weapons began to refine the magic weapon of Wind and Thunder Wings.

To refine more than [-] pieces of wind and thunder wings at once, the materials required are naturally huge, but it is not difficult for Lu Tiandu, who has a net worth of over [-] million and has endless use of various precious materials.

When a pair of wind and thunder wings about ten feet long with purple marks on the silver came out, the girls naturally loved this flying magic weapon very much, and they all happily began to retreat to refine the magic weapon.

The process of refining the Nascent Soul puppet went very smoothly, but the attack power of the puppet he made was only equivalent to that of a monk in the early Nascent Soul stage.

It seems that if he wants to refine puppets with higher cultivation levels in the future, his weapon refining skills need to be improved a lot.

Speaking of which, when I killed the gray-clothed old man Gongsun Lutian in the Wild Demon Court, I only got thirteen soul stones. Only one of them was of a size and purity suitable for refining a Nascent Soul puppet. The other twelve could only be refined. Gold-making elixir stage puppet.

However, this does not trouble Lu Tiandu. He can naturally generate this kind of natural crystal by using the origin of the world through the Divine Furnace of Creation.

Therefore, before using this soul stone, he generated several others for later use.

After leaving the main hall, Lu Tiandu went to the Treasure Pavilion to pick up two golden elixir stage puppets, and then stepped out of the Yaochi Tower.

When the ban on the main hall where Lu Tiandu retreated was opened again, Wang Yun and the five women came to his main hall immediately.

After not seeing each other for three years, the feelings between the girls naturally needed to be resolved, and several days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, when Lu Tiandu gave the three puppets to Wang Yun, Wang Ning and Wen Siyue respectively, he explained his intention to leave.

Although the girls were reluctant to leave, Lu Tiandu couldn't postpone the matter that he had decided long ago. He could only look forward to seeing each other next time.

After Wang Ning and the four girls left, Lu Tiandu smiled and said to Wang Yun:

"Yun'er, before I say goodbye, I have a big gift for you..."

Half a day later, Wang Yun looked at Lu Tiandu who had disappeared without a trace after exiting the Miaoyin Gate. Wang Yun stroked the illusory fruit in her dantian and looked into the distance with a face full of affection...

After giving the Yin-Yang Fruit to Wang Yun, Lu Tian was originally ready to leave immediately, but unfortunately, Wang Yun, who was extremely enthusiastic, pinned him down on the jade couch and entangled him for a long time.

"Hey, who is this girl?"

Just when Lu Tiandu came out of Tianxing City from the east, he suddenly looked at a young woman not far from him.

This person is wearing a white dress from the Star Palace, with black hair reaching his shoulders, and an emerald green jade headband on his forehead. His face is like white jade, with dark eyebrows at the temples, phoenix eyes and a trim nose, and red and delicate lips. He is actually a stunningly beautiful person. man of.

Lu Tiandu could tell at a glance that this person was a female, which had something to do with his physique. However, judging from his appearance alone, this person had a calm expression, a lazy smile at the corner of his mouth, and a dash of chicness in his gestures and gestures. The coolness of a man.

Lu Tiandu saw the girl's newly formed elixir at a glance, smiled slightly, looked at the girl meaningfully, and said secretly:

"I didn't expect to run into Ling Yuling when I left. It was really interesting!"

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend 20210301106546543746 for the 100 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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