Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 195 God Lord Dayan is depressed!The murderous intention towards Yunlu!boiling!

Chapter 195 God Lord Dayan is depressed!The murderous intention towards Yunlu!boiling! (Please subscribe)
"Your boy's luck is really enviable!"

Lord Dayan looked at the blue shuttles circling around Lu Tiandu and said sourly.

Just now, Lu Tiandu slightly lifted up the imitation spirit treasure, and it spanned twenty or thirty feet in the hall in a blink of an eye. The speed was so fast that it was really difficult to guard against it.

"Quick, look at another magic weapon? Why do I feel that this magic weapon is extraordinary!"

Divine Monarch Dayan glanced at another green feather fan that was about a foot long, and there was a bit of urgency in his tone.

In his perception, this cyan feather fan was very similar to the spiritual energy exuded from Qingluan's bones before. He estimated that it was also a great treasure.

"No need to look, this treasure was mentioned by this senior in the previous jade slips. It was a combination of the countless precious spiritual materials he was looking for, combined with the many spiritual wings and feathers he shed, and was called the 'Wind and Fire Fan' based on a certain item. An imitation Lingbao 'Qingluan Fan' made from Lingbao!"

Lu Tiandu picked up the cyan feather fan and said while playing with it.

The surface of this cyan feather fan is covered with tiny down hairs. If you look carefully, it contains various mysterious runes. The fan handle is made of the bones of an unknown spiritual animal. The tentacles are warm and moist, and the inside is also filled with After refining many talisman formations, I don't know how powerful this imitation spiritual treasure is.

"Could it be that the refining method of the Tongtian Lingbao was left in that jade slip?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Lord Dayan couldn't wait to say.

When he was young, he traveled to the Jin Dynasty and obtained information about the Tongtian Lingbao from an ancient cultivation site.

Naturally, I am very interested in the legendary Tongtian Lingbao, a top-notch treasure in the human world where almost every treasure can have such great magical powers as turning rivers and seas, moving mountains and stars.

Moreover, he also knew that some sects in the Jin Dynasty, such as Taiyi Sect, Tianmo Sect, Ten Thousand Demons Valley and other sects handed down from ancient times, all had imitation spiritual treasures.

Now that Lu Tiandu has obtained two Lingbao imitations at once, he is extremely envious.I suddenly became curious about the contents of the jade slip.

"Senior's guess is correct. This jade slip does record the refining method of the spiritual treasure 'Wind and Fire Fan', as well as the refining method of 'Qingluan Fan' that this senior has figured out. It's a pity not to mention that. The Wind and Fire Fan, even the Qingluan Fan, is extremely difficult to refine now..."

Lu Tiandu smiled bitterly. In that jade slip, in addition to the two demon cultivation techniques that the senior had practiced before and after, there were also several secret techniques and the refining methods of two treasure fans.

It's a pity that Lu Tian could only shake his head after seeing many of the materials for refining the Qingluan Fan. In fact, some of the materials cannot be collected completely in today's world of immortality.

"Senior, you can do some research when you have time to see if it is possible to refine an imitation spirit treasure!"

After speaking, he took out a blank jade slip, burned the refining method of the two treasure fans into it, and threw it into the bamboo tube on his back.

The method of refining the Wind and Fire Fan, a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, can be regarded as the first refining method of spiritual treasure obtained by Lu Tiandu, but for the time being, it is really useless.

Strictly speaking, the heaven-reaching spiritual treasures mentioned by the monks in the human world include the Xutian Cauldron, the Black Wind Flag, the Eight Spirit Rulers, the Wind and Fire Fan recorded in the jade slips, etc. Although they are famous, they are dubbed "the heaven-reaching spiritual treasures" by the monks in the human world. "In fact, in the spirit world, it is just an ordinary spirit treasure.

In particular, the Xutian Cauldron, known as the number one secret treasure in the Chaos Star Sea, is only the key to the Tianding Palace in the spiritual world. Its refining method is widely spread among high-level monks in the spiritual world. As long as enough materials can be collected, It is still very easy to refine.

In the eyes of spiritual monks, the ones that can truly be called heaven-reaching spiritual treasures are those that are on the Chaos Spirits List. There is a huge gap between ordinary spiritual treasures like the Xutian Cauldron and those that are on the list. is very big.

Of course, only the ascended monks truly knew the secret. Although Lu Tiandu knew the difference between Tongtian Lingbao and ordinary Lingbao, he had no intention of correcting God Lord Dayan.

After all, even high-level human cultivators in the spirit world probably only have a dozen or twenty treasures in their hands that can be labeled as "spiritual treasures that reach the sky."

Most god-transformation and virtual-refining monks would be pretty good if they had one or two ordinary spiritual treasures in their hands.

There are not many spiritual treasures handed down in the human world today.

Some of them were probably collected and refined by ancient god-forming monks. After all, the various top-level materials in the human world in ancient times must have been extremely plentiful compared to now. These spiritual treasures are only the top batch of ancient treasures.

It is said that there are only fifty or sixty of this kind of spiritual treasures containing Tongbao Jue. Some of them were brought to the upper world by ascended monks, some of them were passed down, and some of them are probably damaged.

The other part was probably brought to the lower realm by monks from the upper realm after the outbreak of the demonic tribulation, and finally stayed in the human realm for various reasons.

In the original plot, Lu Tiandu only knew about a few complete spiritual treasures such as Xutian Cauldron, Black Wind Flag, and Eight Spiritual Rulers. It was unknown whether other spiritual treasures, such as Xiang Zhili and other old monsters who transformed into gods, had any spiritual treasures in their hands.

After all, in order for a spiritual treasure to truly exert its full power, it has to transform into a god and cultivate into a spiritual realm.

In the human world, if a monk above the mid-stage Nascent Soul stage mastered one of these ordinary spiritual treasures, it would be a treasure that could be used throughout the world with a staff. (The first level of Tongbao Jue can only be refined in the middle stage of Nascent Soul)

Under the Lingbao, it is natural to imitate the Lingbao.

Imitation spiritual treasures are mainly made from incomplete spiritual treasure fragments or other spiritual materials, imitating the refining method of a certain spiritual treasure, subtracting the materials and replacing the materials, and then refining the magical treasure. A top-notch series of magic weapons.

For example, the Ten Thousand Demon Banners in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley are imitations of the Lingbao Heavenly Demon Banners. After tens of thousands of years of sacrifice and refinement in the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, its power is not even much worse than the real Heavenly Demon Banners.

Others, such as the Three Flame Fan, the Pingtian Seal, and the Red Soul Banner that Han Li refined with the fragments of the Black Wind Flag, etc., if you own one, you will be a powerful person among Nascent Soul monks.

Under the imitation spiritual treasures, there are naturally some powerful top-level ancient treasures, high-quality ancient treasures, and magic weapons that have been refined for hundreds of years, which needless to say.

Lu Tiandu was very excited to get two imitations of Lingbao this time.

In addition to these two treasures, other items such as fire-attributed top-grade spiritual stones and Qingluan bones are also of great use to him.

This time's harvest is worse than the Fengxian inheritance that was first obtained, and is comparable to the previous harvest of the Savage Demon Court.

He put a dozen rare materials on the jade table and the two imitation spiritual treasures into the storage bag. After looking at them for a while, Lu Tiandu waved his hand and put the jade table and stools in the middle of the hall as well as three huge red wooden frames. Put it away.

This jade table and jade stool turned out to be a rare thing with spiritual eyes. It was no worse than the stone pier that Lu Tiandu got from Guo Yuanjiu's cave.

The red wooden frame seemed to be made of some unknown ancient wood. Neither Lu Tiandu nor Dayan Shenjun recognized it. Since it was here, there was no reason to let it go.

Returning to the first floor, Lu Tiandu looked at it for a moment, then turned around and left the hall to go to the two stone doors that he had broken before.

After some groping, seven or eight strange black walnut-sized stones appeared in Lu Tiandu's hand.

"This seems to be a weird material called 'Chongyuan Stone'?"

After a long while, Lu Tiandu looked at the black stone in his hand with great surprise.

"tell me the story?"

Lord Dayan was also a little curious. He had repeatedly observed this stone but could not recognize it. He did not expect Lu Tiandu to recognize it.

"Senior, let's see!"

Lu Tiandu raised his arm, poured his magic power into one of the black stones, and gently threw it to the square more than ten feet away. After a loud "bang", the boulder floor above the square shattered, revealing a stone several feet wide. The big pit.

"This... the injection of mana actually increased the original weight of the stone ten times?"

God Lord Dayan swept across the destructive power caused by the black stone, his mouth full of surprise.

Although Lu Tiandu had easily held these seven or eight black stones in his hands just now, such a small black stone weighed tens of thousands of kilograms, and only he could secretly use the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill to hold it in one go. rise.

When he found these black stones from the rubble before, he told Lord Dayan about the strangeness of these stones. Lord Dayan also knew the weight of this kind of stone. At this moment, looking at the destructive power caused by injecting mana, it was really unbelievable. Imagine.

"How come there is such a weird material? If this is refined into a heavy magic weapon, you will definitely suffer a lot if you don't pay attention!"

After a while, after listening to Lu Tiandu recalling in detail some secret information about certain rare rare treasures in the ancient capital that he had seen from Feng Xian, Shenjun Dayan sighed.

"Yeah, hey, you said that if there are enough of this thing, it can be refined into a weapon for physical training, and no one can stop it with a stick, right?"

Looking at the black stones in front of him, Lu Tian smiled.

If he hadn't temporarily had the dragon-marked black gold stick, he really had plans to refining a heavy-duty stick. As long as he had these ten pieces of materials, combined with other materials, and injected mana, it wouldn't be possible to weigh one million kilograms with one stick. Do you know if the Void Refining cultivator can block it?
It's a pity that his natal magic weapon is not a heavy-duty magic weapon, otherwise he must refine such a good thing into it.

"Hmph, only a monster like you can lift something weighing seventy or eighty thousand kilograms with your bare hands!"

Lord Dayan was upset after hearing what Lu Tiandu said.

After this trip with Lu Tiandu, he had nothing to say about Lu Tiandu's opportunity.

Thinking that if Lu Tiandu had refined this kind of stick and hit people all over the world with the stick with his weird speed, the puppet God Lord Dayan also shuddered!

After picking up the heavy yuan stone, Lu Tiandu caged the little golden monkey and the treasure-hunting rat in his sleeves. After letting go of his spiritual consciousness to investigate for a moment, he dismantled the large array arranged here and left the barren mountain. In the blink of an eye, Disappeared without a trace.

Two hours later, Lu Tiandu quietly returned to the Taiyue Mountains, and in a flash, he arrived in front of Lei Wanhe's cave.

"Senior Brother, I have a senior here who needs to be taken care of by Senior Brother!"

After entering the cave, Lu Tiandu smiled, and regardless of the complaints of Lord Dayan, he reached out and took off the yellow bamboo tube on his back and handed it to the confused Lei Wanhe. With a wave of his hand, a palm-sized yellow doll Appeared in the hand and said:

"This late-stage golden elixir puppet is the reward of this senior Dayan. Senior brother must take good care of this senior. If senior brother has any problems in cultivation, he can also ask this senior for advice..."

"What? God Lord Dayan? How is this possible?"

After listening to Lu Tiandu's introduction, Lei Wanhe's eyes that were originally narrowed into slits on his fat face opened instantly, and he almost threw the bamboo tube in his hand out of shock.

"Humph, Mr. Lei, why is it so surprising that I can live so long?"

Seeing Lei Wanhe looking like he had seen a ghost, the God of Dayan in the bamboo tube said rudely. "This kid is really much worse than your junior brother!"

Dayan Shenjun guessed that this kid Lu Tiandu must have a lot of secrets and was unwilling to take him with him, so he threw him to others as soon as he came back, which made him depressed.

At this moment, when he saw the expression of the fat man Lei Wanhe, he suddenly became rude.Thinking back then, he was also a handsome and handsome senior who was admired by thousands of people, but now he is so disliked by Lu Tiandu?
To be honest, he really wanted to spy on Lu Tiandu, this weird little guy. After all, even though it had only been a few months along the way, he was really curious about Lu Tiandu.

"Senior, don't blame me!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and said:

"The junior will naturally do what he promised to the senior. However, the junior has many confidantes, so it is really inconvenient to take the senior with him. If something happens to the senior, just ask my senior brother!"

"Yes, you and I have similar hobbies! I think back then I had many wives and concubines, but now, hey, I haven't seen a woman in a thousand years..."

After hearing Lu Tiandu's explanation, Lord Dayan didn't bother with it even though he knew it was an excuse. He smiled and sighed again.


After leaving Thunder Bluff, Lu Tiandu arrived in front of his cave in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, a purple thunder light flashed, and Hong Fu, dressed in red, suddenly appeared next to Lu Tiandu.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Hong Fu who had a strange look on his face and did not enter the cave, so he asked softly.

"Jingjun almost had an accident!"

Hong Fu's originally cold eyes became even colder.Without waiting for Lu Tiandu to ask, he talked about something that happened after Lu Tiandu left.

"Old Demon Yunlu of the Hehuan Sect? You are really looking for death! Fortunately, Jingjun is fine, otherwise I would have killed everyone in the Hehuan Sect!"

After listening to Hong Fu tell what happened, Lu Tiandu had gloomy eyes and a murderous look on his face.

It turned out that just a few months ago, Cen Jingjun, who had been staying in his hometown of Yuanwu Kingdom for more than a year, suddenly encountered Yunlu, the old demon who was hiding his identity in the human world.

This old devil had already reached the mid-Nascent Soul stage hundreds of years ago. In addition, he was born with different talents, yin and yang, and was good at tonic.

I don't know if it was because of his physique or his skills, but he actually sensed the phoenix-crying body on Cen Jingjun's body.

After discovering this legendary dual-cultivation physique, even though he sensed that Cen Jingjun had lost his vitality long ago, the old devil was extremely surprised and went to kidnap the person without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, Cen Jingjun, who was in the late stage of Jindan, surprised the old demon with his move. Whether it was the extremely fast lightning escape technique, the ancient magic weapon, and the two magical powers of the Cave Whirlpool Yin Yang Golden Wheel and Yuyang True Fire in his hand, he was stunned. This old devil had to deal with it with all his strength.

As a result, when Cen Jingjun found out that the person coming was a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, he knew that he was outmatched. Without saying a word, he used Blood Shadow Escape three times in a row before escaping. In the end, his vitality was seriously injured and he returned to the Lingkong Stone Tower Cave.

Xin Ruyin and other women who had returned to the cave a few months ago were shocked when they saw Cen Jingjun's weak appearance covered in blood.A few days later, Cen Jingjun regained consciousness and told the whole story, which made Xin Ruyin and others furious.

Naturally, they didn't know who the Nascent Soul cultivator was.Lu Tiandu was not here at the moment, so he could only inform Hong Fu.

As soon as Hong Fu received the news, he immediately recognized the identity of the person who made the move.Just in case, Hongfu invited Linghu again, and the two of them went north to look for the old demon Yunlu, but unfortunately, there was no trace of Yunlu.

Seeing Lu Tiandu come back at this moment, Hong Fu hurriedly came to meet him.

"Let's go see Jingjun first!"

Now that he understood the whole story and knew that Cen Jingjun was fine for now, Lu Tiandu suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and disappeared instantly with a pull of the red brush.

More than half an hour later, Lu Tiandu had arrived at the Lingkong Stone Tower Cave.

Seeing Cen Jingjun again, looking at the beauty who was still extremely pale, Lu Tiandu's heart boiled with murderous intent again.

"Nothing, wait until I refine some healing elixirs for you, and your lost blood essence and blood will be restored again in up to a year!"

Lu Tiandu suppressed the anger in his heart and smiled slightly, "In a few years, I will catch this animal with my own hands, so that you can vent your hatred!"

"Well, husband, you should also pay attention to your safety. There is also the great monk Yuanhou in the Hehuan Sect. If that doesn't work, wait for us to take revenge in the future."

Cen Jingjun remembered the background of the old devil Hehuan he knew and said softly.

"It's nothing. If anyone dares to stop me this time, even if it's the Yuanhou monk, I won't mind killing him to establish his authority!"

Lu Tiandu gently stroked the beauty's dry hair, "Just take good care of yourself."

After sending Cen Jingjun to the Yaochi Tower for treatment, Lu Tiandu's face turned gloomy after leaving the stone room.

Cen Jingjun's injuries this time were really beyond his expectation.

If Cen Jingjun hadn't reached the second level of physical training over the years and had strong Qi and blood, otherwise activating the Blood Shadow Escape three times in a row this time would definitely have severely damaged the essence and blood and damaged the foundation. I'm afraid he wouldn't have had decades of recuperation. Difficult to recover.

If there is any legacy, it will be a problem for Ning Ying in the future.

After all, Cen Jingjun is among the best among the girls in terms of spiritual qualifications and physical constitution.Suddenly encountering such an unreasonable disaster really made Lu Tiandu feel like killing.


Looking at Lu Tiandu who was gloomy and silent, Chen Qiaoqian spoke softly.Ever since they heard what happened to Cen Jingjun, they came to Shita Cave and waited for Lu Tiandu's return.

"It's okay, don't worry, just practice well and look after each other when you go out together..."

"As for the Hehuan Old Devil from the Hehuan Sect, you don't have to worry about it. I got two more treasures when I went out this time. With my magical power, it's not difficult to kill an empress!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, his tone extremely relaxed.

In fact, before he obtained these two imitation spiritual treasures, when Lu Tiandu was preparing to kill the two Wang family members head-on, he had already made some preparations for other Nascent Souls to take action later.

After all, as long as he doesn't think about hiding his head and tail, one day others will know that he has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage when he is over 100 years old. By then, there may be many people with ulterior motives.

Since these people would test them sooner or later, Lu Tiandu was simply prepared to show off his combat power in this battle.

With his previous combat prowess, not to mention killing the Yuanhou monks, it was impossible for the Yuanhou monks to hurt him.As long as you show enough strength, you will naturally be recognized by the Yuanhou monks, and no one will be stupid enough to cause trouble again.

However, this time Cen Jingjun's attack suddenly angered him. If anyone dares to stop him in the future, Lu Tian will not mind leaving Tiannan with one or two less Yuan Yuan monks.

"Don't let up on your body training in the future." After thinking about it, Lu Tiandu warned again, "Try not to activate it continuously before the Blood Shadow Escape Nascent Soul stage, otherwise there will be serious consequences."

This is the situation of Lu Tiandu and Cen Jingjun. It reminds me of the original plot in the original plot when Han Li Yuanying was chased by the great master Mulan. It seemed that he had to activate Blood Shadow Escape three or four times in a row before escaping. As a result, he had to rest for half a year. Just recovered.

The gap between the late stage of Jindan and the early stage of Nascent Soul is very big. If Cen Jingjun had not had the foundation of body refining this time, he would definitely have lost half his life, and his cultivation would have regressed.

Of course, if the opponent is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, it's hard to say who will win with Cen Jingjun's combat power. If he wants to escape, a Blood Shadow Escape plus Thunder Escape Technique is enough.

After comforting the girls, Lu Tiandu took the girls into the Yaochi Tower...

A few months later, when Lu Tiandu finally achieved the third level of his Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, he and Hong Fu left the Stone Pagoda Cave together.

In the past few months, Hong Fu also refined a "heavy yuan stone" donated by Lu Tiandu into the natal magic weapon Xuanhan Jade Seal, which increased the strength of the natal magic weapon by several percent.

If it weren't for the fact that Hong Fu's natal magic weapon was mainly composed of ten-thousand-year mysterious jade and specialized in ice magic, Lu Tiandu really hoped that she could fuse a few more of them. When the time came, she would definitely smash the opponent's magic weapon into pieces once she sealed it.If it were a sneak attack, I'm afraid the opponent and their magic weapon would be smashed into a pulp.

After parting ways with Hongfu, Lu Tiandu went south again to meet the four girls Nangong Ping, Nangong Wan, Nishang and Yan Ruyan.

After staying for half a month, Lu Tiandu left three top-quality spiritual stones and three "heavy yuan stones" for Nangong Ping before heading north to prepare for another retreat before the Tianyue City auction.

He has the Divine Furnace of Creation in his hand. As long as he has one top-quality spiritual stone, he will have a steady stream of top-quality spiritual stones of this attribute regardless of the origin of the world and ordinary spiritual stones.

Unfortunately, except for the top-grade fire-attribute spiritual stones and the top-grade wood-attribute spiritual stones on Biling Island that I obtained before, I have no idea how to get other top-grade spiritual stones for the time being.

As for this heavy element stone, it is really suitable for Nangong Ping's natal magic weapon "Red Flame Peak", which surprised Nangong Ping when he saw it.

Half a month later, several special envoys from the Hidden Moon Sect sent a letter of invitation to the major sects in the Tiandao Alliance to participate in the 20-year auction in Tianyue City two years later.

When these Nascent Soul monks opened the invitation letter and looked at the items listed on the invitation letter, they were all stunned with surprise!
More than ten ancient treasures, hundreds of magic weapons of various colors, more than ten bottles of ancient elixirs aimed at improving the cultivation of monks in the early stage of Yuanying, hundreds of bottles of ancient elixirs aimed at Jindan monks, and more than thirty high-level puppets in the Jindan stage. , more than ten level six demon pills, hundreds of level five demon pills, pieces of rare monster materials...

Seeing such rare and rare treasures, the Nascent Soul cultivators and the Golden Pill cultivators under their disciples suddenly became excited.

Moreover, at the back of the invitation, there were three or four ancient elixir prescriptions, which surprised all the well-informed Nascent Soul monks.

"The demon elixir of demonic beasts can be used as the main ingredient to refine elixirs? It is indeed an ancient elixir!"

While attracting high-level monks, there will be news that thousands of various top-level magic weapons, hundreds of mid-level and low-level puppets, and countless mid-level elixirs including Foundation Establishment Pills will appear in the Hidden Moon Sect auction. It was also widely spread among middle and low-level disciples in an instant...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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