Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 188 Goodbye Nangong Ping!Create a trading mecca!Tianfu Sect inheritance!

Chapter 188 Goodbye Nangong Ping!Create a trading mecca!Tianfu Sect inheritance! (Please subscribe)

Lingyin Peak.

As soon as the four people in Lu Tiandu came out of hiding, a beautiful female cultivator in white came forward, bowed respectfully to the four people, and said with a smile:
"Liang Qing'er has met the two senior uncles, met... Senior Lu, congratulations to Junior Sister Yan for forming the elixir! The Great Elder is currently meeting with several seniors in the alliance at the Sunset Palace. He just sent a message asking me to accompany the senior uncles first in the Taihua Palace. Sit still for a moment..."

The golden elixir stage female cultivator suppressed the shock in her heart while speaking.

It turns out that the "Fellow Daoist Lu" mentioned by the great elder is actually Lu Tiandu who has disappeared for more than a hundred years. The Lu Tiandu who was once famous among the low-level monks of the Five Kingdoms!

Once she saw clearly the true appearance of Lu Tiandu, the "comrade Lu Dao" mentioned by the great elder, she almost shouted the wrong title in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to form a pill after not seeing Qing'er for all these years! Congratulations to you!"

Nangong Wan looked at the beautiful Xiu in front of her and smiled slightly.Nishang also smiled sweetly and praised.Yan Ruyan also called Senior Sister Juliang with a smile.

"Master uncle is ridiculous!"

The beautiful woman shook her head slightly, and a pair of clear eyes swept over Lu Tiandu without leaving a trace, "Uncle Nangong has been condensing the Nascent Soul for more than 200 years, and Master Nishang has been the master of the Nascent Soul for more than [-] years. It is for us juniors to learn from it." example..."

"Hehe, you must have recognized it. Although we have some opportunities, we are still far behind the 'Senior Lu' you mentioned!"

Nishang looked at Liang Qing'er who kept peeking at Lu Tiandu, smiled sweetly, and joked.

"What? Fairy Liang seems a bit unfamiliar when we meet this time!"

At this time, Lu Tiandu looked at Liang Qing'er and laughed.

This Liang Qing'er had met Lu Tian several times on the battlefield of Liusha River. She was also a member of the younger generation of Baiyue Sect who was very famous at that time. Unexpectedly, when they met this time, she had already reached the peak of the early stage of Jindan. .

"Senior Lu is really too shocked! Qing'er just came back to her senses."

Liang Qing'er no longer concealed her surprise at this time, and her beautiful eyes kept looking at Lu Tiandu's face, which had not changed at all in more than a hundred years, and said:
"It has taken more than a hundred years to advance to the level of Nascent Soul. I am afraid that only some senior masters from thousands of years ago can be so amazing. Senior Lu's talent is so amazing that it is really enviable!"

Speaking of the latter part, Liang Qing'er's tone became more envious.

In total, she is nearly 20 years older than Lu Tian. She is basically a monk of the same age. She has had many opportunities to achieve such cultivation over the years. Now, compared with Lu Tian, ​​it really makes people feel bitter.

More than a hundred years ago, the name of Lu Tiandu was widely spread among the five countries. Now that he has returned as the Nascent Soul, his name will probably be spread throughout Tiannan!
A Nascent Soul monk who is over 100 years old has probably not appeared in the Tiannan Immortal World for thousands of years!

Looking at how close Master Nangong and Master Nishang are to him, it’s really enviable!

"Okay, let's go to Taihua Palace to wait for Master!"

After everyone chatted for a while, Nangong Wan spoke.

She was really in a good mood at this moment. After listening to Liang Qing'er's words, she knew that her guess was correct. Sure enough, her master had advanced to the rank of great monk.

Only in this way, as the only great monk of the Tiandao Alliance, will he be visited by other Tiandao Alliance monks.

After all, although the Hidden Moon Sect was also one of the earliest proponents of the founding of the Tiandao Alliance, it represented the Yue Kingdom and joined the Tiandao Alliance Presbyterian Council, and also occupied the only three fixed seats in the Presbyterian Council.

If the master hadn't advanced to become a great monk, I'm afraid that if there were important matters within the alliance, it would be his master who would go to the Luanming Sect to negotiate, rather than someone else coming to the Yanyue Sect.

A hundred years ago, the Hidden Moon Sect ranked among the top five in strength among the sects in the Tiandao Alliance with its first, third, and fourth Nascent Soul monks.

Once the Master advances to the Yuan Empress, he will definitely be able to overtake the Luanming Sect, which has two, three, and five Nascent Soul monks in the early stages. The shift in the center of power of the Tiandao Alliance will naturally follow.

Now, with her and Nishang, the two newly promoted Nascent Soul cultivators, the Hidden Moon Sect's status in the Tiandao Alliance may be even more prosperous.

Master's life-long belief, apart from pursuing the legendary realm of divine transformation, is to develop the Hidden Moon Sect into one of the most powerful forces in the south. Now this wish can be regarded as fulfilled.

Thinking of this, Nangong Wan was also very happy for her master.

The group of people came to Taihua Palace, and after Liang Qing'er greeted the maid to serve the spiritual tea, everyone started chatting again.

Lu Tiandu has been here many times before, and even the inner hall at the back has been with Nangong Ping several times, so he is very familiar with it.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu sensed several rays of light flying away from Lingyin Peak, and suddenly a figure flashed in the Taihua Palace, revealing the figure of a beautiful woman in white palace clothes.

As soon as this graceful figure appeared in the hall, Lu Tiandu felt a gaze full of longing and a bit of resentment fall on him.

"Ping'er, do you miss me? My husband misses you!"

Lu Tiandu moved his lips slightly, looking at the charming and noble figure in the hall, and meeting those touching phoenix eyes. Their eyes met, and the two of them naturally knew the affection in it. bright.

"Hmph! I promised you that within a hundred years, you are absolutely right! You don't want to come back to see me earlier!"

Nangong Ping snorted coldly, looking at the man who thought about it day and night, feeling happy and slightly resentful in his heart, he also said the same message.

"Ah, Master, you are here!"

At this moment, Nangong Wan saw the figure clearly in the middle of the hall, stood up instantly, and fell into Nangong Ping's plump arms.

Nangong Ping and Lu Tiandu both have strong spiritual consciousness, so the sound transmission between the two will naturally not be noticed by Nangong Wan and Ni Chang. At this moment, looking at the good disciple who has fallen into his arms, Nangong Ping retracts his eyes from Lu Tiandu without leaving a trace. Guang patted Nangong Wan's jade back, chuckled, and said with a bit of blame:

"You still know how to come back? You haven't come here to see your master for so many years! It's true that having a man has left your master far behind..."

"Hehe, aren't you busy with retreating and making breakthroughs?"

Nangong Wan let out a squeak, left Nangong Ping's arms, and pulled her master's arm with a look of joy, "And I know that master will definitely break through the Yuan Empress..."

"What? Are you so confident in being a teacher?"

Nangong Ping's mind moved and he asked with a smile.

"Hehe, I am so confident in Master!" Nangong Wanjiao smiled and raised her head, "Now it seems that Master is indeed as expected as I expected!"

"Hmph, play smart!"

Nangong Ping stretched out his green jade fingers and tapped Nangong Wan's snow-white forehead.

She originally thought that her disciple knew about her advancement from Lu Tiandu because Lu Tiandu had given her the Good Fortune Pill early and guessed the relationship between the two. But from what her disciple said, she knew that Wan'er didn't know that she and she were related. The relationship between Lu Tiandu.

"Qing'er, go down and practice!"

At this moment, Nangong Ping glanced at Liang Qing'er and smiled slightly.

"Yes, Great Elder."

Liang Qing'er knew that several people had something to talk about, so she saluted the others and left Taihua Hall.

"Nishang (Ruyan) has met the master! Congratulations to the master for becoming a great monk!"

At this moment, Nishang and Yan Ruyan also smiled slightly and stepped forward to greet them.

"I have seen fellow Taoist Nangong in heaven! Congratulations to fellow Taoist for breaking through the bottleneck and looking forward to a long life!"

Lu Tiandu also pretended and stepped forward to salute.Zhengda Guangming looked down on Nangong Ping.

Now that he is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, there is no need to call him senior in person.

There is still no difference from the memory in my mind, but now he looks a few years younger, more than thirty years old.

Her black hair is spread freely, her fair and plump forehead is tied with a white jade tie, and a drop of jasper hangs between her eyebrows. Against the backdrop of her snow-white skin, her slender eyebrows make her look even more charming.

A pair of beautiful eyes are charming and touching. Under the eyes, a white veil blocks other parts.All in all, Lu Tiandu is the only man who has seen her true face.

The slender white jade neck and the perfect collarbone connect the two plump and round jade peaks. Lu Tiandu loves this pair of gifts very much.

Willow's slender waist is not too tight to hold, and the round buttocks wrapped in the slim-fitting white palace dress are even more attractive. Together with the two strong long legs that give people endless reverie, it is really charming. , extremely enchanting and charming.

Moreover, compared with Nangong Ping's charming and charming temperament in his memory, there was a bit more noble and majestic demeanor, which made Lu Tiandu appreciate it more carefully.

Hearing Lu Tiandu call her fellow Taoist, Nangong Ping also smiled inwardly. Since they are fellow Taoists, they can naturally be friends with each other as equals.

Wan'er and the others can just talk about it.

Looking up and down with Lu Tiandu's scorching eyes, Nangong Ping not only didn't get angry, but straightened up a little, and the hot scenes between the two 90 years ago flashed through his mind.

Unknowingly, Nangong Ping's fair face under the veil had several red clouds flying on it, and her delicate body was inexplicably a little hotter. She glanced at Lu Tiandu with a charming look, suppressing the fear in her heart. He moved, looked at the three women and smiled gently:

"I didn't expect that in less than a hundred years, the two of you would become Nascent Souls. I was really surprised!"

After a pause, Nangong Ping said with a bit of excitement in his tone:
"Given your opportunity, it will not be difficult to advance to the rank of Queen Yuan in the future! Ru Yan is now in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and her talent is really good! It seems that I, the Hidden Moon Sect, have a great chance of success!"

When she was in the Sunset Palace, she found Lu Tiandu and the other three who had restrained their auras. She was still very shocked that the three of them had condensed into infants so quickly. However, when she thought of the Immortality Pill and Good Luck Pill that Lu Tiandu had given her, she was also shocked. Take it for granted.

After all, since Lu Tiandu could give her the cherished elixir, he thought it would be a great opportunity.

For the three girls to have such achievements, I am afraid that Lu Tiandu’s help is indispensable.

This time, I saw that even Ruyan had lost her Yuan Yin. It seemed that she was taking advantage of this bad guy Lu Tiandu!
His disciples and grandsons were all harmed by this guy, and even he secretly agreed...

While sighing secretly, Nangong Ping felt a little bit jealous that his young disciple and Ni Chang could meet Lu Tiandu so early.

But she soon suppressed these thoughts. What should be hers will naturally be hers!After Nangong Ping finished talking about the three women, he looked at Lu Tiandu again, chuckled lightly, looked directly into Lu Tiandu's warm eyes with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said with a smile:
"When I first saw Tiandu, I felt that Tiandu was extraordinary. Now that you are at such an age and have such a level of cultivation, it seems that it will fall on you to break the shackles of Tiannan who has not been able to transform into gods for more than ten thousand years. Got it!"

She did not compare herself to Master Cang Kun, who conquered Tiannan's world of immortality 5000 years ago, because she believed that the man she fell in love with would definitely be the god-transforming monk who dominated Tiannan in the future!

"Haha, borrow some good advice from fellow Taoist fellow Taoist!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and didn't say anything modest.It is only a matter of time for him to become a god.

After listening to her husband discussing friendship with his master, Nangong Wan secretly glanced at Lu Tiandu, but didn't say much.

Regarding Nangong Ping's comments, Nangong Wan and Nishang looked at each other and agreed with each other. It was difficult to explain things like Yin Yang Fruit clearly. Nangong Wan smiled lightly and said:

"This time we went to a world of cultivating immortals outside Tiannan, where we got a lot of opportunities... and some of the opportunities we got before Tiandu. We advanced to Nascent Soul in just a few decades. We will wait for the future Master is free, let’s go there and have a tour together..."

"Oh, did you go to Dajin?"

Nangong Ping became a little curious.After all, the only holy land for cultivating immortals spread among the high-ranking monks in Tiannan was the legendary Great Jin.

However, Dajin and Tiannan are far apart from the Mulan Grassland, and there are more powerful Tutu people to the south. Even the great monks of the Yuan Dynasty would have to cross the grassland for several years. They also have to guard against the grassland people they encounter along the way. Naturally, there were very few Tiannan monks who traveled during the Jin Dynasty.

"This is not true, it is a world of immortality called 'Chaotic Star Sea'..."

Nangong Wan carefully introduced various situations in Chaotic Star Sea to her master, briefly interspersing some of everyone's experiences.

Lu Tiandu didn't ask her to hide Nangong Ping from this teleportation formation, so Nangong Wan didn't have any scruples.

The more Nangong Ping listened, the brighter his eyes became, and he sighed:
"Such a maritime world of immortality is very different from our land-based world of immortality. I heard that the Five Dragon Sea also belongs to this kind of world in the records. There are many monsters and beasts in the sea, and the human race only occupies a corner of the land..."

"I think I discovered that ancient teleportation array when Tiandu was building the foundation. I remember that after meeting you for the first time, Wan'er brought back a lot of fifth-level demon pills and a lot of demon beast materials..."

Lu Tiandu nodded and said:


"The size of this chaotic star sea is probably dozens of times that of Tiannan. There are countless monsters in the alien sea, and it is precisely because of the various elixirs refined from the inner elixirs of many fifth- and sixth-level monsters that we have been able to Only then did I get through the cultivation period of the elixir formation period faster..."

The seventh-level demon elixir is also a precious resource in Chaotic Star Sea. After all, the elixirs refined with the seventh-level demon elixir are useful to the early Yuanying monks.

Ordinary Yuanchu monks would have to spend some effort to kill a seventh-level monster cultivator. As for the eighth-level monster, it was several points stronger than the Yuanchu monks at the same level.

It's not an easy thing to kill.

"In this way, this Sea of ​​Chaos Stars is really a treasure land for the Golden Pill cultivators! Moreover, many intermediate-level pills can be refined with fifth- and sixth-level demon pills, which is great news for the cultivators in the Tiannan Immortal World!"

Nangong Ping nodded and his beautiful eyes lit up, "Now that we have mastered the only channel connecting the two immortal worlds, we can exchange what we have, buy low and sell high, but we can do a lot!"

Nishang smiled sweetly and said:

"Hehe, Master and Tian both thought of the same thing!"

"This time we came back with a large amount of fifth- and sixth-level demon elixirs, various elixir prescriptions, countless demonic beast materials, and sea specialties, and we are planning to earn a lot of cultivation resources through our Moon Covering Sect's auction..."

"Moreover, Tiandu has controlled a business power in Luan Xing Sea. At that time, we can also resell our Tiannan's various specialties to Luan Xing Sea. By going back and forth, we can earn several times the amount of spiritual stones. In the future, we will There will no longer be a shortage of cultivation resources!" Nangong Wanye said with a brisk expression.

"What a good idea! And what you don't know is that after I advanced to the great monk in these years, our Banyue Sect's city, Tianyue City, has also expanded several times, and it is not well-known in the Tiandao League. With the things you brought back With various resources, it is only a matter of time before Tianyue City becomes the largest trading holy place in the Tiandao Alliance..."

Nangong Ping put his palms together and chuckled, then said regretfully:

"It's a pity that you didn't come back more than ten years earlier. The once-in-a-century trade fair in Tiannan was just held in Tiantian City of the Nine-Nation Alliance more than ten years ago. Previously, such a grand event had been held alternately by the good and the evil."

"It is precisely because of the previous invasion of the Righteous Demonic Way that our Tiandao Alliance and the Nine Nations Alliance did not trust the Righteous Demonic Way. This is the first time we have changed to the neutral Nine Nations Alliance. In such a grand event, these rare things are absolutely Can be sold at a high price..."

"No need to regret it!" Lu Tiandu said with a faint smile.

"This large-scale trade event occurs once every hundred years, and it is mainly aimed at high-level monks. If we develop Tianyue City into the Tiandao Alliance's largest trading holy land through a large amount of resources from the Chaotic Star Sea, and then attract some high-level monks from other forces to participate, to It’s only a matter of time before you make a lot of money!”

"Tiandu is right. If Tianyue City is developed and the resources of more than [-] countries of the Tiandao Alliance are brought together, it will be absolutely unimaginable!" Nangong Ping nodded, "Then it will be very important for our entire Yue Kingdom to cultivate immortals. It’s of great benefit!”

"I wonder how long it will be until the next trade fair of the Hidden Moon Sect?"

"In more than four years, the Hidden Moon Sect's large-scale auction will be held every 20 years."

"Then we have to publicize it well in advance!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

"As long as we sell the demon elixir recipes in our hands at low prices in the name of ancient prescriptions, and then let out the news, there will be a large number of fifth- and sixth-level demon elixirs and many demon beast materials in the auction in Tianyue City four years later, which will definitely make people Many foundation-building and pill-forming monks in the Tiandao Alliance are going crazy..."

"I'm afraid it's more than that." Nangong Ping smiled.

"Level [-] and [-] demon pills are very precious to some Nascent Soul cultivators who are in urgent need. As long as the news is confirmed to be true, I'm afraid many old monsters will appear this time!"

"In this way, we can make Tianyue City famous in one shot!"

Lu Tiandu also reacted.

The various demon pills that are common in the Chaotic Star Sea are also rare and good things in Tiannan. You can occasionally encounter level five demon pills, but level six demon pills are very rare, let alone level seven demon pills.

Everyone was talking about how to use the resources of Luan Xinghai to develop Tianyue City, the future trading holy place in Tiannan.

More than an hour later, after confirming the rough plan, Nangong Wan remembered something and asked again:
"Master, are there the remains of a certain monk from the Tianfu Sect among the inheritance in the Seven Sects' Trial Stone Tower?"

"Hey, how did you know?" Nangong glanced at Lu Tiandu's helpless eyes and said slightly surprised.

"Sixty years ago, as soon as I advanced to the Yuan Empress level, I took the token and entered the cave. From that Lingkong Stone Tower, I got a lot of ancient treasures, some skills, precious materials, etc. There are elixirs useful to monks..."

"One of the remains was found in a ban on the fifth floor. This person should also be of the cultivation level of Empress Yuan. Unfortunately, he did not have a pass token and was eventually killed by the ban. In the high-end storage bag he left behind , discovered a Talisman inheritance called "Tianfu Treasure Book", and then realized that this person should be a Supreme Elder from the Tianfu Sect of Jin Dynasty thousands of years ago..."

"Moreover, in addition to several powerful treasures, this person also left behind a profound and secret talisman called the 'Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman', which is quite strange and its power is truly unexpected. The more I study these years, The more I feel that the 'Zhenren Tianfu' who founded the Tianfu Sect tens of thousands of years ago is unfathomable, and he is worthy of being the god-transformation monk who once shocked the Jin Dynasty!"

After Nangong Ping finished speaking, he flipped through the pages and found a book that looked like it was made of silver and a silver talisman wrapped in a ball of six-color luminous light. It shone with brilliance and looked mysterious.

"Is this the most magical Six-Ding Tianjia Talisman among the three secret talismans of Tianfu Sect? It looks a little different from ordinary talismans!"

Nangong Wan twisted the silver talisman and looked at it. After a moment, she explained Nangong Ping's previous question:
"This Lingkong Stone Tower is one of the inheritances left by the ancient god-forming monk Feng Xian. Tiandu also got one of them, and only then did he know many things..."

"I see!"

Nangong Ping nodded and did not ask further questions.After all, the more you ask, the more loopholes there will be.

They all knew that Lu Tiandu had not entered there but they knew that there were the remains of Tianfu Sect monks there. This involved some secrets of Lu Tiandu, which was difficult to explain.

"Disciple, you can try the power of this secret talisman and you will know the beauty of it. Unfortunately, I have been studying the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor technique in drawing this secret talisman for many years without making any progress!"

Nangong Ping missed this topic, pointed at the silver talisman, and said the formula to open this talisman again.

At this moment, even Lu Tiandu and Nishang looked at Nangong Wan with curiosity. After all, powerful secret talismans were very rare in the world of immortality. Having a complete talisman here could also open everyone's eyes.

Nangong Wan casually kept the silver talisman in the air, clasped it with her fingers, and the pleasant sound of the spell reached everyone's ears.

In the blink of an eye, the silver talisman floating in front of Nangong Wan turned around and suddenly turned into a silver light and rushed towards Nangong Wan. A layer of silvery light suddenly appeared.

The silver light flashed wildly on the mask, followed by a rumbling sound.

After a few breaths, the loud noise continued continuously, and even the entire hall was filled with this sound. The colorful spiritual energy in the air was attracted by the vibration, becoming more and more dense, and rushing towards Nangong Wan like all the currents returning to the sea. And left, disappearing into the silver light shield in the blink of an eye.

The silver mask began to change, and layers of light curtains condensed on Nangong Wan's body, with different colors and dazzling aura.

After a moment, a six-layered mask with clear boundaries suddenly took shape. It transformed into a six-color armor in an instant. The runes inside were looming and stuck tightly to Nangong Wan's body. The bright aura continued to flow. Extraordinarily eye-catching.

"What a powerful defense!"

Feeling the amazing defensive power of this six-color armor, Lu Tiandu also looked shocked.

In his perception, if he wants to break this defense, it is still unknown whether he can break it through various means.

At this moment, Nangong Wan should have only inspired [-]% or [-]% of the power of this talisman. According to Lu Tiandu's induction, it has exceeded the power of the Nascent Soul stage.

Perhaps it is equivalent to the defense force deployed by the cultivator of the gods. After all, when Nangong Wan activated the Six-Ding Tianjia Talisman just now, he did not rely on his own magic power like activating ordinary talismans. Instead, he attracted the nearby aura of heaven and earth to form a defense.

As for driving the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, this is a method that only monks who transform into gods have!

In this case, this Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman was probably drawn by the earliest Tianfu Master or the later Tianfu Sect's God-Transforming Monk!
"Moreover, the most important thing is the Liuding Tianjia technique for drawing this talisman. If you want to successfully draw this talisman, you must first learn this advanced spell! As for the carrier that carries this spell, it may not be difficult to solve!"

Looking at this talisman, Lu Tian's thoughts were racing and his heart was agitated.

How much defensive ancient treasure is this defensive talisman worth?

If he could draw numerous Six Tin Heavenly Armor Talisman, wouldn't he and the other beauties be invincible in the human world?In other words, even if they stand and get beaten, others may not be able to break their shield.

After all, as long as the Six Tin Heavenly Armor Talisman can be refined, anyone can use it.The power of the talisman depends on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The denser the spiritual energy, the more amazing the power of the talisman.

Of course, the ultimate power of the talisman is also related to the cultivation level of the person who drew the talisman!

Even so, it is the most rare treasure talisman in the human world!
(In the original work, there is no method for refining the Six-Ding Tianjia Talisman among the skeletons in the Great Jin Tianfu Gate and the Stone Tower, and it must have been lost. It has been rewritten directly here, and there is no need to open other copies later to find the refining method of this talisman. It’s law.)
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 200 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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