Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 275 All the girls unite together!Goodbye Han Li in the land of darkness!

Tianxing City, Sixth Company Headquarters.

Lu Tiandu, who had changed his appearance, silently came out of a main hall. Under the leadership of a middle-aged Jindan monk with a somewhat doubtful look in his eyes, he inadvertently blended into the crowd and left the Sixth Connection Hall, disappearing without a trace.

After leaving the Miaoyin Sect, he found the Xuanhun clone based on his induction.

After taking the 2000 million spirit stones and some demon elixirs and other materials obtained from the reselling of materials through the Liulian Palace over the years from the Xuanhun clone, I left behind some of the rare materials traded from the Mulan people and some Tiannan specialties. , Lu Tiandu left some elixirs and spirit wine useful for mid-stage Nascent Soul monks, and then went straight to Wen Qing's cave.

Lu Tiandu had long been familiar with this courtyard built on the edge of a cliff and hidden in a green bamboo forest. As soon as he entered, Wen Qing, who was in retreat, discovered Lu Tiandu's presence.

"It's been more than nine years. In the blink of an eye, it's already been 45 years!"

Wen Qing remembered the entanglement with Lu Tiandu back then, and sighed with a bit of regret.

At that time, she had complained from the bottom of her heart that Lu Tiandu coveted her, she had also complained that Ling Xiaofeng was prejudiced against her because of a slight misunderstanding, and finally abandoned her in order to advance to the secret technique of becoming a god, and she even complained that she was incompetent. Advance to become a god to protect this relationship between Taoists and Taoists.

But now she doesn't regret that impulse.

Over the years, she had a special physique and the induction of Ling Ming Jue, so she naturally knew Lu Tiandu's sincerity towards her.

Not to mention the supply of yin-yang fruit, various techniques, secret techniques, and rare materials to him, not to mention that the two of them have already become different with the induction between the five elements spirits.

She had already refined the spirit-transforming talisman that Lu Tiandu had given her to save her life when he left last time a few years ago. Knowing that Lu Tiandu would stay with her for a while this time, Wen Qing was extremely happy.

Thinking of this, Wen Qing chuckled and went to change clothes instead of going out in a hurry.

"Sister Qing!"

In the white jade hall, Lu Tiandu, who was quietly closing his eyes and recuperating, heard Wen Qing's footsteps, opened his eyes, and smiled softly.

"Just come back!"

Wen Qing was not wearing ordinary palace clothes at the moment, but a soft white silk translucent skirt. This silk skirt hugged her graceful figure, and her graceful curves were clearly visible.

While walking, the soft gauze clothes were gently stirred by the breeze. Under the silk clothes, two crystal and beautiful jade legs reflected on Lu Tiandu's eyelids, looking extremely alluring.

"Sister Qing, you are so beautiful!"

Lu Tiandu took one step forward and embraced the tall and beautiful young woman in front of him. His nose was filled with the warm and fragrant fragrance, and Lu Tiandu's heart became hot.


Wen Qing felt Lu Tiandu's slightly hot hands, and her beautiful eyes were full of water. She leaned against Lu Tiandu's chest and moaned.

After so many years, how could she not know how to attract this man who she had placed her trust in for the rest of her life!

Lu Tiandu chuckled, whispered in the ear of the beautiful woman in his arms, and in a blink of an eye, he had pressed his lips against the beautiful young woman's soft and fragrant lips.

After a while, Lu Tiandu gently picked up the soft and charming Wen Qing and entered the inner hall.

After double repair.

Wen Qing was like a lazy kitten, with a satisfied look on his face, leaning elegantly next to Lu Tiandu and occasionally echoing Lu Tiandu's interesting anecdotes about Tiannan.

"Sister Qing, I will stay here with you for five years this time!"

"Yeah, I can do that!"

Wen Qing blinked his wonderful eyes, naturally very happy in his heart.This can be regarded as the longest period of time the two of them have been together.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew the general pattern of the appearance of the ghost fog, one of the three major natural disasters in the Chaotic Star Sea, whether he had checked some of the records and analysis of haunted houses collected by others in Wen Tianren's storage bag or some records of the Star Palace.

Moreover, there was also the approximate location of a deserted island north of Huangming Island in the original plot. Finding the entrance into the body of this Rahu was naturally not a problem for him.

He is now 190 five years old. In the original plot, when Han Li was 190 eight years old, he, Yuan Yao, Wen Tianren and others encountered the ghost mist that appeared on Huangming Island. Therefore, there were still about six years until the ghost mist appeared.

In the next five years, Lu Tiandu spent most of his time with Wen Qing, except for occasionally entering the Yaochi Tower to spend some time with the girls in the tower.

During this period, Lu Tiandu also gave Wen Qing the Thunder Spirit Body and the Good Fortune Pill, which moved Wen Qing for a long time.

Wen Qing has not yet reached the Great Perfection of the Queen of Yuan Dynasty. Although the effect of this Good Fortune Pill has been reduced a lot, it is still useful. It has saved her more than ten years of time in realizing the Great Perfection of the Queen of Yuan Dynasty.

This time, after discovering the changes in the Yaochi Tower again, Lu Tiandu ducked into the Yaochi Tower again.

At this moment, all the girls were already standing in the air, looking at the Ningying celestial phenomenon with spiritual light surging in the sky, and chatting in low voices.

"Is it Sister Ruyin who is Ningying this time?"

Zi Ling wore a purple dress that wrapped her graceful figure, and asked Han Yunzhi beside her with a smile.

"Yes, Sister Qiaoqian, Sister Tianxuan and Sister Nie Ying have all had babies in the past few years. Sister Xiaomei also had babies last year. It seems that Sister Ruyin will also have babies this time!"

Han Yunzhi had a gentle look on her face, her eyes were bright, and she was slightly envious.

Zi Ling seemed to hear the envy in Han Yunzhi's tone and smiled:
"Sister, there's no need to belittle yourself. With your husband here, it's only a matter of time before your sister is born!"

"Well, what sister Ning'er said is that everything has a husband!"

Han Yunzhi's eyes were bright and she showed a charming smile.

Liu Yu, who was nearby watching this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, also had a look of envy in his eyes, and secretly made up his mind to practice hard in the future.

She didn't understand Junior Sister Han's envy. After 20 years of hard training, the two of them had now reached the peak of the early stage of Jindan. It was expected that they would break through to the middle stage in the next few years. This was something they had never dared to think about before.

In recent years, the five girls who have formed Yuan Ying one after another are either similar in age to Han Yunzhi, or a few years older or younger. They are basically of the same age. Just because they were earlier than Lu Tian, ​​now all of them have become Yuan Ying. Infant monk.

Although they integrated into this big family relatively late, now that they have seized this opportunity, they naturally have to keep up with the other girls.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu also appeared in the air, saying hello to Nangong Wan and other women beside him, and noticed the difference in Nangong Wan's aura:

"Hey, Wan'er has also broken through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

"Well, I just broke through two months ago and I have been in seclusion. As soon as I came out of seclusion, I unexpectedly ran into sister Ruyin Ningying!"

Nangong Wan smiled slightly.

Watching the female cultivators who used to be around Lu Tiandu condense their Nascent Soul one after another, Nangong Wan somehow suddenly remembered her encounter with Lu Tiandu during the blood ban trial...

Now there are almost eleven Nascent Soul female cultivators in the Yaochi Tower, not counting the lovers outside Lu Tiandu, which is a bit incredible when you think about it.

Like everyone before, Xin Ruyin still had no problem condensing the Nascent Soul.

As usual, Lu Tiandu still put on Xin Ruyin's unique golden ring that represented his status as a Taoist monk...

Returning to Wen Qing's cave again, it was more than a month ago.

On this day, there was only one year left before Luo Hou appeared. Lu Tiandu and Wen Qing beside him said:

"Sister Qing, I'm going back to Tiannan next, so you can live in seclusion for a while. I'll come back to see you in about two to thirty years!" "Okay, I'll have a lot of pills you give me during this period. It is not difficult to achieve perfection in the late Nascent Soul stage..."

Wen Qing smiled softly, his eyes full of confidence.After the Nascent Soul stage is completed, she can try to advance to become a god.

"Okay. Before I leave this time, I will go and fulfill my original promise with Ling Xiaofeng, and there is one more thing I want to trouble you with, Sister Qing!"

Lu Tiandu talked about taking a look at the top-grade earth spirit stone collected by Xing Palace, and then handed over a jade slip, "Here is the method of planting Dan Spirit Root!"

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Wen Qing did not hesitate and nodded.

She didn't ask Lu Tiandu about the purpose of looking at the top-quality spiritual stones.Although she didn't want to see Ling Xiaofeng again, since Lu Tian had proposed it, she naturally wouldn't refuse.

After seeing this method of planting alchemy roots, Wen Qing also had a look of surprise on his face, amazed by the creativity of the upper realm monks.

Lu Tiandu had mentioned the Mulan Sacred Bird to her before, and said that he would teach her the five-element magical power after she advanced to become a god, which moved her inexplicably.

After all, Lu Tiandu didn't hide his astonishing number of confidantes from her, and she knew that she was the only one who had the most physiques at present, reaching six.

So at some point, Wen Qing wondered if the bad guy Lu Tiandu had any special hobbies.Of course, if she had known that Wang Yun had shared the most spiritual bodies before her, she would not have doubted her guess!
After leaving this villa, they headed west. After 50 years, the two came to the 81st floor of the Holy Mountain again.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Wen Qing's eyes were calm.

As early as not long after what happened that year, she took the initiative to send a letter to Ling Xiaofeng and Li Jinjian. Now, except in name, the two are still the twin saints of the Star Palace, but in fact they have no relationship for a long time.

More than an hour later, Ling Xiaofeng looked at the two people leaving coldly, expressionless.

"Why does this thief want to see that top-grade earth attribute spiritual stone? Could it be that he has seen other top-grade spiritual stones and is here to confirm this time?"

This thought flashed through Ling Xiaofeng's mind, "This thief reminded me that with these five top-quality spiritual stones, when I successfully plant the other four spiritual roots, including the Yuanci Secret Technique, plus these five top-quality spiritual stones, I can Increase my chances of becoming a god!"

Thinking of this, Ling Xiaofeng felt excited and walked into the secret room to prepare for retreat.

This time he saw that Wen Qing, whom he had not seen for 50 years, was about to reach consummation after Yuan Dynasty, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

After he advances to become a god, he will naturally want this couple to look good!
As for the five top-quality spiritual stones that were used to drive the ancient formation and were used to prevent monsters from invading Tianxing City, he naturally couldn't care about them.

When Lu Tiandu heard from Wen Qing that the "Five Elements God-Destroying Formation" that guarded Tianxing Island contained five top-quality spiritual stones with five elements attributes, he wanted to copy it.

This time, when he thought that Ling Xiaofeng had mastered the method of planting spiritual roots, he might use these top-quality spiritual stones to hit the bottleneck after the Five Elements were completed, so he used Wen Qing to copy the movements of the top-quality earth attribute spiritual stones that he lacked.

He naturally didn't expect that because of his actions, he reminded this person and made Ling Xiaofeng make up his mind to use these spiritual stones to break through the realm.

After bidding farewell to Wen Qing, Lu Tiandu left Tianxing City and rushed towards Huangming Island.

Along the way, he also took the time to release his spiritual consciousness to experiment with the limits of his spiritual consciousness after breaking through the fifth level of Dayan Jue.

After some experiments, his consciousness now reached more than 650 miles, which made him somewhat happy.

This limit distance is hundreds of miles longer than the range of consciousness after the breakthrough of the fifth level in the records of Dayan Jue. It should be mainly due to the effect of the furnace shadow.After all, I have only worn the soul-nourishing wooden bracelet for 50 years. The time is too short and the effect is not obvious yet.

A few days later, Lu Tiandu transformed into an old man with a gloomy appearance, flew to a small island more than [-] miles north of Huangming Island, suddenly released his consciousness, and a rumbling sound spread in all directions:
"Within this month, all monks and mortals within a radius of [-] miles of this island must move away as soon as possible! Within a year, any monk who appears here will be killed without mercy!"

This cold and gloomy voice full of murderous intent spread in all directions instantly, causing everyone to look surprised and suspicious.

A Jindan monk wanted to investigate, but he had just flown a few dozen miles when the word "get out" suddenly rang out in his ears, and he was instantly stunned and fell into the sea.

"No, maybe he's a senior in the middle Nascent Soul stage!"

At this moment, several Jindan monks who were investigating on Huangming Island looked at each other and turned pale. While salvaging their colleagues who fell into the sea, they quickly sent a message to the monks and mortals in the nearby sea area to evacuate.

Although this is their sphere of influence on Huangming Island, if they don't know what they are doing, the entire Huangming Island may suffer disaster.

With his spiritual consciousness, he observed that people on some human islands began to relocate, and Lu Tian closed his eyes to rest.

"If two submarine volcanoes erupt within a thousand miles of this sea area within a year, then there will be no change if the ghost fog appears here!"

This thought flashed through Lu Tiandu's mind.

In less than half a month, there was not a single person in a radius of [-] miles.In this way, even if this ghost mist appears, it is estimated that no one else will accidentally enter it.

After Lu Tiandu casually released some puppets to monitor the sea areas near various islands, he entered a state of cultivation again.

More than nine months later, submarine volcanoes erupted continuously in the sea to the north of him, and Lu Tiandu, who was in seclusion, also took time to fly away every day.

On this day, just as he was flying along the same route as before, he discovered something with a sweep of his consciousness.

In a deep sea more than three hundred miles away, a strange black light suddenly flashed, and then a thin black crack appeared there.Then, countless dark mist emerged from the gap.

"finally come!"

Seeing the dark mist that was only a few feet in size at first but quickly grew in size, Lu Tiandu chuckled and rushed towards it in a flash.

In just a moment, the dark mist turned into several miles in size. There were faint sounds of howling ghosts and wolves, and some strange black lightning kept jumping and flashing in the mist.

"Why does this black lightning look like Taiyin Divine Thunder?"

Lu Tian was surprised as his spiritual consciousness swept across these black lightnings.

"Forget it, let's talk first!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and no longer paid attention to the black lightning.

At this moment, in the sea shrouded in black mist, batches of fish and shrimps seemed to be pulled by something, and they all flew away into the mist like moths to a flame.

Looking at the black mist that was dozens of miles in size, Lu Tiandou didn't even get into the black mist.

Sure enough, as soon as he got close to the black mist, an inexplicable suction force enveloped Lu Tiandu. The mana and consciousness around Lu Tiandu seemed to be compressed by something in his body, and he became motionless.

"Bang!" With a sound, Lu Tiandu fell straight from the sky.

There was a loud "boom", and Lu Tiandu, who had somersaulted, landed safely on the slightly damp ground, making a big crater.

When I stood up and looked around, I saw a dark land.In the distance, there seemed to be some faint buildings, and all kinds of sea beasts were jumping around under their feet.

Now that they have entered the land of darkness, Lu Tiandu did not stop and strode towards the distant buildings.

At this moment, noisy voices suddenly came from the distant buildings, and some people appeared holding torches, bringing a glimmer of light to this dark world.

"Hey, there seem to be a little less people coming in this time!" someone asked doubtfully.

Soon this group of people came to Lu Tiandu.

However, Lu Tiandu was surprised when he saw the leader, a 25-year-old young man with dark complexion wearing animal skins:
"Han Li?" (End of chapter)

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