Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 276 Han Li’s excitement!Still so strong!

In a dark space, more than ten torches flickered with light, illuminating the figures of these men.

These people were all tall, holding weapons and carrying backpacks and other equipment on their backs. They seemed to be around thirty or forty years old.The strange thing is that although the black-faced young man in the lead looks unusually tall, he looks like he is only 25 or [-] years old.

These people were noisy and quickly approached a figure near a pile of fish and shrimp. Listening to what he was talking about, they were probably surprised that there seemed to be so few people entering this time.

However, when the black-faced man at the head heard the slightly surprised word "Han Li" from the mouth of the person in front of him, he was shocked, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.
The tall, dark-faced young man grabbed a torch from the person next to him and hurried forward, quickly seeing Lu Tiandu's face clearly in the darkness.

"Lu...Uncle Lu?"

Han Li's tone was full of surprise and disbelief.

It had been more than sixty years since I last met this Uncle Lu in Yellow Maple Valley. I didn’t expect that the powerful Uncle Lu would be involved in this ghost place.

"Nephew Han, long time no see!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and he was also surprised to see Han Li in Luo Hou's body.

Because he used Ming Qing Ling Water to wash his eyes all year round, even if it was a little dark here, he could roughly see the other person's face within a hundred feet.

As for the fact that he didn't recognize Han Li at first glance, it was naturally because Han Li looked a bit different now than before. His figure had become taller and his attire was also very different.There is a hint of roughness.

But as soon as he was ten feet away, Lu Tiandu was already very familiar with Han Li and recognized him immediately.

"Hey, the person who came in this time seems to know Boss Li? Is this person also an immortal cultivator from Wulonghai?"

At this moment, this group of people was surrounding Lu Tiandu and Han Li. Under the light of the torch, they could clearly see the face of young Lu Tiandu.

Because immortal cultivators naturally have the secret method to keep their appearance forever, there are also immortal cultivators in this group of people, so they were not too surprised by the names of the two.The only thing I don't understand is that his boss's name is "Li Feiyu", isn't he?Why is your surname Han again?

At this moment, Han Li naturally heard the whispers around him, but he naturally didn't take it to heart.

After entering this hellish place, although he couldn't use the methods of an immortal cultivator, he still achieved a corresponding status here by virtue of his own strength.

These people gathered around him because of his great strength and were his subordinates.

Which boss would explain his secrets to his subordinates?
Looking at Lu Tiandu who looked calm after being surprised and not at all nervous about being unable to use his magic power and consciousness, Han Li hurriedly asked:

"Uncle Master, why did you come in here?"

"It was just an accident."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "I guess you were also wrapped in a kind of black mist! But being able to see Master Nephew Han here again shows that you and I are also very destined!"

"Yes, my nephew was wrapped here on an island in Wulonghai three years ago..."

Han Li's tone was full of regret.

Sixty years ago, after he took advantage of the chaos in Mulan Grassland to seize the Xuantian Immortal Vine, he went to the Immortal Cultivation World of Wulonghai through the teleportation array in the ancient monk's cave.

With the help of the small green bottle and a kind of spiritual grass called "Monster Luuring Grass", he has hunted and killed countless fifth-level, sixth-level and seventh-level monsters in the past 60 years. After refining the elixir and taking it, his cultivation has reached the late stage of the golden elixir.

As a result, I ran out of my demon elixir three years ago, and while out hunting level seven demon beasts, I encountered the legendary natural disaster "Ghost Mist" in Wulonghai.

Only then was he trapped in this dark place.

After the shock of being unable to use his magic power and consciousness, he has been trying to find a way to climb over the Yin Mountain for the past three years and get out of here.

In the past three years, he has tried many methods, but he is still stuck here, which makes him depressed.

However, what has supported his continuous attempts over the years is naturally the three-level "Unknown Body Refining Technique" that he exchanged from Lu Tiandu after the blood ban trial.

He had already cultivated this skill to the first level when he was building the foundation, and relied on this body training skill several times to survive during the battle of the demonic invasion.However, due to the difficulty of practicing later, it was really difficult to break through the bottleneck on the second level, so I relaxed.

As a result, after entering here, he slowly realized that this skill had become the key to his breakthrough.

In the past three years, he has picked up the body-refining technique again, and has practiced the unknown body-refining technique to the second level. According to his estimation, if he can reach the second level of perfection within 20 years, he will be confident that with his powerful Get out of here physically.

Considering his life span of 500 years, wasting more than twenty years is naturally not a big deal.

Also because practicing this body-training technique requires a lot of flesh and blood resources, he has also established a considerable influence in these villages over the years.

On the one hand, when I came here this time, I naturally led my men to collect the fish, shrimp and other food that had been wrapped in. On the other hand, I naturally wanted to see if there were other immortal cultivators this time and if there was any other way to get out early.

As a result, he didn't expect that this time he would encounter the unfathomable Uncle Lu in this damn place.

After all, in his memory, it was the battle where Lu Tiandu killed the Queen of Yuan Dynasty, Hehuan Old Demon, and established the first cultivation in Tiannan!
If it were an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, Han Li knew that even a Nascent Soul cultivator would have a hard time breaking out from here because there were relics of a senior Nascent Soul soul who had been enthroned here.

However, when he thought that his body-training skills were exchanged from Master Lu, and that Master Lu had already reached the second level of mastery long ago, Han Li was surprised and felt a little excited.

After all, why didn't he want to leave 20 years earlier?

At this moment, the people brought by Han Li had already put down their backpacks and leather bags behind their backs, and started stuffing their bags with fish and shrimp.

Looking at the two people who were still guarding him, Han Li waved his hands and asked them to go over and help. While he was concentrating on guarding against any Yin beasts that might suddenly appear, he briefly told Lu Tian about his situation and Yin beasts over the years. The situation in the underworld, and then asked with a look of expectation:

"I wonder to what level my uncle has cultivated that body-training technique to? According to my nephew's observations over the years, someone with the strength of the second level of Dacheng is expected to be able to get out from here..."

"I didn't expect you to have practiced this skill to the second level!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, naturally understanding the meaning of Han Li's words.When he heard that Han Li had been staying here for three years, he knew that Han Li had definitely not encountered such an opportunity as Mei Ning in the original plot.

However, with the first three levels of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, but without Lu Tiandu, it seemed that Han Li would only leave a few years later.

"Don't worry, I will take you out after finishing the things here!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Han Li was overjoyed.

Speaking of which, Uncle Lu was really his great opportunity. From being enlightened by cultivating immortals to now being one step away from the Nascent Soul, Han Li almost thought that Lu Tiandu was his second opportunity besides the little green bottle. .

This made him feel grateful to Lu Tiandu.

Master Lu should naturally know that the Xuantian Immortal Vine was taken away by him. Since he didn't mention it now, he planned to take the initiative after he got out and give a section of the Immortal Vine to Uncle Lu as a thank you.

Over the years, he had also taken the time to cultivate it with small green liquid and some spiritual milk he obtained. Except for the withered yellow vines turning green, there were no other changes.

Splitting a section for Master Lu will not affect his continued training.

Speaking of the two golden elixir puppets exchanged from Master Lu and the refining method of the golden elixir puppets, he has benefited a lot over the years.

It was also because of the two golden elixir puppets he traded with Lu Tiandu and the two puppets he bought at the Tianyue City auction that he was able to seize this piece of fairy vine from others.The cultivation has grown so fast in recent years, and these four golden elixir puppets have really contributed a lot in hunting monsters.

Speaking of which, the 30 spirit stones that Master Lu owed after trading the puppets and the puppet refining method were transported to Wulonghai before he could repay the part.

His net worth has grown a lot over the years, and he plans to pay it all back when he leaves, and also trades the follow-up techniques of "Qingyuan Sword Art" from Uncle Lu.

Just when Han Li was thinking wildly, Lu Tiandu suddenly asked out of curiosity:
"Where has your cultivation reached now?"

"My nephew has had many opportunities over the years, and he is now in the late stage of the Golden Elixir!"

Han Li didn't hide it. After all, Lu Tiandu knew it as soon as he went out, and he felt a bit proud in his words, "With your talent and opportunity, uncle, you think you have gotten closer in the past few years, right?"

Han Li asked about Lu Tiandu's cultivation.

"Not bad! It seems that you haven't relaxed your practice these years."

Lu Tiandu nodded. It seemed that Han Li had a lot of opportunities over the years. He smiled faintly and said:
"I'm okay, I'm already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"


Han Li twitched the corners of his mouth, his voice full of shock.

Originally, he just asked casually. After all, in his opinion, Lu Tiandu had only advanced to the Yuanying stage for a few decades. It would take hundreds of years to break through each realm in the Yuanying stage. When he got out of this ghost place, he was confident that he Condensate the Nascent Soul within 50 years and close the gap with Lu Tiandu.

As a result...Uncle Lu is already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! !

"Uncle Master is really talented!"

Han Li held back this sentence for a while.

But Han Li soon came back to his senses and asked curiously:
"Uncle said before that he was here to do business. Does he know where this place is?"

"I entered this place from an island somewhere in the Chaos Star Sea."

Lu Tiandu glanced at a figure faintly appearing somewhere in the distance, "This is also a place of opportunity, but it's hard to say whether it will happen!"

"Chaotic Star Sea? It turns out that Uncle Lu has been there before. No wonder there were so many demon pills and demon beasts at the Tianyue City auction!"

Han Li's heart moved, and he immediately confirmed some of his previous guesses.I also guessed that Lu Tian's ability to achieve such a level of cultivation might be related to that world of immortality.

After all, Master Lu probably made a lot of money just by reselling supplies. No wonder Lu Tian didn't seem to care much about it every time he owed money!
As for Lu Tiandu putting a lot of things in the Auction of the Hidden Moon Sect, Han Li naturally knew all about it.

After all, Han Li had heard that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with several Nascent Soul female cultivators from the Hidden Moon Sect, not to mention the confidantes of Lu Tiandu whom he had met on the magic flying boat.

At this moment, Han Li also realized that Uncle Lu might have entered this place on purpose. After all, with Lu Tiandu's astonishing speed, even if he encounters the spreading speed of this ghost mist, he may have the strength to avoid it.

Just when Han Li was about to ask Lu Tiandu what opportunity he was looking for here, Lu Tiandu reminded:

"Five fiery red monsters are coming from a hundred feet away. Let your people pay attention!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Han Li felt a chill in his heart. Except for the torches, the space here was as dark as ink. He could sense the space more than ten feet away in the darkness, but he didn't notice any movement.

It was really remarkable that Uncle Lu could detect the Yin Beast approaching from further away. He immediately spoke to remind the dozen or so people in the distance:
"Everyone, be careful, five fire-scaled beasts are coming!"

Following Han Li's reminder, everyone quickly put various leather bags and backpacks behind them, took out their weapons, and stood on guard.

If it weren't for Han Li, they would have fled back to the village long ago.However, Boss Li's strength has gradually increased over the years, and he should be confident in dealing with these fire beasts.

As for Han Li, if there were two or three Yin beasts, he could kill them himself.This time, Wutou, normally they would evacuate with food, and he came to break up the rear.

But this time with the powerful Uncle Lu, he felt very stable.

Soon, five red figures shot out from the darkness and stopped faintly more than ten feet away from the crowd, staring at them eagerly.

These five red fire figures, one big and four small, the big one is more than three feet, and the small one is only about ten feet. They have a leopard head with red scales and a ferocious appearance. Between the bared teeth and the grinning mouth, a mouth full of sharp fangs is exposed, which seems to be extremely fierce. .

Seeing this situation, Han Li's expression changed and he hurriedly said to Lu Tiandu beside him:

"Please help me, uncle!"

The three-foot-sized fire-scaled beast couldn't do much with his current strength.

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.With his physical training strength at the fourth level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, these seemingly powerful Yin beasts can only be punched one by one.

The two of them took one step forward and rushed forward before these fire lin beasts could attack.

Han Li used Luo Yanbu and his figure flickered left and right, which was a bit strange in the darkness.Lu Tiandu secretly turned his skills far away, and his whole body emitted a pale golden light. He took a step forward, spanning more than ten feet, and strangely came to the leader of the fire lin beast.

"Pfft" sounded.

Lu Tiandu's golden fist smashed into the huge head of the fire lin beast, and it suddenly became a ball of white and red.

Lu Tiandu was shaken slightly, and all the dirty things all over his body were blown away.The magical robe he wore was also specially made by the ladies of the harem. It was not made of ordinary clothing and would naturally not get dirty.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed again, and only three sounds of "pop", "pop" and "pop" were heard. The other three fire lin beasts were already dead.

At this moment, Han Li was able to kill a fire lin beast.

Looking at his stunned and disbelieving subordinates, Han Li recalled the shock that Lu Tiandu had given him during the blood ban trial.

"Uncle Lu is still so strong!"

Han Li said silently.

From this look, perhaps Uncle Lu has practiced that unknown body-refining technique to the third level?How did Master Master practice?This made Han Li confused.It took him three years to reach the second level of success.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and pack the food, we'll be back in a minute!"

Han Li reminded his subordinates, and then he came to Lu Tiandu and said:
"Uncle Master, there is something inside this Yin Beast that may be useful to Uncle Master."

As he spoke, he rummaged through the five fire lin beasts and found two turquoise crystals the size of fingers. He said with a smile:
"Uncle Master should know this thing!"

"Soul Stone!"

Lu Tiandu nodded. (End of chapter)

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