Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 189 Two great secret techniques!Nangong’s gift!Leng Qingqiu was surprised!Take away Nangong

Chapter 189 Two secret techniques!Nangong’s gift!Leng Qingqiu was surprised!Take away Nangong Ping! (Please subscribe)
"How's it going? This Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman is quite powerful, isn't it?"

Looking at the four people with shocked faces, Nangong Ping smiled slightly and said.

"In my perception, the six-color armor formed by this secret talisman has stronger defense than the several ancient treasures in my hand. Has Master tried the power of this secret talisman?"

Nishang stepped forward and touched Nangong Wan's smooth and gorgeous six-color armor, then looked back and asked Nangong Ping.

After hearing this, Nangong Ping said nothing and looked at Lu Tiandu.

"Sister Nishang, you have underestimated this Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman!" Lu Tiandu said with a smile.

"Even if Wan'er only inspired [-]% or [-]% of the power, I'm afraid the defensive power it generates cannot be broken by the Yuanhou monks. After all, the power of this secret talisman is based on the amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy it absorbs, and it is different from the monks. It doesn’t matter how much mana is injected, but being able to mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a method only available to god-transforming monks..."

"I see!"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's explanation, Nishang, Nangong Wan and Yan Ruyan next to them looked suddenly enlightened and became more and more interested in this secret talisman.

At this time, Nangong Wansu clapped her hands, and the six-color armor on her body suddenly turned into a silver talisman wrapped in six-color fluorescence, and handed it to others to watch.

"It's a pity that I only got this talisman!" Nangong Wan said with some regret.

"What? You're lucky to get one of these secret talismans. How much more do you want?" Nangong Ping said angrily after hearing what his disciple said.

"If it weren't for the fact that the stone tower had been banned everywhere and the spiritual energy inside it was limited, the monk from the Tianfu Sect could not hold on to this talisman for long before it expired and was banned and killed. I am afraid that all the treasures in it would have been destroyed by the sky. This person from Fumen took it away..."

"Hehe, Master, you said that you have not been able to understand the Six Ding Heavenly Armor Technique in this secret talisman for so many years. I know how difficult this secret technique is, so I thought that if I could get a few more secret talismans, then Our safety in the world of cultivating immortals has been greatly improved!"

Nangong Wan smiled tenderly and pulled Nangong Ping's hand.Suddenly his heart moved, and he turned to Lu Tiandu and said:

"Tian Duqian is extremely talented in magic and drawing talismans. If any of us can understand this secret technique, it may only be you! By then, we may be able to refine many such secret talismans... "

"No, even if I can understand the secret technique of the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor, with my current cultivation level, I can only refine the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman that can resist the attack of the Yuanhou monks. This defensive power is equivalent to the continuous protection laid down by the monks of the Transformation God. I am afraid that the talisman that covers the spell requires the cultivation of a god to refine it..."

Lu Tiandu turned to the page in the "Book of Heavenly Talisman" that recorded the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman and handed it to Nangong Wan.

He remembered that in the original plot, when Old Demon Han was smuggling at the peak of his early transformation into a god, he valued the secret talisman Nangong Wande obtained from the stone tower. At that time, Old Demon Han had a lot of treasures, including several heavenly spiritual treasures. He valued this talisman. In terms of defensive power, you know that the defensive power of this talisman when fully used is definitely far beyond the initial stage of divine transformation.

However, due to the influence of the space storm after entering the node, the thickness of the spiritual energy in the void between the two realms must be different. It may be difficult for this secret talisman, whose power is determined by the intensity of the spiritual energy, to exert its full power.

"Tiandu is right. If you want to refine such a powerful talisman, you probably really need to have the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage!" Nangong Ping nodded and agreed.

"But if we can refine the Liuding Heavenly Armor Talisman with the power of the Yuan Empress, it will also be an incredible treasure in the human world!"

After a pause, Nangong Ping said again:
"However, the three secret talismans created by Master Tian Fu today are very different from the talisman paper used in ordinary talismans. If the junior and intermediate talismans are made of talisman paper made of spiritual wood, spiritual bamboo, and spiritual grass combined with the blood of monsters, it will However, even for some high-level talismans, at most some rare monster spirit skins can be used instead of talisman paper..."

"But the talismans used in these three secret talismans need to be specially refined. I have collected some materials over the years, but I still lack some key precious materials, such as the souls of the demon cultivators who need to refine the spirit-dropping talisman. There are no traces of such transformed monsters in Nan long time ago. Even in the Chaotic Star Sea that you have been to, I am afraid that such existences cannot be killed by ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators..."

"That's true. Level eight monsters are treasured everywhere. Killing an eighth level monster just to refine this spirit talisman is not worth the loss." Lu Tiandu nodded.

"Even if this attack talisman is refined, it is only to increase part of the strength with the help of the demon soul on the basis of the original strength. The more times it is used, the extent of the increase is even more limited. If there is such a way to kill the shape-shifting demon at will Xiu’s strength is more useful than refining such a talisman to subdue such monsters and adopt them as spiritual beasts!”

"Indeed, the success rate of refining this kind of secret talisman is probably very low. If you can meet this kind of demon cultivator, it will not be a problem to subdue it and accept it as a spiritual beast, sign a contract, and inherit the sect for tens of thousands of years."

Nangong Ping also looked in agreement.

After all, the seventh-level demon cultivator has already begun to have wisdom.An eighth-level demon cultivator has the same intelligence as a normal cultivator, and his lifespan is more than ten times that of a human cultivator. There is no problem in being worshiped by a sect.

An eighth-level demon cultivator. There is no such spirit beast in the Spirit Beast Mountain in Tiannan, which is famous for its beast control.

At this time, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said:

"Not to mention this spirit-subduing talisman, it is just a product of the ancient magic secret technique of 'enchantment' to eliminate some of its sequelae, and it is not very clever. The Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman and the Spirit-Transforming Talisman have many merits and are worthy of attention..."

"As for the refining materials for the Six Tin Heavenly Armor Talisman and the Spirit-Transforming Talisman, I can gather them here. Once we understand the secrets inside, it will not be difficult to refine some as a secret card for the box. Especially this Spirit-Transforming Talisman, Like a magic weapon, it can be incorporated into the Dantian and cultivated day and night by monks above the Golden Core level. After it is completed, it will have wonderful uses, and it is also a rare thing that can avert disasters and save lives..."

"It seems that you have really had great opportunities over the years!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Nangong Ping was still a little surprised.I'm afraid Lu Tiandu's real net worth is far beyond her expectation!

Nangong Wan and the three girls have also read through the information about these three talismans in the "Tianfu Treasure Book" at this moment. The three girls naturally know that the treasure house in the Yaochi Tower is probably the richest in the entire human world.

Not to mention the various precious materials needed to refine the talismans of these two talismans, the Tianyi Zhen water and the spiritual eye tree alcohol liquid needed to draw these two secret talismans are not something that ordinary people can use. Complete collection.

"It's just a small chance!" Lu Tiandu chuckled.

"According to my judgment, the secret technique of the Spirit Transformation Talisman, the Spirit Transformation Technique, is somewhat similar to the Tribulation Transformation Technique secretly taught in the demonic path. However, compared with the damage caused by the Tribulation Transformation Technique to the limbs, the Spirit Transformation Technique Although Dafa has also greatly damaged our vitality, relatively speaking, the losses have been much smaller."

"Furthermore, this Master Tian Fu should have referred to the secret method of refining the calamity dolls taught by ancient demons, and then created a secret talisman like the 'Spirit Transformation Talisman'. He is indeed a highly talented person!"

"Hua Jie Doll? Is it a stand-in puppet?"

Nangong Ping said with a thought.

The Yanyue Sect was originally from the Hehuan Sect of the Demonic Path, and she also understood and recorded many secret techniques of the Demonic Path. Although she had never seen the complete calamity-resolving method, she heard from Lu Tiandu that the spirit-transforming talisman had the effect of surrogate death. Comparing the secret talisman and the "Hua Jie Doll" together, I instantly understood.

"Indeed, it is true. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find one of the rare spiritual trees called the 'Blood Jade Spirit Wood' used to refine the calamity dolls, so I have never been able to refine the calamity dolls."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and after speaking, he turned out a jade slip and handed it to Nangong Ping, saying:
"This contains the secrets of the Tribulation Transformation Technique and the refining method of the Tribulation Transformation Doll. Fellow Taoist Nangong can also learn about it, and it will also provide some inspiration for understanding the Spirit Transformation Technique..."

"Hearing what you say, I'm going to learn more about this secret technique!"

Nangong Ping chuckled, took the jade slip and looked at it.

Over the years, she has naturally been very interested in these three secret talismans, but she has never been able to get in.Now we may be able to make some progress in the practice of Spirit Transformation.

Although Lu Tiandu has only been exposed to the "Tianfu Treasure Book" for a short time, he has many inheritances left by Feng Xian and various opportunities over the years, and his knowledge is really beyond the comparison of ordinary monks.

After simply reading the records of the three secret talismans in the Heavenly Talisman Book, and combined with his previous understanding of the magic secret technique of reducing calamity, he discovered the similarities between the two.

Among these three secret talismans, the core of the Liuding Heavenly Armor Talisman and the Spirit Transformation Talisman are two secret arts, while the core of the Spirit Subduing Talisman is the spirit of the transformed monster beast.

Therefore, if you want to make the Liuding Tianjia Talisman and the Spirit Transformation Talisman, you must first learn these two secret techniques. After that, you only need to refine the talisman body, prepare the spiritual liquid, and then pass the talisman drawing skills, and then you can try to seal these two secret techniques. into the body of the talisman to create this rare secret talisman.

However, the failure rate in drawing such high-level secret talismans is naturally very high. If you accidentally refine the talisman and prepare the precious cinnabar spirit liquid, you may not be able to refine one.

Without huge financial support, it would be difficult to try to refine such a rare secret talisman.

Lu Tiandu remembered that in the original plot, the old devil Han got a spirit-transforming talisman passed down from the Tianfu Sect's master directly from the Tianfu Sect, which saved a lot of effort and later saved Han Li's life many times.

Compared with the Liuding Tianjia Talisman, which has outstanding defensive power, this spirit transformation talisman can be said to be the first of the three secret talismans.

As for the materials for refining the spirit-dropping talisman, Laomo spent a lot of spirit stones to get them together at the Tiannan Trade Fair held once every hundred years in Tiantian City. In the end, because of too many failures in the process of refining the spirit-dropping talisman, the refined spirit-dropping talisman Although it has considerable power, it is far behind the other two secret talismans.

Lu Tian has the foundation to understand the calamity-transforming method. He is confident that he will soon be able to understand the spirit-transforming method in the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Technique and the spirit-transforming method.

Even if the spirit-transforming talisman cannot be refined, this spirit-transforming magic can still have the effect of replacing one's death.However, if the enemy is too strong, it will still be very dangerous after being severely damaged.

Refining the spirit talisman is even simpler. A single thought can ward off disasters, and the body is still not damaged at all. All you need to do is to slowly continue to refine the spirit talisman after escaping.

This is also the reason why Nangong Ping has been paying attention to this secret technique since he obtained the Tianfu Book. The road to immortality is inherently difficult, and no one can guarantee whether he will encounter any accidents.

This kind of secret technique or talisman that can prevent disasters, save lives or escape instantly is a monk's biggest trump card. Among the monks Lu Tiandu met, several of them left an impression on him.

For example, during the Qi refining period, the master of the remaining chapters of "Tian Yin Jue Sha Kung" was the disciple of the Spiritual Beast Mountain Foundation, Tian Buque, who later escaped from him for the first time, and Wen Tianren, who killed him twice...

The same is true for the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Technique. If one fully understands this secret technique, even if the secret talisman cannot be refined, a set of six-color armor can be formed outside the body after using this technique, with endless spiritual energy and continuous defense.

However, its shortcomings are also mentioned in the Heavenly Talisman Book: it is relatively slow when performing the spell, and it is easy to be attacked by others.

Even with Nangong Ping's current level of cultivation, it would take several breaths to activate this Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman with the defensive power of the Divine Transformation Stage.

There are endless ways to fight among high-level monks. It is not easy to buy a few breaths.

However, these two secret techniques and two secret talismans cannot be cultivated or refined in a short time. While studying the two secret techniques, Lu Tiandu also needs to gradually improve his skills in drawing talismans.

Speaking of which, Lu Tiandu has not put much effort into the talismans in the past few years since he formed the elixir. After all, even if he can refine an intermediate and high-level talisman that is equivalent to a golden elixir monk's full blow, the material cost is nothing. , but the time cost will be relatively high, and it is not as fast and powerful as the magic weapon and ancient treasure in your hand.

This is basically the consensus in today's immortal cultivation world. There are very few monks who specialize in talismans after the golden elixir. After all, not to mention the large amount of expenses, it also takes a lot of time to master intermediate and upper-level spells.

Therefore, the most important thing for Jindan monks is to cultivate one or two magic weapons for self-protection. Even if they have magic talents, leisure time, and rich wealth, they usually only practice one or two magic spells and talismans that are useful to them.

This is also the reason why ordinary talismans on the market are extremely rare and expensive after reaching the intermediate and upper levels.This is true for intermediate and high-level talismans, and even more so for high-level talismans that contain the full blow of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Moreover, generally speaking, most top-level skills will come with several magical powers that are more powerful than spells when combined with their own skills. This naturally replaces some spells with average power. High-level monks focus on cultivating magic weapons. On top of practicing magical powers.

If you really cultivate some special magical powers, such as the Three Flavors Divine Wind and Xuanming True Thunder cultivated by Lu Tiandu, or the Xuanhan True Light cultivated by Hong Fu, Nangong Wan's Suzaku True Fire, Nishang's Shuigang True Thunder, and Yan Ruyan. The Golden Light Divine Flame is a person with outstanding combat power at the same level, so naturally he doesn't bother to practice ordinary spells or draw related talismans.

However, in order to refine these secret talismans and go to Luan Xinghai to find the Jinhua Ancestor next time to ask for the remaining pages of the Golden Que Jade Book so that he can draw several kinds of immortal talismans on them later, Lu Tiandu cannot relax his talisman drawing skills.

"This secret technique is indeed extraordinary!"

A moment later, Nangong Ping, who had examined the calamity-transforming method recorded in the jade slips, said with surprise, "Maybe it won't take long for me to understand the spirit-transforming method!"

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Nangong!" Lu Tiandu said with a slight smile.

I secretly lamented in my heart that indeed, these veteran monks who have lived for thousands of years are all outstanding. They know an endless stream of secret arts. After mastering them, it is easy to understand other secret arts by analogy.

Looking at Nangong Ping who looked happy, the three girls Nangong Wan also congratulated one after another.

At this time, Nangong Ping's beautiful eyes turned slightly, glanced at the four people, and said with a smile:

"Thanks to Tiandu. Speaking of which, I got a lot of good things from the stone tower last time. In addition to taking the elixirs myself, I also gave them to your senior sister and brother. Your senior sister has now broken through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. ...I don’t have any use for this ancient treasure, so why don’t you each pick a few?”

After Nangong Ping finished speaking, he flicked his hand, and seventeen or eight more ancient treasures exuding colorful brilliance appeared in front of the five people.

These ancient treasures looked brilliant. Lu Tiandu knew at a moment's notice that these dozen ancient treasures were all high-quality ancient treasures, and their power was quite good. This was probably the best thing Nangong Ping had besides the ones he often used. Criticize the ancient treasure.

"Thank you Master (Master)!"

When Nangong Wan and the three girls saw so many exquisite ancient treasures, they suddenly became excited. They all looked at Lu Tiandu and said with a smile:

"Tiandu, you choose first!"

"Since it was given by fellow Taoist Nangong, the ancient treasures on my body are very handy and powerful, so you should choose them first!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and asked the three women to choose first.

When he looked into Nangong Ping's beautiful eyes, he already knew that Nangong's beautiful woman was taking this opportunity to give him a batch of treasures. Otherwise, it would be difficult to tell the origin if they were given in private.

In addition to the commonly used natal magic weapon Suzaku Ring, and the newly cultivated Golden Needle Sword and Thunder Spirit Wings, Nangong Wan also only has two fine ancient treasures, the Soul-Suppressing Bell and the Purple Lightning Xuanhuo Sword. This time she chose one attack and one Guard against two exquisite ancient treasures.

The same is true for Nishang. In addition to the three magic weapons of Langhuan Jade Belt that she focused on training, the ancient treasures Star Yuan Blade and Shuiyun Flag in her hands are just ordinary ancient treasures. She also selected two high-quality ancient treasures, one for attack and one for defense.

Yan Ruyan also stepped forward and selected two fine ancient treasures, one for attack and one for defense.

While the three girls were waiting for Lu Tiandu to choose the treasures, Nangong Ping chuckled lightly, and with a flick of his hand, the remaining treasures floated towards Lu Tiandu, saying:

"I am able to break through thanks to the few elixirs you exchanged with Tiandu last time and the many elixirs you helped our Hidden Moon Sect obtain in that blood ban trial. I will give you all the remaining twelve pieces. You are here, I see that you are a romantic person, I think you have a lot of confidantees, so you have to be nicer to these confidants of yours!"

After hearing Nangong Ping's words, the pretty faces of Nangong Wan and the other three girls turned a little red, feeling shy under Nangong Ping's joking gaze.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Nangong. In this way, I will thank you more on their behalf!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and put away the twelve ancient treasures with a flick of his sleeves.

With these twelve ancient treasures, there is no need to divide Hongfu's numerous treasures, and each of the other twelve women has exactly one.

After all, although most of them are already in the middle or early stage of Golden elixir cultivation, and their cultivation is very fast, but also because the time to advance to the Golden elixir is still short, although the several magic weapons they refine have extraordinary materials and huge potential, but After all, it lacks training, so its power is naturally inferior to such fine ancient treasures.

He originally planned to wait for the Xutian Palace to open and find some good treasures for all the beauties in the Xutian Palace. It was quite a surprise to get these treasures at this time.

Nangong Wan and her three daughters were very moved when they saw their master (grandmaster) giving away eighteen ancient treasures at once, but they didn't know that Nangong Ping and Lu Tiandu were secretly flirting with each other.

"Wan'er, you and Nishang have now condensed the Nascent Soul. Naturally, the Nascent Soul Ceremony will be held to inform the entire Tiandao Alliance. This matter is also a major event for our Biyue Sect. Qingqiu, Pulin and Xiaoqiong will arrive in a while. Afterwards, we will discuss it..."

After that, Nangong Ping brought up the matter of convening the Nascent Soul Ceremony for Nangong Wan and the others.

Nowadays, the Yuanying monks from the first, fourth, and sixth grades of the Hidden Moon Sect are also well-known sects throughout Tiannan.

It is still slightly inferior to the top sects of good and evil, but it is already on par with Huayi Sect, the first sect of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance.

Thinking of this, Nangong Ping felt more and more comfortable.

Now that the Hidden Moon Sect is flourishing in her hands, and there are people who care about her, the only thing that needs to be concerned about in the future is to see if she can break through the spirit transformation, so that she can stay with Tiandu for hundreds of more years... Thinking of this, she raised her head He met Lu Tiandu's warm eyes again.

"Listen to Master (Master) in everything!"

Nangong Wan and Nishang smiled slightly and nodded.

The five people talked for a while in Taihua Hall.After a moment, three rays of light fell outside Taihua Hall.

It was the other three Nascent Soul monks of the Hidden Moon Sect who received the message from Nangong Ping: Leng Qingqiu, Yang Pulin and Qiong Laoguai.

Leng Qingqiu is naturally Nangong Wan's senior sister. She looks to be in her twenties, has a beautiful appearance, a tall figure, and a pair of slender thighs that are really eye-catching.

She is dressed in a white palace dress that wraps her graceful body. Her skin is snow-white and cold, her eyes are sharp, and her body faintly exudes a cold air, giving people the feeling of being inaccessible.

Although Lu Tiandu had never met Leng Qingqiu, he knew from Nangong Wan that his senior sister was a powerful swordsman and was quite famous in the Yue Kingdom.

At this moment, there is a large amount of people far away. Judging from its momentum, it is indeed extremely sharp!

Yang Pulin looks to be 50 years old, a few years younger than the serious old monster Qiong. He looks elegant and easy-going, but he doesn't seem to be good at talking.

As Nangong Wan's second senior brother, Old Monster Qiong has really changed a lot now. He no longer looks that sloppy. He is wearing a slim-fitting white shirt that sets off his tall and tall figure. He is imposing and looks like a master.

As soon as the three of them entered the main hall, they saw Lu Tiandu and the other three, and their expressions of shock were undisguised.

"I really didn't expect that in less than a hundred years, Tiandu, you have condensed the Nascent Soul, which makes me, an old guy, really ashamed!"

Seeing Nangong Wan and Nishang who had been coagulated for more than 200 years, Old Monster Qiong was not yet completely shocked. When he looked at Lu Tiandu, who was also giving off the aura around him, he looked like he was shocked and smiled bitterly.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Qiong, opportunities and talents are different between people!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "Of course, my current achievements have a lot to do with the "Feng Ling Gang Book" given to me by fellow Taoist! Now that we have both achieved Nascent Soul, we can be regarded as each other's achievements!"

While Lu Tiandu was chatting with Old Monster Qiong, Leng Qingqiu, who trembled all over as soon as he entered the hall and saw Lu Tiandu, and his face changed drastically, suppressed the panic in his heart and absent-mindedly asked about Nishang, his apprentice over the years. However, he pricked up his ears and listened quietly to the conversation between Lu Tiandu and Old Monster Qiong...

She had known for a few years that her junior sister Nangong Wan had a close relationship with a male disciple in Huang Maple Valley. Later she heard that this man had a big hit in the Demonic War and was later hunted and disappeared. However, seeing how her junior sister was not worried at all, She didn't take it to heart either.

Later, I heard my master talk about Lu Tiandu, who had found a place to practice cultivation in secret, and praised him a lot. At that time, I heard that Lu Tiandu, who had formed elixirs in just a few decades, went on a trip with his junior sister.

At that time, she was a little curious about what was so special about Lu Tiandu, who practiced faster than the Tianlinggen monks?

Now it was her first time to see the real person Lu Tiandu, but her heart, which had been cold and calm for hundreds of years, suddenly stirred up huge waves.

It takes more than a hundred years to cultivate into Nascent Soul, which is really unbelievable!

What's even more frightening is that the closer she gets to this person, if she hadn't been running her skills all the time, she might have done many things that would make her blush!

"This man is so strange! Did he practice any special skills or is there something special about him?"

Full of this question, Leng Qingqiu was a little absent-minded until he finished discussing the Nascent Soul Ceremony.

"Wan'er, now that I have sent you to the sect, I have met Senior Nangong, and my husband is returning to Yellow Maple Valley!"

"Husband, take care!"

After the two of them finished communicating, Lu Tian disappeared instantly.

"So fast!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu bid farewell to the two of them briefly, and then said a few words to Nangong Wan via voice transmission before disappearing in an instant, unable even to detect a trace with their spiritual consciousness, Old Monster Qiong and Yang Pulin looked shocked.

Even Leng Qingqiu, who was accompanied by his apprentice Nishang back to his cave from Yuanzhuan, observed this scene with his spiritual consciousness and was surprised again, secretly saying:
"What an astonishing speed! It seems that this fellow Daoist Lu is really mysterious. I want to find out more about it from Chang'er..."

In the blink of an eye, several rays of light disappeared without a trace, and the area around Taihua Hall became quiet again.

At this moment, the restriction outside Taihua Palace suddenly cracked open and instantly returned to its original state.

in the inner hall.

Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared from the sky.

A gust of fragrant wind instantly hit his face, and Nangong Ping's plump body, who had taken off his veil, squeezed into Lu Tiandu's arms.

"Well, it's still a familiar smell!"

Lu Tiandu hugged his hot and delicate body, his nose filled with the familiar fragrance, and leaned towards Nangong Ping's fair jade ear and spoke softly.

Feeling the man's movements, Nangong Ping became more and more beautiful and charming at the moment. A pair of jade arms circled the person she thought about day and night. Her delicate body became soft, her eyes were as charming as silk, and she whispered very affectionately:

"Tiandu, stop talking and kiss me!"

Seeing such an alluring Nangong beauty, Lu Tian's heart was filled with excitement. He lowered his head and took two plump and soft lips into his mouth...

The quiet Taihua Hall suddenly became a little more fiery!
After a long time, the two people who were leaning on the jade couch and immersed in kissing separated slightly...

Nangong Ping's clothes were a little messy at the moment. He was leaning on the jade couch. His already charming phoenix eyes became more and more attractive. His slender hands caressed Lu Tiandu's handsome face, lifted his chin, and bit the plump red cheek. Lips, whispered:
"What are you waiting for……"


 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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