Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 222 Gift of treasure!Receive Ling Yuling!

Chapter 222 Gift of treasure!Receive Ling Yuling! (Please subscribe)

In the blue sky, while Lu Tiandu and his group of more than [-] people were flying towards Tianxing City, a bell hanging on the waist of Gu Yan, a bearded man, suddenly emitted a faint red light and flashed several times. .

Seeing this scene, the big man hurriedly took off the bell, rang a spell in his mouth, and listened carefully to the message received in the bell.

Lu Tiandu saw this scene and stopped escaping with Ling Yuling.After taking a few breaths, I heard the bearded man say solemnly:

"No, Nanming Island, which is closest to us, was also attacked!"

"It seems that although they have received the information we conveyed, they have limited manpower. I'm afraid the situation is not good..."

After hearing what Gu Yan said, Ling Yuling frowned slightly.

This Nanming Island, like the Qihua Island they had lost, is also one of the eight checkpoint islands between Tianxing City and the Inner Twelve Star Islands, located northwest of Tianxing City.

Each of these eight checkpoint islands is guarded by an Elder of Xinggong Yuanying and dozens of Golden Pill monks.

Since they encountered two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Counter Star Alliance and a large group of Golden Core cultivators on Qihua Island, I am afraid that the enemies encountered by the guards of the Star Palace on Nanming Island are no weaker than those they encountered.

"In that case, why not rescue him quickly?"

Lu Tiandu said in confusion.

The Anti-Star Alliance has already had a showdown with Star Palace. Now that the war is coming, it is natural to save as many troops as possible. After all, everyone knows that this war will not end in a short time.

"Although this 'alarm bell' magic weapon can simply transmit information within a hundred thousand miles. If Brother Lu and Elder Gu rush over at the speed, they may be able to save a few people, but with the speed of our golden elixir monks, we simply can't catch up."

Ling Yuling explained.

"So that's it, it's not a big problem. I have a treasure that can take you there."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"Huh? What can Fellow Daoist Lu do?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Gu Yan's heart moved.

Lu Tiandu didn't say much. He flicked his sleeves and a giant colorful sleeve appeared in the sky. He then said: "This is one of my space magic weapons. When the time comes, I will put you into this treasure and rush over at my speed." It won’t take much time.”

"A space magic weapon that can contain living creatures?"

Gu Yan's spiritual consciousness scanned the magic weapon released by Lu Tiandu and said with a shocked look on his face.

Although everyone has storage bags and spirit beast bags that can store living and dead objects, these things rely entirely on the scaling restrictions refined inside them to store other things. It does not mean that there is a space inside them. space.

The space magic weapon mentioned by Lu Tiandu is obviously that only when there is a truly independent space can the people who are included in it survive.

This kind of space treasure is very rare. Except for a few left over from ancient times, it is very rare in the current world of immortality.

"Fellow Taoist, this is such a good opportunity!"

Envy flashed across his eyes. Gu Yan thought this was an ancient treasure that Lu Tiandu had obtained. He sighed, then turned to the others and said:
"Don't resist, let fellow Daoist Lu take you in!"

"Yes, elder."

Lu Tiandu nodded, looking at the curious faces of everyone, he was not polite, and with a flick of his sleeves, he took nearly twenty Jindan monks into the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture.

In the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture, there were also the two Ximen who were taken in by him from the Xutian Palace, but he separated the two groups with a thought, so he was not afraid of them meeting each other.

"Fellow Ancient Daoist, please go in too, your speed is still a bit slow!"

Lu Tiandu took another look at the remaining two people, Ling Yuling and Gu Yan, and smiled.


The bearded man was startled, but he didn't say anything. He was confused and was taken into the Fenglei Prison Map by Lu Tiandu.

After all, if Lu Tian was going to be detrimental to them, there would be no need to go to such trouble.So these people didn't worry about their own safety.


Lu Tiandu hugged Ling Yuling, who was holding the bell from Gu Yan, and disappeared in an instant.

With this bell sensing the direction, you don't have to worry about finding the wrong location.

Two hours later, Ling Yuling, who was holding a shocked look on Lu Tiandu's arms, suddenly appeared in the void. Thousands of feet away from them, numerous white-robed monks, silver-robed monks with gold belts, and green-robed monks were standing there. Fight together.

"Brother Lu is so fast!"

Ling Yuling's starry eyes flashed with excitement and admiration on her face.

"That's all I can do!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, put down Ling Yuling, flicked his sleeves and robes, and Gu Yan and others suddenly appeared near the two of them.

"What? Is this here?"

Gu Yan said in surprise as his consciousness swept across the battle group not far away.

Although he had seen Lu Tiandu's weird speed and powerful physical body in killing the two old monsters before, the distance of a hundred thousand miles in two hours still made him a little unbelievable.

This speed is probably no weaker than that of the Yuanhou Great Monk.

And judging from Lu Tiandu's calm aura, he probably didn't even waste much real energy.

Sure enough, there is no virtual person under the reputation!
"Everyone, listen to my orders and follow me to kill the rebels!"

Gu Yan quickly came to his senses, apologized to Lu Tiandu, and led the Star Palace disciples towards the battle group in the distance.

"Brother Lu, you watch the battle here while I go down to kill the enemy!"

Ling Yuling said with a smart smile.

"Okay, Yu Ling, you can go ahead!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly. Just as Ling Yuling left, Lu Tiandu remembered something again and said:
"Wait a minute, I'll give you these two treasures. They may be of great use to you in killing enemies!"

Under Ling Yuling's curious gaze, Lu Tiandu flipped over and found five five-color jade rings exuding amazing spiritual power and an emerald-green willow branch floating between the two.

It was the Five Elements Ring that Lu Tiandu got from the Xutian Palace and the willow branch that he named the old farmer.

This Five Elements Ring can unexpectedly trap a single enemy. As long as the trapped person cannot even move his true energy, the only flaw is that it is useless to monks who practice non-Five Elements Kung Fu.

The willow branch ancient treasure is also a good thing when facing siege. It can be regarded as a treasure that can trap enemies in a large area.

With these two ancient treasures that trap the enemy, coupled with Ling Yuling's attack ancient treasures and the thunder escape technique brought by the thunder spirit wings, it is basically difficult to encounter opponents in the golden elixir stage.

Lu Tiandu explained the uses of these two exquisite ancient treasures. The more Ling Yuling listened, the brighter his eyes became.

"Thank you, Brother Lu. With the help of these two treasures, my strength has been greatly improved!"

Ling Yuling was not too polite and quickly took the two treasures and threw them into the battle group below.


Sure enough, in the ensuing battle, Ling Yuling killed several people one after another with the Five Elements Ring, Thunder Spirit Wings and Flying Sword Ancient Treasure in his hand, causing the Anti-Star Alliance to immediately separate several Golden Core monks to besiege Ling Yuling.

However, there were many treasures in Ling Yuling's hands, so there was no danger.

Half an hour later, Lu Tiandu frowned and shook his head as he looked at the four Nascent Soul cultivators who were still fighting back and forth in the sky.

It is normal for an ordinary Nascent Soul monk to fight for a few days or nights, not to mention half an hour. After all, it is difficult to determine the winner with the opponent if they are evenly matched.

However, Lu Tiandu had always relied on his magical weapons and magical powers to kill enemies in a short time along the way, so after watching the battle between ordinary Nascent Soul monks for a long time, he became a bit bored.

"Forget it, I'll take action again!"

Lu Tiandu was planning to go back to see the girls of Miaoyin Sect as soon as possible. Naturally, he didn't want to waste time here. His figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, Gu Yan watched the two Nascent Soul cultivators from the Counter Star Alliance being killed by Lu Tiandu again. He twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled bitterly, and then killed the other Golden Core cultivators from the Counter Star Alliance. .

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Lu, for your help. Hong is so polite!"

The middle-aged monk with a Chinese character face who was guarding Nanming Island suppressed the shock in his heart and watched Lu Tiandu clasping his fists and saluting. "Fellow Taoist and I are considered acquaintances, so you don't need to be polite!"

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

This person was one of the three Nascent Soul elders who were in the Star Palace in front of the Wild Demon Court Teleportation Formation.

At that time, Lu Tiandu was still in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, and in the eyes of Yuanying Hong, he was also a potential junior.As a result, in the few years since the Savage Demon Court, the news about Lu Tiandu became more and more shocking.

Although he had long guessed that there was a huge difference in strength between the two, seeing Lu Tiandu kill two early Yuanying monks so easily made him feel extremely complicated.

"Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment. Hong will go down and kill these thieves first!"

"Fellow Taoist, go!"

Seeing the heavy losses suffered by the remaining Golden Core cultivators of the Counter-Star Alliance and his own side, the murderous look flashed across the face of the big man with a Chinese character, and he confessed his crime and rushed towards the battle group again.


Half a day later, three rays of light descended near Tianxing City.

Lu Tiandu gently put down the rosy-faced Ling Yuling in his arms, flicked his sleeves and robes, and suddenly more than thirty people appeared in front of him.

Along the way, in order to speed up the process, Lu Tiandu also included all the Jindan monks from the Star Palace into the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map.

In the past month, as the Counter-Star Alliance officially surfaced, the entire Inner Star Sea was shaken.Many monks who had caves in Tianxing City or wanted to take refuge went to Tianxing City.

After all, there is no safer island in the entire Inner Star Sea than Tianxing City.

Moreover, in order to cope with the attack of the Counter-Star Alliance, Tianxing City seems to have opened the restrictions around Tianxing City. The pale white glow on the tall walls and city gates is clearly visible.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu was not too surprised when he saw the large patrol teams of Star Palace appearing near Tianxing City and the endless stream of monks flying to Tianxing Island.

"Friend Lu, goodbye!"

After entering Tianxing City, Gu Yan and Hong Zhan looked at Lu Tiandu and his young master beside him and said goodbye.

"Goodbye." Lu Tiandu also nodded.

After the two left, Ling Yuling took Lu Tiandu to the private courtyard she prepared for them 15 years ago with a happy face.

"Brother Lu!"

As soon as she entered the other courtyard that she had carefully prepared and opened the restrictions, Ling Yuling's pretty face had a few red clouds, her eyes were full of autumn water, and she looked at Lu Tiandu.

This is the love nest she prepared early!
"That's right. Yu Ling is really interested!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the exquisite decoration in the hall and chuckled, looking very satisfied.

"Brother Lu, come and have a few drinks with me!"

Ling Yuling took Lu Tiandu's big hand and suddenly remembered the scene when she and Lu Tiandu met back then, and said softly.

"Okay. I have brewed a lot of other spiritual wines over the years, just for you, Yu Ling, to taste them!"

Lu Tiandu smelled the delicate fragrance around the beauty, and recalled the scene when the two of them had a drunken hangout in the Feizhou attic, which was very meaningful.

Facing Lu Tiandu's scorching gaze, Ling Yuling still didn't understand. Her cheeks became hot, her delicate body softened, she leaned into Lu Tiandu's arms and whispered:
"Brother Lu, we won't go home until we get drunk today!"

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu picked up the beautiful woman with an affectionate look on his waist and walked towards the inner hall.


I don't know how many drinks the two had before Lu Tiandu and Ling Yuling became entangled.

Feeling Lu Tiandu's restless mood, Ling Yuling also looked affectionate at the moment. She gently stroked Lu Tiandu's handsome face with her bare hands and said softly:
"Brother Lu, you will always be kind to me, right?"

"What? Is there anyone who treats you better than me?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, pinched the beauty's round buttocks, and said with a smile.

"Humph, I knew you weren't serious!"

Ling Yuling was leaning on the bed, exhaling like blue, giving Lu Tiandu a white look, her beautiful eyes becoming more and more moist, and whispered into Lu Tiandu's ear:

"Brother Lu, do you want me?"

"Have you decided?"

Lu Tiandu raised his eyebrows and asked softly.

"Well, I know that Brother Lu is a person who values ​​friendship... and I don't want to let go of Brother Lu, so..."

Ling Yuling looked shy and finally did not say that she was willing to serve a husband with other women.

But Lu Tiandu had already understood from the beauty's expression.

"Okay, Yu Ling, now that you have figured it out, Brother Lu will not let you down. We will still have a long life in the future..."

Later, Lu Tiandu talked about the Yin Yang Fruit and his mysterious physique, causing the beauty in his arms to exclaim again and again.

"No wonder Brother Lu said that the days are long and he wants to be with me forever. It turns out that there is such a magical thing..."

Ling Yuling looked at Lu Tiandu and said with surprise.

"Well, I will teach you the secret right now..."

Lu Tiandu laughed and talked about some key points of refining the Yin-Yang Fruit.

"Please have mercy, Lu Lang!"

Half an hour later, on the white jade bed, Ling Yuling smiled softly...


The beautiful time is always short-lived. After the double cultivation, Ling Yuling leaned against Lu Tiandu on the jade couch with a rosy face and a look of infatuation.

It was love at first sight when the two met. Within just a few days, their relationship heated up and progressed rapidly.Afterwards, Ling Yuling felt a little unbelievable every time she thought about it.

Unfortunately, in the end she couldn't make up her mind because Lu Tiandu had so many beauties.

This difference is 15 years.

For many days and nights, Lu Tiandu's figure flashed in Ling Yuling's mind.She longs to be held in the arms of the man she loves and feel tender.

Time has not faded the figure in my mind, but has made the relationship that we have only been together for a few days become more intense.

A few days ago, Lu Tiandu descended from the sky and killed powerful enemies for her.At that time, Ling Yuling knew that she really couldn't live without this man.

This is why she doesn't shy away from being intimate with Lu Tiandu even in front of her subordinates and Xinggong elders.

She was passionate about Lu Tian, ​​and this man never let her down.

Not to mention the precious treasures that the two gave each other 15 years ago, as well as other ancient treasures that Lu Tiandu had given before, even the immeasurable illusory fruit in her dantian at this moment was enough to make her feel Lu Tiandu's sincerity.

What's more, there is also the body of the wood spirit, which is of great benefit to practice.

"Perhaps only such a mysterious and outstanding man can make many outstanding women willing to serve one husband together!"

Ling Yuling suddenly had this thought.

"Yu Ling, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the beautiful lady with slightly narrowed eyes and a satisfied look on her face and said softly.

Compared with before, Ling Yuling's brows and eyes were a little more springy at this moment, and her already beautiful face became more charming and endearing.

"Lu Lang, love me..."

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 100 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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