Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 186: 1 years of separation!New cave house!Great monk of the Tiandao Alliance!

Chapter 186: Ninety years apart!New cave house!Great monk of the Tiandao Alliance!
"Finally, the "Tiangang Locking Yuan Flowing Fire Formation" has been arranged!"

An invisible wave passed by, and Lu Tiandu, Xin Ruyin, Hongfu and the other girls stood in the void, looking at the deserted island with a layer of mist below them.

He had arrived at the unknown island where the ancient teleportation array was deployed a few days ago.

Then everyone worked together, and it took several days to arrange the ancient incomplete formation that was dismantled from Huohuang Island on this small island under Xin Ruyin's guidance.

With this huge formation that even the Yuanhou monks didn't dare to break into, Lu Tiandu felt relieved about the teleportation formation on the Chaotic Star Sea side.

The only fly in the ointment is that there are no spiritual stone veins around this deserted island. If this formation is to be effective, the expenditure on spiritual stones is indispensable.

He didn't pay much attention to this. He had gained a lot from the eight Nascent Soul cultivators he had killed over the years. He had even accumulated hundreds of high-level spiritual stones. It was not difficult to support the operation of several large formations.

"Okay, let's activate the formation and test it. If there are no errors, we can return to Tiannan!"

A moment later, after Lu Tiandu cast several spells, the island in front of him disappeared in a few breaths.

In everyone's sight, there was no difference between the original place and the surrounding ocean. The sea and sky were the same color, with rippling blue waves.

"This ancient formation is indeed very powerful, but I didn't find any trace of it in my spiritual senses!"

After Hongfu released his spiritual sense for a moment, his tone was a bit surprised.She had already cultivated the Dayan Jue to the fourth level at this time, and her spiritual awareness, which surpassed that of a Yuanzhong monk, did not notice anything strange.

"That's right! This way, we don't have anything to worry about anymore!"

Lu Tiandu also used his huge spiritual consciousness for a moment, then opened his fingers and shot five golden-purple streams of light into the void below.

Seeing that the Wind and Thunder True Gang released casually was easily neutralized, Lu Tian felt relieved. In this way, the hidden island here would naturally not be easily discovered by high-level monks.

After all, high-level monks don't fly close to the sea.As for the monsters that invaded, there should be fewer. After all, the formation only hides the part of the island above the water, and the lower part still exists.

Even if it is discovered, without the cultivation of Queen Yuan, there is no way to break the protection here.

"Let's go back to Tiannan!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and put away the girls.

There were twelve concubines when he came, and four concubines from Qingshui Sect were added when he returned. In total, the only ones who are close to him now are the five girls from Miaoyin Sect and Ling Yuling, who still don't know the information about this teleportation array.

Lu Tiandu picked up the magic formula, and his figure disappeared into the sea below.

When we came to the location of the ancient teleportation array again, nothing changed here.After all, he had already checked everything when he first came here.

The teleportation array is still surrounded by the complete versions of the "Inverted Five Elements Array" and the "Four Symbols Destroying Element Array" that he arranged, and they have not been dismantled.

After replacing six high-level spiritual stones, he put away the spiritual stones that had little remaining spiritual power, and took out the Great Movement Order. Yellow light flashed, and Lu Tiandu was wrapped in a light cyan light shield and disappeared instantly.

Yue Country, Mingzhou, Wasteland Rift Valley.

Inside the mine, Lu Tiandu's figure appeared on the ancient teleportation array.

"After 90 years of separation, I wonder how Nangong Ping is doing now?"

Looking at the familiar mine, smelling the familiar smell in the mine, and returning to Tiannan again, Lu Tiandu's thoughts instantly drifted to the lingering relationship with the beautiful woman Nangong Ping when they parted 90 years ago.

After all, the only person Tiannan worried about most was Nangong Ping.

Nangong Ping's enchanting demeanor flashed through his mind, especially the proud and plump body, the charming and addictive phoenix eyes... and the tingling and melodious voice. Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu felt My heart suddenly became hot, and I couldn't wait to see this beauty immediately.

At that time, he promised Nangong Ping that he would return within a hundred years.

At the time of separation, Nangong Ping's lifespan was still around [-] years old, and the longevity pill he gave could also extend his lifespan by [-] years.

Even if she failed to break through to the late Nascent Soul stage, she should be safe and sound now.

However, when they parted last time, she gave Nangong Ping the Good Fortune Pill, the three rare elixirs in exchange for her, and the many thousand-year and ten-thousand-year elixirs that he and Nangong Wande first obtained from the blood ban trial. Tiandu still has a lot of confidence in her to advance to become a great monk after Yuan Dynasty.

If she breaks through to the Yuan Empress, she will be able to live another two hundred years, and she won't have to worry about longevity.

However, he still had one thing to do before going to the Hidden Moon Sect to find Nangong Ping.

With a wave of her hand, Sixteen Shu appeared near the teleportation array.

"Husband! We are going home!"

The Tiannan girls looked at their surroundings with happy faces.

"In the blink of an eye, ninety years have passed, and it feels like a world away!"

Returning to Tiannan again, they were full of anticipation and excitement.

They were separated for 90 years. When they left, they only had the cultivation of foundation building and golden elixir. Now they are both the cultivation of golden elixir and Yuanying. With these earth-shaking changes, no matter who returns to their hometown again, they will inevitably feel agitated. .

Especially monks like Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Lu Tianxuan, and Yan Ruyan who came from a family that cultivated immortality. After all, they had not lived long enough and still had attachment to their family and immediate relatives.

The returning twins, Yuan Yao and Yanli looked at the environment here with curiosity.

They were also very curious about coming to this new world of cultivating immortals.

The most important thing is that this is the hometown of their men. When they come here, they feel that they are closer to Lu Tiandu to some extent.

"Okay, although I know everyone wants to return to the sect as soon as possible and meet acquaintances, but before that, don't forget that we still have one important thing to do!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the girls who couldn't wait to go out and said with a smile.

"Hehe, our sisters have not forgotten this!"

Nangong Wan smiled and glanced at Lu Tiandu, then turned to Xin Ruyin and said:

"Sister Ruyin, come and direct everyone's actions!"

"Well, I listen to my sister on everything!"

Xin Ruyin nodded and said with a smile.

What they want to do is naturally to relocate the ancient teleportation array under the spirit stone mine in the Great Rift Valley in the wasteland.

Yes, Lu Tiandu had already decided to move this ancient teleportation array when he came back this time.

The location of the transfer has long been known, and it is the cave that Feng Xian left in the world 3 years ago - the blood-forbidden trial place shared by the seven sects of the Yue Kingdom.

In this cave, Feng Xian deployed one of the top ten strange formations in ancient times, the "Dutian Liuhe Gangfeng Shensha Formation" as a protective array.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the power of the formation has become much weaker. To this day, it still requires the joint efforts of several Jindan monks to open a weak point at a specific time and place, which shows the power of this formation.

Over the past hundred years, most of Xin Ruyin Xiaomei's formation practice has been to comprehend this grand formation. Now she has fully understood it and has the token to enter it.

Wait for everyone to enter, control the formation, and then repair the loopholes in it. By then, the power of the formation will be so powerful that even the God Transformation monks will not be able to break into it.

It is safest to place the ancient teleportation array here.

Moreover, this will also be the cave home of Lu Tiandu and other Taoist monks in Tiannan.

The girls had known about this for a long time, so they all started relocating the teleportation array in an orderly manner.

Rebuilding a cross-continental teleportation array is still difficult for Xin Ruyin today, but it is not difficult to just relocate it as it is.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the determination of the transfer coordinates after relocation.

Lu Tiandu has collected a lot of information related to the teleportation array in the Chaotic Star Sea over the years, some of which were obtained from the Miaoyin Sect, some from the treasure troves of Old Monster Yun of the Tianji Sect and other Nascent Soul monks, and some purchased from auctions. .

After all, Xin Ruyin can deploy the teleportation array within a million miles in a few years as long as he has enough time and materials.

After all, the inheritance of Chaos Xinghai in the teleportation array is relatively complete.

As for the teleportation array that exceeds a million miles, if Xin Ruyin can arrange it, everyone can use it when the time comes. Of course, the most important thing is to gain experience in setting up the cross-continental teleportation array.

Teleportation over a million miles requires a teleportation talisman to protect the safety of the person being teleported. Although they do not have a method for refining the teleportation talisman, the refining method for the Great Teleportation Token and the Great Teleportation Talisman is naturally in Feng Xian's inheritance. some.

Of course, in the future, Lu Tiandu can also ask for the secret talisman refining method of teleportation talisman from Xing Gong.

This ancient teleportation array was connected by the ancient monks to the underground spirit stone veins. It took everyone a lot of effort to fully remove it. During this process, Xin Ruyin was also amazed by the abilities of the ancient monks.

According to her estimation, it is really not an easy task to refine such a cross-continental teleportation circle.

Some of the rare materials used to refine this ultra-long-distance teleportation array that spans hundreds of millions of miles are probably rare now, and it is not easy to find replacement materials.

As for the most important refining method, it is unknown whether it is still passed down by some forces.

However, Lu Tian remembers that in the original plot, the Miaoyin Sect that ran to the outer star sea could still use the abandoned ancient teleportation array left behind by Huangming Island in the inner star sea to cross tens of millions of miles to allow Han Li, who was being chased by Feng Xi, to return to the inner star sea. , indicating that the long-distance transmission technology of thousands of miles is still retained in Chaos Xinghai.

If we get this abandoned ancient teleportation array, we might be able to use it after repairing it.

Star Palace has an ancient teleportation array leading to Dajin. If there is information on setting up a cross-continental teleportation array in Luan Xinghai, it must be in Xinggong's hands.

Lu Tiandu was so concerned about the teleportation array that he naturally hoped to build a teleportation array to and from Dajin, so that he could come and go freely.

After all, compared with the small place that stretches more than four million miles across the south, Dajin is the real holy land for cultivating immortals.

A moment later, Lu Tiandu, who put away the ancient teleportation array, and the girls used the magic of turning soil into stone to fill up the deep hole that was about a hundred feet wide and several hundred feet deep after leaving the teleportation array. Put away the Inverted Five Elements Formation and the Five Clouds Locking Space Formation that protect this teleportation formation, put away the girls, and duck out of the mine vein.

After a casual scan, there was nothing unusual except for the disciples of the seven sects guarding the mines. Lu Tiandu flew towards the northwest in a flash.Mingzhou was originally located in the northeast of Yue State, and the cave left by Fengxian was also in the northeast of Yue State, close to Yuanwu State. The distance between the two was only a few thousand miles.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Lu Tiandu traveled thousands of miles and arrived near this cave.

This place still looks like a void, and there is no formation.This is naturally the brilliance of this formation. With Lu Tiandu's spiritual awareness, he could only vaguely notice the difference here.

At this time, this formation had been thoroughly studied by Xin Ruyin. All he had to do was open the formation and enter.

After casually casting a few spells, the void suddenly trembled, and the green wind spread out like water waves. After a moment, a large black hole appeared.

"This formation is indeed extraordinary. If you don't have the pass token or the cultivation level of Empress Yuan, you can't even hope to survive the power of Liuhe Gangsha contained in it!"

Lu Tiandu secretly said as he silently released his spiritual consciousness and felt the blue-black air current flowing through the black hole from time to time.

He has the token in hand, so naturally he won't waste his true energy trying to break through.

Throwing it away, a golden token floated to the top of his head. On the token was engraved a golden winged tiger with spread wings. It was the forbidden token he got from the first golden box in the blood forbidden trial.

After casually casting several spells, the golden token glowed with golden light, and a faint light shield enveloped Lu Tiandu.

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Tiandu had already entered the formation.Just after he entered, the hole in the void disappeared.

Silently feeling the blue-black mist that kept drifting across the sky and some of the palpitating restrictions in the sky, Lu Tiandu became more and more interested in the power of this formation.

At this time, the formation was slowly moving. If Lu Tiandu did not have the token, his cultivation and consciousness would have been suppressed to the Qi refining stage.

The peripheral area of ​​​​this place is very large for Qi Refining Stage disciples, but for today's Lu Tiandu, it only takes a few breaths to cross it.

Passing through the periphery and entering the bronze gate, Lu Tiandu enters the central area.

He had been observing since he first came in, and now he discovered that no one had entered this place for several years.

He secretly calculated that this place was blocked by the six sects for 60 years after the invasion of the demonic way. If the past time is used, it is estimated that the latest forbidden area trial of the seven sects will be in these few months.

Since this place will be his cave in the future, he will naturally not let others in. After the formation here is repaired, these problems will no longer exist.

After flying over the ringed mountain range, Lu Tiandu quickly arrived at the junction of the second and third levels. With the token in his possession at this moment, Lu Tiandu passed through this layer of restrictions and entered the innermost area in a flash.

This was the second time he entered this dense green forest. At a glance, he saw a giant pagoda with a height of [-] feet standing in the center, which was extremely conspicuous.

On the surface of the pagoda, a dense layer of restrictions shone with an inexplicable luster.

After passing through the second and third layers of forbidden light curtains, there are no weird restrictions that suppress cultivation and spiritual consciousness.

"If you want to enter this stone tower, you need the cultivation level and token of Empress Yuan. With my current strength, I can naturally enter, but according to my guess, this place has been wiped out by Nangong Ping!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the stone tower and smiled lightly.

After his relationship with Nangong Ping progressed, he told her that if he broke through to the Yuan Dynasty, he could come here once to collect the inheritance here, including the inheritance of the Great Jin Tianfu Sect, which might be useful to her. thing.

This is Feng Xian's fake cave. Lu Tiandu doesn't know what Feng Xian left behind for those who came after him.After all, Feng Xian did not leave any records in Lingkong Tower.

But compared to the good things he left in his true inheritance, the things here are probably not worth mentioning.

This was one of the reasons why she let Nangong Ping in.But even if he didn't say it, as long as Nangong Ping broke through to the Yuan Empress, he would naturally want to come here to try his luck.

After all, the inheritance left by an ancient god-forming monk is still very attractive to the Yuanhou monks.

His first priority now is naturally to find the center of the formation, control the formation, and then close the many restrictions within it, so that the girls can be released.

At this time, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, he threw out several specially made small cyan flags, surrounding him.

These small flags emitted green light, and when they appeared, they vaguely echoed the restrictions in the void.

This is naturally because these small flags are made according to the refining method in the jade slips that record the information about this formation, and are specially used to help the driver find the location of the main formation eye.

Lu Tiandu didn't care about anything else. He flipped his fingers and struck the six small flags around him one after another with the seals.

After a while, these small flags emitted a strong green light and spun at extremely fast speeds.

With a "Puff" sound, a strong green light enveloped Lu Tiandu, and the six small flags wrapped around Lu Tiandu and sank into the ground in a flash.

After a few breaths, Lu Tiandu suddenly landed in an empty space. The six small flags around him also dimmed their light and were put away by him.

This place is obviously an artificially dug cave, and the walls are covered with many green streams of light. After a brief inspection with his spiritual sense, Lu Tiandu knew that it was some kind of powerful restriction.

"I didn't expect that the formation eye of the "Dutian Liuhe Gangfeng Shensha Formation" is not in the stone tower, but somewhere under the stone tower. When the Lingkong Tower was collected before, it was also thousands of feet underground..."

Lu Tiandu said secretly.If it weren't for these small flags that led him in, it would be really difficult for him to find this place.

The space was not very large, and a huge circular altar emitting cyan light not far ahead soon came into Lu Tiandu's sight.

This round altar is about ten feet high and divided into three floors. They are all paved with fine white jade and are beautiful.Various magic circle runes are scattered around the round altar, emitting a faint light.

On the top floor of the round altar, there are six large flags about ten feet high, which are somewhat similar to the six small flags that Lu Tiandu used when he came in.

"This round altar is the 'formation base' of this ancient formation. It can be called the 'formation disk' according to today's name!"

Lu Tiandu saw this familiar round altar at a glance, and instantly thought of the two white jade round altars that he had found through the guidance of the token.

It's just that this white jade round altar is bigger.

This kind of huge "formation base" can only appear in some ancient formations. Lu Tiandu had seen it before when he dismantled the "Tiangang Locking Yuan Liuhuo Formation" arranged by Tianhuang around the cave, but it was not Not too surprised.

According to his guess, the two white jade round altars he saw back then were probably also one of the auxiliary "formation bases".This will naturally become clear to him after he refines the 'formation eyes' in the formation base.

After flying up and observing around the round altar for a while, Lu Tiandu did not find any sunken position on the top of the round altar, which was slightly different from the previous round altar.

Landing gently in the middle of the round altar, Lu Tiandu took out the jade slip that recorded the formation. After watching it again for a moment, he put away the jade slip and opened his mouth. Several rays of golden-purple rays of light fell on the surrounding six-pole flags. , began to refine these six flags one by one.

These six big flags are six magic weapons, called the "Liuhe Tianfeng Flag". They are one of the keys to arranging the Dutian Liuhe Gangfeng Shensha Formation. They contain one of the ten major divine taboos, the "Dutian Divine Forbidden City". '.

With Lu Tiandu's current level of cultivation, it doesn't take much time to refine these six magic weapons. After all, he only needs to be able to drive them a little.

An hour later, as Lu Tiandu played a series of complicated spells in his hand, the six green flags shook violently and shot out a beam of light in the middle. When these six beams of light gathered together, they turned into a thicker beam of light. In a flash, it shot towards the white jade altar.

"Crack" sound.

The huge white jade round altar suddenly glowed brightly.A stone pillar shining with intense green light gradually emerged on the flat altar surface, and the stone beads were covered with mysterious runes.

After a few breaths, the stone pillar was suspended in the middle of the six-pole flags, reflecting each other's beauty.

"This is the 'formation eye' of this formation. After I refine it, it will not be difficult to arrange this Dutian Liuhe formation elsewhere in the future!"

Looking at this stone pillar that was about ten feet long and as thick as a bucket, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with joy.

This set of ancient formation flags, formation bases, and formation eyes are complete and each is intact. It is a very precious thing in the entire world of immortality today. With this set of formations to protect the sect or cave, you are really not afraid of others knocking on your door. .

Two hours later, Lu Tiandu roughly refined the centerpiece of the formation, and with a wave of his hand, he returned the stone pillar to its place.

"Sure enough, there are four auxiliary formations. It seems that Feng Xian was really concerned about the safety of this cave back then!"

Sitting cross-legged on the round altar, with the help of the formation base and the six Liuhe Tianfeng flags, Lu Tiandu instantly became aware of everything in this cave.

In addition to the three white jade round altars that entered the small medicine garden, there was actually another round altar inside the stone tower.

And underneath this formation, there are actually several mineral veins full of spiritual energy that support the operation of the formation.

After a while, Lu Tiandu opened his eyes and began to adjust the restrictions in the formation according to the driving method passed through the eyes of the stone pillar formation.

In addition to strengthening the outermost protection, many restrictions on internal self-operation have been suspended by both land and sky.

"According to what is said in the jade slip, after this formation is fully activated, it can block the monks in the late stage of divine transformation. I don't know how the consumption of spiritual stones will be after it is fully activated? But even if one-tenth of the power is activated, it will be enough. It's enough to block the monks in the early stages of becoming gods! It's enough in the human world..."

"It's time to go up and let Wan'er and the others come out. The ring mountain range and its surroundings will need to be cleaned up again..."

Lu Tiandu still left the six Liuhe Tianfeng flags on the round altar. With a thought, a hole opened in the top of the cave, and Lu Tiandu used the Earth Escape Technique and disappeared instantly.

"Come on, go in and see!"

After returning to the stone tower and releasing the girls, Lu Tiandu smiled and said, "This will be considered one of our caves from now on. We will build some palaces later..."

Now that all the girls have good cultivation, there is no need to stay in the Yaochi Tower all the time. Traveling more will be of great benefit to them.

Judging from the magical powers they have cultivated over the years and the magic weapons they have with them, it is no problem for the three of them to fight against a Nascent Soul cultivator.

He had already used the round altar in the tower to know that there were no high-value treasures in the stone tower, and there was no trace of the remains of the deceased Tianfu Sect Yuanhou monk.

In this way, it is obvious that Nangong Ping has advanced to the rank of Queen Yuan.

Now, she is the No. 4 monk in Tiannan!Tiandao League No. 1!

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu was a little more happy.

So, after setting up the ancient teleportation array here and settling the girls, it was time for him to go find Nangong Ping...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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