Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 184 The arrogant little rich woman!Sister Ling, you are drunk!kiss Me!

Chapter 184 The arrogant little rich woman!Sister Ling, you are drunk!kiss Me! (Please subscribe)

"Hey, who is this fellow Taoist?"

Just as Lu Tiandu was about to leave, Ling Yuling also discovered Lu Tiandu in the crowd, who made her feel differently.

Suppressing the inexplicable panic and impulse in her heart, Ling Yuling smiled slightly, looked at the 27-year-old man with an ordinary face, and took the initiative to speak.

"My surname is Lu. I wonder if something happened to your friend?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and looked at Ling Yuling openly.

After he left the Miaoyin Sect, he naturally would not appear as Xiao Changsheng. At this moment, he was an ordinary-looking young man in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

This little rich woman in the human world is indeed a rare beauty. The combination of the lazy smile at the corner of her mouth and the unconcealed charm between her eyebrows gives people a different kind of beauty.

"I have met Fellow Daoist Lu. My surname is Ling, and I live in the Xing Palace to enforce foreign affairs. When I saw Fellow Daoist today, I felt that I was extraordinary. I wonder if Ling would be lucky enough to treat Fellow Daoist to a cup of spiritual tea?"

Ling Yuling seemed a little awkward in saluting others, so she pretended to salute, looked into Lu Tiandu's eyes and said with a smile.

"Fairy Ling can become a law enforcement officer in the foreign affairs of the Star Palace with her early stage cultivation of Jindan. She must be exceptional!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, showing a bit of a bad smile. He glanced at Ling Yuling's slightly flat airport and continued:

"But Lu has something to do today. When he is free another day, he will invite the fairy to drink. Then he will also ask the fairy to show his respect."

Since this little rich woman wants to disguise herself as a man, but she doesn't know how to change her appearance, she only covers her two plump jade peaks. It's really interesting.

After all, with Lu Tiandu's current spiritual awareness, even the secret techniques of changing the appearance of monks in the early stage of Yuanying may be seen through by him, let alone Ling Yuling who has just formed a pill?
"Ah? This... I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lu would see through it..."

Ling Yuling dodged Lu Tiandu's teasing gaze, and there was a lot of surprise in her tone.

Lu Tiandu's eyes were scanning somewhere before, and Ling Yuling suddenly felt a few electric currents passing through her. Her delicate body trembled, and a few rays of red clouds flashed on her beautiful white jade face. At this moment, her heart became more and more panicked.

For some reason, facing the unscrupulous look of the man opposite her, who seemed to see through her, she couldn't feel angry.

"Hehe, fellow Taoist is such a stunning person, and Lu is not blind, so he will naturally look at her more."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Looking at fellow Taoist's behavior, maybe he doesn't go out often. Fellow Taoist looks like this. It's better to change his appearance or wear a veil next time he goes out. This will naturally reduce a lot of trouble..."

"Thank you for the advice, fellow Taoist, I will remember it."

Ling Yuling felt secretly relieved when Lu Tiandu praised her color.

Growing up, although she knew she was beautiful, few people praised her directly. This was the first time someone told her she was beautiful when they met, which made her a little more curious about the ordinary-looking person in front of her.

"Although I am temporarily serving as a law enforcement officer in the foreign affairs of Xing Palace, I am just a shadow of the family. Fellow Taoists can also see that my cultivation has only been completed recently..."

For some reason, Ling Yuling cared about Lu Tiandu's every word and explained with a smile, "I don't know where fellow Taoist is going this time. I'm also thinking of going out for some experience. Why don't I go with fellow Taoist?"

But it was when she heard that Lu Tian didn't even have time to drink tea that she wanted to see the world outside Tianxing City when she came out of seclusion this time, that's why she made this suggestion.

"I also have a rare kind of wine here. I heard that fellow Taoist friends are also fond of wine. I can also invite fellow Taoists to taste it..."

Speaking of the latter part, Lingyu Lingyu's face became a little rosier without realizing it, and she suddenly recalled that ever since she saw this Lu Dao friend, she didn't seem to be wary of him at all.

There seemed to be something about this man that kept attracting her, making her unable to help but want to get close to him and let him caress him.Thinking of this, Ling Yuling panicked and became more and more curious.

However, she practiced special skills and had a strong sense of other people's good intentions, malice, and danger. She knew that the person in front of her had no ill intentions toward her.

And, for some reason, she always felt that there was something else in the other person's eyes as he looked at her, but she couldn't figure out the deeper meaning!

"There are beauties and fine wines. Naturally, Lu has no reason to refuse. Even if there are important matters, he has to put them off... But it seems that some people don't like to come into contact with Fairy Ling!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and after speaking, he glanced at the two people lurking in the distance with a half-smile but not a smile.

The two of them, one middle-aged and one young, one with late-stage Jindan cultivation and one with mid-stage Jindan cultivation, were both dressed in white robes, with majestic equipment, and looked somewhat extraordinary.

But the young man was currently staring at Lu Tiandu with a look of jealousy.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Ling Yuling turned around suddenly. The young monk who had been glaring at Lu Tiandu suddenly put away his fierce look, pulled out a smile from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ling Yuling.

Ling Yuling frowned slightly and glanced at the two of them, nodded, and moved her lips slightly to convey a few words.Then he turned around, smiled, waved his hands and said:
"Okay, Brother Lu, let's go out of the city... Do you mind if I call you Brother Lu?"

"As long as Fairy Ling likes it, why would Mr. Lu mind?"

"Brother Lu, calling me a fairy is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"...Sister Ling?"

Lu Tiandu smelled the fragrance next to him and looked at Ling Yuling, whose face was rosy and her brows were getting more charming, but she took out a folding fan to pretend to be cool and said with a smile.

He wanted to call Fu Po Ling, but he was afraid of ruining the atmosphere...

"...Hehe, this is the first time I heard someone call me that! I allow you to call me that!"

After a while, when the two of them were about to walk out of the city gate, Lu Tiandu heard the slightly shy and gentle voice of Ling Yuling next to him.

After Ling Yuling said this, she secretly glanced at Brother Lu next to her. The closer she got to Brother Lu, the more strange excitement and impulse she felt, making her feel flustered and want to indulge in it unconsciously.


Lu Tiandu laughed, suddenly realizing that this little rich woman was a bit arrogant.

This laughter aroused the attention of many people around. Some people glanced at Ling Yuling, who was flat-chested, handsome and holding a folding fan, and Lu Tiandu, who looked masculine. After taking a closer look, their eyes suddenly became lewd.

"These bastards!"

Lu Tian muttered angrily.In Ling Yuling's questioning eyes, Lu Tiandu mentioned Ling Yuling's jade arm, and it disappeared in a flash of light.

"So fast!"

The middle-aged man who was secretly protecting Ling Yuling was startled and glanced at the jealous young man:

"Let's go, catch up quickly, don't get lost!"

In the extremely fast escape from the light, Ling Yuling's stiff body relaxed for a moment. Even her ears turned red this time. She glared at Lu Tiandu and said:
"Brother Lu, don't be in such a hurry next time, you scared me!"

"Okay, Sister Ling, I'll remember it, and I'll be gentler next time!"

Lu Tiandu looked ahead, as if he didn't notice anything he had done beyond the rules, and said warmly.


Ling Yuling tapped her red lips with her teeth and glared at Lu Tiandu coquettishly. Although she had limited experience as a newcomer, she still felt that Brother Lu's words were so ambiguous!
"Brother Lu, I have a flying boat. How about we fly on it?"

After a moment, Ling Yuling, who smelled Lu Tiandu's scent and had a rosy face and a somewhat tender body, spoke softly.

"Girl, if you have such a treasure, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Lu Tiandu looked surprised and happy, "With such a flying boat, we can drink and fly at the same time, which is very comfortable!"

"Aren't you taking me on a flight in a panic?"

Ling Yuling complained softly.But looking at her sparkling beautiful eyes, she didn't mean to complain at all.

"It's my abrupt girl!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.I thought to myself, with your androgynous dress, those bastards at the city gate still don’t know how to arrange me!

Soon Ling Yuling patted the storage bag, a flash of green light flashed, and a flying boat appeared in the sky.

This flying boat was about seven or eight feet long and was covered with mysterious patterns. Lu Tiandu glanced at it and felt several wind-attribute magic formations on it. It turned out to be a rare wind-attribute ancient treasure.

There is also a gorgeous pavilion in the center of the flying boat, which takes up one third of the boat.It is covered with five-color restrictions, but with Lu Tiandu’s current consciousness, it is not difficult to see through them.

Of course, he would not do such an abrupt thing.

"Brother Lu, please!"

Ling Yuling smiled, put away the folding fan, made an invitation with one hand behind her back, and looked like a handsome gentleman.

"Okay, sister, please invite me too!"

Lu Tiandu laughed loudly and glanced at the young man with a ferocious face behind him, who was about to explode with jealousy, and became more and more cheerful.

"Good boy, who is this person? When I go back this time, I will find out the details of this person and give him a good look!"

More than thirty miles away, the younger man who secretly protected Ling Yuling had red eyes, gritted his teeth, and looked in disbelief when he saw that the young palace master actually invited that man to ride in the same boat.

"It seems that the Young Palace Master is still a little inexperienced in the world of cultivating immortals!"

The other middle-aged man sighed secretly, but didn't say much.His duty is to secretly protect the young palace mistress, but he is not qualified to care about the friends the young palace mistress makes.

He was confident that he could kill this strange monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core with an ordinary face in just three moves.

As soon as Lu Tiandu entered the pavilion, a faint fragrance from his daughter's house entered Lu Tiandu's nostrils. The jade couch, jade table, jade stool and other objects that were integrated with the flying boat came into his eyes.

"This flying boat ancient treasure is quite good!"

Lu Tiandu looked at it and praised it.

"Hehe, Brother Lu, this is my first time inviting a friend who is on the same boat!"

Ling Yuling's pretty face was rosy, a little shy, and her beautiful eyes were a little more moist, and she said with a smile.

"Really? It seems that as a brother, you have a close relationship with my sister!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at Ling Yuling's increasingly beautiful face, with a bit of a smirk on his lips, "Although I am a gentleman, there are many scoundrels in this world, and girls will have to be more careful when walking in the world of immortality!"

"Hmph, it sounds like I would invite others into my spaceship!"

Ling Yuling glared at Lu Tiandu angrily, feeling that Brother Lu seemed to have some misunderstandings about her.

"It's Brother Wei's fault. Who made Brother Wei and my sister hit it off at first sight?"

Lu Tiandu looked annoyed, "Brother, I said something wrong, and I'm willing to punish myself three times. Don't worry, sister!" "Okay, I forgive Brother Lu!"

Ling Yuling looked at Lu Tiandu, who had a slightly apologetic face, and smiled softly. Although the person in front of her looked ordinary, for some reason, every time she looked at him, she felt more panicked.

With a flick of his hand, a wine bottle and two wine glasses appeared in front of Ling Yuling's eyes. With a flick of his delicate hand, three things floated onto the jade table.

Ling Yuling stepped forward, poured two glasses of spiritual wine herself, and said with a smile:
"This is Lingyuan wine brewed by my family. How about you try it, Brother Lu?"

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand a little, and a wine cup flew into his hand.

This Lingyuan wine is light green in color, has a mellow aroma, and is refreshing. It is indeed extraordinary at first glance.Looking at Ling Yuling who looked expectant, Lu Tiandu joked:

"Sister Ling, are you going to punish me for the first drink? Why should you have a drink with me as a guest, right?"

"It's my little sister's fault!"

Meeting Lu Tiandu's joking gaze, Ling Yuling's beautiful eyes flashed, her heart skipped a beat, she stretched out her hand and pressed it, and there was a glass of spiritual wine in her hand, and she said with a smile:


The two looked at each other, raised their heads and drank the spirit wine in the cup.

"Not bad!"

After closing his eyes slightly to appreciate it, Lu Tiandu opened his eyes and said:

"It's sweet and refreshing, with lingering fragrance and mellow spiritual power. It's really a good wine! There are at least ten kinds of high-aged elixirs and seven or eight kinds of spiritual fruits, and there seems to be some spiritual milk mixed in... "

After listening to Lu Tiandu's wine tasting summary, Ling Yuling looked surprised and said:
"Brother Lu is indeed a good drinker. He even guessed the ingredients of my Lingyuan wine to a close!"

In fact, what surprised her even more was that Brother Lu, a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, actually digested this glass of spiritual wine in just a moment!
Normally, it would take her one day to refine the spiritual power in Lingyuan Wine.Even if Lu Tiandu is stronger than her, he wouldn't be able to refine spiritual wine so quickly, right?

Ling Yuling suppressed the doubts in her heart, her eyes moved, and she poured another glass of spiritual wine for Lu Tiandu, and said with a smile:

"Brother Lu has finished the first glass of hospitality wine. I think Brother Lu has a good drinking capacity. This penalty drink cannot be missed!"

"Why is my sister so anxious? Are you trying to get your brother drunk?"

Lu Tiandu took the spirit wine from Ling Yuling's hand and smiled meaningfully.

Seeing Lu Tiandu's smile, Ling Yuling's heart skipped a beat. She smiled, rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu angrily, and said angrily:

"What? Brother Lu and I hit it off as old friends, how could we have other thoughts? Besides, what else can I do if I get Brother Lu drunk? Can I kidnap you back to be your village minister?"

Speaking of the latter part, Ling Yu's eyes were filled with autumn water, a smile appeared on her face, and she covered her mouth and chuckled.

"This can't be done. You can drink this wine, but you must not suppress the stronghold!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and regardless of Ling Yuling's angry eyes, he raised his head and drank another drink.

"Brother Lu, that's a huge amount! Can I drink more?"

The joy in Ling Yuling's eyes flashed away, she added another glass of spirit wine, walked up to Lu Tiandu and smiled.

"Serve the wine! I said I would punish myself with three drinks, but a gentleman's words are hard to follow!"

"Brother Lu, you are so heroic!"

Ling Yuling watched Lu Tiandu drink his third glass of wine and praised loudly with excitement on his face.

"Pour wine!"

"it is good!"

When Lu Tiandu drank the fourth glass of wine, Ling Yuling became more and more surprised and wondered, why are you still drunk?
The pretty ruddy face kept smiling, becoming more and more charming, and she clapped her hands and praised loudly:

"Today I found out that Brother Lu is the Immortal of Wine!"

"Overrated, overrated!"

Lu Tiandu waved his hands with a humble look, which made Ling Yuling feel even more depressed.

It’s really strange that four glasses of Lingyuan wine can’t get you drunk!It seems that we need to let Brother Lu drink a few more drinks. I still don’t believe that I can’t get you drunk today!
"You drank too much Lingyuan wine and it's boring. Brother, there is still a lot of good wine here. I must keep you drunk with my sister today!"

Lu Tiandu smiled boldly, and with a wave of his hand, there were five or six more wine jars on the jade table.

Seeing Ling Yuling's surprised look, Lu Tiandu introduced them one by one:
"This is Juling Wine... This is Bauhinia Wine... This is Eight Immortals Drunk..."

"This is Bailing wood marrow wine... This is fire pomegranate fruit wine... These two kinds of wine are wines with wood and fire attributes. They are of great benefit to those who practice these two techniques. Sister, please drink a few more glasses in a while... "

"The last one is Baihua honey wine, which has miraculous effects on improving eyesight, nourishing the mind, and detoxifying. Drinking it for a long time is very good for the soul!"

Ling Yuling became more and more shocked as Lu Tiandu explained the effects of the six kinds of spiritual wine and the approximate brewing raw materials.

It was no surprise that Brother Lu knew about the wood attribute skills she practiced. After all, she had revealed her spiritual power during her previous flight.

But the strange thing is that she didn't find out what kind of escape method this brother Lu used or what kind of attribute skills he practiced. The many mysterious and inexplicable attractions in this process made her want to get drunk on this brother Lu more and more. Brother, please ask me clearly.

"Brother Lu is really a very good person!"

Ling Yu's soul was full of longing, staring straight into Lu Tiandu's eyes, lightly opening her red lips, and her tone was full of exclamations:

"If someone else can brew a kind of spiritual wine and treasure it, Brother Lu actually has so many precious spiritual wines, which is really beyond my expectation!"

"My little sister used to be complacent about having spiritual wine like Lingyuan Wine, but now she knows how to sit in a well and look at the sky!"

"My sister is overly praised. I also like your Lingyuan Wine brother very much. As for my brother, it's just a small chance."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, looked directly into Ling Yuling's eyes and said:
"Today, my brother and my sister hit it off as old friends and felt happy. Then I took out the spiritual wine that I had treasured for a long time and had a drink with my sister. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't invite them to drink!"

This scorching gaze made Ling Yuling feel sweet and panicked at the same time. Looking at Brother Lu's drunken appearance, he was afraid that he might have become drunk before others got drunk. After thinking about this, Ling Yuling smiled casually and gave up the previous thought. Thought, said:

"Of course I trust Brother Lu! Brother Lu and I hit it off right away, but we have never told her my full name. My little sister Ling Yuling, I wonder if Brother Lu can tell her her real name?"

"Hehe, I'm just afraid that my sister will find out about my brother's name and run away!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Ling Yuling's expectant eyes and chuckled.

"Brother Lu is my mother-in-law!" Ling Yuling smiled cheerfully, "Tell me, you are just some evil heretic, how can I, Ling Yuling, be afraid of you!"

"Okay, girl is very brave, please watch carefully!"

Lu Tiandu laughed. Under Ling Yuling's surprised gaze, he changed into a different person in the blink of an eye, and the aura around him became deeper and deeper.

"Lu! Tian! Capital!"

Ling Yuling's face was filled with disbelief and inexplicable surprise, "It's actually you!"

"it's me!"

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly, "You didn't disappoint me, did you?"

Looking at the handsome and elegant Lu Tiandu, who seemed unfathomable at the same time, Ling Yulingfang's heart beat hard for a few times. Under Lu Tiandu's gentle eyes, her delicate body softened a little, and she said with a mixture of anger and joy:
"Brother Lu's name is passed down to the sea of ​​stars. My little sister has been hearing stories about Brother Lu since she came out of seclusion. I didn't expect that I would get to know Brother Lu for the first time when I left Tianxing City. It's really an honor for my little sister!"

"This time, I am also thinking about something in silence. I didn't expect to meet a fairy-like girl as soon as I went out. I am very honored to be my brother!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, glanced at Ling Yuling's flat airport, and said with a smile:

"Now that my brother has confessed to my sister, why should she be secretive?"

"Bah! What a bad guy!"

Ling Yuling was glanced at by Lu Tiandu, her cheeks were hot, her delicate body was weak, and she spat at him.

Under Lu Tiandu's gentle eyes, he turned around and felt a little different in an instant.

She is still wearing the white clothes of the Star Palace, her black hair is spread casually to her shoulders, her forehead is tied with an emerald-green jade belt, her face is like white jade, her eyebrows are dark, and her beautiful eyes are charming and touching.

Her straight nose, white teeth and red lips, with a smile at the corners of her mouth, make people fall in love at first sight.

Under the slender and white jade neck, two jade peaks are plump and round, making people linger.

Looking at her figure, she has charming curves and round buttocks. Every move she makes is full of charm, like a hundred flowers in bloom.

"What? Haven't seen enough?"

Looking at Lu Tiandu who was staring straight at him, Ling Yuling's beautiful eyes were filled with autumn water, and she felt secretly happy.

"I can't get enough of it in a lifetime!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, making Ling Yuling irritated.

"Come on, let's drink!"

"Okay! I won't come home until I'm drunk today!"

"Brother Lu, I still want to drink!"

"Girl, you're drunk!"

"Hmph, I'm not drunk! Brother Lu, just help me dissolve these spiritual powers. I can still drink!"

I don't know when, Lu Tiandu already had a beauty in his arms. He pressed his palms on her Dantian. Lu Tiandu helped Ling Yuling refine a lot of spiritual wine in her belly in just a moment.

"Come on, drink again!"

After a while, the face of the beauty in his arms turned redder and redder, she raised her head in embarrassment and said:

"Brother Lu, kiss me!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the charming beauty in his arms, lowered his head and took the two trembling, thin, tender and slightly alcoholic lips in his mouth...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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