Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 192 Han Li’s thoughts!trade!Wind Spirit Pearl!Far west!

Chapter 192 Han Li’s thoughts!trade!Wind Spirit Pearl!Far west! (Please subscribe)

In the main hall, the fragrance of spirit lingers.

On the jade table, there is a pot of spiritual wine and two wine glasses.

Lu Tiandu and Han Li were chatting and sipping.

Han Li drank another glass of spiritual wine, feeling the increase of true energy in his body, and became more and more impressed by Uncle Lu's wine-making skills.

Putting down the wine cup, Han Li paused and said:

"My nephew wants to exchange the Qingyuan Sword Technique Yuan Ying Stage technique from my uncle this time. Please ask my uncle to help me!"

"Okay." Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded.

"As long as you have enough elixirs and spiritual stones, you will be fine. And after I condensed my body, I discovered that after practicing the Qingyuan Sword Technique to the tenth level, there is a hidden magical power 'Dagang Sword Formation' with amazing power. This time I can also trade them to you together!”

"Ah, thank you so much, Uncle Lu!"

Although Han Li didn't know how amazing this magical power was compared to his previous powers, Han Li was still pleasantly surprised when Master Lu, a Nascent Soul cultivator, praised it for its amazing power.

Seeing the grateful look on Old Mo Han's face when he was selling the great magical powers in a skill separately, Lu Tian felt even more relieved. With his family and his family, he could trick Old Mo every little bit.

"In that case, let's count you as three 3000-year-old elixir!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, took out a blank jade slip, copied it and threw it to Han Li.

"Just follow Uncle Master's words!"

Han Li nodded and had no objection.After many transactions over the years, the two rarely had any objections to the price.

Han Li took the jade slip and couldn't wait to check it out. Although the formula became more and more difficult to understand as he went to the back, he didn't take a closer look. But when he saw the description of the Dageng Sword Formation, shock flashed in his eyes. color.

"How's it going? This sword formation is pretty good, isn't it?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Han Li and chuckled, "When my nephew breaks through to Nascent Soul and refines this sword formation, he will be able to conquer the world!"

"Master uncle is joking. Master nephew, I have just formed the elixir, and Ningying doesn't know if that day will come yet!"

Han Li gave a wry smile and said, "Moreover, in order to exert the maximum power of this sword formation, you need to refine six sets of 72 flying swords, and separate hundreds of sword lights to set up the great sword formation. I'm afraid how can you refine it without a great opportunity?" Make so many flying swords?"

"Furthermore, this Da Geng Sword Formation requires not only enough sword lights to be deployed, but also the precious material of 'Geng Jing', which is called the treasure of sharp gold, to be mixed into each flying sword. It is really too difficult!"

After talking about it, Han Li shook his head.

"Haha, it all depends on my nephew's opportunity!"

Lu Tiandu laughed when he saw Han Li pretending to be poor.

Han Li has been forming elixirs for more than ten years now. Although Lu Tiandu could sense the leakage of several treasures around him, he clearly realized that it was not his natural magic weapon.

After all, although the magic weapon that has been refined by others can be absorbed into the body, it will definitely be a bit awkward. It is naturally easy for a person with strong spiritual consciousness like him to sense it.

It seems that Han Li should have been cultivating some kind of spiritual bamboo material that can be used to refine 72 flying swords at this moment.

I don’t know what kind of spiritual bamboo it is.

Although he had the top-notch spiritual bamboo such as the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo in his hand, he would not trade with him before confirming whether the rhizome of the Xuantian Immortal Vine belonged to Han Li.

Previously, in order to repay the 20 spiritual stones for the Heaven-Building Pill, Han Li took out five 3000-year-old elixirs.

An ordinary thousand-year-old elixir costs two to three thousand spiritual stones in Tiannan. When the medicine is 2000 years old, the price has increased five times.And 3000-year-old elixirs are even rarer. An ordinary one costs thirty to fifty thousand spiritual stones, and a rare one costs one hundred thousand spiritual stones.

This time there were three 3000-year-old elixirs again, which shows that Han Li had quite a chance in that ancient cave.

These eight 3000-year-old elixirs are not available to ordinary Nascent Soul monks. Why are you still pretending to be poor?

Of course, if he knew Lu Tiandu's worth, he wouldn't be pretending to be poor, he would be really poor!

Moreover, according to Lu Tiandu's guess, after Han Li formed the elixir, he began to use all the small green liquid to ripen a certain kind of spiritual bamboo. To refine 72 flying swords, he would still need six or seven thousand-year-old spiritual bamboos, which would take about 15 years. about.

This is even if he has enough pills to enhance his cultivation every day.According to the original work, Xiao Green Liquid also needs to ripen other elixirs and other daily elixirs, but it took 20 years to ripen six or seven golden thunder bamboos.

Therefore, I am afraid that the opportunity of Lao Mo's ancient cave has exceeded many people's expectations.

Since Lao Mo was so rich, Lu Tian felt that he should spend more.

Unfortunately, he originally wanted to get rid of some unused magic weapons, but it turned out that Han Li had no such need.In the end, he exchanged more than a dozen pill prescriptions from Chaos Xinghai for a thousand-year-old elixir.

"It's really unheard of to use the inner elixir of monster beasts to refine high-level elixirs."

Han Li was very pleasantly surprised when he saw the dozens of elixirs in the jade slips that were suitable for the golden elixir stage.

These ancient elixir recipes are really too cheap. The only thing missing is the fifth-level demon elixir.

"Will the Hidden Moon Sect really have a large number of demon pills to be auctioned at the auction four years from now?" Han Li confirmed again.

"It's natural."

Lu Tiandu laughed and was very satisfied with exchanging these worthless elixirs from Luan Xinghai for a thousand-year elixir. "Not to mention the elixirs, even the elixirs refined from the demon elixirs will also appear when the time comes. As long as my nephew has the Spiritual stones can have everything..."

The two chatted for a while while drinking. Lu Tian originally thought that it was time for Han Li to leave, but Han Li finally said:

"Previously, my nephew found a token that was suspected to be used for teleportation in the storage bag left by the senior. Unfortunately, there is no record in the valley's classics. I wonder if my uncle recognizes this thing?"

Han Li said as he touched his storage bag and took out the Great Movement Order that shone with light blue light.

"Great Relocation Order?"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the Great Movement Order in Han Li's hand, and said with slight surprise, "Only the sects with ancient inheritance may record this thing. Our Yellow Maple Valley inheritance is quite mixed, so it is normal that there is no record of this thing."

"I wonder if Uncle Master can explain something?"

Han Li saw that Lu Tiandu didn't look too surprised, so he thought about it and asked for advice.

"This object is not uncommon in ancient times. It is usually used to protect the teleporter during ultra-long-distance transmission. Its similar function is the Great Teleportation Talisman. However, the Great Teleportation Talisman is only a disposable item, but this object can be used repeatedly. The Great Teleportation Order is rare in the world of immortal cultivation in Tiannan, and the method of refining it has been lost long ago. It is really a good chance that you can get one..."

"Super long distance? How far is this? Can we go to other realms of cultivation?"

Han Li's heart pounded. Although he seemed to be asking for advice casually, he was actually paying careful attention to Lu Tiandu's expression.

Lu Tiandu chuckled and said:

"This world is naturally not limited to our Tiannan world of immortality. For example, passing through the Nine Kingdoms Alliance and going south across the Mulan Grassland and Tianlan Grassland is the legendary holy land of immortality, Dajin. There are also some that are across the sea from us. Immortal cultivation world, such as Chaotic Star Sea, Five Dragon Sea, Tiansha Continent, etc..."

"There are so many worlds of cultivating immortals?"

Han Li was really surprised this time.I secretly thought that Master Lu had probably been to one of them, right?

"That's true. Speaking of which, we in Tiannan are lacking in resources."

Lu Tiandu nodded and continued:

"As for this ultra-long-distance teleportation array, it is naturally set up for teleportation distances of tens of millions of miles or even across continents. Only the teleportation arrays set up by some ancient monks can also have this effect. As for the teleportation arrays from millions to tens of millions of miles, For long-distance teleportation, if there is no Great Teleportation Order, a teleportation talisman can be used instead to protect the teleporter."

"For medium-distance teleportation from one hundred thousand miles to one million miles, and short-distance teleportation within one hundred thousand miles, as long as the teleportation array is set up, the teleportation talisman is not needed..."

"Thank you, Uncle, for clarifying the confusion!"

At this moment, Han Li had confirmed that Uncle Lu in front of him must have had other secret passages to other realms of cultivation.

Thinking that he had also mastered a passage to other realms of cultivating immortals, his heart became increasingly hot.


Lu Tiandu glanced at Han Li, who was impatient to go back but was in no hurry to leave, and said:

"If there is nothing else, my nephew should go back to practice as soon as possible!"

"This...nephew, there is something else I would like to ask my uncle?"

Han Li smiled, suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and finally spoke.

If this could be done, he would have the courage to detect the teleportation array.

On the one hand, he is very curious about other worlds of immortality and wants to take a chance;
On the other hand, after the elixir is formed, the elixir that needs to be refined to improve cultivation usually takes 600 or even 800 years to produce. However, it takes seven days for a drop of the small green liquid to be produced, which increases the medicine's age by a hundred years and makes it one year. The maximum age of ripening medicine is 200 years.

This is still a situation where the weather has not changed much.

If we rely solely on the small green liquid to ripen the elixir, how many bottles of elixir can we refine with seven or eight 700-year-old elixirs in one year?
This was really a big gap compared to the speed at which he used to nibble the pills like jelly beans.Therefore, he needs to find other sources of spiritual practice resources.

Although his qualifications for refining the Heaven-Building Pill Spiritual Root are similar to those of the Three Spiritual Roots, he is really unsure about when he will be able to cultivate to the middle or even late stage of the Golden Pill!

This teleportation array can also be regarded as one of his backup means.

"The humanoid puppet that led my nephew in just now looks very extraordinary, but is it a golden elixir puppet that surpasses the fourth-level puppet?"


Lu Tiandu glanced at Han Li with a half-smile and said:
"There are only a small amount of this kind of golden elixir puppet in some ancient ruins. It is unclear whether the Qianzhu Sect in Tiannan, which is famous for its puppets, has a method for refining the golden elixir puppet... I also got it in a certain ruins. Just a few tools..."

Except that Tianjing Zhenren obtained some damaged high-level puppets and their refining methods from an expedition to some ancient ruins.In Tiannan, Lu Tian actually knew that there should be remaining golden elixir puppets in the disappeared temple of Qianzhu Sect, and a shrewd person like Dayan Shenjun would probably have other secrets. After all, tricks like the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit are good for thousands of years of life. It's too normal for old monsters.

In the future, he will go to the far west land to see if he can get some good things from the Dayan God Lord except for the last three levels of Dayan Jue.

"Uncle Master, this is indeed a good opportunity!"

Han Li said with an envious look.

"What? Do you still want to exchange some golden elixir puppets from me?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and looked at Han Lidao.

"Does Uncle Master still have extra puppets that he is willing to trade with?"

Looking at Lu Tiandu's expression, Han Li was instantly pleasantly surprised.

"Of course this puppet is of no use to me. If my nephew wants to exchange it, he has to come up with something good!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and with a flick of his hand, four humanoid puppets appeared on the table.

I originally wanted to get more good things from Han Li, but unfortunately Han Li estimated that he had obtained a lot of magic weapons in the ruins, and Lu Tian was unwilling to trade other precious materials. Unexpectedly, Han Li actually fell in love with the golden elixir puppet.

There were originally ten of these puppets in the Treasure Pavilion in the Yaochi Tower, and they were all refined by the women before returning to Tiannan.

After returning to Tiannan, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, Gui Nianwei, Gui Nianxin and Yanli, each of the five beauties in the early stages of the Golden Elixir, took one with them, while the others remained in the Treasure Pavilion.

Lu Tiandu has been staying in Xiaoyaoya Cave Mansion recently. There are many people visiting him, so he uses one of them as a maid.

Others, such as Li Huayuan and others, had also seen the golden elixir puppet when they came, but when they heard the exchange price from Lu Tiandu, they could only lament that they were short of money.

It depends on whether Han Li is willing to give up this time.

"These are the only other four puppets I have on hand. If my nephew is interested, one puppet can be exchanged for [-] spirit stones, or something of equal value!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

"What? So expensive?"

Han Li was startled.Originally, he thought he could exchange one for only [-] to [-] spirit stones, but it turned out that it was twice as expensive!
"Is it expensive? It's not expensive at all!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head, "Senior nephew, do you know that a full blow from this puppet is equivalent to a strike from a mid-stage golden elixir monk? Moreover, the materials used in its refining are extremely precious, and some materials have no substitute at all in the current world of immortal cultivation. …”

"An ordinary magic weapon costs [-] to [-] spiritual stones. How can this mid-stage golden elixir puppet cost [-] spiritual stones? How can it be so expensive!"

After a while, Han Li's expression changed and he smiled bitterly:

"According to my uncle, it is indeed not expensive. If an ordinary Jindan monk has such a puppet, it will indeed be a good helper... However, my nephew is really not rich enough. I wonder if my uncle can sell the refining of this ancient puppet. method?"

"This is natural. There is nothing that cannot be traded. The price is the same as that of a puppet. But I want to remind my nephew that there is a key material for this kind of ancient puppet that Tiannan probably doesn't have for a long time. I don't have it either. materials. If my nephew cannot refine the golden elixir puppet after exchanging it, don’t regret it!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at Han Li with a smile but not a smile. What a good boy, he actually disliked the price. Is he planning to cultivate some of the materials with the little green liquid?

"Of course I can't blame my uncle for this. My nephew still wants to exchange the method of refining this golden elixir puppet first!"

After thinking for a moment, Han Li gritted his teeth and affirmed.After all, one hundred thousand spiritual stones is a huge amount of wealth.

But if he bets correctly, he can naturally save a lot of spiritual stones and elixirs.

"Okay, let's take a look!"

Lu Tiandu casually pulled out a gray jade slip and threw it to Han Li.

After a moment, Han Li raised his head, with a look of disappointment on his face, and said doubtfully:
"If we have the chance, we can gather all the other materials, but what is this 'soul stone'? My nephew has never heard of it."

It was only a matter of time before he could gather the high-level materials such as thousand-year-old iron wood inside, but this soul stone was the only thing that stumped him.

I secretly lamented that I really spent a lot of money this time, but if I can really find this kind of material in the future, then if ten or eight golden elixir puppets are released at once, even the Nascent Soul monks may have to flee.

"It depends on the opportunity of my nephew. If there is a chance, it is possible to encounter this object."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "So, do you still want this puppet master nephew?"

Han Li's expression changed again, and then he smiled bitterly and said:

"My nephew naturally wants to exchange for two, but I don't have so many spirit stones for the time being... I wonder if my uncle can give me credit?"

According to Han Li's plan and conjecture, if there were four golden elixir puppets, he would still have the confidence to test out the teleportation array when he refined his life magic weapon.

In addition to the eight 3000-year-old elixirs and one thousand-year-old elixir that he gave to Lu Tiandu before, the total value of all the elixirs, magic weapons, and precious materials left in his secret library is naturally more than 50 spirit stones. But since He has already completed a large deal with Lu Tian. If he takes out something worth 50 spiritual stones, it would be too revealing of his wealth. This is not in line with his low-key character.

So in the end, he only proposed to exchange two puppets, and showed that he was temporarily unable to pay.

"That's what happened."

Lu Tiandu nodded. He didn't know whether Han Li was really in need or was hiding his clumsiness again. He smiled and said:
"In that case, then you should take these two puppets back first. In the next few years, you can collect as much of the 30 spirit stones as you can!"

"That's it, thank you so much, uncle!"

A look of surprise flashed across Han Li's face, and he randomly picked two puppets he liked, then said goodbye to Lu Tiandu and returned to his cave.

"Han Li has the Great Movement Order in his hand. Did he also discover an ancient teleportation array?"

Lu Tiandu thought deeply.

"Moreover, Han Li also spent a lot of money to purchase the golden elixir puppet. Could it be that there is still unexplored space in the ruins he discovered before?"

"But there is no need to worry about the Xuantian Immortal Vine for the time being. We will wait until I finish the immediate matter."

Lu Tiandu pondered for a moment and then forgot about Han Li. He had secret passages to other realms of cultivation for the time being and was not very interested in other ancient teleportation formations.

As for resources, he has no shortage of them. After handling a few things in the plan, he still has to focus on his own cultivation.

Looking at the two puppets on the jade table, Lu Tiandu secretly said:

"To be honest, except for the rare soul stone, the other materials of this golden elixir-stage puppet are not very valuable. Selling [-] spirit stones, I made several times the profit at once, which is really a huge profit. I can generate infinitely These small pieces of soul stones allow Xiaomei and the others to refine a batch of puppets, which will definitely be a good thing when they are put at auction!"

"However, this golden elixir puppet consumes too many spiritual stones when used. Without a certain wealth, it is really just a fire stick. Only Yuanying old monsters or rich golden elixir monks can afford it..."

After pondering for a moment, Lu Tiandu casually put away the two puppets on the jade table and entered a state of seclusion.

He will not show up at the Nascent Soul Ceremony of Hongfu next. In the six months to a year before going to the Far West, he mainly focused on practicing the great magical power of Wind and Thunder.

If I have extra time, I will also try to refine the Tianyang Divine Fire in the Tianyang Fire Gourd in preparation for refining this semi-finished magic weapon as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, one year later.

Lu Tiandu left the cave, and after contacting Hong Fu, he went to the Lingkong Stone Tower Cave again and left more than ten fine ancient treasures obtained from Nangong Ping and some soul stones for refining the golden elixir puppet. , materials, it turned into a golden thread that was invisible to the naked eye and shot towards the west in an instant.

To get to the far west, you not only have to pass through the countries of the Righteous Alliance, but you also have to cross a vast desert that stretches for countless miles before you can get there.

Moreover, over the entire desert, fierce hurricanes blow year after year. If ordinary cultivators want to cross this desert, they can only walk on foot.Otherwise, the mana will be exhausted by the hurricane before it can fly very far.

But this is naturally not a difficult problem for Lu Tiandu. With his current magic power and the weirdness of Wind and Thunder Escape, even these strong winds can't do anything to him.

However, he will not waste his mana in vain and must fly in the sky. As long as he sticks to the ground and alternately uses the wind escape technique and the lucky wind boots under his feet, he will naturally be extremely fast.

This land in the far west is not very large, only the size of two medium-sized countries in Tiannan, and its resources are relatively poor. However, it is not difficult to support several immortal cultivating sects.

It's just that this place is separated from Tiannan by a large desert that is shrouded by hurricanes all year round. It's really inconvenient to travel there. There is also the agreement signed by the Lord Dayan to defeat the Righteous Demonic Path more than ten thousand years ago. Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, there is no Righteous Demonic Path. Get involved in the land of the far west.

The entire Far West has always been occupied by the Qianzhu Sect.

Lu Tiandu now has extraordinary spiritual awareness and superb stealth skills. There are no surprises in passing through the countries of the Righteous Alliance.

After entering the desert, Lu Tiandu released two fifth-level spiritual beasts, the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting rat, to see if they could find some precious desert specialties.

Half a year later, Lu Tiandu, who looked relaxed and comfortable, entered the land of the far west.

Along the way, he was not in a hurry. While searching for treasures along the way, he also returned to Yaochi Pagoda to practice when he had time.

In the past six months, he had harvested a lot of precious minerals and fire-attribute elixirs in the desert, which made him feel that his trip was worthwhile.

Especially at the source of one of the hurricanes, after breaking through many hurricanes, he actually got a fist-sized natural wind spirit bead, which surprised him greatly.

This is a wind spirit bead that is rarer than the Five Elements Spirit Bead. It is much higher quality than the fire spirit bead that Lu Tiandu first obtained. It is really a rare treasure.

Not only can it help monks speed up their practice in front of the Nascent Soul, but it is also a rare thing to refine this natural spiritual object into a magic weapon.

Unfortunately, since he got the Wind Spirit Bead, Lu Tiandu and the two beasts found a lot less good things, whether because he ran out of luck or something.

The Thousand Bamboo Sect dominates this land in the far west. Lu Tiandu used a little bit of ecstasy to find out the situation from a Qianzhu Sect protector.

Since Lei Wanhe, Young Master Lin and others killed Jin Nantian and his cronies decades ago, the Qianzhu Sect has returned to the hands of Young Master Lin.

Apart from changing the leader, Qianzhu Sect has not changed much in recent years.Although there are tens of thousands of followers, there is only one leader Lin in the Golden Core stage, and there are only a few foundation protectors. It is really a waste of such a large land.

However, these had little to do with Lu Tian. After asking clearly where the Qianzhu Sect's temple was, Lu Tiandu disappeared in the blink of an eye.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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