Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 224 Wen Qing’s jealousy!Meet your father-in-law?

Chapter 224 Wen Qing’s jealousy!Meet your father-in-law? (Please subscribe)
"Husband, why are you different today?"

On the second floor of the attic, Ling Yuling, who had completed double cultivation, had a rosy face and blurred eyes. She squeezed tightly into Lu Tiandu's arms and murmured.

"What? Doesn't my Yuling like it?"

Lu Tiandu rubbed his fingers on the smooth jade back of the beautiful lady in his arms, his consciousness swept across a certain space, he smiled in his heart, but said with a gentle expression on his face.

"Humph, I'm almost falling apart!"

Ling Yuling opened a pair of watery phoenix eyes, lifted the hair from her ears, and glanced at Lu Tiandu coquettishly.

"How about you Yu Ling take a rest for a few days?"

"What? It's only been a few days and you miss your old lover?"

After hearing this, Ling Yuling was agitated, came to her senses, and said angrily.

As he spoke, a pair of jade arms locked Lu Tiandu's neck tightly, and said softly with a bit of arrogance:
"I really want to keep my husband close to me..."

With a "pop" sound, Lu Tiandu looked at the slightly red handprint on the round snow-white face, retracted his palm, and said with a smile:
"You are really greedy!"


In pain, Ling Yuling covered her buttocks with one hand, rolled her eyes, opened her lips and bit Lu Tiandu's shoulder with a vicious look, muttering:
"Greedy? Huh, I'm not greedy at all!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic."

Lu Tiandu shook his head and ran his fingers across Ling Yuling's soft black hair, "Who told me to be a greedy person! I have wronged you!"

In the past few days, Ling Yuling had learned how to eat marrow, and she really cared about him closely. If he hadn't asked to leave, Ling Yuling would have really wanted to keep him here.

Just when Ling Yuling was about to say something else, Lu Tiandu said in surprise:

"Hey, it seems that the restriction outside the mountain has been opened? A female nun in a green palace dress and a green veil came in. She looks like a great beauty!"

"Ah, it's my mother!"

Ling Yuling in Lu Tiandu's arms suddenly became nervous and quickly left Lu Tiandu's arms, "Quick, let's clean up!"

At this moment, Wen Qing outside the attic became even more angry when he heard Lu Tiandu's lies, "This guy named Lu is such a bastard! Not only did he deceive Yu Ling's body and mind so quickly, but there were other women? "

After a while, the light shield outside the attic opened and closed again, and Wen Qing also appeared. She suppressed the strangeness and anger in her heart. Just as she was about to push open the attic door, she felt an inexplicable panic and irresistible feeling. The urge came over me.

"How is this going?"

Wen Qing clearly felt that the source of her impulse was just across the door.

"Is it Lu Tiandu?"

Secretly running his skills to suppress the panic and abnormal movements in his heart, Wen Qing's expression remained unchanged as he opened the door and stepped in.

"It really is this person!"

At a glance, he saw the handsome and tall Lu Tiandu in the hall and Ling Yuling, whose pretty face was still a little rosy. Wen Qing's heart suddenly became a little gloomier.

She recalled some bad memories.

"Sure enough, Wen Lan is right, this Wen Qing also has a special physique!"

Feeling the strange movement in his body and watching the graceful tall figure slowly walking into the hall, Lu Tian took a look at the beauty in front of him.

This young woman looks to be in her mid-twenties, and time has not left the slightest trace on her delicate face.

She is wearing a green palace dress that wraps up her curvy and beautiful figure, and her black hair is styled in a bun, giving people the feeling of being in a position of power for a long time.Her skin is white and delicate, her eyebrows are black and her temples are dark, and her eyes are as bright as stars, making her unforgettable at first sight.

Just looking at each other, Lu Tiandu felt that Palace Master Wen didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Even though this beautiful young woman was wearing a veil, Lu Tian could not let out his consciousness to spy on her true appearance. As soon as his eyes fell, he swept across the slender jade neck that was as warm and green as jade, and slid over the two bulging jade peaks. Not daring to stay any longer, he took a step forward and faced Wen Qing and said:
“I’ve seen Palace Master Wen in heaven!”


At this moment, Ling Yuling also ran towards Wen Qing with a happy face, took Wen Qing's arm and looked at Lu Tiandu.

"Lu Tiandu? It's better to be famous than to meet him at first sight. He is indeed a talented person. Yes, yes!"

Wen Qing looked at Lu Tiandu carefully, smiled slightly, nodded, turned back to look at Ling Yuling, and snorted coldly, "Go to another room, I have something to tell you!"


Seeing Wen Qing's expression turned ugly, Ling Yuling's heart sank, but she was not worried about anything and said softly to Lu Tiandu:

"Brother Lu, please sit down for a while. Mom and I will come as soon as we go!"

"It's okay, just tell the truth, I'm here for everything!"

Lu Tiandu nodded, moved his lips slightly, and said through the voice.

He maintains his own strength and is not too worried about the twin saints of the Star Palace who are feared by everyone in the chaotic star sea.

Before, he knew that Wen Qing was outside the attic, but he talked about his other women with Ling Yuling. In fact, he mainly talked about it to Wen Qing and Ling Xiaofeng.

Sooner or later he would have to face the Two Saints, and he had never wanted to hide it.And he would never agree to the Twin Saints' plan to let him formally marry Ling Yuling as a Taoist companion.

Seeing the mother and daughter enter another stone room, Lu Tiandu took out a pot of spiritual wine and began to drink by himself.

"It seems that my guess was correct. The Golden Thunder Bamboo and Qingyuan Sword Technique were both given to you by him, as was the bracelet on your wrist that looks to be carved from soul-nurturing wood, right?"

Wen Qing sighed in his heart when he heard that his daughter did not deny at all that she and Lu Tiandu had practiced dual cultivation in the past few days.

"Well, mother, I like Brother Lu, and I do it voluntarily!"

When Ling Yuling talked about Lu Tiandu, tenderness flashed in her eyes, and she looked directly at Wen Qing, "Brother Lu is so kind to me..."

Ling Yuling talked about everything that happened since she and Lu Tian had known each other. Except for not mentioning the Yin-Yang Fruit, other things were not hidden at all, such as the Thunder Spirit Wings, the Soul-nurturing Wooden Bracelet, and the great master who cultivated spiritual consciousness. In the past few days, Lu Tian had given her skills and treasures such as Yan Jue and body training techniques.

"He can actually share his physique with others? How is this possible?"

Wen Qing was surprised when he heard that his daughter actually had a wood spirit body, and an inexplicable look flashed in her eyes.

"Brother Lu said that his physique is quite special. He was born with a secret technique and was able to pass... through the Taoist companion who shared his physique with him..."

When Ling Yuling said this, her face turned red again.

Wen Qing guessed which way it was as soon as he saw his daughter's expression, and said with curiosity in his eyes:

"Is he born with it? There are indeed many wonders in this world of immortality! Have you never asked him what kind of physique he has?"

"Probably the eight physical constitutions are Five Elements, Wind, Thunder and Ice." Ling Yuling said.She had a new constitution at the time and was very curious, so she naturally asked about it.But Lu Tiandu didn't hide anything from her, "Brother Lu practices the two attributes of wind and thunder. If I hadn't refined the Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword, I guess Brother Lu would have shared the body of thunder spirit with me!"

"He is truly blessed!"

Wen Qing had a complicated look on his face, with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Five elements spirit body?Doesn’t this mean that one is born with the ability to practice the secret technique of Yuan Magnetic?
If you practice according to the Yuanci secret technique modified and perfected by your husband, wouldn't you have the opportunity to practice to become a god in the future?There is a unique secret technique of dual cultivation spread in the Star Palace, which has only been passed down to the hands of successive palace masters.

As long as one of the two people who are dual cultivators can advance to a higher realm, with the help of this dual cultivator secret technique, it will be much easier for their Taoist companion to enter this realm.

This is why for tens of thousands of years, the Xing Palace has been dominated by two palace masters with the same cultivation level.

She was previously angry that her daughter lost her Yuanyin so quickly because this technique required the two of them to reach the Yuanying stage before they could practice it.

And it is best to keep Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang, so that the potential of the technique can be brought out.

It was because her brother Liu Dao had poisoned her back then that she escaped with the help of Ling Xiaofeng.Later, he and Ling Xiaofeng spent a long time together, and gradually developed a relationship. In addition, he was grateful for Ling Xiaofeng's life-saving grace and sought revenge in the Six Paths in order to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and finally became a Taoist couple with Ling Xiaofeng.

Hundreds of years ago, the two of them entered the Yuan Dynasty and dominated the chaotic sea of ​​stars, also because of the help of this secret technique.

They have cultivated to the Yuan Dynasty within 500 years. They were so high-spirited back then that even though they had traveled to the Jin Dynasty, they were beings that others did not dare to easily provoke.

"Could it be that my husband and I are really unlucky?"

A bit of bitterness flashed through Wen Qing's heart.

She remembered that after Ling Xiaofeng advanced to the Yuan Empress, he read through various classics handed down from the Star Palace, looking for a reliable way to break through to become a god.

After all, the elixirs left by the sages to help break through the transformation into gods have long been used up by the successive palace masters.

The only thing that is useful to them is some secret techniques to break through bottlenecks.

Finally, after comparing it several times, I picked up the secret technique of Yuan Magnetic created by an unknown senior.

Moreover, what was even more fortunate was that during this period, they actually discovered a Yuanci Mountain that contained the power of Yuanci in the deep sea.

Recalling the scene when Ling Xiaofeng spent a lot of effort to transport Yuanci Mountain back to Tianxing City with a look of surprise on his face, Wen Qing felt more and more unfair about God.

It was also with the help of Yuanci Mountain and Ling Xiaofeng's extraordinary talent that he gradually overcame several difficulties in practicing Yuanci Kung Fu, and gradually perfected this Yuanci secret technique.

Unfortunately, it took the two of them hundreds of years. In the end, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of Yuanci Shenguang, the final step turned out to be to possess the five elements spiritual roots and unite the five elements into one.

Thinking of Ling Xiaofeng's disbelieving look when he discovered the requirements of the last level more than a hundred years ago and his resentment towards the senior who created the secret technique of Yuanci Divine Light, Wen Qing's heart became more and more bitter.

Ling Xiaofeng's temperament has changed drastically over the years and has become more and more gloomy. This Magnetic Divine Light is the culprit!

Ling Xiaofeng spent hundreds of years on this secret art of Yuanci. In the end, not only was he unable to transform into a god, but he was also trapped in Tianxing City.As a result, there was someone who not only had extraordinary talents at a young age, but what was even more unacceptable was that this person was born with the ability to practice the secret technique of Yuanci.

"Is this making wedding clothes for others?"

Wen Qing's heart became more and more complicated when he thought about how this technique had benefited Lu Tiandu and... his daughter.

I don’t know that my husband heard the news. . .Wen Qing didn't think about this problem any further.

Moreover, now that she knew that Lu Tiandu was practicing wind and thunder attributes, the magnetic energy divine light that she and her husband had practiced that could restrain the five elements of the world would have no effect on Lu Tiandu.

This reduced the two people's means of restraining Lu Tiandu in the end, and made her heart sink even more.

At this moment, Ling Yuling listened to the slightly jealous words from her mother's mouth and did not understand the inner meaning. Instead, she smiled and said:
"Mom, do you still remember? I was practicing the Linghu Jue you taught me before. From the first time I met Brother Lu, I knew that Brother Lu was not an ordinary person!"

"Then he has decided to marry you as a Taoist companion?"

Wen Qing asked knowingly.


Ling Yuling's smile faltered, "Brother Lu has other confidantes, so... But I know that Brother Lu will be good to me. Even if I can't be his Taoist companion, I am willing to stay with him!"

After speaking, Ling Yuling's expression became firm again.

"Silly girl!"

Wen Qing sighed in his heart, "Don't get involved in this matter. Your father and I will make the decision for you."

"This... Mom, you won't be disadvantageous to Brother Lu, right?"

Ling Yuling looked a little worried.

Naturally, she really wanted to become Lu Tiandu's Taoist companion, and she also allowed Brother Lu to have other women.But if this makes her brother Lu unhappy, that's not what she wants to see.

"It's okay, your brother Lu doesn't seem to be a stingy person, so why would he be angry over such a trivial matter!"

Wen Qing comforted him with a faint smile.

At this moment, she also roughly guessed that the attraction and inexplicable impulse Lu Tiandu gave her was probably related to his physique. It seemed that her daughter was not very clear about it.After all, she knew that she also had a special physique.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu practiced wind and thunder techniques, which also allowed her to get rid of the prejudice caused by the unpleasant emotions caused by recalling the past.

After all, judging fairly, from the information obtained from his daughter and the information they collected, it can be judged that Lu Tiandu really has nothing to criticize except for his beauty.

And judging from the previous secret contest between the two of them, they still underestimated Lu Tiandu's strength.

Magic power, spiritual consciousness, and body training. Sure enough, what she guessed before was right. This person who was loved by God really followed the path of a fellow cultivator of the legal body.

Thinking that Lieutenant General Xing Gong had such a powerful general, Wen Qing was happy to get a big help in eradicating the Rebel Star Alliance. At the same time, he also had a headache on how to convince Lu Tian.

After the mother and daughter whispered a few more words, they left the stone room.

"Tiandu, you still exceeded my expectations!"

Wen Qing spoke softly at this moment and looked at Lu Tiandu with admiration, "You can be so selfless for Yuling. It seems that Yuling has found someone worthy of entrusting her to you!"

"Palace Master Wen is ridiculous. Yuling is my beloved, how can I not think about her? In the future, we will help each other and go on a good journey."

Lu Tiandu said with a smile.This was the first time he had seen the mother-in-law look at her son-in-law like this, and it felt weird.

As for Wang Yun, she had never looked at him like this.

The atmosphere seemed to be very good at the moment. The three of them chatted for a while, and then Wen Qing said:
"I have other things to do with you this time. Why don't you, Tiandu, come with me to meet the father of Yuling?"

Wen Qing said he was not meeting Lord Ling, but the father of Yu Ling. Is this interesting?

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 100 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend 20200309223621013 for the 100 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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