Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 193 See the light of day again!The shocked Lord Dayan!Chapter returns!

Chapter 193 See the light of day again!The shocked Lord Dayan!return! (Please subscribe)

"Pfft", a golden wind filled the air in Lu Tiandu's hand. The restrictions on the stone gate in front of him and the thick stone gate turned into fine shavings in the blink of an eye. Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeves and stepped into the stone palace.

This was already the last hall he had explored in the secret space beneath the Qianzhu Sect's abandoned temple headquarters.

The restrictions laid out in this underground palace complex are many times more sophisticated than those in the holy church on the surface. Even if thousands of years have passed, it can still be seen at a glance that it is the handiwork of Nascent Soul monks.

According to his guess, this should be the final hiding place of Dayan God Lord Shouyuan.

Behind the stone door, there is a secret room that is more than thirty feet wide. In the middle, a gray and simple sarcophagus is extremely conspicuous. There are more than a dozen broken puppets staggering around and nothing else.

The floor of the secret room was covered with a thick layer of dust, and it looked like no one had come in for an unknown number of years.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew the plot, and he didn't bother to look at the most conspicuous sarcophagus full of restrictions. He let go of his huge spiritual consciousness and inspected the broken puppets scattered around the sarcophagus.

Just when he inspected a giant ape-like puppet, a sudden change occurred!
The originally motionless and unremarkable puppet in front of him suddenly opened its mouth, and a seven-color crystal light spurted out, shooting straight towards the door in front of Lu Tiandu.


Lu Tiandu's expression changed, and the colorful rays of light around him released astonishing spiritual power. He instantly transformed into a battle armor, and at the same time, with his five fingers spread out, a golden and purple vortex appeared in his palm, and his big hand grabbed the colorful crystal light like lightning.

With a "Puff" sound, the crystal light split into two.

A smaller one was grabbed by Lu Tiandu, and he rushed left and right but still failed to break through the vortex formed by the three-flavored divine wind and Xuanming Zhenlei with the help of the wind and thunder, and became weaker and weaker.

And another larger crystal light disappeared into the colorful light that filled Lu Tiandu in a flash, as if traveling through layers of space, and was suddenly swallowed by a golden-purple black hole that appeared.

"How is it possible? You, a mere early-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, can actually block the Seven Emotions Art of this Lord God?"

Suddenly, he felt that the released Seven Emotions Divine Needle was trapped, and an old and unbelievable word came from the mouth of this giant ape puppet.

At this moment, Lu Tian was already far away from the puppet. With a flick of his hand, a slightly dim colorful crystal light shot towards a stone wall on the side and disappeared in a flash.

The smaller colorful crystal light had long since been consumed by the whirlpool space formed by his two magical powers.

Even if this thicker one is sealed in the prison space of wind and thunder, it will still take some mana to completely eliminate it, and Lu Tiandu is naturally too lazy to do so.

While being imprisoned, it was easily expelled to the stone wall.

"Senior Dayan's spiritual consciousness and secret technique are indeed extraordinary, but if you want to win over Lu, it's still not as good as it is!"

Lu Tiandu still protected his whole body with the wind and thunder prison map, and said with a smile.

Having said that, he secretly admired the Seven Emotions Art created by God Lord Dayan to specifically attack Nascent Soul.

If he hadn't known that this was going to happen, he would have been on guard earlier, and he would not have used magic weapons to block the seven-color crystal light. Instead, he would have used two large and small spaces to block the crystal light formed after the spiritual consciousness was transformed. Mang, it is really possible to be shot into the sea of ​​consciousness by this secret technique.

Although he does not have the second Nascent Soul to transfer damage, the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​​​consciousness can still resolve this secret technique.

However, in front of an old monster like Lord Dayan who knows countless secret techniques and has experienced many people, he is naturally unwilling to reveal his trump card that can resolve the Seven Emotions Art in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"What a weird boy! At the early stage of Yuan Ying, the strength of your spiritual consciousness is already as strong as that of a great monk after Yuan Ying. Moreover, the energy and blood in your body is so powerful that I have only seen it in my life. And this magic weapon and magical power can actually trap me. Seven Emotions Divine Needle, weird! So weird! How could he be such a weird person?"

The old voice of God Lord Dayan became more and more frightened as he spoke, and a huge spiritual consciousness came out from the giant ape puppet, as if it was sensing something.

"Okay, Senior Dayan, let's give up. Lu has some quirks, and there is no need to say more about senior's quirks. After more than ten thousand years, the soul can still survive, which is really admirable! "

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, shook his shoulders, and an invisible wave instantly drove away the prying eyes of God Lord Dayan.

"What? Your boy came here specifically to see me this time?"

An old and uncertain word came from the giant ape's mouth.

"Of course the junior has come here specifically to find the senior. Senior, there is no need to be suspicious. Junior Lu Tiandu has no ill intentions. Speaking of which, the junior has also practiced the first four levels of Dayan Jue created by the senior, and can be regarded as half of the disciple of the senior... So, senior, please Show your true self and make it easier for me to talk."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, bowed and said.

"That's fine, since I can't do anything to you with my Seven Emotions Art, it's really impossible to capture you. But if you want to be malicious to me, I will fight to the death to counter you!"

A gash opened in the giant ape's chest, and a golden man about a foot tall appeared at the giant ape's feet.

This villain's eyes are crystal clear, and his body is imprinted with countless spiritual patterns. He is also a rare humanoid puppet.

"Moreover, even if you practice the four-level Dayan formula that I passed down, you still can't have such spiritual consciousness. Just run the Dayan formula and let me see it!"

The little golden figure attached to God Lord Dayan opened and closed his mouth and said rudely.

He, the founder of the Dayan Jue, knows the Dayan Jue all too well. Even if a monk in the early stage of Yuanying has cultivated the first four levels of the Dayan Jue, his spiritual consciousness is at most about the same as the two hundred miles of a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying. He is a person who is born with a powerful soul. , it can be dozens of miles at most, how can it reach the four hundred miles of the monks after Yuan Dynasty?

The kid in front of me is really weird, but it's a pity that his spiritual attacks can't do anything to him.

"Of course. The junior's current spiritual consciousness is not only due to the effect of the Dayan Jue created by the senior, but of course it is also related to the inherent strength of the junior's spiritual consciousness."

Lu Tiandu said while running the Dayan Jue:

"And this junior came to Qianzhu Sect mainly for the last three levels of formulas that senior has kept secret."

"I have indeed practiced the first four levels of Dayan Jue to perfection."

Sensing the fluctuations in Lu Tiandu's body, Lord Dayan said, "But if your boy has such a sense of consciousness, I'm afraid he will have other adventures?" After speaking, Lord Dayan began to test again.

After all, he spent a lot of time on the secret technique of Dayan Jue, and he was naturally very curious about other things that could enhance his spiritual consciousness.

"Hehe, this is my secret! But have seniors ever heard of the soul-nurturing tree?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled lightly and took out a black oval wood carving pendant from his chest. It was Ling Yuling's original gift. He has been wearing it since he received it. "This soul-nurturing wood also has a certain effect on the nourishment of spiritual consciousness." It’s of little use!”

"What a great opportunity for you, boy!"

Lord Dayan looked at the soul-nurturing wood pendant in Lu Tiandu's hand, and his eyes flashed with envy.

He was once a great monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, but unfortunately he did not have the opportunity to see this kind of treasure.

"Having this kind of treasure, wearing it all year round, does have a good warming and nourishing effect on the spiritual consciousness. But I am very curious about what kind of treasure and magical power you use to block my Seven Emotions Divine Needle?"

Now knowing that Lu Tiandu’s spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of the monks after Yuan Dynasty, God Lord Dayan no longer calls himself me, and he asks eagerly again.

This Secret Technique of Seven Emotions is one of the techniques he has learned over the past thousands of years. It is several times more powerful than the Shocking Thorn in Dayan Jue. Once it is hit, it will directly act on the monk's Nascent Soul. As long as he operates the Seven Emotions Art, the seven emotions of the person who receives the spell will be controlled by him, and life and death will depend on his thoughts. Unexpectedly, it was blocked by Lu Tiandu!
It made him wonder if there was something wrong with his technique.

"Haha, the colorful rays of light that the junior protected me just now happened to be a space magic weapon, and the golden purple vortex was a magical power that the junior practiced. It can form a small space within it, so the senior should have guessed it, right?"

Lu Tiandu gave a brief explanation.

"Space magic weapon? You can actually refine such a space treasure after ten thousand years. What a great opportunity!"

God Lord Dayan's tone was full of shock.He also has a space magic weapon, but it is far behind compared to Lu Tiandu's colorful space magic weapon.

Moreover, considering that Megatron Tiannan failed to collect the materials to refine a high-level space magic weapon ten thousand years ago, this kid after ten thousand years actually has such an opportunity?
Is it true that he is old?

Or is this junior ridiculously strong?

The Lord Dayan fell into deep doubts!

As for the golden-purple whirlpool magical power that terrified him, God Lord Dayan didn't ask much. He guessed that it must be one of Lu Tiandu's trump cards and would not reveal it to him.

"This junior has a small chance!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the shocked golden man and said humbly, "Now that I have told you frankly, how can I be willing to pass on the third level of the Dayan Art?"

The divine consciousness of Dayan Shenjun who has practiced the seventh level of Dayan Jue is probably comparable to that of a monk who transforms into gods. If he is not willing, it is naturally impossible for Lu Tiandu to know the memory in his soul through soul searching.

But if the little golden puppet is controlled and taken into the world of stone beads, it will naturally be another matter.

He still admires the Great God of Dayan, a senior who lived more than [-] years ago, and the Dayan Jue has played a big role in his and all the beauties' growth, so naturally he will not do such a thing as torturing the Jue. .

"Huh, Dayan Jue is a unique method that I worked hard to create. It seems that you are not a descendant of my former sect. What can you give me in exchange for me to pass on the following formula to you? If you didn't let me There’s no need to say anything about what’s touching my heart!”

The golden villain let out a long sigh of relief and said rudely.After saying that, he inadvertently glanced at the soul-nurturing wood pendant that Lu Tiandu had hidden before.

Most of the soul in his soul has been lost, and he can still survive for a hundred years. But if there is a spiritual object like the soul-nurturing tree to nourish his consciousness, he can survive for many more years and complete some unfinished wishes.

"Although the junior is not a disciple of the senior, speaking of which, the junior and senior have some feelings for each other..."

Lu Tiandu pretended not to see God Lord Dayan looking at the soul-nurturing wood pendant given to him by the little rich woman. He briefly talked about helping Young Master Lin regain the Thousand Bamboo Sect, and then said:

"Although the Senior's Dayan Art is indeed very miraculous, when it comes to miraculous magic in the world, the junior's knowledge is probably no less than that of the senior. Among them, the junior happens to know an extremely miraculous method that can give the senior a new life..." "What you said is just that. The secret technique of seizing a body?" The golden villain frowned.

"Needless to say, ever since I created the 'Spirit Transfer Technique', my soul has been integrated with this puppet. Although I can still control my consciousness, my soul cannot leave this puppet's body at all. If I leave forcibly, the three In an instant, the consciousness will inevitably collapse, and it will be impossible to seize the body..."

"Even if you can win over others and send them to me to seize their bodies, even if you succeed, my life span will be over long ago. I am afraid that I will face death as soon as I succeed in seizing my body!"

"Hey, what this junior is talking about is not the secret technique of seizing someone else's body! It's another weird secret technique that can seize everything from others without taking their bodies..."

Lu Tiandu chuckled and explained the relevant functions of the "Hunyuan Guiyi Divine Technique" in the "Tianyin Juesha Sutra".

"What? How could there be such a secret skill? Are you lying to me?"

The golden puppet's crystal eyes covered with runes suddenly burst out with a ball of light, and the tone of Lord Dayan's voice was full of disbelief.

Lu Tiandu said that this method of reuniting the soul with the soul of other monks can actually assimilate the soul of the caster with that of other monks. After assimilation, it only takes a short time to merge with the true essence of the assimilated person again and complete the rebirth. It's really weird.

This is equivalent to giving the monk another chance to live another life.If you can take someone else's body once, wouldn't it mean that a person has lived three lives?
"How can this junior talk nonsense on this matter? Although this junior has never used this secret technique, he has seen others use it, so it is certainly true!" Lu Tiandu said.

Back then, he was almost killed by Guo Yuanjiu of the Divine Weapon Sect using this secret method. Guo Yuanjiu's condition at that time was worse than the current Dayan Divine Lord. If he could find a suitable body, he would be reborn.

"Quick, take it out and show it to me!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the little golden man jumped up instantly and landed in front of Lu Tiandu, looking impatient.

"It's okay to show it to the seniors, and the juniors will find suitable assimilation partners for the seniors. However, the value of this secret technique is so high that the seniors should know it. When the time comes, the seniors must not only swear not to spread it to outsiders, but also the seniors should have it." The secret cave, I still have to make up for this junior..."

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

"No problem. As long as your secret technique is true, not to mention the entire Dayan Technique, I can teach you all the other secret techniques and puppet techniques that I have studied all my life, and there is also a secret technique near this secret room. I can also give it to you. As for the other two caves, since your secret technique can give me a new life, why do you want to leave some wealth for me, right?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Lord Dayan suppressed the excitement in his heart and said in a deep voice.

Lu Tiandu dared to say this, and it was probably true. This made Lord Dayan, who had been a puppet for thousands of years, suddenly surprised.

"This is natural. The junior respects the old and loves the young. As long as the Dayan Jue and this secret vault are enough, then there will be things that the junior needs in other caves of the senior. Just pick a few. As for the puppet technique, the junior does not know How rare..."

When talking about the latter part, Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Shenjun Dayan has been studying Tiannan's long-lost puppet technique for a lifetime. It is estimated that he has only developed the method of refining the puppet of Queen Yuan so far. If he knew that Lu Tiandu had already received the puppet inheritance from Feng Xian, he would probably be killed alive. So angry.

After all, it was because he studied Dayan Jue and Puppet Technique that he finally missed the time to advance to God Transformation.

After God Lord Dayan finished swearing, Lu Tiandu threw out a black jade slip for God Lord Dayan to look at.

After a long while, I heard the little golden man murmuring:

"There are really many talented people in this world of immortality. This kind of secret skill is really amazing. God will not destroy me..."

This method of returning the divine essence to the Great One is exactly what Lu Tiandu said. The only flaw is that after the assimilation, the memories of the two people merge and become a new person.If the other party's spiritual consciousness is huge, then the other party may be the main one.

However, Shenjun Dayan is still somewhat confident in terms of his spiritual consciousness. After the fusion, his memory will definitely be the main one.

Of course, if you don't want the memory in the other person's consciousness, you can refine it in advance, but this will cause some damage to the soul.

"What a boy! You really impress me! I owe you a favor this time, and I will repay you when I succeed in the future!"

At this moment, God Lord Dayan’s tone was full of excitement.The thought of finally bidding farewell to this ten-thousand-year puppet body and living a second life is really exciting.

After a while, the Lord Dayan dug out an inconspicuous yellow bamboo tube about a foot long from a pile of rags, and then took out a jade slip from it and threw it to Lu Tiandu. Inside was all the information he needed to create the Dayan Jue. Experience and techniques.

This bamboo tube is naturally the space magic weapon "Dongfutian" of God Dayan. It is naturally many times larger than a storage bag, but the space inside is much smaller than the space in Lu Tiandu's natal magic weapon. .

"After thousands of years, I finally see the light of day again!"

Feeling the bright sunshine outside, God Lord Dayan, who was staying in Dongfutian, sighed with a complicated expression.

Half a day later, Lu Tiandu left the far west land carrying a yellow bamboo tube about a foot long, once again stepped into the desert covered by the hurricane, and embarked on the road back.

In the past half day, Lu Tiandu, under the command of God Lord Dayan, searched three secret treasures. Among them, the most valuable ones belonging to him were two high-level puppets from the early stage of Nascent Soul and more than forty golden treasures. Danqi's puppets and other materials are not very valuable compared to these puppets.

A total of three puppets from the early stage of Nascent Soul and dozens of puppets from the golden elixir stage were also found in the other two secret caves. There are quite a few other ancient treasures, magic weapons, spiritual stones, top-level materials, elixirs, etc., which shows that there are countless Years ago, Shenjun Dayan, the powerful man who roamed the south, really collected a lot of good things.

Lu Tiandu only took out a top-level ancient treasure, several rare materials including a fist-sized piece of Geng Essence, and several rare elixir seeds. The rest were put into Dongfutian for God Dayan. .

Lu Tiandu was also speechless when he thought of the hundreds of golden elixir puppets held by God Lord Dayan during his lifetime.If this was released all at once, even the great monks of the Yuan Dynasty would have no choice but to flee.

Coupled with the fact that she is stronger than ordinary Yuan Empresses and has five puppets of the early Yuan Ying, it can only be said that even if there is a group fight, God Lord Dayan is really not afraid of anyone!
If God Dayan didn't have even a trace of mana after using the magic to place it on the golden villain puppet, I am afraid that many high-level puppets could be refined in these years.

However, the Nascent Soul-level puppets that God Lord Dayan can refine are really limited. After all, although his puppet technique is obtained from other parts that he has figured out after the fragments of ancient times, God Lord Dayan has not found the key material such as the soul stone. Substitute.

There are only three large soul stones in Dayan Shenjun's collection that are needed to refine Nascent Soul level puppets.

According to what God Lord Dayan said, if he regains his human body at this moment and has the cultivation level of Nascent Soul, it will not be a problem to refine a puppet of the middle Nascent Soul stage. However, whether he can refine a puppet of the late Nascent Soul stage is still open to question.

Lu Tiandu didn't tell him that he had a puppet inheritance. After all, it was too shocking.

It would not be good to make Lord Dayan, who has worked so hard to study puppets, become autistic.

"Boy Lu, you are really weird. You actually followed the path of cultivating the legal body, which is rare among ancient monks. Wow, you are so weird!"

Lu Tiandu suddenly heard the sighing voice of God Lord Dayan.

The scene where Lu Tiandu violently broke the restrictions on the two secret vaults he had set up before was still vivid in his mind. He really didn't expect that Lu Tiandu would practice the body-training technique to such an extent.

I'm afraid a magic weapon can be smashed with just a few punches!

"Juniors just have some small opportunities!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and didn't say much.

As he continued to take the qi and blood elixir refined from the flesh and blood of sixth- and seventh-level monsters and countless dragon scale fruits over the years, he felt that he could achieve the third great achievement as long as he stayed in seclusion for a few more months.

On the eve of the war with the Ghost Spirit Sect, it was an unexpected joy to have mastered the "Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill" to the third level.

Come to think of it, one dragon scale fruit every day these years has really played a big role.

It will definitely give everyone a surprise by then!

"Hmph, I don't really believe in the little chance you talk about."

Lord Dayan snorted coldly.

After testing more times, Lord Dayan also discovered that this kid Lu Tiandu is definitely a person with a lot of secrets. Many precious things seemed sparse and ordinary when he came to this guy's mouth. However, from the way he inadvertently revealed his tone, it seemed that he was someone with a lot of secrets. You're right, they are indeed ordinary things.

This made Lord Dayan, who prided himself on his vast knowledge, extremely depressed.

After tens of thousands of years of loneliness, a new life was imminent. God Lord Dayan chatted with Lu Tiandu when he had nothing to do along the way, which gave Lu Tiandu a headache and could only bury his head in the road.

"I'm curious about what kind of body-training techniques you practice. How can you practice to such an extent at such a young age?"

"Senior, have you ever heard of the "Vajra Technique" technique?"

"Sounds a bit like a Buddhist technique? When I traveled to the Jin Dynasty, I heard that the Buddhist Vajra Protector specializes in a rare body-building technique called "Ming Wang Jue". Is there any connection between the two?"

After pondering for a long time, Dayan Shenjun said.

"Senior's guess is correct. This "Mingwang Jue" is adapted from the famous body-training technique "Vajra Jue" in the spiritual world!"

"I heard that the practice method of "Ming Wang Jue" is very overbearing and has some demonic tendencies. It is really unbelievable that you can practice this kind of practice to such an extent!"

Lord Dayan recalled the rumors of "Mingwang Jue" he heard in Dajin and said in surprise.

"This skill is actually a spiritual world skill. It seems that your boy has a good chance." God Lord Dayan paused and sighed, "Can you let me see this skill?"

"Senior, let's see for yourself!"

Lu Tiandu randomly took out a jade slip and threw it into the bamboo tube.

Anyway, this skill is not his main skill, and it is just for God Lord Dayan to learn it, so as not to chatter in his ears.

Two months later, Lu Tiandu, who was no longer searching for treasure in the desert and focused on his journey, returned to Tiannan again!

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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