Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 226 Ling Xiaofeng feels aggrieved!Xutian Palace is in my hands!

Chapter 226 Ling Xiaofeng feels aggrieved!Xutian Palace is in my hands! (Please subscribe)
"It was my fault."

Hearing Wen Qing's words and seeing the prayer in Wen Qing's eyes, Lu Tian curled his lips. Why did he feel like he had become a villain?Wasn't Ling Xiaofeng plotting against him?

"Tiandu, let's go! Take Yuling and leave Tianxing City. Just pretend you've never been here, okay?"

Wen Qing saw that Lu Tiandu's expression softened, and his gentle tone was apologetic.

From Lu Tiandu's deeds in the Inner Star Sea, Wen Qing had long concluded that Lu Tiandu was not an easy person to get along with.

Especially now that Lu Tiandu has discovered that Ling Xiaofeng is secretly harboring evil intentions, Wen Qing is even more afraid to let the two of them meet.

After all, with her man on one side and her daughter on the other, she was in a dilemma.

If Lu Tiandu left just like that, she thought she would have a way to appease Ling Xiaofeng.

"What? Are you so afraid that I will kill Ling Xiaofeng and make you a widow?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Wen Qing quietly and said suddenly.


Wen Qing's expression froze, and he glared at Lu Tiandu bitterly. He did not dare to look directly into Lu Tiandu's eyes. He suppressed the annoyance in his heart and said:

"Can't you think more about Yu Ling?"

"Madam, who do you think will look out for you?"

Lu Tiandu leaned close to the warm green and white jade ear, took a deep breath of the fragrance, and said through the message.

Feeling the beautiful young woman's tight body and her neck that was stained with a hint of red, Lu Tiandu showed a smirk on his lips, blew another breath of hot air, and said through the voice:
"It's too late, Ling Xiaofeng has already come out. I don't have to take the initiative, now you think about how to deal with Ling Xiaofeng!"

After speaking, Lu Tian walked slowly towards the main hall.

"Who's going to look out for me?"

Under the veil, Wen Qing bit her lips and quickly suppressed the shame, anger and inexplicable ripples in her heart. At this moment, hearing Lu Tiandu's promise, she finally felt relieved.

Wen Qing dodged and appeared one step ahead of Lu Tiandu, and suddenly a cold snort came from Lu Tiandu's ears.

"Why so late?"

The door of the tall stone palace suddenly opened, and a majestic and somewhat cold voice came from inside.

"Tiandu and I chatted for a while, are you impatient?"

Wen Qing's tone was relaxed, but he gave Ling Xiaofeng a look without any trace.

Ling Xiaofeng's eyes flashed with confusion, his thick eyebrows wrinkled and then relaxed, and then he looked at Lu Tiandu next to him, showing a faint smile:
"As expected, he is a young hero. The name of Friend Lu is spread to the sea of ​​stars. He is truly a blessing to my star palace!"

"Palace Master Ling is so grateful!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the forty-year-old Ling Xiaofeng not far away in front of him. Although his face was not very handsome, his imposing manner and demeanor revealed a bit of domineering, and he smiled faintly.


"Please, two palace masters!"

Lu Tiandu's consciousness swept across the open hall.But he felt that the aura inside was deep and dark, and his consciousness could only penetrate more than ten feet before being unable to penetrate deeper.

This made Lu Tiandu feel trembling.

The ancient strange formations he has come into contact with the most are the "Dutian Liuhe Gang Feng Shen Sha Formation" arranged by Feng Xian outside the cave and the incomplete "Tiangang Suo Yuan Liuhuo Formation" dismantled from Huohuang Island. A large formation was arranged with the mountain as the center, and the location of the formation eye must be on the top of the 81st floor of the holy mountain.

Just when Lu Tian was on guard, Wen Qing moved his lips slightly and said to Ling Xiaofeng:

"Husband, things have changed, let's stop!"


Ling Xiaofeng's tiger eyes suddenly opened, and there was a hint of evil aura.

"Lu Tiandu has killed the Yuanhou cultivator, and he has other trump cards. We can't stop him... I felt something bad before, so I did some testing outside. If we activate the big formation, I'm afraid Life or death is uncertain this time!”

"How is that possible? So what if he killed the Yuanhou monk? Once he entered this hall, even the God Transformation monk told him that he would never come back!"

Ling Xiaofeng's tone became colder and colder, "You didn't shrink back when things got tough, did you?"

"Are you doubting me?"

Wen Qing suddenly turned his head and glanced at Ling Xiaofeng, then turned back with an ugly face, but still felt a little unbelievable in his heart, "If you still believe in my Lingmo Jue, don't do it. I will test it again later, and you can decide for yourself!"

After Wen Qing finished transmitting the message, he didn't know why he didn't want to say a word at this time.

In order to become a god, don’t you even believe in the Taoist companions who have been with you for hundreds of years?Wen Qing sighed quietly in his heart.

Although she understood that becoming a god had become Ling Xiaofeng's obsession and inner demon, and although she did not agree with Ling Xiaofeng's previous plan, she still chose to acquiesce.

The only person she felt sorry for was her daughter Ling Yuling.

However, when Ling Xiaofeng also doubted himself, Wen Qing felt a little sad.

After all, wasn't it just to keep Ling Xiaofeng that she was talking down to Lu Tian outside?

As a result, at this moment, he was suspected by those closest to him.

"Qing'er, don't let me down!"

After a moment of silence, Ling Xiaofeng said coldly, "He is an outsider after all, and we are a family. I am doing this for our family..."

Wen Qing walked forward quietly without saying a word.

This is a very large hall. When outside, Lu Tian thought it was only a few dozen feet in size at most, but when he entered it, he realized that he had underestimated the ancient monks' magical powers.

Although his consciousness can only extend a hundred feet here, judging from his naked eyes, this hall is probably more than a few hundred feet away.

Although his Ming and Qing spiritual eyes have only been cultivated for seven or eight years, they already have some power at this moment.

While Ling Xiaofeng and the two were having different thoughts, Lu Tiandu's eyes glowed with a faint blue light as he observed the nine white jade stone platforms distributed according to a certain pattern in the hall and the white jade stone pillars on which several people were hugging each other.

Many wild and exotic animals are carved on this white jade stone pillar, which looks lifelike.

Lu Tiandu has been taught by the formation master Xin Ruyin all the time in these years, and his formation cultivation is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people, but he soon discovered that these white jade stone pillars should be the base of some kind of large formation.

It seemed that the restrictions arranged on it were somewhat similar to those in the white jade passage he passed in the Xutian Palace.

"Perhaps the construction of Xutian Palace also has the handiwork of the god-transformation monk who established the Star Palace!"

Lu Tiandu thought silently.

"The nine formation bases are really a big deal. If they are fully activated, it will not be difficult to cover the entire Tianxing Island!"

Lu Tiandu remembered that the cave where Feng Xian stayed in Tiannan only had a formation base, and sighed at the generosity of the ancient monks.

Even if this ancient strange formation does not have enough top-quality spiritual stones to drive it, with the spiritual vein of the Holy Mountain here and enough energy support, the demon clan in the outer star sea really cannot exterminate the human race in the inner star sea.

According to his guess, if he only controlled the topmost part of the Holy Mountain, he would probably only need to open one or two formation bases.

Sure enough, he soon discovered that there was a white jade stone platform on the left and right sides closest to him, and the jade pillars on it faintly revealed a different aura under his spiritual observation.

"Hmph, even if I can't kill Ling Xiaofeng this time, I still have to give him some memory!"

Lu Tiandu had a sneer on his lips.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, please sit down."

Although Ling Xiaofeng felt that Lu Tiandu could not escape from his grasp, but with Wen Qing's words, he did not show much at the moment. After sitting down on the upper jade platform, he smiled slightly and said to Lu Tiandu:

"I heard that fellow Taoist Lu is a good drinker. I also have several good wines in my star palace, which I would like to let fellow Taoist taste!"

"Thank you so much, Palace Master Ling."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and then glanced at Wen Qing, who had always been expressionless, and felt a little doubt in his heart.Ling Xiaofeng flicked his five fingers, and there were several more wine bottles and wine cups on the jade table in front of him. He clicked with his fingers, and the spirit wine in the wine bottles shot towards the wine cups.

The aroma of wine increased in the hall, and with a "whoosh" sound, Ling Xiaofeng flicked his hand, and a few glasses of spiritual wine were added to the jade table in front of Lu Tiandu.

"It seems that this is the end of the fine wine in Star Palace!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the wine cup in front of him and shook his head, his tone full of regret, "I have tasted this Lingyuan wine before, but the other spirit wine is really not attractive to a wine lover like me. Big, why don’t you all try the spiritual wine I brewed!”

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and robe, and two jars of spiritual wine flew towards Ling Xiaofeng and Wen Qing.

Looking at the two wine jars coming towards him, Ling Xiaofeng's eyes flashed with hesitation, he twitched the corners of his mouth, opened his mouth and blew, the two white jade wine jars rotated around and landed gently on the jade table. superior.

"I heard from Yu Ling that you are the master of brewing, Tiandu, so we can have a taste of your wine!"

At this moment, a soft voice came from under Wen Qing's veil.It broke the slightly frozen atmosphere and covered up Lu Tiandu's lack of face and Ling Xiaofeng's unhappiness.

"I hope Mrs. Wen likes it!"

Lu Tiandu laughed.He took out another wine jar and drank the spiritual wine by himself.

Originally, Lu Tiandu would not refute someone's face for such a trivial matter, but now that he knew that Ling Xiaofeng had ulterior motives, how could Lu Tiandu easily give others a chance.

After all, Lu Tiandu has only heard of some famous poisons in the world of immortality, such as Shi Jue Po, but has never seen them. Who knows if there is anything wrong with this spiritual wine.

Speaking of which, he rarely drinks what others give him, especially strangers.It's also a good habit.

"Good wine, really good wine. No wonder Yu Ling is full of praise for your wine, Tiandu!"

At this moment, Wen Qing's sleeves covered his face and he had already drank a glass of spiritual wine.His eyes lit up and he said in surprise.

"As long as Madam likes it!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

There are many spiritual fruits in the Yaochi Pagoda. Over the years, Hongfu and other girls have also brewed a lot of spiritual wines that are of great benefit to Yuanying monks. The two jars that Lu Tiandu took out are two of them.

Even if Star Palace has spiritual fruits that are hundreds of years old, how can it be possible that there are spiritual fruits that are thousands or tens of thousands of years old that can be used to make wine?
Seeing that Wen Qing didn't feel any strange after drinking the spirit wine, Ling Xiaofeng snorted and drank two glasses in a row.

"This spiritual wine is really good. It can actually increase my spiritual power even at the peak of my Yuan Queen cultivation. It cannot be brewed by ordinary spiritual fruit? At least a thousand-year-old spiritual fruit tree..."

Ling Xiaofeng thought in his mind, "Even if this kind of spiritual wine is not as good as the elixirs for improving cultivation, it is much better than simple meditation. If you drink this kind of thing all year round, it's no wonder that this person has not been in Ningying for many years. But it doesn’t look like he was full of true energy just a short time ago.”

With Wen Qing adjusting the atmosphere, the three of them started chatting.

At this moment, Wen Qing's beautiful eyes showed curiosity and said with a smile:
"I heard that Tiandu killed the great monk Yuanhou. I'm a little curious. How did you do it, Tiandu?"

"Since Madam wants to see it, Tiandu will give Madam a show!"

Lu Tiandu instantly understood what Wen Qing meant. It seemed that she still had no intention of convincing Ling Xiaofeng. No wonder he had noticed that Wen Qing's expression was wrong before.

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu sneered in his heart, swept his eyes lightly over Ling Xiaofeng, and before their eyes, Lu Tiandu disappeared in an instant.

"So fast!"

Although they had already estimated Lu Tiandu's speed, Ling Xiaofeng and Wen Qing didn't know how fast Lu Tiandu was until this moment. "They can't even capture it with their spiritual consciousness!"

They asked themselves that with their speed, there was no way they could catch up with Lu Tiandu. Thinking of this, Ling Xiaofeng's eyes darkened.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu appeared in front of Yuji again, as if he had not moved at all.

Just when the two were confused, a "boom" sound came from more than a hundred feet away.


Ling Xiaofeng stood up suddenly and stared at the white jade platform in the distance. He saw a place on the thick jade pillar where a relief of a dragon was carved. A dark and deep figure appeared on the jade bead as big as a bowl in the mouth of the dragon. Hole.

"Is this the power of Tiandu Body Refining?"

At this moment, Wen Qing also opened her lips and mouth, with an incredible look on her face.

She knew that the restrictions placed on these formation bases could not be destroyed by ordinary magic weapons and magical powers. This was why Ling Xiaofeng dared to let Lu Tiandu enter this hall.

As a result, Lu Tiandu actually punched a pit about a foot deep.

"It's really... terrifying!"

Wen Qing's eyes were filled with strange colors, because Lu Tiandu's punch not only showed amazing destructive power, but the position of this punch happened to be one of the key nodes of the jade pillar formation.

This punch instantly caused a loophole in Ling Xiaofeng's previous arrangement.

"It seems that Lu Tiandu had reservations before, and he actually has considerable knowledge in the formation method!"

Wen Qing shook her head. She knew that Ling Xiaofeng was absolutely terrified at this moment.

"Okay! Okay! Fellow Daoist Lu is really a good trick!"

Ling Xiaofeng suppressed the shock, anger and fear in his heart, laughed loudly, concealed his emotions, looked at Lu Tiandu and tried:

"My fellow Daoist Lu is so refined, I'm afraid that Barbarian Beard, who is known as the number one defensive magic skill in Chaos Xinghai, won't be able to withstand a few punches, right?"

"Palace Master Ling's guess is correct. All the Nascent Soul cultivators who entered the Xutian Palace have been killed by me!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the other positions in the hall with deep meaning and said calmly.

Now that Ling Xiaofeng and other people in the Star Palace had suspicions, Lu Tiandu also openly admitted it.

After hearing that what happened in Xutian Palace was indeed done by Lu Tiandu, and Manbeard Wan Tianming and others had died in Lu Tiandu's hands, even Wen Qing fell silent at this moment.

"This person is really a murderer!"

At this time, both the Twin Saints and the few mid-stage Star Palace Nascent Soul cultivators hiding in the dark all had this thought flashing across their heads.

After all, with the speed and body-refining strength shown by Lu Tiandu just now, even Ling Xiaofeng knew that if Lu Tiandu wanted to kill him before, he would never survive such a short distance.

Although he had secretly activated the personal ancient treasure armor at this moment, judging from Lu Tiandu's ability to crush the magic weapon with his bare hands, Ling Xiaofeng knew that even this armor might not be able to stop him for long.

Besides the Yuanci Divine Light, his biggest trump card - the ancient formation - has been exploited by Lu Tiandu.

If it is activated in a hurry, the other formation base will have no problem dealing with ordinary Queen Yuan, but it may be difficult to capture Lu Tiandu.

As for ancient treasures, just like Lu Tian didn't reveal any treasures, Ling Xiaofeng had already guessed that Lu Tian knew that the two people's Yuan Magnetic Divine Light could restrain his Five Elements Treasure.

"This person is really troublesome. Maybe what Qing'er said before is right! Do we really want to let go of the opportunity in front of us?"

At this moment, Ling Xiaofeng felt extremely aggrieved.

When everyone was silent, Lu Tiandu chuckled, breaking the slightly solidified atmosphere and said:
"Since I have a good relationship with Yu Ling, I will naturally not take the initiative to harm people in the Star Palace. Elder Ximen and Elder Sun..."

When Lu Tiandu said this, Da Xiu shook his head, and suddenly there were two old men in white sitting cross-legged in the hall.

"Eh? I've met the Palace Master! I've met Fellow Daoist Lu!"

Suddenly sensing that the environment had changed, Elder Ximen and Elder Sun immediately saluted when they saw the three people in front of them, but they looked at Lu Tiandu with deep fear.

They were taken into a golden and purple space by Lu Tiandu, and they woke up not long after, only to find that they could not use their magic power at all, and the golden and purple airflow around them gave them a very scary feeling.

At this moment, I suddenly came out and felt that there was nothing strange about my body, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, on behalf of the two elders, I would like to thank Fellow Daoist Lu for not killing him!"

While Ling Xiaofeng asked the two to retreat, he asked Lu Tiandu, "Has Taoist fellow Taoist already obtained the Xutian Cauldron, which is known as the number one secret treasure in the Chaotic Star Sea?"

"That's right, Xutian Cauldron is in my hand!"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, turned over his hand and took out a small tripod with three legs and two ears, looking like he didn't care at all.

With the appearance of the Xutian Cauldron, several middle-stage Nascent Soul elders who had been hiding in the dark and were about to give up and withdraw because Lu Tiandu released the two elders from Xinggong suddenly stopped...

 Thanks to book friend Rice Ball for the 2870 book coins!
  Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 100 book coins reward!
(End of this chapter)

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