Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 200: Continuous changes, all kinds of tricks!The old devil is dead!Zhiyang self-destructs!

Chapter 200: Continuous changes, all kinds of tricks!The old devil is dead!Zhiyang self-destructs! (Please subscribe)

"The old devil of Hehuan is finished! This person is so strong! So scary!"

On the Jinguyuan battlefield, outside the area covered by the colorful giant map, people watching from all directions released their spiritual consciousness to observe the old demon of Hehuan floating in the air with no arms and covered in blood, and then glanced at Lu Tian, ​​who had a murderous look on his face. Everyone, this thought flashed across their minds at the same time.

To be able to beat Hehuan Laomo, the vague No. 1 in Tiannan, into such a miserable state, it really made them terrified and trembling.

"Three life-and-death battles, three consecutive victories, who can resist this man?"

Lu Tiandu is only in the early stage of Yuanying, and he already has the combat power to kill Yuanhou monks. Who can be his opponent in the future?

Tiannan is going to change!

In an instant, the scenes of three battles in Lu Tiandu appeared in everyone's minds.

In the first life-and-death battle, Lu Tiandu instantly killed the Wang brothers with a strange magical move.

After some discussion, they roughly understood that Lu Tian used the wind escape technique and some kind of powerful mysterious golden wind power to catch the Wang brothers off guard.

If they face this situation, the only thing everyone can think of is to distance themselves and desperately use secret techniques to escape, or attack with powerful treasures while defending with all their strength.

This battle made everyone understand that Lu Tiandu dared to provoke a life and death battle, and he was indeed prepared.

In the second life-and-death battle, Lu Tiandu used the powerful magic weapon of colorful sleeves to suddenly destroy Yunlu's magic weapon and trap and kill Yunlu. Everyone understood that Lu Tiandu relied on this powerful magic weapon, which can be called today's The top-level treasure already has the ability to kill mid-stage Nascent Soul monks.

Coupled with the weird bamboo baskets that Lu Tiandu released that can collect magic weapons and the small green flags that can trap treasures, many people thought about it and realized that if they didn't have four or five ancient treasures that were at least high-quality, , the war with Lu Tiandu will be defeated.

In fact, the treasures and magical powers in Lu Tiandu's hands were beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

At this time, Lu Tiandu's combat power even became serious among the veteran Yuanying mid-stage monks.

The dust of the second life-and-death battle has not yet settled, and the Hehuan Old Demon suddenly takes action and provokes the third life-and-death battle.

As the sneak attack by the old devil Hehuan failed, the two black spears released by Lu Tiandu were actually able to fight with the famous ancient treasure 'Mountain Axe' in the hands of the old devil Hehuan. Everyone was even more confident about Lu Tiandu's comprehensive combat power. a bit.

After all, the mountain-opening ax in Yi Laomo's hand is famous in the eyes of those who know the magic sects, and it is vaguely ranked among the top three among the many ancient treasures of the devil.

Although Lu Tiandu took action to block the waves of attacks from the mountain axe, the two spears and one ax continued to fight fiercely in the air.

But everyone secretly guessed that if Lu Tiandu didn't have a more amazing treasure in his hands, the legend of Lu Tiandu would probably end here.

After all, although the ancient treasure of the colorful sleeves released by Lu Tiandu was extremely fast, trying to cover the great monk Yuan Hou who was also astonishingly fast, so as to use the astonishingly powerful purple-gold light beam attack method was tantamount to wishful thinking.

Not to mention the two non-attack ancient treasures released by Lu Tiandu before. If they encounter the mountain axe, they will probably be chopped into pieces with just one axe.

However, everyone could also see that although the two black dragon spears were a bit weaker than the mountain axe, Lu Tiandu's expression did not seem to have changed.

Just when everyone was secretly guessing, the huge seven-colored picture covering ten miles released by Lu Tiandu instantly shocked everyone's hearts. While they instantly stepped back, they secretly thought that Lu Tiandu was not a vegetarian either.

As expected, this ancient treasure that had been disguised as colorful sleeves showed its due power at this moment. As the five or six ancient treasures and magic weapons released by the old devil Acacia were destroyed, the most important ones around him were also destroyed. The protective black cloud magic weapons were all dimmed, and everyone felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

This treasure is unbeatable!

At this moment, Lu Tiandu relied on this seven-color giant treasure to finally have the power to fight against the Yuanhou monks in everyone's evaluation. The only thing that needs attention is how long Lu Tiandu's Yuan Ying's initial mana can last. .

Sure enough, when Lu Tiandu swallowed the spiritual liquid to replenish his mana, Hehuan Old Demon should have guessed that if he didn't break the passive situation of being beaten as soon as possible, he would only die in the end.

Not surprisingly, the old devil Hehuan also showed his trump card - the blood spirit clone.

Although the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Zhengdao and Tiandao Alliance did not see the difference in this blood-patterned crystal man, the six sects of the Demonic Dao had been fighting for a long time and knew the techniques of each sect.

Naturally, they immediately recognized this method belonging to the Ghost Spirit Sect, and their expressions also changed with Broken Soul's simple sound transmission.

No one knows when the old devil Hehuan mastered the secret technique in the Ghost Spirit Sect's "All Souls Manual".If the old devil Hehuan had refined this blood spirit clone to great perfection, the five sects would probably have to bow their heads and obey orders.

However, they were very fortunate that this time Hehuan was forced to use this trump card by Lu Tiandu, an amazing opponent with the combat power of the Queen.

Now that the Xue Lingzi has not yet reached perfection, the seal has been released in advance. It may be difficult for the old demon Hehuan to sacrifice the Xue Lingzi to perfection after the war.

As for Lu Tiandu, in the eyes of everyone who knew the horror of Xue Lingzi, their defeat was already doomed.

Sure enough, even a genius who doesn't know how to hide his talents and bide his time and who is too sharp will only disappear like a shooting star and eventually become the bones under his feet that build other people's fame!


I don’t know how many people have this thought running through their minds.After all, being able to compete with the late Nascent Soul with the early Nascent Soul is indeed an amazing person!
It may take thousands of years for one person to emerge, but Lu Tiandu will be able to leave quite a legend in Tiannan by taking advantage of this!

It's a pity that this huge treasure with amazing power is cheaper than the old devil of Albizia Huan!
Just as everyone was sighing secretly, the situation of the battle changed instantly!

Weird invisible escape technique!
The mysterious and weird black gold stick!
Lu Tiandu once again unexpectedly used a life-changing method that frightened them!
In less than a few breaths, under the disbelief expressions of everyone, Xue Lingzi, who had an immortal body, an extremely powerful blood spirit body, extremely fast blood escape skills, and almost no weaknesses, was actually beaten to death by Lu Tiandu, and his whole body was covered with blood and essence. He also mysteriously disappeared without a trace!

The death of the blood spirit clone of the old demon Hehuan instantly caused Hehuan to suffer heavy damage, and the situation was instantly reversed!
"The weirdness of this person's methods is truly unprecedented!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's relaxed and comfortable posture, countless people outside the stadium felt chills in their hearts.

"This time the old devil of Hehuan will definitely die!"

A big battle, a series of changes, everyone broke into a cold sweat when they thought of the various methods of the two people.

If any of them faced one of them, death would be inevitable.

Just when they thought that the old devil of Hehuan was bound to die.

Hehuan Laomo once again surprised everyone.

He is indeed an old devil!

He actually practiced the method of resolving calamities to such an extent.

Even though he was killed twice by Lu Tiandu, he still managed to survive!

Looking at the miserable Hehuan Old Demon, everyone watching the battle looked at each other in confusion. No one knew whether the Old Demon would stage a desperate counterattack?
At this moment, they dare not draw conclusions...

In the north of the battlefield, Long Han and Feng Bing looked at each other, their consciousnesses swept over the invincible heroic figure in the center of the battlefield, and they both saw a hint of solemnity in the other's eyes.

It turns out that this is Lu Tiandu’s true combat power!
This is probably why Nangong Ping, the great monk, did not let them interfere!
"Strong! Too strong!"

Although Leng Qingqiu, Linghu, Ancestor Chihuo, the old man surnamed Kuang, Jin Wuhuan and other ten mid-stage Yuanying monks from the Tiandao Alliance also looked shocked at this moment, compared to the Yuanying monks from the Zhengmo Dao, they were more shocked. A little more joyful.

After all, Lu Tiandu is, after all, a member of their Tiandao Alliance. As long as the record of killing the great monk Hehuan Laomo this time spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation in Tiannan!

And the Tiandao Alliance is equivalent to having the fighting power of three great monks at once, and the power of the Tiandao Alliance will definitely overwhelm the evil path.

By then, only one great monk like Zhiyang will be left in the Demonic Path, and he will be unable to support himself alone. I am afraid that he will never dare to covet the Tiandao Alliance again.

Listening to the whispers of the Nascent Souls around them, Hong Fu and Nangong Wan's beautiful eyes looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This is their man!

A man destined to be famous all over the world!

Not to mention the people watching the battle at this moment, when the miserable screams of the old devil Acacia rang out one after another, it goes without saying that the joy in the eyes of Nangong Ping, who was wearing a six-color armor and shining brightly, was on the other side of the battlefield.

On the other hand, Master Zhiyang, who was facing pale at the moment, heard the screams of Hehuan, and looked at Hehuan whose vitality was greatly damaged and his magic weapon was destroyed. His slightly anxious eyes were filled with panic at this moment.

"This guy is really too strong, Old Devil Hehuan. Today we have to see if you have any trump cards, otherwise the two of us..."

Thinking of this, a trace of gloom arose in Master Zhiyang's mind for no reason, "I was careless this time. I was bewitched by Hehuan in vain. I didn't expect that I would get the secret not to mention killing Lu Tian. Whether I can return safely this time is a matter of course." question……"

After taking a look at Nangong Ping, who was wrapped in six-color armor, Master Zhiyang didn't have the grace and calmness before, and his expression became increasingly difficult to look at.

Not to mention that the cyan spear ancient treasure released by Nangong Ping before could not take advantage of his Pure Yang Golden Sword, but the power of the red flame giant peak released by Nangong Ping was beyond his expectation.

Thinking of several common ancient treasures such as the yellow bell and jade Ruyi that were destroyed one after another, Master Zhiyang's heart was bleeding. Although he had re-evaluated Nangong Ping's combat power, when Nangong Ping immediately released a golden bead ancient After Baohe took out a six-color talisman and transformed it into a six-color armor, Zhiyang knew that he had really hit the wall this time.

Looking at the golden swords and green spears, the purple jade tower and the red flame peak, as well as the blue dragon seal and golden beads, Zhiyang Master's expression became more and more gloomy.

"How did this talent cultivate after decades of advancement to the Yuan Dynasty? How could he have such powerful magic power?"

"And each of these treasures is no less powerful than the top-level ancient treasures, which is really enviable!"

"My flying needle magic weapon was only blocked by the old devil Hehuan with his magic knife when I was sparring with him. This time, my sneak attack on Nangong Ping was blocked by this six-color armor. This thing doesn't look like it was transformed into an ancient jade talisman. , what kind of talisman is it? It can actually mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is really terrifying..."

"After repeated tests, I can't break the defense formed by these six-color armor. If I wait for Lu Tian to win over there, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave here!"

Thinking of Lu Tiandu's arrogant words and deeds before the war, Zhiyang's heart sank.At this moment, it seems that Lu Tiandu is arrogant, but he has enough strength!

If Lu Tiandu survived, he would definitely die.

"Hehuan has been defeated twice in a row. Even if he tries his best to kill Lu Tiandu, I'm afraid he won't have the energy to besiege Nangong Ping with me. And I'm afraid even if another complete Hehuan comes, he won't be able to break Nangong Ping. turtle shell..."

Zhiyang's gloomy eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the six-color armor on Nangong Ping's face in the distance. He really couldn't understand the defensive power of this armor. In previous sneak attacks, he hit Nangong Ping several times. , it actually didn’t cause any harm at all.

As his mind raced, a sense of fear came over him. How many years had it been since he had experienced this emotion?

"Fellow Taoist Nangong, how about we give up?"

In an instant, Master Zhiyang had the intention to retreat.

At this moment, he had figured it out. Perhaps he could only take the opportunity to escape by abandoning the old demon Hehuan and letting Nangong Ping help Lu Tiandu kill the old demon Hehuan.

As for what happens after escaping, that will be considered later.

"Zhiyang, do you remember that I told you not to regret what you did today?"

In the six-color battle armor, Nangong Ping looked heroic, like a female war goddess. Her cold words came out, "Since you dare to take action, you must be prepared to bear our anger. You... are dead!"

"Fellow Taoist, do you really think you can keep Pindao?"

Zhiyang raised his head suddenly, a pair of bloody eyes looking directly at Nangong Ping.

"Hmph, do you think your previous sneak attack was really a result of your clever tactics? To tell you the truth, I'm just too lazy to hide!" Nangong Ping smiled coldly, "I'd like to give it a try, what other methods do you have!"

"If you only have this ability, you will perish today..."

As soon as Nangong Ping finished speaking, the figure wrapped in armor disappeared instantly.

"So fast, how is it possible..."

There was no trace of Nangong Ping in his consciousness for an instant, and Zhiyang's face finally changed drastically...

the other side.

In the ghost mist, the old demon Albizia Huan, who had no arms and was covered in blood, had his black hair spread out and stared at Lu Tiandu with a pair of faint blood eyes.

"Okay! Okay! I didn't expect that I would be forced to this point one day. Okay, great!"

At this moment, the old devil Hehuan also gave up his thoughts of escaping, knowing that if he could not kill Lu Tiandu, he would not be able to escape.

Although he can no longer use the calamity-saving technique, he still has one trump card that can save his life. Although this trump card can allow him to recover, it will take a certain amount of time and will have huge sequelae.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to think about this. Survival is the most important thing.

Lu Tiandu's strength was beyond his expectation. After he recovered, he might be able to kill Lu Tiandu only with the help of the Zongzong treasure.

Or even if he can't be killed, he still has enough strength to retreat.

"Huh, Lu wants to see what else you can do?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the old devil Hehuan coldly, and was not too surprised that this old devil had so many trump cards.

The old devil Hehuan has a trump card, doesn’t he?
With a faint smile, Lu Tiandu took out another cyan jade bottle, raised his head and swallowed a drop of ten thousand years of spiritual liquid.

"You'll know."

The old devil Hehuan gave Lu Tiandu a deep look, as if he wanted to remember Lu Tiandu forever, "But before that, we still have to see if you can finally appear in front of me alive!"

As soon as the old devil finished speaking, his lips moved slightly as if he was speaking, and he inadvertently glanced at the battlefield to the west of Jinguyuan.

Just when Lu Tiandu was confused, the voice of Lord Dayan came to his ears, "Be careful, this person is casting some kind of spell, it's a bit weird."

After hearing the words of Lord Dayan, Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand to point to the wind and thunder prison map in the sky, and without hesitation prepared to activate the wind and thunder prison again to kill the old devil Hehuan.

At this moment, a gaping hole suddenly opened between the old devil's brows, and a blood-colored jade shield about an inch in size suddenly turned into a bloody light shield several feet in size, wrapping the old devil Hehuan inside.

"Hey, what is this?"

Feeling the light shield exuding astonishing evil energy and unknown blood, Lu Tiandu suddenly activated the Prison of Wind and Thunder, and hundreds of golden-purple light shields spurted out from the sky in a flash, with a continuous "boom" sound. Continuously bombarded the blood shield.

Just when Lu Tiandu was paying close attention to observe whether the golden purple beam of light was blasting open the blood shield, a series of exclamations came from the east side of the Jinguyuan battlefield.

Lu Tiandu's expression changed. He remembered the reminder from Lord Dayan. He swept his consciousness and found strangely that the sect leaders of Tiansha Sect, Yuling Sect, Qianhuan Sect and other demonic sects as well as the elders within the sects immediately retreated without hesitation. .

At the same time, Chunyu Laomo from the Hehuan Sect was holding the bodies of the Hehuan Sect's leader named Tian and his Taoist companions with a look of disbelief on his face.

The two people had expressions of pain on their dull faces at this moment, and the Nascent Soul in their bodies had disappeared.

"not good!"

Lu Tiandu's expression changed, he suddenly let go of his consciousness, and instantly spotted two babies hugging each other a few miles away.

At this moment, the two Nascent Souls, with pale faces, blood-red eyes, and crazy expressions on their faces, were burning their essence and shooting towards him using the teleportation technique.

"So fast!"

"Nascent Soul self-destructed? These two people have been controlled by the old demon Hehuan for a long time?"

In an instant, Lu Tian understood.This is one of the last resorts of the old devil Hehuan.

He actually sacrificed two middle-stage Nascent Soul monks from the Hehuan Sect all at once. What a great feat!
Only the teleportation technique performed by Nascent Soul with the loss of essence can make him unable to hide.After all, if the real bodies of these two people dare to get involved, they will only die.

As for the self-destruction of the monk's Nascent Soul, if there is no powerful defensive magic weapon, he will definitely be seriously injured or even die.

"You want to rely on two monks in the middle stage of Yuanying to blow themselves up and seriously injure me or kill me? Hehuan, you are thinking too much..."

Lu Tiandu let out a cold expression, and the moment the two Nascent Souls collided more than ten feet away from him, Lu Tiandu mysteriously disappeared without a trace.


An explosion hundreds of feet in size exploded where Lu Tiandu was.

"Nascent Soul self-destructed... He is worthy of being the old devil of Hehuan!"

The Nascent Souls of the Demon Dao, who were the first to discover the change and stay away from the Hehuan Sect, felt the vibrating aura of heaven and earth at Lu Tiandu's location with a look of shock on their faces.

"This old devil is so cruel! He even gave up on the high-level monks of his sect!"

Everyone stared closely at the center of the explosion, wondering how badly Lu Tiandu was injured?
Unfortunately, Lu Tian disappointed them all.

The intact Lu Tiandu came out of the stone bead world and slowly appeared. He glanced coldly at Hehuan Sect Chunyu Laomo and the two bodies he held in his hands. He stretched out his hand and a three-foot-long golden-red gourd appeared. In front of you.

The golden-red gourd spun around, with its mouth facing Chunyu Laomo of Hehuan Sect. Following Lu Tiandu's spell, Chunyu Laomo put away his two bodies and was about to fly away with a look of panic on his face.

"Bang bang bang..."

The golden-red gourd sprayed nine times in a row, and the nine golden-red Tianyang Divine Fires were instantly sprayed out from the mouth of the gourd like a barrage of cannonballs. In a flash, they shot towards Chunyu Laomo's escape light.

With a "boom", the first golden-red fireball burst through the black light.

Everyone looked at it intently, and their expressions changed drastically.

Chunyu Laomo, who was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, had long been burned to ashes by golden-red flames.

"What a powerful flame! How come this person has so many tricks? How on earth did he survive the Nascent Soul's self-destruction?"

The Nascent Soul monks from the Five Demon Sects looked solemn at this moment. One fireball was so powerful. Who could withstand these nine fireballs?
This treasure may even be a threat to the Yuanhou monks.Everyone looked at each other and stepped back a few miles again.

This time they were just here to watch the battle. It was obvious that Lu Tiandu had already started a real fight with the Hehuan Sect. If they were implicated, it would be an unforeseen disaster.

Moreover, if the Hehuan Old Demon is still unable to make a comeback in the end, then the Hehuan Sect can be removed from the six sects of the Demonic Way.

The Nascent Souls of the five demonic sects looked at each other and said nothing.

Looking at the retreating Demon Dao people, Lu Tiandu reached out and made a move, and nine pieces of Tianyang Divine Fire flew back in the blink of an eye. Lu Tiandu put them into the Tianyang Fire Gourd and put them away.

At this moment, he was just using the Tianyang Fire Gourd to scare other people who were interested in taking advantage of him. He hoped that no one would be stupid enough to think that he was empty of true energy after the battle with Hehuan and thus seek death.

After all, he didn't want to trigger a war between the two Nascent Souls of the Tiandao Alliance and Zhengmo.

Lu Tiandu once again looked at the blood-colored light shield that was getting smaller and smaller. Just as he took out the dragon-marked black gold stick, the blood-colored light shield suddenly expanded and contracted, and disappeared in an instant.

Covered in blood and flames, the old demon of Gao Hehuan, who was about [-] feet tall, appeared with a complete body and two horns on his forehead.

"Ancient magic body?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the great change of the Hehuan Old Demon and said in surprise.

The transformation of the Hehuan Old Demon at this moment is somewhat similar to a certain demonic shadow summoned by Wen Tianren using the Six Extremes True Demonic Skill.

The old devil of Hehuan did not answer. He reached out and turned over, and a two-foot-long jade box appeared in front of his chest. He patted it gently, and with a "snap" sound, the jade box shattered, revealing a two-foot-long blood-red scimitar. Appearing in front of Hehuan, he was instantly caught in his hands.

"What, this is... the Blood-Transforming Demonic Knife? The Hehuan Old Demon actually brought the Hehuan Sect's treasure with him!"

Someone in the crowd watching the battle from a distance exclaimed.


At this moment, the old devil of Albizia Huan, who was holding the blood-red scimitar, roared angrily, and his figure flashed towards Lu Tiandu.

"Is this your biggest trump card? If so, you can die!"

Lu Tiandu murmured, and Lu Tiandu's majestic voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears:

"Ray comes!"

A piece of golden lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, with a loud "bang" sound, and a golden thunder column as thick as a bucket flashed, and in the blink of an eye it hit the bloody figure that was shooting towards him.

A thunderstorm sounded, and a dazzling golden arc exploded.

After a few breaths, the sky calmed down, and a lone two-foot-long bloody scimitar and several storage bags hung in the air and fell down.

"What kind of thunder method is this? He Huan, who relied on the blood magic shield to condense the blood magic body, died like this?"

The stunned demon cultivators had expressions of disbelief on their faces.


At this moment, another earth-shattering explosion came from the distance.

After a few breaths, at the center of the explosion, a ball of six-color light suddenly changed. Nangong Ping, whose face was slightly pale, stepped forward in a six-color armor.

"Master Zhiyang blew himself up..."

In a moment, the two great monks from the Demonic Way and the Righteous Way died one after another!

ps1. Please vote for me!
2. I forgot to write the postscript about senior brother Nangong Wan of the Hidden Moon Sect in the previous chapter. In the previous chapter, it was written that his name was Yang Pulin. Later, I checked the original text and found that the surname was Wu. The surname appeared once before the celebration of Han Liyuan.Therefore, in the previous chapter, one of the Yuanying monks of the Hidden Moon Sect was named middle-aged Wu.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 150 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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