Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 197 The evil-dispelling divine thunder!All heroes gather!threaten!What I fear the most is su

Chapter 197 The evil-dispelling divine thunder!All heroes gather!threaten!What I fear the most is sudden silence! (Please subscribe)
The world of stone beads.

In a cave halfway up Tongtian Peak.

In a hundred-foot square space, on a huge stone platform at the top, an ancient stone furnace stood in the sky, spinning slowly and continuously.

This stone furnace is about three feet high and about ten feet wide. It is dusty and looks inconspicuous.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu was sitting cross-legged in the stone furnace.At the bottom of the stone furnace, streaks of seven-colored rays of light continued to pass through Lu Tiandu's body, looking mysterious and abnormal.

Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged, was directly in front of him. At this moment, a golden ball of light the size of a finger was slowly rotating, continuously emitting strands of golden lightning.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu flipped his fingers and made several strange handprints. Then he moved his hands casually. The golden ball of light floating in front of his eyes trembled, and suddenly an illusory ball of light of the same size separated out. As Lu Tiandu opened his mouth As soon as he sucked it in, the ball of light suddenly flashed and was swallowed into his belly instantly.

With a "boom", Lu Tiandu knew that his soul trembled, his body also became numb, and the golden electric sparks around him kept crackling.

Lu Tian, ​​who frowned slightly, had forgotten how many times this was his experience of body tempering and god refining through lightning.

Over the past year, as he had refined the evil-fighting divine thunder within the Golden Thunder Bamboo again and again, he had long been accustomed to these changes. At this moment, without any hesitation, he refined the divine thunder in his body again.

Time passed by, and it was unknown how long it had passed. Lu Tiandu, who was sitting cross-legged in the stone furnace, seemed to have never moved.

But the obvious change is that the golden ball of light floating in front of him has disappeared without a trace.

After a few more days, Lu Tiandu slowly opened his eyes. Several golden electric flowers flashed in the air and disappeared instantly.

"Finally, the evil-fighting divine thunder, the ultimate wood divine thunder, has been preliminarily completed!"

Lu Tiandu felt the golden thunder ball floating around Yuanying in his body besides a ball of golden wind, a purple thunder ball and an illusory golden red flame, and his eyes flashed with joy.

Turning his palm over, a fist-sized golden thunder ball hung in his palm. Countless golden lightning bolts flickered on the surface of the thunder ball, making it look astonishingly powerful.

After thinking about it carefully for a moment, Lu Tiandu grasped it with five fingers, and the golden thunder ball disappeared again.

"It is indeed the evil-fighting divine thunder known as one of the five great divine thunders. If I hadn't had the help of the Divine Furnace of Creation, I would have been delusional even if I wanted to initially cultivate this thunder method for hundreds of years..."

Lu Tiandu sighed as he recalled all the things he went through to practice this thunder technique.

It is a consensus in the world of immortality that the thunder method is difficult to cultivate.

Even monks such as Feng Xian and Feng Lei Zhenjun in the spirit world who want to cultivate a powerful thunder method must not only spend a lot of time but also prepare various auxiliary items, such as Thunder Spirit Pill, Thunder Source Pill, etc. wait.

There is no shortage of various resources in Lu Tiandu. It took decades to cultivate Xuanming True Thunder, a thunder method that is lower than the Five Elements Divine Thunder. It is difficult to cultivate the Evil-Repelling Divine Thunder, one of the five major divine thunders. One can imagine.

He already had sufficient knowledge of this.

If he could not use a foreign object like the Golden Thunder Bamboo to cultivate the evil-proof divine thunder in a short time with the help of some secret technique in the jade slip left by Feng Xian, he planned to refine a Golden Thunder Bamboo magic weapon like Han Li did in the original plot. With the help of this magic weapon, you can control the evil-proof thunder in it.

After all, in the upcoming battle, the evil-dispelling divine thunder will be more restrained than other thunder methods for monks who have practiced demonic and ghost methods. Needless to say, he has to prepare in advance for this kind of magical power. Just in case.

Sure enough, Lu Tiandu encountered great obstacles at the beginning of using that secret technique to refine the evil-dispelling divine thunder.

Just like when he refined the Tianyang Divine Fire in the Tianyang Fire Gourd before, it took him more than a month to refine a trace of it.

In the first three months of this retreat, he had been practicing the secret technique of "Shocking Thorn" in Dayan Jue. With the teachings of Dayan God Lord during his previous return to Tiannan, it didn't take him long to master it. .

After all, the basis for using the Shocking Thorn is that his divine consciousness is not weaker than that of the Yuan Empress, and he has already achieved this.As for the skills of condensing spiritual consciousness, he had these foundations before, and God Lord Dayan pointed out the key points. It took him three months to feel a little slow.

If the two prerequisites cannot be met at the same time, it can be simplified to a weak version of the "Lost God Thorn" like Han Li did, but the effect will be much worse.

After cultivating the Shocking God Thorn, it was only a year and a half before the life-and-death battle. According to his estimation, the evil-dispelling divine thunder that could be refined before the war would probably only be used a few times.

Just when he was preparing to refine the Golden Thunder Bamboo magic weapon, he suddenly thought if he could use the Divine Furnace of Creation to extract the power of divine thunder in the Golden Thunder Bamboo, and then refine it with the help of the Divine Furnace?

After all, he had already understood the magic of the Divine Furnace of Creation, and many incredible things were not difficult for the Divine Furnace.

Sure enough, Lu Tiandu knew about this when he threw a 3-year-old evil-repelling divine thunder into the Divine Furnace of Creation and refined it to obtain a thumb-sized evil-repelling divine thunder light ball and a lump of liquid refined from the golden thunder bamboo. feasible.

Although being able to separate the evil-repelling divine thunder in the Golden Thunder Bamboo has saved Lu Tiandu a lot of time, refining this evil-repelling divine thunder ball is not an easy task.

But at this moment, Lu Tiandu felt quite confident.

The source of this confidence is naturally the Divine Furnace of Creation and the third level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

The Divine Furnace of Creation can protect the foundation of Lu Tiandu's physical body and speed up the recovery speed of his physical body after being damaged by lightning.

The limit of physical damage caused by the power of lightning when refining thunder and lightning can be endured by the body of the third-level master at one time, which is much higher than the limit strength when he practiced the thunder method of Xuan Ming Zhen Lei.

After all, he had just completed the third level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill back then, and now he has completed the third level.

Therefore, although the process of crazy thunder refining was extremely painful, Lu Tiandu still enjoyed watching the thunder balls being continuously refined into the body, and the thunder method seeds of the evil-proof divine thunder continued to grow.

In the past year and a half, he has refined the evil-proof divine thunder from ten 3-year-old golden thunder bamboos. Although he has initially refined this great magical thunder method, if he encounters monks who practice demonic or ghost methods, , Lu Tiandu really didn’t know how many golden thunders these people could withstand from him.

After all, the evil-repelling divine thunder power he cultivated is much more powerful than the evil-repelling divine thunder cast with the help of the Golden Thunder Bamboo magic weapon.

As for the ten-thousand-year-old bamboo and wood liquid left after Golden Thunder Bamboo extracted the evil-dispelling divine thunder, this is a good thing for refining wood-attribute magic weapons. Lu Tiandu plans to refine the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword's original life for Xiaomei, Mo Fengwu and others. The girls in the harem who have magic weapons, let them strengthen their own magic weapons.

At this moment, the thunder method had been refined. With a thought in Lu Tiandu's mind, the colorful rays of light at the bottom of the stone furnace suddenly disappeared without a trace.

After leaving the stone furnace, Lu Tiandu felt the current situation inside his body for a moment, and suddenly his eyes flashed with surprise.

He tried to run the fourth round of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill for a while, but there was no obstacle at all. After running the fourth round of the exercise completely, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"I didn't expect that after constantly undergoing thunder and lightning training for the past year and a half, I would break through to the fourth level without knowing it. It's really a happy event, and it has saved me several years of hard work."

However, Lu Tiandu shook his head when he thought of the eighth-level monster flesh and blood needed to refine the Qi and Blood Pill after the fourth round of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill.

Although he still has a lot of seventh-level qi and blood elixirs accumulated in his hands after completing the third-turn Dacheng, they may not have much effect on the fourth-turn technique.

But even if it is of little use, you still have to take it. After all, it is better than nothing.

Relatively speaking, taking a dragon scale fruit every day for more than forty years now has a vague and obvious effect, which is a good thing.

At this moment, there are still seven or eight days before the life and death battle. Lu Tiandu has left the Shizhu World. As expected, Cen Jingjun, Chen Qiaoqian and other women are already waiting outside the main hall.

"Let's go, the time is right, let's take a boat and go south together!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, called the girls out of the Lingkong Stone Tower cave, released the Star Spirit Divine Boat, and turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

In the attic of Xingling Shenzhou, Lu Tiandu listened to the female chatter about the rumors about him from the outside world during the two years he had been in seclusion, but didn't say much.

Now he is not the little foundation-building monk back then, or the ordinary monk who didn't dare to let others know that he had formed the pill after forming it, so he secretly went to the Chaos Star Sea to cultivate.

Ever since he condensed the Nascent Soul and killed several Nascent Soul enemies, he has been ready to appear in Tiannan uprightly!
A man is born in heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time?
This time, he will take the opportunity of revenge to subdue the heroes of Tiannan with his powerful strength and let his name spread throughout Tiannan!
And at that time, even if other Yuanying female cultivators like Hong Fu, Nangong Wan, and Nishang know that they have a close relationship, even if they are not Taoist lovers, no one will talk nonsense, and they will only think that the beauty is delicate, the hero is passionate, It is said to be a good talk.

After all, according to the customs of this world, there can only be one Taoist companion, so of course it doesn't matter if you have a concubine.

Although he usually has no discrimination against the women and treats them all as Taoist companions, if he gives this title to one of them, the other women will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to choose to form a Taoist partner with one of them openly.

This is also the reason why although he has returned to Tiannan in recent years, he has not actually affirmed the identity of the girls in front of others.

But after he became Tiannan's No. 1, it didn't matter whether he had this title or not.

When the time comes when he travels openly and openly with his beauty, who will dare to quibble?

A few hours later, when the Star Spirit Shenzhou was about to arrive at the Qiyun Mountains, Lu Tiandu gave the girls a few words, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

Now is not a good time to appear with other girls.

Lingyin Peak, Sunset Palace.

At this moment, Nangong Ping, who was discussing Taoism with the seven sects of Yue Kingdom and several Yuanying monks from the Tiandao Alliance, chuckled and said:
"Heaven has already arrived!"

After hearing Nangong Ping's words, everyone in the hall who was talking about Taoism fell silent for an instant.

After all, with the exception of the Hidden Moon Sect and the Nascent Soul monks of Huang Maple Valley, no one from the other five sects of Yue Kingdom, people from the Tiandao Alliance, or several people from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance have ever seen Lu Tiandu himself, who caused such a commotion. .

Just when someone was releasing their spiritual consciousness to investigate, a person suddenly appeared at the door of the Sunset Palace, and a warm voice reached the ears of the Nascent Soul cultivators:

"I've met fellow Taoists. I'm so late. Please forgive me, fellow Taoists!"

"This guy is so fast! He's so young!"

This was everyone's first reaction when they felt the sudden appearance of a figure and looked at Lu Tiandu, who was about twenty years old and slender in white clothes.

Although Lu Tiandu was only 40 or [-] years old, being so young still exceeded the expectations of everyone who saw him for the first time.

Moreover, their spiritual consciousness did not notice Lu Tiandu who had arrived at the entrance of the hall, which also made some people put away their hidden contempt.

As Lu Tiandu slowly walked into the hall, everyone took a closer look at the youngest Nascent Soul cultivator in Tiannan.

Wearing a silver crown on his head, his eyebrows flew into his temples, and his pair of dark crystal eyes were bottomless.The bridge of the nose is high and the corners of the mouth are smiling. He really has a good skin.As he walked, his clothes fluttered, giving him a sense of being out of the world.

The aura that Lu Tiandu was emitting from his body at this moment was only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but it was exactly the same as what was being circulated.

"Fellow Taoist is very handsome, and with such cultivation at such an age, he is worthy of being a person with the highest qualifications for thousands of years! I met fellow Taoist in Xia Long Han!"

A tall middle-aged man in gray robes, with a strange appearance and broad bones laughed, stood up and clasped his fists.

"I've seen fellow Daoist Long!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the imposing middle-aged man in front of him and returned the salute, then turned to the beautiful woman in red clothes next to Long Han and smiled faintly:
"This must be Fellow Daoist Feng! Heaven is so polite. I have heard for a long time that the two fellow Daoists Luan Ming Zong, Long Han and Feng Bing, are deeply in love and highly cultivated. They are good at the art of union. Now that I see them, I am really impressed by them. See……"

"Fellow Daoist is absurd!"

At this time, Feng Bing, a beautiful woman in red shirt, also stood up and bowed, her lips parted slightly, and she spoke a clear and sweet tone with a bit of coldness. She looked at Lu Tiandu and smiled slightly:
"Now when I meet Fellow Daoist Lu, I realize that there are so many talented people in this world, and we are all old..."

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Feng is not old at all!"

At this moment, Nangong Ping, who was dressed in white palace attire, with a white jade tie on his forehead, and a drop of jasper hanging between his eyebrows, with his black hair spread freely, and wearing a white veil, chuckled lightly, walked down the steps with a light step, He chuckled and said:
"If my sister is old, wouldn't I be even more ashamed of myself?"

After hearing Nangong Ping's teasing words, Feng Bing immediately covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Come on, Tiandu, since you already know Fellow Daoist Dragon and Fellow Daoist Feng, I will introduce you to several other Fellow Daoists!"

After Nangong Ping and Feng Bing joked for a while, they turned to Lu Tiandu and said:

"Most of the fellow Taoists here are the elders of the various sects of our Tiandao Alliance, but there are also two distinguished guests from the Nine Nations Alliance, who I would like to introduce to you first!"

"This is Fellow Daoist Wu Pengwu, the leader of Beiye Sect of Nine Kingdoms Alliance, and this is Fellow Daoist Qi, the elder of Huayi Sect..."

Nangong Ping led Lu Tiandu to an old man with a black robe and a purple face and a beautiful woman in her thirties who was wearing gorgeous palace clothes, plump and attractive, looking graceful and luxurious, and introduced them.

"I have met my fellow Taoist and fellow Taoist Qi! I have heard for a long time that Huayi Sect and Baye Sect are famous and powerful in the Nine-Nation Alliance. Only when I met these two fellow Taoists this time did I know that these words are true!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, suppressed the strange movement in his body, and complimented him a few times.

As soon as he entered the hall, Nangong Ping had already told him about Wei Wuya. Unexpectedly, the Nine Nations Alliance came with good intentions this time. It was really interesting!

Since the two extraordinary mid-Nascent Soul cultivators brought goodwill, how could Lu Tiandu refuse? His words were a little more intimate. "Fellow Daoist Lu is really young and promising. With such cultivation at such an age, it can be seen that the talent and opportunity are both good. I am here to wish you a victorious return. After this incident, the Huayi Sect still hopes to be with you. Get close..."

Mrs. Qi, a beautiful woman in gorgeous palace attire, flashed her phoenix eyes. She suppressed the strange changes in her heart since Lu Tiandu appeared, looked at Lu Tiandu, and said with a smile.

"Borrowing auspicious words from fellow daoists!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the beautiful woman's delicate jade face and plump jade peaks like a melon without leaving a trace, and smiled slightly, "I also ask fellow Daoist Qi to greet fellow daoist Wei for me. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely pay a visit!"

As the two talked, Lu Tian accepted Wei Wuya's favor of standing on his side, although Nangong Ping did not ask Wei Wuya to come to help in the end.

At this time, the purple-faced old man stroked his beard and said with a smile:
"Wupeng also wishes fellow Taoist a triumphant victory this time. If you can find anything useful, fellow Taoist can ask at any time!"

"So, thank you so much!"

Lu Tiandu bowed deeply.

Although he doesn't need their help due to his own strength, these people naturally don't know his roots. Having said this, it seems that they really have a lot of goodwill towards him.

Everyone else listened to the conversation between the three of them. Some thoughtful people had roughly guessed a few things, while others were curious. Why did the Nine Nations Alliance value Lu Tiandu so much?

Next, Nangong Ping introduced many people from the Tiandao Alliance to Lu Tiandu, including the Ancient Sword Sect, which ranked third in strength in the alliance, as well as other large sects like Ni Hangzhai with Yuanzhong monks and some with only one Nascent Soul. An ordinary sect of monks.

The Ancient Sword Sect has four Nascent Soul cultivators from the early stages of the First Middle School and the Third Stage, occupying a core position among the three Yunmeng sects of the Xi Kingdom.The visitor is Jin Wuhuan, the great elder of the Ancient Sword Sect. This man is a sword cultivator who has perfected the magical ability to turn swords into silk. He has always been aggressive.

After getting to know Lu Tiandu, he thought of having a discussion with him after the war. Facing this invitation, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and mumbled a few words without saying much.

Lu Tiandu was also acquainted with others, such as Ni Hangze, the fair-faced Elder Kuang who was famous for his earth-moving skills, and other middle-stage Nascent Soul monks, as well as a dozen early-stage Nascent Soul monks.

Naturally, these people came to meet Lu Tiandu this time just by chance. After all, their most important thing was to participate in the auction held by the Hidden Moon Sect.

I don’t know how Nangong Ping introduced him to these people before. Along the way, the more than [-] new Yuanying monks he met seemed to have quite a lot of confidence in him.

And everyone knew that Wei Wuya would not come to the Jinguyuan battlefield. There were two people in the Tiandao Alliance who could compete with the great monks, so it seemed very easy.

After the monks of Tiandao Sect, there are naturally the Nascent Soul monks from the other five sects of Yue Kingdom.

Needless to say, the Yueyue Sect and the Nascent Souls of Huang Maple Valley were all familiar with Lu Tian after all.Lu Tiandu looked at each other, Hong Fu, Nangong Wan and Ni Shang, and said nothing.

Of the other five sects, the Red Fire Sect, which currently occupies the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, is naturally the strongest.

Although there are two Nascent Soul cultivators in the Crimson Fire Sect, the Crimson Fire Ancestor in the middle Nascent Soul stage looks extremely old. It is estimated that his lifespan is short and he will probably die within a few decades.

This time they came out only because the seven sects have been united in the same spirit over the years. Other sects in the Yue Kingdom have made a lot of profits over the years because of Nangong Ping's name, and they have gained a strong reputation.

There were still a few days before the war, but these Nascent Soul monks finally got together. While exchanging Taoist experiences, they also held a private exchange meeting, each of whom gained something.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the big battle.

Golden Drum Original Battlefield.

This is a wasteland at the junction of the Yue Kingdom and the Cheqi Kingdom. A hundred years ago, the ten-nation Allied Forces of the Tiandao Alliance and the Six Demonic Sects fought back and forth here for several years. I don’t know how many monks were buried here.

After a hundred years, this place still hasn't changed much. The wilderness is vast and crisscrossed with ravines. The traces of the war a hundred years ago are still vaguely visible.

However, the eagles, falcons and vultures that usually hovered in the sky disappeared. Even the many wild beasts that wandered in the wilderness from time to time seemed to feel the atmosphere of the war and disappeared without a trace, making the wasteland seem much quieter.

Within dozens of miles of the Jinguyuan battlefield, there were already tens of thousands of monks scattered in different costumes.

There are casual cultivators, family cultivators and sect cultivators, but those with the highest cultivation level are only at the Golden Core stage.

People were distributed in twos and threes around the wide Golden Drum Plains, gathering with familiar people to chat in low voices.

However, the center of the topic is naturally inseparable from the two brothers Lu Tiandu and the Wang family and the bets they placed for their favorites.

Obviously, all the monks who come here know that one, two or even three Nascent Soul monks will die here next!
Such an open battle between Yuanying monks really made them curious.

It's a pity that they can't watch the battle in person on the front line.

Although they mainly came to participate in the auction of the Hidden Moon Sect, being able to watch such a battle would be something to brag about in the future.

Just when everyone was chatting boredly, dozens of rays of various colors suddenly appeared in the sky. Everyone seemed to be quite orderly in the rays of light. After circling in the sky for a while, they landed somewhere in the void more than ten miles away from the center of Jinguyuan. Each of them said nothing.

This scene lasted for a full hour, and everyone knew that these old Yuanying monsters and advanced Jindan monks were coming.

The Golden Drum was originally in the north.

Lu Tiandu stood in the air, standing hundreds of feet in front of a group of Nascent Soul and Golden Core cultivators from the Tiandao Alliance, with one hand behind his back. He seemed to be slightly closing his eyes to rest, but in fact he was using his consciousness to observe various scenes within four hundred miles.

The righteous path in the western void and the demonic path in the eastern void have each received more than ten Yuanying monks, half of whom are mid-stage Yuanying monks.

These are basically all well-known people in the good and evil ways. Lu Tiandu quickly got to know these people through Nangong Ping's voice transmission.

It's a pity that some people from the Demonic Hehuan Sect and the Righteous Taizhen Sect that he is paying attention to have not yet arrived.

There are several Nascent Soul cultivators scattered in the south of Jinguyuan. In addition to a few people from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, there are also a few casual cultivators.

Among them, an old man with eagle eyes, bald head and white beard is the most eye-catching. This man is the old monster named Tianhen who is known as "No. 1 under the Yuan Dynasty" in Tiannan.

Except for one acquaintance who was close to him, everyone else was far away from the old monster.

After all, this person is the only one among the monks in the middle stage of Yuanying who once severely injured the Yuanhou monk Zhiyang Master and escaped smoothly.

Moreover, this person has a perverse personality, acts unscrupulously, lives alone, and has many enemies.No one wants to get into trouble for no reason.

Lu Tiandu didn't pay much attention to the old monster Tianhen. His consciousness glanced at an old man in white shirt and beardless who showed a faint smile and was talking to his companions, and sneered secretly.

This old man surnamed Yun is one of the secret agents of the Ghost Spirit Sect.Presumably by this time, you have come into contact with Nanlong Hou, a descendant of Cang Kun, and gained initial trust, right?

I wonder how much information the Ghost Spirit Sect knows about the Ling Candle Fruit, Ling Miao Garden and other treasures in Fallen Demon Valley?

At this moment, Master Cang Kun has not yet obtained the safe route in and out of Fallen Demon Valley, so the Ghost Spirit Sect is probably still being secretly prepared, right?
It seemed that this time it would be better to leave the Wang brothers' Nascent Souls behind to search for souls.

His consciousness swept over the expressionless Wang brothers a few miles away, as well as the gloomy-looking Ghost Spirit Sect Broken Soul and Zhong, two middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators not far behind. Lu Tiandu showed a sneer on his lips.

While Lu Tiandu was secretly observing the others, dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators outside the venue also let go of their spiritual consciousness and continuously scanned the others.

This time, more than seventy Yuanying monks gathered at once. Although it was less than one-third of Tiannan Yuanying monks, it was not a small number.There are many of them who have hatred towards each other, with murderous intent in their eyes, and they don't know what they are thinking.

At this moment, a golden shock suddenly shot out from the sky. After a sharp scream, a golden flying sword several feet long slowly appeared.

On top of the sword, a middle-aged Taoist priest in his forties stood with his hands behind his back. He nodded in several directions with a smile on his face, and then returned to the right side in a flash.

Lu Tiandu glanced at Zhiyang expressionlessly and stopped paying attention.

If someone interferes with his own business or is unfavorable to him this time, he will not be lenient.

As if they had made an appointment, as the sun appeared, a black cloud dozens of feet in size shot out from the west of Jinguyuan in the blink of an eye.

Above the clouds, a man in black robes with a cold and evil aura around his body and a somewhat ferocious appearance appeared, and a young man in a gorgeous brocade robe who looked to be in his twenties, with white, tender and shiny skin, and an unusually handsome face appeared. shape.

As soon as the two men showed their figures, their eyes fell on Lu Tiandu's figure in the middle of the battlefield.

The ferocious-looking man in black robe narrowed his stern eyes slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking with his hands behind his back.

The handsome man in brocade robes looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile, showing an interested expression.

Lu Tiandu glanced at the old devil Hehuan expressionlessly, and met the soft eyes of the old devil Yunlu, with no concealment of the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Strange, why is this person so murderous towards me?"

A look of suspicion flashed across Old Demon Yunlu's handsome face, and he was puzzled.

At this moment, many people in the scene also discovered Lu Tian's undisguised murderous intention, and suddenly became confused.

Lu Tian has not decided the outcome with the Wang brothers yet, so what grudges does he have with the ancient demon of the Hehuan Sect?
Could it be that Lu Tiandu has other unknown grievances with this ancient demon that caters to both men and women?
Just when everyone was confused, a chuckle suddenly reached the ears of everyone within dozens of miles, immediately making everyone's hearts tremble.Just listen to Nangong Ping said calmly:
"Since Fellow Daoist Zhiyang and Fellow Daoist Yi are already here, they are just in time to bear witness. Today, I, the monk Lu Tiandu of the Tiandao Alliance, and the brothers of the Wang family of the Ghost Spirit Sect are starting a life-and-death battle to resolve past grievances. Since both parties are here, I believe I agree to resolve the grievances between the two parties in this way. I won’t say much more. According to what I said before, I, the Hidden Moon Sect, will give out three seventh-level demon pills as the prize for the winner, and I will never break my promise..."

Just when Nangong Ping said this, Leng Qingqiu, who had a cold look on his face next to Nangong Ping, reached out and turned over. A jade box about a foot in size appeared in his hand. He brushed off the lid of the box and saw three fist-sized jade boxes. Different demon pills appear in the box.

Everyone present, even the golden elixir stage monks, could roughly observe what was in the box, and many people started talking quietly.

At this moment, Nangong Ping continued:
"The time is almost up. Do both sides of the decisive battle have anything else to say?"

Looking at the Wang brothers who were secretly on guard and showed no concealment of murderous intent but had no intention of speaking, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and said loudly:
"In that case, Lu has something to say!"

"The main purpose of Lu's life-and-death battle is naturally to resolve several grievances in the past. As the saying goes, blood debts will not be owed in arrears. It is true. If Lu survives by chance in the next battle, the Ghost Spirit Sect will intend to For revenge, you can step within ten miles of this place, and Lu is willing to fight the life and death battle with the people of the Ghost Spirit Sect to the end again!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the people around him immediately started talking.Many people's eyes flickered and they stared at Lu Tian again.

Broken Soul, an old man in a soap robe with a thin and strange face, and the old man surnamed Zhong, who had white beard and hair and a pair of eagle eyes, looked at each other, and both noticed the surprise in the other's eyes.

The Wang brothers stared at Lu Tiandu with murderous eyes and sneered at the corners of their mouths.

Lu Tiandu seemed not to have heard these comments and said loudly again:
"In Lu's life-and-death battle, if anyone dares to step within ten miles of this place or take action against either side of the duel outside the venue, it will be regarded as a life-and-death battle with Lu. Lu... will accompany him to the end until one of the parties is completely defeated. Down!"

Speaking of the latter, the murderous intention in Lu Tiandu's words was no longer hidden, and his eyes full of murderous intent swept around the Zhengmo Dao and the casual cultivator camp.


After hearing Lu Tiandu's threatening words, the expressions of a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators who had other ideas suddenly changed, and they stared solemnly at the murderous Lu Tiandu, becoming suspicious.

If this guy wasn't an idiot, then he was determined to kill the Wang brothers, and he also guessed that someone would take action secretly. Such unrelenting words were really surprising.

This guy has just condensed his Nascent Soul, so what confidence does he have to fight against the heroes?
At this moment, Master Zhiyang and Old Demon Hehuan naturally heard Lu Tiandu's words. They looked at each other and glanced at Lu Tiandu's proud figure with expressionless expressions. At the same time, a thought came into their minds:
Don't stay here long!
"Okay! Okay! Tiandu, you are a real man!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Nangong Ping clapped his hands and laughed loudly. The sound shook for more than ten miles, causing several people around him to look over.

"In this case, I declare that the life and death battle begins!"

Following Nangong Ping's words, the place fell silent. Everyone immediately turned their attention to the three figures in the middle of the battlefield, observing them intently, looking forward to a fierce battle.

As soon as the two Wang brothers heard that the battle was about to begin, they immediately patted the storage bags on their waists. A cold snort eerily reached their ears from miles away.

"Shocking stab!"

In an instant, a sharp pain spread into the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them. Their bodies were shaken and their expressions were distorted. When they held their heads and endured the attack of their consciousness, Lu Tian, ​​who was six miles away from them, disappeared in an instant.

Amid everyone's surprised eyes, Lu Tiandu reappeared strangely in the blink of an eye, looking at the position of the Wang brothers with a dead look on his face.

At this moment, a gust of breeze blew by, and the bodies of the Wang brothers twisted and dissipated strangely. If one looked carefully, it seemed as if a ray of golden breeze was flickering inside each of the two brothers.

In the blink of an eye, there was no trace of the Wang brothers on the battlefield anymore...

The battlefield of Jinguyuan in Nuoda fell silent instantly...

p.s. It’s the end of the month, fellow Taoists, do you still have monthly tickets?It will expire if you don’t vote!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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