Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 185 Ling Yuling’s resentment!Parting gifts to each other!Zhang Tiannan!

Chapter 185 Ling Yuling’s resentment!Parting gifts to each other!Go back to Tiannan! (Please subscribe)
a few days later.

The surface of the ancient treasure Tianfeng Shenzhou exudes colorful forbidden light, inside the exquisite small pavilion, on the jade couch.

Lu Tiandu raised his head from somewhere soft, smiled and swept all the way across Ling Yuling's snow-white swan neck, landing on that charming face. When he met the pair of unusually moist and extremely resentful eyes, he secretly sighed in his heart. .

Gently holding Ling Yuling into his arms, Lu Tiandu kissed the beauty's fair forehead. The original emerald green headband was thrown away by the two of them. Lu Tiandu smiled softly as he stroked the beautiful lady's soft green hair. One sound:
"What? Are you still thinking of kidnapping your brother back to be the mistress of the village?"


Ling Yuling hugged Lu Tiandu tightly, punched Lu Tiandu on the back a few times, and muttered.

"Hey, you said that if I abandoned other beauties today because of you, will I abandon you because of others in the future?"

Lu Tiandu didn't dwell on the question of whether he was timid or not. He pinched the beauty's plump buttocks and let out a long sigh.

"You dare!"

The beauty in his arms suddenly raised his head, glaring at Lu Tiandu with evil eyes, "We are both like this. If you dare to do that to me, I..."

Ling Yuling bit her red lips as she spoke, but in the end she didn't say anything harsh.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, Ling'er, to have such a sinister side. It's really eye-opening for Brother Wei!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Ling Yuling, whose temperament had changed drastically. His eyes lit up. He lowered his head and kissed Ling Yuling's red and soft lips. After a long time, Lu Tiandu looked at Ling Yuling, who had a red face and charming eyes and murmured again. road:

"Everything is like this... What I said didn't really do anything to you..."

"You still said it!!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Ling Yuling's eyes flashed with shame and anger, and she bit Lu Tiandu's shoulder hard.

Her mind flashed back to the scene when the two were drinking a few days ago. Unknowingly, she fell into Lu Tiandu's arms. She didn't know who took the initiative, or was Lang Youqing's concubine intentional?

It was impossible to get drunk when she was drunk. With Lu Tiandu dissolving spiritual power for her, how could she get drunk?

As for Brother Lu—it was only after being hugged by Lu Tiandu that she called him "Brother Lu" who was very close to him—with his cultivation in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he would naturally not be really drunk with such a small amount of spiritual wine. Understand.

So it was so natural for the two of them to kiss each other while they were drunk. That hearty kiss still made her recall it very much these days.

Unknowingly, she was skinned into a tender lamb by Brother Lu...

Although the two had only known each other for a short time, she did not regret at all that she would give herself to the man who made her heart beat. In terms of qualifications, cultivation, and appearance, Lu Tiandu was a perfect match for her.

She could already imagine the envious looks in other people's eyes when she brought Lu Tiandu, the wishful man, back to Tianxing City, and the two of them held a double cultivation ceremony. At that time, their reputation would spread throughout the Luan Xing Sea.

After all, they will be the next generation of Heavenly Stars and Saints!
So, at the critical moment, when she said lovingly:

"Brother Lu, let's go back to Tianxing City in two days! Then we will hold a grand double cultivation ceremony..."

"Brother Lu, let me tell you some news. My parents are the Twin Saints of Heaven and Star, and I am the Young Palace Master of Star Palace... After we become Taoist couples, the entire Inner Star Sea will be ours in the future..."

While she was still trapped in her beautiful fantasy, she suddenly realized that Lu Tiandu's enthusiasm seemed to be dissipating rapidly. Then, she heard the words that made her sober up instantly——

"Um...what, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to Tianxing City with Ling'er..."

What she didn't notice was that when Lu Tiandu heard the words about holding a double cultivation ceremony, the drunkenness in his eyes quickly dissipated, and his whole body became excited, and even the lust in his eyes disappeared, and he woke up instantly.

"Oh, I forgot. Brother Lu said that he came out this time because he had something to do. Then when Brother Lu finishes doing things, we will go back together..."

At that time, she smiled and looked at Lu Tiandu tenderly, but she didn't take it to heart. Anyway, it would only be for a while.

However, Lu Tiandu's words immediately stunned her.

Lu Tiandu stood up and put on a piece of clothing casually, and then put another piece of clothing on her, but she felt something was wrong, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

"No, I'm afraid I can't hold a double cultivation ceremony with my sister..."


She vaguely remembered that her heart suddenly sank, her voice was a little dry, and an unspeakable sourness lingered in her heart.

"To tell you the truth, Brother Lu has many confidantes, so..."

At this time, Lu Tiandu decisively understood and spoke very frankly about the fact that he had many beauties.

"...I can allow Brother Lu to associate with them, but the Taoist companion can only be me..."

She felt like her heart was bleeding at that time. It was the first time she met such a passionate person. She had not been together and loved each other, but she had to bear the pain of sharing her beloved with others. Her heart ached...

She quickly gave in.

"Ling'er, I'm sorry!"

She remembered the apology in Brother Lu's eyes, "They are very important to me, and so are you..."


Am I just one of them...

Recalling everything that happened that day, Ling Yuling still clearly remembers the heartache she felt at that time.

She regretted saying a few more words at that moment. If they had waited until the two of them accomplished good things, she felt that Lu Tiandu might have changed.

After all, she couldn't think of anyone in the entire Chaotic Star Sea whose status was more noble than hers?
As the main wife, the others should also be convinced!
Unfortunately, when she got up and pushed Lu Tiandu down on the jade bed fiercely, wanting to continue the unfinished great cause, Lu Tiandu asked her:

"Have you really decided to share the same husband with someone else?"

Facing Lu Tiandu's candid eyes, he knew that it was impossible for Lu Tiandu to let her become his only wife.

At that time, she hesitated!
She has been living in Tianxing City for the past six to seventy years, spending most of her time cultivating, and is very unfamiliar with the world, let alone emotional matters?

When she met Lu Tiandu, hot love fell violently on her, and she chose to follow the guidance of her soul (the special effects of practice).

Lu Tiandu's mystery always attracted her, and she voluntarily gave herself to her beloved, hoping to stay with Lu Tiandu forever!

But I never thought about other people being involved.

When she thought that Lu Tiandu would hold other women in his arms and comfort her, she became more and more hesitant and helpless...

At that time, her mind was as confused as paste and her eyes were blank. Lu Tian seemed to notice her hesitation, held her in his arms, patted her jade back gently, hugged her quietly for a moment, and then said with a smile:

"What? The extremely chic Ling sister lost her sense of proportion when she met a man? This is really a disappointment to Brother Wei..."

"Huh, you're not messing with my heart!"

After a moment, she left Lu Tiandu's arms and snorted coldly, with a hint of sadness on her brows, "How great it would be if you were the only one! You wouldn't make me upset now!"


"Come on, have a drink! Get drunk and everything will be over the next day... When you figure it out, I will come to you for the Brotherhood!"

"Humph, you are so arrogant!" She sneered, "You are not like me!"

"I am your man!" Lu Tiandu looked directly at her, a little more domineering, "Whoever dares to have thoughts on you, I will make him regret embarking on the path of cultivating immortals!"

"My man can only belong to me..."


"Come on, drink, drink..."

That day, she was extremely drunk and hugged Brother Lu tightly to sleep, for fear that Lu Tian would not say goodbye when she woke up!

Sure enough, Lu Tiandu asked to leave the next day, which made her secretly angry.As if he noticed her displeasure, Lu Tiandu smiled and said that he could stay with her for a few more days.

In the past few days, she had the idea of ​​​​cooking rice before cooking, and tried various ways to seduce her beloved. Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu, such a playboy, turned into a coward at this time!
But except for that last step, this bastard didn't let go of the rest!

Thinking of everything that happened in the past ten days, Ling Yuling felt like she was in another world.

But when I thought about Lu Tiandu leaving soon, I felt more and more resentful.Now that I'm gone, I don't know when we will meet again.

"You have really thick skin!"

Ling Yuling bit her silver teeth and felt angry.

But his fingers pressed on the place where she had just bitten the skin, and green light flashed, and Lu Tiandu's shoulders returned to this state.

"Don't stay for a few more days?"

Ling Yuling asked.At this time, she didn't bother with the question of whether Lu Tiandu would abandon her. Over the past few days, she had long discovered Lu Tiandu's possessiveness towards her.

If she had agreed to get along with his other women, Lu Tian would have eaten her long ago!
This gave her some confidence in her own charm.

"When you figure it out, I'll come back to you!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly.

Although he could be a fool after eating, there was no need for it. The years to come would be long, and it would be best if the star of the Star Palace had no grudges.

"I still have a lot of Bailing Wood Marrow Wine here, which is very beneficial to the wood-attributed true energy you cultivate. You should drink more of it!"

Lu Tiandu ignored the topic. With a wave of his hand, more than twenty jars of fine wine appeared in the pavilion.

In addition to Bailing Mu Marrow Wine, there are several other spiritual wines, which are enough for Ling Yuling to drink on a daily basis.

Ling Yuling naturally has no shortage of resources such as elixirs and magic weapons, but this spiritual wine is really rare in the human world.

"I know."

Ling Yuling calmed down the resentment and sadness in her heart at this moment, couldn't help but hugged Lu Tiandu, and said:
"After you finish your work, come to Tianxing City to see me as soon as possible!"

The two of them had already agreed on the location of the secret meeting, and Ling Yuling planned to arrange it carefully when she returned this time.

"I know that Brother Lu, you are very powerful and have no shortage of martial arts and magic weapons. I have a piece of pendant carved from soul-nurturing wood, which I will give to Brother Lu to keep you in mind..."

Ling Yuling made a casual move, and an oval-shaped wood carving that she had carried close to her body for decades flew into her hand. She looked at Lu Tiandu expectantly.

"Okay, Ling'er, please put it on for my brother!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and asked Ling Yuling to hang the pendant around his neck.

Wearing this soul-nurturing wood jewelry frequently is of great benefit to nourishing the soul. Needless to say, it is precious.

It's a pity that Lu Tiandu has seen this area for the first time in so many years.

Not more than ten years later, when he arrived at Xutian Palace, he would have no shortage of soul-nurturing wood.

"I have nothing to give you as parting farewell, Ling'er. This is a flying magic weapon that I refined. I haven't recognized its owner yet. After you refine it, Ling'er, it will be considered a good trump card..."

Seeing Ling Yuling, whose mood was obviously improving, Lu Tiandu flipped it over, and a box about a foot in size appeared in his hand, which contained a pair of wind and thunder wings.

Ling Yuling looked at the beautiful silver wings with purple marks that exuded amazing spiritual power in front of her, with a look of surprise and affection on her face:

"These wind and thunder wings are so beautiful! Wing magic weapons are rare, and there seem to be several powerful thunder-attribute magic circles among them?"


Lu Tiandu nodded and briefly introduced the Wind and Thunder Wings:

"Although this flying magic weapon is called Wind and Thunder Wings, it should actually be called Thunder Spirit Wings. The main material is Lei Peng's bones, supplemented by many other precious materials. Even if it is driven by ordinary true energy, the speed can be doubled. If it is driven by The thunder spirit power or other lightning power can be used to drive the thunder escape array, and it is even easier to perform the thunder escape technique..."

"So, I will accept it!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's introduction, Ling Yuling fell in love with it even more. She turned over and looked at the flying spirit wings several times with a happy face, and said with a smile.

Lu Tian knew the background of Yixing Palace, and there must be many magic weapons to use the power of thunder and lightning, and he was not afraid that after Ling Yuling was refined, he would not be able to use the thunder spirit wings to use the thunder escape technique.

The two exchanged many love words, and Lu Tiandu remembered something again and asked:

"Ling'er, have you ever refined your natal magic weapon?"

"It hasn't been refined yet," Ling Yuling said with a smile.

"I have only been making elixirs for a few months, and this time I plan to go out and wander around for a year and a half. When I get back, I will ask my mother to refine magic weapons for me. I have a few ancient treasures given by my father with me, and they are quite powerful. …”

"Since you have a wood-type heavenly spirit root, I have a very powerful wood-type sword art here. The set of flying sword refining methods included in it are amazingly powerful, and I also have excess materials for refining the natal magic weapon. Yes, if you like it, you can see if you can major or minor in this skill!"

Lu Tiandu said as a jade slip and a jade box about a foot long appeared in his hand.

"Qing Yuan Sword Technique? Qing Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword! This set of flying swords is so powerful!"

After a moment, Ling Yuling, who had roughly read the contents of the jade slip, said with surprise.

The only fly in the ointment is that this technique can only be used to the early stage of divine transformation. If you want to practice in the human world to the late stage of divine transformation, you will have to learn other techniques.

"What's in this box?"

Ling Yuling was curious again about the rare spiritual bamboo in Lu Tiandu's jade box?After all, this set of Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword must be made from spiritual bamboo to refine the natal magic weapon.

"Heavenly Thunder Bamboo!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and opened the jade box, and a green bamboo with golden spots appeared in front of her, "And it's a 3-year-old golden thunder bamboo!"

"What! It's the legendary Golden Thunder Bamboo?"

Ling Yuling stared at the bamboo in the box with a look of surprise on her face.

If this kind of extinct spiritual wood in the human world is used to refine the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword, then the power of this set of flying swords will really make people look forward to it!

"Brother Lu actually has such a treasure, which really surprises my little sister!"

Ling Yuling closed the jade box and looked at Lu Tiandu up and down again, as if she had gotten to know him again.

"Hey, there will be surprises for you in the future!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and glanced at Ling Yuling's curvy and attractive figure with deep meaning, making the beauty's face turn hot.


These days, although she has not broken through the last level, she has done many things under the guidance of Lu Tiandu that make people blush. Just thinking about it makes people feel hot and their hearts beat wildly.

"Okay, sister, I'm leaving!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and suddenly disappeared without a trace.


A long sigh sounded from the Tianfeng Shenzhou...

A few days later, Lu Tiandu once again came to the unknown island thousands of miles away from Kuixing Island, and embarked on the road back to Tiannan.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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