Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 191 Han Li’s opportunity!Goodbye Han Li!Shocked again!

Chapter 191 Han Li’s opportunity!Goodbye Han Li!Shocked again! (Please subscribe)

"Although our Yellow Maple Valley has produced several golden elixir monks in the past few years, especially the nephew Han who is famous for his ascetic cultivation, he accidentally broke into an ancient monk somewhere in the thousands of miles of battlefield between the Nine Nations Alliance and Mulan Grassland. In the cave, I got many precious spiritual herbs and pills, and then I made the pills in one fell swoop, attracting the attention of everyone in the valley..."

"But compared to the current cultivation levels of the three girls Qiaoqian, Ying Yatou and Tianxuan, Master Nephew Han is not so outstanding!"

After a while, Lei Wanhe said with a strange look on his fat face.

Lu Tian's ability to condense Yuanying was beyond his expectation. He thought it was a huge opportunity.

But even Nie Ying, his disciple with dual spiritual roots, and Chen Qiaoqian of the Chen family, and Lu Tianxuan of the Lu family, three confidantes of Lu Tiandu, have now reached the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, which has really made the entire Yellow Maple Valley talk about it enthusiastically.

In the past few days since the three girls returned to the valley, one can imagine the sensation caused among the middle and low-level disciples.

After all, Li Huayuan, who had a special three-yang body and a cultivation speed between the alien spiritual root and the heavenly spiritual root, formed an elixir at the age of 20. It took him nearly a hundred years to reach the middle stage of the golden elixir.

Now, the three juniors who suddenly returned are all in the middle stage of Golden Core. This is really a surprising thing.

Looking at it this way, the older generation is a bit useless!
"We have had some opportunities over the years, but the more important thing is that we have obtained a secret technique of dual cultivation, which is of great benefit to us. This is how we have achieved our current cultivation level!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, but it was difficult to explain the chaotic star sea. He would not open the ancient teleportation array to anyone else except his own women for the time being.

"I see!"

Lei Wanhe looked like he had suddenly realized something. He looked at Linghu and then secretly glanced at Hong Fu, secretly saying:

Could it be that these dual cultivations really have such benefits?But there are quite a few Taoist couples in the valley who are practicing double cultivation. It seems that there is no pair where both Taoist couples have formed elixirs!
When Hong Fu saw the glance from senior brother Lei Wanhe, his expression remained unchanged and he snorted lightly, which immediately made Lei Wanhe laugh.

But he secretly said in his heart that Lu Tiandu, this junior fellow student, is really amazing. He thought that he was just arrogant to win over the second junior sister, but he didn't expect that everything has come true now.

Sure enough, people still have to have dreams, maybe one day they will come true!
Maybe I, Fatty Lei, will also be able to condense my baby one day!
Thinking of this, he squeezed the storage bag gently, and his heart became hot again.

"Senior Brother, are you saying that Senior Nephew Han once entered the ancient cave near the Nine Nations Alliance?"

Lu Tiandu's expression changed, and he missed the topic and asked about Han Li.

Before, he heard Lei Wanhe say that Han Li could only form pills with the help of small green bottles, auxiliary elixirs, and Dayan Jue, but he didn't know that Han Li had such an adventure.

"It is true. It has only been 30 years since the last truce between our Tiannan and the Mulan people. In the previous decades, our Tiandao Alliance also sent a group of middle and low-level disciples every few years to assist the Nine Nations Alliance in fighting against Mulan. Among them, Master Nephew Han performed very well just like in the previous battle of demonic invasion..."

"More than ten years before the truce, it was said that Junior Brother Han broke into an ancient cave and made a lot of gains. Junior Brother Li was able to break through to the middle stage of Jindan because of several bottles of ancient caves given by his apprentice. Pills. Speaking of which, senior brother shamelessly exchanged several thousand-year-old elixirs with this nephew Han..."

"After that, Master Nephew Han exchanged a lot of resources with his meritorious deeds and entered a state of seclusion. When he formed the elixir more than ten years ago, he shocked everyone. After all, Master Nephew Han's spiritual energy around the cave was really average. He has four spiritual roots. Being able to form a golden elixir at the age of 120 was a sensation at the time, and he is also one of the legends in the valley..."

Lei Wanhe talked about things related to Han Li, with a lot of envy and exclamation in his tone.

"I see. It seems that this nephew Han is also a very lucky person!"

Lu Tiandu also sighed with a smile.

It seems that Han Li did not go to Chaos Xinghai and was doing well in Tiannan.

Moreover, in the original plot, the land between the Nine Nations Alliance and the Mulan Grassland was unearthed successively. Xuantian Immortal Vine and the cave of Master Cangkun were unearthed. It is not known whether Han Li really entered an ancient cave or to cover up Xiaolu. Excuses made up because of the bottle?

After all, the old demon of the golden elixir stage had already exchanged several ancient elixirs from him, not to mention the thousand-year-old elixir.

Naturally, the reason why he cares so much is for the Xuantian Immortal Vine.

In the original plot, the Xuantian Immortal Vine was discovered in an ancient cave during the truce between the Nine Nations Alliance and the Mulan people for more than a hundred years.

Later, it was divided up by the major factions of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance of Good and Demonic Ways, which triggered the activation of the Righteous and Demonic Ways. The three sects lurking in Yunmeng Mountain in Xiguo originally planned to use it to subvert the three sects, and compete for the only tree of spiritual eyes in the south of the world. The attempt to resurrect the Xuantian Immortal Vine still failed.

But Lu Tiandu really doesn't know the exact time when Xuantian Immortal Vine was born.

However, it only takes about 90 years before the next full-scale invasion by the Muran people.

It should be during this time period!
If he doesn't appear within this time period, it may mean that he was possessed by the old demon early. What he said about entering an ancient cave is probably not a lie.

Speaking of which, all the other exchanges between him and the old demon had been paid in spirit stones, but the old demon still owed him a large amount of spiritual stones for the eight Tian-Building Pills. He turned around and took this opportunity to inquire about it.

Everyone chatted for a while, and Lu Tiandu gave the three of them a rough idea of ​​his revenge plan.

After hearing that Lu Tian wanted to kill the two early Yuan monks from the Wang family of Ghost Spirit Sect head-on, Linghu and Lei Wanhe tried to persuade them. Finally, after Lu Tian showed his magical power, they stopped trying to persuade them with a look of emotion.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu will officially appear in Yellow Maple Valley after more than a hundred years with the cultivation level of the late Golden Core.

When Lu Tiandu returned to the Lu family, he immediately met Lu Yongqing, the current eldest elder of the Lu family, Lu Yongxin, the head of the family, his cousin Lu Tianxing, and a beautiful young woman with a graceful figure.

Next to her, Lu Tianxuan was holding the young woman's hand with a smile and looking at Lu Tiandu.

"Is this little girl Cui'er? If we haven't seen you for a hundred years, I will call you sister-in-law!"

After Lu Tiandu exchanged greetings with Lu Yongqing and others, he smiled and looked at the young woman beside Lu Tianxing.

"Back then she was just a quirky little girl, but now she's become a fake elixir!"

"I didn't expect that it would be more than a hundred years before I saw Brother Lu again!"

Xiao Cuier also looked at Lu Tiandu, who was still unchanged, and smiled gently.

She was only in her teens when she and her grandfather met Lu Tiandu at Yuejing Xianyun Restaurant. Later, she only heard about Lu Tiandu, who was famous in Yue Kingdom, from some casual cultivators, and was later brought to Lu Tiandu by 'Xiao Changsheng'. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a hundred years since Lu Yongqing accepted him as his disciple.

In fact, even now, the couple don't know that Xiao Changsheng was Lu Tiandu back then.

After all, there are only three elders of the Lu family who know that the two are the same person.Lu Tianxuan only found out later.

"Tian Xing, Cui'er, since you have become a Taoist couple, I should give you a gift. I happen to have two powerful magic weapons here, so I will give them to you and your wife!"

Lu Tiandu turned over his hands, and nine red flying knives and a cold white flying sword appeared in his hand, and he handed them to Lu Tianxing and Xiao Cui'er respectively.

"What a powerful magic weapon!"

Although Lu Tianxing had only made elixirs for a few years, he still had some experience. He was surprised when he felt the amazing aura on these two magic weapons.

Lu Yongqing next to him also had a look of shock in his eyes.

He has high-level materials left by Lu Tiandu, and he condensed the magic weapon as soon as he formed the elixir. Although refining the magic weapon that others have sacrificed can only exert [-]% of the power, these two magic weapons can only exert [-]% of the power. He has been practicing his own magic weapon for decades.

"Well, you don't want to spread rumors. These two magic weapons are the natal magic weapons that two mid-Nascent Soul monks have been practicing for hundreds of years! I think Cui'er can try to form pills in more than ten years, and you and your wife will need to protect her from now on. Good Lu family!”

Lu Tiandu explained calmly.

After hearing this, Lu Yongqing and the others looked shocked.The monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and others have only seen Linghu. These are actually two magic weapons of the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

Only Lu Tianxuan, who was beside Xiao Cui'er, knew that these two magic weapons were the trophies obtained by Lu Tiandu after killing the old demon Tianhuang and Lu Qiu Ku, so he was not too surprised.

He also casually gave Lu Yongqing and Lu Yongxin a magic weapon each.Lu Yongxin had made a pill once before, but unfortunately it failed.

This time, with some resources that Lu Tianxuan brought to the Lu family before, he may try to form pills again in the next few years. Whether he can succeed in forming pills depends on his chance.

After all, the older you get, the more difficult it is to form pills.

"Tell me what happened, Great Elder?"

At this time, the main hall was filled with the core figures of the Lu family, and Lu Tian asked him about Lu Daolin's death without politeness.

After all, the only information obtained from Nangong Ping and Lei Wanhe was the relevant information after his death, but why Lu Daolin left the Taiyue Mountains is still a puzzle in Lu Tiandu's mind.

"So that's it!" After a while, Lu Tiandu sighed, "It seems that the people from the Ghost Spirit Sect are really planning on my Lu family!"

Lu Tiandu learned from Lu Yongqing that Lu Dao had been cautious in the past decades and had never left the Taiyue Mountains.

Later, when he received some other Jindan colleagues in the Lu Family Jinyu Pavilion, for some reason others discovered that there was a problem with the magic skills he practiced, and said that a certain spiritual fruit in a certain ruins could solve the problem.

In fact, this was not a problem with the Xuanyin Sutra that Lu Daolin practiced. He naturally knew that it was a problem caused by the sequelae of the golden elixir he condensed with the evil elixir.

Although he knew that he could only maintain his cultivation at the early stage of the Golden Core in this life, and that there were secret techniques left by Lu Tiandu to control the evil spirit, it would be a good thing if this legacy could be solved once and for all.

Moreover, decades have passed since what happened back then, and he has also relaxed his vigilance.It's a pity that this is a trap set by the people of the Ghost Spirit Sect to kill him, the golden elixir of the Lu family.

Before he left, he also took the golden-backed monster mantis with him, whose combat power was comparable to that of the middle-stage golden elixir. Unfortunately, he still never returned.

At that time, Lu Yongqing had not yet formed the elixir, and when he discovered that Lu Daolin's natal soul card was broken, he knew there was a problem.The core disciples of the Lu family were strictly ordered not to leave the Taiyue Mountains without any reason. After notifying Lei Wanhe of the relevant matters, they also retreated and began to form elixirs.

Lu Yongqing naturally kept the advice he gave Lu Tiandu firmly in mind. In these years, the father and son have never left the Taiyue Mountains after forming pills.

"You don't have to worry about this. It's the same as in the past few years. Don't go out. After a few years, I will deal with the Wang family. Then no one will dare to mess with my Lu family!"

Lu Tiandu retracted his cold gaze towards the east and gave a few instructions.

Even Chen Qiaoqian and the three girls must pay attention to safety before they deal with the Wang family of the Ghost Spirit Sect. After all, the news that they have greatly improved their cultivation and returned to Yellow Maple Valley in just ten days may reach Wang Tiansheng's ears.

By then, Wang Tiansheng would probably want to kill him immediately, right?
It's a pity that their brothers didn't have the courage to come to Huang Maple Valley. After all, when they learned that Lu Tiandu had reached the late stage of Jindan cultivation, they also naturally knew that Huang Maple Valley had Hong Fu, a newly promoted Nascent Soul monk.

After staying at the Lu family for a few days, Lu Tiandu returned to Xiaoyaoya Cave Mansion in Izumo Peak after a hundred years of absence.

In the past few days, the monks in Yellow Maple Valley have been shocked by news one after another.

First, the three girls, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, and Lu Tianxuan, suddenly returned. Suddenly, the cultivation of the middle stage of the Golden Elixir was spread from the three families, which made Liu Jing, Zhong Weiniang and others who were familiar with each other but still had not formed the Golden Elixir feel extremely complicated.

Then it was reported that Hongfu, the uncle who had disappeared for a hundred years, had condensed the Nascent Soul!

And the Nascent Soul Ceremony will be held in half a year!

All the disciples in Huang Maple Valley were surprised and honored.After all, there were not many disciples who had seen Hong Fu, and the Yuanying monk was too far away from them, so the shock caused was still within a small area.

But when word spread that Lu Tiandu, a foundation-building monk who was famous among low-level disciples more than a hundred years ago, suddenly and mysteriously returned, and that his cultivation had reached the late stage of the Golden Core, the tens of thousands of monks in the Yellow Maple Valley exploded. .

There have been endless gossips about Lu Tiandu in the past few days.

On this day, after Han Li left Li Huayuan's cave, Green Wave Cave, he quickly used the escape light to return to his remote cave in the northwest of the Taiyue Mountains.

After entering this cave where he had stayed for hundreds of years, the shock in Han Li's eyes still did not fade away.

"Senior Brother Lu is only a few years older than me? How could it be possible to reach the late stage of Jindan so quickly? It's really unbelievable!"

Han Li sat cross-legged on the futon next to the Spiritual Eye Fountain and murmured to himself.

"Even if he is more qualified than me, he can't reach the late stage of Jindan so quickly!"

Facing the news told by Li Huayuan, Han Li still couldn't believe it.

Ever since he gave a few bottles of ancient elixirs from that ancient cave to his stingy master, Li Huayuan seemed to have become a different person to him over the years.

Especially after he successfully formed two golden elixirs in one discipline, Li Huayuan even called him over to guide his practice whenever he had nothing to do. Compared with the other seven senior brothers and sisters who had not yet formed elixirs, his treatment was really improved. Variety.

He has been practicing hard for many years, and has been cultivating the "Bitter Bamboo", one of the three ancient spiritual bamboos that he finally obtained, in the past few years. He hopes to cultivate enough to refine six sets of 72-handled "Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword" as soon as possible. Lingzhu, who has always been reclusive, learned this amazing news from Li Huayuan!

"Senior Brother Lu once acted as Xiao Changsheng, I know this. However, Xiao Changsheng has not appeared since the late stage of the Demonic Invasion War. I have been to Xiaoyao Cliff many times over the years, but I have never seen Lu Senior brother..."

"And there is no vision of heaven and earth for the five of them to form elixirs and condense babies in the sect. So, they must have gone to a place that no one else knows, and this is how they have such a great opportunity..."

"I have the help of such rare things as small bottles, and I also received a great blessing a few years ago. It took me 20 years to form a golden elixir. What kind of adventure did they have that they can cultivate faster than me?"

Han Li frowned slightly, deeply puzzled.

In particular, it is said that Lu Tianxuan only has three spiritual roots, which is similar to his qualifications after refining the Tianbu Dan. He has already reached the middle stage of the Golden Dan. It is really unbelievable.

"It seems that Senior Brother Lu, who has given me so much mystery from the beginning, may have a bigger secret than me!"

Han Li sighed secretly.

Although he had guessed that Senior Brother Lu also had a big secret not long after the two started trading, he was still a little depressed when he saw that the gap between the two of them was so big in just a century!
After all, there has been no news about Lu Tiandu forming a pill in these years. He is also planning to give Senior Brother Lu a good 'shock' when Lu Tiandu forms a pill and comes out of seclusion!

In the end, it was the same as before, and he was shocked again!

"Over the years, I have discovered that the teleportation array in the cave I accidentally entered was an ancient teleportation array that has disappeared in Tiannan. Unfortunately, I don't know what is happening on the other side of the teleportation array?"

Han Li flipped through it and took out a soft but hard blue token.Looking at the token that emitted a faint gleaming light, Han Li began to caress it carefully.

"Is it possible that Senior Brother Lu has also gone to other immortal worlds in the past hundred years?"

Han Li looked at the Great Movement Order in his hand and had a flash of inspiration.

After all, Tiannan is short of resources, but this may not be the case in other realms of immortality, especially for people like Lu Tiandu who cultivate immortality with their families. Even his confidante cultivates faster than him, an ascetic monk. This is too unbalanced!
"Before, I only exchanged with Senior Brother Lu the Qingyuan Sword Techniques at the Golden Core Stage and the Qingzhu Bee Cloud Sword refining method. This time I just took advantage of the occasion of congratulations to exchange the Yuan Ying Stage skills... "

Han Li thought about it secretly.

"Furthermore, I haven't paid off the spiritual stones for the Heaven-Building Pill that Senior Brother Lu sold me before. Naturally, I don't have the 20 spiritual stones. However, I still have to take the pills I got from that cave, but I still have the spiritual stones. It’s quite a lot, just use it to pay off your debts!”

"And I can also use the Great Teleportation Order to test whether Senior Brother Lu knows this thing, and maybe I can guess whether he has also mastered a passage to other realms of cultivation... After all, the Lu family has emerged one after another in the past few years. The sources of various rare weapon-refining materials in Tiannan are actually very suspicious!"

After thinking for another hour, Han Li went to his secret storehouse where he collected elixirs to retrieve several older elixirs. Then he left the cave and drove the escape light to Xiaoyao Cliff of Izumo Peak.

"Hey, this puppet... actually surpasses the fourth-level puppet! Is it a golden elixir stage puppet?"

When Han Li sent out the transmission note, a passage about ten feet wide opened up in the upside-down Five Elements Formation outside Lu Tiandu Cave Mansion, and a maid-like doll appeared in front of Han Li and led him into the inner hall.

In the early years, he had mastered the techniques of making puppets from level one to level four in the Yellow Maple Valley Spirit Puppet Hall. The Dayan Jue combined with the puppet technique gave him a lot of help in many battles with the enemy.

It's a pity that fellow Daoist Lin from Qianzhu Sect didn't pass down the art of making puppets of the golden elixir stage, and I heard that Master Lei traveled to the far west and couldn't find the method of making puppets of level five or above.

After all, the benefits that the puppet technique has given to the middle and low-level disciples of Yellow Maple Valley over the years are seen by the higher-ups in the valley.

He was naturally very proficient in puppetry, so he immediately saw that the maid was a puppet, and it was beyond the existence of the fourth-level puppet in his hands.

Unexpectedly, he actually saw the long-lost technique of making puppets in the golden elixir stage from Senior Brother Lu.

If he had three or five golden elixir stage puppet assistants, wouldn't it be...

Han Li unconsciously thought of the teleportation array in the cave again!

"Master Nephew Han, please sit down!"

Suddenly, a warm voice reached Han Li's ears. Just when he was wondering that Senior Brother Lu should know that he had formed a pill. Although Senior Brother Lu was Linghu's disciple and the same generation as Li Huayuan, the two had known each other for a long time. During the elixir formation stage, you should also call yourself senior brother in private...

However, when Lu Tiandu's figure turned out from behind another stone door and felt the huge spiritual pressure around Lu Tiandu, Han Li's calm eyes were full of shock, and he said bitterly after a while:

"Lu...Uncle Master, have you condensed your baby?"

"I have had some opportunities over the years, and I was lucky enough to condense the Nascent Soul. I heard that you, Master Nephew Han, also had a good chance, and now you have also condensed the Nascent Soul, so congratulations!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the 24-year-old Han Li who had not changed much from a hundred years ago and said with a smile.

"Congratulations to Uncle Lu!"

Han Li quickly came to his senses. At this moment, he could no longer think of 'comparing' with Uncle Lu.

He didn't know if Master Lu had guessed his earlier thoughts, but his true cultivation was revealed in front of him, which made him feel like he had been deeply hit.

In recent years, he has formed elixirs at the age of 120 years old, and has attracted much attention among the tens of thousands of middle and low-level disciples in Yellow Maple Valley. Although he is a low-key person, he still enjoys the envy of others.

But when he met Senior Brother Lu and Senior Uncle Lu who led him into the world of immortality, he always had the illusion that he was living in the shadow of Uncle Lu.

"My nephew is really ashamed of himself compared to his uncle!" Han Li had already put away his complicated emotions at this moment.

"Don't belittle yourself!" Lu Tiandu chuckled, "I know that my nephew is also a very lucky person, and it will only be a matter of time before he reaches this point in the future!"

"Borrow auspicious words from my uncle!"

Han Li bowed respectfully.I was still a little worried about Ning Ying.

"My nephew was lucky enough to make elixirs a few years ago, thanks to the Heaven-Building Pill that my uncle sold me. I also had some opportunities earlier and got the inheritance from a senior, and I have a lot of elixirs of high age. I think my uncle is now Now that I have become a Nascent Soul, I am in great need of elixirs. This time, as I congratulate my uncle on his return, I came here to repay what I owed..."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Han Li revealed the purpose of his trip.

"Okay, you have a heart!"

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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