Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 199 Battle!Cut off the clone!I've killed you twice in a row, but I still can't kil

Chapter 199 Battle!Cut off the clone!I killed you twice in a row, but I still can’t kill you? (Please subscribe)

On the battlefield of Jinguyuan, in the void, streams of light collided, and a sudden change occurred.

Everyone watching the battle has not yet recovered from the shock of Lu Tiandu killing Yunlu Old Demon in the middle stage of Yuanying within a few moves. The three great monks Hehuan Old Demon, Zhiyang Master and Nangong Ping are almost the same. The moment he took action, everyone felt like they were falling into an ice cave.

"No, let's go back!"

Some of the early and middle Nascent Soul cultivators who came to their senses instantly released magic weapons or protective glow without saying a word. Those with disciples even quickly wrapped their disciples and shot away behind them.

In the blink of an eye, the people watching the battle more than ten miles away from Lu Tiandu turned into various colors of light and scattered in all directions.

Although most of them took a few breaths and retreated to a safe area thirty or forty miles away from the center of the battlefield, some monks still did not retreat. They released their protective shields while observing the center of the battlefield solemnly.

Most of these monks are mainly mid-Yuan Ying monks, and a small number are early Yuan Ying monks who have good self-sufficiency in combat or have trump cards.

North of the battlefield.

As Nangong Ping disappeared from the Heavenly Moon Shenzhou of the Hidden Moon Sect, the remaining five Yuanying monks of the Hidden Moon Sect were mainly Leng Qingqiu, middle-aged Wu (Note 1), Qiong Laoguai, Nangong Wan and Nishang's figures flashed , stepped out of the Shenzhou, stood east and west, and at the same time each released a protective light shield, their divine consciousness had already locked on the people of the positive and evil path who had not withdrawn from the battlefield like them.

A hundred feet away to the west of Leng Qingqiu, Linghu and Hongfu also had solemn expressions on their faces, their consciousness locked on the righteous person.

A hundred feet away on the east side, Long Han and Feng Bing of the Luanming Sect were observing the situation in the center of the battlefield while locking eyes on the people of the Six Demonic Sects who were still standing there.

The two of them frowned slightly at this moment, with hidden murderous intent in their eyes.

It was indeed beyond their expectations that Lu Tiandu killed Old Demon Yunlu so quickly, but the unabashed sneak attack by Old Demon Hehuan and Master Zhiyang made their hearts sink.

Needless to say, the enmity between the Tiandao Alliance and the Righteous Demons has not been discussed in detail. However, although the three parties have been wary of each other in the past few decades, they have not started large-scale battles.

Of course, there is no need to talk about private battles or contests.

The cause of this battle is clear to everyone, and it can be said to be a fair battle to resolve personal grievances.

Both sides agreed to a life-and-death showdown, but at the moment when Lu Tiandu won, the old devil Hehuan made a sneak attack, and the old devil Zhiyang also made a move at the same time. It was obvious that the two had already reached a consensus.

This move must be an attempt to kill Lu Tiandu, a man with unlimited potential and outstanding combat prowess.

As long as Lu Tiandu is dead, and with the combined efforts of the people of Zhengmo Dao, even if the Tiandao Alliance refuses to accept it, I am afraid that the matter will be settled in the end.

After all, not everyone is willing to fight to the death with the Zhengmo Dao over the death of Lu Tiandu, unless they have a blood feud with the Zhengmo Dao.

It's their couple. If the war situation expands, they will at most stop one of Hehuan or Zhiyang.

And wanting to kill a Yuanhou monk was not something the couple dared to think about.

However, the moment Hehuan and Zhiyang took action, Nangong Ping stopped them from appearing. Could it be that Lu Tiandu could still stop the Yuanhou monks?
The two looked at each other, puzzled.

Not far away from Long Han and Feng Bing, seven or eight middle-stage Nascent Soul monks, including the old man surnamed Kuang from Ni Hangcai, Jin Wuhuan from the Ancient Sword Sect, and the Chihuo Ancestor from the Red Fire Sect, were all on guard with solemn expressions.

More than ten miles behind them, a group of early Nascent Soul monks from the Tiandao Alliance quietly released their spiritual consciousness to observe the battlefield.

At this moment, everyone understood that whether the battle would develop in an unpredictable direction would depend on the four people at the center of the battle.

A loud "boom" sound came from the sky again.

The golden sword of dozens of feet in size and the cyan spear of the same size struck together again. The golden and cyan light exploded, and the clouds that were rolled up thousands of feet in the sky also scattered.

Feeling the buzzing sound coming from the golden sword, Master Zhiyang frowned slightly at this moment.

His golden sword is a top-level ancient treasure. It has been more than six hundred years since he obtained this golden sword in the early stage of Nascent Soul. Along the way, he has subdued many of his peers with this pure Yang golden sword. Rank monk.

At this moment, after several rounds of fighting with the ancient wind treasure spear in Nangong Ping's hand, he felt faintly invincible.

Especially the speed of this ancient treasure was beyond his expectation.

"Okay, I didn't expect that my Taoist friend would have such strength just a few decades after entering the Yuan Dynasty. It's really beyond my expectation. I'm just going to ask for advice!"

Zhiyang looked at Nangong Ping, who had a frosty face across from him. He didn't seem to think there was anything shameful about being stopped from sneak attacks on Lu Tian before. He showed a smile and said loudly.

"There is no need to ask for advice. Since Zhiyang, you dare to take action here today and offend me. If you don't leave something behind today, wouldn't it mean that the world will look down on me?"

Nangong Ping stood tall in the sky, with his clothes fluttering. He smiled coldly at this moment, and his pair of phoenix eyes still had the charm of the past, staring at Zhiyang full of evil spirit.

"I didn't expect fellow Taoist to be so loud. In this case, I would like to see what you can do!"

Hearing Nangong Ping's tone, Zhiyang also had a cold look on his face. He flicked his sleeves and the yellow bell, which was about a foot long, spun around and instantly became several feet in size. In the blink of an eye, it raised its head toward Nangong Ping, who was thousands of feet away. go.

"I hope you won't regret what you did today!"

Nangong Ping smiled faintly, stretched out his hand, and a three-inch mini mountain peak appeared in his hand. This small mountain peak was red in color, surrounded by red flames, and was extremely small and cute.

Looking at the ancient treasure Huang Zhong shooting towards him, Nangong Pingsu flicked his hand, and the natal magic weapon Red Flame Peak instantly turned into a small mountain peak and at the same time turned into a stream of red light and hit the Huang Zhong.

In the blink of an eye, the yellow bell and the red mountain peak collided with each other with a large glow.

With a "bang" sound, the void trembled, and a muffled hum came from the place where the two collided.

In everyone's ears, the chaotic bells were mixed with a muffled hum, spreading in all directions.

"how is this possible?"

A subtle cracking sound reached Zhiyang's ears. Feeling the endless force Huang Zhong endured, Master Zhiyang's expression suddenly changed.

Just when he reached out to touch the storage bag, Nangong Ping, who was thousands of feet away, reached towards the Red Flame Peak, opened his red lips lightly, and faintly uttered one word:

The red flame peak in the void, which had distanced itself after the collision with Huang Zhong, more than doubled in size in an instant under Nangong Ping. In a flash, with an endless whistling sound and a "boom", it shook While shattering the giant yellow bell, it pressed towards Master Zhiyang.

Looking at the huge mountain of red flames with astonishing power, Master Zhiyang dared not confront him head-on. The figure flashed and he dodged away in an instant...


Just when Nangong Ping stopped Master Zhi Yang, the two fought.

In the middle of the battlefield, Lu Tiandu looked indifferently at the tall man Hehuan Laomo with a murderous look and a ferocious face in the distance.

In the sky between the two of them, a huge black ax the size of a hundred feet was entangled with two black dragons that were a hundred feet long.

This black giant ax looks astonishingly powerful. Above the ax blade, a bottomless black light flashes continuously. Every time it cuts down, the two black dragon spears turn into a hundred-foot black dragon roaring continuously, and the angry dragon roars continue to be heard. Obviously suffered a lot of trauma.

"Hmph, Lu Tiandu, use whatever means you have, otherwise you may have no chance! I will kill you today!"

Feeling that the two black spears released by Lu Tiandu were suppressed by his own ancient treasure, the Hehuan Old Demon hidden in the black cloud put away his frustration that he had suddenly attacked but was blocked by Lu Tiandu, and snorted coldly. vocal channel.

Just a few breaths ago, he shot over in an instant. He originally wanted to use the magical power of "Five Demonic Yuanshou" to capture the colorful sleeve magic weapon released by Lu Tiandu to see if he could rescue Yunlu, but in the end, He was shocked by this magic weapon and instantly turned into nothingness, which made him feel shocked.

As a result, he watched Lu Tiandu retract his colorful sleeves, and even the swords and orders released by Yun Lu were taken back by Lu Tiandu, which made him feel ashamed.

Therefore, without saying a word, the old devil Hehuan used his most powerful ancient treasure - the mountain axe.

Sure enough, in just a few breaths, the two black spears released by Lu Tiandu were suppressed by the mountain axe.

"Don't you think that if two ancient treasures are suppressed, you can do anything to me?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the old devil Hehuan indifferently, "As I said before, during my life and death battle, anyone who dares to participate is my life and death enemy. Before, you and Zhiyang Chuanyin jointly plotted against me. You don’t think no one knows, do you? Both crimes are punishable. Whether you and Zhiyang can walk out of here today depends on your strength."

After Lu Tiandu said this, he didn't look at the surprised and uncertain old devil Hehuan. His shoulders shook, and suddenly a huge colorful picture exuding amazing spiritual power appeared in the void.

This giant colorful picture roared, and in the blink of an eye, it became ten miles in size, covering the battlefield between him and Hehuan in an instant.

"What a powerful magic weapon!"

The people watching the battle who were still staying more than ten miles away looked at the huge magic weapon suddenly released by Lu Tiandu, their expressions changed, and they immediately retreated for several miles.

This giant picture was colorful, with the same golden-purple vortex in the middle. Everyone immediately thought of the colorful sleeves that appeared when Yunlu was killed.

Those colorful sleeves are probably one of the ways to use this giant picture magic weapon, right?
Moreover, not many people have seen a magic weapon that is more than a thousand feet long when displayed. I am afraid that the power is not simple. Thinking about it, who would want to get close to this treasure?

At this moment, feeling the giant seven-color picture above his head and the golden-purple vortex in the middle that gave people an inexplicable aura, the old devil Hehuan looked solemn.

After all, not long ago, the beam of light ejected from the purple-gold vortex in the colorful sleeves shattered Yunlu's magic weapon in an instant.

With a slap on the storage bag, the old devil Hehuan released a gray-white ancient shield to protect the clouds. At the same time, he raised his foot and shook, and the gray-black cold devilish energy surged out instantly, injecting into the shield that was dozens of feet in size all over his body. In the dark clouds.

This cloud is an ancient protective treasure that combines defense and flight. He has discovered many wonderful uses in this cloud over the years.

It was several points stronger than the fine ancient treasure shield above his head.

At this moment, with the injection of demonic energy, the originally dark clouds began to tumble and change, becoming increasingly dark and strange, and even the surrounding light seemed to be absorbed into it.

While activating the clouds and the ancient shield with all his strength, the old devil of Hehuan opened his mouth and sprayed, and three golden skulls about an inch in size rotated. In a flash, they emerged from the clouds and suddenly grew larger. Shooting towards Lu Tiandu.

"It's just a waste of effort!"

Looking at the movements of the Hehuan Old Demon, Lu Tiandu sneered. With a casual move, the huge golden-purple vortex in the sky shook violently. With a "boom", hundreds of golden-purple light pillars as thick as buckets shot out in unison. It hit the head of the old devil Hehuan.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu glanced at the three golden skulls carrying evil spirits. With a thought, dozens of golden and purple light pillars suddenly separated from the prison of wind and thunder above his head, and in a flash, they blasted towards skull.

"Rumble..." Continuous explosions sounded, and hundreds of light beams turned into the true power of wind and thunder hit the huge gray-white ancient shield in the blink of an eye.

With a "click", this exquisite ancient shield was instantly bombarded into pieces without any surprise.

In an instant, the golden-purple light beam that shattered the shield did not stop and landed on the black cloud again.


The moment the wind and thunder's true power came into contact with the black clouds, it was like pouring a ladle of water into a hot oil pan, rolling and steaming violently.

"So powerful! What kind of magic weapon is this?"

Feeling that the clouds turned dim after being hit by the unbridled beam of light, the old demon Hehuan's expression changed drastically, and at the same time, he continued to inject evil evil energy.

Before, he thought that Yunlu's magic weapon was too weak. Now, after being bombarded by hundreds of golden and purple light beams, he realized how terrifying it was.

"not good."

Suddenly remembering the natal magic weapon he had released, the old devil Hehuan used the magic formula to recall the three golden skulls, but it was a pity that it was too late at this moment.

In the void, a golden-purple light beam bombarded down. Just over a hundred feet away from the land and sky, three golden skulls turned into powder in less than a breath, and the evil spirit inside them also disappeared. It was instantly turned into nothingness by the power of thunder and lightning in the light pillar.

The old devil Hehuan turned pale, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. This was because his mind was damaged instantly after the magic weapon of his life was destroyed.

"Okay! Okay! Lu Tiandu, I want you to die!"

A gloomy and extremely spiteful voice came out from the slightly dim black clouds.

Feeling the golden-purple light beam that was about to fall again, the Albizia Old Demon in the cloud slammed the storage bag on his waist, threw four or five defensive ancient treasures to meet the golden-purple light beam, and slammed his right fist into the heart. Position, there was a "boom", the heart of the old devil Hehuan trembled, he opened his mouth and sprayed out, a blood arrow wrapped in a crystal figure of an inch was instantly sprayed out.

Looking at the blood-colored crystal figure suspended in front of his eyes, the eyes of the old devil Hehuan flashed with pain.

He has been refining the blood spirit clone for hundreds of years, but unfortunately it has not yet reached its completion. If after the completion, the original body and the blood spirit clone merge into one, he may still have a chance to break through to the mysterious realm of god transformation. By then, Tiannan Who else is his opponent?

It's a pity that the lockdown will be lifted early.

But even if there is no great success, with the weirdness of the blood spirit clone, it shouldn't be a problem to kill Lu Tian.

It's a pity that this time I have to expose my trump card.

These thoughts flashed past, and the old devil of Hehuan flipped his fingers, moved his lips slightly, and sent strange spells into the little crystal man in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, after absorbing the heart essence and blood of the old devil around him, this little crystal man transformed into a normal human size. His appearance was very similar to that of the old devil Hehuan, and his crystal-like skin was covered with streaks of blood. The mysterious lines look weird and abnormal.

The blood-striped crystal man suddenly opened a pair of indifferent blood-colored eyes, glanced at the old devil Acacia, and disappeared in a flash.

On the other side, Lu Tian, ​​who had used all his strength to activate the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map several times since the war, did not know when a blue jade bottle appeared in his hand. After raising his head and swallowing a drop of ten thousand years of spiritual milk in the bottle, he felt the true state of being gradually restored. Yuan and Lu Tian were both very satisfied.

Needless to say, the power of this wind and thunder prison map is probably weaker than the two imitation spiritual treasures in his hands, whether it is the several Nascent Soul monks from the Chaotic Star Sea that he killed before, or the Yunlu who died before, the middle Nascent Soul Below, it is basically a one-hit kill.

At that time, he had not noticed the problem of real energy consumption. After all, he basically defeated the enemy within a few moves, and the consumption of real energy was negligible.

Now when he meets the old devil Hehuan from the Yuan Empress, even though he usually prides himself on his deep true energy, he has fought continuously and activated the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map several times. Fifty to sixty percent of the true energy in his body has been consumed, and there may be more in the future. There was no room for carelessness in the war.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's expression became condensed.

Within his consciousness, a bloody thread shot towards him at an astonishing speed.

"Clone or external incarnation? Blood escape technique? Do you think you can hurt me if you can suppress me in terms of speed?"

Looking at the increasingly illusory clouds and the figure of the Albizia Old Demon looming in the clouds, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and more than ten golden and purple light pillars suddenly shot out from the prison of wind and thunder towards the blood-colored escape light.

"Hey, interesting, this speed is indeed extraordinary!"

Looking at the bloody figure who disappeared in an instant and then condensed into shape more than ten feet away, avoiding the bombardment of the wind and thunder pillar, Lu Tiandu sighed.

The speed of this blood-patterned crystal figure is no weaker than Nangong Ping's Wind and Fire Escape. If he uses the Wind Escape or Thunder Escape alone, it is still unknown who can beat him in terms of speed.

"Today you are lucky enough to see my blood spirit clone, you can go and die!"

More than a hundred feet away, the blood-patterned crystal clone of the Alchemy Old Demon looked at Lu Tiandu expressionlessly. With his fingers spread out, a sharp blood-colored object about a foot long stretched out. The aura revealed on it gave people a frightening feeling.

"How is it possible? The old devil Hehuan actually refined the blood spirit son from my sect's Wanling Mantra?"

Outside the battlefield, Broken Soul and the old man surnamed Zhong, who had been watching the battle between Hehuan and Lu Tiandu, looked at the blood-colored crystal figure that suddenly appeared, and looked at each other. Their expressions changed drastically while showing a hint of fear.

How could they not know how difficult and bloody the Blood Spirit Son Sacrifice is?If we want to achieve the perfection of the Blood Spirit Son, how many high-level monks must be sacrificed by blood and how many high-level monks’ blood essence must be collected?

However, it seems that the Blood Spirit Son of Hehuan Old Demon has not yet achieved great success.But even if there is no great achievement, it is not something that ordinary monks can withstand.

After all, Xue Lingzi is said to be immortal. As long as there is still a trace of blood essence in his body, he can recover instantly.

And as long as Lu Tiandu is close to this blood spirit son, he may be sucked dry of all his blood essence in an instant.

The two looked at each other and knew that the war would soon be over.

"What a weird clone!"

Feeling the changes in the blood-patterned crystal man opposite him, Lu Tiandu's expression condensed and he stopped looking down on him.

This clone may not only be able to perform blood escape at will.

Before the He Huan clone on the opposite side could make any move, Lu Tiandu stretched out his right hand like lightning and struck several times in the air.

Following Lu Tiandu's movements, several rays of purple lightning appeared out of thin air in the sky. Thunder suddenly burst out, and purple light flashed, instantly falling in several directions around the blood-patterned crystal man.

After hearing a "crackling" burst of purple lightning, the blood-patterned crystal man who had instantly moved his position still suffered two real thunders.

The Hehuan clone, which recovered in the blink of an eye, appeared again and looked at Lu Tiandu with an indifferent expression:
"Although your lightning method is very powerful, it is of no use to me. Now, you can die!"

"Really? It seems like your resilience is really ridiculously strong!"

At this moment, some of the depths of Hehuan's clone had been tested through the Xuanming True Thunder. Lu Tiandu smiled coldly, and at the same time a strange long stick appeared in his hand, it disappeared instantly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Two faint shadows, one bloody and one white, collided several times in an instant. At the moment they collided again, Lu Tiandu used the fourth round of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu with all his strength. With a wave of force, there was a "bang", and the extremely hard blood spirit clone of the Albizia Old Demon exploded instantly in the void.

Blood splashed all over the sky, and just when these blood flowers were about to gather, Lu Tiandu raised his dragon-marked black gold stick in his hand and disappeared in a flash.

After all the stick shadows in the sky, what other blood-patterned crystal man is there?

Seeing that the only dim soul remaining in the sky was about to flee, Lu Tiandu slashed with his hand, a flash of purple light, and a Xuanming True Thunder, and He Huan's soul was instantly destroyed.


Within the dim black clouds, the recovering Hehuan Old Demon suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. The expression on his extremely pale and hideous face suddenly changed. There was unconcealable panic in his eyes, and he no longer had the confidence of the past.

At this moment, many of his magic weapons were destroyed, his clones were killed inexplicably, and almost all of his trump cards were revealed.Are you going to die here today?

Outside the field, the three people from the Ghost Spirit Sect watched as Lu Tiandu took out a weird black gold stick and beat them to death after just a few breaths. The Acacia clone disappeared without even using Xue Lingzi's immortal body. Wuying, with a look of dumbfounded disbelief.

For a moment, looking at the white-clothed figure in the distance, the three of them felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

"Okay, let's end here!"

After using the strange blood-sucking function of the dragon-marked black gold stick to completely kill He Huan's clone, Lu Tiandu suddenly activated the wind and thunder prison map with all his strength. In the colorful sky, the wind and thunder prison shook violently, as if something shocking was about to be released. of.

A golden-purple light flashed, and thousands of golden-purple light pillars covered the extremely dim clouds like an overwhelming sky.

A shrill scream resounded through the Golden Drum Plains, and the golden and purple light dissipated. Just when the onlookers thought that Hehuan had fallen, in a ghostly protective light shield, Hehuan with disheveled hair and a look of great vitality appeared again. Show your body.

"The Dafa of Transforming Tribulation!"

Lu Tiandu understood instantly when he saw the old devil Hehuan who was missing an arm but was still alive.

At this moment, the old demon Hehuan, whose vitality was severely damaged, glanced at Lu Tiandu with resentment, opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of blood essence instantly turned into a blood mist to wrap around himself, and he was about to use a secret technique to escape.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Looking at He Huan who was about to escape, Lu Tiandu had a thought in his mind, and Quanli urged him. The Wind and Thunder Prison Map trembled suddenly, and hundreds of golden and purple light beams fell into the ghostly mist in a flash.


A shrill scream came out from the black mist again. Just when everyone thought that this time the Acacia Old Demon was going to die, the Acacia Old Demon with no arms and blood all over his body was still tenaciously alive.


How many parts of this person's body were refined into a stand-in puppet using the calamity-resolving method?
This is the doubt on the minds of everyone watching the battle...

However, everyone knew that even if the old demon could escape this time, he would probably fall into a state of decline due to his severe loss of vitality.

But in the face of Lu Tiandu's vicious murderous tactics, can the old devil Hehuan still escape?
PS, please give me a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month!

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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