Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 198: Kill him and destroy his clan!Yunlu died!Let’s take action together!

Chapter 198: Kill him and destroy his clan!Yunlu died!Let’s take action together! (Please subscribe)

Eerily quiet!
Tens of thousands of low-level monks outside the Jinguyuan battlefield instantly sensed something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet and looked at each other, not knowing what was going on!
However, the strange and solemn atmosphere at this moment made them dare not open their mouths, and they let go of their limited consciousness and secretly observed the movements of others.

Center of the battlefield.

Lu Tiandu stood proudly, with a sneer on his lips and playing with a storage bag in his hand.

The Wang brothers who were about six miles away from him had mysteriously disappeared.

More than ten miles away, heroes from all directions stared dumbfounded at this sudden change. Many people had expressions of disbelief on their faces and...the unconcealable fear in their eyes!
"Dead...the Wang brothers died like this??"

"With one move, he actually killed two veteran Nascent Soul cultivators with just one move?"

"How is this possible? How is it possible? What kind of magical power is it?"

"Is that the end?"

After the eerie silence, the noise continued.

His consciousness swept across the white-clothed figure in the center of the battlefield. The Nascent Soul cultivators and Golden Core cultivators had expressions of disbelief on their faces. Murmurs and exclamations continued to be heard. Some people looked at each other and saw their companions. The fear in the other person's eyes!
Thinking of the scene where the bodies of the Wang brothers and their Nascent Souls turned into powder in a strange way, some people trembled slightly, and their hearts were instantly filled with fear!
The unknown is the most terrible!

The weird magical power that killed two early Yuanying monks in one move, as well as the mysterious method of disappearing and reappearing instantly, really made everyone tremble.

Because they know that there is no way for them to escape this move!

"What a fast speed! What a weird magical power!"

To the east and west, the ferocious man above the black clouds and the middle-aged Taoist priest standing in the air with a sword on his back narrowed his eyes. The strange scene of Lu Tiandu killing the Wang brothers was replayed in his consciousness, and this thought flashed through his heart at the same time.

As two of the three people they knew had the most powerful spiritual consciousness present, they naturally saw clearly the scene where Lu Tiandu instantly killed the Wang brothers.

At a speed no less than that of a Yuanhou monk, Lu Tiandu crossed six miles in the blink of an eye, and instantly approached the Wang brothers. He stretched out his hands to grab the Dantians of the two men who looked in pain for some reason and had their heads in their hands, and then grabbed them again at an extremely fast speed. The storage bags on their waists disappeared.

Just when they were surprised that Lu Tiandu had a speed no less than theirs, the motionless Wang brothers suddenly disappeared into ashes in less than a breath!
The two inconspicuous golden breezes that quickly disappeared from the Wang brothers' position naturally did not escape their observation.

Golden Breeze!Fenglinggen Lu Tiandu!
In an instant, the two of them knew that the Wang brothers had been plotted by Lu Tiandu.

The golden wind that appeared at the end must be a strange magical power cultivated by Lu Tiandu.

In other words, Lu Tiandu took advantage of the moment when the Wang brothers wanted to release powerful ancient treasures from their storage bags to fight against the enemy. He approached the two of them at a speed that exceeded their expectations, and injected the mysterious golden wind he had cultivated into the two brothers. Dantian, and then killed the Wang brothers with one blow.

This is the conclusion the two came to!
However, there are still many doubts in it that make the two of them puzzled.

For example, why do the Wang brothers suddenly look miserable?
In the short period of time after Lu Tiandu approached and before the two died, the Wang brothers did not use any desperate secret skills?

Even Nascent Soul's self-destruction was too late to be used!
Also, why did the inner armor worn by the Wang brothers not block Lu Tiandu's magical powers at all?
What on earth is this golden wind that prevents the Wang brothers and even their Nascent Soul from escaping?Even the inner armor magic weapon was turned into powder by the golden wind?

Although they still had various doubts, they realized in an instant that Lu Tiandu's strength might exceed their expectations.

They couldn't recognize the mysterious golden wind, but they were already aware of the strange and unpredictable power. If they got a trace of this golden wind, they would definitely be shocked!
As for Lu Tiandu, with his early Nascent Soul cultivation level, he can perform at a speed no less than theirs, there is only one explanation:
Wind escape!
This boy has actually mastered the Wind Escape Technique, one of the three most bizarre escape techniques in the world of immortality!

Only the wind escape technique can be so weird and elusive.

It's a pity that if Lu Tiandu knew about their speculation, he would definitely scoff at it.

Although they came to plausible conclusions, the processes involved were too different.

For example, Lu Tiandu's escape technique is not a simple wind escape.

For example, the Yuan Ying of the two Wang brothers was not killed by the three-flavored Kamikaze. Instead, he used the powerful physical strength of the fourth level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu to shatter the two people's personal inner armor magic weapons with one claw, piercing through the two bodies. The person's Dantian was instantly imprisoned and received into the world of stone beads.

The most important thing is that the Wang brothers suddenly looked in pain and had no ability to resist at all. They were struck by his soul attack secret technique "Shocking Sting".

As for why the monks in the early Yuan Ying period were able to perform the secret techniques of spiritual consciousness that only the monks in the post Yuan Dynasty could practice, they had never imagined it.

And this thing that they don't know the truth about may put them in a life-or-death crisis.

At this moment, Master Zhiyang and Old Demon Hehuan glanced at Tiandu's figure in the field, looked at each other from a distance, moved their lips slightly, and instantly reached a consensus.


"Boy Lu, be careful, those two guys are going to be bad for you next!"

Just when Lu Tiandu was about to speak, a subtle sound suddenly reached his ears.

The source of this sound naturally came from the Tiandao Alliance camp behind him.

The person who conveyed the message was God Lord Dayan.

Lu Tiandu nodded slightly inadvertently, and at the same time, the murderous intent in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

There are dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators and three Yuan Yuan great cultivators here, and only God Lord Dayan dares to rely on his powerful spiritual consciousness to unscrupulously intercept other people's messages and transmit messages to Lu Tiandu.


Lu Tiandu's voice rang out again on Nuo Da's Jinguyuan battlefield, instantly drowning out the noise of the crowd, and the scene fell into silence.

Countless pairs of complicated eyes instantly fell on the figure in white in the middle.

"Lu deeply regrets not being able to bring everyone a fierce fighting feast."

Lu Tiandu's indifferent voice sounded again, "But what Lu wants to say is that the life-and-death battle between me and the Wang family of the Ghost Spirit Sect is over."

"So, Lu has one more question."

At this point, Lu Tiandu faced the east, and a pair of murderous eyes instantly locked on Broken Soul and the old man named Zhong:
"I would like to ask Elder Broken Soul of the Ghost Spirit Sect and Elder Zhong to answer this question. Will Elder Yuanying of the Ghost Spirit Sect want to have another life-or-death battle with Lu over the death of the Wang brothers of the Ghost Spirit Sect?"


The old man surnamed Zhong, who was dressed in a soap robe, had a thin and strange face, and had white beard and hair, a pair of eagle eyes, and a strong evil aura, looked at each other, and his face became extremely ugly.

Until now, they still couldn't figure out how Lu Tiandu killed the Wang brothers with one move. At this moment, facing Lu Tiandu's surging momentum, they felt a sudden change in their hearts.

In fact, they lent a valuable treasure inside the door to the Wang brothers, and they naturally knew the Wang brothers' combat power, but they were still killed instantly by Lu Tiandu.

Before they understood Lu Tiandu's trump card, how could people like them, who had lived for hundreds of years, killed countless people, and made countless enemies fearful, risk themselves for two dead people?

Just when the leader Broken Soul was about to speak, a gloomy voice suddenly came from the ears of the two people. Their expressions changed, and within a moment, their faces turned livid.

What no one saw at this moment was that the old man surnamed Yun in the white-shirted and beardless camp in the south of the Golden Drum Plains had long since disappeared. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were fixed on Broken Soul and Broken Soul. The old man named Zhong.

Seeing the two people whose faces changed but remained silent, Lu Tiandu's expression became colder and colder. Just when he was about to speak, Broken Soul, expressionless, stepped forward and said:

"Everyone here must know the grudges between the Wang family and Fellow Daoist Lu, so there is no need for me to go into details. Since the Wang family brothers are not as skilled as others and were defeated and died, I, the Ghost Spirit Sect, have nothing to say. As for the life-and-death battle between the Ghost Spirit Sect and Fellow Daoist Lu It’s even more impossible to talk about, what do you think, fellow Daoist Lu?”

"Okay, Elder Broken Soul is indeed a sensible person."

After hearing Broken Soul's words, Lu Tiandu nodded, "However, the Wang family and I have a life-and-death feud. We will fight to the death. Within five days, please ask the Ghost Spirit Sect to send the heads of all the Wang family's people with spiritual roots. Bar!"


After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, many people suddenly exclaimed in surprise, but although most of the Nascent Soul cultivators' expressions changed slightly, they were not too surprised.

Some of them have done a lot of things like killing their bodies, exterminating their clans, and eradicating their roots.

After all, there has already been such a blood feud, is it possible to leave the seeds of revenge for the enemy?

The expressions of Broken Soul and Old Man Zhong changed again. They looked at each other and took a deep look at Lu Tiandu. Broken Soul held up his hands and retreated without saying a word.

Being forced to such an extent by Lu Tiandu, Broken Soul and Old Man Zhong had long been furious, but how could they use their words before they found out the details of Lu Tiandu?
They only have one life, and there is no certainty that they will kill Lu Tiandu. How can they cause more trouble?
They may not take the death of the Wang brothers seriously, but the thousand-year heritage of the Ghost Spirit Sect cannot be ruined in their hands.

As for the Hehuan Laomo who just asked them to take over the life-and-death battle with Lu Tiandu, they refused without even thinking about it.

Although the Hehuan Old Demon vowed to guarantee their safety, this verbal guarantee was of no use to them.

With the number of Yuanying monks from the Ghost Spirit Sect suddenly reduced by two, I am afraid that both the Hehuan Sect and other demonic sects may have other thoughts.

If one of the two of them is lost here again, even with the secretly arranged power, I am afraid that the Ghost Spirit Sect will still be removed from the Six Demonic Sects.

The current situation really made the two of them feel bad.

The old devil Hehuan has evil intentions and treats them as pawns to test Lu Tiandu. How can they fulfill the old devil's wish?

Moreover, how could they not know about Lu Tiandu's naked murderous intention towards Yun Lu earlier?

Looking at this situation, the two people must have a big hatred. According to Lu Tiandu's character of revenge and eradication, a big battle may be around the corner.

Therefore, facing Lu Tiandu's persecution and subsequent demands, they had already decided to take a step back and let Lu Tiandu and the Hehuan Sect fight for a while before making the final decision.

"Since Fellow Daoist Shattered Soul has not refused, then Lu will just wait for the good news from the Ghost Spirit Sect."

Seeing Broken Soul retreating without saying a word, Lu Tiandu stopped pressing and said calmly, "If the deadline fails, Lu will personally go to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Mountain Range when the time comes."

After saying this, Lu Tian didn't care about the strange expressions of everyone, and then turned his gaze, staring coldly at the cloud dew in the black clouds, with murderous intent revealed, and said in a cold voice:
"Lu Mou said before that there are several grievances that will be resolved in today's life-and-death battle. Now that one grievance with the Wang family has been resolved, this time, I have to settle a grudge with Yunlu, a thief like you!"


As Lu Tiandu finished speaking, the people watching from all four directions became excited again.

Many people secretly said that it was indeed the case. Lu Tiandu's previous murderous intention towards Yunlu seemed to be not unreasonable.I don't know what the grudge between the two is that makes Lu Tiandu face each other in life and death, and they will never stop fighting.

As for who of the two is stronger and who is weaker, and who will survive in the end, everyone is a little confused at this moment.

If a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul challenges an established monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, everyone knows the result.But now, everyone has to raise a question mark.

In fact, no one knows the depth of Lu Tiandu.

The battle between Lu Tiandu and the Wang brothers just now was too weird and short, and it was impossible for others to see Lu Tiandu's trump card.

Obviously, Lu Tiandu's combat prowess cannot be compared to that of ordinary Yuanying monks.

Therefore, everyone is still undecided about who will live and who will die.

At the same time, among the many Nascent Soul cultivators, when they heard that Lu Tiandu had stated that they wanted to fight to the death with Old Demon Yunlu, several of them also looked at Yunlu with murderous intent.

It seems that there is quite a lot of resentment among them.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Yun Lu, who had been staying in the dark clouds, frowned on his handsome face, narrowed his charming eyes with murderous intent, and said with a cold smile:

"This is my first time meeting you. I don't know what grudges you have between me. Please explain it clearly!"

"Okay, Mr. Lu won't kill the ignorant ghost. It seems that I need to remind you about the incident in Yuanwu Kingdom more than two years ago..."

Lu Tiandu still glanced at Old Demon Yunlu as if he was looking at someone dead, "Jingjun, please come out and let this noble and forgetful Old Demon Yunlu remember a lot of things!"

Hearing the contempt in Lu Tiandu's words, Yunlu's face became even colder.

At this moment, in the sky north of Jinguyuan, a graceful figure suddenly flew out of a treasure ship wrapped in a cyan light shield.

Cen Jingjun was still wearing a blue gauze dress. At this moment, her oval face had a cold look on her face. She looked at Yunlu coldly and said:

"Old Demon, do you remember?"

"It's you! Your name is Cen Jingjun? That's it!"

Seeing Cen Jingjun, the only late Jindan cultivator who escaped from him, how could Yunlu not understand the hatred between the two parties?
And when he heard Lu Tiandu call this woman 'Jingjun', how could Yunlu, combined with the grievances between Lu Tiandu and the Wang family, not understand that one of the parties involved, Cen Jingjun, was the one he was planning to rob in the Yuanwu Kingdom?
This also explains why this woman has that rare physique.

After all, he had learned from his previous sources that Zhao Qingfeng and Wang Chan of the Tianxing Sect were entangled because of Cen Jingjun's mysterious physique.In the end, Lu Tiandu intervened.Only in this way can everything happen next and today's life and death battle between Lu Tiandu and the Wang family.

Unexpectedly, he would have to fight to the death with Lu Tiandu because of this woman.

Listening to Old Demon Yunlu's exclamation, some people with clear minds also guessed the general matter in an instant. Many people glanced at Cen Jingjun's graceful curves, secretly thinking that beauty is indeed a disaster. Two Nascent Soul monks have already indirectly caused it. She died.

And then another person will die directly because of her!
"Now that you remember it."

Lu Tiandu's cold voice came out again:
"If Jingjun hadn't had some life-saving means, I'm afraid he would have died after escaping that day. I heard that you have always been a lustful person, and you often kidnapped people to collect supplements. You also relied on your background in the Hehuan Sect and your cultivation. You are so unbridled. Today, Lu will have to learn a lesson!"

"What? She, a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, could actually escape from the hands of an ancient demon in the mid-stage Nascent Soul?"

Originally, everyone thought that Cen Jingjun had been captured by Yunlu, and Lu Tiandu wanted to take revenge. After all, not everyone would ignore this kind of hat.

Of course, if you don't have enough strength, you can only admit that you are unlucky. This is why Yunlu, the old devil, has remained free and at ease for so many years.

As a result, listening to Lu Tiandu's words now, Cen Jingjun actually escaped with his life that day, but he seemed to be seriously injured.

Everyone was surprised again.

"What if I don't want to fight today?"

At this moment, the eyes of Old Demon Yunlu above the clouds flickered, and he smiled and said.

He is not a fool. Looking at the menacing Lu Tiandu, how can he be in danger before he finds out the details?

"Okay, as long as you kneel in front of Jingjun and kowtow three times, Lu will let you go today!"

After Lu Tiandu heard Yunlu's words, he laughed, glanced at the cold-looking Hehuan Old Demon, continued to look at Yunlu, and said:

"But when Mr. Lu is admitted to the Hehuan Sect in the future, he will still have to take off your head. It's your choice!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's extremely arrogant words, the scene fell into silence.

The eyes of everyone in the audience flickered, but more people glanced at the ugly faces of the old demon Hehuan, the old demon Yunlu, the head of the Hehuan Sect Tian and their Taoist companions, and saw the good show.

After all, the Hehuan Sect is truly the first sect in Tiannan. The high-end combat power of one Yuanhou great monk, three mid-stage Yuanyings and five early-stage Yuanyings is much better than the Taizhen Sect, the largest sect in the righteous way.

In addition to the post-Yuan Ying monk Zhiyang, the Taizhen Sect also has one mid-Yuan Ying monk and seven Taizhen Seventh Cultivation monks at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Okay! Okay! I want to see what a junior like you can do today!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's extremely insulting words, Old Demon Yunlu laughed angrily. In a flash, he had flown away from the black clouds and entered the battle circle within ten miles of Lu Tiandu.

If he didn't fight today, he might not have the face to hang around in Tiannan.

Moreover, after listening to the message from senior brother Yi Laomo just now, he knew that as long as he blocked the first wave of attacks, Yi Laomo would kill the arrogant Lu Tiandu with one blow.

Yunlu, dressed in a brocade robe, stood somewhere in the sky, staring coldly at Lu Tiandu opposite.

However, compared to the six miles distance between the Wang brothers, he was currently more than eight miles away from Lu Tiandu.

It seems that he has received some advice from the old devil Hehuan.

Even at the speed of Hehuan Old Demon, he couldn't cross this distance instantly. Naturally, he didn't think Lu Tiandu's wind escape technique could cross such a distance.

As long as Lu Tian couldn't get close to him instantly, then his weird golden wind magical power would naturally be useless.

As for the rest, he can only rely on him to improvise.

On the other side, the old devil of Albizia Huan had a pair of gloomy eyes on his hideous ugly face with a cold light.

He has decided to wait for the right opportunity in the next magic weapon competition to behead Lu Tiandu.

As long as Lu Tiandu is killed, he is confident that the Tiandao Alliance will suffer this secret loss under the combined pressure of good and evil.

Even Nangong Ping, a Yuanhou monk who had advanced in recent decades, neither he nor Zhiyang paid much attention to.

Feeling the murderous aura permeating the Jinguyuan battlefield, Nangong Ping also flew down from the Tianyue Shenzhou of the Hidden Moon Sect at this moment. With a solemn expression, he scanned the Zhengmo Dao monks, the Nine Nations Alliance and several casual cultivators in the south, and said:

"Okay, in that case, I announce that the second life-and-death battle will begin!"

As soon as Nangong Ping finished speaking, Yunlu's whole body was instantly filled with a strong rouge powder aura. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a pink ring suddenly appeared above his head, emitting rays of light.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu raised his sleeves, and a huge colorful sleeve suddenly appeared in the sky. The giant sleeve escaped very fast, and in a flash, it covered Yunlu's head thousands of feet away.


Looking at the sleeves that appeared above the head in the blink of an eye, covering the void of more than a hundred feet above the head, and about to fall, Yunlu opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a ball of pink essence instantly disappeared into the pink ring.

The ring swelled in the wind, and in an instant it became the size of a hundred feet, roaring towards the colorful sleeves with a strong pink flame.

At the same time, Yunlu patted the storage bag, and instantly three ancient treasures appeared in front of her, showing a shield, a sword and a token.

After glancing at Lu Tiandu who made no other moves, Yunlu stretched out his hand and clicked, instantly turning his sword into two streams of light, one black and one white, and shot towards Lu Tiandu.

The azure Mongolian shield instantly enlarged and covered the whole body.

Lu Tiandu looked at the two ancient treasures that shot out, and didn't care. He turned over them casually, and a small green flag about a foot long and a strange bamboo basket appeared in his hands.

With a casual throw, the Biyun Flag and the Luobao Flower Basket turned into a ball of green light and a piece of cold white air respectively, instantly facing the sword and order.

With a "boom", there was a burst of light in the sky, and four ancient treasures collided together.

Feeling that his two ancient treasures were instantly trapped in the green clouds and white light, Yun Lu's expression changed. While increasing his mana infusion, he glanced at the colorful sleeves that kept falling, and his expression became solemn.

With a "pop" sound, Yunlu once again sprayed a breath of essence into the giant ring above his head. At the same time, Yunlu made a hand with his ten fingers and spit out strange spells from his mouth.

Following his incantation, the giant pink ring against the colorful sleeves trembled slightly and made a buzzing sound. Just when he was about to finish reciting the incantation, a strange cold snort suddenly passed into his sea of ​​consciousness. among.

"not good!"

The sea of ​​​​consciousness was shaken, and Yunlu, whose face was distorted by pain, was shocked in his heart.

At the same time, a golden and purple yin-yang fish suddenly appeared in the colorful sleeves that everyone had thought was just a magic weapon to trap the enemy. The vortex of the yin-yang fish turned around, and with a "boom", hundreds of wind and thunder were transformed into The golden and purple light beams all hit the giant pink ring.

There was a "click", and in the eyes of everyone in shock, in the blink of an eye, Yunlu's magic weapon that he had been practicing for hundreds of years was instantly destroyed.

With a "whoop", the colorful sleeves were pulled down without stopping. The body and mind were stiff and the face was distorted. Yunlu, who was about to recover from the Jingshen thorn, but was mentally traumatized because of the destruction of his life magic weapon, instantly The swaying green shield around him was swallowed into the golden-purple vortex.

"court death!"

The moment hundreds of purple-gold light beams were sprayed out from the colorful sleeves, the Acacia Laomo who sensed the astonishing power knew that Yunlu was finished.

Lu Tiandu unexpectedly killed Yunlu in front of his eyes, who he had vowed to protect before his eyes.

At this moment, the old demon of Hehuan roared wildly, with murderous intent in his eyes, and his figure was like a cannonball that was fired rapidly towards Lu Tiandu in the middle of the battlefield. At the same time, with a flick of his five fingers, a ghostly big hand instantly grabbed the colorful man who was retreating towards Lu Tiandu. sleeve.

At the moment when the old demon Hehuan took action, in the west of Jinguyuan, a brilliant sword light of tens of feet cut through the sky and slashed towards Lu Tiandu in the middle of the battlefield.

"Zhiyang, you are looking for death!"

A cold roar full of murderous intent came from under the veil of Nangong Ping. To the north of the Golden Drum Plain, a green spear dozens of feet long pierced the sky in the blink of an eye, blocking the golden flying sword.

At the same time, Nangong Ping took a step forward, and the person disappeared instantly...

ps Thank you everyone for your monthly votes!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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