Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 194 Transformation into God Qingluan!The best spiritual stone!Imitation Lingbao!

Chapter 194 Transformation into God Qingluan!The best spiritual stone!Imitation Lingbao! (Please subscribe)
"Hey, Mr. Lu, isn't the Yellow Maple Valley in the north of Vietnam? Why are you running south?"

After passing through the Zhengdao Kingdoms again and entering the Yue Kingdom, he saw Lu Tiandu burying his head and flying away to the south, and God Lord Dayan said in confusion.

Along the way, he had learned a lot about the changes in Tiannan over the years, and he was still a little curious about Huang Maple Valley, which could cultivate such an eccentric and powerful young genius like Lu Tiandu.

In fact, Lu Tian was too surprised along the way.

Needless to say, the specialness of spiritual consciousness and body refining, the weird invisibility secrets and the invisible escape method really made him feel itchy. It was a pity that he was willing to use some of his own unique skills, Lu Tiandu didn't speak at all.

If you ask too many questions, you won’t be able to learn, and I won’t be able to teach you!
This made the once genius Dayan Shenjun extremely depressed.However, he also discovered along the way that Lu Tiandu's mysterious escape method should be related to the wind and thunder escape method that is rare in the world of immortality.

These two escape methods are really not easy for Five Elements spiritual root monks to learn, unless they have wind and thunder spiritual roots or related physiques.

However, Lu Tiandu's escape technique was weirder and faster than the wind and thunder escape technique he had seen before. He could only secretly be greedy and wonder whether he should ask Lu Tiandu to find him a monk with wind and thunder spiritual roots to fuse and assimilate?
However, when he thought of the technique he had practiced to the Yuan Empress and the many magical powers that came with it, God Lord Dayan found it difficult to choose.

"I just happened to be going out this time. I had discovered a cave of a bird demon cultivator before. I just happened to open the cave to see if there is anything good inside!"

Lu Tiandu flew away quickly while transmitting messages.

Two quarters of an hour later, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, circled briefly, and landed on a barren mountain.

Lu Tiandu let go of his consciousness and observed the surrounding environment.

This is the barren mountain where Xiao Cuier got the animal skin book.After he formed the elixir, he came here for a while, but in the end he only opened the outer formation with Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei, but he got a Tianxuan treasure robe from the early Yuanying monk from Dongyu Kingdom inside.

When he came this time, he naturally wanted to open the core hall in the Bird Demon Cultivation Cave Mansion to see if there was anything good.

After checking that there was nothing strange here, Lu Tiandu used his earth escape technique and submerged into the barren mountain at his feet.

Arriving again at the foot of the barren mountain before the hidden formation she and Xin Ruyin had set up, Lu Tiandu twirled his fingers, gold and purple flashing, and after making several seals, the cave in front of him changed, revealing a deep corridor. Lu Tiandu ducked into it.

"I didn't expect that this would be the cave of a tenth-level demon cultivator. What a great opportunity, you boy!"

God Lord Dayan said in surprise as he observed the vigorous and rough murals on the wall of the wide man-made passage.

"It's okay. I hope you don't disappoint me too much."

Lu Tiandu said calmly.

What is recorded on this mural is naturally the growth path of a generation of demon cultivators. Lu Tiandu had already observed it for the first time when he saw it. Judging from the complete human form of the last demon cultivator, he must have reached the late stage of transformation.

If he had been in the golden elixir stage, he would have been extremely surprised by the inheritance of the tenth-level demon cultivator. However, after coming out of the Wild Demon Court, he had collected eight of the tenth-level demon elixirs, and countless other precious materials.

There is not much surprise about the ruins of a demon cultivator of this level.But now that I know there is this cave, I naturally have no intention of letting it go.

"Humph, you have such a big mouth!"

Lord Dayan snorted coldly.Even ten thousand years ago, the materials and demon elixirs of a tenth-level demon cultivator would have been extremely precious, but in the words of Lu Tiandu, he turned out to be ordinary again.

It's no wonder that Lu Tian wasn't surprised at all. After all, he even had the remains of the god-turned-god Lei Peng. A tenth-level demon cultivator really didn't surprise him.

Lu Tiandu walked through the long corridor, and soon a huge square appeared in front of him.

On the square, there are several simple stone platforms of different heights, whose purpose is unknown.

Lu Tiandu did not stop, and took a step forward towards the depths of the square. After passing through a jade-paved avenue again, a huge and majestic palace appeared in front of him.

"No, this restraining power is not like what a demon cultivator in the late stage of transformation can lay down!"

After feeling the densely packed five-color auras flashing in front of the palace for a moment, God Lord Dayan exclaimed.

"It is indeed not the work of the monk Yuanhou."

Lu Tiandu also spoke.There was a bit more surprise in his tone.

More than ninety years ago, when he and Xin Ruyin and Xiaomei saw the power of restriction here, they knew that they could not break it.After all, even the dead early Yuanying monk couldn't break through, let alone them.

He originally thought it was a cave for eight or nine level demon cultivators and up to tenth level demon cultivators. However, now that his cultivation has greatly improved and his vision is extraordinary, he can tell at a glance that the person who created this forbidden power has extraordinary cultivation.

"Is it a cultivator who transforms into gods and demons?"

There was an extremely fiery tone in Dayan Shenjun's tone.

This kind of cave abode was something that even he had rarely seen back then!
"It's very possible. But fortunately, too much time has passed here, and the power of the restriction has weakened a lot. Otherwise, I might have returned empty-handed this time!"

Lu Tiandu suppressed the surprise in his heart, released his spiritual consciousness and carefully observed the colorful light shield.

After a while, Lu Tiandu began his journey to break the ban after feeling more confident.

Lu Tiandu opened his fingers, and a ball of golden wind appeared in his hand. In the blink of an eye, the ball of golden wind became about ten feet in size and appeared in front of his chest.

Looking at the wind group that had turned into a ball about ten feet in size, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a golden-purple essence disappeared into the wind group in a flash. The golden wind group suddenly shook, and hit it in a flash. Above the colorful light curtain.


As soon as these colorful protective masks made of unknown forbidden substances and the wind group made of the three-flavored divine wind came into contact, a dazzling light burst out in an instant, and at the same time, bursts of weird sounds came out.

Just when the golden wind group came into contact with the forbidden light curtain, Lu Tiandu was filled with colorful light, and he had already prepared protective measures, but the forbidden light curtain did not release any attack methods in the end.

After a while, as the large group of golden wind was finally consumed, only a several-inch-long hole was eliminated on the light screen. As the golden wind disappeared, it healed in the blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct. This shield is a purely defensive restriction!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the light curtain that had become complete again and said with a smile.

"That's true." God Lord Dayan also affirmed, "But your kid's golden wind magical power is really powerful. It can actually break through the restrictions set by the monks of the Transformation of God. It is really an extremely powerful magical power!"

This golden wind mass should be one of the golden-purple whirlpools that trapped and consumed his Seven Emotions Divine Needle before, and had left a deep impression on God Lord Dayan.

Now that it can actually have an effect on the protective restrictions set up by the monks of the Transformation God, although the Lord Dayan didn't say much surprise in his tone, he was extremely surprised in his heart.

"Junior, this magical power is the only one that has a miraculous effect on breaking restrictions!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Lord Dayan didn't say anything after hearing this, and was noncommittal.Although he had repeatedly re-evaluated Lu Tiandu's combat prowess, the more he came into contact with him, the more he felt that Lu Tiandu was unfathomable.

If he were really treated like a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he would definitely be tricked to death.

Speaking of which, in addition to the strange effect of destroying enemies, this three-flavored kamikaze has surprised Lu Tiandu several times in terms of breaking restrictions.

Sometimes it is more effective than breaking the ban with violence or breaking the formation with formations.

Although such a large ball of three-flavored kamikaze only broke through a small gap in the end, Lu Tiandu was very happy.The true energy in his body is strong, and as long as he continues to use this magical power, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the forbidden light curtain outside the hall.

At this moment, the effect of the golden wind on the forbidden light curtain has been tested. Lu Tiandu did not say much. He folded his hands and opened them, and a larger golden wind ball appeared in front of his eyes...

Two hours later, Lu Tiandu, who was slightly pale, looked at the increasingly weak colorful light curtain. He took a step forward, raised his arm suddenly and punched. With a loud "bang", people all over the outside of the hall. The colorful light curtain finally broke apart with a "click, click" sound.

After half a day, Lu Tiandu sat cross-legged, refined several pills, and recovered [-]% of his true energy before he stood up and walked towards the main hall.

This forbidden light curtain was really powerful. It was the first time that he used half of his mana at once.

Looking at the colorful giant birds painted on the two huge stone doors, Lu Tiandu was really curious about what kind of spiritual birds the divine birds inside were?
Pushing the stone door gently, the huge stone door did not move at all!

"Huh? Strange!"

Lu Tiandu searched with his consciousness for a moment and found that there were no restrictions on the stone gate, but it was extremely heavy, which was really surprising.

He is now successful in body training. Even if he is not using the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu, he can exert tens of thousands of kilograms of force when pushing hard, but he didn't push the two stone doors?
"Boy Lu, there is something strange about this stone door. There seems to be some kind of special material inside!"

Lord Dayan, who had been observing, spoke.

"Really? So I'm a little curious. Wait until I break this stone door to see what's inside."

Lu Tiandu still somewhat believed in the judgment of God Lord Dayan. After all, the old guy's consciousness was twice as strong as his, and it was possible to sense the things inside through the surface of the stone door.

Without saying a word, Lu Tiandu activated the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill. A faint golden light film appeared on his fists. With a loud shout, he punched the stone door with his right fist several times.

After the "rumbling" explosion, two stone doors several feet in size collapsed, rocks rolled down, and stone debris flew.When everything subsided, a spacious and majestic hall appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

"What kind of spiritual bird is this?"

From the bamboo tube on Lu Tiandu's back, the surprised voice of God Lord Dayan suddenly came out. Lu Tiandu looked up and in the middle of the huge hall, the skeleton of a giant cyan bird over a hundred feet in size came into view instantly.

The surface of this huge skeleton is extremely smooth and exudes a rich green light. Upon closer inspection, the green light turns out to be tiny whirlwinds.

Observing further with his spiritual consciousness, there were traces of red threads on the surface of the bones, flickering and seeming to be flowing.

On top of this green skeleton, pieces of dry meat hung down, but they did not emit any unpleasant smell, but had a faint fragrance. "This is definitely a god-transforming demon cultivator, and it is some kind of heavenly and earthly spirit bird that is born with the ability to control the wind!"

Lu Tiandu felt the information coming from his spiritual consciousness, and he sounded very sure at this moment.

He had seen the bones of the god-turned-god Lei Peng before. He was born to control thunder and lightning. The silver-white skeleton contained the power of thunder and lightning. However, due to such a long time, the flesh and blood had long been corrupted and even the demon elixir crystallized. It can be seen that at least tens of thousands of years have passed.

This spiritual bird still has residual flesh and blood. Although it has dried up, the time it took for it to sit down should be much shorter than that of Lei Peng.

Moreover, the faint fragrance revealed in the flesh and blood is one of the signs of a god-transforming monk: the transformation of the body into sandalwood.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu didn't care what precious materials were in the stone gate. With one step, he was already under the giant bird's skeleton.

Feeling the spiritual pressure rushing towards them, Lu Tiandu surrounded the giant bird skeleton and observed it.

"There is still some kind of fire-attributed spiritual power within the skeleton of this spiritual bird. It must have been tens of thousands of years, but it hasn't dissipated yet. It's a bit strange..."

According to Lu Tiandu's knowledge and combined with the murals in the previous corridor, this spiritual bird should be practicing some kind of fire attribute technique.It's a bit strange to be born with the talent of controlling wind but practice fire-attribute skills.

"It's extremely strange. You have such a gift of magical power but you don't practice wind-attribute skills? Could it be that you haven't found a wind-attribute demon cultivation method at the level of god transformation?"

Lord Dayan sighed while sighing, "Such a large skeleton of a transformed spirit bird is too rare in the human world. How many magic weapons must be refined?" After talking about it, Lord Dayan was obviously very greedy.

"Boy Lu, you don't have such a big storage bag, do you? How about it, do you want me to help you store it in Dongfutian first?"

After hearing God Lord Dayan's guess, Lu Tiandu didn't say much. He believed that he would know the truth when he found the storage bag of the demon cultivator who was incarnation.

Hearing that Lord Dayan wanted to help him put away his skeleton, Lu Tiandu chuckled and said:

"Senior, I won't bother you with this. I still have a way to take away this skeleton..."


"Okay, don't use it all at once, kid. Leave some for me, and I will exchange it with you for other things in the future!"

God Lord Dayan is really envious of Lu Tiandu's opportunity.

"That's fine!"

Lu Tiandu would naturally not be able to use up such a large spirit bird skeleton.However, he was greatly surprised to be able to obtain such a wind-attributed spirit bird skeleton this time. In this way, he could refine the wind spirit wings in the wind and thunder wings.

Of course, with the remaining Lei Peng skeleton, it would be no problem to refine the complete Wind and Thunder Wings.

Lu Tiandu had already clearly observed everything inside the skeleton of the spirit bird. His figure flashed back to the original place, and a fist demon pill emitting green and red aura appeared in his palm.

"This is really a good thing, a god-level demon elixir, something that has probably become extinct in the human world!"

Observing the demon pill in Lu Tiandu's hand, Lord Dayan sighed again.

"It is indeed a good thing. This thing is combined with the elixir to refine some elixirs. It is estimated that they will be extremely precious to the late Nascent Soul monks!"

Lu Tiandu took out a jade box very carefully, put the blue-red demon pill into the jade box, and attached several sealing talismans to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking.

The previous demon elixir from Lei Peng had long since crystallized due to its age and could only be used as a weapon refining material.Fortunately, the death of this demonic beast should not last long. The demonic elixir has been wrapped in flesh and blood, and the essence within it has been preserved.

Although he didn't find a recipe for refining elixirs using the God-Transforming Demon Pill in the Chaotic Star Sea, he might have to check it out in the Star Palace's inheritance.

If a furnace of elixir can be refined by then, it will definitely be the top elixir in the human world.

Lu Tiandu waved his hand again, and the huge spiritual bird skeleton disappeared instantly.

Lu Tiandu then looked at the small white jade palace behind the hall.

Although it is said to be a small palace, it is actually more than thirty feet long and wide.

This time Lu Tiandu opened the door and entered without any obstruction.

Stepping into this elegant and simple two-story palace, Lu Tiandu immediately saw a jade slip covered in a light mask on a jade table in the middle not far away.

At this moment, there was nothing else in the hall except for some furniture carved with beautiful jade. Lu Tiandu walked directly towards the jade case.

The golden wind swirled in his hand, and in the blink of an eye the light shield broke, and a white jade slip appeared in Lu Tiandu's hand.

A crystal thread flashed between Lu Tiandu's eyebrows, and his transformed consciousness had already submerged into the jade slip.

"This senior is actually a Qingluan in the middle stage of divine transformation! No wonder there is strong wind spirit power in that frame!"

After a moment, Lu Tiandu put away the jade slip and sighed, "And you really guessed it correctly, Senior Dayan. This Senior Qingluan really does not have the advanced wind-attributed demon cultivating skills that can reach the stage of becoming a god. In the end, I could only switch to an advanced demon cultivating technique with fire attributes..."

"It's a pity that I don't know how many thousands of years it took to reach the middle stage of divine transformation, but in the end, due to the drastic changes in the spiritual energy of the world, I still couldn't advance to the late stage of divine transformation, and I had no choice but to sit down and transform!"

Lu Tiandu felt a little sad when he said it.

If this senior Qingluan has the wind attribute skills that match his talent, I am afraid that it is really possible to advance to the late stage of divine transformation. Even if he cannot practice to the Great Perfection, it is not possible to open a channel and ascend with the tyrannical combat power of this heaven and earth spiritual bird. Difficult matter.

"It turns out to be Qingluan, a rare spiritual bird of heaven and earth known for its speed. No wonder!"

God Lord Dayan also sighed, "It's a pity that I can't ascend. No matter how long I live, I will still die one day!"

The two sighed for a moment, and Lu Tiandu carefully inspected the main hall on this floor before walking up the stairs to the second floor.

In addition to recording the life of this senior, the jade slips also contained his inheritance such as his cultivation techniques. This thing was really of no use to Lu Tiandu.

It is still unknown when the several spiritual beasts he has raised can reach the seventh level in cultivation. He also has several demon cultivation techniques obtained from the seventh-level monsters caught in the wilderness ruins, although they can only reach the highest level. In the late stage of transformation, it is enough for the time being.

On the second floor of the main hall, what caught Lu Tiandu's eyes was a round jade table and a jade stool in the center. The three walls were covered with wooden frames made of some kind of red spiritual wood.

Unfortunately, although the space on the wooden frame is large enough, there are only a dozen or so light masks on it. Compared with the huge wooden frame, it is really empty.

Lu Tiandu was not in a hurry to get the treasure at the moment, and looked at the light masks one by one.

At this moment, inside a light shield, three thumb-sized red spiritual stones came into view.

"Is this... the best spiritual stone?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the mask with excitement on his face.

"What? Mr. Lu, did you read that correctly? Is this the legendary top-grade spiritual stone?"

Lord Dayan heard Lu Tiandu's sigh and spoke impatiently.After all, he has a lot of high-level spiritual stones in his inventory, but unfortunately he has never seen the best spiritual stones.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu didn't care about the surprise of God Lord Dayan. He stretched out his finger and poked it lightly. The mask cracked and three red jade stones appeared in Lu Tiandu's hand.

"That's right! This is the best spiritual stone, and it's also fire-attributed!"

Lu Tiandu touched the three pieces of red jade and said in a positive tone.

The spiritual light on the surface of these three spiritual stones is flowing erratically, and the red light is very rich. If you look inside carefully with your spiritual consciousness, you will see countless red spots inside, which look like living things.

These light spots kept pouring out from the red spiritual stone, and then exploded on their own, turning into little bits of pure fire spiritual energy.

"Sure enough, the net worth of these god-transformation monks is really extraordinary!"

Lord Dayan looked shocked when he heard Lu Tiandu's description.He had also observed the several light masks in front before, and they all contained rare weapon refining materials.

But compared with this kind of top-quality spiritual stone that can speed up cultivation after absorption, it really doesn't matter.

"Quick, look what's in the remaining masks!"

Seeing treasures like the best spiritual stones, Lord Dayan also looked forward to the other items in the mask.

Lu Tiandu didn't talk nonsense this time. The restrictions set on these masks were not very powerful. After all, they were left by this senior to the successors, and there were no restrictions that were too powerful.

After a while, Lu Tiandu came to the round table with a bunch of things in his hands.

"This... is actually the Flying Sea Shuttle, one of the three major spiritual shuttles in the human world!"

Dayan Shenjun’s consciousness swept across a blue flying shuttle exuding amazing spiritual power that Lu Tiandu was playing with, and he asked in surprise, “Imitation of Tongtian Lingbao?”

"That's right, the three major spiritual shuttles in the human world are the Sun-Moon Shuttle, the Flying Sea Shuttle, and the Star Yuan Shuttle. This is the Flying Sea Shuttle. They are all imitations of the famous ancient spiritual treasure 'Star Shuttle'."

Lu Tiandu also sighed, "I didn't expect to find one here!"

According to the plot, the Sun and Moon Shuttle, one of the three great spiritual shuttles, should have appeared somewhere in the Jin Dynasty, and was finally acquired by the Huaxian Sect.

He didn't expect that he would get one of the other two spirit shuttles so quickly!
 Thanks to book friend model worker 1 for the 300 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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