Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 196 is open!Clouds are moving in all directions!On the eve of the war!

Chapter 196 is open!Clouds are moving in all directions!On the eve of the war! (Please subscribe)
A few months later, as information about the large-scale auction held by the Moon-Sealing Sect for the first time in 20 years continued to ferment among the Tiandao Alliance and other interested people, a shocking piece of news spread among the high-level monks!
Lu Tiandu, a new Yuanying monk in the Yellow Maple Valley of the Yue Kingdom, officially launched a life-and-death battle against Wang Tiansheng, the leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, one of the six demon sects of the Tianluo Kingdom, and his second brother Wang Tiangu!

The time was ten days before the Tianyue City auction, and the location was the Jinguyuan battlefield where the ten-nation coalition forces and the Six Demonic Sects fought.

This kind of open life-and-death battle between Yuanying monks against other monks of the same level because of grudges has not happened for thousands of years.

As soon as it appeared, it quickly spread among the sects in Tiannan through various messenger talismans.

This kind of life-and-death battles between Yuanying monks are really rare.

Suddenly, all kinds of information about Lu Tiandu and the grudge between Lu Tiandu and the Wang brothers of the Ghost Spirit Sect emerged in front of everyone.

At the battlefield of Liusha River a hundred years ago, the young masters of the Ghost Spirit Sect were killed by Lu Tiandu, the wind spirit root foundation-building monk of Huangmaple Valley. Later, they faced the late Jindan monks of the Demon Flame Sect, Lu Tiandu and Zhao, the former elder of the Tianxing Sect. Qingfeng's concubine mysteriously disappeared, followed by a high-profile wanted order from the Ghost Spirit Sect...

With the end of the war between Zhengmo Dao and Tiandaomen, everyone who knew about the incident thought it was over. Lu Tiandu and Cen Jingjun also disappeared for hundreds of years.

As a result, an invitation to a life-and-death battle suddenly appeared, and everyone discovered that the people involved in the matter, Zhao Qingfeng, the elder of the Tianxing Sect of the Zhongyuan Kingdom, and Lu Daolin, the elder of the Lu family and the early golden elixir, had left the sects and died mysteriously decades ago.

With this combination, everyone immediately understood the cause and effect.

However, this kind of grudge and feud has become very common for monks who have lived for a long time.

After all, who can cultivate to the golden elixir level or higher and not have a few enemies?

Even if it was a life-and-death battle between monks in the Nascent Soul stage, everyone was just watching the fun.

But the heat this time caused was extraordinary.

The main reason is naturally that Lu Tiandu, who has mysteriously disappeared for a hundred years and now condenses his Nascent Soul to challenge, is too young!
A 40-[-]-year-old Nascent Soul monk, this... Many high-level monks who received the information had expressions of disbelief.

At this age, most monks are rushing to form elixirs, but suddenly a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul appears!
How did this person practice?What kind of opportunities did he have during the hundred years he disappeared?

Moreover, this person actually wants to challenge the Wang brothers at the same time, two veteran Yuanyings who have been in the early stages of advancing to Yuanying for hundreds of years. What does he have to rely on?
All kinds of questions emerged in everyone's mind, which made many people very curious about Lu Tian. Of course, besides curiosity, there were naturally many people who had other thoughts.

After all, everyone guessed that Lu Tiandu must have someone to rely on if he dared to issue such a challenge.Otherwise, it would not be difficult for such a young monk in the early Yuan Dynasty to find a place to cultivate for hundreds of years and advance to the middle stage of Yuanying. Even in the late stage of Yuanying, there is a good chance. Why should he be so anxious for revenge?
Just as all kinds of news are flying in the sky, Nan Gongping, the fourth great monk in Tiannan, the great elder of the Tiandao Alliance's Presbyterian Church, and the great elder of the Tiandao Alliance's first sect, the Moon Covering Sect, publicly stated that he will be responsible for this life and death battle and the following. The auction adds a bit of excitement:
After a life-and-death battle, the winner will receive three seventh-level demon pills from the Hidden Moon Sect!

At the same time, on the eve of the life-and-death battle, Tianyue City will set up a betting market for the outcome of both sides. Interested monks can go to the gambling hall set up by the Hidden Moon Sect in Tianyue City to place bets. The upper limit of bets is one hundred thousand spirit stones. !

As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation in the entire world of immortal cultivation!

Three level seven demon pills cost about 30 spirit stones according to the market price. It is not difficult for many veteran Nascent Soul monks to come up with this amount of spirit stones.

Why are you surprised?It is actually a seventh-level demon elixir. It is a rare material with no market price in Tiannan. It rarely appears. If one occasionally appears, it is also treasured by Yuanying monks and will not be traded easily.

This time, the Hidden Moon Sect suddenly took out three level seven demon pills as a bonus, which was really a big deal!
As for betting on the opening market, it is a rare thing in the entire world of immortality. Although some monks also have a hobby of gambling for pleasure, it is really the first time to bet on the life and death of the Nascent Soul monk!
This fourth greatest monk in Tiannan is really brave!
This made a lot of people pay attention to the reaction of the Ghost Spirit Sect. After all, so far, there is still no news about the Ghost Spirit Sect, one of the parties involved.

In the eastern part of Tiannan, Tianluo Kingdom.

The Wangui Mountain Range winds and circles across the northern part of the Tianluo Kingdom and spans several states. It can be called the largest mountain range in the northern part of the Tianluo Kingdom.

This mountain range and its nearby states and counties are divided among several demonic sects.

Although there are many large and small demonic sects in the northern Tianluo Kingdom, the Ghost Spirit Sect located in the main line of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Mountains is undoubtedly the overlord in the northern Tianluo Kingdom.

Although the Ghost Spirit Sect is at the bottom among the six demonic sects, its strength of two Nascent Soul monks in the middle stage and two in the early Yuanying stage and a total of four Yuanying monks is stronger than that of the Hidden Moon Sect before Nangong Ping advanced to become a great monk. Three points.

This level of strength is truly untouchable for ordinary sects.

At this moment, in a side hall somewhere on the main peak of Ghost Spirit Sect, two middle-aged monks with somewhat similar faces were talking.

"Third brother, has the great elder agreed to lend the treasure inside the door?"

The person who asked the question was a middle-aged man wearing a black shirt and an elegant face.

"Now that the time has come, how can Senior Brother Broken Soul refuse? At this moment, our Ghost Spirit Sect is being put on fire, with everyone's attention on it, and the sect's reputation is at stake, so how can we back down?"

Opposite the elegant middle-aged man, a middle-aged man wearing a large black robe and a stern expression spoke calmly.

There is an extraordinary majesty in this man's expression. At first glance, it is clear that the person who holds great power and often gives orders is Wang Tiansheng, the master of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

The person opposite him who looks somewhat similar is his second brother Wang Tiangu.

"Furthermore, as long as we kill that kid, the secrets he possesses will definitely be quite large, and the senior brothers in the sect will be satisfied... But by then, I'm afraid there will be many people interested in these secrets!"

After talking about it, Wang Tiansheng's face became more and more gloomy.

Faced with the two pieces of information coming from Yue these days, Wang Tiansheng's heart was filled with rage.

Two years ago, he heard that Lu Tiandu had mysteriously returned to the valley. As soon as he received the news, Wang Tiansheng concealed himself and secretly came to the Yellow Maple Valley to see if he could kill Lu Tiandu, his son-killing enemy.

Unfortunately, Wang Tiansheng was somehow discovered by two powerful spiritual consciousnesses in Huang Maple Valley, and Wang Tiansheng was startled and ran away instantly.

Unexpectedly, before he could seek revenge on Lu Tiandu, less than two years later, the murderer of his son would take the initiative to issue a life-and-death notice!

What made him even more angry was that Nangong Ping, a great monk, actually bet on his brother's life and death to entertain everyone, which immediately made him hate Nangong Ping.

After all, he was the leader of the Six Demonic Sects and the face of the Ghost Spirit Sect. First, he was despised by the juniors and asked two brothers to fight against each other. Then he was treated as an object of entertainment and his life and death were gambled. Killing intent is almost ready to burst out at any time.

"Third brother, we still have to be careful." After a moment, Wang Tiangu spoke softly again.

"This person is a monk who has just advanced in the early Yuan Dynasty. To fight against you and me like this, he either has some trump cards or is hot-headed. But judging from the performance of Huang Maple Valley and Hidden Moon Sect, this person is probably not a hot-headed person..."

"What you said makes sense." Wang Tiansheng frowned slightly and nodded.

"This person is able to cultivate the Nascent Soul so quickly. I'm afraid he got the inheritance from the ancient monks. It makes sense that he has a few trump cards. Now that our treasures are not bad, we can take advantage of this time to practice another "All Spirits True Spirit" The secret technique of combined attack in the Sutra will kill you with one strike and avenge Chan'er..."

While the brothers of the Wang family of the Ghost Spirit Sect were discussing, high-level monks in many hidden places in Tiannan also had different reactions to the news they received.

Hehuan Sect is the largest sect of demons in Tianluo Kingdom.

There are a terrifying nine Nascent Soul cultivators in the sect. Except for the Zhengdao Taizhen Sect, which can match them in number, no other sect in the entire Tiannan has such strength.

Tianyang Lake is a well-known forbidden place in the Hehuan Sect.

This pool is only a few hundred feet in size, and has been shrouded in thick gray fog all year round.

Although this forbidden area is named Tianyang, because a strange array of yin and yang conversion was set up with the help of a certain exotic treasure, it actually became a treasured place that generates the most yin and cold air. For this reason, this Tianyang There are very few people within twenty miles of the pond.

Although even ordinary golden elixir monks would not dare to get a trace of the cold and cold air generated by Tianyang Pond, they would be extremely afraid of it.But this place is the daily practice place of Hehuan Laomo, the contemporary great elder of Hehuan Sect.

It is worth mentioning that the great elders of the Hehuan Sect in the past dynasties were all called the Hehuan Old Demons, but they did not necessarily all practice the Hehuan Sect’s supreme secret book, the Hehuan Book.

For example, the exercises practiced by Yi Laomo, known as the Hehuan Lao Mo in this generation, are somewhat similar to those practiced by the Ghost Spirit Sect monks.

At this moment, deep in the gray mist, in a simple stone palace.

A black-robed man with a somewhat ferocious appearance, surrounded by cold demonic aura, was rubbing a black messenger in his hand, which contained some major events that had happened in other countries recently.

At this moment, the big man in black robe lowered his head, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his ferocious face became more and more ferocious, and he murmured:

"A Nascent Soul cultivator who is less than 140 years old will at worst be a Yuan Empress in the future...maybe he can even reach the mysterious realm of divine transformation...What secrets do you have in your body?"

"Wei Wuya is the oldest, with a lifespan of more than 100 years at most. Nangong Ping also broke through by luck, and his lifespan should be less than [-] years old. Even if these two people have secret techniques and elixirs for extending life, it is not a worry. Zhiyang The Master is far away in the Fengdu Kingdom. Although he is not in danger of longevity, he is separated by the Tiandao Alliance, so the threat is not great. Based on this calculation, the biggest threat to me is really this little guy..."

"If this little guy really has the ability to kill the Wang brothers, and the six sects of our demonic path are united, I will be able to avoid him and avenge the Wang brothers... Such a great favor will just allow me to watch "All Souls True" The original copy of the Sutra, I thought that when I came to know the secret of the little guy, plus this supreme sutra, maybe I could get a glimpse of the legendary realm of divine transformation..."

Thinking of this, the old devil Hehuan smiled coldly and decided that even if Lu Tian couldn't kill the Wang brothers by then, he would secretly help them.

In the Fengdu Kingdom, the Taizhen Gate is headed by the four gates of the righteous path.

In a beautiful mountain peak towering into the clouds and surrounded by white clouds, there are several halls scattered at random.Somewhere on the top of the peak, in a majestic hall, stands a tall stone sculpture of a Taoist.

Under the stone sculpture, on a futon as white as jade, a middle-aged Taoist priest in his forties was sitting cross-legged.This Taoist priest has crystal white skin and upright and elegant facial features, which makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

The Taoist priest sitting cross-legged is extremely small compared to the stone sculpture, but the aura emanating from his body makes it impossible for anyone to ignore his presence.

This person is none other than Master Zhiyang, the great monk of the Yuan Empress of the Taizhen Sect.At this moment, Master Zhiyang was stroking the long sword resting on his knees with one hand, while holding a messenger talisman in the other hand and was thinking deeply.

"I didn't expect that there are such outstanding people among the monks of Tiannan? This talent in cultivation is probably not much better than those of the sages of ancient times. Just after he condensed his Nascent Soul, he launched a life-and-death sticker with murderous intent. If this person is lucky enough to survive, Tiannan will probably be in trouble in the future. It’s so troublesome…”

"So, for the sake of peace in this world of immortality, it seems that I have to go down the mountain too!"

After a faint sigh, silence returned to the hall.

The southernmost point of Tiannan.

The Yu State is one of the three countries in the Nine-Nation Alliance closest to the Mulan people.

Somewhere in the Yu Kingdom, a mountain range with strong aura stretches for thousands of miles. In this deep mountain that is difficult for mortals to reach, the only monk city in the south of the world is built.

The majesty of this city ranks first in Tiannan.

Here is the headquarters of the Nine Nations Alliance.

The sects of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance are headed by Huayi Sect and Baye Sect.

Among the two sects, Huayi Sect has Wei Wuya, a great monk from the Empress Yuan Dynasty, so Huayi Sect has slightly more authority in the Nine Kingdoms Alliance than Baye Sect.

At this moment, a ray of light came quickly from the highest peak in Huayi Sect and landed in front of a certain hall. A graceful and elegant woman in palace attire with beautiful curves appeared.

The beautiful woman looked at the restriction that was still unopened, took out a transmission note, whispered a few times, and tossed it casually, and the transmission note turned into fire and flew into the light curtain.

A moment later, just as the beautiful woman in palace attire was about to leave, an old voice came into the beautiful woman's ears, and at the same time, a passage about ten feet wide appeared outside the hall.

"Mrs. Qi is here in person, but what's the big deal?"

After entering the main hall, looking at the ordinary, slightly old man with green hair and green clothes in front of her, Mrs. Qi said:

"I have met the great elder. I am here because I have something important to report to the elder."

After a while, after listening to Madam Qi's words, Wei Wuya thought for a moment and said:
"I didn't expect that the Hidden Moon Sect actually has the high-level puppets that Tiannan has long lost. This thing is extremely important to our Nine Nations Alliance. If there are a large number of golden elixir puppets, it will be a big killer weapon against the Mulan people. .Although we were not invited, we have always had no grudges with the various sects of the Tiandao Alliance. This time, you and my fellow Taoist took my letter to visit fellow Taoist Nangong first to see if we could reach some deals... "

After hearing Wei Wuya's words, Mrs. Qi nodded and said doubtfully:

"The great elder is not going to see the life-and-death battle between Lu Tiandu in Yellow Maple Valley and the Wang brothers from the Ghost Spirit Sect this time? I heard that Lu Tiandu was born after more than a hundred years. It is really unbelievable. It is said to be inevitable in the future. Those who have the potential to surpass Master Cang Kun are in the spotlight right now!"

"Humph, potential is one thing, but converting potential into cultivation is another."

Wei Wuya smiled faintly, with a nonchalant look on his face, "This boy may have a lot of opportunities and trump cards, but he is still young and energetic, and it is hard to say whether he can grow up. This Wang brother may not be a worry, I am afraid he is really The test we face is the Old Demon of Hehuan and Master Zhiyang..."

"What does the elder mean?"

After hearing what Wei Wuya said, Mrs. Qi was also surprised.

"It's just as you guessed. But now that the Tiandao Alliance includes Long Han and Feng Bing, it won't be difficult to fight against these two people. However, the premise is that the Tiandao Alliance can form a unified force."

Wei Wuya continued, "Looking at this, Fellow Taoist Nangong will definitely take action to save this son. This time you just go and communicate with Fellow Daoist Nangong. If they need it, I can also go out."

"So that's it. If we let fellow Taoist Nangong owe a favor this time, it will be of great benefit to us in the future!"

This Madam Qi was also a thoughtful person, and she understood the deep meaning of Wei Wuya's action in a blink of an eye.

"That's right. Purchasing these puppets and gaining the friendship of the Hidden Moon Sect and Huang Maple Valley is just one of them. In fact, I have other ideas..."

After pondering for a moment, Wei Wuya said again:

"Now each of the four major forces has a great monk. The Tiandao Alliance and the couple Long Han and Feng Bing can fight against a great monk. Only then can the Tiandao Alliance maintain a balance with the evil path. The four major forces in Tiannan now seem to be in a delicate balance. However, the biggest crisis is actually our Nine-Nation Alliance. After all, our Nine-Nation Alliance still has to face the external threat of the Mulans."

"My Taoist fellow Nangong and I are almost the same age. Although I have one or two life-extending elixirs in my hands, I can only live for more than a hundred years at most. If nothing goes wrong, among the four of us, I and I will be the first to die. Fellow Taoist Nangong.”

"The Hidden Moon Sect now has six Yuanying sects, and its strength has greatly increased. The two new Yuanyings who held the Yuanying Ceremony before are both less than three hundred years old. As expected, they are very likely to advance to the later stages. Therefore, even if Nangong Dao Even though you are sitting on the throne, the Hidden Moon Sect is still one of the top three major forces in the Tiandao Alliance."

"Including this Lu Tiandu, there are now three Nascent Soul cultivators in Huang Maple Valley. If this person does not die, he will definitely advance to the rank of Yuan Empress in the future. Therefore, in a few hundred years, the small Yue Kingdom will probably have at least two Yuan Ying monks. After the great monk!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Qi's expression also changed.

"Looking at our Nine-Nation Alliance, I wonder if you can break through to the Queen of Yuan Dynasty in two or three hundred years? After I pass away, we, the Nine-Nation Alliance, may not even have a monk of the Queen of Yuan Dynasty! And the Mulan people we are facing But there are still several great masters. If the war breaks out again in the future, it remains to be seen whether our Nine Nations Alliance can exist..."

"And if Lu Tiandu is protected and the Hidden Moon Sect is sold, when the people of these two sects grow up, with the help they had back then, they will probably support our Nine Nations Alliance in the future. Moreover, if the Tiandao Alliance appears one after another Great monk, do you think the evil path will still be able to survive hundreds of years from now?"

Speaking of the latter part, Wei Wuya looked very thoughtful:

"The Tiandao Alliance has a chance of winning against the good and the devil, but if the two attack at the same time, the Tiandao Alliance will definitely not be able to stop it. At that time, the status of our Nine Nations Alliance will also be highlighted."

"Yes, if we in the Nine Nations Alliance did not have any great monks at that time, relying on the Tiandao Alliance would also be a survival strategy. And with the support of the Tiandao Alliance, we would have a much better chance of winning against the Mulan people!"

Mrs. Qi smiled lightly.

"That's right. Although the previous threats caused the three major forces to send some support, everyone has seen over the years that in the long run, the three major forces will inevitably relax, and the burden of fighting against the Mulans is still on our shoulders."

"Although we claim not to participate in the internal battles in Tiannan, how can we be less likely to do so in Tiannan? It can be seen from the invasion more than a hundred years ago that the ambition of the wolf of the good devil will carve up more than [-] members of the Tiandao Alliance. Country, how can our Nine-Nation Alliance survive alone?"

"An old saying goes: If you don't plan for eternity, you can't plan for a moment. Although we all have thousands of years to live, sometimes we still need to plan a little more..."

Wei Wuya said at the end with a bit of sigh in his tone.

"In the next few years, I will make some preparations for Lichen Ningying. If there is a big event in the alliance, you can discuss it with my fellow Taoist and deal with it!"

"I understand. When Master Nephew Wei condenses the Nascent Soul and our Huayi Sect's strength increases, I will first congratulate fellow Taoist here."

Mrs. Qi smiled slightly and said congratulations.

She naturally knew that Wei Wuya loved his nephew very much and spent a lot of resources on him to train him as his successor.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Mrs. Qi left the main hall and flew towards the mountain gate of Beiye Sect in her flying light. Naturally, she went to see Wu Peng, the leader of Beiye Sect, to discuss visiting Nangong Ping.

From the south to the north, the Yuan Kingdom was rejuvenated.

The Xingyuan Kingdom is also one of the dozen or so medium-sized countries in the north of the Yuanwu Kingdom. The reason why this country is famous in the Tiandao League is because of the Luanming Sect, the largest sect in the Xingyuan Kingdom.

As the second largest sect in the Tiandao Alliance, the Luanming Sect has three early Yuanying monks in its sect, in addition to Long Han and Feng Bing, a pair of mid-stage Nascent Soul monks who can join forces to fight against the great monks of the Empress Yuan Dynasty.

The Five Yuan Ying sect is a few percent stronger than the Ghost Spirit Sect, which is at the bottom of the Six Demonic Sects.

At this time, in a warmly decorated hall, on a jade bed, two monks, a man and a woman, were leaning closely together and talking softly.

"Husband, have you agreed to the invitation from fellow Taoist Nangong?"

The speaker was one of the curvaceous and beautiful women in a red shirt.Although his voice sounds a little cold, it is extremely crisp and pleasant to the ears.


The person holding the beautiful woman in red shirt was a tall, middle-aged man in gray robe with a strange appearance and broad bones. He nodded at this moment.

"Fellow Taoist Lu Tiandu Nangong values ​​​​them very much and will never let him fall in the middle. If things change this time, we only need to stop one of the Yuanhou monks. It will not be difficult."

"Although you and I work together and are not afraid of the Yuan Empress monks, it is really hard to predict when we can break through the Yuan Empress. If we can make the Biyue Sect and this Lu Dao friend owe each other this time, it may be useful in the future. .”

"In this case, I will naturally obey my husband! Then I will accompany my husband on a trip across the country!"

There was a smile on the corner of the beautiful woman's mouth. She put her hands on the tall man's thick chest. She glanced at the tall man again and smiled charmingly:
"Husband, it's been a while since I practiced dual cultivation with my concubine!"


At this moment, Lu Tiandu naturally didn't know that he was being discussed everywhere in Tiannan. He had been in seclusion for a while and was making final preparations before the war...

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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