Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 187 Gifts and Homecoming!Thoughts!The enmity of the past!

Chapter 187 Gifts and Homecoming!Thoughts!The enmity of the past! (Please subscribe)

"Hey, there is nothing of high value in this stone tower? Did someone get there first?"

After entering the stone tower, everyone searched from the first floor to the seventh floor. After searching dozens of stone rooms, Nangong Wan said with surprise as he looked at the disappointed girls.

The previous ban on this stone tower required the Yuan Queen's cultivation and a token to enter it. As for the token, the Hidden Moon Sect was the first to get one. During the Blood Forbidden Trial, she and Lu Tian both took away the ink dragon guardian when they were searching for treasures. Later, she learned that her husband also got one, which was the same piece that Lu Tiandu used when he came in.

Is there anyone else who has the token?

This was naturally impossible. She knew from Lu Tiandu that there were only three tokens.

In this way, only a cultivator of the God Transformation would have the strength to break into this place without a token, but the cultivator of the God Transformation Tian Nan has not appeared for tens of thousands of years!

Could it be that……

Thinking of this, Nangong Wan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she looked at Lu Tiandu with a look of surprise. Facing Lu Tiandu's smiling gaze, Nangong Wan blurted out:

"My master has achieved a breakthrough?"

"It should be so!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, "When you get out, just ask a monk and you'll find out!"

"Thank you husband!"

Nangong Wan looked excited and said softly.

"Why should Wan'er see anyone outside? Of course your master is also the person closest to me!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

He hasn't figured out how to tell Nangong Wan about this yet. The prerequisite is naturally that he and Nangong Ping have achieved good things.

Nangong Wan thought that Nangong Ping was able to break through because of the longevity pill given by Lu Tiandu. With this extra sixty years of life, he was able to break through.

After all, when they left, Lu Tiandu had said that if Nangong Ping had not yet broken through when they came back, he would refine a fortune pill for her.

As for whether Nangong Ping can break through after taking the Fortune Pill, Nangong Wan still has some confidence.

Because in addition to the immortality pill refined from the Shouyuan Fruit, there is also a spiritual fruit in the Yaochi Pagoda that can increase the life span of a decade - Jiutian Lingpeach. Taking one can increase the longevity of a decade.

If she couldn't find the Sun Essence Fire that could be refined back into Yang Water in a short period of time, she had heard from Lu Tian before that there was still a Tian Yuan Fruit in Fallen Demon Valley that could increase lifespan for hundreds of years, so she could find a way to make it for her master by then. Come find me.

If that doesn't work, you can also find Zheng, Mo Dao or other people to exchange for life-extending spiritual objects.Therefore, Nangong Ping actually has no longevity crisis.

With these hundreds of years of life and the fact that Lu Tian was able to refine several elixirs to help break through the bottleneck of the Yuan Queen, Nangong Wan was not afraid of the subsequent problems of his master until he left 90 years ago.

But now everything here shows that her master has advanced to a great monk, which makes her even more excited.

"Congratulations to sister Wan'er!"

Hong Fu and other girls also congratulated Nangong Wan with joy when they heard that Nangong Wan's master, Senior Nangong, had advanced to the rank of great monk.

The fourth great monk in Tiannan, and the only female monk, is still very impressive!

"This is our cave in Tiannan next. Let's clean up. Ruyin Xiaomei and I will set up the teleportation array first. Later, when I refine the prohibition token, everyone can return to the sect or go out for travel. Got it!"

Lu Tiandu watched as the girls arranged the next thing.

After things here are settled, the seven girls like Hong Fu, Nangong Wan, Ni Shang, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Lu Tianxuan, and Yan Ruyan all have families and sects, so they will naturally have to go back to Tiannan.

Among them, Hongfu and Nishang still have disciples. Although they both left some resources when they left, they need to inquire about the situation of their disciples now.

Moreover, they now have countless low-level resources in their hands, so they naturally have to take care of their disciples. After all, they are all Nascent Soul masters now, and a small amount of resources on hand can be enough for low-level monks to benefit from for a long time.

Others like Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei need to return to the unknown hill in Yuanwu Kingdom. There is also Xin's mother's tomb there, so they naturally need to remember them.

Sisters Mo Fengwu and Mo Caihuan no longer have any relatives at this time. After all, Yan and Wang have long since remarried to mortals of the Lu family. They only lived a hundred years and died decades ago.

They didn't have many acquaintances in Huang Maple Valley and the Lu family. Now that they had reached the Golden Core stage, there was no need to stay in a small place like Yaochi Tower. Naturally, they would travel with Xin Ruyin.

Counting it all together, they have spent most of these years either practicing in the Yaochi Pagoda or in the Outer Star Sea. Tiannan probably hasn't even taken a good look at the Yue Kingdom.

As for the four girls Gui Nianwei, Gui Nianxin, Yuan Yao and Yanli, they have already learned the language of Tiannan, and will also travel around Tiannan with Xin Ruyin and the Mo sisters.

Although they hope that Lu Tian can accompany them on their travels, after Lu Tian has dealt with the affairs of the Hidden Moon Sect and Yellow Maple Valley, he will go to the far west. It will take a year or two before he has free time. .

Just when Lu Tiandu and others went to install the teleportation array, Nangong Wan also led the girls to clean up the entire stone tower.

In a stone room, Nangong Wanzheng was talking to four girls, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Lu Tianxuan, and Yan Ruyan.

After a while, Nangong Wan took out four storage bags and said with a smile:
"These are many gifts specially prepared by my husband for the four sisters. When the four sisters return to the family, they will not return empty-handed..."

Seeing that the four girls were about to refuse, Nangong Wan continued:

"We can use what our husband has given us over the years. These are the things that my husband told me to give to my four sisters and their families. If they are lucky enough to be able to form pills, don't let the sisters leave any regrets in their hearts..."

"Thank you husband, thank you sister!"

After hearing this, the four girls Chen Qiaoqian felt sweet in their hearts, knowing that Lu Tiandu had taken everything into consideration. They smiled slightly and put away their storage bags without refusing.

"My husband also asked me to tell some younger sisters that even if their parents are unable to form elixirs, they will be given some life-extending elixirs or spiritual fruits so that they can spend their old age peacefully..."

Nangong Wan paused and said again.

Just like Wen Siyue's parents, Lu Tiandu also gave Chen Qiaoqian and others' parents three opportunities to form elixirs. If there are several elixirs that can assist in forming elixirs but fail to form elixirs three times, it can only be said that the opportunity is not enough, and finally he will give some life extension. The elixir will do.

It can be considered that he has fulfilled his responsibility as a son-in-law.

As for the other spiritual wine, elixirs, and materials in the storage bag, they are not very valuable to the eyes of the women, but they are also very valuable in the hands of the Tiannan Golden Pill monks.

One day later, after setting up the teleportation array and testing the coordinates, Lu Tiandu spent half a day refining more than twenty tokens for entering and exiting the cave according to the method of refining the tokens obtained from the formation's eye stone pillar. Distributed to the girls one by one and said:
"I have stored a lot of resources in the Lingkong Stone Tower. You can come back to get them at any time. After you have dealt with the trivial matters, you can come back here to continue practicing. When I finish the things at hand, we will meet here again. …”

After giving some instructions to the girls, everyone left the spiritual cave house and transformed into several rays of light flying towards the north, west and south.

High in the sky, on the Xingling Shenzhou, Lu Tiandu, Nangong Wan, Nishang, and Yan Ruyan were quietly sipping the spirit wine.

It is about [-] to [-] miles from the Lingkong Mansion to the Qiyun Mountains where the Hidden Moon Sect is located. It can be reached in an hour at the speed of Lu Tiandu.

It only takes half a day to ride this flying magic weapon.

"Why don't you ask Senior Nangong if he has advanced to become a great monk on the way?"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the old and comfortable Nangong Wan and said with a smile.

"No need, I believe Master will successfully advance!"

Nangong Wan smiled slightly and said very confidently.Without saying where her confidence came from, she turned to Yan Ruyan and said:
"Yan'er, after you settle down in the sect, I will accompany you to the Yan family of the Red Fire Sect!"

"Well, listen to Master."

Yan Ru smiled sweetly.

Although she hoped from the bottom of her heart that Lu Tian would return to the Yan family with her, but now that her husband had many beauties and her master still had no status, it was naturally difficult for her to speak.

She hasn't been back to the Yan family for a hundred years, and she doesn't know how the Yan family is developing in the Scarlet Fire Sect. Her parents don't know what their current level of cultivation is.If the ancestor of the Yan family saw that his great-great-granddaughter was now in the middle stage of the Golden Core, he would probably be shocked!

After all, she is only 120 years old now!

With her current cultivation level, she will no longer be constrained by her family.

What's more, my master is now also a Yuan Ying monk, and my master is a great Yuan Ying monk!

This time her master accompanied her back to the Yan family, which was equivalent to giving the Yan family a little more confidence in the Red Fire Sect.

Of course, what's more important is the confidence her man gives her.

Thinking of this, Yan Ruyan and Lu Tian looked at each other tenderly, saying nothing.

On the other side, Nishang's thoughts began to ripple in her heart as the Star Spirit Divine Ship got closer and closer to the Qiyun Mountains.

If she hadn't met Lu Tiandu, she would have been just an ordinary dual-spiritual-root pill-forming monk.

Even the previous demonic invasion battle was stressful and cautious for her.

However, since he and Lu Tian expressed his feelings, everything changed with this man.

Needless to say, Lu Tiandu had supported her with various resources during the demonic invasion.

More importantly, she had been excited for several days and still couldn't hide her excitement when she learned that she and Lu Tian had achieved good things, and that she had the opportunity to become a Nascent Soul monk or even advance to the legendary God Transformation.

Thinking of the scene where she secretly laughed excitedly in the cave, she still vividly remembers it now.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed, and she has gone from a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core to a senior expert who has condensed the Nascent Soul and can be called the ancestor.

Thinking of this, Ni Shang's beautiful eyes lit up and she smiled knowingly, becoming more charming and charming.

I don’t know how surprised Master Leng Qingqiu will be this time when he sees her who has condensed her Nascent Soul?

Speaking of which, she had gotten used to getting along with sister Nangong Wan over the years, but she had forgotten that her master was still sister Wan'er's senior sister!

I don’t know if Master has broken through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul?
Even if the master breaks through to the middle stage of Yuanying, I don’t know if it will be possible to advance to the post-Yuan Yuan Great Monk in this life?

Thinking of this, Nishang unconsciously looked at her husband, maybe...

Watching the three women, each with their own thoughts, return to Tiannan, other figures appeared in Lu Tiandu's mind unknowingly.

I don’t know if Master Linghu has already broken through the middle stage of Nascent Soul?
Has Big Fatty Senior Brother Lei Wanhe advanced to the late stage of Golden Elixir?

Li Huayuan, who has a body of three yangs, won't be as unlucky and die early this time as in the original work, right?After all, his spiritual beast, the Silver-armored Horned Python, has also advanced to the fifth level, and is also a rare helper.

Lu Daolin, the eldest elder of the Lu family, has the technique he left behind, even though it is an evil elixir, and the two fifth-level spiritual beasts he left behind should protect the Lu family...

Uncle Lu Yongqing has the resources he left behind and should have formed elixirs as expected.

As for the third elder family leader, Lu Yongxin, he should have reached the false elixir stage as well!
There is also Uncle Thirteen. He has been working hard for a long time after establishing the foundation. I wonder how he is doing now?

Cousin Lu Tianxing also has good qualifications. With the resources he earned for the Lu family during the Demonic War, he probably has no shortage of resources and his cultivation level should be pretty good.

Whether he can form an elixir depends on his chance.

Ever since the little girl Xiao Cui'er became a disciple of Lu Yongqing, he had occasionally seen Xiao Changsheng's face once or twice. After a hundred years, he didn't know where her cultivation level was now?
He knew about Xiao Zhen's foundation building, and he also became the guest elder of the Lu family. This is his limit in this life...

Familiar figures flashed before his eyes. Now that he has become a Nascent Soul monk, he has enough confidence. When he returns to Yellow Maple Valley, he will naturally take care of these acquaintances.

Hey, why did you forget about Old Demon Han?

I think this time there is no Quhun, and the country of Yue is considered stable, so the elixir should be formed faster than in the original plot.


Soon, the Xingling Shenzhou stopped at the Qiyun Mountains where the Yueyue Sect was located in the central part of the Yue Kingdom.

"Hey, are the patrolling monks from our Hidden Moon Sect here?"

Nishang had just put away the Star Spirit Shenzhou, and with a sweep of her consciousness, a pair of white-clothed monks quickly approached them with magic weapons, "Let's go in!"

When the newcomers just recognized Nishang and Nangongwan from their spiritual consciousness, before they could come over, the four of them had already gone straight to the highest peak of Qiyun Mountain Range in a flash.

"This is the return of Master Nishang and Master Nangong!"

A middle-aged foundation-building monk among the visitors looked at the four rays of light that shot towards Lingyin Peak with a surprised look on his face, and said.

"The other extremely beautiful female cultivator in the escape from the light should be Yan Ruyan, the disciple of Uncle Nangong, the Tianlinggen of the Yan family. As expected of the Tianlinggen, she is now a pill-forming cultivator!"

After the middle-aged monk said this, he showed a bit of envy.

"Really? I heard that the two uncles are both rare beauties. It's a pity that I was still a Qi Refining disciple before, so I didn't have the opportunity to meet these two uncles! Uncle Nishang is indeed extremely beautiful, and he is indeed the one in our eyes. Fairy! I think the one wearing the veil is Master Nangong, but it’s a pity that I didn’t get to see Master Nangong’s true face!”

Another younger Foundation Establishment cultivator also had a look of surprise on his face and kept looking into the distance, "This is the first time I've heard of this, Master Yan. Sure enough, they are all the proud girls of heaven. Are they coming back from traveling outside?" "

"It should be. I heard that the two uncles have not appeared in the past hundred years!"

The middle-aged monk looked sad.

"Did you just see clearly the only man among the four?"

At this time, a white-haired old man among the crowd paused for a moment, stared in the direction where Lu Tiandu and others left, and said hesitantly.

"What's wrong? Senior Brother Zhang knows that person?"

The younger Foundation Establishment monk saw the expression of Senior Brother Zhang who was in the late Foundation Establishment stage and said that he also became curious about the man who could travel with the two fairy uncles in his heart.

Such a young golden elixir monk is such a talented young man who doesn’t know where he came from.

"It turned out to be him! I didn't expect that he would have formed a pill after not seeing him for a hundred years!"

At this time, the middle-aged white-clothed monk who was in the middle stage of foundation building looked back and suddenly exclaimed. He looked at the white-haired old man and said word by word:

"Lu! Tian! Capital!"

"Yes, Huang Maple Valley Wind Spirit Root, which once frightened countless demonic path-building monks on the battlefield of Liusha River, has disappeared for more than a hundred years. I didn't expect that he is still alive, and now he is back!"

The white-haired old man also sighed.

"What, he is Xiao Changsheng and Lu Tiandu, the two geniuses of our Yue Kingdom in the Demonic War? I heard that he killed the young master of the Ghost Spirit Sect for a woman, and was finally killed by the late Demonic Golden Pill The monks were chasing him, but they were nowhere to be found..."

The young monk at the early stage of foundation building said in surprise.

"I heard that a few years ago, Lu Daolin, the great elder of the Lu family in Yellow Maple Valley, was killed by someone in the early stage of Jindan. It was done by demonic monks in revenge for the disappearance of Lu Tiandu. Is it true?"

"There are many rumors, and no one knows whether they are true or not. But now that Lu Tian, ​​who is only in the elixir-forming stage, has shown up, I am afraid that the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect will not let him go..."

"The revenge of killing my son...I don't know if Lu Tiandu, the genius, can escape..."

The white-haired old man let out a long sigh.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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