Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 227 Ling Xiaofeng: Am I cheated?Bullying!

Chapter 227 Ling Xiaofeng: Am I cheated?Bullying! (Please subscribe)
"Oops! Why does Lu Tian have to admit that he has the Xutian Cauldron at this time?"

The moment Lu Tiandu took out the Xutian Cauldron, Wen Qing secretly thought something was wrong.

Not to mention that she and Ling Xiaofeng were shocked by the strength that Lu Tiandu showed before, even the other hidden Star Palace elders had given up their plans after they understood that the formation would be breached and both Lu Tian and everyone would suffer losses. Lu Tiandu had this murderous star in his mind.

As a result, the moment Lu Tiandu took out this magical treasure, the digital elder who had been hiding in the dark and was about to withdraw stopped again.

Wen Qing glanced at Ling Xiaofeng, and in an instant she understood the meaning of Ling Xiaofeng's question.

Lu Tiandu killed the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Righteous Demon Dao who entered the Xutian Temple for no reason. Except for Ji Yinqian who had a grudge against Lu Tiandu before, everyone else must have conflicts of interest with him.

And when I think about it, I know that this kind of conflict of interest can only be the treasure of Xutian Cauldron.

Since everyone else is dead, I am afraid that the treasure is likely to be obtained by Lu Tiandu.

If Lu Tiandu denies it, then the only person here who can find out the truth of Lu Tiandu's words is herself.

If Lu Tiandu had not admitted it before, then Ling Xiaofeng would probably make his own judgment in the next moment. If it was a lie, he would definitely expose Lu Tiandu.

Ling Xiaofeng's purpose for all this and Wen Qing also instantly thought of it - to get the other elders of Star Palace and Lu Tian to confront him too!

After all, the Xutian Cauldron and the other treasures in the cauldron are things that no monk in the Chaos Star Sea should miss.

And Wen Qing also understood from the actions of these elders hidden in the palace that Ling Xiaofeng's plan had succeeded.

For a moment, Wen Qing sighed again!
When she saw Lu Tiandu playing with the small tripod in his hand casually, with contempt on his lips and a look of indifference, she realized again that Lu Tiandu was still confident.

Lu Tiandu still has a trump card!
If these people took action, how many of them would be able to walk out of this hall? Wen Qing did not dare to guess.

"Don't act rashly!"

Wen Qing moved his lips and spoke to a few people hiding in the dark.

At this moment, Wen Qing glanced at Ling Xiaofeng. For some reason, looking at the person she had been with for hundreds of years, apart from the disappointment she felt when she was suspected before, she felt a little colder at this moment.

Because Ling Xiaofeng's move was to put the entire star palace on fire.

For his own great cause of becoming a god, as the inheritor of the Star Palace and the guardian of the Inner Star Sea, Ling Xiaofeng has decided to sacrifice the Star Palace.

As one of the twin saints of the Star Palace, Wen Qing has naturally had his own power and his own cronies for hundreds of years. In addition to the power of the twin saints in the entire Star Palace, the other Yuanzhong elders also have their own hills.

This time Ling Xiaofeng was able to persuade these middle-stage Nascent Soul monks to deal with Lu Tiandu together. In addition to the other promised benefits, it was also one of the reasons why the two Xinggong elders who died in Xutian Palace were hinted at by Lu Tiandu.

After all, in tens of thousands of years, there has never been a situation where all the Nascent Soul cultivators were wiped out.

This Xutian Temple is a place of trial left by ancient sages, not a place of death. It is impossible for all powerful participants to die.

On the eve of the emergence of the Anti-Star Alliance, it is even more impossible for the Righteous Demonic Path to let important figures in their own alliance go here to start internal strife and die.

Therefore, looking at the chaotic sea of ​​stars, there are only a few people who can kill these Nascent Soul cultivators, and Lu Tiandu, who is the most famous, has weird methods and is elusive, has naturally become the number one suspect.

With Lu Tiandu's recognition, these Star Palace elders naturally understood that Ling Xiaofeng's speculation was correct.

And Lu Tiandu did not kill the two elders of Xing Palace because of Ling Yuling. This made many Xing Palace elders give up their thoughts of confronting Lu Tiandu. After all, no one wants to face such a vicious person. Years of cultivation turned into running water.

After all, even if they can capture Lu Tiandu, they may not be able to share the real secrets of Lu Tiandu.

If the matter ends here, everything may calm down, and these people are very willing to accept Lu Tiandu to join Xinggong at this juncture.

As a result, when the secret treasure of Xutian Cauldron, which had been passed down for tens of thousands of years, was revealed, the treasure moved people's hearts and made these elders have other thoughts.

After all, this is the number one secret treasure in the Chaotic Star Sea, a treasure that everyone desires.Maybe it contains ancient elixirs for improving cultivation or contains the secret of becoming a god.

Although only one formation base can be activated for the time being, as long as Lu Tiandu is trapped, get some respite, and allow them to recruit more other Nascent Soul cultivators, there is no way to quickly activate other formation bases.

With this kind of luck, everyone was secretly on guard. After all, no one wanted to offend someone like Lu Tiandu earlier and become someone else's scapegoat.

However, when these seven people heard Wen Qing's message, they became confused again.

"Do the two saints have other different opinions?"

The seven Star Palace elders were frightened. After all, if these two people had differences, wouldn't it mean that their chances of winning Lu Tiandu would be even smaller.

Although they covet treasures, when faced with a real life-and-death decision, they will definitely choose to save their own lives first.

After all, no matter how good the treasure is, you still have to live to enjoy it.

At this moment, except for Lu Tiandu who looked calm, the atmosphere in the hall gradually became weird.

Wen Qing glanced at Ling Xiaofeng, who was secretly ready to take action against Lu Tiandu at any time. Just when she was about to say something, there was a "clang", and everyone was startled. While looking at Lu Tiandu suddenly, he had already touched Storage bag.

As a result, when everyone saw the scene clearly, their hands touching the storage bag stopped, and they secretly thought it was a false alarm.

It turned out that Lu Tiandu casually threw the Xutian Cauldron on the jade table.

"Does this bastard want to scare people to death?"

Wen Qing's heart was pounding.

She couldn't remember the last time her heart beat like this.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu chuckled lightly, looked at Wen Qing, whose expression changed a little, raised the wine cup from a distance, and said:

"But Tiandu has disturbed Madam? Why doesn't Madam stop drinking? I still want to offer Madam a few glasses of wine!"

"Hmph! Just drink, what's the matter with you throwing treasures around?"

Wen Qing came back to his senses and smiled sweetly, "What? If you don't like this treasure, give it to me!" After saying that, he picked up the wine cup on the jade table and looked at Lu Tiandu from a distance.

After hearing this, Lu Tiandu laughed, met Wen Qing's eyes with deep meaning, and said:
"I think Madam has the appearance of transforming into a god, so with this glass of wine, I will first wish Madam a promising future, may you be eighteen years old, and be as beautiful as a flower!"

After speaking, Lu Tian didn't even look at the anger in Wen Qing's eyes or Ling Xiaofeng's livid face at that moment. He drank all the spiritual wine in the wine cup, flicked his sleeves, and the tripod on the jade table suddenly flew towards Wen Qing. .

Lu Tiandu looked directly at Wen Qing and said with a smile:
"If Madam likes this treasure, why not give it to Madam? If this treasure can make Madam smile, it can be considered to be of some value!"


Seeing Lu Tiandu easily deliver the treasure that everyone wanted to Wen Qing, not to mention Wen Qing, Ling Xiaofeng and the other seven hidden people all had expressions of disbelief.

Looking at the Xutian Cauldron stopped in front of Wen Qing's eyes, Ling Xiaofeng clenched his fists fiercely, anger and suspicion flashed in his tiger eyes.

After all, Wen Qing did not hide it from him when he said that Lu Tiandu's special physique could be passed on to others through dual cultivation. However, Lu Tiandu kept saying "the posture of a god, eighteen years old, and beautiful as a flower" instantly stung It hurt Ling Xiaofeng's heart.

If anyone between him and Wen Qing could advance to become a god better, Ling Xiaofeng knew it would be him.

And even he didn't have the slightest idea how to solve the Five Elements Spiritual Roots. Where did Wen Qing's appearance of becoming a god come from?

The other elders don't know, so why can't he guess it?

"good very good!"

Ling Xiaofeng felt like a fire was about to explode in his chest.What a thief!
You actually covet the Taoist companion of my palace master?

Ling Xiaofeng's murderous intention towards Lu Tiandu has never been so fierce and urgent as now.

However, he had received no response when he sent a message to other elders before, which made him suspicious and stopped the urge to attack at this moment.

What made him feel a thorn in his heart even more was that he began to deeply doubt Wen Qing's previous actions and words. It didn't seem like he meant to fully support him. Could it be...

"Impossible, impossible, how could Wen Qing betray me because of the opportunity to become a god?"

At this moment, Ling Xiaofeng's heart was in chaos. He felt a green halo covering him, making him suffocated.

Because if it were him, facing this kind of aura, maybe he would have taken the initiative to open it...

Just when Ling Xiaofeng was suspicious, the seven elders hidden around him also looked surprised, and their probing eyes secretly fell on Lu Tiandu and Wen Qing.

Lu Tiandu is so young. From the ambiguity in his words, could he be in love with Palace Master Wen?
But... didn't Elder Gu and Elder Hong say before that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with the Young Palace Master?As soon as they returned to Tianxing City, they left together.

Could it be that...this Lu Tiandu still has Prime Minister Cao's hobby?Or maybe this person actually wants to take Palace Master Wen away from Palace Master Ling, and then have a mother and daughter compete for beauty?
Um?This young man is really brave!

Several of the elders thought of the dirty spot and secretly looked at Wen Qing, who was sitting at the head of the table with a look of shame and anger.

"Palace Master Wen is very powerful and one of the most beautiful women. He is a true pearl in the sea of ​​stars. Could it be that he wants to take advantage of Lu Tiandu?"

Some elders were thinking sourly.

When they think of Lu Tiandu's act of giving the tripod to a beautiful woman, they can only secretly envy it. After all, if it were them, they would never give such a treasure to anyone, even their closest Taoist companion!
At this moment, looking at the Xutian Cauldron suspended in front of him, Wen Qing swept the expressions of Ling Xiaofeng and Lu Tiandu, secretly angry.

She knew Ling Xiaofeng too well and already knew that Ling Xiaofeng was on the verge of breaking out. Unfortunately, Wen Qing really couldn't imagine the consequences of Ling Xiaofeng's action at this moment.

And the thought of Ling Xiaofeng's suspicion of her because of Lu Tiandu's words made her heart freeze even more.

Seeing Lu Tiandu's half-smiling expression, Wen Qing snorted secretly.

When this magical treasure really flew in front of her eyes, Wen Qing felt a little surprise in her heart for a moment.

Tongtian Lingbao, not to mention owning it, there are probably only a few people who have seen the real thing.

And Lu Tiandu actually gave it to her as soon as he said so!

Thinking of the words in Lu Tiandu's toast, "Eighteen years old, beautiful as a flower", the meaningful look in Lu Tiandu's eyes, and the frivolous treatment of him outside the hall, Wen Qing panicked in his heart.

As for the phrase "the posture of transforming into a god", Wen Qing didn't dare to think deeply about it and didn't want to think about it.

Wen Qing flicked his hand, and Xutian Palace flew towards Lu Tiandu. At the same time, he said in an indifferent tone and expressionless:
"Friend Lu Dao is joking, this palace master cannot bear such a treasure!"

At this time, she no longer called Lu Tiandu Tiandu, but called her Taoist friend.

Just when the Xutian Cauldron flew towards Lu Tiandu again, Wen Qing's lips moved slightly and he said through the voice:

"Lu Tiandu, what do you want? Do you know what you are doing?"

Wen Qing's tone was full of anger and a little helpless.

"If she doesn't understand my feelings for Madam, I can explain it more clearly!"

Lu Tiandu casually caught the Xutian Cauldron and said with profound meaning in Chuanyin's tone.

"You bastard, you are sowing discord!"

Wen Qing bit his slightly trembling lips and said angrily.

"If you can sow discord, it seems that you are not trusting the right person!"

Lu Tiandu smiled secretly and said:
"Madam, guess what Ling Xiaofeng is thinking about now? Is he wondering if Madam and I are whispering!"

Sure enough, when Wen Qing glanced at Ling Xiaofeng's gloomy eyes looking at her and Lu Tiandu, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Tiandu, stop playing around, okay? You promised me you wouldn't deal with them, but want to come at me no matter what? Can't I apologize to you?"

Wen Qing felt the tense atmosphere in the hall and begged.

"Madam, don't let me down!" Lu Tiandu chuckled.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu said:
"Since Madam doesn't like this Xutian Cauldron, and I got some gadgets from Xutian Palace, why not give one to Madam..."

When Lu Tiandu said this, with a flick of his fingers, a golden ape the size of a palm turned into a golden rainbow and flew towards Wen Qing.

"This is?"

Wen Qing caught the ape doll smoothly, doubts flashed in his eyes, and he blurted out:

"The puppet in the inner hall of Xutian Palace?"

"It's this ancient puppet!" Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"You can actually subdue the puppets in Xutian Palace?"

Wen Qing casually hit the golden ape with a burst of mana. In the blink of an eye, a golden ape about ten feet tall appeared in the hall. Wen Qing felt the aura of the ape and said in surprise:
"A puppet in the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

"Yes, it's the Yuanzhong Puppet. I know a little bit about the art of puppetry. Speaking of which, I have quite a few of these puppets. I will give this one to Madam!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and with a flick of his hand, more than 40 puppets of various colors with human or animal heads appeared on the jade table in front of him.

"How is that possible? More than 40 mid-stage Nascent Soul puppets?"

Seeing the puppet in front of Lu Tiandu, not to mention Wen Qing who was shocked and speechless, even Ling Xiaofeng and the seven elders hiding in the dark were also excited, feeling like cold water was poured over their heads, and their hearts instantly became cold.

"This... how can this be fought?"

An elder showed a bitter smile and said, "This fucking person alone is an army of Nascent Soul. How on earth can we fight this?"

"This is fucking bullying!"

After all, although there are seventy or eighty Yuanying elders in the Star Palace, there are only less than ten elders in the middle Yuanying stage.

Lu Tiandu could kill all nine of them by himself!
Lu Tiandu looked at Ling Xiaofeng who suddenly became stiff and motionless and sneered secretly. If it weren't for Wen Qing's last plea, he would have really wanted to have sex with everyone in Xing Palace.

Although it won't kill anyone, it will still cause Ling Xiaofeng some pain.

As for these puppets, there are actually only ten in the middle stage of Yuan Ying, and the others are all puppets in the early Yuan Dynasty.Part of it was refined by him in Tiannan before, and the other part was obtained from Xutian Palace. However, if these Nascent Soul puppets are not activated, those who do not understand puppets will naturally not be able to tell the difference.

There are more than 40 mid-dimensional puppets, haha, I wonder if there are more than 40 mid-dimensional monks among the human monks in Chaotic Star Sea?

Lu Tian knew that these people would never have the confidence to fight when he showed his trump cards.

 Thanks to book friend Chenwang for the 100 book coins reward!
  Thanks to book friend 20221028172509126 for the 100 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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