Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 223 The meaning of the two saints!Wen Qingyou resentment!

Chapter 223 The meaning of the two saints!Wen Qingyou resentment! (Please subscribe)

Tianxing City, the central holy mountain.

On the top of this small holy mountain that goes straight into the sky and has a panoramic view of the mountains, which is the 81st floor of the holy mountain as mentioned by the Luan Xinghai monks, this place is surrounded by layers of colorful restrictions all year round. Except for some monks from the Star Palace, few people set foot there. within it.

If anyone steps inside, they will find that on the top of this holy mountain, within the many restrictions, there are various pavilions and pavilions, clear springs and waterfalls appear from time to time, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, and the rich spiritual energy is filled in it. It is indeed a place. A blessed place for practice.

At this moment, in one of the ancient halls with strong aura.

In the corner of the main hall, a light flashed in a teleportation array, and two white-robed monks, a man and a woman, appeared.

The man was in his forties, dressed as a Confucian scholar, with an ordinary face, but his eyebrows were as dark as swords, his eyes revealed a bit of domineering, a sinister aura permeated his body, and his face was as cold as ice.

The woman is about 25-[-] years old, with snow-white skin and black hair. She is dressed in an emerald green palace dress and has a graceful figure. She exudes an aura of grace and luxury.

These two people were Ling Xiaofeng and Wen Qing, the twin saints of the Star Palace.

"These thieves from the Counter Star Alliance have a good plan. They actually want to take our Tianxing City directly. It seems that you and I haven't shown up for many years. Do these thieves really think that there is an opportunity?"

Ling Xiaofeng walked out of the teleportation array with a core-sized jade bead in his hand, raised his brows, and sneered.

"My star palace can stand in the sea of ​​stars for tens of thousands of years, how can it be so easily broken?"

Wen Qing's beautiful face also showed a bit of coldness, and he shook his head, "However, this raid of the Counter Star Alliance did exceed our expectations. We did not expect that they would not even care about the twelve inner star islands. The eight guards we placed on the outside have lost a lot of manpower, do they want to decide the outcome in a battle?"

"No, although the crazy woman acts crazy and does not play according to common sense, Liu Dao is a cunning and ulterior man. Even if he does not understand the trump card in our hand, how can he think that the outcome will be determined in one battle?"

Ling Xiaofeng shook his head and said with certainty, "This time, the five guards at the Eight Great Passes were almost completely wiped out. It is more likely that it was a test or a provocation by the Anti-Star Alliance..."

"I'm afraid that in addition to testing the defensive strength of Tianxing City and the true situation of you and me, there is also the intention of surrounding the point for reinforcements."

Wen Qing's starry eyes twinkled, he thought for a moment, and then continued:
"If the siege of Tianxing City cannot be resolved as soon as possible and the Anti-Star Alliance takes the opportunity to break through the island defense formations of the 36 star islands and seize the resources on these islands, I am afraid that it will become more and more unstoppable and difficult to deal with."

"What the lady said is very true."

Ling Xiaofeng nodded, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, "This time, dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators from these casual cultivators and neutral forces have joined the Anti-Star Alliance at once, which is really shocking!"

"Indeed, it seems that since you and I have not shown up in recent years, many people have forgotten our majesty and have other thoughts."

There was a gloomy look in Wen Qing's eyes, and there was a bit more murderous intent in his tone, "If you receive the Sky Star Order within the specified time and do not join our Star Palace side this time, you will still be able to do it after the Anti-Star Alliance is eradicated. I need a cleaning!"

Ling Xiaofeng nodded, looked at the shadow bead in his hand, and said:

"This girl Yu Ling should be together with that Lu Tian now. What do you think of this person?"

"We investigated this person back then, but unfortunately we never found out the details of this person. He has disappeared over the years. Unexpectedly, his sudden appearance this time can be regarded as helping our star palace a lot!"

Wen Qing seemed to have remembered something, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, "I don't know when this girl Yu Ling met this Lu Tiandu, but I am becoming more and more curious about him!"

"Yes, our star palace has been trying to find him to join our star palace for more than ten years, but we have never received any response. However, we suddenly met the young palace master of our star palace, and he even said in public that Yuling was his. woman?"

Speaking of which, Ling Xiaofeng's thick eyebrows wrinkled.

As the lord of the Star Palace, Ling Xiaofeng felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that the young lord of the Star Palace, his daughter, had secretly had an affair with another powerful male cultivator who didn't know the details.

"If this person hadn't had a bloody feud with the Demonic Way before, and this time he killed four Nascent Soul cultivators for our Star Palace, I would really have thought that this person had other thoughts about our Star Palace!"

Ling Xiaofeng said bluntly in a cold voice.

"Who said no!"

Wen Qing also chuckled, "But according to what Elder Gu and Elder Hong said, this person's combat power may have exceeded our expectations!"

"Yes, we have collected the weird speed and colorful magic weapon in our intelligence before, but it is really shocking to crush the magic weapon that the Nascent Soul monk has cultivated for hundreds of years with bare hands! The bearded man's magical power is known as the Heaven-Today Demonic Art. The most defensive skill in the Chaotic Star Sea, even so, I have never heard of him being able to crush a magic weapon with just one grip."

Ling Xiaofeng's cold eyes flashed with a hint of fear, "I have only seen such a powerful physical strength in the Golden Dragon King. This Golden Dragon King has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, plus the Dragon Clan is here. Among all the demon clans, they are also a race with innate physical strength. And how did Lu Tiandu cultivate?"

"Speaking of this matter, I am also very curious!"

Wen Qing also showed a bit of surprise, "Is this person following the path of Dharma body practitioners that is rare among ancient monks?"

"Dharma body practitioner? Maybe! But there must be a great opportunity for this person!"

An inexplicable color flashed in Ling Xiaofeng's eyes, "Could there be other great opportunities in the Demon Court ruins that our Star Palace monks have not yet discovered?"

After all, Lu Tiandu really rose to prominence after he emerged from the ruins of the Wild Demon Court. It was normal for Ling Xiaofeng to speculate like this.

"How could we guess this? Less than [-]% of the people who have entered and left this ruins in our Star Palace over the years can come out alive. It is normal to have unexplored areas. Unfortunately, like the Xutian Temple, we Yuan Later monks cannot enter.”

Wen Qing shook his head, "We had previously intended to bring this person together with Yu Ling as a Taoist couple. Unexpectedly, the two of them had known each other for a long time. It seems that we need to meet this person as soon as possible. If he can be used by us, there is no Other things to think about, it would be a good idea to let him and Yu Ling become Taoist couples..."

"That's right. This person has already had a blood feud with the Demonic Path for a long time, and his combat power is so outstanding. As long as we are willing to give him power and resources, it is no problem to join our Star Palace."

After a pause, Ling Xiaofeng said again:
"Although based on the information we have collected over the years, we can see that this person has a pretty good character, but if he can achieve such a level of cultivation at such an age, he is probably also a proud and arrogant person. We will have to test it out at that time. If so, Even if we don't eat anything soft, we must also be prepared for the follow-up. After all, if this person does not join our star palace, with his talent, he will definitely be a giant in the star sea in the future. Don't wait until we eradicate the Six Paths and the crazy woman in the future, and finally be This person took advantage..."

"Okay. I'll send the transmission note first and ask Yuling to bring him to see us!"

Wen Qing nodded, took out a pink transmission note, whispered a few times, flicked his jade hand, and the transmission note turned into fire and penetrated the restrictions outside the hall and flew into the distance.

Glancing at Ling Xiaofeng who was concentrating with his eyes closed, Wen Qing suddenly remembered the changes in his daughter Ling Yuling over the past ten years.

"Except for carrying out missions in these years, the only time Yu Ling left Tianxing City was not long after she formed the pill. That time was only less than a month. Did the two of them know each other during that time?"

This thought flashed through Wen Qing's mind.

In her impression, her daughter had become different since she came back to Tianxing City.

Although Ling Xiaofeng didn't notice anything strange about his daughter, Wen Qing, who was also a woman, naturally found out about her daughter's abnormalities easily.

Especially the look of sweetness and longing that her daughter occasionally showed when she was in a daze. Why didn't she understand what was going on?

My daughter is in love with spring!
After Wen Qing made this judgment and observed her daughter's behavior, she became more and more certain of this conclusion.

Especially when Ling Yuling left the Holy Mountain every now and then to go to a villa somewhere in Tianxing City, her unhappy expression when she came back aroused her curiosity.

She also took the opportunity to go to that other courtyard several times. From the various furniture carefully arranged in the other courtyard, it can be seen that her daughter has put a lot of thought into it. Unfortunately, Ling Yuling always looked shy and a bit sad when faced with her insinuations. appearance.Although she never asked anything, she naturally had a secret method to observe that her daughter's vitality was still intact, so she was not too worried.

"Back then, Yu Ling went out for just a month. When he came back, he actually had a top-level wood-attribute sword art in his hand, and a ten-thousand-year golden thunder bamboo that had disappeared for thousands of years. I didn't know much about it back then. I believe that Yu Ling got it from accidentally breaking into the cave of the senior. If my guess is correct, I am afraid it has something to do with this mysterious Lu Tiandu, right?"

This thought flashed through Wen Qing's mind again.

Time flies, and a few days pass in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, in the Holy Palace of the Double Saints on the 81st floor of the Holy Mountain, Ling Xiaofeng's eyes flashed with doubts and asked:
"It's been a few days, why hasn't this girl Yu Ling brought Lu Tiandu to pay her respects?"

"Is it because they are not in that other courtyard that they didn't receive my transmission message?"

Wen Qing also looked puzzled and asked, "Or maybe Lu Tiandu has other caves in Tianxing City, where did Yu Ling go?"

"Forget it, I'll go there myself!"

Wen Qing shook his head, "When Yu Ling first came back, she left us a message in that other courtyard. If it's not here, let's mobilize our manpower to look for it elsewhere!"

"That's okay, Mrs. Kuaishou, come and take a trip!"

Ling Xiaofeng nodded.

Over the years, the only person who could keep them waiting for the two saints of the Star Palace was Lu Tiandu.

North of Tianxing City.

This is a mountain with beautiful scenery. Although this mountain is not very high, its beautiful scenery is unique among the more than ten nearby mountain peaks.

At this moment, a beautiful woman in emerald green palace clothes and an emerald green gauze covering half of her face suddenly appeared near the mountain peak!

Wen Qing released his spiritual sense for a moment, flipped his hands, and shot a seal in the air. The void in front of his eyes stirred, and a hole about ten feet long suddenly appeared.

Wen Qing's figure passed through the restrictions on the outside of the mountain in a flash, and flew towards the attic halfway up the mountain that she had been to several times before.

The restraint methods that Ling Yuling arranged here were basically what she had taught before, so it was not difficult for her to get in and out of this place at all.

When she saw several transmission notes floating in the confinement outside the attic, she shook her head. These transmission notes were all sent by her in the past few days. It seemed that Ling Yuling was either not here or in retreat.

After a pause, Wen Qing was ready to go in and take a look to confirm.

Wen Qingying came out with a sweet spell. With a swipe of her hand, the green light shield in front of her eyes cracked open, and Wen Qing stepped into it with her long legs.

The light shield behind her closed silently again, and just when Wen Qing was about to push open the attic door, a subtle moan suddenly reached her ears.

"This is?"

Wen Qing's eyes narrowed, and he quietly came to the door and listened.

"Yu Ling...this girl?!"

After a moment, the pretty face under Wen Qing's veil suddenly turned red, her eyes turned wild, she bit her red lips with her teeth, and secretly spat, "This Lu Tiandu is also a bastard, and he deceived Yu Ling's body and mind like this? "

She had seen Lu Tiandu's portrait, and naturally knew that this man was a rare handsome and elegant person at first glance. Needless to say, he was attractive to young people of the opposite sex.

Perhaps Yu Ling's love for him also had this reason.Of course, the more important reason in her guess was that Lu Tiandu became famous at a young age and was extremely talented. He was indeed the best dual cultivator in the eyes of many female cultivators.

Maybe it was because of this that his daughter fell in love with Lu Tiandu at first sight.

Wen Qing's heart flashed with confusion as Lu Tiandu took Ling Yuling's Yuan Hong so quickly.

After a while, Wen Qing's beautiful, moist eyes became a little more complex, and she remained motionless. Suddenly she seemed to have discovered something. She snorted softly, and a white light flashed around her body, and her figure suddenly became illusory.


The moment Wen Qing disappeared, Lu Tiandu, who was holding Ling Yuling in his arms in the bedroom on the second floor, suddenly stopped and his heart moved.

Just now, he suddenly felt as if someone was scanning the two of them with his spiritual consciousness.

"No, could it be that someone sneaked in?"

As a result, when he released his spiritual consciousness to observe, he found nothing. Lu Tiandu's expression became concentrated and he released all his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

Although Lu Tiandu has not yet mastered the fifth level of Dayan Jue at this time, his spiritual consciousness is somewhat stronger than that of ordinary Yuanhou monks.

At this moment, through the door of the attic, in an illusory space, Lu Tiandu's consciousness detected a beautiful woman with long legs wearing an emerald green veil.

"This is?"

In an instant, looking at a face that was somewhat similar to Ling Yuling's, Lu Tiandu guessed the identity of the person coming.After all, there are not many people who can escape the detection of his spiritual consciousness, maybe only two people in Tianxing City.

"Isn't it? You don't know how to say hello when you come here? Are you so fond of listening to corners?"

Lu Tiandu secretly complained and sped up his training progress.

"Ah, Lu Lang, be gentle!"


"Why is this kid so powerful?"

Wen Qing, who was hiding outside the attic with the help of a certain treasure, flashed a look of doubt. If it weren't for the extraordinary performance of her Linghu Jue in sensing, the consciousness she had released before would have been almost discovered by Lu Tiandu.

Thinking of Lu Tiandu's actions at this moment, Wen Qing flashed an angry look and bit his lip hard.

I don’t know why, but she was originally preparing to leave, but in the end she somehow released her spiritual consciousness and entered the attic, and was almost discovered...

The commotion upstairs became louder and louder, but Wen Qing's heart became more and more complicated.

In the past few hundred years, Ling Xiaofeng was busy solving various problems in the cultivation of Yuanci Divine Light because he wanted to attack the gods. In the end, he still fell short due to spiritual root problems, and his character changed drastically. Except for the heir Ling Yuling left in the middle, Both of them have advanced to the dual cultivation of Yuan Hou countless times.

Thinking of this, Wen Qing felt a bit more resentful for some reason.

ps Fellow Taoists, it’s the end of the month, do you still have monthly tickets?Asking for a monthly ticket!
 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 100 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend Lingbao Tianzun for the 100 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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