Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 190 Let the Wang family be removed from the world of immortality in the future!Free fruit!Th

Chapter 190 Let the Wang family be removed from the world of immortality in the future!Free fruit!The current situation of Yellow Maple Valley! (Please order
At the same time, when Lu Tiandu, Nangong Wan and others were heading to the Hidden Moon Sect.

The four girls Hong Fu, Chen Qianqiao, Nie Ying and Lu Tianxuan also returned to Yellow Maple Valley.Compared with the half day it took for Lu Tiandu and others to go to Hidden Moon Sect, it only took Hongfu and others two hours to return to Yellow Maple Valley. After all, the location of Lingkong Stone Pagoda Cave Mansion was closer to Yellow Maple Valley.

Yellow Maple Valley, Taixuan Peak, Evergreen Hall.

This is the place where ancestor Linghu practices all the year round.

In the Evergreen Hall, sitting at the head is an old man in brocade clothes with white beard and hair.The old man's face was scorched, and he was stroking two jade bottles in his hands. A pair of small eyes that were originally dim and lifeless were now shining brightly, and he said with a look of shock:

"So your junior brother has also become a baby this time?"

"Yes, Master."

Hong Fu stood at his head and affirmed again, "But my junior brother said that some of the inheritances that Senior Nangong obtained from the Lingkong Stone Tower were of great use to him, so he went to the Hidden Moon Sect first, thinking that he would return in a few days. "

"It's really unbelievable. A Yuanying monk who is less than 140 years old. There has never been such a figure in Tiannan for ten thousand years. I didn't expect that he is still my disciple!"

After a long while, Linghu regained his complex expression and murmured.

Hong Fu, the second disciple whom he had not seen in nearly a hundred years, gave Linghu a big surprise when he broke through the Nascent Soul. Unexpectedly, Hong Fu also gave Linghu two bottles of the ancient elixir "Jiangyun Dan" that can increase the power of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage. , which made Linghu even more overjoyed.

After all, it goes without saying that the elixir that can enhance the cultivation of the mid-stage Nascent Soul is precious.Over the years, he had collected elixirs from many sources and refined just one batch.

Its medicinal effect is naturally inferior to ancient elixirs such as Jiangyundan.

But when Hong Fu mentioned his young apprentice whom he had not seen for a hundred years, the news that Lu Tian had given birth to a baby suddenly shocked the old Taoist.

According to his expectation, Lu Tiandu, who was over 130 years old, was probably in the middle stage of the Golden Core despite his amazing aptitude. Unexpectedly... he was already a Nascent Soul monk.

Such a speed of cultivation really made it difficult for him to calm down for a long time.

For a moment, he remembered the day when he accepted Lu Tiandu as his disciple.

That time he learned from Lu Tiandu that he and Nangong Daoyou's disciple Nangong Wan had taken a strange fruit that could increase the chance of condensing babies by 4%, so he rejected Nangong Ping and personally accepted Lu Tiandu as the No. [-] true successor. disciple.

After all, in his opinion, among the four disciples, only Lu Tiandu, who had a deep destiny, was most likely to inherit his mantle and keep the foundation of Yellow Maple Valley.

But then Hongfu suddenly advanced to the late stage of Jindan, which made him have more expectations for Hongfu.

Since the late stage of the demonic invasion, Lu Tiandu has stopped operating under the name "Xiao Changsheng" and entered a state of seclusion.Later, he heard that Lu Tiandu was traveling with Hong Fu. Looking back, he had not seen Lu Tiandu in nearly a hundred years.

And now his disciple has condensed into Nascent Soul!
As long as a Nascent Soul monk who is over 100 years old does not perish on the way, wouldn't he have a chance to reach the legendary realm of becoming a god, let alone a great monk?

Thinking of this, Linghu was secretly envious of the opportunity of his young apprentice, and at the same time he was glad that he had accepted Lu Tiandu as his apprentice.

He mentioned that after he broke through the middle stage of Nascent Soul a few years ago, he also had a lot of opportunities, and he also found a spiritual liquid for Lu Tiandu that could increase the chance of infant condensation. If coupled with the effectiveness of the strange fruit that Lu Tiandu took, When the time comes to obtain the Dingling Pill from the Luoyun Sect, he believes that it will be much easier for Lu Tiandu to condense the infant than others.

But now it seems that all this is no longer useful.

"It seems that you have really had great opportunities over the years..." Linghu sighed, "Since you have now become a Ning Ying, it would be better to hold a Nascent Soul Ceremony for you. Getting to know more of your comrades will also help you in the future. The path..."


Just when Linghu was calling Lei Wanhe and others to discuss Hongfu's Nascent Soul Ceremony, as three middle-stage Jindan monks, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, and Lu Tianxuan, returned home one after another, Huang Maple Valley once again became a sensation!
Yanyue Sect, Lingyin Peak, Taihua Palace.

On the jade bed, Nangong Ping's plump body was close to Lu Tiandu. At this moment, the red glow on her jade face had not yet dissipated, with a look of satisfaction on her face. Her slender jade hands caressed Lu Tiandu's heroic eyebrows back and forth.

"Tiandu, you really gave me a big surprise!"

After a while, Nangong Ping sighed with deep affection in his tone.

"Hehe, if you hadn't said last time that you haven't mastered the skills yet and it's hard to lose your virginity, I would have given you this surprise last time!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, hugged Nangong Ping's beautiful and plump body, raised his head and kissed her smooth and white forehead, and said with a smile:
"But it's not too late now. With the help of the Yin Yang Fruit, I also have two or three types of elixirs left by Feng Xian that can increase the chance of breaking through to become a god. When the time comes, I will refine these elixirs. I think it won’t be difficult for you to break through to become a god!”

"Well, I listen to you!"

Nangong Ping felt very comfortable listening to his man's words.

This man left a deep impression on her from the first time she met him.Last time, because the deadline was approaching, she took the initiative to express her feelings. Unexpectedly, she benefited from it, allowing her to break through to the late Nascent Soul stage.

This time it was natural to fulfill the unfinished promise last time, but Lu Tiandu surprised her again.

In addition to this magical yin-yang fruit, it can actually transfer the spirit body she possesses, which really makes her feel extremely mysterious.

Whether it was the Yin-Yang Fruit or the spirit body, it was probably related to Lu Tiandu's secrets, so she naturally had a tacit understanding and didn't ask any more questions.

Now that she has this wind and fire spirit body, it will naturally be of great benefit to her practice.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu is so attracted to female cultivators, probably not only because of his special physique, but also because of various spiritual bodies and resources that are of great benefit to cultivation, Nangong Ping secretly guessed.

"Ping'er, I'm afraid I can't stay here for too long."

After a while, Lu Tiandu stroked the green silk hair of the beauty in his arms.

"What? You don't have to rush back to Yellow Maple Valley in these two days!"

Nangong Ping rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu angrily. She had only had a good life for half a day. It was the time when she had tasted the marrow and learned the taste. This cruel man was about to leave?
"It's not a big deal to go back to Yellow Maple Valley, I have something important to do!"

Facing Nangong Ping's charming and passionate eyes, which seemed to melt him, Lu Tiandu took care of them and chuckled:

"This matter is very important to me, so it naturally needs to be done as soon as possible!"

"What's the matter? If it's not an emergency, I won't listen to you!"

Nangong Ping chuckled and stretched out his slender jade fingers to press Lu Tiandu's lips.

"Hey, Ping'er, do you still remember the four-level spiritual consciousness secret technique Dayan Jue that I, Wan'er, gave you? This time I am going to the far west to find the remaining three-level skills."

"What? Is there any follow-up to this technique?"

Nangong Ping looked very surprised, "I have also been very interested in this secret technique over the years. I have just reached the fourth level of cultivation, and it has already increased my spiritual consciousness by more than half. I didn't expect that it would still be restored." There are follow-up techniques..."

"Indeed, if you can master the three levels of skills behind Dayan Jue, your spiritual consciousness in the later stage of Yuan Ying will probably double or triple. As for the last three levels of skills that I am anxious to find, the main thing is Because there is also a secret attack technique of spiritual consciousness in it, which will be very useful for what I want to do next..."

Lu Tiandu nodded slightly and said.

"What are you going to do? I'll just go with you. Except for the mysterious Falling Demon Valley in Tiannan, who can stop us if we join forces elsewhere?"

Nangong Ping smiled faintly, with a bit more pride in his tone.

"No, I want to do this myself."

Lu Tiandu shook his head slightly and said with a firm tone:

"Before, outside the Qiyun Mountains, I heard that the Ghost Spirit Sect monks killed my Lu family elder and the spirit beasts he brought with him. This shouldn't be a rumor..."

"You already know?" Nangong Ping looked at Lu Tiandu with a little surprise, "I'm going to tell you about it later!"

"This did happen decades ago, and not long before Lu Dao died, I found out that Zhao Qingfeng of the Tianxing Sect was also killed. You should have guessed who did it, right?"

"Of course he is a member of the Wang Family of the Ghost Spirit Sect!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

Wang Tiansheng naturally has more than one son, but Wang Chan is his most outstanding son.Moreover, among Wang Tiansheng's brothers, only he and his second brother Wang Tiangu formed the Nascent Soul. Wang Tiangu had no heirs, so he naturally loved Wang Chan very much and was considered to be the next generation successor of the Wang family.

As a result, Lu Tiandu was killed by Lu Tiandu on the battlefield of Liusha River before he could grow up, and his resentment was naturally huge.

"Since the Wang family is unwilling to give up, I decided to make the Wang family disappear from the world of immortality in the future!"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's indifferent tone, Nangong Ping's beautiful eyes lit up and he said with a smile:

"As expected, he is the man that I, Nangong Ping, have fallen in love with. I like this domineering attitude!"

"However, it is not easy to remove the Wang family..." Nangong Ping paused for a moment and said.

"I know that it is easy for me to kill the Wang brothers in the early stage of Yuanying. Even if I don't pay attention to the Broken Soul Master and Zhong Laogui in the middle stage of Yuanying of the Ghost Spirit Sect, it will be a big deal if I destroy the Ghost Spirit Sect. This is a difficult task. After all, the six sects of the Demonic Path are entangled with each other and are complicated. Even if there is internal fighting, for me, an outsider who wants to subvert one sect, I am afraid that they will temporarily unite..."

"And if the Hehuan Old Demon from the Hehuan Sect intervenes, it will be another variable..."

Lu Tian didn't say anything about the ghost spirit sect still having a loose cultivator surnamed Yun in the middle Nascent Soul stage lurking outside. If the sect is destroyed, this person will definitely take action.

"I only thought that you had not been in Ning Ying for a long time and that your spiritual consciousness was strong. I didn't expect you to casually ignore the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks now. It's really beyond my expectation!"

Nangong Ping sighed. "I have indeed cultivated several great magical powers. Speaking of which, I killed two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks in the Chaos Star Sea. If I can cultivate the divine consciousness secret technique in Dayan Jue and several other magical powers next, it will be I, the great monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, am also capable of fighting!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, his tone full of confidence.

"Furthermore, you should also know that if the news that I was condensing a baby when I was only over 100 years old spreads out, I am afraid that several other great monks will have some ideas. Therefore, I just took advantage of this opportunity to use ruthless means to scare them , even if they know that I have a big secret, no one will have other thoughts!"

When talking about the latter part, Lu Tiandu's tone became cold.

This time, after he and Nangong Ping practiced together, with the help of Nangong Ping, the great monk's huge power of Yuan Yin, he was able to save decades of hard training and became stronger than when he was just a baby, but it was an unexpected surprise. .

"You are right, I support you!"

Nangong Ping nodded slightly.

She had the Liuding Tianjia Talisman in her hand, and she wanted to give it to Lu Tiandu before, but Lu Tiandu said that he had a life-saving trump card.

If Lu Tian can stop a Yuanhou great monk by then, it won't be a problem for her to stop the other two great monks from Tiannan with the help of the Six-Ding Heavenly Armor Talisman.

This is naturally the worst premise for the arrival of three great monks at the same time.However, before killing the people from the Ghost Spirit Sect, keeping Lu Tiandu Ningying's news secret will definitely give everyone a surprise.

"Come on, I'll take you to a place!"

After a while, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and took Nangong Ping into the Yaochi Tower...

Two days later, Lu Tiandu and Nangong Ping appeared in the inner hall again, leaving Nangong Ping with a large amount of rare materials such as sun stone, lapis lazuli, golden flame stone, Tianyang stone and flame marrow to condense the natal magic weapon "Red". After "Flame Peak", Lu Tiandu left Lingyin Peak and flew north at high speed.

"I wonder why the Great Elder left the Taiyue Mountains in the first place?"

During the flight, Lu Tian was a little puzzled.

When he left, he specifically told Lu Daolin and the others that it was best not to stay away from the Taiyue Mountains before he came back. People from the Wang family of the Ghost Spirit Sect might be spying on them secretly, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

Moreover, two monster beasts, the golden-backed mantis and the purple-striped thunder turtle, were left behind. With the help of the Lu family's clan-protecting formation, no one could do anything to the Lu family unless the Nascent Soul cultivators came to attack.

It's a pity that something like this happened, leaving Lu Tiandu speechless.

More than an hour later, Lu Tiandu, who was flying with all his strength, arrived at Yellow Maple Valley.

Lu Tiandu once again concealed his cultivation to the late stage of Jindan, and in a blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu went straight to Taixuan Peak where Linghu was.

"Your junior brother is back!"

In the Changqing Hall, Linghu and Hongfu suddenly raised their heads, and Linghu turned to Lei Wanhe who was lower down.

The moment Linghu finished speaking, Lu Tiandu's figure suddenly appeared at the door of the hall.

"Disciple pays homage to Master! How are you doing, Senior Brother? Senior Sister, I'm back!"

Lu Tiandu walked into the hall with a smile and bowed slightly to the three of them.

"Tiandu, you are so clever in the secret of invisibility and so fast in escaping!"

Linghu spoke first, his tone full of surprise.

Just now he discovered Lu Tiandu's traces more than ten miles away. In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu arrived at the entrance of the hall, which really shocked him.

"This is all my disciple can do with!"

Lu Tiandu laughed.

He now cooperates with the Spiritual Invisibility and Void Secret Technique and Wind and Thunder Escape in terms of stealth and speed. I am afraid that even the other three post-primary monks from Tiannan dare not say that they can beat him.

He had tested it with Nangong Ping before, and Nangong Ping, who had a wind and fire spirit body, could perform a superb escape method such as the Wind and Fire Escape, which was almost the same as his speed at this time.

If there were no other secrets of acceleration, even the great monk Yuan Hou would not be able to do anything to him.

"Congratulations to junior brother for advancing to Nascent Soul!"

The chubby Lei Wanhe looked envious and stepped forward to congratulate.

When he heard Linghu informing his junior brother that he had already condensed into a baby, he looked in disbelief, but now when he saw the real person, he no longer had any doubts.

"Same joy, senior brother, it seems that we have had many opportunities over the years, and now we have reached the late stage of the Golden Core."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "I have obtained one or two elixirs that are helpful in condensing babies over the years, and I just gave them to senior brother. I hope senior brother can condensate babies soon."

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he took out two jade bottles, each containing a Yuqing Pill and a Qingshen Pill. He threw them to Lei Wanhe, who looked excited, and explained their use.

Old man Linghu looked at this scene, Laohuai comforted him and said with a smile:

"You junior brothers are so friendly, it is really a blessing for me, Huang Maple Valley. In this case, this bottle of 'divine source liquid' that I accidentally obtained a few years ago was originally intended for your junior brother Ning Ying, and now your junior brother has no use for it. Come on, I’ll give it to you too!”

After Linghu finished speaking, he took out a dark bottle and threw it to Lei Wanhe.

"Thank you Master! Thank you so much, junior brother and junior sister!"

Lei Wanhe grinned, his fat face full of silly smiles.

Now that he had obtained three precious elixirs that were helpful for Ning Ying, as well as several bottles of elixirs that could help improve his cultivation given by his junior sister, he, who was only in his early [-]s, suddenly had a lot more confidence in Ning Ying.

In recent years, the country has been peaceful, and he has had several opportunities to advance to the late stage of Jindan decades ago. He thought that this would be the end of his life, but he did not expect that he would have the good luck he has now!
"Master, these are some of the spiritual fruits that my disciple has obtained over the years. This thing is called the 'Nine Heavens Spirit Peach'. Taking one can increase one's lifespan by sixty years. It's just a gift to Master!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and a jade box about a foot long appeared in his hand and handed it to Linghu.

"Okay! Okay! Disciple, you are interested!"

Linghu laughed loudly without refusing, took the jade box, brushed off the sealing talisman on it, and looked at the contents.

Suddenly, three fist-sized, watery, and shimmering peaches appeared in front of the eyes, and an intoxicating fragrance rushed into the nose, making people feel shocked.

"Sure enough!"

After looking at it slightly, Linghu quickly closed the jade box and attached the sealing talisman.

Although the technique he originally practiced was not good at fighting, it had special effects in defense and longevity.

According to his own estimation, an ordinary Yuanying monk only has a lifespan of a thousand years, so it is not a big problem for him to live for another hundred years.

In the past, the longevity elixir given by Lu Tiandu could increase his lifespan by one period of time, but now there is such a life-enhancing peach. Taking one can increase his lifespan by one period of time, which really makes him secretly happy.

Lu Tiandu, this young apprentice, is really his lucky star!
With these extra two hundred years, he had some hope for the realm of the late Nascent Soul!

After all, he can also use the remaining two spiritual peaches to exchange for some elixirs that can enhance the cultivation of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, which is really wonderful!

Lu Tiandu and Hong Fu looked at each other, saying nothing.

After everyone sat down, Lei Wanhe told Lu Tiandu about the changes in Yellow Maple Valley over the years.

There has been no demonic invasion in these years. Although people have been sent to the Nine Nations Alliance from time to time to support the war against Master Mulan, it has not had much impact on the high-level monks.

With these peaceful years, monks like Lei Wanhe have time to look for opportunities and break through.

Lei Wanhe advanced to the late stage of Golden Elixir after traveling in Lu Tiandu for decades, but Master Du, who was in the middle stage of Golden Elixir in Huang Maple Valley, passed away decades ago.

Although Huang Maple Valley has lost one middle-stage golden elixir monk, Li Huayuan, who has a body of three yangs, also broke through to the middle stage of the golden elixir more than forty years ago, which is also a happy event.

Others, such as Fengchen, Huiming and others, are still in the early stage of the golden elixir and have not changed much. However, Old Ancestor Chen and Junior Brother Huang suffered some injuries in the battle with Master Mulan and have been recuperating over the years.

As for the old man named Wang Jindan who joined the Yellow Maple Valley after the Spirit Beast Mountain was destroyed, he also passed away more than ten years ago.

As for the ancestor of the Lu family who was killed by the Ghost Spirit Sect, Lei Wanhe also explained in detail, but Lu Tiandu just nodded and said that he would avenge him in the future.

In addition to these old-fashioned golden elixirs, there are also many new golden elixir masters in the 90s. For example, Young Master Lin also successfully formed the elixir, and with the assistance of Lei Wanhe and Junior Brother Huang, he went to the far west. Land, regaining the position of leader of Qianzhu Sect.

Later, Master Lin chose to stay in the Far West, and Lei Wanhe did not force it. After all, he had agreed to take back the position of leader for Young Master Lin long ago.

The other newcomers to the pill formation are Lu Yongqing, the second elder of the Lu family, and Han Li, Lu Tianxing and Chen Qiaoqian's third brother Chen Qiaotian, who have only formed pills in recent years.

Lu Tiandu was not surprised when he heard that Lu Yongqing and Lu Tianxing were forming elixirs. After all, he had left a lot of elixirs for the two of them that were helpful in forming elixirs.

Chen Qiaotian is able to form elixirs by himself. It seems that he really has many opportunities!
As for Han Li forming an elixir more than ten years ago, Lu Tiandu just smiled and was not too surprised!
After all, although Old Demon Han has poor qualifications, his resources are not comparable to those of ordinary monks!

With this calculation, the number of golden elixir monks in Huang Maple Valley has reached ten again!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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